The Pink Pyramid and its unsolved mysteries. Pink Pyramid, Dahshur, Egypt Pink Pyramid

Location Dahshur
Customer Sneferu
Construction time IV Dynasty (~2640 to ~2620 BC)
Type Pyramid
Construction material Limestone
Base size 220 m
Height (original) 109.5 m
Height (today) 104 m
Volume 1.694.000 m³
Incline 43° 22"
Cult pyramid No
Pyramids of Queens No

Pink pyramid or the Northern Pyramid - the largest of the three great pyramids located on the territory of the Dahshur necropolis. The name is associated with the color of the stone blocks, which turn pink in the rays of the setting sun. It is the third tallest pyramid in Egypt, after Khufu and Khafre at Giza. The Pink Pyramid did not always have its current color. Previously, its walls were covered with white limestone. But nowadays the white limestone is almost completely absent, since back in the Middle Ages a significant part of it was removed for the construction of houses in Cairo, resulting in pinkish limestone being exposed. This pyramid is attributed to Snofru, as his name was found inscribed in red paint on several of the casing blocks.

Northern pyramid of Pharaoh Snofru in Dahshur, at the time of its construction in the 26th century. BC e. was the tallest building on Earth. It is also considered the world's first successful attempt at building a "true" isosceles pyramid (has a regular stereometric pyramidal shape), although the angle of its sides is only 43° 22" compared to the later norm of 51° 52". In addition, it is characterized by an extremely low slope of the walls (base 218.5 × 221.5 m with a height of 104.4 m). The volume of the pyramid is 1,694,000 m³. The entrance through a sloping passage on the north side leads down into three adjacent chambers, approximately 17 meters high, which are accessible to the public.


    Part of the projecting walls that form the vault in the main burial chamber.

    South side of the Pink Pyramid.

    Red-pyramid - entry.jpg

    Entrance to the Pink Pyramid.


    Scheme of the Pink Pyramid in Dahshur.


    Scheme interior spaces pyramids.

    Bricks of the Red Pyramid in Dahshur.jpg

    Stone blocks of the Pink Pyramid.

    Restoration Project at the Red Pyramid in Dahshur.jpg

    Start of restoration work.

    Inside Snofru's Red Pyramid.jpg

    Descending corridor.

    11 red corbel 1.jpg

    View of the ceiling in the chambers of the pyramid.

    10 red chamber.jpg

    Hidden passage from the first to the second burial chamber.

    Severe damage to the floor.

see also

  • The Bent Pyramid is another pyramid of Sneferu in Dahshur.
  • Luxor Las Vegas - very similar modern pyramid in Las Vegas.

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Excerpt characterizing the Pink Pyramid

I entered the gate and said hello to a small, thin old woman who was sitting there alone and thinking very detachedly about something.
The day was pleasant, sunny and warm, although autumn was already very confidently in the yard. A light breeze rustled in the last remaining leaves, spreading around the juicy smell of honey, mushrooms and the earth warmed by the last rays of the sun... As it should have been, a kind, deep, “golden” silence reigned in this peaceful place of Eternal Peace...
As usual, I sat down on my grandfather’s bench and began to tell him all my latest news. I knew that this was stupid and that, even with my greatest desire, he could not hear me in any way (because his essence lived in me from the day of his death), but I missed him so much and constantly, that I allowed myself this tiny, harmless illusion in order to, at least for some short moment, return that wonderful connection that I had until now only with him alone.
So quietly and peacefully “talking” with my grandfather, I completely did not notice how the same miniature old woman came up to me and sat down next to me on a small stump. I don’t know how long she sat with me like that. But when I returned to “normal reality”, I saw radiant, not at all senile, blue eyes looking at me tenderly, as if asking if I needed any help...
- Oh, forgive me, grandma, I didn’t even notice when you came up! – I said, very embarrassed.
Usually it was difficult to approach me unnoticed - some kind of internal sense of self-defense always triggered. But such boundless goodness emanated from this warm, sweet old lady that apparently all my “protective instincts” slowed down...
“I’m talking to my grandfather...” I said embarrassedly.
“Don’t be ashamed, dear,” the old woman shook her head, “you have a giving soul, this happiness is great and rare.” Don't be ashamed.
I looked with all my eyes at this frail and very unusual old woman, completely not understanding what she was talking about, but for some reason feeling absolute and complete trust in her. She sat down next to me, affectionately hugged me with her dry, but very warm hand like an old man, and unexpectedly smiled very brightly:
- Don't worry, honey, everything will be fine. Just don’t rush to find out the answers to everything... it’s too early for you, because in order to get answers, you must first know the right questions... And they haven’t matured for you yet...
Only many years later I was able to understand what this strange, wise old woman really wanted to say. But then I just listened to her very carefully, trying to remember every word, so that later more than once I could “scroll” in my memory everything that was not understood (but, as I felt, very important for me) and try to catch at least a grain of what could I wish I could help in my ever-continuing “search”...
“If you took on too heavy a load, you’ll break…” the old woman continued calmly, and I realized that she was referring to my contacts with the dead. - Not all people are worth it, dear, some must pay for their actions, otherwise they will unreasonably begin to believe that they are already worthy of forgiveness, and then your good will only bring evil... Remember, my girl, good should always be SMART. Otherwise, it is no longer good at all, but simply an echo of your heart or desire, which does not necessarily coincide with who the person you gifted truly is.

