The Yamal LNG project is an example of successful international cooperation between the Russian Federation and European countries. Reviews: Yamal LNG, Russian gas production company

Competitive advantages

    traditional reserves of high concentration located on land

  • well-studied geology and proven development technologies
  • very low development and production costs
  • High efficiency of the liquefaction process due to low average annual temperature
  • access to markets in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region
  • government support, including tax benefits

Project infrastructure

The field development project involves drilling 208 wells at 19 well pads. Gas produced at the field will be supplied to the international market in the form of LNG, for which a gas liquefaction plant will be built, consisting of four technological lines. The first line of the plant with a capacity of 5.5 million tons of LNG per year was put into operation in December 2017. The infrastructure for loading LNG for export consists of a loading rack with two berths in the port of Sabetta, equipped with ice protection structures. Reinforced ice class Arc7 tankers are used to transport LNG.

Project implementation status

The final investment decision on the project was made in December 2013.

LNG production at the first production line of the plant began on December 5, 2017. Yamal LNG shipped the first batch of liquefied natural gas with a volume of 170 thousand cubic meters on December 8, 2017. In August 2018, Yamal LNG shipped the first batch of LNG after the launch of the plant’s second production line. In November 2018, Yamal LNG produced the first LNG on the third production line.

And I was again drawn to the north, far, far away, beyond the Arctic Circle to the Yamal Peninsula in Sabetta, where one of the largest projects in the oil and gas sector in recent years is being implemented - Yamal LNG. To understand, $22 billion has already been invested in it (a total of about $27 billion is planned). The liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant itself will operate on the resource base of the South Tambeyskoye field, and its capacity will be 16.5 million tons per year. Last May I was already in these parts, then the overall readiness for the entire project was about 51.3%, and the readiness for the first stage was 64.4%. How things are today, I will show and tell you everything, fortunately the company PJSC NOVATEK, a shareholder of the project, is very open in this matter and is not afraid of me :).

2. I experienced déjà vu for a moment. The speaker this time was Dmitry Monakov, already familiar to me, the first deputy director of the project.

3. And straight to the numbers. At the moment, the overall readiness for the entire project is 77-78%, and for the first stage of the plant it is already 88%. This is, in fact, what the first phase should look like by the end of the year.

The South Tambeyskoye field is located in the North-East of the Yamal Peninsula and belongs to the West Siberian oil and gas province. It was opened back in 1974. The field consists of 5 shallow gas formations and 37 deep gas condensate formations. The depth of the deposits varies from 900 to 2850 m. The dimensions of the deposit from south to north are about 70 km and from east to west - about 30-35 km. In total, they plan to drill 208 production wells with a horizontal end at 19 well pads at the field (the required 58 wells have already been drilled for the first stage, and a total of 78 have already been drilled at the moment. At the same time, only 35 wells are needed for the second stage, and about 35 for the third stage as well -38. The rest will have to maintain the necessary flow for the full operation of the plant). Proven and probable reserves amount to about 1.3 trillion cubic meters of gas and 60 million tons of condensate. The license to develop the field belongs to the Yamal LNG company and is valid until 2045. This resource base should be enough for at least 25-30 years of confident work.

The Yamal LNG plant will consist of three gas liquefaction trains with a capacity of 5.5 million tons per year each, i.e. the total capacity will be 16.5 million tons. In addition, the production complex will include liquefied hydrocarbon gas fractionation units, stable condensate and refrigerant storage parks, as well as other general plant engineering systems and flare units.

The entire plant will be built from 360 modules, of which there will be 111 technological modules. The first such module was delivered to the construction site on September 21, 2015. This core equipment is produced in 7 Chinese and 3 Indonesian shipyards. The total weight of the LNG plant is 650 thousand tons, of which 150 thousand tons are racks, and 500 thousand tons are the process modules themselves.

In the fall of 2016, all 78 modules required for the first stage, including the central control room, were delivered to Sabetta. Nevertheless, there are still 57 modules left on the territory of the plant (for the second and third stages), which will appear here according to the plan before the end of 2017.

