What will be in place of the Perseus water stadium. Officials are planning to build a whole microdistrict of high-rise buildings near the Vodny Stadium metro station! Shopping center "Perseus for children"

A fire in a six-story building occupied by the Perseus for Children shopping center. The total fire area was 80 square meters. m. The emergency was eliminated within a few hours. According to a TASS source, one of the victims, a shopping center employee evacuated from the burning building, died in an ambulance. In addition, six firefighters were injured, two of them are in serious condition. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case on the grounds of crimes provided for in Articles 109 and 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Causing death by negligence” and “Negligence”).

Shopping center "Perseus for children"

It is part of a network of five shopping centers located in different areas of the capital. They sell products for newborns and expectant mothers, strollers and car seats, children's furniture, games and toys, goods for schoolchildren, as well as sporting goods, clothing and baby food.

“Perseus for Children” on Malaya Semenovskaya Street was opened on March 16, 2009 in a reconstructed six-story building with a total area of ​​10 thousand 241 square meters. m. According to media reports, the premises for the shopping center were rented from OJSC Moscow Wool Spinning Mill (MSF). The shopping center itself, with an area of ​​6 thousand square meters. m occupies the first four floors. In addition to retail outlets, there is a recreation area on the ground floor of the shopping center; on the third there is a cafe, a games room, a beauty salon and a children's club; There is a playground on the street next to the building. The fifth and sixth floors are occupied by a warehouse for finished products of a toy factory, also rented by Perseus.

The shopping center network is managed by Perseus Group of Companies LLC, owned by Boris Tritenko, deputy of the Staraya Kupavna municipality. The company was founded in 2002.

Perseus Group of Companies also managed the Perseus shoe center with an area of ​​3.5 thousand square meters. m, which was located near the Vodny Stadion metro station. This center became the largest facility demolished on February 14-15, 2017 by decree of the Moscow government as part of the “fourth wave” of dismantling shopping facilities built unauthorized in the capital.

The general director and owner of 99.7% of the shares of Moscow Wool Spinning Mill OJSC is Valery Bezuglov.

On April 4, 2018, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Moscow, Ilya Denisov, told reporters that in March 2018 the shopping center was inspected by the State Fire Supervision. According to Denisov, at the time of the inspection one violation remained unresolved, but this did not affect the progress of the fire extinguishing process or the outbreak of the fire.

According to Spark-Interfax, the MCF building on the street. Malaya Semenovskaya was inspected by the Ministry of Emergency Situations annually. In 2016 and 2017, two violations were identified, in 2015 - four.

After a quick look at the documentation, the following “pleasant” points stand out:

1. Instead of the “abandoned” plant between Leningradskoye Shosse and Konakovsky Proezd, it is planned to “construct multi-apartment residential buildings with the first non-residential floors and underground parking” - that is, they literally promise a new high-rise microdistrict!

2. “Expansion” of Avangardnaya Street by moving the road to residential buildings (even side) and destroying green spaces (odd side)

3. “Expansion” of Pulkovskaya Street to 4 lanes - that is, the road will also pass directly through residential buildings, and the few trees will go into oblivion.

4. “Extension and expansion” of Konakovsky Proezd to Kronshadtsky Boulevard and “reorganization of the turning circle” - add “positivity” to the picture of the coming apocalypse.

5. Well, for dessert: the shopping center, which is near the metro, together with the “melody” building and the market, are being demolished at a brisk pace, and at the same time “Perseus”, located not just in the “metro communications zone”, but ABOVE itself metro - calmly remains in place, and for the sake of it, Konakovsky’s “continuation” will make a slight bend.

