What tourists should know about Thailand. Tips and rules for beginner tourists Border control at the airport of the Russian Federation

Tourist rights :

  • In preparation for the trip, during its completion, including transit, the tourist has the right to: necessary and reliable information about the rules of entry into the country (place) of temporary stay and stay there, about the customs of the local population, about religious rites, shrines, natural monuments, history, culture and other tourist attractions that are under special protection, the state of the natural environment;
  • freedom of movement, free access to tourist resources, taking into account the restrictive measures adopted in the country (place) of temporary stay;
  • ensuring personal safety, your consumer rights and the safety of your property, unhindered receipt of emergency medical care;
  • compensation for losses and compensation for moral damage in the event of failure to comply with the terms of the retail purchase and sale agreement for a tourist product (hereinafter referred to as the agreement) by a tour operator or travel agent in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • assistance from authorities (local governments) of the country (place) of temporary stay in obtaining legal and other types of emergency assistance;
  • unhindered access to communications.

Responsibilities of a tourist :

  • While traveling, including transit, the tourist is obliged to: comply with the legislation of the country (place) of temporary stay, respect its social structure, customs, traditions, religious beliefs;
  • preserve the natural environment, take care of natural, historical and cultural monuments in the country (place) of temporary stay;
  • comply with the rules of entry into the country (place) of temporary stay, exit from the country (place) of temporary stay and stay there, as well as in countries of transit;
  • Follow personal safety rules while traveling.

The choice and purchase of a tour is associated with some formal issues; their content can significantly affect the relationship between the client and the travel company, especially in a conflict situation. You, our tourists, should take into account that the service provided to you is made up of many components: transportation, accommodation, meals, transfer, insurance, excursion services. Moreover, the main component is hotel accommodation, and the room is booked in advance, especially on holidays. The fines for canceling a reservation are very high, since it is no longer possible to sell a place in the hotel. In addition, the air carrier also does not refund the cost of a ticket for a charter flight, as a result of which it is practically impossible to return or exchange an air ticket without damage. In order not to encounter unpleasant surprises when entering into a contractual relationship with any travel agency, you need to know your rights and fulfill certain obligations. We are ready to inform you on this topic.

It is important to pay attention to the contract offered for signing by the travel agency with which you are dealing. Contracts in travel agencies are usually standard, or, in other words, standard. But one should not approach signing this document lightly: changes can be made to any agreement and compromise solutions to controversial issues can be found. Our travel company “Another Dimension” is interested in your quality vacation, just like you yourself, and therefore we always meet our clients halfway in those issues that can be resolved.

We hope that when choosing a travel agency you will choose the company “Another Dimension”, but here we are ready to give you useful advice on “purchasing a vacation” in any tourism office in order to prevent unpleasant situations.

  • A clear description of the services you order in the service agreement. For example, if you want to stay in a specific hotel, it is necessary that its name be reflected in the terms of the contract.
  • Procedure and deadlines for submitting documents. Before you provide the travel agency with the necessary documents to arrange your trip, it is advisable to clearly define their list, the deadlines for submission and return, and also find out what requirements and restrictions they must meet.
  • Terms of tour cancellation and refund procedure. You may need these clauses of the contract if the trip does not take place for some reason. When it comes to high seasons in tourism (holidays and vacation seasons), cancellation penalties can be quite serious. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the possible consequences of canceling the tour and make sure that they are clearly stated in the contract.
  • Possibility of additional insurance. If you have any doubts about the possibility of traveling, you have the right to purchase additional insurance against risks such as failure to issue a visa, illness or death of close relatives and other cases.
  • Time and place of departure. You should obtain accurate information about when and where the plane takes off. The date and time of the flight must be indicated on the air ticket, but if anything is not clear, it is better to check everything with the travel agency manager again, and make a follow-up call before departure. Flight delays often occur during peak periods and holidays; in this case, there is no need to panic, much less leave the airport.
  • Information about the country of residence. You have the right to receive information about travel safety in the form of a memo or brochure. It should be noted that you can ask the travel agency for clarification regarding the procedure for entering and leaving the country of temporary stay. However, it should be taken into account that the duty of every citizen of the Russian Federation to know and comply with the laws of his country is enshrined in paragraph 2 of Art. 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In relation to tourism, we are talking about the procedure for crossing the border by minor children, obtaining foreign passports, passing customs control, and the like. You have the right to ask the relevant questions to the travel company when purchasing a trip, however, if you have not done this, the company is not obliged to explain the procedure for entering/exiting the Russian Federation.
  • Procedure and terms of payment for the tour. The cost of the tour must be fixed at the time of signing the contract. It can only be changed with the consent of both parties to the contract. It happens that a changed exchange rate or an increase in transportation tariffs forces a travel agency to recalculate the price of a tour. In this case, you have the right to agree to the additional payment or otherwise terminate the contract. In addition, you must comply with the terms of payment for the tour specified in the contract, otherwise the company may cancel the order.

How successful the trip will be largely depends on you - the traveler himself. This concerns, first of all, the clear formulation of your wishes when purchasing a tour and designating the purpose of the trip: health, excursion, beach holiday, active holiday, children's holiday... In order for the travel agency manager to be able to correctly select the tour that best suits your needs, he needs thoroughly represent your needs. If you express your wishes incorrectly or inaccurately, there is a risk that you will receive a holiday that does not meet your aspirations.

Your main responsibility as a tourist is to provide complete and reliable information about yourself. This applies both to the state of health (the presence of chronic or recently suffered diseases, operations and other circumstances that may affect the holiday), and to problems that arose during previous trips with government authorities of foreign countries, for example, violation of the visa regime. It is also always necessary to report the presence of dual citizenship, an official or other document different from the usual type of foreign passport, outstanding visas, etc. Providing this information will help prevent conflict situations with the competent authorities authorized to grant permission to enter a foreign state.

The tourist's obligation to comply with the rules of conduct in the country of temporary stay, its traditions, customs and rituals is also enshrined in law. Typically, all these rules are contained in a memo for those traveling abroad (or its equivalent), issued to you by a travel agency along with your travel documents. It is necessary to carefully read its contents and strictly comply with the stated requirements. Failure to comply with them abroad can lead to serious consequences, including a large fine or imprisonment. As a consumer, a tourist has a wide range of rights. But you should not abuse them; you should always balance your requests, firstly, with the requirements of the law, and secondly, with the prevailing circumstances.

TOURISTS leavingto Vietnam


Check that you have the documents required for your trip:

International passport(passport must be valid forat least three monthsafter the end date of the trip, and have a free page for affixing a visa); photocopies of the international passport(may be useful if you lose your passport and in case of other unforeseen circumstances); air tickets or itinerary/electronic ticket receipts; voucher; medical insurance policy.

If traveling with children:

A minor citizen of the Russian Federation traveling with at least one of his parents MUST LEAVE THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ONLY WITH HIS FOREIGN PASSPORT.

Without the need to obtain a separate foreign passport, a minor citizen of the Russian Federation under 14 years of age can travel together with at least one of the parents, if he is included in the foreign passport of the parent traveling with him, EXECUTED BEFORE MARCH 01, 2010. In this case, the parent’s passport MUST include a photograph of the child, regardless of his age, which must bear the stamp of the passport and visa service. The absence of a photograph or seal is grounds for refusing a child to cross the border. Departure from the Russian Federation of minor children, information about which is included in the passports of their accompanying parents, issued before March 1, 2010, is carried out according to the validity period of these passports.

When a minor Russian citizen travels across the state border of the Russian Federation together with one of the parents, the written consent of the second parent is not required, unless he has previously received a statement about his disagreement with the departure of the children of whom he is the parent from the Russian Federation.

If a minor child and the parent traveling with him have different last names, we recommend taking with you a notarized copy of the birth certificate to confirm the relationship.

You can obtain more detailed information on this issue by reading the memo “Procedure for traveling abroad for minor citizens of the Russian Federation”, posted on our website http://www.anextour.com in the “Memos for tourists” section.

When collecting your luggage:

We recommend that you put all valuables, documents and money in your hand luggage and take them with you on the plane. All metal sharp and cutting objects (manicure scissors, nail files, penknife, etc.), as well as any liquids, gels and aerosols (except, if necessary, baby food and medicines) should be packed in your luggage. - carrying such items on board the aircraft in hand luggage is PROHIBITED or is regulated by special rules. You can obtain more detailed information on this issue by reading the memo “Rules for passing pre-flight control”, posted on our website http://www.anextour.ru in the “Memos for tourists” section.

Don't forget to pack and take with you first aid kit, which will help you with minor ailments, save your time searching for medicines and relieve you from the problems of communicating in a foreign language. You can get recommendations for its formation in the “Tourist First Aid Kit” leaflet, posted on our website http://www.anextour.com in the “Tourist Guides” section.

Before leaving for the airport:

We recommend that you obtain additional information about possible changes in the departure conditions of your flight using the website of the airline operating the flight or by calling its help desk.


