Mysteries of the planet: places of power in Crimea (map, photos and descriptions). Mystical Crimea: places of power The most mysterious places of Crimea

As part of the Russian Federation, more and more tourists are trying to visit the peninsula. Warm sea, sandy beaches, famous estates and palaces - all this leaves a lasting impression in the memory. What else can you visit in Crimea besides the listed places? For lovers of mystical phenomena, extraordinary natural complexes, we can offer to visit the most mysterious places of Crimea. The mystical places of Crimea do not like loud voices, laughter and noise. To visit such places, you need an inner mood, calmness and tranquility. Local spirits dislike annoyed or angry visitors.

What unusual places in Crimea can you visit to satisfy your imagination? In the southeast of the peninsula, there is perhaps one of the most famous amazing places. This is Cape Meganom ("big house" - Greek). The bare cliffs and the lack of vegetation on the cape make it mysterious. They say that UFOs often visit here, and ghosts do not leave the cape alone. Here you can hear the voice of a lamb bleating on the edge of a cliff, see a boy calling for him into the depths of the sea. And if you look down, you can see burnt yellow rings on the grass. They either glow at night or dim. But then they are again saturated with light, and then people go to them for energy and strength. It is believed that it is from here that you can go on a journey to parallel worlds.

And in the south of the Bakhchisarai region, a whole cave city, Mangup, has been preserved in the mountains. It can also be brought to the most mysterious places of Crimea. The city was built in the 3rd century AD, and people lived here until the 15th century. Powerful energy is still present over the ruins of the city, glowing neon balls appear. Mangup also has his own legend. In 1475 the Turks invaded the city and destroyed it. Many people died then, and one boy managed to escape in the most extraordinary way. When the Turks wanted to grab the boy, he found himself on the very edge of the abyss. And the rocks opened and swallowed the child. Since then, on quiet moonlit nights, many see the ghostly figure of a boy and hear the inviting cry of a child looking for parents. They say that you cannot hold your gaze on a lonely figure for a long time, otherwise it will drag this image along with you into the depths of the sea. These are the places of power in Crimea.

And also, if you want to visit the most mysterious places of Crimea, you should definitely see an unusual stone flower on the Ilyas-Kaya mountain. Stones laid in an unusual way receive the first ray of sunlight into their heart - the center of the “flower”. It is very important to find this center stone, stand on it and make a wish. It will definitely come true in the very near future.

Interesting places in Crimea and places of power are Skelsky menhirs. These are ancient vertical boulders from 1.2 to 2.8 m high. The energy can be felt immediately after touching. You will feel a slight tingling sensation and warmth in your fingertips. These stones will transform your energy into positive energy. Another powerful place of power in Crimea is Mount Karadag. This is a dormant volcano. The compass needle behaves unpredictably here, and people live here or come every year to recharge their energy. Do you remember the fabulous firebird? So this is about the town of Kizil-Koba (Red Cave). Four times a year, when the seasons change, a bright glowing cloud appears here in the shape of a fairy-tale bird. And water procedures in the Su-Uchkhan waterfall. located nearby, help to maintain strength and eternal youth.

And, finally, the title "the most mysterious places of Crimea" is borne by dolmens on the Koshka town - a kind of portals to other worlds and Mount Demerdzhi. On its slopes, a person is lost in time. They say that this is where energy flows intersect and bizarre rocks paint eerie pictures that frighten the imagination.

There are many more wonderful places in Crimea. Come, find your place where you can replenish your inner energy and find peace and tranquility. Rest

Crimea, a favorite vacation spot for tourists from all over the post-Soviet space. Every year people from all over the CIS and even the world come to this beautiful land. Unique festivals, state events and all this here in Crimea. And how nice, after a sultry and hot summer, on a winter evening to go to a restaurant of Crimean cuisine in Kiev, on the Independence Square and drink Crimean herbal tea and looking at a large map of Crimea to remember your tourist routes.

And how many legends are there about the Crimean land? Indeed, there are quite a few anomalous zones and mysterious places on this earth. Of course, it is necessary to separate real information and false information all the time. Unfortunately, along with true information, there are a lot of ridiculous hoaxes that spoil the whole picture of the unidentified and only push the average person away from the truth.

A well-known ufologist, researcher of the unidentified and anomalous from the city of Simferopol, Anton Anfalov, deals with the anomalies of the Crimea. He told about some interesting and unusual anomalous places in the Crimea.

