Russian Bay on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Beach resorts in Turkey

If you define the word bay, you get something like: “a body of water surrounded by land, having a calmer state than the open sea. The bay is a good anchorage for ships during bad weather.” Bays often represent the most beautiful sights in the countries where they are located. We present to your attention the top 12 most beautiful bays in the world!

  1. Wineglass Bay, Tasmania, Australia

4. Bay of Islands, New Zealand

8. Ha Long Bay, Vietnam

Ha Long Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It has thousands of limestone karsts and islands of various sizes and shapes.

9. Marigot Bay, Saint Lucia

Marigot is located on the west coast of the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, 3.75 miles (6 km) southwest of Castries, a short distance from the Luciana Marine National Park. The bay is surrounded on three sides by forested hills. The bay is a historical landmark, having been the site of many battles between the French and British navies.

10. Phang Nga Bay, Thailand

It is located between the Andaman Sea, Phuket Island and the mainland of the Malacca Peninsula from southern Thailand. Since 1981, a large part of the bay has become Phang Ngi National Park. Phang Nga is a small bay that includes 42 islands. There are 88 species of birds, including Malaysian Plover, 82 species of fish, 18 species of reptiles, 3 species of amphibians and 17 species of mammals.

11. Hanalei Bay, Hawaii, USA

Hanalei is the largest bay on the North Shore in Hawaii. The bay consists of almost two miles (3 km) of beach surrounded by mountains. Many visitors to this bay consider it the most beautiful beach in Hawaii.

12 Villefrance Bay, France

This is the most beautiful bay in France. Villefrance is one of the deepest natural harbors of any port in the Mediterranean and provides a safe haven for large ships, reaching depths of 95 m (320 ft).

The bay is a great place to get away to yourself. But they can be both a serene corner and an excellent anchorage for vacationers on a yacht. The most beautiful bays are in the Mediterranean Sea. They have a bewitching beauty that fills you with peace, inspires and adds strength for new exploits.

Cala Violina Bay

A wonderful place with clean fine sand and clear blue-turquoise sea. The area is considered part of the Scarlino Nature Reserve. The bay is located in the small town of Italy-Maremma. Because of the fine sand, the bay beach is very popular with vacationers with small children. There are two ways to get to the bay: through the village of Puntone by bike or via the 158 motorway.

White Bay Camerote

The bay is considered the most beautiful bay in the Mediterranean Sea. It is located in the city of Camerot in Italy. It is believed that this is an earthly paradise. For the sake of dazzling beauty, it is worth putting aside all your affairs. Fabulous landscapes, crystal clear water. The bay got its name because of the white color of the sand and stones. In 2013, the bay won the “The most beautiful is you” competition.


The bay is located between the best resorts in Italy - Mattinata and Viesta. It is considered part of the Gargano National Park. The name comes from the fragrant flowers of the orange tree. If some bays have a mixed purpose, then Puglia is created only for enjoying a holiday in harmony with nature. This is an orange bay with high cliffs that protect you from the daily bustle. She is the symbol of all the beauty in Puglia.


This is the red northwestern slope of the island of Favignana. This is a popular bay of the Mediterranean Sea. It is surrounded by rocks that reach low to the water. The water here is an unusual blue color. There are many flat rocks on the shore. You can get to the bay by yacht by sea.


Small spiky bay in Santa Teresa Gallura The smallest bay in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its size, it offers picturesque views. It is surrounded by high cliffs. This bay is loved by tourists who engage in active recreation. The rocks here are extraordinary. They took on a rounded shape. To get to the beach you need to follow the Capo lighthouse.

Goloritze Bay

In 1993, the bay received its name “natural monument”, and in 1995 - “national monument of Italy”. It is located near Sardinia. This is one of the best bays in the Mediterranean Sea. Attracts visitors with its perfectly polished rocks and nature. Lovers of ancient architecture are attracted here by the rock arch called Punta Goloritze. This is what is worth visiting Goloritze Bay in the first place. Climbers from all over the world come here for the rocks of the bay.