We recommend that you arrive at the check-in point for passengers in advance, no later than three hours before the flight departure, to go through check-in procedures for the flight, baggage check-in, and fulfill the requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary and other types of control established legislation of the Russian Federation.


Passengers are checked in for a flight and their baggage is checked in on the basis of a personalized air ticket or an itinerary/electronic ticket receipt printed on paper, as well as the passenger’s foreign passport.

Upon check-in, the passenger is given a boarding pass, which must be retained until the airline may file claims regarding the quality of the air transportation services provided.

Check-in for the flight ends 40 minutes, and boarding the aircraft 20 minutes before the flight departure time according to local time. A passenger who is late for check-in or boarding the aircraft may be denied transportation.

Each passenger is entitled to carry 15 kilograms of baggage free of charge, including 5 kilograms of hand luggage carried in the cabin. For carrying luggage in excess of the established free baggage allowance, an additional fee will be charged at the rate established by the carrier.

The dimensions of one piece of baggage (length+width+height) accepted for transportation must not exceed a total of 160 cm.

The carrier has the right to refuse a tourist to transport baggage whose weight or volume does not meet the established standards.


In advance, before the start of your trip, read the Instructions “Customs control and rules for moving currency and goods across the border of the Russian Federation” and “Rules for passing customs control upon departure and arrival”, posted on the website http://www.anextour.ru in the “Instructions” section tourists."

Without presenting documents and without entering information about currency into the passenger customs declaration, tourists have the right to take out cash foreign currency and/or currency of the Russian Federation in an amount not exceeding the equivalent 3.000 US dollars, as well as traveler's checks for an amount not exceeding 10.000 US dollars. When individuals export foreign currency and/or currency of the Russian Federation in the equivalent of 3,000 to 10,000 US dollars, or traveler's checks in an amount exceeding 10,000 US dollars, these amounts must be declared in the passenger customs declaration.

There are no restrictions on funds exported using a bank card. There is no need to declare a bank card.


If you do not move currency and items that need to be declared across the border, then you should go through the customs control zone along the “Green Corridor”.

Without paying customs duties you can import to the Russian Federation goods for personal use in an amount not exceeding 10.000 dollars at the exchange rate on the day of declaration, with a total weight of no more than 50 kilograms.

An individual at least 18 years old can import without paying customs duties: 3 liters of alcoholic beverages and beer; 50 cigars (cigarillos) or 200 cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco, or the specified products in an assortment with a total weight of no more than 250 grams.

In the event of a one-time import into Russia by individuals of cash and/or traveler's checks in an amount equivalent to more than 10.000 US dollars, or foreign and/or domestic securities in documentary form (regardless of the amount), then these amounts and information must be included in the passenger customs declaration.

BORDER CONTROL at the airport of the Russian Federation

To go through border control you must present your passport and boarding pass. When carrying out border control, border guards have the right to request additional documents from tourists and conduct an oral questioning.


When traveling around Vietnam there is no claim for infection with especially dangerous infectious diseases, do vaccinations not officially required. It can be recommended for preventive purposes to receive anti-tetanus injections and vaccination against hepatitis A and B.

VETERINARY AND PHYTO CONTROL at airports of the Russian Federation

In advance, before the start of your trip, read the Instructions “Rules for passing veterinary control” and “Rules for passing phytocontrol”, posted on the website http://www.anextour.com in the section “Instructions for tourists”.

If you take out animals, then you need to have a set of documents confirming that they are healthy. As a rule, you should have: Veterinary passport, Health certificate(issued by any state veterinary clinic), Certificate from the SCOR or RKF club(the certificate states that the animal does not have breeding value; certificates from other clubs raise questions at customs).

You should know that hotels in Vietnam usually do not allow pets.

At import in the Russian Federation for animals and birds, you must have an accompanying veterinary certificate obtained from the State Veterinary Service of the country where the animal was purchased.



PROHIBITED on exit and entry ACCEPT suitcases, parcels and other items from strangers for transportation on board the aircraft.

REMEMBER! Illegal movement of goods or currency across the customs border of the Russian Federation or their failure to declare or false declaration entails administrative or criminal liability.


Upon arrival at the airport in Vietnam, you must sequentially: fill out immigration cards in block letters in English, go through passport control, get your luggage, go through customs control, leave the airport building, find a meeting guide with an “Anex Tour” sign, present your tourist voucher to the guide.

PASSPORT CONTROL at Vietnam airport

VISA. For citizens of the Russian Federation upon entering Vietnam, visa-free entry is allowed for a period of up to 15 days of stay, including the day of entry and day of departure (according to the decision of the Head of the Government of Vietnam, from January 1, 2009). Upon arrival in the country at any passport control point (both at airports and at land crossings from neighboring countries), only an entry stamp is placed in the passport. Conditions for visa-free visits to Vietnam:

- a citizen of the Russian Federation is not on the list of persons prohibited from entering Vietnam;

A citizen of the Russian Federation must have a valid international passport, valid for at least 3 months from the date of completion of the trip;

- a citizen of the Russian Federation must have a return ticket to Russia or a third country.

ATTENTION! If you stay in Vietnam for more than 15 days, Russian citizens need a passport with a remaining validity of at least 6 months from the end of the trip to obtain a visa.

For citizens who do not have Russian Federation citizenship, different rules for entry into Vietnam may be established. You should obtain information on this issue from the Vietnamese Embassy at your place of citizenship.

When going through passport control, you must present your passport; you may also be required to present a tourist voucher and return air ticket.

CUSTOMS CONTROLat Vietnam airport

Import foreign currency is unlimited, but it is necessary to declare an amount over 3,000 US dollars, so the export of currency is allowed only within the limits of the declaration.

Duty free allowed import 400 cigarettes or 500 gr. tobacco, or 100 cigars, 2 liters of alcoholic beverages with a strength of up to 22 degrees or 1.5 liters of strong alcoholic drinks (the total volume of imported alcohol should not exceed 3 liters), up to 5 kg of tea, up to 3 kg of coffee, cosmetics, perfumes, food products within the limits of personal needs and a total cost of no more than 5 million dong. Audio-video, television and photographic equipment must be indicated in the declaration.

PROHIBITED import drugs, medicines containing a large dose of narcotic substances, and weapons.

Take out no more allowed 7 thousand US dollars.

PROHIBITED export objects of art and antiques, jewelry and handicrafts without appropriate documentation.

PROHIBITED export national currency.

SANITARY CONTROLat Vietnam airport

Tourists do not need a vaccination certificate.

VETERINARY CONTROLat Vietnam airport

When importing pets, you must present a valid veterinary certificate indicating all vaccinations, including rabies vaccination.


Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia, on the Indochina Peninsula. The total area of ​​the territory is 331 km². In the north the country borders with China, in the west with Laos and Cambodia; in the east it is washed by the South China Sea and Bakbo Bay, in the southwest by the Gulf of Thailand. Vietnam is a Socialist Republic and is divided into 58 provinces and 5 central cities: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), Hai Phong, Da Nang and Can Tho. The capital of Vietnam is Hanoi.

The geographical landscape is represented by coastal plains, river deltas, foothills and mountains. Forests occupy about 20% of the country's territory, many regions have been declared protected areas. They are home to deer, monkeys, tapirs and wild pigs. Natural features are complemented by plantations of eucalyptus trees, coffee, cocoa, tea, tobacco, coconut, pineapples and bananas. The sea and river waters of the country are rich in a variety of species of fish, mussels and shrimp.

Snow-white and golden sandy beaches, azure waters of the South China Sea and the possibility of year-round recreation make Vietnam extremely attractive to tourists. Here you can go diving, surfing, yachting, explore the dunes, visit nearby islands or go deeper into the jungle to see majestic waterfalls. Excursion programs will be interesting, offering to get acquainted with the culture and life of local residents, historical and religious buildings, markets and craft workshops.


The time difference with Moscow is minus 3 hours.


Most of Vietnam has a tropical monsoon climate; the average temperature remains virtually unchanged throughout the year and ranges from +26 to +29 °C.


The national currency of Vietnam is the dong (VND). This currency can neither be brought into the country nor taken out of the country. Banknotes in circulation: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, 100,000, 200,000 and 500,000 VND. There are also coins in circulation for 5000, 2000, 1000, 500 and 200 dong, but they are used quite rarely, especially by foreigners. The exchange rate of the Vietnamese dong to the Russian ruble as of 08/06/2013 is: 10,000 VND = 15.6212 RUB. The US dollar to Vietnamese dong exchange rate as of 08/06/2013 is: 1 USD = 21,187 VND.

Banks exchange traveler's checks and cash. Keep in mind that $50 and $100 bills are more profitable to exchange than smaller bills.

Credit cards are becoming more common; This is especially true for large cities, hotels and restaurants where foreigners frequent. But in stores it is usually impossible to pay with a card.


The official language of the country is Vietnamese, represented by three dialects: northern, central and southern. The universal language of communication is English.


The country is home to 90 million people. The titular nation is the Vietnamese. National minorities are represented by the Khmer, Thai, Meo, Mann, Cham and Chinese. The diverse ethnic composition makes Vietnam's culture multifaceted. Languages, organization of life, national clothing and art reflect its long and complex history.