8. On this day it was minus 30 here, and there was still a very strong wind at the altitude, but how could this stop me, who is in love with our industry? Therefore, almost blindly, since all my glasses are fogged up, I conquer and conquer all the lush heights of the plant :-)

9. Yes, well, in a year we’ve done a lot of business here, we’ve built a lot of things, well done, keep it up, we’ve definitely surprised!

11. We didn’t feel shy, we walked around inside...

The start of LNG production on the first line is planned for 2017, while the first deliveries of liquefied natural gas from here should take place before the end of this year.

16. Tanks for storing liquefied gas, there are four of them in total (4x160,000 m3). In permafrost conditions, each tank is built on a foundation of 948 piles, each 24 meters deep, with a thermal stabilizer installed next to each. In 2016, all of them were built and passed the necessary hydrotests. The main platforms of pumping equipment are installed on the first two reservoirs.

18. We climbed to one of the reservoirs. Their height is 54 meters. By the way, last year I was inside it, but now the way there is already closed.

20. An important component of the project is its own generation. A new gas turbine power plant with a capacity of 376 MW will be built here, the thermal power plant will be 160.0 MW. You see, on the right you can see an orange, blue and white building with pipes, that’s it. The first gas turbine with a capacity of 47 MW should be launched this spring. Thus, it will create the energy foundation for launching the first stage of the plant. It’s no secret that I’m partial to energy, so I’ll write a separate post about it.

As for the production process, it can be briefly described as follows. From the wells, gas is transported to the plant through a pipeline system. They are above ground here. When the gas enters the LNG plant, it is lightly conditioned to ensure the best possible liquefaction process. To do this, condensate is separated from the gas (these are liquid fractions that are simply dissolved in the gas at formation pressure and are in a state like steam), methanol (used for production, such as lubricant) and other unnecessary impurities. By the way, condensate also remains in use; it goes through a pipeline system into special tanks (there are 3 tanks of 50,000 m3 each for this purpose) and when a special tanker arrives, it is also shipped to consumers. Clean (prepared) ideally dry gas is supplied for liquefaction and then stored in tanks. In addition, in order to obtain a high-quality final product, carbon dioxide and mercury released during the cleaning process are removed.

On November 13, 2016, cryogenic heat exchangers for the second and third lines of the plant were delivered to Sabbeta, but for the first line, a similar heat exchanger has already been installed in the right place. The main cryogenic heat exchanger is considered the “heart” of the LNG plant, because it is inside it that the final cooling of natural gas to a liquid state is carried out. The heat exchanger itself is made of aluminum alloy and consists of several tube bundles wound onto a central core. The total length of the pipes exceeds 43 km.

35. Currently, about 27,500 people work at the construction site.

41. By the way, thanks to Yamal LNG, cargo traffic along the Northern Sea Route has doubled. And in total, more than 10 million tons of cargo have already been delivered to the seaport of Sabetta since 2012.

44. At the moment, the construction of the preparatory period facilities necessary for the delivery of LNG plant modules has been fully completed. Six cargo berths have been built and the construction of berths for the shipment of LNG and gas condensate continues actively.

As planned according to schedule in 2017, a significant event occurred in early December: the first liquefied gas from Yamal LNG OJSC was shipped to the mainland. The button to start gas shipment was pressed by the main initiator and inspirer of this large-scale project - our President V.V. Putin. Not everyone believed in this idea, but there were people who took risks and eventually won - that’s what Vladimir Vladimirovich said at the final conference.

and reviews of Yamal LNG from specialists

The first phase of construction of the plant was launched in December 2017, and another phase will be launched in 2018 and 2019. After this, the fourth will be built - entirely on Russian technologies. According to experts, the demand for gas in the world will only grow, and in 20 years consumption will increase by approximately 40%, and specifically LNG - by 70%. The interest in liquefied gas is so great that the chief director of the most powerful national Saudi oil company, Saudi Aramco, came to the launch of the first stage. What might interest a company from Saudi Arabia, the world's main gas supplier, in northern Russia? Of course, our next possible gas project in the Arctic latitudes is Arctic LNG-2. The Saudis do not hide their interest in cooperation on financing and development of the field. The launch of an expensive, unique complex in the town of Yar-Sale on Yamal is an epoch-making event on a global scale. It is no secret that our country, our strategic oil and gas companies are subject to sanctions, including on technology and the supply of equipment. It is all the more valuable that in such harsh conditions the first stage of the project was completed on time and, surprisingly for our country, the initial estimated cost was not exceeded. This caused a lot of positive feedback about Yamal LNG. By the way, the Americans have not yet been able to launch a similar project in Alaska.