Let's start with the city of Simferopol. Why from this city? Because the entire main flow of transport from Ukraine and Russia begins in this city. Arriving in Simferopol, tourists go further: to Yalta, Alupka and other resorts of the peninsula. So! Under the city of Simferopol there is a whole network of underground tunnels and communications of ancient origin.

The researcher notes some of the entrances that have now been blown up, filled up, closed:

  1. The Vernaya cave near the village of Dubki was blown up long ago. Erased from all cards!
  2. Snake Cave near the village of Levadki, 3rd floor - filled up! Serpentoid Serpent Cave.
  3. Cave in Petrovsky rocks, st. Vorovskogo, Simferopol - part is used as an underground shelter of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the rest is blown up and filled up!
  4. Entrance at the Lugovskoy hospital, st. Meadow drift - tunnel. The entrance is closed.
  5. Under the old cemetery at st. Titova - fenced off from all sides!
  6. Near the street 51st Army - a heat anomaly on the ground!

There are bases not only under the mountains of the Crimea, but also under the flat, steppe part.

Anton says that he knows at least two of these:

  • North of the village of Kotelnikovo (Krasnogvardeisky District, near the North Crimean Canal); witness - Zdorov VA, saw a lot of things there when he worked as a watchman;
  • Near the village of Sary-Bash (north-east of the village of Susanino), under the Tana-Bash upland. A long tunnel goes there, partly at the base of the fault, from the Simferopol region. Further, the tunnel goes to the Melitopol region - Kamennaya grave, with a branch under the Genichesk region "

He also mentions the Kara-Dag complex in the Eastern Crimea, which is located in the body of an ancient volcano. The main lair of the last representatives of the Serpentoid race. "The form of the complex is a pentagon (pentagonal niches connected by straight tunnels). In the center is a huge vertical shaft-shaft with a diameter of about 80 m (up to 100 m), from above it is narrowing. The mouth of the mine is now closed - encapsulated, under the summit of Mount Svyataya. Underwater entrances - through caves, used by sea "Serpents" (snakes are intelligent!). Underwater entrances are protected by infrasonic shielding. Because of this, scuba divers cannot penetrate there.

At the Kara-Dag complex, in the upper part of the mine, there is an intersection of tunnels. On the side at the bottom - a base station on the main tunnel (The tunnel was converted from a fault. They often did this - they equipped the faults for tunnels). T unnel from Kara-Dag depart in the direction of Feodosia and Sudak, there is a direct tunnel between Kara-Dag and Demerdzhi-Chatyr-Dag. Another tunnel leaves in the direction of the Surb-Khach monastery, forks there, the branch goes to Mount Agarmysh and further towards Belogorsk.

The system of ancient serpentoid serpents, race "Great Snake".

The list of the main underground deep man-made objects near the Crimea:

  1. The Temple of the Golden Cradle is the last Arian complex. North of Mount Black, in clastollite. Center of the Crimean Natural Reserve.
  2. Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) is a transshipment recreation center, plus a repair base. In laccolith.
  3. Mount Boyka, the region of the Grand Canyon of Crimea - a plant for the production of thorium and REE. On the basis of the buried Gorno-Crimean volcano. In the body of the volcano (drilled leg and mouth of the volcano).
  4. Cape Aya - a settlement of "Atlanteans" - giants - amphibioids (limited population).
  5. Ai-Petrinskaya yayla, especially the west of the yayla - underground cities, factories, complexes, residential and technical premises. On the basis of the buried Gorno-Crimean volcano. In the body of a volcano.
  6. One of the entrances is the western rocky wall of Mount Lysaya or Chavush-Kaya. Near Trapan-Bair - the so-called. Susaninsky forest.
  7. Under Mount Mogabi - one of the nodes of the system.
  8. Under the ridge Iograf above Yalta - the entrance to the tunnel-junction.
  9. Uch-Kosh gorge above Yalta, northern part - entrance to three tunnels at once, node.
  10. Inside the laccolithic mountains near the city of Alushta-Seraus, Uraga, Chamny-burun, Chamny-dag, Deve-dag, etc. - a network of technical complexes, underground rooms, tunnels, etc.
  11. Inside Mount Kastel (plagiogranite body) near the town of Alushta is an ancient base, a node is the intersection of tunnels. On conservation. The entrance is straight into the trunk branch tunnel.
  12. The cavity under Mount Demerdzhi (north of the "Valley of Ghosts") - in contrast to the half-slope near Kastel, is still actively used. Tunnel crossing node, incl. direct entrance to the main tunnel.
  13. Mount Pakhal-Kaya (Bald Ivan) - a cavity, an entrance (practically not used).
  14. Laccolith near the village. Fishing - entrance, cavity, used.
  15. Mount Chatyr-Dag, Tent-mountain, a large underground cavity-lake, a system of underground lakes, a large node - the intersection of tunnels, the base is in use.
  16. Paleovolcanoes Lozovskaya, Petropavlovskiy and others - near Simferopol. Used. The node of the underground system of dwarf Reptilians-Amaargi.
  17. The Bodrak paleovolcano, near the villages of Prokhladnoe (Mangush) and Trudolyubovka - a node of the underground system of the same Reptilians - is used.
  18. In plagiogranites and diorites south of the partisan reservoir - a node of the underground system of the same Reptilians - is used. Tee - the tunnels run in three directions.