Villefrance Bay

Charming bay in France. This is the largest harbor of any Mediterranean port. An ideal place to moor ships. Yachtsmen love to relax here on their luxury yachts. They believe that there is no safer place to relax on a yacht. The bay is also suitable for large ships. The water depth reaches 95 meters.

The Mediterranean is the most popular resort region in Europe. The choice of beaches is great - from dramatic Greek beaches to hot beaches on the African continent, from the picturesque Turkish coast to the southwestern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. Every year, various authoritative publications create lists of the best beaches, but these beaches are timeless and beyond ratings, as they have always been and remain the best in the Mediterranean.

The snow-white beach, favored by the rare Caretta Caretta turtles, is one of the southernmost beaches in Italy. It is much closer to Africa than to Europe and boasts stunning scenery: cliffs protect it from the winds, and the purest sea water shimmers in many shades. The beach is one of the most popular in the area, so there are a lot of people and quite noisy here until late in the evening.

Ses Illetas beach (Formentera island)

South of the capital Mallorca, where the surprisingly clear sea merges with the horizon and the sandy strip stretches for several kilometers, there is this wonderful beach. It is rightfully considered the best on the island, and, perhaps, on all the Balearic Islands. Only wealthy people who live in luxury hotels nearby relax on Ses Illetas.

The most famous beach of Crete became famous due to the fact that the sand on it is not white, but light pink. It is located in the southwest of the island, where a huge massacre took place in 1824 - the Turks killed about 700 local residents, which is why, according to legend, the beach will always remind of this with its color. In fact, the pink color of the sand is given by the remains of corals and starfish.

The famous beach of Turkey is one of the most popular places for excursions. It is located at the confluence of the Dalyan River and bears this name thanks to the large turtles that come here to spawn. The beach has a particularly picturesque view when viewed from above.

The most famous beach in Cyprus is located in Protaras and takes its name because of the fig tree growing here, which is centuries old. The beach is protected from the wind by rocks containing underwater caves.

Palomabaggia is the best beach in Corsica. The very island where the future Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was born. The beach is stunning - azure waters, pristine white sand and picturesque surroundings. How can you hatch plans to take over the continent, having been born in such a beautiful place? Sit on the shore and catch some fish...

In the north-west of the most knightly island of all the European islands lies the Golden Bay beach. This is truly a bay protected from the wind. However, sometimes there are storms here, during which the place becomes especially dramatic.

Mersa Matruh ()

The Egyptian city on the Mediterranean coast has been known since the time of the Ptolemaic dynasty, and even then it was a prestigious resort. Not far from the city there is a bay in which, according to legend, Cleopatra herself loved to relax. Mersa Matruh has stunning azure seas and an excellent beach. Nowadays, mainly Egyptian residents vacation here.

Mdik is a small resort town on the Mediterranean coast. It is located at zero altitude above sea level. The local beach is a flat strip of sand and calm waters. Most Moroccans vacation here, and city hotels offer fairly affordable prices for them.

Monastir is located on the site of an ancient Roman settlement and is a modern resort for budget travelers. The beaches here are not as beautiful as in Mahdia. However, for undemanding tourists, Monastir is an excellent place to relax in comfort, basking in the sun and swimming in the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

Going on an independent trip around Europe by car and not visiting the Cote d'Azur of France is a real crime! And although everyone around us warned us that Marseille is now the epicenter of strikes, that garbage collectors do not go to work on principle, and the streets of the city are full of stinking bags of garbage, we still decided to go there. First of all, because a very interesting overnight stay awaited us in Marseille, according to registration on a yacht (), secondly, because we wanted to swim nearby in some secluded cove on the Mediterranean coast and, thirdly, well, it’s azure the coast after all (la Cote d'Azur)!