It seems like the last chance to prevent these “wonderful plans” from coming true -

ready-made template

Video for clarity:

“Moscow doesn’t even have the money to change the sewer pipes. she’s selling everything now, and we have money” - a quote from one potential “developer” on recent public hearings ….
But here is the opinion of the residents who attended these very “hearings”

“Friends, a new problem has come to us and again in the Northern Administrative District, a certain company will build a huge residential and multifunctional complex near the Vodny Stadium metro station, and on the territory, just a minute, of the defense enterprise NIMI

What we managed to find out and not only about this object
1) THEM did not give consent, but the developer said that the parent company Rostec gave consent, no one even asked THEM
2) The hearing was conducted by the developer, which is a complete violation of the procedure
3) As always, there were people at the hearings who were in favor. They tore their shirts and said that they were ready to buy apartments there right now
4) According to the developer, Moscow does not have the money to even replace heating mains, so Sobyanin will sell every meter of golden Moscow land
5) They will not demolish five-story buildings either. since Moscow has no money, so everything is for commercial construction
6) Timiryazev Academy - they said that the rector has already sold the land and everything will be built up there, the issue is almost resolved.
7) All developers are aware of what is happening in Dubki, Friendship Park, etc., so they are ready to crush us with equipment and kill us with riot police, and yes - the method has already been worked out, so this will happen at any construction site where residents are against it, also according to the developer
8) The developers behaved arrogantly and defiantly, they came with security and said that they are successful people, and we are beggars, therefore we are against any construction”

The bottom line is that Sobyanin has already sold and will continue to sell our land, since they have no other income. Therefore, friends, in general, war has been declared on us, war with our own citizens, draw conclusions and - stand up, a huge country, Moscow is behind us!! Personally, we have nowhere to retreat, otherwise we won’t live here!!!

Neighbors, we need help!

Need to - print out two forms and bring them in (deadline is Monday)!

Or to the district government - Flotskaya 1, office 215 (left wing)
Or to the prefecture - Timiryazevskaya 27, to the “district urban planning commission”

Copies of reviews must be stamped, signed by the employee upon receipt, and dated. If they refuse, record it on video!

form No. 1

form No. 2

You only need to fill out your address, name, and review!

“I demand that the block development project be rejected!”, then write everything you think about this idea.

Wake up! We live here!

print the ad and hang it in the entrance, printable file https://goo.gl/ptimuO

We are talking about objects that officials consider to have been erected without permission.

The largest objects are the shopping center “ Perseus" near the subway “Water Stadium” with an area of ​​more than 3.5 thousand square meters. Also subject to demolition are the shopping arcades on Gruzinsky Val, the shopping complex on Orekhovoy Boulevard and the StroyTsentr in Dukhovsky Lane.

Demolition will begin two months after the official publication of the list.

/ Tuesday, December 13, 2016 /

Topics: Metro

Moscow authorities have approved the fourth list of especially dangerous unbuilt buildings for demolition, reports the press service of the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate.

Moscow continues to work to combat self-construction. Today, the fourth list of especially dangerous unauthorized construction sites that will be demolished has been approved. It included 54 objects with a total area of ​​19.3 thousand square meters.

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Of the 54 self-built objects, 12 are located in the technical zone of the metro, 30 are located on city utilities and gas supply systems, and 12 are located in public areas. The demolition procedure remains unchanged.

For the voluntary and independent demolition of a dangerous unauthorized construction, the owner receives compensation in the amount of 55.5 thousand rubles for “ square " and 51 thousand rubles for each square meter, if he asks the district prefecture to help demolish the building.

At a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government, the fourth list of unauthorized construction was approved. It included 54 buildings.

An unauthorized shopping center built near the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station was demolished. Now the area is being cleared for a new transport hub, TV Center reports.

This object belonged to the so-called third wave of demolition of unauthorized buildings. The day before, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government, the fourth list was approved. It included 54 buildings located on sidewalks, in technical areas of the metro, and above underground utilities and gas communications.

The list included “Shoe Center” at the metro station “Water Stadium”, a shopping complex on Orekhovoy Boulevard and shopping arcades on Gruzinsky Val.