When Vietnamese people are asked about their religion, they find it difficult to answer. Local residents believe in spirits, which they turn to in various life situations. Communities themselves decide which spirits will patronize them. There is a cult of ancestors. Religious cults are carried out according to the canons of Taoism and Buddhism.


It is not customary for the Vietnamese to shake hands as a sign of greeting. In Vietnam it is also not customary to speak loudly, actively gesticulate or behave noisily. Waving your hand to a waiter in a restaurant in order to call him to a table is also considered indecent. While eating, you should not leave your chopsticks in the food or touch the chopsticks of your diners. You need to pass or receive something with both hands, or serve with your right hand, but hold your right hand with your left at the wrist. In a restaurant, it is not customary to split the bill in half; it is paid by the one who occupies a higher social status.

It is not customary for the Vietnamese to touch each other during a conversation: patting the shoulder or knee, touching the other person’s head, as this may be perceived as a hidden threat or insult. At the same time, they themselves love to touch foreigners, since it is believed that this brings good luck. In addition, be prepared that when speaking, Vietnamese people do not look their interlocutor in the eyes, but this is nothing more than a sign of respect.

When entering a Buddhist temple, you need to take off your shoes, and you should exit it facing the sacred sculptures. They walk around the temple only clockwise. Your small donation to the temple will be taken as a sign of respect. It is important to remember that some pagodas allow entry only in clothes with covered shoulders and trousers; for women - skirts and dresses no higher than the knees.

When entering houses, including ethnographic museums, you must take off your shoes.

Holidays andnon-working days

Banks and institutions are closed throughout the country on the following days, but most shops are open. The exception is the Tet holiday, when even private restaurants are closed.

January 1 (New Year); February 3 (Creation Day of the Communist Party, 1930); Tet (Vietnamese Lunar New Year, celebrated for four days between mid-January and mid-February, there are no exact dates as the dates shift each year); April 30 (Saigon Liberation Day); May 1 (International Workers' Day); May 19 (Ho Chi Minh's birthday, 1890); September 2 (Independence Day, 1945); September 3 (Ho Chi Minh Death Day).


Vietnamese people usually start their day with noodle soup. There are two types of noodles: white rice noodles or yellow noodles made from wheat flour. It is placed in a bowl, sprinkled with herbs, vegetables, chicken or beef are added, and filled with meat broth. Even in the morning, the dish is generously sprinkled with pepper and finely chopped chili. A baguette is served with the noodles. Rice is usually prepared for lunch or dinner, accompanied by meat, fish, and vegetables. Soup is almost always served at the end of the meal.

On a Vietnamese table there is always a plate with a mixture of salt and pepper, fish sauce (pios tat), a bowl of lettuce (without dressing) and fresh herbs - lemon balm, mint, cilantro. Lettuce leaves are dipped in fish sauce or eaten along with hot dishes. Tiny puff pastry pies filled with vegetables, shrimp or pork are also wrapped in lettuce and dipped in sauce. For dessert, it is customary to serve fruits: pineapples, melons, lychees, mangoes, papaya, grapefruits. Exotic dishes - python, boa constrictor and crocodile meat, insect dishes. The meat of field rats and dogs is also prepared here. If you see the name “little tiger” on the menu, then you know that this is the meat of a domestic cat.

Bottled drinking water is sold throughout the country. Beer is served at the table, but local varieties seem watery to Europeans. Green tea is considered the national drink in Vietnam; it is drunk from small 50-gram cups. But the Vietnamese hardly drink black tea. The country is famous for its excellent and aromatic coffee. Vietnam is also a wine producer; the dry red wine Dalat Superior is worth trying here. The most popular brands of vodka are Hen Moy and Le Moy. Vodka here is either rice or made from sugar cane. In small villages, moonshine is often brewed. Local residents prefer all kinds of tinctures.

The shops

Shopping in Vietnam is especially pleasant due to the low prices of many goods, both local and foreign. Shops in Vietnam come in all shapes and forms: modern shopping centers, boutiques, supermarkets, bustling open markets, entire shopping villages, shops, stalls, galleries and other shops. In shopping centers, prices in clothing stores are approximately the same as in European countries. Like stores all over the world, there are seasonal sales here. The best things to buy in Vietnam for tourists are silk clothing, pearls, jewelry and handicrafts such as metal, wood and ceramics.

Clothes in Vietnam can be purchased at many retail outlets. In the markets you can buy traditional costumes, silk and cotton products, handbags and jewelry decorated with national patterns. A wonderful souvenir from Vietnam would be a handbag or slippers made of bamboo.

Don't forget to bargain! In Vietnamese, purchasing is “mua” and discounting is “zam za.” If the price of a product is spoken orally, this means that you definitely need to bargain. As is correct, the price can be reduced by 30-50%, and in some tourist places, for example, near famous attractions, the price can be increased by 5 times or more.


Vietnam Airlines operates domestic flights and is becoming increasingly reliable using modern airliners. Airplanes fly to almost all cities in Vietnam with a population of over 100 thousand people. There is a daily train service between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. An express train departs from North to South and back three times a day. Foreigners pay for tickets in US dollars and pay more than local residents. There are luxury trains.

You can rent a car only with a driver (sometimes also with a translator). Tourists are prohibited from driving independently, as the Vietnamese traffic authority does not recognize international driving licenses.

Many hotels and businesses locally offer minibus rides at fixed prices. This method of travel is cheaper and faster than the train. Vietnam has developed intercity communications. There are two types of intercity buses: big bus (with air conditioning and a seat indicated on the ticket) and minibus (without air conditioning and without a seat).

Maritime transport in Vietnam is not very well developed; people are mainly transported only over short distances. River transport is well developed, especially in the Mekong Delta.

Metered taxis are widely used in large cities. Taxis, as a rule, stand at international hotels, but you can simply stop the car on the street by waving your hand. At the same time, it should be noted that taxis are the most problematic form of transport in Vietnam. Drivers constantly inflate prices. The typical Vietnamese pedicabs are now less common, but moped taxis have appeared. They do not have any license and the price must be negotiated.

In almost all cities where tourists visit, you can rent a bicycle at a hotel or bicycle shop.


Telephone cards for automatic machines are sold not only at the post office, but also in most shops and kiosks.

Call from Vietnam to Russia: (007) + area code + phone number.

Call from Russia to Vietnam: 8 910 (84) + area code + phone number.

Hanoi code: 4. Ho Chi Minh City code: 8. Nha Trang code: 58. Phan Thiet code: 62. Phu Quoc code: 92.

You can make international calls from almost any major city or town, but only through a call center. A call within the country can be made from any pay phone; long-distance calls cost on average from $0.3 to $0.7 per minute.

Emergency numbers

Police - 113, ambulance - 115, fire service - 114.

Mains voltage

In cities - 220 V, but in some regions - 110 V. It makes sense to take a universal adapter with you, because sockets come in different shapes. There are practically no power outages, but voltage surges can be dangerous for sensitive devices.

In a hotel

On the day of arrival, check-in is carried out in accordance with the rules adopted at the hotel. Usually starting at 14:00 local time. Checkout time is usually 12-00. Please familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of the hotel's services on site and adhere to the rules established by the hotel.

On the day of departure, before check-out time (usually 12-00), you must vacate your room and pay for additional services: telephone calls, mini-bar, ordering food and drinks in your room, massage, etc. You can leave your luggage in the storage room hotel and remain on the hotel premises until the transfer arrives. If you have not checked out the room before 12-00, the cost of the room is paid in full for the next day.



Tipping is not officially accepted in Vietnam, but in many restaurants it has already become common practice.


Before traveling, we advise you to familiarize yourself with “Useful tips for Russian citizens traveling abroad” posted on the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: http://www.mid.ru/dks.nsf/advinf, as well as with the Instruction of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs “To everyone who goes abroad”, and the Instruction of Rospotrebnadzor for those traveling abroad, posted on our website http://www.anextour.ru in the section “Instructions for tourists”.

Do not violate the safety rules established by airlines, transport organizations, hotels, and local authorities.

We categorically do not recommend that you purchase excursions and additional tourist services from travel and excursion agencies unknown to you. You may be given deliberately false information about the excursion itself; you will not be guaranteed the safety of the services provided and the serviceability of the equipment used, thereby you may expose yourself to serious danger.

Carry your passport (or photocopy of your passport) and hotel business card with you.

If transport accidents or conflicts with the police or other local authorities occur, it is necessary to notify a representative of the receiving party or employees of the Russian Embassy/Consulate.

During your travel, you are not entitled to engage in commercial activities or other paid work.

You must leave Vietnam before your visa-free stay expires, otherwise you may be fined, arrested and forcibly deported from the country.

Do not leave children alone without your supervision at the beach, by the pool, on water slides or while using attractions.

The characteristics of the local fauna should be taken into account. We kindly ask you to comply with the safety regulations established in this regard by your specific hotel and/or region.