Since vpiski (couchsurfing) is not suitable for everyone, we also don’t use it often, especially with a child, and it’s better to book hotels in Europe in advance, here’s what I recommend to you:

Don’t forget to check discounts on the Roomguru service, where you can see prices for the same hotel in different booking systems. Using the example of hotels above:

one is cheaper, the other is more expensive, but both are excellent hotels. Well, read below how we lived on the yacht :)

Arrival in Marseille

We arrived in Marseille in the evening, circled around a bit in search of the right port and anchorage - and here we were on the yacht. The first test was to climb onto the boat with all our sleeping bags and belongings. There are no ladders for dummies like us, and the bow of the yacht is quite high. Well, after the third or fourth time we mastered the art of climbing and felt like real experienced sailors. The yacht itself was small, inside there was a so-called kitchen with a table that turned into a bed, in the bow there was another bed for two who liked to sleep in close conditions, and in the tail of the boat there was a large bed where the hospitable owner himself slept with his children.

Night Marseille

After having dinner together and talking on various topics, our glorious foursome went on an introductory walk around Marseille at night. The spectacle, it must be said, is not for the faint of heart. In addition to the various aromas coming from all sides from bags of garbage dumped in huge piles or simply on the sidewalk, it was very uncomfortable to meet overly noisy, apparently drunk, Arab youth who were carefully looking at us. It’s so strange, as if the young French had long ago gone to bed, and the Arabs, on the contrary, had just woken up and gone hunting.

But whether we were not such an interesting prey for them, or whether this is a generally erroneous idea about their aggressiveness, and in fact they are simply much more emotional than us, we, thank God, did not have the chance to find out from our own experience. The city of Marseille is the second largest city in France, and almost the first in terms of the population of Arabs in it. They say this is due to the fact that the Mediterranean coast and the south of France are the closest and most comfortable for them in climate.

Dirty Marseille due to garbage strike

On a yacht

We slept well that night under the soothing rocking and splashing of the waves of the Mediterranean Sea on the side of the yacht. And in the morning, coffee and a delicious French breakfast awaited us at the stern. Niko, the owner of the boat, does not rent an apartment, but plans to live on his boat all year round. From his stories, we understood that if in addition to the yacht you do not have an apartment, a car in the garage and a permanent job that you need to go to every day, then owning a boat turns out to be very profitable and convenient.

It turns out that all those for whom a yacht is just another toy go out to sea on it only 5 times a year, the rest of the time it stays in the port, and they pay monthly rent for a boat space, which adds up to a year much. The larger and more expensive the yacht, the higher the payment. If you live on your own ship and periodically go to sea on it, then it turns out even cheaper than renting an apartment in the same city of Marseille, because you only have to pay for the days when you are at the port. Niko’s yacht is not new, it is about 20 years old, these cost from 6 thousand euros.

Marseille by day

After having breakfast in a pleasant and interesting company, having a photo session at the stern of the yacht (where would we be without this), we set off to explore the sights of Marseille. We were very lucky with the weather, it was sunny and unexpectedly warm after cold Poland and cool Germany. On Niko’s advice, first of all we went up to the observation deck at the Notre-Dame de la Garde Cathedral and went inside the temple. It’s more spacious there than in our churches, and most importantly, it’s brighter. Candles that you can take yourself from the shelf, putting 1 euro in a special box, benches, special stands so as not to kneel directly on the floor - in general, as in all of Europe, everything is for people. This is where the mentality starts!

Swimming in the cold sea

Well, the highlight of our program was swimming on the Mediterranean coast! Having driven 50 kilometers from Marseille, we found a secluded cove and parking for the car. Of course, it’s also difficult to call our action a swim: we undressed, warmed up, ran into the water, flopped there and jumped out like a rocket, the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea at that time was no higher than 16 degrees. But you can imagine how those walking along the shore looked at all this French people in jackets?!

