Trading house in Shenyang, China. Shenyang is a major city in Northern China

One of the largest waterfalls in China and East Asia. Its height is 78 meters and its length is 101 meters. The waterfall is often called the Earth's Milky Way.

Huangoshu is located on the territory of the natural park of the same name. There are also 18 more waterfalls of different sizes. Together with Huangoshu, they form the largest group of waterfalls in the world and are listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Huangoshu has one unusual property: it is the only waterfall that can be admired from six different points. You can look at it from below, from above, from the side. Or you can go into the cave, which is located behind the waterfall, and from there listen to its sounds, touch the water and stones.

In the evenings, the water flows are illuminated with colored lights, and the waterfall appears before tourists in a completely different, fabulous form.

Mukden Palace

Mukden Palace is the palace of the very first emperors of the Manchu dynasty of China - Abakhai and Nurhatsi. It began to be built at the direction of Nurhaci in 1625 in Shenyang (Mukden, historically South Manchuria, northeast of Beijing).

The first buildings were more reminiscent of yurts in their architecture. By 1631, the construction of the palace complex, taking into account the buildings of Abakhai, was mostly completed. The result was a combination of elements of Chinese, Manchu and Tibetan architecture.

After capturing Beijing in 1644, the emperor left for the Forbidden City, but continued to visit Mukden every year.

In 1780, this palace complex was enlarged by the Qianlong Emperor and acquired the appearance of a traditional Chinese palace.

In 1900, the palace was captured by the Russian army led by Dean Subbotić, which was sent against the Yihetuan rebels.

In 1955 it became a national museum, and in 2004 it was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

What sights of Shenyang did you like? Next to the photo there are icons, by clicking on which you can rate a particular place.

Shenyang University

Shenyang University is a university in Shenyang in Liaoning Province, in the People's Republic of China. This is a provincial level university. The number of students here is about 30 thousand, and the number of permanent faculty members is a little over a thousand people.

The university includes 21 colleges and ten master's programs. It offers 51 programs for specialization after students graduate from the university. The institution pays great attention to foreign languages, global economics, natural sciences and mechanical engineering.

The university cooperates with foreign partners, including the USA, France, Great Britain, Russia, Canada, Singapore, Japan, Australia, the Republic of Korea and many others. There are about 20 states in total.

The university occupies an area of ​​about 572 thousand square meters, of which 402 thousand are buildings.

Shenyang SHE Airport is located in Liaoning Province, 20 kilometers from Shenyang City. The international airport here serves flights heading to the northern regions of China, Japan and South Korea.

Shenyang is an important point in the transport infrastructure of Northern China, located between two colossal aviation centers - Beijing and Harbin. Transfers and short-distance flights are core priorities for the airport.

The airport uses all its capacity to serve 10 million travelers a year. In the long term, it is planned to build a second runway.

Shenyang Dongling

Shenyang Dongling is the mausoleum (tomb) of Emperor Nurhaqi and his empress. Located in the east of old Shenyang. The Chinese traditionally call it the Eastern Imperial Tomb.

The decision to build it was made in 1629, when there was a reign under the motto "Tiancun". In the very first year of administration under the motto “Chongde” in 1636, the mausoleum began to be called the Fuling Tomb. It was completed as a whole complex of buildings in 1651.

This first mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty combines local features and Manchu styles in its construction style. In total, it was built by 1651 and occupied 54 thousand square meters and 32 buildings. Located opposite Tianzhu Mountain near the Hunhe River and clearly oriented north-south along the Sacred Road. A staircase with 108 steps leads to the chambers.

The mausoleum was officially opened to tourists in 1929, and in 1988 it was included in the list of protected national heritage sites of the People's Republic of China.

Museum "9"18 Incident"

The museum "9.18 incident" is dedicated to the day of September 18, 1931. This day will never be forgotten by the Chinese people, as it was the beginning of the war against the Japanese invaders.

On September 18, 1931, a small amount of dynamite was detonated near a railway station that belonged to Japan. The explosion was very weak and the train passed without problems a few minutes later, but the Japanese blamed Chinese dissidents for this act and responded with an invasion that led to the occupation of Manchuria, in which Japan created its puppet state within six months. The explosion was just a cunning excuse to launch an attack.

The 9.18 Incident Museum is located on the very spot where the explosion occurred. It is a large and very beautiful building, designed to look like an open book. Many of the exhibits feature hundreds of photographs and documents ranging from the year of the invasion right through to war crimes in the 1950s. Other exhibits include examples of Chinese and Japanese firearms, human skeletons discovered in Shenyang, Japanese torture devices, wax figurines and more. Entrance to the museum is free.

Shenyang Olympic Center

Shenyang Olympic Center is a football stadium located in the city of Shenyang and was built specifically for the 2008 Olympics. It is an Olympic site.

Its main purpose is to host football matches. Since 2011, it has been used as the home stadium for games by the Shenyang Dongjin team, which plays in the second most important division in China.

In addition to the football field, the Olympic Center has a tennis court with 4,000 seats and a swimming pool. Geographically located 20 kilometers from Shenyang-Taoxian International Airport.

Xinghai Beach

Xinghai Beach will please even the most spoiled holidaymaker. It is part of the amusement park of the same name and is divided into paid and free zones. The pebble zone, which is free, is located near the park itself, and the sandy zone, for which you will have to pay a small amount, is located next to Xinghai Square.

Xinghai Beach can accommodate up to 30,000 vacationers at a time. Local residents bring small colorful tents with them and set them up right on the beach. Foreign tourists most often sunbathe right on the sand. If you get bored of just enjoying the sun and sea views, you can rent a bike. Don't forget about other types of transport, for example, catamarans, which are popular here. Xinghai Beach will provide you with not only vivid impressions of an exotic and at the same time civilized holiday, but also a beautiful tan. You just have to remember that since this beach is extremely popular, it is best to come here in the morning - unless, of course, you want to spend the whole day by the sea.

