How much did a holiday in India cost? How much money to take to Goa Currency and plastic cards

Arriving home after India, we decided to take stock of how much the entire month of living in India cost us, how much we spent on air tickets, on housing, how much we spent on food and souvenirs. Let's once again plunge into this fabulous and unforgettable atmosphere of India and remember everything with us.

First of all, let me remind you that we read a lot of material in order to learn more and begin to explore and comprehend the amazing country of India. Having arrived there, we made our own conclusions about what you definitely need to take with you () and about the holiday in Goa itself, what you need to know while you are there (). All this material is educational and interesting for package tourists and even those who are just thinking about traveling to this amazing country.

Visa to India and travel insurance

If you have to get a visa, then with insurance, everyone decides for themselves whether they need it or not. My husband and I came to the conclusion that it was better to insure ourselves against not flying, and we took out an insurance policy only for the first days of the trip (you never know, illness before the flight or loss of luggage during the flight). To find out which company is more suitable for our requirements, we dug through a lot of material and made sure that Tinkoff insurance is one of the reliable insurers, because their policy covers most of the various problems that an outbound traveler may encounter, and which this company will help resolve. This is a purely subjective opinion of some traveling spouses, their prices are an order of magnitude higher, but having studied a number of advertised insurers, we realized that not all of them cover different insurance cases (cheap does not mean good). I will write about choosing insurance in a separate article.

We applied for the visa ourselves without the help of travel agencies. may involve going to a visa center to apply and receive (one visa for 3 months in Moscow costs 1,880 rubles per person) or you can apply for it electronically and receive it for 30 days upon arrival (but it will cost 60 USD). We did not get scared and applied for a visa in Moscow, and after 4 days we went and received it.

Our first expenses for the long-awaited trip are 5990 rubles:

  • Insurance for 3 days cost us 1,930 rubles for two. You can purchase it online in the article:
  • Two visas - 4060 rubles. (RUR 3,760 for two visas and plus RUR 300 for photo rework). Yes it was a long time ago

Flights to India

Having decided to go to India, we began to look for air tickets and, having stumbled upon a lucrative offer, settled on a low-cost airline. I’ll tell you briefly about what kind of beast this low-cost airline is, but if you’re interested in more detail, then . Low-cost airline comes from the words low cost - i.e. low cost, it is usually reduced by additional services: seat selection, luggage, food, etc. So, for example, with AirArabia, food on board is not included in the ticket price; if you want to eat, buy it separately, and believe me, it is much cheaper than if it is immediately included in the ticket price. Therefore, in order not to overpay, we take a few sandwiches, fortunately low-cost airlines allow this, or we buy a snack on board.

You can see about our road itself and your impressions of it in the article “, there is an AirArabia menu for those who want to ask the price. For comparison, we looked at tickets from regular air carriers (those who provide food on board), at that time their tickets were about 80,000 rubles. (round trip price for two).

Our total expenses on air tickets from AirArabia and a taxi to the airport plus all commissions amounted to 60,000 rubles:

  • We spent on air tickets: 57,200 rubles. Price for two round trip + mineral water in flight, luggage, 30 kg can be checked into the cargo hold for each person. + hand luggage 10 kg + commission for payment by card and losses during conversion
  • We'll add 800 rubles for a taxi to the airport.
  • Transfer to Goa, round trip - 2,000 rupees (the exchange rate of rupees is almost one to one to the ruble)
  • Sandwiches made at home, with your own hands, are priceless.

Renting a property in Goa

With housing, everything was simple, our friends already lived in Goa (in Arambol), and they had a free room in a two-room apartment, so we decided to stay with them until we found a separate one. However, having gotten used to the heat, we decided to stay in that very same apartment, and also the guys from half of our month had already gone home, and we were left alone. We lived in Goa (in Arambol) for one month (from mid-March to mid-April 2016), this period is considered too hot, and is called “off season,” so our housing cost us mere pennies.

While we shared an apartment with friends, we paid the owner 200 rupees per family (in total, 400 rupees per day for the entire apartment), when our friends moved out, we were able to negotiate up to 220 rupees per day for the entire apartment. They paid the Indian owner for housing only after the days had passed, that is, not immediately upon moving into the apartment, but after some time had passed, and we also had to call him and catch him ourselves to give him the money. Our accommodation was 8 minutes from and 5 minutes by scooter from the Arambol market with food and clothing. However, if we didn’t have housing, there was a plan to book a hotel for the first few days, come to it and look for housing that would suit us, while immediately renting a scooter for ease of movement, read the paragraph below about this.