There are legends about underground hum and vibrations from underground in Crimea.

Specifically, this was observed and is observed, according to A. Anfalov, in various places of the Crimea - where the underground objects of our web are located, namely, a low-frequency, clearly man-made, constant underground hum (although it is periodically heard, not constantly, but time from time to time) at the following points:

  • Mount-base Ayu-Dag (bear) - drowned out by the noise of the sea-surf; and also on the stones near Pushkin's grotto in Gurzuf (vibration was felt); in Partenit - the shaking of the railings at the embankment, all these are signs of the technogenic activity of the Ayu-Dag complex;
  • Boyka Mountain;
  • Uch-Kosh gorge above Yalta (low-frequency vibration, felt by the body);
  • Iograf ridge over Yalta (+ glow);
  • The village of Khadzhi-Sala near Mangup, a valley at the bottom of Mount Mangup - the vibration of the earth is periodic, the water in the bottle was shaking, it could not calm down even in a state of complete rest);
  • Lozovskoy paleovolcano near Simferopol, plus the Petropavlovsk volcano - two different people (V.A.Zdorov and Viktor (also Viktor) Sikilinda) described hum and vibration. The hum, as from a subway tunnel. Almost constant hum. It was active until about 2001-2002. Zdorov assures that the hum is periodically still felt there.
  • Village-pos. Pink at Chatyr-Dag - hum, etc.

In total, it is buzzing, at least in 13 places, because under the Crimea - now there are 13 main power crystals in underground rooms, when an energy force field such as Merkaba is turned on - it resonates through the rocks. Earlier there were more crystals, in a number of places they were dismantled. The ufologist reports that under the Crimea, there is a very large and highly branched underground system, similar to a spider web. Part of the ancient World Tree project.

The "Drevo" itself is an ancient, now backfilled, deep-seated intake mine abeam the Caucasian coast of the Russian Federation. From there there are a lot of tunnels with water.

The main underground bases near the Crimea - there are 3 of them:

  1. Temple of the "Golden Cradle" (encapsulated) bio-energy-resonant healing complex of the Hyperboreans (Arian-Rus), in the clastollite north of the Black Mountain. Crimean nature reserve (in the center of the reserve).
  2. Ayu-Dag (Bear Mountain) - transshipment and repair base, UFO station, in laccolith.
  3. Mount Boyka (on the basis of the buried Gorno-Crimean volcano) is an underground plant for the production of thorium (UFO nuclear fuel) and REE - rare earth elements from monazite sands mined at the bottom of the Azov Sea. A variety of raw materials are imported and pumped there, including fluoride water from under Mount Bytkha (near Sochi) is pumped aboard a UFO, and a deep canal is laid through which water from the Black Sea, rich in hydrogen sulfide, is pumped from a great depth and this hydrogen sulfide is extracted. for the processing of monazite sands (sulfuric acid is made from it, which is needed for the production of thorium).

The canal runs in the Koreiz-Gapsra region under the Mogabi mountain and further under the Boyka mountain. The plant near Boyka was built in the leg of a buried volcano drilled from the inside. Depth - starting from a mark of 300-500 m below sea level, above - a thick cover of limestone, conglomerates, sandstones, etc.