The Pink Pyramid is the largest of the three large pyramids located on the territory of the Dahshur necropolis.

The name is associated with the color of the stone blocks, which turn pink in the rays of the setting sun.

It is the third tallest (104.4 m) pyramid in Egypt, after Khufu and Khafre at Giza.

Hajor, CC BY-SA 1.0

The Pink Pyramid did not always have its current color. Previously, its walls were covered with white limestone.

Currently, white limestone is almost completely absent, because... back in the Middle Ages, a significant part of it was removed for the construction of houses in Cairo, as a result of which pinkish limestone was exposed.

This pyramid is attributed to Snofru, as his name was found inscribed in red paint on several casing blocks.

Ivrienen, CC BY-SA 3.0

The pink pyramid of Pharaoh Snefru in Dahshur, at the time of its construction in the 26th century. BC e. was the tallest building on Earth.

Its base is 220 m, height - 109.5 m (originally), 104 m (today).

GDK, MONNIER Franck, CC BY 2.5

It is also considered the world's first successful attempt at building a "true" isosceles pyramid (has a regular stereometric pyramidal shape), although the angle of its sides is only 43° 22" compared to the later norm of 51° 52".

In addition, it is characterized by an extremely low slope of the walls (base 218.5 × 221.5 m with a height of 104.4 m).

The volume of the pyramid is 1,694,000 m³.


The entrance through a sloping passage on the north side leads down into three adjacent chambers, approximately 17 meters high, which are accessible to the public.

Visiting the pyramid should be done with caution due to the pungent odor caused by the concentration of ammonia in its premises.

The height of the “Pink Pyramid” was 105 meters, and the base of each face was about 220 meters. The Pink Pyramid is the first pyramid in Egypt to have a regular geometric pyramid shape.

Another thing is that the angle of inclination of its faces is much less than that of the pyramids at Giza. It is about 43 degrees. As a result, the pyramid appears shallow and is visually perceived lower than it actually is.

It is located at a distance of about a kilometer from another pyramid of Pharaoh Snofru, which, due to the different angles of the walls of the lower and upper parts, was called the “Broken Pyramid”. This pyramid, like the third pyramid of the same pharaoh in Medum, also has colossal dimensions.

Initially, the Pink Pyramid was covered with a lining of white limestone, which over time was stolen by distant descendants for the construction of other objects.

Why the pyramid received such a name (sometimes also called the “Red Pyramid”) is not entirely clear. The color of the blocks from which it is made is no different from the color of other pyramids made of limestone. The most plausible hypothesis is that in the rays of the setting sun the blocks of the pyramid appear pinkish. True, exactly the same effect is observed when the sun sets near other pyramids.

The entrance to the pyramid is located at an altitude of about 30 meters. A narrow, square-shaped tunnel goes down the pyramid at an angle. The tunnel leads to three chambers, in one of which, apparently, the pharaoh's sarcophagus was supposed to be installed. But it was never installed. For unknown reasons, the pharaoh was not satisfied with the completed pyramid, and he ordered the construction of another pyramid.