Wash your hands before eating. Do not drink raw water, especially from open water. For drinking, it is recommended to use mineral water, which can be purchased in the hotel shops and bars.

Do not walk barefoot through streams or stagnant bodies of water, and do not wash your hands in them. Do not lie on the ground without a bedding on river banks.

Take a personal first aid kit with the set of medications you need on your trip.

Remember that diverse representatives of the animal and plant world can be not only beautiful, but also dangerous. If you are injured or bitten, seek medical attention immediately.

It is not recommended to carry large amounts of cash with you. Theft of money and things from tourists happens quite often, as do frauds with counterfeit dollars. You should not take large sums of money out of your wallet in front of everyone.

When leaving the bus at stops and during excursions, do not leave hand luggage on it, especially valuables and money.

It is better to store important documents, cash and jewelry in the room safe. If your room does not have a safe, it can be rented for a fee from the hotel or deposited in the safe at the front desk by the receptionist.

Many hotels prohibit taking towels from your room to the beach or pool. Do not bring towels or equipment from your room to the beach without permission from the staff.

If the room has a minibar, then all drinks and snacks taken from it must usually be paid for.

Keep in mind that cities have a system of fines for littering streets.

Vietnamese legislation provides for capital punishment, in particular the death penalty, for drug trafficking.

Egyptian law PROHIBITS:

Photograph military border control points and military infrastructure, police with weapons, demonstrations;

Collect fragments of historical monuments “as souvenirs”;

Swimming and sunbathing topless.

For evening walks and boat trips, you need warm clothes - a pullover, a warm shirt, a light jacket.

There are no restrictions on movement around the country for Russians.

If you find yourself on the territory of a foreign state without a means of subsistence, you have the right to receive assistance from diplomatic missions and consulates of the Russian Federation.


If a Russian citizen who has gone abroad on a short trip finds himself without a passport identifying himself as a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation, as a result of its loss, he is issued a certificate of entry (return to the Russian Federation). The procedure for issuing a certificate is regulated by the Regulations on issuing a certificate of entry (return) to the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1142 of October 1, 1998 “On the implementation of certain norms of the Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” .

If during your stay abroad you are left without a passport (stolen, lost, etc.), you must contact the Russian diplomatic mission or consular office in the country in which you are located. In place of your lost passport, a Russian foreign office will issue you a certificate to return to Russia. The certificate is a temporary document identifying a Russian citizen and giving him the right to enter (return) to the Russian Federation.

In order to facilitate and speed up the issuance of the certificate and, accordingly, the return home, it is recommended to take certain measures in advance.

First of all, before your trip, we recommend that you find out the address and telephone number of the Russian diplomatic mission and consular offices in the state to which you are traveling. If you lose your passport, you should contact the nearest Russian foreign office.

Before the trip, you must also make photocopies of the main pages (with photograph, personal data, registration mark) of the foreign and internal Russian passports and take them with you. During the trip, it is recommended to store copies separately from the passport. In case of loss of documents, a copy of the passport will significantly simplify the procedure for obtaining a certificate of return to Russia. It is also useful to leave a copy of your passport with relatives or friends so that it can be quickly faxed if necessary. If you do not have documents, two witnesses who are citizens of the Russian Federation can confirm your identity.

The issuance of a certificate to replace a lost foreign passport is carried out by a Russian diplomatic mission or consular office upon a written application from a citizen of the Russian Federation for the period necessary to enter Russia, but not more than 15 days, against signature.

When applying for a certificate, the applicant submits:

A document (protocol, certificate, etc.) issued by the competent authority of the host country (for example, local police, law enforcement agency) confirming the fact of loss of the passport;

Application of the established form (the application form is issued at the Russian foreign institution);

Two photos;

Documents that allow you to identify the applicant, establish his place of stay or place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation (for example, a military ID, driver’s license, etc.) or duly certified written statements from at least two citizens of the Russian Federation confirming the identity of the applicant.

A certificate of return to the Russian Federation can be issued only after the consul has received all the necessary information about the applicant, excluding any doubts regarding his identity and Russian citizenship.

If the applicant does not have documents confirming his identity, citizenship of the Russian Federation and place of residence in Russia, and it is not possible to submit written statements from Russian citizens who can confirm the identity of the applicant, the Russian diplomatic mission or consular office sends the appropriate request to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. In this case, you will have to wait for a response on the results of the verification of the applicant’s identity carried out by the Russian internal affairs bodies. This procedure can take quite a long time. It can be speeded up if, for example, relatives or friends contact directly the internal affairs authorities at their place of residence in Russia.

If the nearest Russian foreign office is located far from your location, we recommend that you first contact its employees by phone and receive the appropriate explanations, which will help you collect all the required documents in advance and speed up the issuance of a certificate of return upon arrival at the consular office.

24/7 help desk for individuals

7 495 741 3333

Tourist reminder

A tourist guide to Italy

Documents required for travel to Italy:

  • Passport with visa. Every tourist, regardless of age, incl. an infant traveling to Italy must have a foreign passport with a Schengen visa stamped. For children included in the old-style parents’ passport (before 03/01/2010), a separate visa is issued, which is pasted into the father’s or mother’s passport.
  • Air ticket. Each tourist must have travel documents in hand (air tickets, including electronic tickets, railway tickets, vouchers for hotel accommodation, transfers, etc.).
  • Minor children. If minor children (under 18 years of age) go on a trip to Italy without parents or with one of the parents, then they must have in their hands notarized permission from the parents, issued in the name of the person accompanying the child (required at passport control when leaving Russia). If a child is traveling with one parent, we strongly recommend that you have similar permission from the other parent.
  • Insurance policy.
  • Vouchers. Voucher is a document confirming services booked and paid for in Italy, such as accommodation, meals, transfers, excursions.

Before leaving for the airport

  1. Please check availability of the following documents:
    • foreign passport with a valid visa;
    • voucher;
    • insurance policy;
    • air ticket;
    • if necessary, notarized consent for the child’s departure in accordance with Art. 20 of the Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and the procedure for entering the Russian Federation” and a birth certificate.
    We recommend taking photocopies of your foreign and Russian passports and your child’s birth certificate with you if you are flying with a child.
  2. Look at your airline ticket and check the airport and departure time.
    Plan your travel time to the airport, taking into account traffic jams and unforeseen situations along the way. We recommend arriving at the airport when check-in for your flight opens.

Moscow airports

Upon arrival at the airport:

  1. Check your flight information on the information board and go to the check-in counters whose numbers are indicated on the board. When checking in, present your passport and ticket.
  2. Drop your luggage at the front desk. We recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the baggage rules and the rules for paying for excess baggage.
  3. Get your boarding pass. Please note the gate number (GATE) and boarding time (TIME).
  4. After clearing customs, passport, and security, proceed to the international departures area and wait for the boarding announcement for your flight. When going through security, you must present your passport and boarding pass.
  5. After completing all the formalities and announcing the start of boarding, you must go to the appropriate exit (GATE).

When transporting animals or plants, it is necessary to undergo veterinary or phyto-control. In this case, it is necessary to clarify the rules for transporting animals and plants in advance.

Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections

In accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Rules for pre-flight and post-flight inspections, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2007 No. 104 prohibited from transporting on board the aircraft by passengers in checked baggage and in things carried by passengers, the following dangerous substances and objects:

Allowed to transport on board the aircraft by crew members and passengers, subject to the required conditions, the following items and substances:

  • in checked baggage in cargo and luggage compartments of an aircraft with isolated passenger access to luggage during the flight:
    • crossbows, spearguns, checkers, sabers, cutlasses, scimitars, broadswords, swords, rapiers, bayonets, daggers, knives: hunting knives, knives with ejectable blades, with locking locks, simulators of any type of weapon;
    • household knives (scissors) with a blade length over 60 mm; alcoholic drinks containing more than 24%, but not more than 70% alcohol by volume in containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters, in containers intended for retail trade - no more than 5 liters per passenger;
    • liquids and alcoholic drinks with an alcohol content by volume of no more than 24%;
    • aerosols intended for use for sports or household purposes, the release valves of the cans are protected by caps from spontaneous release of the contents in containers with a capacity of no more than 0.5 kg or 500 ml - no more than 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger;
  • in things carried by passengers:
    • medical thermometer - one per passenger;
    • mercury tonometer in a standard case - one per passenger;
    • a mercury barometer or manometer, packed in a sealed container and sealed with the sender's seal;
    • disposable lighters - one per passenger;
    • dry ice for cooling perishable foods - no more than 2 kg per passenger;
    • 3% hydrogen peroxide - no more than 100 ml per passenger;
    • liquids, gels and aerosols classified as non-hazardous: in containers with a capacity of no more than 100 ml (or equivalent capacity in other units of volume measurement), packed in a securely closed transparent plastic bag with a volume of no more than 1 liter - one bag per passenger.

Liquids in containers with a capacity of more than 100 ml are not accepted for transportation, even if the container is only partially filled. Exceptions to transportation include medications, baby food, and special dietary needs.