History of OJSC "Yamal LNG"

Yamal and the adjacent territories occupy a leading position in Russia in terms of proven gas reserves. Today, more than 20% of Russian gas is located in Yamal, so local fields are destined to be the main areas for the production of this fuel. 12 years ago, OJSC Yamal LNG was created, where the shareholders were Novatek - 60% of the shares, Total - 20% of the shares and CNPC - 20% of the shares. Novatek recently sold a 9.9% stake to the Silk Road Fund, but retained a controlling stake of 50.1%. The main construction began in 2012. The total investment volume for all three phases of the complex is $27 billion.

Technologies for an integrated scheme for gas production, liquefaction and sales

Yamal LNG contractors implemented an integrated approach to the project of the Russian gas production company. In Sabetta, a tiny settlement of the local Nenets people, the first shift workers appeared back in 1980. But the village and surrounding areas developed only with the development of the project. They began to build a seaport, a gas liquefaction plant, and the modern village of Sabetta itself, where more than 20 thousand people already live.

Gas from the wells is transported through pipes laid above ground to the gas liquefaction plant. At the plant, gas condensate (liquid impurities), methanol and other foreign fractions are separated from the gas. The purified, ideally dry gas is liquefied and then through pipes to storage facilities and reservoirs. There are four of them, 160,000 cubic meters each. The heart of each line of the plant is a cryogenic unit (it directly liquefies gas) - highly complex equipment, with more than 40 kilometers of pipes alone. Gas condensate also finds its use; it is sent to special containers and the corresponding tankers transport the condensate to consumers.

Seaport of the Yamal LNG company

The unique seaport of Sabetta was built for the shipment of liquefied gas. It is a key link in the technological chain and the main base of the transport hub for the development of oil and gas fields in Yamal and the Gulf of Ob. The port has already provided navigation all year round. The port of the Yamal LNG company Sabetta is the gateway to the Arctic, this is a key link in the construction of the facility under construction.

Transportation of liquefied natural gas

According to reviews, Yamal LNG, when reaching its design capacity, should ship 16.5 million tons of liquefied gas (5.5 million tons each line). To transport such impressive volumes of gas, a whole fleet of unique ships will be created, consisting of fifteen specially designed reinforced icebreaking tankers, with a capacity of 173,000 cubic meters each. A contract for the supply of gas carriers worth more than $5 billion was concluded with shipbuilders from South Korea. The lead tanker, which has already loaded and left for customers, bears the name of Christophe de Mangeni - the name of the president of Total, who tragically died in 2014. It is largely the merit of the company’s president that, despite the sanctions, the French Total remained in the project. Their knowledge, experience and technology are very important in construction. According to the plan, ten gas carriers should be loaded monthly at the end of 2018. Loading time for one vessel is about 20 hours.

Main consumers

Under the contract, part of the gas will be purchased by the founders of the joint-stock company - Total and CNPC. Among the buyers: a subsidiary of Gazprom, Singaporean, Spanish, English, Indian, and French companies. Moreover, 96% of future supplies have already been contracted and it is known that 70-80% of liquefied gas will go to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. So far, Russia has a small share of global LNG trade. But, if all the planned projects are implemented, we will become a noticeable player in the market, and we will be taken into account. We will not reach the level of the world's largest LNG supplier - Qatar, but we are quite capable of becoming one of the world leaders. The president of Novatek said that the launch of Arctic LNG-2 in 2022-2023 is realistic.

Arctic deposits stimulate Russia's development

According to experts, the development of deposits on the Yamal Peninsula and the Gulf of Ob will be a driver of economic growth in Russia. Just as in the 19th century Mendeleev said: “Russia’s wealth will grow with Siberia,” so now the wealth of our country will grow with the Arctic. After all, the development of these territories will require scientific research and technology from many research institutes throughout the country; many Russian enterprises and companies will be loaded with orders. Moreover, under the conditions of sanctions, forced import substitution occurs, which ultimately turns out to our benefit.