Liaoning Provincial Museum

The Liaoning Provincial Museum is a state history and art museum dedicated to the Chinese province of Liaoning, which is located in the city of Shenyang.

These former possessions of Tan Yulin, the military governor of Zhehe, became a national museum in 1935. And in 1938 it was renamed the National Central Museum. During the reign of the Kuomintang, the museum was considered one of the three main museums in the country. After the end of the Civil War, the museum opened to visitors on July 7, 1949, and it received its modern name in 1959.

The museum's collection includes about 57 thousand exhibits from the Paleolithic period. Here you can see paintings, embroidery, copper utensils, ancient maps, lacquerware, coins, furniture and the like.

The museum's opening hours are from Tuesday to Sunday. Free admission.

The most popular attractions in Shenyang with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in Shenyang on our website.

Located 670 km northeast of and 360 km north of. Population – 8,106,171 people (2010).

Archaeological finds show that people lived on the site of modern Shenyang as early as 7,200 years ago. In 1625, Shenyang became the capital of the Manchu Empire. Since 1949, the city has become one of the centers of heavy industry in China.

Today, the city of Shenyang is an important transport and industrial center of northeastern China and occupies a significant economic and military-strategic position.

Shenyang is also the largest shopping center in the region, with numerous shopping districts and streets filled with shopping centers, shops, markets and boutiques to suit every taste and budget.


Shenyang's temperate continental climate is characterized by hot, humid summers (under the influence of monsoons) and dry, cold winters (under the influence of Siberian anticyclones). The seasons are clearly distinguishable.

The average temperature in the summer months is +17...+20 °C, in the winter -12...−16 °C. The bulk of precipitation falls in July and August.

Last changes: 02/10/2012


Shenyang is a major railway center in northeastern China. Travel time between Beijing and Shenyang is about 4 hours with an average train speed of 200 km/h.

Shenyang has two main train stations: Shenyang North Station (built in 1990, replacing the old North Station, which had been in operation since 1927) and Shenyang Station (mainly serving high-speed trains).

Shenyang Taoxian International Airport is located within the city.

The Shenyang Metro opened in 2010. Now there is one line with a length of 27.8 km, 22 stations, running from west to east.

Last changes: 02/10/2012

Sights of Shenyang

or Shenyang Imperial Palace- one of the two completely preserved imperial palace complexes of China and one of the most interesting attractions of the city.

The palace complex is located in the center of the old part of the city in the Shenhe district and has more than 70 buildings. Its main buildings were laid out in 1625 under the founder of the Manchu Empire, Nurhaci, and were completed by his son, Huang Taiji, in 1643.

The Mukden Palace differs from the world-famous Beijing Gugong in that it was created by order of the emperor of the Manchu dynasty. It was this circumstance that played a special role in shaping the architectural and national character of the palace.

After capturing Beijing in 1644, the emperor moved to the Forbidden City, but he and his heirs continued to visit Mukden annually.

In 1780, the palace complex was expanded by the Qianlong Emperor and acquired more of the appearance of a traditional Chinese palace complex.

In 2004, it became one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

or Fuling– Mausoleum of Emperor Taizu Nurhaci and his Empress. Since it is located in the eastern part of old Shenyang, it is traditionally called the Eastern Imperial Tomb (shrine).

The decision to begin construction was made in 1629, in the third year of Emperor Tientsong's reign, the same year Emperor Nurhaci and his empress were buried in the mausoleum.

As the first imperial mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty, Fuling Tomb inherited the construction features of previous Ming Dynasty tombs, and its construction combined Manchu styles and local features.

The construction of most of the architectural complex was completed in 1651.

It was officially opened for tourism in 1929, and in 2007 it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

- the largest park in Shenyang, located in the northern part of the city on an area of ​​3,300,000 m².

The park contains Zhaoling, the tomb of the Qing Emperor Huang Taiji and Empress Xiaoduanwen.

The Bal Tomb was built between 1643 and 1651 and was called Beiling (Northern Tomb) in ancient times.

Mao Zedong's Statue
is the largest statue of Mao Zedong in China. At the base of the statue are images of workers, peasants and soldiers in heroic poses. The square where the statue is located is a popular place among residents and visitors of the city.

– its collection contains a large collection of Chinese traditional art, as well as many written monuments from China's Manchu past, including examples of Khitan writing.

Steam Locomotive Museum
– his collection includes 16 specimens from America, Japan, Russia, Belgium, Poland, Germany, Czechoslovakia and China.

- a museum of the history of Japanese aggression, which was founded in memory of the Mukden incident. The museum looks like a huge open calendar, built on the site where Japanese troops destroyed the South Manchurian Railway, which became the precondition for the invasion of Manchuria.

– The original walls of old Shenyang were destroyed in the 1950s. Recently, some small areas have been restored to give a glimpse of the old city. These sections consist of two gates: Hauiyuanmen and Fujinmen.

Last changes: 02/10/2012

Shenyang Zoo

is a private zoo in Shenyang, founded in 1998 and notorious for the death of many animals, including endangered species such as white tigers, between 2009 and 2010 due to poor care and criminal actions by workers.

In 2000, more than 1,020 animals lived in the park, and by 2010, no more than 518 remained.

It is estimated that since 2000, 40 to 50 rare white tigers, representatives of one of the smallest subspecies of the tiger listed in the Red Book, could have died on the territory of the zoo. Zookeepers are believed to have used tiger bones to create a liqueur that many Chinese believe contains magical healing powers, curing a range of illnesses and increasing libido.

According to journalists, zoo employees took home meat intended for tigers.

The zoo's problems began in 2010, when reports appeared in the press that 11 cats had died on its grounds in the previous few weeks.

It is noteworthy that in November 2009, a tiger, brutalized by hunger, attacked a zoo employee, who was mauled to death. The police were forced to shoot the predator. Even then, the press cited poor animal care as the cause of the tragedy.