During the month of stay we spent on housing: 6,500 rupees (the exchange rate of rupees is almost one to one to the ruble).

Renting a scooter in India

There were no problems with the scooter either; our landlord also provided scooters (bikes) for rent, this is a common practice in Goa. We were able to bargain with him for a scooter that was no longer new and scratched in places - 4,000 rupees per month. We gave the first half to him after half a month of driving it, and the second when leaving, along with the remaining payment for housing. I will note that not everywhere there are such good owners, because our guys vouched for us, and he knew that there would be no problems with us, because... It wasn’t with them either. At the end of the rest, we broke and scratched our faithful horse and ourselves a little (we fell on our side due to faulty rear brakes), but we honestly admitted to the owner, he took the scooter to the workshop and showed us the amount of 900 rupees, we immediately did not agree and bargained for 400 Rs.

Total spent on transport - 5400 rupees:

  • we paid 4000 rupees to rent a scooter for a month,
  • for damage 400 rupees.
  • for petrol 1000 rupees
  • The impressions of how responsive people (helped me get up) in India are priceless.

Food in Goa

You can find tablets for the gastrointestinal tract, joints, heart and many other ailments, and their cost varies from 50 to 300 rupees. I note that the cost of already packaged goods in India, including tablets, is regulated by the state, so the price above which the product cannot be sold is indicated opposite the letters MRP, pay attention to this. For example, we bought our parents a drug that cleans blood vessels from cholesterol; on its packaging it says MRP: 90 rupees (that is, 60 tablets of the drug cost 90 rupees).

However, in the market where they sell things and souvenirs, sellers of goods are free to say any price for the goods you like, so you need to bargain with them starting from the lowest price, gradually raising it to the one that suits you. For example, they wanted to sell us a colored bedspread with Indian motifs starting from 900 rupees, we were able to negotiate it up to 200 rupees, the same with any item. True, if you see that the seller does not agree to sell you an item at the price you ask, it means he either cannot, or simply does not want, look for another shop.

We spent 16,220 rupees on all the gifts, cosmetics, pills and various souvenirs we brought.

Total expenses for a trip to Goa for a month

The total spent on the trip to India was 118,210 rubles for 1 month for two, half of which was travel. And a bunch of other souvenirs:

  • 5,990 rubles – insurance and visas
  • 57,200 rubles – round trip air tickets for two
  • 800 rubles - taxi to the airport only there, met back by a friend
  • 2,000 rupees - round trip transfer to Goa (rupee exchange rate is almost one to one to the ruble)
  • 6,500 rupees - for a two-room apartment (with increased trading with the owner)
  • 4,000 rupees – rent a scooter for a month
  • 400 rupees - minor damage to the scooter
  • 1,000 rupees - petrol
  • 24,100 rupees - food for two, both in a cafe and at home
  • 16,220 rupees - Ayurvedic tablets and souvenirs

It turns out that you can absolutely easily go to Goa (to Arambol) for a month for two people for 101,990 rubles, without gifts and souvenirs brought for 16,220 rupees. True, you need to remember that we did not go during the high season (from December to March), but at the end of it (from mid-March to mid-April), so housing prices in the high season will be higher, but if you come early and for a long period , usually, Indians go to a meeting and give a good discount, but you must not forget about this and, of course, bargain with them.

Read about my husband and I’s colorful and fragrant impressions of amazing India - you will find a lot of interesting things there: how local Indians drive, and how tourists drive, how humid it is and at what period the real heat begins, that trading is the main occupation of Indians They give themselves completely and can bargain with you for at least half a day. We also managed to catch and participate, so these were generally very exciting and amazing days.

To make your vacation a success, you need to take into account many points, including knowing how much money to take to Goa. Here, for the most part, it all depends on your desires. No matter how much you take, you will spend it all, but the minimum amount is about $250 per person.

Let's take a closer look at where this money goes.