Special construction technologies

The construction stages of the Yamal LNG plant show that, despite the fact that sanctions certainly affect financing and technological support, Russia has found alternative financing and was able to independently create the necessary equipment. In order to install and launch a plant in permafrost conditions, unique technologies are required. Even the foreign specialists involved in the construction of such projects were often unable to help. The plant is assembled from giant modules, there are more than 300 of them. The modules are created on the mainland, their weight reaches tens and hundreds of tons. These superblocks are transported by special vessels; for unloading, a heavy-duty berth has been created that can withstand a load of more than 10 tons per 1 square meter. meter. The plant is assembled from modules on site. Due to permafrost, all installation of modules is carried out on sites mounted on piles going down tens of meters.

Since Yamal has no connection with the mainland except by sea and air, everything here is autonomous. There must be own generation of energy and heat. A gas turbine power plant with a capacity of 370 MW of electricity and 150 MW of thermal energy is under construction. Even the trains that will soon travel by rail to Sabetta will be the only ones in the world to use LNG as fuel.

Sabetta - a village for shift workers

Today, in terms of population and living conditions, Sabetta is no longer a village, but a city. Initially, the name of the settlement was Sabetha (with one “t”), then it was somehow Italianized. In the 90s, when the number of drilling and geological exploration work was greatly reduced, the population of the village dropped to several dozen people. But since 2012, with the start of construction of the Yamal project, the population began to grow rapidly, and the village turned into a city. In permafrost conditions, decent working and leisure conditions have been created for gas production company workers. Most of the people living here work on a rotational basis, and the living conditions are specific: work-home, work-home. The house is a dormitory with rooms for 4-8 people. Living conditions are decent, spacious dining rooms, large sports and gyms for those who still have strength after a busy shift. For everyone, a strict prohibition law was violated - “goodbye” to the mainland.

Prospects for Yamal LNG and other Arctic projects

The events taking place now in Yamal happen once every hundred years. The significance of the project’s development is comparable to the development of Western Siberia 50-60 years ago. It is necessary to take into account the ever-increasing role of LNG in the gas balance of the world. Due to the fact that the fastest growing markets are in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, it is often simply impossible to organize pipeline gas supplies to these countries. According to experts, if all the plans outlined by our gas producers come true, by 2030 Russia’s share of the global LNG market could reach 15%. And all Yamal fields can reach volumes of 70 million tons of liquefied gas. Even now, reviews of Yamal LNG are the most enthusiastic. According to the project, in a few years the cargo turnover will reach 30 million tons. Already today, thanks to the construction of a year-round port on Yamal, the volume of traffic along the Northern Sea Route has doubled. In addition to gas industry products, the port will also handle other cargo needed for the northern territories. Of course, it will also be used in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense, i.e. it is of strategic importance.

Shift job vacancies

The Yamal LNG plant is developing and, naturally, specialists are required at the production facility being built. Engineers, workers, operators of various specialties are required. Salaries start from 85,000 rubles, for leading specialists - 2-3 times more. Contacts of "Yamal LNG": Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yamal district, village of Yar-Sale.

FKU IK-18 Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug- Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

20,000 - 60,000 rub.

...Work on the employer's premises: town. Harp,I have little-Nenets Autonomous Okrug In the FKU IK-18 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug "Polar Owl" (Kharp village / Far North region) candidates are required for positions of private and junior command staff...

21 days ago

50,000 - 60,000 rub.

...C Enterprise. WE OFFER: shift work 2 months/21 days; work at a large construction site of JSC "Yamal LNG"; registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; paid travel/flight to the place of work and for inter-shift rest; organized accommodation...

27 days ago

POLATI - Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

50,000 rub.

...leader of the Russian market in the installation of scaffolding;. Work at construction and production facilities of global importance (YAMAL LNG,LAKHTA CENTER); The first training center in Russia for the installation of scaffolding "POLATI TRAINING CENTER"). Requirements: Higher...

22 days ago

Sabetta, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

55,000 rub.

...To a large construction company, to work on site "YAMAL-LNG", handymen are urgently needed for a construction site. Conditions: Official employment, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, full social package + voluntary health insurance; Travel from your place of residence to your place of work and back, at the expense of...