Liquids purchased from duty-free shops at the airport or on board an aircraft must be packaged in a securely sealed plastic bag that allows the contents of the bag to be identified during the flight and has reliable confirmation that the purchase was made at airport duty-free shops. or on board the aircraft on the day(s) of travel. Keep your receipt as proof of purchase. Do not open the package either before boarding or during the flight.

The administration of the airport, airline, or operator has the right to decide to introduce additional measures to ensure aviation security on high-risk flights, and as a result prohibit the transportation of the following items in the aircraft cabin:

  • corkscrews;
  • hypodermic needles (unless medical justification is provided);
  • knitting needles;
  • scissors with a blade length of less than 60 mm;
  • folding (without lock) travel, pocket knives with a blade length of less than 60 mm.

Flight time

  • Moscow-Rome ~ 3:40;
  • Moscow-Milan, Moscow-Venice, Moscow-Bergamo, Moscow-Verona, Moscow-Genoa, Moscow-Treviso, Moscow-Turin ~ 3:20;
  • Moscow-Rimini ~ 3:20;
  • Moscow-Naples ~ 3:35;
  • Moscow-Palermo, Moscow-Catania ~ 3:50.

The ticket always indicates the local time for both departure and arrival.

Upon arrival at the Italian airport

  1. Go through passport control (a foreign passport with a visa is presented, sometimes a return air ticket and voucher are requested).
  2. Receive your luggage. The monitors above the conveyor belts indicate the number of the flight whose baggage will be handed out on this belt.
  3. After receiving your luggage, go through customs control. If your luggage contains items that must be declared, go through the red corridor; if there are no such items, use the green corridor.
  4. At the exit from the customs zone in the arrival hall you will be met by a representative of TEZ TOUR or a representative of a partner company (see file Meeting tourists at the airport).
  5. Tell him your last name, the name of the tour (if you are traveling on a sightseeing tour) or the name of the hotel (if you are going on vacation).
  6. The representative will indicate to you the meeting place of the group or tell you the number of your bus for transfer.
  7. The bus departs after all tourists have collected.
  8. Listen carefully to the information your escort will give you along the way to the hotel. Attention! Not all transfers are accompanied by guides.

The procedure for passing passport control when entering Italy

General requirements

Important! When going through passport control, Italian border guards may require you to present cash at the rate of 50 euros for each day of stay in Italy, as well as a voucher for hotel accommodation and a return air ticket (the date of departure from Italy must not be later than the expiration date of the tourist visa) .
Tourists without a return air ticket, as well as those unable to provide the financial guarantees necessary to stay in the country for the duration of the trip, may be deported.

Upon arrival at the hotel

The check-in procedure varies depending on the hotel, but generally looks like this:

  • Present your foreign passport and voucher (1 copy) at the reception desk.
    After this, the hotel employee can:
    • ask you to fill out a registration form in English;
    • ask for your passport to make a photocopy of it (check at the reception when you can pick up your passport),
    • ask for a copy of your credit card as a guarantee;
    • ask you to pay a resort fee (see printable file). If the receptionist did not ask you to pay a fee upon check-in, be prepared to pay it during check-out.

Check-out time in most hotels is 10:00, but sometimes rooms in city hotels can be ready later - from 14:00 to 16:00, and in hotels at sea and ski resorts even from 15:00 to 17:00; in this case, things can be left in the hotel storage room. In case of problems with placement, please contact a company representative.

After checking into your room, review the information provided by the hotel. Pay attention to which services are paid and how much they cost (as a rule, the information is in a folder and lies on the table or bedside table).

During your stay

Do not forget to pay bills in advance for additional services at the hotel: telephone calls, use of a minibar, laundry services, dry cleaning, etc.

Before using the service, find out how much it costs. In the event of a conflict situation with the administration of a hotel or restaurant (for example, refusal to pay for services), a representative of the administration has the right to act in accordance with Italian rules and laws.

There are no ironing rooms in Italian hotels; the use of irons in rooms is strictly prohibited. Before you hand over your items to the laundry, find out the turnaround time for your order (usually at least 24 hours).

Hotels often occupy historical buildings; rooms of the same category may differ in layout, size, etc.

When booking a single room, keep in mind that you are paying a considerable amount extra just for “loneliness”, and these rooms are significantly smaller than a standard double room.

Smoking in hotels in common areas (lobby, restaurant, bar) is prohibited. The hotels have many non-smoking rooms.


Changing the menu during breakfast and dinner at the request of the tourist, as well as ordering additional dishes and drinks, is paid additionally by the tourist himself.

Be prepared in advance for the specifics of the food: in Italian hotels, breakfast is traditionally “strongly continental”, i.e. very light, usually consisting of coffee / tea, buns, jam and butter, there may be sausage and cheese slices, yogurt, fruit, muesli. In Italy it is customary to have a large dinner: dinner is more like a three-course lunch. Drinks are not included in the price of dinner, except for special dinners specified in the tour program.

Excursions and transfers

Group excursions and transfers: ordered and paid services, such as transfers, excursions, are provided to the tourist only at the time specified in the program or voucher, which can be specified by the accompanying person on the spot depending on specific circumstances (for example: plane delay, traffic jams, bus breakdown, illness of the guide).

Individual excursions and transfers: For each individual service there must be a separate voucher indicating the day, time, meeting place, as well as a contact number to call if problems or questions arise.

Individual excursions to museums: Entrance tickets are paid on the spot; waiting in line with a guide reduces the excursion time (long lines at the Vatican Museums, Uffizi Gallery).

Individual transfers: The waiting time at the airport is 60 minutes after the flight actually lands. In case of significant delays (more than 60 minutes), the transfer may not be provided. If you cannot find a representative meeting you or a group with a sign, please call the phone numbers indicated on the voucher. An individual transfer does not necessarily imply the presence of an accompanying guide; The transfer driver usually speaks English in addition to Italian.

If you lose your luggage at the airport, or in the event of force majeure, you must contact the tourist support service at the phone number indicated in your voucher.

Neither the accompanying group, nor travel companies, nor the administration of hotels, restaurants, or transport companies are responsible for things left on the bus, forgotten in the hotel and other places.

Meeting with the hotel guide (for those staying at the resort)

The time of the information meeting with the hotel guide will be communicated to you by your attendant on the way to the hotel. At the appointed time, we invite you to meet with your hotel guide, who will be waiting for you in the hotel lobby (some hotels have a separate room for information meetings). To the meeting, take with you your passport, voucher, and return flight ticket.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact your hotel guide or the hotel reception. You will learn the guide's contact details (name, mobile phone) at the information meeting. Please note that guides are not located in hotels. After the information meeting, you can contact the guide by phone, which he will leave for you.

Attention! On some TEZ TOUR routes there is no operational service. Information support for tourists is provided by phone numbers, the numbers of which you will find in the package of documents.

In Sicily:

Regions TAORMINA MARE, SANT'ALESSIO, GIARDINI NAXOS, LETOJANNI- prompt customer service on site, information meetings, group excursions (Attention! For those staying at the Kennedy, Capo dei Greci and Elihotel hotels, the additional payment for a taxi to the point of joining the excursion bus will be 38 euros one way for a car for 1-3 people and 59 euros for a minivan for 4-8 people.)

Region MESSINA(for example, hotels Oasi Azzurra Village, Le Dune, Capo Peloro Resort) - it is possible to join group excursions (access by taxi to LETOJANNI, the estimated cost of a car for 4 people in two directions is 130 euros). Prompt service for tourists - only by phone.

Portorosa Residence(between Messina and Palermo) - joining group excursions only with access by taxi to LETOJANNI. Prompt service for tourists - only by phone.

City CATANIA(for example, Hotel CUCARACHA) - joining group excursions from TAORMINA MARE, SANT’ALESSIO, GIARDINI NAXOS, LETOJANNI with access by taxi to the roundabout.

Region CEFALU- prompt customer service only by phone. At this time, group tours are only available in English.

The day before your flight home

  1. Go to the reception and check if you have any unpaid bills for additional services (use of a minibar, telephone, etc.). If you have any debts, pay them.
  2. Information about the return transfer time will be provided the evening before your departure at the reception of your hotel. If you have not received transfer information, please contact us by phone +39 391 434 4212.

Check out from the hotel

On the day of departure, hotel rooms are usually vacated by 09:00-11:00, and apartments by 09:00. Please hand over your keys to the reception before the designated time. You can leave your luggage in the hotel storage room.

To avoid various complications, please do not be late and arrive at the transfer 5-10 minutes before the specified time.

Arrival at the Italian airport for departure

  1. During the return transfer from the hotel to the airport, your attendant will tell you the numbers of check-in counters, tell you about the process of checking in for the flight and checking in your luggage, going through passport and customs control, applying for and receiving Tax Free.
    Attention! If your transfer was unaccompanied, but you have questions about registration, you can contact a Tez Tour representative at the airport or the information desk.
  2. Check in for your flight (present your passport and ticket).
  3. Drop your luggage at the front desk.
  4. Get your boarding pass. Pay attention to the gate number (GATE) and boarding time (TIME) on board the aircraft.
  5. Go through passport control (present your passport with visa and boarding pass).
  6. Go to the departure hall and wait for the boarding announcement.