Regardless of the amount, it is advisable not to carry money in one place. Some can be taken in cash, some can be put on a card. And one more thing: it is advisable to notify the bank that you are leaving for India, so that the card is not blocked when making transactions from another country. Such cases have happened, and solving them from abroad is very difficult.

What money is better to take to Goa

You cannot pay with Russian money in Goa. Therefore, you need to take a minimum amount of this currency with you. The rest can be imported in dollars. To understand how much it costs, you need to know the rupee to ruble exchange rate, approximately 70 kopecks to 1 rupee. Those. multiply the price in rupees by 0.7 and get the price in rubles.

You can withdraw money in Goa from ATMs, which are designated here as ATMs, but the minimum commission for each operation is 200 rupees, so you need to withdraw more or less decent amounts at once. You can change dollars in banks or exchange offices. If it is useless to bargain in banks, then in exchange offices it is quite possible, especially if you are changing a large amount of money at once. Be aware that larger bills are more expensive. For example, for 1 hundred dollars they will give more than for 10 bills of 10 dollars.

What and how much does it cost

Don't forget that prices in Goa vary greatly depending on the season. The lowest levels are in November and March. Peak prices are for the New Year and the next two weeks. Moreover, the difference for some positions can be several times (two, and sometimes three times).

Here are some prices (average, not minimum, but not peak):

  • vegetables cost from 10 to 30 rupees per kilogram (from 7 to 21 rubles);
  • prices for Fruits do not exceed 50 rupees per kilogram (35 rubles);
  • seafood is quite expensive: up to 500 rupees (350 rubles);
  • a full lunch in a cafe (first, second and drink) about 400 rupees (280 rubles);
  • dinner in a decent cafe for two with alcohol - about 700-800 rupees;
  • souvenirs are very different, and their prices are also different, but the minimum price for souvenirs is 100 rupees (70 rubles);
  • clothing items cost an average of about 300 rupees (210 rubles).

Based on these prices, estimate how much money you need to take to Goa, and then add 25-30% of this amount for unexpected expenses. If you are planning, then on average excursions cost $80 per person through a tour operator, although you can save money if you contact the excursion bureau directly.

How much money to take to Goa for transport

If you don't take a taxi often, then this article is not great. You can, for example, rent a scooter for 200-250 rupees per day. If you rent for a month - about 3500-4500 rupees, depending on the condition. You can get a completely “killed” one for 2000 a month. Motorcycles are more expensive: from 5,000 to 7,000 rupees per month. Gasoline is about 60 rupees per liter, since the consumption is small compared to a car, the amount is small.

Taxi is not a cheap pleasure, but here you can bargain: sometimes you can reduce the price by 30-40 percent. The cost can be calculated based on the travel distance: 20 kilometers costs approximately 400 rupees. So count and bargain. There is one more feature of local taxis: their waiting is free. You can save money by "chartering" a taxi for a round trip trip and claiming a discount.

If you add up all the prices and amounts that you get, you will know how much money to take with you to Goa.

One of the most mysterious, magical and fabulous corners of our planet is India. And if not many people decide to go on an extensive tour of the country, since this is connected with the need to solve a lot of problems, including appropriate vaccinations, then there is a magical corner of India where you can fly even with small children, since it is always happy to see its guests, and this corner – Goa. If you are wondering how much money to take to Goa, then you will find the answer here.

Perhaps all those who have visited Goa at least once form their opinion about it once and for all. It can be negative, since for a European person the exoticism of Asia, its organization of everyday life and life may be unacceptable.

However, the situation could just as easily be the other way around. And if you once get inspired by Goa, love it with all your heart, then it will give you a lot of new opportunities for achievements. It’s not for nothing that many people come here every year to be alone with themselves, find inspiration, or simply rethink their lives.

As the sages say, India always gives a person exactly what he expects from her.

And if you come here with bright thoughts, then it will open its arms and give you a lot of impressions, changing your life for the better. However, this is all lyrics. As for the practical side of the issue, this will be discussed below.

What money should I bring to Goa and how much do I need?

Despite the fact that, according to everyone, you should come to Goa for at least a month to soak in its entire atmosphere, not everyone can afford such long trips for many reasons, one of which is time. And if you only have 7 days of vacation, then this is not a reason to refuse a trip to India.