2 days ago

Velesstroy - Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

70,000 - 80,000 rub.

...MS Excel programs. We offer: Shift work 2 months/21 days; work at the construction site of a gas liquefaction plant "Yamal LNG"; registration in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; full official salary; paid travel/flight to the place of work and between shifts...

12 days ago

SC "Pchela" - Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

85,000 rub.

On Yamal LNGp.Sabetta, Shift period 60/30, the company pays for accommodation, food, special clothing, travel from the place of residence. (Interim shifts are also paid). REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: military ID (all completed pages), passport (main, registration), TIN, SNILS, certificates...

1 day ago

Sabetta, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

85,000 - 90,000 rub.

...structures Additional information on the vacancy: Construction of roads and communications at Gazprom facilities in the village of SabettaLNG-Yamal....

14 days ago

Limited Liability Company "Recruitment Agency...- Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

85,000 rub.

...Additional information on the vacancy: Road construction. Civil works at the Gazprom facility in the village of SabettaLNG-Yamal.Additional bonuses: Official employment, full social package, timely salary. Food, accommodation, travel...

23 days ago

Lentelefonstroy-UM- Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

80,000 rub.

...traffic safety reporting. 55. Providing monthly reporting in the field of HSE, transport report to JSC "Yamal LNG". 56. Participation in weekly meetings at OJSC Yamal LNG. Providing information about incidents, events, innovations and other changes...

13 days ago

Fircroft Engineering Services Limited- Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

28 rub./hour

...electrical department. Requirements: ~7+ years of experience in a similar position and at least 3 years in the oil and gas industry or in factoriesLNG;~ Significant experience in implementing LNG or large oil and gas projects, including design, construction, commissioning and...

21 days ago

Cornerstone Russia - Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

...Engineering); Knowledge of software for design and calculation of building structures: Autocad, SCAD, Lira, Staad Pro, etc.; English language – intermediate level (pre-intermediate). Conditions: ~ Work on shift 28/28 Sabetta (I have little- Nenets Autonomous Okrug) ...

14 days ago

Yamal LNG - Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, commissioning, operation and maintenance of rotating equipment. Experience working in factories is desirableLNG;Experience: more than 10 years of experience in the oil and gas industry and LNG plants. Minimum five years of experience with gas turbines and...

More than 2 months ago

93,155 - 134,557 rub.

...or other technical education with confirmation of work experience in the operation service, commissioning or technical training department at factoriesLNG.Availability of a certificate of completed training and availability of a corresponding certificate (certificate of sample TAE-40110 or NVQ.D32/D33).3...

OPEN JOINT STOCK COMPANY "YAMAL LNG"- Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

104,159 - 150,453 rub.

...Job responsibilities: function of the Technical Controller in the permanent organizational structure of the Electrical Equipment Plant of the PlantLNG(in the absence of the chief power engineer - head of the department), including the following: review and agree on all key technical...

18 days ago

OJSC "YAMAL LNG" - Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

104,159 - 150,453 rub. in the specialty: more than 15 years, of which at least 10 years at oil and gas industry enterprises and at production enterprisesLNG.Disability group 3 in the absence of contraindications or restrictions in the IPRA for working on a rotational basis in the Far North....

Quick response 18 days ago

OJSC "YAMAL LNG" - Sabetta, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

104,159 - 150,453 rub.

During a working trip to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Vladimir Putin got acquainted with the construction progress of the second and third stages of the Yamal LNG liquefied natural gas plant in the village of Sabetta, located on the coast of the Kara Sea.

The head of state launched the loading of the first gas tanker at the Yamal LNG plant. At the command of Vladimir Putin, fuel began to flow into the tanks (capacity 172,000 m³) of the Christophe de Margerie vessel.

The vessel is capable of following the Northern Sea Route all year round without the help of icebreakers to the west of Yamal, to European ports, and within six months (fromJuly to December) – to the east, to the ports of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Previously, the period of summer navigation in the waters of the eastern sector of the Northern Sea Route was limited to four months and only with icebreaker support.

"Christophe de Margerie" crossed the Northern Sea Route in record time >>

The first cargo of the Yamal LNG project was purchased by the British branch of the Malaysian energy giant Petronas. Now the icebreaking LNG tanker Christophe de Margerie is heading from the port of Sabetta to the Danish port of Skagen, where it will approximately arrive on December 17.