At a meeting of the Moscow government, the objects that will be included in the fourth wave of demolition of unauthorized buildings were named, the press service of the capital's State Real Estate Inspectorate reports.
54 objects with an area of ​​more than 19 thousand square meters will be demolished. Shopping malls and public catering establishments were classified as squatter buildings. The largest object of the fourth wave of demolition will be “Shoe Center” with an area of ​​more than 3,500 square meters on Kronstadt Boulevard near the metro “Water Stadium”.
The building of a shopping complex on Orekhovoy Boulevard with an area of ​​2,900 square meters was classified as illegally erected objects. Another giant with an area of ​​more than 2.5 thousand square meters is the shopping arcades located along Gruzinsky Val Street, as well as “ StroyTsentr ” in Dukhovsky Lane with an area of ​​about 800 square meters.
After dismantling the unauthorized construction, the vacant spaces will be improved. Flowerbeds will be planted here, green spaces will be planted, benches will be installed, and roads will be renovated.
The owner of an unauthorized construction has the right to make a decision and dismantle the object on his own within the time limits established for voluntary dismantling of objects, and also ask for help from the city.
For the voluntary demolition of an object recognized as unauthorized construction, entrepreneurs receive compensation from the authorities in the amount of 55 thousand rubles per square meter of demolished property. If the owner cannot cope on his own and asks the prefecture to help demolish the building, compensation is 51 thousand rubles per square.
If the owners do not dismantle the buildings, the city authorities will forcibly demolish them.

The Moscow authorities included 54 more objects in the list of especially dangerous unauthorized construction, which will be demolished as part of the “fourth wave.” This was reported by the press service of the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate in the capital.

The press service clarified that the list included multi-purpose facilities for various purposes, including shopping malls and catering establishments. The largest number of facilities to be dismantled are located in the North-Eastern district - 14, Southern - 8, and in the South-Western, Northern and South-Eastern administrative districts - 7 each.

The list of objects for demolition as part of the “fourth wave” included the Shoe Center at 5 Kronstadsky Boulevard, building 1 in the technical zone of the metro “Water Stadium”, building of the universal shopping complex on Orekhovoy Boulevard, ow. 24, bldg. 1, shopping arcades located on Gruzinsky Val Street and StroyTsentr Street in Dukhovsky Lane.

Let us note that now entrepreneurs receive compensation for voluntary demolition of a dangerous object. . . . . .

Let us recall that the third list included 43 unauthorized construction sites located in all administrative districts of the city of Moscow, with the exception of Zelenogradsky, Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts.

The list includes 54 objects, including shopping malls and catering establishments.

At a meeting of the government presidium, Moscow authorities updated the list of unauthorized construction projects that will be demolished as part of the fourth wave. This was reported by the press service of the state real estate inspectorate.

“The fourth list of especially dangerous unauthorized construction sites includes 54 objects with a total area of ​​19.3 thousand square meters. These are multi-purpose objects for various purposes, including shopping malls and public catering establishments. . . . . .

Such large objects will be demolished as “Shoe Center” on Kronstadsky Boulevard, 5, bldg. . . . . .

The second hundred: what you need to know about the fight against self-construction in Moscow

Demolition of unauthorized retail facilities in Moscow. Dossier

The capital has prepared another list of objects “ self-construction” to be demolished. The list includes 54 objects with a total area of ​​about 20 thousand square meters in the North-Eastern, Southern, South-Western, Northern and South-Eastern administrative districts, reports the State Real Estate Inspectorate.
This will be the fourth wave of demolition.” self-construction”. The owners dismantled most of the objects from the previous list voluntarily, the rest were forcibly demolished on December 5th. In the new list, the largest objects were the shoe center “ Perseus" on Kronstadsky Boulevard near the metro station “Water Stadium”, a universal shopping complex on Orekhovoy Boulevard, possession 24, building 1, shopping arcades on Gruzinsky Val and Danilovsky construction center in Dukhovsky Lane in the area “ Tula".
. . . . . The demolition procedure does not change: within a week, owners will receive notice of dismantling. Compensation is paid for voluntary demolition. Forced demolition will begin no earlier than two months after the publication of the official decree.
The mayor’s office invariably assures that the owners of the demolished “ self-construction” They can easily find a new place in shopping centers, especially since many new shopping centers have a shortage of tenants. The businessmen themselves claim that this is a fundamentally different type of trade than street retail. In addition, the compensation paid is not enough to rent new premises. As a result, for many, dismantling the tents means the complete collapse of the business. “squares”


. . . . .