Shenyang (沈阳; Shěnyáng), also known as Mukden, is the capital of Liaoning Province in China. General Information As the capital of Liaoning Province and the largest city in northern China, Shenyang has a rich history. Here Nurhaci built his imperial palace and was laid to rest in one of the first two imperial tombs of the Qing Dynasty, the Fuling Tomb. His son is buried in the Zhaoling tomb, the second among the first imperial tombs. The Imperial Palace and both tombs are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In Shenyang, the Russian army was defeated by Japan in 1905, and on September 18, 1931, the Fengtian Incident occurred, which marked the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War, which led to the occupation of all of Northern China by the Japanese army. The city is also famous for being the home of warlord Zhang Zuolin and his son Zhang Xueliang, commanders in the northeast in the 1920s. In the 20th century, Shenyang became a major industrial center. Today the city is rapidly changing, leaving stone buildings behind in history, like all other cities in China. As for hotels, I usually book on booking, and you can compare prices from different sites here. An alternative option is to rent a private apartment; offers can be found in this section of travelask. The administrative division of Shenyang is divided into 9 districts: Heping (和平区; Hépíngqū), Dadong (大东区; Dàdōngqū), Huanggu (皇姑区; Huánggūqū), Shenhe (沈河区; Shěnhéqū), Tiexi(铁西区;tie3xi1qu1 ), Hunnan (浑南新区;hun2nan2xin1qu1), Yuhong (于洪区;yu2hong2qu1), Sujiatun (苏家屯区;su1jia1tun2qu1), Shenbei (沈北新区;shen3bei3xin12qu1).

How to get there

By plane

The city is home to Shenyang Taoxian International Airport (沈阳桃仙国际机场; Shěnyángtáoxiān Guójìjīchǎng; code SHE), as well as several smaller regional airports.

Direct flights to Shenyang are operated from Beijing, Changsha, Chaoyang, Chongqing, Dalian, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Harbin, Hefei, Jinan, Kunming, Lanzhou, Nanjing, Ningbo, Qingdao, Qiqihar, Sanya, Shanghai, Shantou, Shenzhen, Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan, Tianjin, Wenzhou, Wuhan, Xiamen, Xi'an, Xuzhou, Yanji, Yantai, Zahuang, Zhengzhou and Zhuhai.

International flights from Irkutsk and Khabarovsk and other cities are also available. You can navigate the prices of air tickets on numerous aggregator sites, or, for example,. The airport is located 30 kilometers south of the city. By bus you can travel from the airport to the main ticket sales office of China Northern Airlines (at 117 Zhonghua Road; 中华路117号; Zhōnghuálù) and back.

By train

The city has two railway stations, in the north and in the south. North Station receives most long-distance trains, while South Station receives trains from the northeast. It also serves local traffic in the province. Few trains go to both stations, so check which station you need in advance. By bus you can travel from west to east and back for 1 yuan (¥). The bus stop is located near the exit from the station. On the side of the bus you will see a sign in Chinese that says “Shenyang. Railway station West - East." If you understand the hieroglyphs, you can easily find the bus you need.

North Railway Station (North Station) (沈阳北站; Shěnyáng Běizhàn) on 北站路 Street (Běizhànlù), Line 1.

  • - travel time is 8 hours (or 5 hours on the D Train; the journey used to take 4 hours, but traffic was slowed down for safety reasons);
  • Dalian - 6 hours travel (3 - 4 hours by high-speed train);
  • Dandong - 5 hours travel;
  • Guangzhou - 30 - 48 hours travel;
  • Harbin - 7 hours on the road;
  • Jilin - 6 - 9 hours travel;
  • - 27 - 34 hours on the way;
  • Tianjin - 7 hours travel time (or 5 hours by D Train; previously the trip took 4 hours);
  • Qinhuangdao - 5 hours travel time (or 3 hours by D Train).
South Railway Station (South Station) (沈阳火车站; Shěnyáng Huǒchēzhàn) on 胜利北街 Street (Shènglìběijiē), Line 2.

  • Beihai via Suifenhe - 9 hours travel;
  • - 8 - 10 hours on the road;
  • Changchun - 4 hours travel (2 hours by high-speed train);
  • Dalian - 5 hours on the road;
  • Dandong - 4 hours travel;
  • Harbin - 7 hours on the road;
  • Jilin - 7 hours travel;
  • Tianjin - 9 hours on the road;
  • Tonghua - 7 hours on the road;
  • Tumen - 16 hours on the road.

By bus

Long-distance buses depart from two stations.

The main station (Shenyang Qiche Kuaisu Keyun Zhan) is located on Huigong Jie Road and receives buses from major cities. Here you can go by night bus to, catching a bus from North Station.

  • - 8 hours on the road;
  • Changchun - 4 hours travel;
  • Dandong - 3 hours travel;
  • Dalian - 4 hours on the road;
  • Harbin - 7 hours on the road;
  • Jilin - 5 hours travel;
  • Jinzhou - 3 hours on the road.

South Station

Buses line Minzhu Lu Street (opposite the station), around Minzhu Square and on some nearby streets. In most cases, you pay the fare directly to the conductor on the bus, but for the bus to Anshan or Liaoyang, you buy your ticket from the ticket office located in the eastern part of Minzhu Square. Buses from this station travel short distances without leaving Liaoning Province. Departure is usually no later than 18.00. Passengers arriving at this station can be dropped off on nearby streets or near the bus parking area located behind the post office on Zhongshan Jie Road.

  • Anshan - travel time 1 hour 40 minutes;
  • Benxi - travel time 1 hour;
  • Liaoyang - travel time 1 hour;
  • Fushun - travel time 50 minutes.

By car

Shenyang and , approximately 685 kilometers (425 miles) apart, are connected by the major six-lane Jingshen Expressway. Shenyang can also be reached by highway from Jilin and Heilongjiang. The Shenda Expressway, linking Shenyang and Dalian, was the first expressway built in China (its length is 383 kilometers, or 238 miles). It is considered the fastest eight-lane highway connecting one of the largest port cities and Shenyang.