Many people ask: what money to take to Goa? I recommend that you take cash in dollars, which you can exchange for local currency at exchange offices - rupees.

To be on the safe side, I always advise taking an international bank card, which is best placed separately from cash. She will be able to help you out greatly in case of theft of money or other force majeure.

As for the travel budget, it depends on many factors. First of all, you need to decide whether you will go as part of an organized tour from an agency, or on your own. From a practical point of view, it is recommended to travel on your own if you are traveling for a long time. For a short period of time, independent train travel may simply not be profitable, since charter tickets are cheaper than regular ones. On site, if there is a hotel, food, leisure and excursions must be taken into account.

So, for 7 days you will need an amount from 20 to 100 dollars per person for food. Naturally, you can keep it to $5 if you bring your own travel kit in the form of smoked sausage and a boiler. However, if you plan to eat in cafes and restaurants, then $20-100 is a realistic amount. For 20 you can afford a couple of freshly squeezed juices, the price of which varies from 1 to 3 USD, soup, noodles with seafood, beer and grilled fish in the evening. However, this is in inexpensive beach shacks.

If you go to an expensive restaurant, you will have to pay much more. At 100 USD you can invest in delicacies such as lobster, crab and king prawns. In this case, food for 7 days per person will cost from 140 to 700 USD. A similar calculation can be made for 10-14 days.

Evening markets

If you're on a budget, there are plenty of ways to save on food. If you have been somewhere in Asia before, for example, in, then you probably know what makashnitsy are. These are small mobile stalls in which the local population sells inexpensive snacks and food. This type of food is not very common in Goa, but there is some similarity here.

Near large beaches, for example at the beginning of the main entrance of Calangute, you can find several stalls that sell in the evening:

  • fried fish
  • chicken
  • crabs
  • salad

This kind of food is quite inexpensive. A medium-sized crab or chicken leg will cost about 2 USD. At the same time, the food is quite tasty and not at all spicy. However, many avoid such food experiments, since locals actively eat here. However, remember that in Asian countries it is the demand among locals that is the main indicator of the freshness of the products.

The cafe sells coconut milk, but it usually costs twice as much as similar coconut milk sold right on the street by enterprising Indians.

Regular markets

If you come to Goa on a limited budget, but would like to try local delicacies, then you should head straight to the market. A simple rule for visiting it is to arrive early in the morning. It is at this time that fishermen bring fresh catch, and therefore you can safely buy shrimp or fish only from the ocean. Its further fate depends on the type of your number. If you live in one that has its own kitchenette, then there are no problems at all, and you can safely prepare food yourself. If the room does not have a kitchen, then you can ask them to prepare your purchase either at the hotel or in a cafe. It will cost little money - no more than 200 rupees.

It is also worth buying fresh fruit at the market, as it will be cheaper here than at the stands on the main streets. Be sure to try the Indian mango as well as the strawberries.


If you know how to drive a bike well, then it is quite possible that you will not need to spend a large sum on excursions, and you will be able to explore all the main attractions of the state on your own. Despite the fact that travel agencies strongly discourage the use of motorbikes, as it is quite dangerous, this type of transportation is still excellent for Asia, and Goa is no exception. Just remember that there are basically no traffic rules here, and therefore your safety is entirely in your hands. Rental will cost from 100 rupees per day.

If you don’t want to take that risk, try another low-cost form of transportation – buses. They cost from $0.5 one way and travel throughout the state. This trip is guaranteed to be one you will remember for a long time.

A more comfortable transportation option is a taxi. Here the price directly depends on your ability to bargain.

You can also purchase an organized tour. The tour operator with whom you flew will have the highest price. But here you are also guaranteed insurance.

You can go 2-3 times cheaper from local companies, many of which operate in Russian. You don’t even have to look for them specifically, since on your first day on the beach you are guaranteed to be given a ton of leaflets for such tours. The program will be the same as that of the tour operator depending on the location of the trip, but you will not receive insurance. Trips cost on average 50-300 USD. from a tour operator, and 10-200 USD from local travel agencies.

The calculation of the money needed in Goa can thus be made from the above considerations. Oh, and don't forget about the Ayurvedic and yoga centers. Ladies will especially appreciate all kinds of massages and body and hair care treatments. Indian SPA is characterized by the use of large quantities of natural oils.