If you lose your passport, air ticket or luggage, we ask you to immediately inform a TEZ TOUR representative, who will tell you how you can solve the problem.

General information about the country

Geographical position

Italy is located in the south of Europe in the central part of the Mediterranean and occupies the Apennine Peninsula, the islands of Sicily and Sardinia and other small islands. The shores of Italy are washed by the waters of 5 seas: in the west - the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian, in the east - the Adriatic, in the south - the Ionian and Mediterranean. In the north, Italy borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, and in the northeast - with Slovenia. On the territory of Italy there are two tiny states: the Vatican (on the territory of Rome) and the Republic of San Marino (25 km from Rimini).

Capital - Rome.

The official language is Italian. (Please note that in many areas of Italy Russian is not spoken, and in some, English is not spoken even in hotels and restaurants, so we recommend taking a small Russian-Italian phrasebook with you to avoid problems. And you can find the most necessary expressions at the end of this memo.)


In most of Italy it is subtropical Mediterranean, in the north it is transitional to temperate. Summer is dry and hot, average temperatures in July range from +20 to +28°C; in August, with the southern sirocco wind, they rise to +40. Winter is mild, average January temperatures range from 0°C in the north of the country to +12°C on the Apennine Peninsula and islands (in Rome +9°C, in Venice +6°C, in Florence +7°C, in Naples +10° C). Snow stays only in the mountains.


Italians, small ethnic groups speaking German, French and Slovenian in the north, Greek and Albanian in the south.


The official religion of the country is Catholicism (98%). There are Orthodox (Orthodox churches in Bari, Rome, Florence, San Remo) and Jews.

State structure

Parliamentary republic.

Official holidays:

  • January 1 - New Year,
  • January 6 - Epiphany,
  • April 25 - Day of Liberation from Fascism,
  • May 1 - Labor Day,
  • the first Sunday of June is the Day of the Proclamation of the Republic,
  • August 15 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
  • November 1 - All Saints' Day,
  • November 4 - National Unity Day,
  • December 8 - Immaculate Conception,
  • December 25 - Christmas,
  • December 26 is St. Stephen's Day.
  • A holiday with a variable date is Easter and the following Easter Monday.

Helpful information

The shops

Venetian masks are a wonderful souvenir

Shops are open from Monday to Saturday 9.00 - 19.30. Some are also open on Sunday. Lunch breaks are usually from 13.00 to 15.30. Many tourist-oriented shops, department stores and supermarkets are also open on Sundays.

A system of seasonal discounts is common, especially in winter (from the beginning of January) and summer (from the beginning of July).

Particularly popular are “fashion towns” - country outlets, which are found in almost every region of Italy: a large selection of stores, incl. well-known brands that sell products at discounts.

TAX-FREE in most large and well-known stores.


You can bring souvenirs from every region of Italy, including edible ones, which are not similar to souvenirs from other regions.

  • Rome: rosary beads, figurines depicting the symbols of the Eternal City: the Capitoline She-wolf, gladiators, the Colosseum.
  • Florence: a copy of the famous statue of David, a notebook made of Florentine paper, terracotta items, and of course the jewelry and leather goods for which this city is so famous.
  • Venice: carnival mask, carnival doll - a character from the Commedia dell'Arte, products and decorations made of Murano glass, lace and embroidery from the island of Burano.
  • Milan: here we are talking primarily about fashion items, and among souvenirs we can recommend souvenirs related to Ferrari, Formula 1, and football.
  • Verona: a figurine of Romeo and Juliet, a copy of the Arena - the famous Verona amphitheater, the famous Amarone wine.
  • Sicily: ceramics, lava products, figurines depicting a Sicilian festive cart.
  • Pisa: replica of the leaning tower.
  • Siena: things with symbols/coats of arms of Conrad - different districts of this city.
  • Padua: candles from the Cathedral of St. Anthony of Padua and his images.
  • Bologna: replicas of two towers, symbols of the city: Torre Asinelli and Torre Garisenda, which were built in the 12th century.

And of course, edible souvenirs: cheese, wine, liqueurs, grappa, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, pastries, sausages and pasta, coffee, sauces, also unique in each region. Cheeses: Parmesan, mozzarella, Gorgonzola, Grana Padano, Asiago and many others. Wines and liqueurs: impossible to even list. Desserts: from hard cantucci and torrone to the most delicate panforte. Pasta: penne, spaghetti, tortellini, tagliatelle, tortellini, etc. You can safely buy them in any city or village in Italy and in your home they will remind you of sunny, fragrant Italy with its magnificent cuisine.

Museums, churches

Churches: Most churches are open from early morning until 12:00 or 12:30, then they close for 2-3 hours, reopen in the afternoon and remain open to the public until 19:00 or even later.

Major cathedrals and basilicas, including St. Peter's, are open all day. Cathedrals have automatic machines that turn on the lighting of church interiors. It is convenient to view the paintings on the ceilings and domes of churches through binoculars. With all the liberalism of the Italians, you will not be allowed into church or cathedral in shorts and too revealing dresses.

Museums: The day off for museums is usually Monday (except for the Vatican Museums). Museum opening hours vary and also depend on the time of year.


Italian cuisine is loved in many countries around the world. For her alone it would be worth going to Italy. You can enjoy all the nuances of Italian cuisine both in the most expensive restaurant and in modest trattorias. The quality of the food does not depend on the amount of the bill.

Please note that many restaurants, cafes and pizzerias close for lunch from 15:00 to 19:00. Restaurants have a day off.

The Italian meal itself looks like this:

Antipasti are served as an appetizer - toast with tomatoes, olives, smoked meats, carpaccio.

The first dish is pasta seasoned with various sauces, the recipes of which are passed down from generation to generation. Pasta is what is called pasta in Russia: spaghetti, horns, vermicelli, noodles (tagliatelle), feathers (penne), ears, shells, etc. The “first” category also includes rice dishes, for example, the famous risotto and, less often, soup, which Italians mainly eat during dinner.

The Italian second course is a steak with rare or crispy crust, the most delicate fish, a variety of seafood (squid, shrimp, lobster, lobster, octopus), baked poultry. All this is accompanied by excellent Italian wine.

The choice of desserts is huge: fresh fruit or macedonia (fruit salad), tiramisu, profiteroles, panna cotta, traditional cookies and semifreddo cakes, and, of course, Italian ice cream.

At the end of the meal, a “digestivo” is served, as usual, this is “amaro” - a balm infused with herbs that helps digestion, or grappa - the famous Italian grape vodka.

And be sure to have a cup of coffee: espresso, Americano, macchiato, but not cappuccino, which Italians drink only in the morning.

It is better to try real pizza in a pizzeria, where the pizza is prepared before your eyes, in real ovens, on wood (forno a legna).


The tipping system applies to the services of waiters in bars and restaurants, maids in hotels, taxi drivers and guides and amounts to 5-10% of the order cost. Paying a tip is not mandatory, but if the client is satisfied with the service, a tip is a sign of good manners.


Italy has a well-developed intercity transport network. Trains and buses are convenient for transportation. Super-fast Eurostar trains are especially popular. Before boarding the train, you must validate your ticket (yellow/orange boxes are located in the station building and on the platforms).

There are metro stations in Rome, Milan, Naples, Genoa and Catania.

Tickets for trams and buses are sold at tobacco shops and newsstands. One ticket allows travel on all types of public transport (metro, bus, tram) with transfers within 75-90 minutes after you have validated it.

It is very difficult to “catch” a taxi on the street. You need to go to a special parking lot or call a car by phone from a hotel, bar, or store.

To rent a car you need an international driving license and a credit card.

Medical service

Medicine is mostly paid. If you need medical attention during your holiday, please contact your insurance company immediately. The company's telephone number is indicated on the insurance policy. The insurance company representative will tell you which medical center or hospital to go to.

First aid kit

Before your trip, prepare and take with you a first aid kit, which will help you with minor ailments, save you time searching for medicines and eliminate the problems of communicating in a foreign language; in addition, many medicines may have different names in different countries.


Time lags behind Moscow by 1 hour during summer time, by 2 hours during winter time.

Money, bank work

The monetary unit is the Euro (EURO), 1 EURO = 100 eurocent. Banknotes: 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 euros. Coins: 2 and 1 euro; 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents.
Currency exchange can be done at banks, at hotels (the rate is not very favorable) and at the airport.

Banks are closed on Saturdays and Sundays, and on weekdays they are open from 8.30 to 13.30 and from 15.00 to 16.30.

Exchange offices have more convenient opening hours, but when exchanging, pay attention to the amount of commission charged. In addition, dollars can be exchanged at ATMs, in which case only 10, 20 and 50 USD bills are accepted.

It is convenient to use credit cards, which are accepted in almost all large stores, gas stations, restaurants, cafes and hotels.