Shenyang - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow − 5

Kazan − 5

Samara − 4

Ekaterinburg − 3

Novosibirsk − 1

Vladivostok 2

When is the season? When is the best time to go

Shenyang's continental climate is formed under the influence of monsoons. Winters in the city are very cold but dry, and temperatures can drop below -20 °C. Summer in Shenyang is hot and humid, with average temperatures around 30°C and sometimes the mercury rises even higher.

Shenyang weather by month


Shenyang weather by month

Main attractions. What to see

Mukden Palace (故宫; Gugong)

Located on Shenyang Rd in Shenhe district (you can get there by bus No. 222 or No. 213 for 1 yuan). Former imperial palace. Built by order of Nurhaci in 1625, inherited by his son Abahai (Huang Taiji). The former imperial residence in Shenyang is one of two buildings belonging to the imperial dynasty that have survived in China. The luxurious palace, built in the traditional Manchu style, where you will find the Dazheng Hall (Hall of High Politics), Pavilion of the Ten Princes, Chongzhen (Golden Chimes), Phoenix Tower and Qingning (Hall of Pure Calm), is still in excellent condition. During the summer, the imperial parade begins on Saturdays at noon. Mukden Palace, along with the palace in Beijing, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The residence was awarded an AAAA rating among the country's attractions. A guidebook in English, which gives detailed descriptions of the exhibits, can be purchased at the ticket office for 25 yuan. This charming palace, after four centuries, has perfectly preserved fine details comparable to the Beijing Palace, such as exquisitely detailed carvings and paintings. In the Chongzheng throne room, you can see detailed scrollwork - even on the pillars surrounded by dragons and on the throne. The architecture of the palace shows the influence of the nomads who participated in its construction in cold Manchuria. In December 2013, the entrance fee was 60 yuan.

Zhaoling (昭陵)

Address: Beiling Jie, Huanggu District (in the center of Beilin Park, 1 kilometer from the “S” entrance to the park). Tomb of the second Qing Dynasty emperor Huang Taiji and his wives. The tomb was built over eight years in the mid-17th century. Currently, the building is “hidden” under scaffolding due to restoration work. This place is a unique combination of traditional Manchu and Chinese architecture. The tomb, along with other imperial tombs of the Ming and Qing dynasties, is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has received an AAAA rating among Chinese attractions. Zhaoling is one of three tombs north of the Great Wall of China. The tomb is located in Beilin Park, surrounded by forests and lakes. From April 1 to October 31, the entrance fee is 60 yuan, at other times - 30 yuan, visiting two additional halls - 20 yuan, entrance to the park - 6 yuan, the price of a full ticket in the off-season is 50 yuan.

Fuling (福陵)

Address: Dongling Rd, Donglin District (buses No. 148 and No. 168 depart from North Station, which will take you to Fuling in 1 hour). Nurhaci, the founder of the Qing dynasty, is buried in this tomb. The tomb was built at the beginning of the 17th century in the traditional Manchu style, evolving into Chinese feng shui. Along with other tombs of the Ming and Qing dynasties, Fuling Tomb is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has received an AAAA rating among Chinese attractions. Fuling is one of three tombs north of the Great Wall of China. To the east of the tomb is Donglin Park. The bus stop is called 东陵公园. The entrance ticket costs 30 yuan.

North, East, South and West Pagodas (北塔 Beita, 南塔 Nanta, 东塔 Dongta, 西塔 Xita)

The West Pagoda is located in the courtyard of a temple in Koreatown, while the others are surrounded by small parks. Built in the 1640s and restored to their original appearance, these four pagodas stand approximately four kilometers north, east, south and west respectively of the imperial palace that dominates the center of the old city. The pagodas are practically the same from each other, but the North and South are in better condition. The entrance is free.

Statue of Mao Zedong (毛泽东塑像)

Address: Zhongshan Sq, Heping District (1.25 km from South Station). The largest statue of Mao Zedong in all of China. The base of the statue is decorated with images of workers, peasants and soldiers in heroic poses. The square, nicknamed "taxi square", is popular among locals. You can view the statue for free.

Liaoning Industrial Exhibition Hall (沈阳铸造博物馆)

Located in the Hunnan region (next to the Olympic Stadium).

City walls at Shenyang Lu

Shenyang's original city walls were destroyed in the 1950s. Some small areas have been restored to give an idea of ​​the old city. These wall remains consist of two gates - Huaiyuanmen and Fujinmen - at either end of Shenyang Lu Street.

Royal Ocean World (皇家极地海洋世界)

Located in Wanhua District (抚顺高湾(沈吉高速抚顺西出口) (Shenfu Highway exit halfway between Shenyang and Fushun. To get there from Fushun, take bus No. 811. Taxi fare is 30 - 40 yuan, negotiable Buses No. 2, which departs from South Station, and No. 3, which departs from North Station, go to Fushun with a stop at the express train, next to the park. Ticket price is 10 yuan), +86 41 3611 8888 or +86 24 8271 1236 (website: [email protected], fax: +86 41 3620 1660 or +86 24 8271 1239). Opened in 2008 and constantly expanding, the aquarium claims to be the largest aquarium in Asia. There are currently four showrooms available. The World Ocean hall shows the diversity of flora and fauna inhabiting both sea and fresh water. The “Century Forest” hall is dedicated to reptiles. In the next room you can watch the Narnia Castle show performed with animals several times a day (starting times vary throughout the year). And finally, Susu world - a playground for children. You can get into each hall using a separate or single ticket.

Museums. Which ones are worth visiting?