One elderly couple couldn’t stand it and even came up to us to clarify that maybe we were doing this as a bet. We had to explain that we just really wanted to swim on the Mediterranean coast, and since we are hardening ourselves, the cold water is not so scary for us.

There, in the parking lot, another couple became interested in our car: it looked like Renault, like Dacia, but it said Logan. We talked with them, told them about ourselves that we were from Russia, that we decided to take a ride to Europe on our own by car. In general, I noticed that the French are very easy to strike up conversations with strangers and are sincerely interested in what they are asking about.

The place where we swam was very cozy and we later even regretted that we did not stay there overnight in a tent on the seashore; there was still half a day ahead and the road was calling us further.

Antalya, Adalya (Antalya), a bay in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, off the southern coast of Asia (Turkey). It juts out into the land for 74 km. The width at the entrance is 216 km. The banks in the west and east are high, in the north they are low-lying and sandy. Islands: Grambusa, Trianesia, Rashat. The depth at the entrance is up to 2000 m, at the shore - 82 m, 91 m. The tides are semidiurnal and their height is 0.4 m. The Aksu and Kopryu rivers flow into it. Port of Antalya.

  • - Bac Bo, Gulf of Tonkin, Gulf of the South China Sea off the coast of China and Vietnam. Separated from the open sea by the Leizhou Peninsula and Hainan Island...
  • - city in southern Turkey, adm. c. Ilya. Founded during the reign of King Attalus II of Pergamum and named after him Attalia; modern Turkish ...

    Geographical encyclopedia

  • - Bay of Anadyr Bay, on the Chukotka coast of the Bering Sea; in front of Cape Meechken, which limits the entrance to K. Bay from the E, there is a dangerous stone bank. The depth of the bay is from 6 to 10 fathoms....
  • - a bay in the Primorsky region, on the southwestern shore of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, northwest of the Bay of Happiness, deepens into the mainland 5 versts, width is about 8 versts...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Agion Oros, Agiou Oros, a bay in the northwestern part of the Aegean Sea, see Singitikos...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Aqaba, Gulf of the Red Sea, between the Arabian and Sinai peninsulas. Length 180 km, width up to 28 km, depth up to 1828 m. Separated from the Red Sea by an underwater threshold up to 958 m deep. Port - Aqaba...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - I Antalya Adalya, a bay in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, off the southern coast of Asia. It extends 74 km into the land. The width at the entrance is 216 km. The banks in the W. and E. are high, in the N. they are low, sandy...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Baikal, an internal bay of the Sakhalin Gulf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk off the northern shore of the island. Sakhalin...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Bristol Bay, a gulf of the Bering Sea, off the southwestern coast of Alaska. The width at the entrance is about 480 km, the depth is 27-84 m. From November to March - April it is covered with floating ice...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Vlora, Vlora Bay, the bay of the Adriatic Sea off the coast of Albania; separated from the Strait of Otranto by the island of Sazani and the Karaburuni peninsula. Length 17.5 km. Depth up to 51 m. Irregular semi-diurnal tides...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Gabes, Lesser Sirte, Gulf of the Mediterranean Sea, off the northern coast of Africa...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Gorgan, Gorgan Bay, Astrabad Bay, Caspian Sea Bay off the coast of Iran. It juts out into the land for 63 km between the mainland and the Miankale Peninsula...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a city and port in southern Turkey, the administrative center of Antalya. 378 thousand inhabitants. Metallurgy, textile enterprises, ship repair...
  • - m. - off the eastern coast of Spain. Length 42.5 km, width 144.5 km, depth up to 500 m. The main port is Valencia...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - GULF OF LYON Mediterranean - off the southern coast of France. Length 93 km, width at the entrance 245 km, depth St. 1000 m. To the Lyon Hall. the river flows into Rona. The main port is Marseille...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 3 city resort port...