When shopping, you should take Himalaya products. All creams, shampoos, other cosmetics and dietary supplements are several times cheaper here than here. A package of dietary supplements costs about 2 USD, while ours costs from 10 USD.

I will not say that all people are different and everyone has different needs. Better let's count together.

The basic budget for the trip looks like this:

  1. Visa to India.
  2. Flight costs to India (Delhi/Goa/Kerala, etc.)
  3. Accommodation expenses (guesthouse or good hotel)
  4. Food expenses
  5. Expenses for excursions
  6. Shopping expenses (souvenirs, clothes, etc.)

Let's go in order:

Visa to India

We issued an electronic visa to India for $75 per person (plus when paying, the payment system takes a commission of about $1. If you apply for a visa at the embassy of Moscow or St. Petersburg, it will be 2 times cheaper.

If you buy a ticket, then the agency will issue the visa for you (this makes life very simple), the cost of the visa is either already included in the price, or is about $65-75 per person.

Flight and accommodation costs

If you are traveling on a package deal, then everything is simple: choose the number of days, the hotel, and you will already know the amount.

Prices for trips to India

On average, trips to India cost from 40-60 thousand rubles. for two. The specific cost depends on your city and seasonality. But whoever seeks will always find.

The surest way is to sign up for the desired destination in advance on sites with the lowest prices for travel packages, such as, wait for low prices and immediately pay online before the price goes away.

How much do flight tickets to Goa cost?

If you are traveling on your own, then you include in your budget the price of flight, accommodation and transfer to the hotel .

There are 2 ways to save on a flight to India:

  1. You can also track flight prices in advance, for example, you can subscribe to the direction you need on. You can also play around with cities (a flight to Goa with a transfer to Delhi can be cheaper than a direct flight to Goa). And don’t forget to check neighboring dates, for example, on New Year’s Day, tickets departing on January 5 were 30% cheaper than tickets on January 1-4. IN same There is a price calendar where it is more convenient to choose the most budget option.
  2. In addition, you can optimize costs by carefully thinking through the route and replacing the flight with a train trip. Prices on Indian trains are 2 times lower than in our reserved seats, but for a 1st class compartment you will pay the same amount as an airplane flight. You can read about the types of carriages on Indian trains

For example, you can check out ours, which we did this winter. It describes train prices and routes by dates. Link to article. I described how to buy train tickets.

Housing prices in India

Regarding accommodation, then prices depend on your capabilities. Hotels in India generally leave much to be desired. I have never seen such a terrible guesthouse as we had in . At the same time, for the same amount in Kovalam we rented a decent room with a private terrace among palm trees. But you'll have to look hard for a decent option.

Prices for guesthouses start from 350 rupees (1 ruble costs about 1 rupee), with an average of 500-700 rupees. A hotel room costs from 1000 rupees. For example, you can also look at those that we filmed on our trip, I’ll make a reservation right away that they were. Article about our hotels.

Here are examples of hotels that you can rent in India:

Hotel Stardom Discount Price per night, from Select dates


10 323 9 065

Vivanta Panaji, Goa


7 742 5 920

ibis Styles Goa Calangute - An AccorHotels Brand


3 643 3 416

Taj Holiday Village Resort & Spa, Goa


13 988 12 882


12 296 7 677


14 833 7 221

How much do taxis, buses, and bike rentals cost in India?

Let’s also touch on the topic of transport within the country. I’ve already talked briefly about trains, now let’s talk about taxis and buses. A taxi in Delhi is the most expensive form of transport; it is more expensive than a train fare. For example, getting from Arambol (North Goa) to Calangute costs 800-1000 rupees (1-1.5 hours drive).

Those. if you want to go from Dabolin airport in Goa to the hotel by taxi, no matter to North or South Goa, then have 800-1500 rupees in reserve.

Important! All airports and railway stations in India have a Pre-raid taxi system (sometimes a Pre-raid rickshaw), so look for the right sign near the airport exit where they will tell you the official cost of a taxi without markup (but it’s still not cheap).

In addition, there are Uber and local taxi apps in India (but you need to have an Indian SIM card to activate).

We used the cheapest mode of transport in India - buses. They are usually old, but cheap. The average fare is 10-40 rupees depending on the distance.