Liaoning Provincial Museum (辽宁省博物馆)

Address: 26 Shiwei Rd, Shenhe District (located on the east side of Government Square next to the Liaoning Theater), +86 24 22821903. The museum closes at 16.00. This first-class museum will tell the history of Liaoning from the Stone Age to the Qi Dynasty. Here you can see many relics discovered in China (exhibition on the 3rd floor of the museum). The museum houses a colossal collection of national works of art and calligraphy, and also hosts temporary exhibitions. On holidays there is a queue at the entrance to the museum. On a day off - Monday - admission is free.

Memorial Museum 9.18 (September 18 Museum)

At 10:30 p.m. on September 18, 1931, an explosion occurred on a railroad track near Shenyang. Despite the fact that the incident was provoked, the Japanese army was able to invade and occupy the entire northeast of China. Shenyang turned out to be the epicenter of the invasion, which explains the location of the museum, which is located near where the explosion occurred. As you might expect, the museum shows the Chinese point of view of what happened on September 18, 1931. Museum exhibits depicting all the atrocities of war are not for the faint of heart. Only basic descriptions are available in English, but this is enough to follow the course of events. The photographs and exhibits speak for themselves. Free admission.

Zhang Xueliang's Former Residence Museum (Marshal Zhang's Mansion)

Address: S Shuaifu Ln, Shenhe District (to get to the museum, you need to go south from the imperial palace). During the last years of the Qing Dynasty and the early years of the Republic, this mansion served as the residence of Zhang Zuolin and his son Zhang Xueliang. With the fall of the monarchy, Zhang became a military leader in northeast China, and some time later assumed the post of president of the country.

Steam Locomotive Museum (蒸汽机车博物馆)

Address: 64 Zhonggong Bei Jie, Texi District, +86 24 81270010. The largest steam locomotive museum in China, the collection includes 15 historical locomotive prototypes and three replicas.

Shenyang Aviation Museum (沈飞航空博览园)

Address: Lingdong Jie, Huanggu District (northeast of Beilin Park, next to Beilin Airport), +86 24 86599602. Opening hours: daily from 8.00 to 16.30. The first modern Chinese jet aircraft was assembled at Beilin Airport in the early 1950s. Initially these were copies of Soviet MiG fighters, but later developed his own projects. The emphasis was on American fighters, particularly those that saw service in the Korean War in the 1950s. The museum tells the story of the development of rocket and other technologies in China. Civil aircraft were also produced here, exhibits of which are presented in the museum. The highlight of the excursion is the new passenger aircraft (ACAC ARJ21 Xiangfeng, or "Flying Phoenix"), as well as recent space flights. The museum has been awarded an AAAA rating among Chinese attractions. The entrance ticket price is 25 yuan.

Xinle Relic Culture Museum

In the Huanggu area (to get there, get off at Huanghenan Dajie Station and head to the western part of Beilin Park). On the site of this museum, the remains of a Stone Age village 7 thousand years ago were found. Currently, the museum houses archaeological finds, and the village has been reconstructed. The museum is divided into two sections. The ticket office is located on the north side of the road. From there you will be directed to the opposite side to view the exhibition before visiting the reconstructed part. The exhibits are labeled in Chinese and English, and the museum has been awarded an AAA rating among Chinese attractions. To get to the museum, take Subway Line 2 and get off at Xinle Station. The museum houses a huge collection of local Stone Age rocks. The entrance ticket costs 20 yuan.

The old Longkou Wine Museum (老龙口; laolongkou), on Xiao Dong Lu.

In this small museum near the Laolongkou factory, you can learn the history of Baiju production, which dates back to the 17th century. Among the exhibits are old maps and photographs of the area where the museum is located. As well as equipment for making wine, a collection of vintage bottles, labels and trademarks used by the company. The entrance is free.


Shenyang International Horticultural Exhibition

Located in the Donglin District (18 kilometers east of the North Station, about 5 kilometers east of Donglin Park; buses from the southern station in Fushun City stop at the entrance to the park; bus No. 168 will take you to the park in 5 yuan from Maluwan). One of Shenyang's main tourist attractions, which continues to operate even though the exhibition has officially ended. Here you will find international master gardens reminiscent of Disney World's Epcot Center (compared to the gardens, an amusement park with roller coasters and many other attractions is an incredible place). In addition, the exhibition features gardens from various provinces and cities of China, as well as the most recognizable exhibition, the Lily Tower - a massive structure created in the image of the flower of the same name (for 30 yuan you can take the elevator to look at it from above). This is a magnificent building.) Until 2006, a botanical garden was established here. The exhibition opens in spring and closes in October. Almost all inscriptions are translated into English. The entrance ticket costs 35 yuan.

Tourist streets

Shenjin Ancient Cultural Street (盛京古文化街)

On Shenyang Rd (outside the Imperial Palace). Shenjin - the old name of Shenyang in the 17th century, "jing" means "capital". They tried to restore the street in accordance with the architectural style of those times. However, only the facade remains with relatively modern 20th-century structures inside, aimed at the tourism industry. There is no charge for street inspection.

Food. What to try

Liaoning is considered the birthplace of Liaocai (辽菜), a special cuisine named after the area. Liaocai usually has a strong aroma, the food is generously flavored with garlic, ginger and other mild seasonings. Shenyang is home to many Koreans and Mongolians who make money by selling barbecues on the street. There are many good Korean restaurants in the city. All premium hotels serve Cantonese, Japanese and Western cuisines. In addition, in Shenyang you will find good noodle shops like California Beef Noodle, located on the streets near the train station.

Shenyang is filled with numerous fast food outlets and coffee shops. Imported Western catering restaurants have high prices compared to local cuisine.