Mains voltage

The mains voltage is 220 V, 50 Hz, but sometimes 127 V is also found (usually the voltage is indicated on or near the outlet). The sockets are European type, so there may be a discrepancy between the plug of Russian household appliances and computers and the Italian sockets. In this case, an adapter is required.

Veterinary control

Pets can be brought into Italy with a certificate from a veterinarian and valid rabies vaccinations.

Customs regulations

There are restrictions on the import of tobacco, alcohol and perfume. You can go through Italian customs duty free with no more than 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars, 1 liter of spirits or 2 liters of wine, 50 grams of perfume and 0.25 liters of cologne in your suitcase. There are no restrictions on the import of foreign currency. The export of large amounts must be authorized by customs authorities. Meat and dairy products are prohibited for import into Italy, and some airports prohibit the entry of any products.

In addition to personal belongings, every non-European Union citizen entering Italy can bring personal items needed during travel duty free. Personal items are understood as objects and things that a foreigner visiting the country uses, consumes or uses for his professional activities. At the same time, the purpose of these items and things must correspond to the nature and purposes of the trip around the country. The number of imported items and things is usually not limited.

To export works of art, precious stones and archaeological treasures, you must present a sales receipt and permission from the Italian Ministry of Fine Arts.


Calls from Italy to Russia: +7 + area code + subscriber number.

Calls to Italy from Russia: landline numbers 8-10-39 + area code, starting with “0” + subscriber number; mobile phones +39 + subscriber number (do not dial “0” before the mobile phone number).

Calls in Italy between cities: be sure to dial "0" before the area code. “0” is not entered before the mobile phone number.

If you are calling from a hotel or private apartment, remember that the reduced rate is from 18.30 to 8.00.

Useful phones

Help in case of emergency:

  • Carabinieri (military police): 112;
  • Police: 113;
  • Fire protection: 115;
  • Italian Automobile Club (assistance for motorists): 116;
  • Ambulance: 118 (if this number does not work in the area where you are, call the police: 113);

Russian consulates:

  • Rome, Via Nomentana, 116; tel 06-442 35 625, 442 34 031, 442 34 149;
  • Milan, Via Sant’ Aquilino, 3; tel 02-487 07 301, 487 05 912, 487 50 432;
  • Palermo, Via Orfeo, 18; tel 091-611 39 70;
  • Genoa, Via Ghirardelli Pescetto, 16; tel 010-372 60 47, 372-63 04;

Russian Embassy:

  • Rome, Via Gaeta, 5; tel.: 06-49 41-681, 06-49 41 681, 06-49 41 649;

Information for foreign tourists “Easy Italia” (including in Russian)

  • from Italy tel: 039 03-90-39
  • from Russia tel: 8-10-39-039-03-90-39

Russian-Italian mini-phrase book

In RussianIn ItalianHow to pronounce
Good afternoon Buon giorno Bon Giorno
Good evening Buona sera Bona sir
Hello Ciao Ciao
Goodbye Arrivederci Arrivederchi
How are you? Come on? Kome wa?
Everything is fine Tutto bene Tutto bene
Thank you Grazie Grazie
Please Per favor Per Favoret
My name is.. Mi chiamo.. Mi kyamo
What is your name? Come si chiama? Kome si kyama?
I'm Russian Sono russo (russa) Sono russo (russa)
I do not speak Italian Non parlo italiano Non parlo Italiano
I speak English Parlo inglese Parlo Inglese
Do you speak English? Parla inglese? Parla inglese?
How to say it in Italian? Come si dice in italiano? Come si dice in italiano?
I understand Capisco Capisco
I don't understand Non capisco Non capisco
Fine Va bene Va bene
Sorry (I'm sorry) Chiedo scusa Kyedo skusa
Where can I eat (lunch, dinner)? Dove si puo` mangiare (pranzare, cenare)? Dove si puo manjare (prandzare, chenare)?
The check, please Il conto, per favore Il conto, pere favore
What is the price? Qanto costa? Quanto costa?
One two Three Uno, due, tre Uno, due, tre
Four five six Quattro, cinque, sei Quattro, cinque, sei
Seven, eight, nine Sette, otto, nove Sette, otto, new
10, 11, 12 Dieci, undici, dodici Diechi, undici, dodici
13, 14, 15 Tredici, quattordici, quindici Tradici, Quattordici, Quindici
16, 17, 18 Sedici, diciassette, diciotto Sadici, dichassette, diciotto
19, 20 Diciannove, venti Dichannove, Venti
30, 40, 50 Trenta, quaranta, cinquanta Tranta, cuaranta, cinquanta
60, 70, 80 Sessanta, settanta, ottanta Sessanta, settanta, ottanta
90, 100, 200 Novanta, cento, duecento Novanta, cento, duecento
300, 400, 500 Trecento, quattrocento, cinquecento Trecento, Quattrocento, Cinquecento
600, 700, 800 Seicento, settecento, ottocento Seicento, settecento, ottocento
900, 1000 Novecento, mille Novacento, mille
Can I pay with a credit card? Posso pagare con una carta di credito? Posso pagare con una carta di credito?
Yes Si Si
No No But
Yesterday Ieri Yeri
Today Oggi Oji
Tomorrow Domani Domani
A week Una settimana Una settitmana
Monday Lunedi` Lunedi`
Tuesday Martedi` Martedi`
Wednesday Mercoledi` Mercalidi`
Thursday Giovedi` Jovedi`
Friday Venerdi` Venerdi`
Saturday Sabato Sabato
Sunday Domenica Domenica
Right A destra And destra
Left A sinistra And sinistra
Directly Dritto Dritto
Forward Avanti Avanti
Back In dietro In dietro
Open Aperto Aperto
Closed Chiuso Kyuzo
Entrance Entrata Entrata
No entry Vietato entrare Vietato entrare
Exit Uscita Sushitata
No smoking Non fumare (or Vietato fumare) Non fumare (ietato fumare)
Are available) C´e Che
Not available) Non c´e Non chae
TV remote control Telecommando Telecommando
Air conditioner Aria condizionata Aria air conditioning
Water Acqua Acqua
hot Calda Calda
Cold Fredda Fredda
Breakfast Prima colazione Prima colacione
Dinner Pranzo Pranzo
Dinner Cena Chen
Give me please, ... Mi da, per favore... Mi yes, per favore,..
Cup Un bichiere Un Bicchiere
Fork Una forchetta Una forchetta
Knife Uncoltello Un coltello
Plate Un piatto Un piatto
Salt Il sale Il sale
Sugar Lo zucchero Lo zucchero
Snack(s) Un'antipasto (gli antipasti) Un antipasto (li antipasti)
Sweet (dessert) Dolce (dessert) Dolce (desser)
Wine (red, white) Vino (rosso, bianco) Wine (rosso, bianco)
Could you order a taxi? Potrebbe prenotare un taxi? Potrebbe prenotare un taxi?
Can I ask for my passport back? Posso riavere il mio passaporto? Posso riavere il mio passaporto?
Please give me your room key... Mi da`, per favore, la chiave della camera… Mi da per favore la chiave della camera...
I need to speak to a travel agency representative Vorrei parlare con un rappresentante dell'agenzia Warray parlare con un rappresentante del agenzia
Where is...? Dove si trova….. Dove si trova..
Where is the hotel? Dove si trova l'albergo? Dove si trova lalbergo?
Where is the bank located
(exchange office)?
Dove si trova la banca (il cambio)? Dove si trova la banka (il cambio)?
Where is the restaurant? Dove si trova il ristorante? Dove si trova il ristorante?
Show me please... Mi fa vedere, per favore Mi fa vedere per favore
What time is breakfast, lunch, dinner? A che ora e` la prima colazione (il pranzo, la cena)? A que ora e la prima colacione (il pranzo, la cena)?
I need... Mi serve... Mi serve
The room is cold In camera fa freddo In camera fa Freddo
The room is hot In camera fa caldo In camera fa caldo
The shower and air conditioning do not work in the room In camera non funziona la doccia, l’aria condizionata In chamber non funciona la doccia, laria conditionata
I can't open the door Non posso aprire la porta Non posso aprire la porta

When writing this article, materials from

In case of failurefrom excursions, meals and other activities, provided for by the itinerary program, the difference in cost is not refundable. The company does not accept claims.

Children accepted on tourist routes only accompanied by adults.

Please You be very careful about your clothes. Clothes should be camping. Wear when traveling loose clothing made from natural fabrics; it is advisable to take comfortable shoes, weather-appropriate clothing and an umbrella. Do not wear narrow shoes, if you cannot do without dress shoes, take replacement shoes that are more comfortable.

Very convenient when traveling carry wet alcohol wipes, personal hygiene items and a personal first aid kit.

On trains bed sheets will be paid additionally.

On the boator ship, take warm clothes with you.

If you get motion sickness on a bus or boatuse special products, they are sold in pharmacies without prescriptions.

Persons in need of treatment and constant medical attentionobservation, traveling along tourist routes is not recommended; if you go on a trip, do notyou should forget about medicationsthat need to be taken regularly and don't forget to take them with you.