Important! You need to know that after 6 the buses no longer run, so it is better to plan all movements for the day. Plus, buses in India run short distances (except for buses that travel from one state to another).

And of course, you can in Goa rent a bike, the average cost is 400-600 rupees per day. The price depends on the city and rental time.

Price of food in restaurants and shops in India

And we come to probably the most interesting topic. In India you can live on 300 rupees a day if you are willing to eat thali every day:

Thali costs from 80 to 160 rupees per serving depending on the city and type (vegetarian/fish/chicken).

But if this method is not for you, here is an example of prices from a local cafe:

My husband and I are not fans of eating just rice. In addition, my husband wanted to try more seafood. Below is a list of prices for the cafes we ate at in Arambol:

What can you eat for breakfast:

2 boiled eggs - 40-60 rupees

Coffee - 40-50 rupees

Tea - 20-40 rupees

Piece of pie (mango or banana) - 70-80 rupees

Products in the store:

A package of tomatoes and cucumbers in a vegetable shop (about 1 kg) - 40-60 rupees

1 Pineapple - 50 rupees

Freshly squeezed mango juice - 70 rupees

Chocolate spread (50 grams) in the store - 60 rupees

Bread - 40-50 rupees

Cheese - 80-120 rupees

Butter (not clear butter or margarine) - 60 rupees.

What you can have for lunch and dinner in the cafe:

Chinese chicken noodles (large portion for two) - 160-180 rupees.

Momos with chicken (something between dumplings and manti) - 160-200 rupees

Chicken thali - 160 rupees

What you can try from seafood:

Small shrimp - 360 rupees for 6-8 pieces with a side dish (potatoes + salad with cucumbers, tomatoes)

Shark - 400-500 rupees (not on the beach) with side dish (potatoes + salad with cucumbers, tomatoes)

King prawns (15 cm long) - 1200 rupees for 3 pieces. side dish (potatoes + salad with cucumbers, tomatoes)

We had a budget for the day of 1500 rupees, which is enough to just eat, but we also often tried seafood, so we went beyond the budget.

Expenses for excursions

In general, these expenses may not exist. You can just relax on the beach. In India, there is generally no such developed excursion business as in Turkey and Thailand, for example.

Using Goa as an example, I can say that there is only one worthwhile excursion there - this excursion to the waterfall (a sightseeing tour with a visit to the old city). It costs 1800-2000 rupees per person from the locals. We really enjoyed this excursion, but only at the expense of the guide. I don’t remember her name, but she spent the whole day telling us with particular enthusiasm about the history of India, castes, how the locals live, about their customs, for example, weddings and funerals. We learned more about India in one day than during our entire vacation. She told me what is better to bring with me from India, where to buy it, etc. I don't know if you'll be lucky.

And so usually in Goa you rent a bike and ride along the beaches throughout your vacation. We haven’t learned how to drive a bike yet, so this is not an option for us. But if, for example, you will be vacationing for 9-10 days in Goa, then I recommend visiting Arambol (especially the nightlife) and Palolem (staying overnight in a house among palm trees on the beach).

Also, if you have the energy, visit Hampi. A very atmospheric place with ancient history. A bus ticket from Goa to Hampi costs 1,500 rupees one way, a train ticket is 3 times cheaper, an excursion is 5 times more expensive. But to visit it you need to set aside 2 days.

The Golden Triangle (Delhi-Agra-Jaipur) is worth visiting only if you are in Delhi and have time. I don’t recommend going from Goa either on an excursion (very expensive) or on your own (also expensive) for several days. Better enjoy the beach.

Choose excursions in advance and budget for them.

Shopping expenses

Here it is better to agree in advance and allocate a certain amount, because you can buy something in India endlessly. Question - do you need it?

This is the second time I’ve brought a suitcase of cosmetics from India, I just don’t use it. She's really worth it.

Read my articles for more details:

Souvenirs in India cost 40-300 rupees, depending on what you are going to buy.

Quality items are difficult to find, regular T-shirts cost 150-250 rupees, shorts 250-400 rupees.

This is what your expenses will look like while traveling around India. Do the math for yourself.

By the way, don’t forget about Ayurveda; a massage in India costs from 700 rupees.

I hope the article was useful to you. I will be glad if you share it with your friends!


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