These are three main bases - underground. In addition to these three bases located in a triangle, there are other underground cavities and objects under the Crimea. Crimea is the territory of the Hyperboreans, a piece of Ariana (Oriana) or Boreal Rus. There were earlier 7 sacred islands here: RA, HA, OM, TE, TEO, SI, HEO.

There were about 40 pyramids with different vibrations. Almost none of this remains on the surface now.

Anton Anfalov refutes information about underground pyramids in the truest sense of the word.

Dallee researcher writes about the last object that remained - the underground temple of the "Golden Cradle". It is located in the clastollite north of Mount Chernaya in the Crimean Nature Reserve, where it is simply not allowed to enter (and even more so, you cannot penetrate underground), the depth is just below sea level, and there is a limestone cover on top.

All entrances to the Temple were closed after its desecration and destruction about 3000 years ago. All moves are now encapsulated. The object is techno-magically protected, encapsulated. The last techno-magical heritage of Ariana (Hyperborea) in the Crimea. Silver springs of healing water, of which there are several in the area, are connected with this Temple.

Also, Crimea is the territory of reptilians, who, as you know, live underground (undersized Amaargi are purely terrestrial reptiles, also serpentoids of various species). There used to be more serpentoids, they were cleaned up, they all hid underground, but sometimes they swim out to hunt dolphins, etc.

Anton Anfalov provided information about the anomalous zones of Crimea. Researcher of anomalous phenomena Simferopol.

In Crimea, it is difficult to find something more captivating than beaches, sea and mountains. There are places on the peninsula that are worth visiting for every vacationer: Vorontsov and Livadia palaces, Bakhchisarai and Ai-Petri. The list of attractions is endless. What about mysticism? On July 31, Komsomolskaya Pravda published a rating of the most mystical places of Crimea.

Meganom: Odysseus's journey to the kingdom of Hades

Cape Meganom is located between Sudak and Koktebel. People don't live here - they don't dare. Here UFOs go astray, time stops, and ghosts roam. As soon as civilization is hidden behind the first ridge of the cape, it seems as if you are in prehistoric times. Tourists often see the ghost of a boy on the rocks, who calls for him into the black waters of the sea. It's dangerous here! The ambulance picks up careless tourists from the "goat" of the mountain trail with broken arms and legs. Often people say: fell off a cliff, because it seemed a ghost ...

Bear mountain and magic tree

Many legends and past are associated with the peak, which hangs over the village of Partenit and the famous camp "Artek". Some believe that Ayu-Dag - the second name of the mountain - is a giant bear turned into stone. He wandered around Crimea for a long time, left potholes in the ground, which have now turned into valleys, crushed mountains and scattered stones. The bear did not like anything, but one day he stumbled upon a beautiful coast.

The giant liked it so much that he decided to settle in this place. After a long journey, the bear was tormented by thirst. Leaning towards the sea, he began to greedily drink the water, so much so that he angered the sea god, who turned the bear into stone. The legend is beautiful, but still looks like a romantic fairy tale.

And also, according to legend, somewhere on the back of the "bear" a magic tree grows. But, since no one has yet found it, what properties it has, no one knows.

Our Stonehenge

In the village of Rodnikovo, not far from Balaklava, there are mystical menhirs - huge stones. Who, why and when put them - a mystery shrouded in darkness. Scientists call them a monument of megalithic culture, and our tourists call them “Crimean Stonehenge”, but the studies of dowsers have shown that the menhirs are as if entwined with an energy ribbon extending into the sky.

Unsurprisingly, some consider the gabled boulders to be the same age as the Egyptian pyramids. Local historians of Sevastopol argue that under the place where the stones stand, two mysterious energy loops intersect, which create these energy "swirls".

The strangest thing is that the stones do not heat up even in the most intense heat. Animals often come to menhirs, but the locals say that they do not stay there for a long time, and people have noticed that foxes and hares begin to behave strangely near these blocks.

Alimova Balka - a place of secret power

On the outskirts of the village of Bashtanovka, near Bakhchisarai, there is Alimova Balka - a favorite place for esotericists, shamans and spiritual practitioners. They say it is endowed with powerful energy. The rock carvings found by archaeologists, which are more than four thousand years old, indicate that it was in this place that some of the first settlers in the Crimea lived.