The Pink Pyramid was opened to tourists relatively recently - in the 90s of the last century. The ventilation ducts provided by the builders of the pyramid, although they were cleared of bats and their waste products, are not yet coping with their mission sufficiently. There is a rather unpleasant and pungent smell in the tunnel and chambers. This circumstance, however, does not prevent particularly enthusiastic “pyramid worshipers” from spending hours in their cells, pressing against the walls, in order to feel some “vibrations of the pyramid.”

It will also be interesting to watch.

The Dahshur necropolis is located 30 kilometers south of the city of Giza, respectively, 35 kilometers from Cairo. You can get here for 80-100 Egyptian pounds.

If you decide to come to Dahshur on your own, we strongly recommend that you pay the driver for downtime. Catching a taxi back will be extremely problematic; it is better to pay 20 pounds to the driver to wait for you.

It is best to come to Dahshur with organized excursion. This is the cheapest, easiest, and safest way.

Dahshur is the furthest necropolis of ancient Memphis and has few visitors. Of course, there have been no cases of kidnapping of tourists here yet, but any such deserted place in Egypt poses a potential danger to a foreigner.

The excursion is also convenient because in one day you can see all the largest and interesting pyramids in Egypt. You look at the Dahshur necropolis. Tourists see all this in one day and for only 50-60 US dollars. A tour is ideal.

Working hours

From 8-00 am to 17-00 pm.

What's the cover charge

Entrance to the territory of the Dahshur necropolis costs 40 Egyptian pounds. Entry into the pyramid is free.

How much time should you plan for your visit?

One hour is enough to see everything interesting inside and outside.

What is inside

Tourists can get inside freely and free of charge. On some Internet sites they write the following phrases: “You can walk freely inside the pyramid.” The phrase sounds very funny, since the passage inside is just over a meter wide and about a meter high.

The passage is about 60 meters long and slopes downwards at an angle of 27 degrees. If you are short in stature, you will be able to move along it crouching down. Tall people have to walk on their haunches, which is very difficult.

The descending passage gives way to a horizontal one about 10 meters in length, and after it the first burial chamber begins, where you can finally straighten your back.

Conclusion. If you are tall (1.8 meters and above) and want to get inside the Pink Pyramid, then stock up on pants that you won’t mind throwing away. Or the second option - take with you knee pads, which are used by skateboarders and rollerbladers ( photo). Then, while moving, you will be able to kneel, and moving around will be much easier.

The burial chamber is spacious. The most interesting thing for tourists here is the stepped ceiling 12 meters high. However, there is nothing more to see here; you can move on to the second burial chamber.

A very narrow passage in the southern wall leads into it. Outwardly, it is very similar to the first chamber, except for one element - a wooden staircase. This staircase was built by modern archaeologists. Climbing along it, you will come to another passage that leads to the third burial chamber.

The second burial chamber has its own peculiarity - it is located exactly in the center of the pyramid, which is very rare. The first two chambers are at ground level, and the third is already laid out inside the masonry. Later, the idea of ​​organizing a burial chamber directly in the masonry was used and developed by Pharaoh Cheops, the son of Snefru.

It was the third chamber that was allegedly used as the burial place of Pharaoh Snofru. Three cameras were made to protect against robbers, that is, the first two of them were false.

Even such tricks did not help. Like all the pyramids of the Ancient Kingdom of Egypt, this one was completely robbed. This happened during the era of the First Transition Period - a moment of anarchy in Russia, when almost all ancient monuments were damaged.

The third chamber is the largest in size, the ceiling height is 15 meters. The floor of this cell was badly damaged, and it is believed that the robbers were looking for other hidden rooms.

This concludes the tour inside the Pink Pyramid. Now you have to go back through the same meter-high passage, but up. By the way, it’s easier to go up, since even a tall person can move while crouching.

Tourists are surprised that the walls of the passages and burial chambers are completely empty. There are no inscriptions, bas-reliefs or frescoes. The tradition of painting the walls of tombs appeared later - during the reign of the V dynasty.