There, liquefied gas will be pumped onto a regular LNG tanker, not an ice class one. This carrier will deliver the first cargo of the Yamal LNG project to the Dragon LNG regasification terminal in Milford, owned by Petronas LNG UK.

This sale was carried out on a spot basis, and all subsequent ones will be the same until April next year. And in April, deliveries will begin in accordance with long-term contracts, LNG World News reports. And as the Chinese corporation CNPC noted, about 4 million tons of liquefied gas produced by the Yamal LNG project will be sent to China.

In addition, Yamal LNG and the Belgian Fluxys signed a 20-year contract for transshipment of up to 8 million tons of LNG per year in the port of Zeebrugge. These volumes will then be sent to markets in the Asia-Pacific region.

In a conversation with employees of the Yamal LNG liquefied natural gas plant, Vladimir Putin said: “ Now we can safely say that Russia will grow in the Arctic in this and the next 100 years. Here are the main largest reserves of mineral raw materials. Here is the future, I am sure, very good and efficient transport artery – the Northern Sea Route. Therefore, this step that you have taken is very important for the country as a whole, not only for energy and not only for LNG projects, but in general. New jobs, infrastructure development, comprehensive development. This is very important, I repeat, for Russia».

It is frosty on Sabetta, taking into account the wind the temperature is below -30°C, all participants in the ceremonial events knew that they were going to the Yamal Arctic. The distinguished guests, in addition to the ministers of the Russian Government, include government delegations from France and China (NOVATEK’s partners in the Yamal LNG project are representatives of the French Total, Chinese CNPC and the Silk Road Fund), Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin, ministers and deputies Russia.

Saudi Arabia's Oil Minister Khalid al-Faliha also attended the ceremony. Previously, al-Falih admitted that he wants to visit Yamal, but for this he needs the appropriate equipment. " I hope that I will go to the launch of the LNG plant in Russia, I need warm clothes“, he told reporters a week ago. It was not for nothing that the minister was worried about warm clothes. On Friday, the air temperature in Sabetta was -26°C. This summer, al-Falih already tried to visit the LNG plant in Sabetta (Yamal), but was unable to get there due to bad weather.

« Buy our gas, save oil", the president told Saudi Arabia's Oil Minister Khalid al-Falih. The Saudi minister congratulated him on the launch of the Yamal LNG project, and responded to Putin’s proposal with the words, “that’s why I’m here.” After this, the president and the minister exchanged several phrases in a whisper that the surrounding journalists could no longer hear.

According to Putin, cooperation between Russia and Saudi Arabia in the field of energy will transform the countries from competitors into partners, which will have a positive impact on the work of both states, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. " If we continue to work in the same way, then we will turn from competitors into partners, and everyone will only benefit from working together", Putin said at the ceremony of loading the first batch of liquefied natural gas at the Yamal LNG plant during a conversation with Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Khalid al-Falih.

The minister, for his part, noted that such cooperation will change the global energy market. According to him, Russia and Saudi Arabia are working in the oil field, but oil and gas are closely interconnected. " We hope that the Russian Federation and Saudi Arabia will work together together. Our companies from our countries will work together", said the minister.

Gas carriers for Yamal LNG “Boris Vilkitsky” and “Fedor Litke” were delivered to the customer >>

Let us recall that on December 5, 2017, the Yamal LNG plant (Sabetta village, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) began production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the first production line with a design capacity of 5.5 million tons of LNG per year. The project is being implemented on the Yamal Peninsula beyond the Arctic Circle on the basis of the South Tambeyskoye field.

Capital costs of the project amounted to $27 billion, of which about $13 billion was invested by shareholders. Yamal LNG also attracted $19 billion in external financing from the National Welfare Fund, the Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance, Sberbank, Gazprombank, China Development Bank, Export-Import Bank of China, Italian Bank Intesa, Italian and French Export-Import Agencies, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, Austrian Raiffeisen Bank, German Euler Hermes and Swedish EKN.

The operator of the project is OJSC Yamal LNG, a joint venture of OJSC NOVATEK (50.1%), the TOTAL concern (20%) and the China National Petroleum Corporation (20%) and the Silk Road Fund (9.9%).