According to the stories of local residents, the spirit of Alim lives in the caves. Therefore, only a person with a pure heart and a strong spirit is able to calmly walk through the gorge.

Yeni-Sala - caves of bloodthirsty gods

The Yeni-Sala cave system is located in the village of Perevalnoye, near Simferopol. It was opened by chance and relatively recently, in 1965, two schoolchildren. If it is quite problematic to descend into two of them, then the third is accessible for visiting without climbing equipment.

It turned out that the ancient Taurus used it for sacrifices to their bloodthirsty gods. And although archaeologists and biologists have not found human bones here, but only animal bones, many tourists claim to have seen ghosts in the cave.

Old stones will tell us myths
How the Taurus lived here and the Scythians ruled.

Why go to Crimea? There are many options:

    for example, improve your health;

    enjoy the mountains;

    relax by the sea;

    lie on the beach with a glass of wine;

    spend time at the disco;

    and so on and so forth.

However, in addition to the usual tourism, there is another option for recreation. Rest, let's say, spiritual, to some extent. We are now talking about esoteric tourism, or simply - esotericism.

Fans of this type of tourism prefer thrills, secret paths, mysterious stories and mystical experiences. And the Crimea can fully satisfy any adventurer: there are dozens of corners on the peninsula, which, according to mystics, store ancient secret knowledge.

In this article we will list the places of power in Crimea, the list turned out to be long, but these are far from all the amazing and exciting parts of the peninsula, only some of the most famous, for example:

  1. Valley of ghosts
  2. Temples of the Moon and the Sun,
  3. Ai-Petri.

We will also show these places of power on the map.

Crimea: places of power

In the Crimean places of power, you can recharge, clean the chakras and, in general, be inspired. In general, esotericists subdivide places of power into several categories:

  1. energetic - where you can put your physical strength in order and get energized;
  2. astral - there they "sort out" thoughts and clear the mind;
  3. spiritual - usually these are places of worship, ruins of temples, remnants of ancient settlements, places where uplift and enlightenment are most felt.

The Crimean mountains are a special place, they hold many secrets. One of the main attractions of the peninsula is the Ak-kaya rock, the name is translated as "white rock".

This place is familiar to many:

    climbers - only the most daring of them dare to conquer the White Rock);

    archaeologists - several dozen sites of ancient people, bones of extinct animals and much more were discovered at this place;

    esotericists - many legends are associated with this place, and it is considered one of the most famous places of power in Crimea.

This mountain is remarkable and popular with ufologists, primarily because it looks like a flying saucer. And esotericists believe that at its top are the Temple of the Moon and the Lunar portal.

One of the most mysterious places in Crimea: those who have seen the menhirs of the Temple of the Sun will never forget them. Again, this corner of the peninsula is considered a Holy Place for some, a place of power for others, a thread for communication with the Universe for others, and a gateway to the other world for others.

The Temple of the Sun in Crimea was created by nature between 160-130 million years ago. This is a long time, but not everyone believes that these rock formations are a creation of nature, there are adherents of the theory that the stones were exhibited there with meaning by representatives of ancient civilizations.

The place is covered with many legends and is definitely worth a visit.

Translated from the Turkic "tekie" means "house, dwelling", that is, Tekie dervishes are the dwelling of dervishes. A dervish is a beggar or a poor man. But in this case it is necessary to consider the religious context, dervishes are very revered among Muslims, like ascetic monks among Christians.

The most picturesque and famous place in Crimea is the Valley of Ghosts. This is a misty valley filled with stone sculptures that look like various animals, birds, people, and mysterious idols. According to legend, they come to life at dusk.


Today we decided to tell you about several anomalous places in Crimea. Let's start at Cape Meganom. It is located between Feodosia and Sudak in the southeastern part of the peninsula.

Megan can be safely called the most mysterious place in Crimea. And UFOs land here, leaving orange rings on the scorched grass, and shamans, together with psychics, converge for meditation and occult rituals, and ghosts are found.

“Meganom” in Greek means “huge house”. Both the mountain and the cape are associated with this name, although, in essence, it is a kind of mountainous “peninsula on a peninsula” with several capes, valleys and a marvelous variety of coastal landscapes. The peninsula is located between Sudak and Koktebel. His lighthouse, which closes the system of local bays from the east, is clearly visible even from Novy Svet in clear weather, and he himself is from Yalta.