    Synonym dictionary

"Antalya (Mediterranean Bay)" in books

Mediterranean countries

From the book Nikolai Vavilov author Reznik Semyon Efimovich

From The Hague to the Mediterranean

From the book The Age of Admiral Fisher. Political biography of the reformer of the British Navy author Likharev Dmitry Vitalievich

From The Hague to the Mediterranean on August 2, 1890, Fischer received the rank of rear admiral. In the same year, he presented to the Admiralty a memorandum "British and Foreign Artillery", which summed up the rearmament of the fleet during his tenure as chief

From the book Yiddish Civilization: The Rise and Decline of a Forgotten Nation by Krivachek Paul

From the Mediterranean to the Baltic

Beach of the Mediterranean Sea

From the book Mystic of Ancient Rome. Secrets, legends, traditions author Burlak Vadim Nikolaevich

Scourge of the Mediterranean Sea If the ancient Romans, as many researchers claim, were not a maritime nation, then their predecessors, the Etruscans, became famous for their ability to conquer the expanses of water. This people dominated for many years throughout the Tyrrhenian Sea. Etruscan fishermen

"Safe" of the Mediterranean Sea

From the book 100 Great Mysteries of French History author Nikolaev Nikolay Nikolaevich

“Safe” of the Mediterranean For two whole months, the British fleet under the command of Rear Admiral Horatio Nelson had been scouring the Mediterranean Sea. It was not possible to stop the landing of the French army in North Africa, and, therefore, now there is only one thing left - to cut off

Guarding the Mediterranean

From the book St. George's Knights under the St. Andrew's Flag. Russian admirals - holders of the Order of St. George, I and II degrees author Skritsky Nikolay Vladimirovich

Guarding the Mediterranean The American War of Independence, which began in 1776, soon led to clashes between England, France and other great maritime powers, competing for advantages on trade routes and in the colonies.

On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea

From the book of Atlantis of the sea Tethys author Kondratov Alexander Mikhailovich

On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, the catastrophic explosion of Santorini-Strongyle, which occurred in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e., without a doubt, was reflected in the legends and myths of the peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean. However, if accurate data from volcanology and

From the Mediterranean Sea to the Caspian Sea

From the book of the Macedonian the Russes were defeated [Eastern Campaign of the Great Commander] author Novgorodov Nikolay Sergeevich

From the Mediterranean Sea to the Caspian Sea On the fourth day of Alexander's march across Asia Minor, the Persians met the Macedonians at the Granica River. They stood on the steep right bank of the river, and it was unprofitable for the Macedonians to attack, which Parmenion pointed out to the king. But Alexander, true to his rule

Mediterranean pie

From the book I Explore the World. Treasures of the Earth author Golitsyn M. S.

Pie of the Mediterranean Sea One day, American oceanologists, studying the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, came to an unexpected conclusion. At its bottom, among ordinary marine sediments, minerals were discovered that are formed at temperatures above 40 °C. Moreover, these minerals interspersed with

Antalya (Mediterranean Bay)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AN) by the author TSB

Gabes (Mediterranean bay)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GA) by the author TSB

Bristol Bay (Bering Sea)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BR) by the author TSB

Iskenderon (Mediterranean Bay)

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (IS) by the author TSB

Beyond the Mediterranean

From the book Nutrition for the Brain. An effective step-by-step technique for enhancing brain efficiency and strengthening memory by Barnard Neal

Outside the Mediterranean Some people praise the Mediterranean diet, meaning a diet that emphasizes vegetables, fruits, beans and pasta, favors fish over meat, olive oil over butter, and has room for a little

In the Mediterranean squadron

From the book Cruiser I rank "Rurik" (1889-1904) author Melnikov Rafail Mikhailovich

In the Mediterranean squadron, the Mediterranean Sea is an ancient sea road, a witness to the birth and death of great civilizations of the past, a centuries-old arena of fierce battles - and at the end of the 19th century. remained one of the main areas of interest of the European powers. In different parts