Among the largest objects is the Shoe Center on Kronstadsky Boulevard, building 5, building 1, which is located in the metro technical zone “Water Stadium” with an area of ​​more than 3.5 thousand “ squares", the building of the universal shopping complex on Orekhovoy Boulevard, possession 24, building 1, with an area of ​​2.9 thousand square meters, shopping arcades on Gruzinsky Val Street for 2.5 thousand “ squares", Construction Center in Dukhovsky Lane and others.

. . . . .

In December 2015, the Moscow government adopted a procedure for dismantling unauthorized construction and approved a list of 104 structures to be demolished. They were dismantled in February. The second list of unauthorized construction projects was published on June 28. The second wave of demolitions took place in Moscow on August 29. Earlier, the authorities completed the demolition of unauthorized buildings from the third list. It included 43 objects with a total area of ​​26.7 thousand square meters, located in all districts of Moscow, with the exception of Zelenograd, Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts. More than 90% of the objects were demolished voluntarily by their owners.

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Amazing news! The Vodny Stadium metro area will be improved. Either the appearance of large retail outlets had an impact, or they simply decided to create a marafe for the elections, but an investor was found for the development of the industrial zone and the long-term construction 20 meters from the subway lobby will be brought into human form. But the devil is in the details. And there are a lot of details there.

This is what the reconstruction project looks like in its current form, proposed for public hearings:

Several colored fields on the left side immediately catch your eye. But that's not the main thing. The main thing is in the right and upper, “gray” part of the map. Firstly, this is the expansion of the roadway of Pulkovskaya Street close to the houses. The distance from the wall of the house to the curb will be a little more than a meter. Secondly, pay attention to the expansion of Avangardnaya Street.

It is clear that all the greenery along Pulkovskaya and Avangardnaya will be destroyed. And not only the trees along the roadway, but also the front gardens adjacent directly to the planned construction site. It is stupid to discuss environmental damage. Any construction site is first of all dirt, chainsaws, noise and debris, and only then the road. The question is what this new, expanded street will bring to the area and its residents.

Let's talk separately about Avangardnaya Street. This is a local highway connecting the Golovinsky district (its eastern part) and the Khovrino district with the rest of Moscow. The northern end of Avangardnaya abuts the exit to Flotskaya, and the southern end is a roundabout with Golovinskoe Highway. The expansion of Avangardnaya to the intersection with Kronstadt Boulevard is pointless without expansion along the entire length, right up to Golovinskoe Highway. BUT! Due to the recently built shopping complex and residential area, widening the street there is not possible. That is, the project involves the construction of a bottleneck on Avangardnaya Street. The consequence of which will be the flow of cars moving to Kronstadt Boulevard, to the area of ​​the transfer hub near the Vodny Stadion metro station, which is already organized disgustingly and is constantly overloaded.

Further, the same plan includes the demolition of the retail space at the Vodnoy market. Quite recently landscaped, including at the expense of the entrepreneurs working on it. This market has existed since the early nineties and is a common shopping place for residents of all nearby houses.

Today, near the metro, a woman approached me, persuading me to sign a paper in support of this project “with reservations” regarding more construction of hospitals and kindergartens on the developed territory. The woman herself was clearly deceived by someone and does not understand that she is helping to push through public hearings a project that is destroying the infrastructure of the area and reducing its accessibility. Don't see yourself for handouts! The proposed project is, at the very least, ill-conceived and there cannot be any reservations about it. It should not be implemented.