To the west of Mount Meganom is Mount Alchak, and from the north it is bounded by the Tokluk-Syrt ridge. Its mountainous eastern part juts out into the sea. Crimeans call this corner of the peninsula “local Tunisia”, and for good reason: Meganom is the warmest and sunniest place in Crimea, and also one of the driest - precipitation is very rare here. The slopes are practically devoid of vegetation and therefore quickly erode. The surface of the peninsula is in some places badlands or "bad lands". Badland - a bad land - consists of hills with rugged ravines, which are formed as a result of erosion of clay rocks by rain and wind. It is extremely difficult to move on such a surface. The sea is clean, the beaches are pretty deserted. Various types of fish, crabs, rapanas, mussels are found in abundance in the water.

Several bays are located near the high steep slopes of Meganom. One of them - Gravernaya - is a favorite place for scuba divers. There is a real miracle of nature there, the so-called. elevator shaft. It is a vertical hole in a huge boulder that starts at a depth of about seven meters and continues down eight meters. At the lowest point, there are three moves from it, allowing you to swim out of this mine. Nearby is the “graveyard” of anchors. Such an abundance of anchors of various designs and types cannot be found even in museums.

Scuba divers also say that in these places, right under the water, they more than once observed the tracks from the wheels of hellish cars. By the way, there used to be a top secret military facility here. Due to this special secrecy, the cape was closed to the public for a long time. He was not even allowed to be photographed. However, now the entrance is free, there are no secrets and secrets, although there are still riddles.

So, no one has ever lived on the cape from time immemorial. The ancient Greeks believed that the river Styx flows there, through which the old man Charon transported the souls of the dead to Hades - the kingdom of the dead. In other words, Meganom is nothing more than the entrance to the realm of the dead. Now the river has a Tatar name, and it is no more than ten meters wide. Judging by the size of the gorge, it used to be much wider.

Cape Meganom is famous for its mysterious power "rings" - yellowish ring-shaped stripes about half a meter wide, clearly visible in the grass from a bird's eye view. When the rings fade (and they do it periodically), people and animals around them feel very unwell. But when the rings become light again (by the way, their glow persists for a long time, even at night), then you can be near them without any unpleasant sensations. These rings have long attracted the attention of scientists, but they still cannot figure out their nature, although it was possible to find out that there is no radioactive background in the rings, but there is a magnetic anomaly.

In the opinion of ufologists, these signs indicate the residual effect of cold plasma on the earth here. And this could provoke a visit to this place by unidentified flying objects. They also claim that the engines of these UFOs use the internal energy of cold plasma, which they generate from crystals of local volcanic rock. It is no coincidence that the extinct volcano Karadag is located almost nearby. By the way, due to the frequent appearance of orange rings (despite the huge number of stories, no one has photographed them so far) this place was called “the valley of oranges”. “Oranges” appear mainly in winter and, as a rule, over the former military unit. Locals believe that they do not appear here by chance.

They say that in 1960, the military tested a nuclear bomb under water near Meganom and thus, again, according to the assumptions of ufologists-contactees, angered the higher powers. In fact, the military has always had a tense relationship with UFOs. As reported on the website of ufologists, one of the plates was shot down just over Megan. They found only a fragment. It consisted of an allegedly unknown metal, in which cold thermonuclear fusion took place in front of astonished eyewitnesses. The fragment was immediately taken away by the KGB. However, according to the site, some, after contact with an outlandish object, began to treat people with touch.

Locals also mention the mystical legend of a bleating lamb, which can be seen on the edge of a steep slope. There is a belief that if you catch this lamb, sacrifice it and sit on the ground on its skin, then the body becomes weightless and grace is poured on it from above. Such a person, after long-term purification practices, can become a skilled healer. By the way, there is complete order with the healers in the vicinity. There are more and more of them now, thanks to places like Meganom. They come here at any time of the year - to gain magical powers and soak up the healing energy emanating from the "orange rings".

There was a funny incident a couple of years ago. That year, yoga practitioners from Zaporozhye arrived in Crimea. Stopped at Cape Meganom to meditate. And trouble happened to them. During another meditation session, a six-year-old son disappeared from one of the women. Everybody sounded the alarm, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations rushed in search of the child. They lasted for two days. A boat cruised constantly along the coast. They combed the area with a chain, but the boy was nowhere to be found. The work was complicated by the pouring rain.