The start of construction of the international Arctic production complex with the seaport of Sabetta was marked by the laying of a commemorative capsule in July 2012. The symbolic foundation stone for the strategic facility was laid by Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov, Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin and Chairman of the Board of NOVATEK OJSC Leonid Mikhelson. The intention to create a high-tech liquefied natural gas production center in Yamal was supported by Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Government of the Russian Federation. The international project was implemented within the stated time frame, demonstrating responsible cooperation with partners from different countries. " The level that we have achieved in working together will continue to contribute to joint effective activities for the benefit of the companies that take part in this, for the benefit of our countries. They will maintain a stable level in the international energy market and create favorable conditions for the development of the global economy“, noted Vladimir Putin, commenting on the level of interaction between all participants.

The second arc7 class tanker “Shturman Malygin” was launched >>

Almost 700 domestic enterprises from 60 regions of Russia and a large professional team of specialists took part in the implementation of the project.

Even at the construction stage of the plant, the Sabetta seaport began operating as usual. In 2016 alone, the Yamal harbor received and serviced about 1,200 vessels of various classes and about 3 million tons of cargo; the Northern Sea Route received a new impetus for development.

The construction of the port of Sabetta is, in terms of its scale, the largest infrastructure project in the world implemented in the Arctic latitudes. It represents the creation of an approach canal in the northern part of the Gulf of Ob, about 50 kilometers long, 300 meters wide, 15 meters deep, directly in the water area of ​​the port of Sabetta, its area is about 130 hectares.

In 2015, dredging work was carried out in the port water area, approach and sea channels, the total volume of reclaimed soil exceeded 16 million m³. To protect the port waters, construction was underway on a south-eastern ice protection structure more than 2 km long, on which a loading rack for LNG and stable gas condensate was being constructed.

The port of Sabetta will be able to ship up to 17 million tons for transporting goods along the Northern Sea Route. The plant's capacity assumes LNG production of up to 16.5 million tons, which will be achieved in the first quarter of 2019 after the launch of the second line of the plant. At the same time, a decision was also made to build a fourth line with a capacity of 1 million tons based on Russian technology for the production of LNG.

To date, the company has completed construction of half of the power plant capacity for the project, which could reach 376 MW. 15 countries and 650 Russian enterprises participate in the Yamal LNG project. At the same time, the volume of orders in Russia has already exceeded 648 billion rubles. The site employs approximately 32,000 people.

And today, December 8, the unique Arc7 class gas tanker Christophe de Margerie, loaded with liquefied natural gas, is preparing for its first voyage to supply fuel to consumers.

Let us recall that Russian and foreign classification societies and leading design and engineering institutes, shipyards and ship-owning companies took part in the development of the Arctic tanker. The tanker has a dual-action system - the bow is adapted for navigation in open water and in thin ice conditions, and the stern is optimized for independent navigation in difficult ice conditions. It is planned that 15 such ships will be built.

The world's second largest nuclear icebreaker left the slipway of the Baltic Shipyard >>

The Arctic tanker fleet, specially manufactured for the Yamal project, will also run on LNG fuel. It is planned that 15 tankers similar to the Christophe de Margerie will be manufactured. Today, another gas tanker, named after the legendary Arctic explorer Boris Vilkitsky, is awaiting loading in Sabetta.

It is noteworthy that even at the beginning of the project, long-term contracts were concluded for the sale of 95% of LNG.

LNG is the fuel of the future, and Yamal is a unique place in the Arctic for its extraction, production and transportation to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and Europe along the Northern Sea Route, especially taking into account the prospects for the development of LNG centers on the Yamal Peninsula and Gydan (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug). " Yamal is rich in its reserves and unique in its location. LNG production could exceed 70 million tons. A production and logistics hub with a promising global market share of more than 15 percent for LNG is already being formed in the region.“, says the regional governor.

Thanks to Yamal LNG, a production and logistics hub is already being formed in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug with a promising share of more than 15% in the global market, Kobylkin noted. The next steps in this direction have already been determined - these will be new LNG plants. There are resources for this on both the Yamal Peninsula and the Gydan Peninsula, the head of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug said.

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