  • Lao Bian Jiaozi Restaurant(老边饺子) at 57 Beishichang Jie and Zhong Jie in Shenhe District (next to the Imperial Palace). Opening hours: 10.00 - 20.00. One of the most popular dumpling restaurants, founded in 1829, serving traditional dumplings. You will also find two other restaurants at BangJiang Jie and ChangBai Dao, +86 24 22988988.
  • Cafe "Lido"(at the Sofitel Shenyang Lido Hotel) on Qingnian St. A well-known place among Western food lovers in Shenyang. Here you can try Australian beef, Irish mashed potatoes, Guinness meat pie, fresh fish, salads and the most delicious baked goods in the whole city. On Fridays, the cafe hosts Seafood Night with reduced prices. The average cost of a check is 180 - 200 yuan.
  • "La Bellevue"(at the Sofitel Shenyang Lido Hotel) - an expensive French restaurant.
  • "Il Forno" at QingNian Da Jie (沈阳君悦酒店) (Grand Hyatt Hotel, next to Mix C shopping center). Opening hours: 17.30 - 22.00. The first Italian restaurant in Shenyang, where you can try antipasti, pizza, pasta and steaks from an Italian chef. The cost of dishes is from 100 yuan.

  • Xita Korea Town(西塔街), Tita, on Shifu Da Jie Road (go north from South Station to Taiyuan Jie or catch bus No. 249, 611, 255 or 252). A food court located in the Western Pagoda (Xita) area, named after the large number of Koreans living in the area.

Things to do

Happy Family Shopping Center (兴隆大家庭; xīng lóng dà jiā ting) has an indoor ice skating rink where you can rent skates and take advantage of the offer to learn the basics of skating. There are two Happy Family shopping centers in Shenyang - in the Tiexi area and in Zhongjie. In addition to the ice rink, the latter has a roller skating rink.

Shopping and shops

Shenyang is divided into three shopping areas.

  • The Zhong Jie area is home to electronics stores and fashion boutiques. Supermarkets and department stores are located north of Zhong Jie in the North Station area.

  • The second district - Taiyuan Jie - is located near the South Station. Here you will find a bookshop with literature in English and the main post office, as well as grocery markets, clothing and electronics stores. It is recommended to visit the shopping center located underground, where you will find the most popular shops in China.
  • And finally, Beishichang, located near the North Station, is one of the oldest shopping areas in Shenyang. Here is the Lama Temple (Huang Shi, founded in 1636), revered by all the Emperors of Manchuria during their trips to Shenyang.
  • Wai Market is the largest market in northeast China; its traffic capacity is 300,000 people per day and its annual turnover is more than 2 billion yuan. Wye covers an area of ​​139,000 m2. Here you can buy clothes, shoes, hats, food, knitwear, fabrics, packaging boxes, household appliances, gifts, trinkets, bedding, visit a beauty salon and hair salon, eateries and much more.
  • When in China you will find premium shops and department stores throughout the city.

Bars. Where to go

  • Sophie's World Bar(苏菲的世界酒吧) at Er Jing St, Bawei Rd (二经街八伟路), +86 024 2282 6691. The very first foreign bar in the city, an establishment for both immigrants and locals. Here you will be offered cheap alcohol, darts and football broadcast on TV.
  • "Heidis Restaurant & Bar" at 37 S Sanjing St (next to the American Consulate). Opening hours: 11.00 - 24.00. A unique restaurant and lounge bar. Traditional Swedish and Western cuisine, cheese delicacies, pizza and steaks, chocolate and homemade desserts. The place is ideal for both a romantic dinner and a business meeting. There is live music from Tuesday to Sunday. Special promotion: half price for Chinese and imported draft beer from 17.00 to 23.00. “Italian Mondays”: 50% discount on pizza and spaghetti. The cost of dishes ranges from 15 to 150 yuan.

  • Shamrock Irish Pub at 134/11 Changjiang St (located next to Liao Da Old University at Appreciate Europe), 86085856. The pub is currently closed.
  • "Green Mile" at: No. 3-1 Bei San Jing Jie (the pub is located west of Government Square and southeast of North Market on Yi Wei Lu Road (一纬路). To get there, go to the San Jing Jie (三) street intersection 经街) and Shi Fu Da Lu (市府大路). Yi Wei Lu is a small street south of Shi Fu Lu. The Green Mile is 100 meters east of San Jing Jie.), +86 24 8231 0581. Smoky an unpretentious sports bar, packed on weekends, that serves decent cocktails. Some claim that the bar serves the best American pizza, and they are right. The bar is popular among immigrants.
  • Buddha Bar Restaurant at: Xi Bin He Lu 58 (behind the Kempinski Hotel), 13998138144. Opening hours: 17.30 - 02.00. Cocktails, imported beer, good wine and sake, coupled with entertainment (quizzes, live music, bingo, etc.) - you will find it all here.
  • "Pure Color" at 6-328 Fengtian St. After 23.00, the bar is flooded with foreigners who, having bought 1 glass of cocktail or beer, get 2. The place is mainly popular among Russians, Germans and Africans. Not a bad place to meet women, however some of them will ask for money. “Long Island” will cost 30 yuan, you will get the second one because you are a “liaowai” (foreigner), which will make you drunk faster than you planned. The alcohol used to make cocktails is either fake or very low quality, as in most nightclubs in China. In September 2013, a band from America gave live performances at the bar. The only nightclub filled after 2.00. The service leaves much to be desired: you will have to spend a long time at the bar waiting for service.
  • "Far Bar" at QingNian Da Jie (沈阳君悦酒店) (outside the Grand Hyatt Hotel). Opening hours: 20.00 - 01.00. A nightclub where various foreign bands perform. Pay from 50 yuan.
  • "Feng Livehouse" at the addresses: Er jing jie and Jiu wei lu (二经街/九纬路). A small bar with an excellent program, cheap alcohol, designed in an unusual style, is worth a visit.
  • Lenore's Bar(丽纳尔斯酒吧) in the alley south of nan san jing jie / shisan wei lu (南三经街 / 十三纬路), 15566185371. A classic Shenyang bar worth stopping by on a Friday or Sunday evening for good music in the company of other foreigners.