Do not forget that when visiting churches and monasteries you need to take appropriate clothing with you rules accepted in monasteries: women should wear long ones skirts and head covering. The following are not acceptable: short sleeves, T-shirts, low-cut dresses, makeup on the face, shorts, bright and large jewelry.

Baggage It’s better to put them in different bags. Bags with groceries and things you need on the train and bags with things you will only need in the hotel.

It’s better to take food for the road : bottled water (not carbonated), washed and non-perishable fruits, confectionery (crackers, crackers, cookies), tea in bags, coffee, sugar, cup, teaspoon, cheese and meat products in vacuum packaging, sliced ​​bread, dry soups.

Nutrition. Meals are provided in accordance with the tour program. Tourists are not provided with food on the train. At stops, we do not recommend purchasing food directly (from private individuals). We recommenddrink guaranteed safe water and drinks (boiled water, drinking water and drinks in factory packaging). Fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly with safe water.

Be careful when traveling ,since major cities and tourist centers around the worldattract swindlers and pickpockets.

Money and documents must be stored so so that they don't the prey of scammers. Do not keep all your cash together, break the available amount of money into several parts and store it in different places, do not carry money in open pockets or wallets in plastic bags; do not leave valuables and money in a visible place in a hotel, bus, restaurant; You must always have your passport with you.

Travel documents (train tickets)- in accordance with paragraph 20 of the Rules for the provision of railway transport services lost and damaged(torn, burnt, wet, etc.) travel documents(tickets) for trains and those paid for them are not renewedmoney is not returned.

Rules of behavior on the train (vaglne): hprohibited: smoke in the carriage and compartment, putbags in the aislesfor safety reasons, the passage must be free;create discomfortsurrounding passengers; pack in luggage, as well as carry into the carriageany things belonging to the category dangerous or illegal (compressed gases, caustic substances, weapons, explosives and flammable substances, drugs, radioactive materials, poisons, infectious materials, etc.); on the train look out of open windows And stretch your arms out the window; leaving children unattended; abuse alcohol drinks; be drunk or state of drug intoxication; litter in the carriage, and alsothrow trash out the window carriage; put on the top cargo shelfheavy objects to avoid accidents.

Recommendations: smoking on trains allowed only investibules on the non-boiler side carriage; stack the trashin individual packages and throw in containerintended for garbage; in case of conflict situations between persons using railway transport services andrailway workers in the performance of their duties, tourists have the right to contact the boss(mechanic-foreman) passenger train.

Rules of conduct on the route. When checking into a hotel (dormitory, boarding house, sanatorium, etc.) you must carefully read the fire safety rules and the evacuation plan in case of emergencies. The hotel must be quiet, clean and take care of the furniture. The hotel administration is not responsible for the loss of valuables, money, documents, which you left in the room(Article 925 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).Follow the rules personal hygiene and personal safety. Keep the streets of the cities you visit clean, preserve the surrounding nature, take care of historical and cultural monuments,respect others.

Information and rules for tourists will help you navigate common situations and help you avoid misunderstandings during your trip. Review traffic rules, parking regulations, customs restrictions and other important information.

Traffic Laws

When traveling to Finland by car, it is worth remembering a few basic rules. Firstly, you should not break traffic rules - this can cost you a lot, as fines for speeding in Finland are quite large. In addition, there are many CCTV cameras on the roads in Finland. An unpaid fine may result in refusal of your next Finnish visa. So, after crossing the border, buckle up and get ready for disciplined driving.

Parking rules

In the city center, most parking lots are paid. Parking is paid at a parking machine. Photo: Anna Ruohonen

In Finland, most parking lots in the city center are paid. Parking is paid at a parking machine. The purchased ticket should be placed in a visible place under the windshield. In underground parking lots, payment is usually made with a plastic card upon departure.

Free parking can be either without time restrictions or with restrictions for a certain time. In the latter case, it is necessary to use a parking clock, which displays the arrival time, rounded to the next hour or half hour.

Incorrect parking is fined by the police or parking inspectors, who can often be found in the city center. Therefore, it is worth carrying change for parking meters and a parking watch, which can be purchased at gas stations, stores or kiosks.

If you are nevertheless fined, the fine must be paid within two weeks at any bank in Finland. In Helsinki, the fine for incorrect or unpaid parking is 60–80 euros.

Customs rules and restrictions

In addition to restrictions on the import of large amounts of cash, alcohol and tobacco products, it is worth keeping in mind that Finnish Customs has established some rules regarding several other things.

Self-defense means, medicines

When planning a trip, make sure you do not have any items that require a special permit in Finland. We are talking here not only about weapons, but also about such a seemingly innocent means of self-defense as a gas spray. Canisters containing tear gas, which in Russia can be bought not only in specialized stores, but also at station kiosks, require a special license in Finland, issued by the police. Therefore, you should not take a spray can with you. Moreover, the crime rate in Finland is very low and you can feel completely safe in the country of a thousand lakes. It is also prohibited to bring into the country, for example, anti-radars and radar detectors.

Medicines intended for personal use can be brought into Finland. If necessary, you must present a prescription or medical certificate to prove that the drug is intended for your own treatment.


Not all hotels in Finland accept pets. Therefore, when booking a hotel or other accommodation, please clarify this issue. Photo: Tommi Kortesniemi / Helsinki Marketing

Finns love pets and take good care of them. But Finns also love the cleanliness of the city, so most dog owners, when walking with their pets, carry bags with them where they put away their dog’s “autographs.” If you are going to come to Finland with your beloved pet, remember the Finns’ attentive attitude to the cleanliness of the city. But most importantly, when planning to take your pet with you on a trip, do not forget to prepare documents for it in advance - a pet passport, which must contain all the necessary vaccinations, as well as a mark or microchip, and a veterinary certificate.

Not all hotels in Finland accept pets. When booking a hotel, please clarify this issue. In hotels that provide such services, you usually have to pay extra for pets.

Unlike some other European countries, pets are generally not allowed in cafes, restaurants and shops in Finland. Sometimes cafes announce this right at the door. In front of some stores there are so-called “dog parking areas” where you can tie your dog while visiting the store.

In the metro and trains there are carriages in which you can travel with dogs, as well as carriages in which dogs are not allowed, as indicated by stickers on the carriages.

Smoking indoors

Smoking indoors is allowed only in some cafes or clubs equipped with a special smoking room. Photo: Anna Ruohonen

In 2007, a law prohibiting smoking in all public places came into force in Finland. The law also applies to all types of public transport. Smoking indoors is allowed only in some restaurants or clubs that have a special smoking room where you cannot bring drinks or food. It is worth noting that there are very few such establishments in Finland. In other cases, people go outside to smoke. This law is aimed at protecting the staff of cafes and restaurants, and their non-smoking customers, who are forced to inhale harmful tobacco smoke.

Despite the trend towards the complete elimination of hotel rooms for smokers, some hotels in Finland do have them. As a rule, hotel rooms are equipped with devices that capture tobacco smoke. If the room is non-smoking, then violating the smoking rules will result in a fine.

Video surveillance in transport and shops

Video surveillance is carried out in Finland on the central streets of cities, at metro stations, in shopping centers and shops, etc. This allows you to monitor public order. Photo: Anna Ruohonen

In Finland, authorities are taking measures to ensure the safety of residents and visitors of the country. For this purpose, cameras are installed on the central streets of Finnish cities and video surveillance is carried out. Video surveillance is also carried out at metro stations - on platforms, escalators; in shopping centers and stores. This allows you to monitor public order.

As a rule, in the subway and shops, video surveillance is monitored by a security guard in a special room. The video is recorded on the hard drive and stored there for a certain period of time. If a security guard notices any violation, he will certainly approach the offender alone or with a partner.

Urban transport

The Helsinki pass is valid for 80 minutes on any type of transport and remains valid if you transfer. You can buy your ticket in advance from a ticket machine or kiosk. Photo: Anna Ruohonen

In Helsinki, public transport costs approximately 3 euros. The ticket is valid for 80 minutes on any type of transport, and it remains valid when transferring. You can buy your ticket in advance from a ticket machine or kiosk. You can also buy a ticket from the driver if you are traveling by bus. The last option is the most uneconomical - a ticket from a machine costs a euro more. A ticket can also be purchased using the HSL app, and it costs the same as a ticket purchased in advance from a machine.

There are no turnstiles in the Helsinki metro. After paying for your ticket, don’t forget to take it with you and keep it until the end of your trip. In the metro and trams you can often meet inspectors who, together with security guards, organize a control raid. Unpaid travel costs the “hares” dearly – the fine is 80 euros.

If you plan to use public transport frequently, it is worth purchasing daily tickets. A daily ticket costs from 8 euros. Children's tickets are exactly half cheaper.

Helsinki Card

If your travel plans include an extensive cultural program, the Helsinki Card may be a suitable option for you, which gives you free travel on public transport, including local trains and boats, access to most museums, the zoo, discounts on restaurants and much more. . The cost of a card for an adult is from 42 € (for 24 hours, without a travel card) to 71 € (for 72 hours, with a travel card for the capital region).

Text: Violet Weller, updated June 2019