Closer to lunchtime (the second day of the search was ending), a patrol boat reported that they were seeing a woman with a little boy through binoculars. It turned out that the kid, meandering along mountainous paths, went out to a strange tent camp, where he was sheltered. But this is not the most interesting thing in this story. While the Emergencies Ministry was knocked down, everyone went crazy and looked for the baby, the mother was absolutely calm and ... continued to meditate. Then she said that she was not worried at all - a voice from Space suggested to her that the child was alive and everything was fine with him.

There are many legends about Cape Meganom among local residents since ancient times. We have already mentioned one - the ancient Greek one, which tells about the Styx River. Another legend says that Odysseus met Cyclops on Meganom and through the underground caves of Karadag, which are visible at low tide, entered the kingdom of Hades.

The local population also retells the story of the ghost of a boy who lures people into the sea. Such visions, according to local residents, are deadly. Another vision is also told. Many especially impressionable tourists, visiting this cape, say that they see a certain ghost ship wandering alone along the sea surface. Although ghosts are indeed found here, and many see them. This is explained by the same ancient Greek myth about the kingdom of Hades: where can ghosts dwell if not at the entrance to the Kingdom of the dead?

Despite the rather gloomy legends telling about the mysterious and not always safe phenomena that happened at this place, the Meganom Peninsula in Crimea is very popular among tourists, many tourists tend to visit it.

Meganom abnormal places in Crimea are not limited. There is a mysterious mountain Demerdzhi on the peninsula. This mountain, more precisely, its slopes, is a unique pile of rocks, which are usually called blocky chaos. The shape and size of the boulders are so bizarre that one can guess figures and portraits created by nature in them. Giving long shadows, these mostly finger-shaped figures change their outlines, and in them you can, if you wish, see more and more new images, therefore the valley is called the Valley of Ghosts. Here you can recognize a frog, a warrior's head, and even a portrait of Yeltsin.

The most famous legend tells of a blacksmith who lived on the mountain. He forged weapons here and was so aggressive and unkind that in his free time he terrorized a village located in the valley. Once a blacksmith captured a girl from this village. The girl tried to run away, but tripped over a stone, fell and died. The spirit of the mountain became angry, and huge boulders fell from the mountain, destroying the forge, the blacksmith, and the village.

These boulders still lie in the valley, and when you imagine how they rolled down the slopes, they just get goosebumps. In this place, people prone to extrasensory abilities greatly exacerbate their phenomenal skills, and hallucinations also appear. However, even such a name and dashing fame do not scare away tourists from the unique "valley", but on the contrary - they only attract. However, it is worth noting that there are not so many safe hiking trails there. By the way, it was here that some episodes from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" were filmed.

"Nut Nikulin" - this is one of the famous trees of the Crimea, which has a proper name. A scene of a fall from a tree was filmed near him. The branch was sawed down accordingly, the place of the fall was prepared ... But the branch broke in a completely different place, and during the fall, Yuri Vladimirovich broke his arm. The film had to take a long break. Local residents said that the spirit of the mountain was angry and took revenge on the people who disturbed its peace.

Another anomalous place is the cave city of Mangup. Remains of walls, steps and graves carved into the stone - everything reminds of the people who lived in these dungeons until the middle of the 15th century. A couple of years ago, a real Tibetan lama wandered into the ancient city with his disciples, who assured that he had never heard of Mangup, but simply walked to a powerful energy source.

The vicinity of Mangup is famous for the fact that locals often see the so-called. "Cold lightning": luminous ball-shaped objects in a delicate neon color with a pronounced internal structure. The balls appear and hang in the air at a height of up to one and a half meters. Some tried to contact them, but they did not react and did not hang in the air for a long time - from 3 to 15 minutes. Then they just disappeared.

Balls do neither harm nor good to man. Moscow researchers tried to study in detail the phenomenon of “cold lightning”. It turned out that the balls are equally indifferent to sleeping bags and canned food laid out from backpacks. They are not afraid of crosses, gravestones, prayers, or spitting over their shoulders. But people are clearly not indifferent to people, especially in moments when they are overwhelmed by some emotions: delight, joy, fear ... The conclusion can be made as follows: they feed on emotions. But one person is still not enough, so the larger the company, the more emotional it is, the more attractive it is for “cold lightning”.