Clubs and nightlife

  • "Sunny's Night Club" changed ownership and reopened in May 2008 with a new bar near the dance floor. Once a popular place among foreigners, by September 2013 the club had lost almost all its regulars from abroad.
  • "Don't Tell Mama"(别告诉妈妈 bié gàosu mā ma) on Xita St (西塔街) in Korea town. Packed even during the week, this Chinese-style nightclub will delight you with non-stop cabaret-variety shows with daring dancing and live singing. The attention of visitors is attracted by the performance of men drinking in one gulp any amount of beer they bought, but no more than a 2-liter mug at a time, without using their hands.
  • "Club 97"(97号会所) at 97 Zhongshan Lu, 100 meters west of the Mao statue in Zhongshan Square (中山路97号,中山广场西100米), +86 24 2341 9997. A vibrant, trendy club with a patio frequented by immigrants , mostly Russians. Good music, good cuisine, but prices are high. Open until 23.00.
  • "The Bee House"(毕豪斯), 辽宁省沈阳市市辖区沈河区奉天街220号 (Shenhe District), +86 24 22927711. Once a great place, now it’s an ordinary Chinese club.

Extreme Sports

Winter sport

In the territory

Shenyang are located three ski resorts.

  • Northeast Asia Ski Resort (东北亚滑雪场; Dongbeiya Huaxue Chang), Magan, Xingchengzi District (28 km or 17 miles by road from Shenyang). It is considered the largest ski complex with an area of ​​700,000 m2. During the day, the cost of a 2-hour ticket will be 135 yuan, at night the same time will cost 125 yuan. A discount is available for groups of 15 or more people.
  • Baiqingzhai Ski Field (白清寨滑雪场) in Sujiatun district (40 km, or 25 miles from Shenyang). Here you will have the opportunity to practice ski jumping and try off-piste skiing. The area of ​​the complex is 530,000 m2. During the day, the cost of a 2-hour ticket is 135 yuan, at night - 120 yuan. Group discounts are available for groups of 15 or more people.
  • Qipanshan Ice and Snow World (棋盘山冰雪大世界) (to get to the complex, located 20 km from Shenyang, take bus No. 330), +86 24 88050020, 22723117 (fax: +86 24 22734066). Opening hours: during the winter months, daily from 09.00 to 22.00. The area of ​​the resort is 500,000 m2. During the day, a two-hour ride will cost 150 yuan, at night - 130 yuan. Group discounts apply for groups of 15 or more people.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

As a souvenir, you can purchase exquisite and attractive patchwork scrolls made by Shenyang craftsmen.

How to get around the city

Sights in the old city, Shenhe district, can be explored on foot, but to get to other areas such as Beilin or Donglin, you will have to use transport.

Taxi. What features exist

The city is full of taxis. The first 3 kilometers cost 8 yuan, then each kilometer is 1.8 yuan. Make sure the taxi you choose has the meter mounted on the dashboard and visible from your seat, and not attached behind the gearbox: it is quite possible that the driver's sleight of hand will cost you a higher fare.


The first line of the Shenyang Metro crosses the entire city from west to east and passes through the station. The second line runs from north to south.


Shenyang has a good bus system, but if you don't read Chinese this option may be difficult. Make sure you catch a bus within the city and take a map with you, which can be purchased at any train station to help you navigate your way. The fare will be 1 - 2 yuan, and buses can usually be found near train stations. Bus number 203 runs between the two stations.

Shenyang, also known in Russia as Mukden, is one of the largest cities in northern China, with a population exceeding six million people, developed infrastructure and its own international airport. There are magnificent monuments from times past, including the residence of the Qing Dynasty emperors and the imperial tombs, which are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In addition, Shenyang has a huge amount of very modern entertainment. There is a water park, a zoo home to about three hundred rare and exotic species of animals, as well as restaurants offering Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Western cuisines, golf clubs, discos, shopping centers and markets with a rich assortment of goods.


The city of Shenyang is located in northeastern China, on both banks of the Honghe River. It is the administrative center of Liaoning Province. It is one of the largest cities in the country, located north of the Great Wall of China. Shenyang is an important industrial center throughout northeastern China and has long occupied a significant economic and military-strategic position. Shenyang has a Russian consulate, railway stations and an international airport.


The climate in the Shenyang area is temperate and semi-humid, and is greatly influenced by the monsoons. The seasons are distinct. Summer in Shenyang is hot and humid, and winter is cold and dry (under the influence of Siberian anticyclones). The lowest air temperature is -28 C, the highest is +36 C. The average annual temperature is therefore approximately +8 C.

How to get there

The easiest way to get to Shenyang is from Beijing. A high-speed train from the capital reaches Shenyang in four hours. The city is also connected by rail to Harbin, Changchun and Dalian.
Shenyang is home to Taoxian International Airport, which receives flights from Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, as well as Seoul and Cheongju (South Korea), Tokyo, Frankfurt, Sydney and Los Angeles.

When to go

The best time for tourists planning to visit Shenyang is from April to October.


More than two thousand years ago, on the territory of Shenyang there was a border town of the Chinese kingdom of Yan. However, the real rise of Shenyang began in the 17th century, when the residence of the Manchu Khan was founded here, who soon conquered all of China and founded the Qing dynasty. The Manchu name for Shenyang is Mukden, and it is by this name that it is known in Russian history. In the vicinity of the city in 1905, the Battle of Mukden took place - the decisive land battle of the Russo-Japanese War. In 1923, Shenyang officially received city status, and from 1932 to 1945. it belonged to the state of Manchukuo, and in 1945 it became part of China. In 1954, Shenyang became the administrative center of Liaoning Province.

What to see

In Shenyang are three monuments of world architecture which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This imperial palace And tombs of the Qing dynasty emperors- Baylin (Northern Hill) and Dongling(East Hill).

  • Imperial Palace in Shenyang- the second residence of Chinese emperors, after Beijing, that has survived to this day.
  • Zhaoling (Beiling) is the largest park in Shenyang. It is notable for being the site of the tomb of the Qing Emperor Huangtaiji and Empress Xiaoduanwen.
  • On the territory of the park Fuling (Donglin) in the eastern outskirts of Shenyang there is the tomb of the Qing Emperor Nurhaci and Empress Yehanara. The park has many trees and palace buildings. its area is 194.8 thousand square meters. m. 108 steps were built according to the relief. symbolizing 36 evil spirits and 72 demons of the earth. They are the main symbol of Fulin.
  • Other attractions in Shenyang include: Dadong Zoo. More than a thousand species of animals are represented here, including monkeys, pandas, Amur tigers, polar bears, Japanese baboons, giraffes, water birds, tigers, lions and many other rare and exotic fauna.
  • Shenyang Botanical Garden- ranks first in the number of plant species in the northeastern region of China.
  • Water park in the Summer Palace is the largest indoor water park in Asia, which combines attractions, recreation, food and wellness treatments. It can accommodate two thousand people at a time.
  • TV tower- located in the west of the youth park in the Shenhe district, it is also popular among tourists who want to enjoy the scenery of Shenyang below. In a six-story building at an altitude of 187-215.5 m of the TV tower (the tower itself is quite high, its height is 305 m) there are observation and dance halls, a revolving restaurant, so that not only the tourist’s eye enjoys the views of the ancient city, but also the body and soul can relax, leaving behind good memories.

There are also interesting areas in the vicinity of Shenyang.

  • Bensi Caves include a complex of attractions: the caves themselves, the Wenchuan Temple (Hot Spring), Tangou (Hot Stream), Guanmen Mountains, Techa (Tesha), Miaohou. The Yantaiji River circles this area with a total area of ​​42.2 square meters. km. The total length of the caves is 2300 m. They are located in the northeast, 35 km from the city of Bensi. The attraction of the area's landscape lies in the confluence of water, mountains, caves, thermal springs, lakes and the ruins of ancient settlements. The caves were formed as a result of the erosion of a huge limestone layer by water over many thousands of years. The caves inside are very deep and wide, the longest caves discovered in the world. Tourists visit this place with great interest.
  • In the area of ​​Lixiang village of Dongling district and Yaoqian village of Sujiatun district there is Forest Park of the Meteorite Zone. Here, on an area of ​​170 sq. Ancient meteorites are scattered across the area, many of which fell to earth several billion years ago. The largest meteorite fell into the Huashishan Mountains of Lixiang Village, Dongling District, its length is 100 m, width 50 m, height 60 m, weight over 200 tons.
  • Guaipo, meaning "Strange Slope" is a slope more than 80 m long and 15 m wide, which is located on the western slopes of the Maoshan Mountains in the village of Qingshuita. Guaipo is notable for the fact that when you drive your car up to the slope and turn off the ignition, you will be surprised to find it. that the car continues to move towards the top.

What and where to eat

Shenyang has many restaurants serving both Chinese and European cuisine. The most popular among tourists are the German restaurant “Hans”, “Brazilian barbecue”, Seafood restaurant, “Peking Duck”, “Korean restaurant”, “Chinese samovar” (northern dishes, lamb, beef), Japanese restaurant, “Wooden restaurant” ", where poses, dumplings are prepared, "Green Island" - seafood and local dishes of northern China, etc.
All dishes are prepared in the best culinary traditions of China, preserving the natural taste and nutritional properties of the original products. The original Shenyang cuisine has been famous since ancient times - after all, its best dishes were served to the emperors of the Qing dynasty, who were very picky in their gastronomic tastes. It is a combination of Manchu and Chinese culinary traditions.

What to buy

Shenyang's shopping district covers the area of ​​Zhongjie (pedestrian street) and Taiyuanjie streets. Most shops in the city are open from 9 am to 10 pm. Prices in various stores are either fixed or negotiable, i.e. You can bargain, but they will give you a small discount. It is not only possible, but also necessary to bargain in the markets, reducing the price by almost half. In Shenyang you can buy household appliances, electronics, shoes and clothing, and sporting goods at reasonable prices. Here is also one of the largest wholesale markets in all of northern China, where you can buy clothes for children and adults, hats, shoes, souvenirs, stationery, toys, fabrics, kitchen, bedding, sewing supplies and much more.

Shenyang is the largest city in northeastern China, the administrative center of Liaoning Province, and a city of sub-provincial significance. One of the largest cities in China, located north of the Great Wall of China. The population is about 7 million 400 thousand, the area is 7400 km². The city is located on both banks of the Honghe River. Shenyang is an important industrial center throughout northeastern China; it has long occupied a significant economic and military-strategic position, and also has a rich history.

Must-see attractions in Shenyang

Below is a list of the 3 main attractions in Shenyang, China that you should check out first.

This is the palace of the very first emperors of the Manchu dynasty of China - Abahai and Nurhaci. It began to be built at the direction of Nurhaci in 1625 in Shenyang (Mukden, historically South Manchuria, northeast of Beijing).

This is a football stadium, which is located in the city of Shenyang and was built specifically for the 2008 Olympics. It is an Olympic site.

The park, which is located in the northern part of Shenyang, in Liaoning Province, People's Republic of China. The park's area is 3,300 square kilometers and contains various historical buildings, lakes and pine forests.

Weather in Shenyang

Shenyang's climate is influenced by the monsoons. The temperate continental climate is characterized by hot, humid summers (under the influence of monsoons) and dry, cold winters (under the influence of Siberian anticyclones). The seasons are clearly distinguishable. The average annual temperature is 8.3 °C. The lowest is −28.5 °C and the highest is 36.1 °C. The bulk of precipitation falls in July and August. The annual precipitation level is about 700 mm.

How to get there

The easiest way to get to Shenyang is from Beijing. A high-speed train from the capital reaches Shenyang in four hours. The city is also connected by rail to Harbin, Changchun and Dalian. Shenyang is home to Taoxian International Airport, which receives flights from Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, as well as Seoul and Cheongju (South Korea), Tokyo, Frankfurt, Sydney and Los Angeles.