Pridneprovskaya railway. Crimea railway

The Dnieper Railway is a transport line that serves the southeastern part of Ukrainian territory. In particular, it passes through the Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk regions. The service also extends to parts of the Kherson and Kharkov territories. Until March 2014, this railway structure carried out the tasks of transporting passengers and cargo throughout the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. Head of the Dnieper Railway - A. S. Boretsky, Ch. engineer - A. G. Lashko, first deputy. chief - O. V. Shchepetkov.

Historical information

The structure began its existence back in 1873, on November 15th. It was on this day that the first passenger train arrived at the Nizhnedneprovsk station (formerly Yekaterinoslav). The starting point was Sinelnikovo. This first train consisted of two cars. Over time, due to the increase in the volume of coal mining in the Donbass, the development of the iron ore basins of Krivoy Rog, as well as thanks to the activity of M. O. Pol (a well-known public figure), it was decided to continue the construction of railway tracks with public funds.

Development during the war years

During World War II, the Dnieper railway was almost completely destroyed. During the hostilities and during the liberation of Russian territories from the occupiers, station workers carried out transportation services, supplied the front, as well as restoration work on the tracks and repairs. Thousands of railway workers took part in military operations, a huge number of them carried out underground activities.


After the war, active restoration of objects destroyed by the occupiers throughout the country began. The Dnieper Railway was no exception. It was not only restored, but also reconstructed. Not only new stations of the Dnieper Railway were rebuilt, but also station buildings were updated, and new ones were built in some areas. Large bridges and various other artificial structures were erected. At the same time, the meridional main direction from the station was switched to electric traction. Lozovaya to Zaporozhye. Electrification was carried out in all main latitudinal directions and suburban areas. Slightly more than 30% of the freight turnover thus remained with locomotive traction. The rest of these operations are performed electrically. About 85% of the road was equipped with automatic blocking systems. More than 95% of the sites are equipped with electrical centralized signals and switches. In addition to the main ones, new marshalling stations were built. These facilities are equipped with modern technical automation and mechanization systems. To carry out repair work on the tracks and maintain the track in proper condition, high-performance units are used.

Pridneprovskaya railway today

The total length of the tracks is more than 3250 km. Of this total, over 58% are electrified. More than 83% of tracks are equipped with automatic adjustment systems. The structure includes four transportation directorates. Transport activities are carried out by 244 stations, 19 of which are local stations, 67 are freight stations, 7 are passenger stations and 4 are sorting stations. The rail bed connects the Krivoy Rog iron ore basin and the Donbass due to the presence of two latitudinal lines: Pyatikhatki - Verkhovtsevo - Dnepropetrovsk - Sinelnikovo - Chaplino and Timkovo - Krivoy Rog - Apostolovo - Zaporozhye - Kamysh - Zarya. The Dnieper Railway provides service to such large industrial centers as Dneprodzerzhinsk, Nikopol, Pavlograd, Novomoskovsk and others.

Freight turnover

According to reports and statistics, the activities carried out by the Dnieper Railway are distinguished by a large share of receiving and sending cargo. It should be noted, however, that the turnover of the structure is relatively low overall. This is due to the relatively short transportation distance. Manganese and coke, ferrous metals are mainly transported. Cargo often includes machinery, industrial goods and equipment, building materials, grain, and fluxes.

Passenger Transportation

Until recently, a large number of trains transported citizens from Russia to Ukraine. Suburban connections are very well developed. It accounts for more than 85% of all passenger traffic. However, due to the short distance, the suburban part of the service accounts for only a quarter of the total passenger turnover.


Today, all divisions of the structure are involved in the implementation of industry and government programs for the development of the transport network. Activities are aimed primarily at strengthening safety and increasing the reliability of transportation, improving volume and quality indicators. Relatively recently, the management of the Dnieper Railway underwent reform. Thus, the Crimean, Zaporozhye and Krivorozhsky sections were reorganized into the Directorate of Railway Transportation.

Use of modern technologies

Of particular importance in the informatization of the structure is the connection to the Internet. The Dnieper Railway, whose official website is, uses the latest achievements in the field of communications and world experience in solving many issues. In addition, the presence of the structure on the Internet allows you to interact more closely and quickly with clients. On the pages of the site you can find all the necessary information on the services provided by the organization.

Everyone who communicates with me knows very well that every year in the first half of August, I vacation in Crimea on the shores of the Black Sea. But besides relaxing on the beach, excursions, diving, I still find time to shoot on the railway. Although this is far from a primary task, this opportunity cannot be lost while the ER1 and VL8 are in operation.
On August 1, the branded train "Turgenev" took me to the capital of Crimea, Simferopol. Having left my things in the storage room, as usual, I decided to go out to the stage and take some pictures of the rolling stock.
I’ll say right away that this report contains most, but not all, photographs, however, I took selective photos.
Having reached the stage 2-3 kilometers from the Simferopol station, I began to wait for the first train. We didn't have to wait long.

ChS2-584. I was doubly lucky: firstly, the train was supposed to pass much earlier, but was late, and secondly, it passed under ChS2 from TC Krivoy Rog.
I'm waiting from the electric train from Urozhaynaya. After 20-25 minutes, ER1 appeared around the bend

ER1-199 by the route Urozhaynaya - Simferopol. To be honest, this car annoyed me a little, because it haunts me on almost every outing.
So, if my memory serves me correctly, then after this electric train, or after Dzhankoysky, a freight train should pass.
Let's see...Let's wait for the next ER1

ER1-117 on the Dzhankoy - Simferopol route. This is a completely different matter: I don’t have this ERK in my collection.
But now you can already hear the VL8 whistle and the traffic light at the entrance is green. Look forward to

VL8-1389 with a freight train. Fine! Very good!

ChS2-473. I didn’t have time to see what kind of train it was; I had never come across such short trains before.
Then I missed several trains and photographed only the next ER1 from Evpatoria

ER1-190 from Novoalekseevka to Simferopol

ChS2-480 with train No. 203 Moscow - Simferopol.
Okay, maybe that's enough.
On the way back I photographed the next electric locomotive ChS2-584 with section 2TE116

2TE116-1501A. This diesel locomotive is assigned to the Simferopol PM.
And finally, another open-source ChS2 with a train

ChS2-425 with train Kyiv - Simferopol
The harvest is good, but it's time to finish. The hot southern sun, and the sea is calling!
Having taken my things from the storage room, I went to the vacation spot, and after 3.5-4 hours I was on Miskhor beach, having previously checked into the boarding house "Akter" and had lunch.
On August 7, I arrived in Simferopol to do some business, and took the opportunity to take pictures on the railway. This time I decided to go to the stage near the Ostryakovo station (Gvardeyskoye village), having previously arrived by electric train ER1, especially since I had not yet had the opportunity to travel on ER1. Of course, there is little left of the original ER1; they all underwent repairs at one time to extend their service life, but still.
I had the opportunity to travel on ER1-33, at the moment this is the oldest electric train ER1-33, built in 1959 by the Riga Carriage Works. The salon after renovation, however, is no different from the ER2 of later releases, except that the benches are wooden.
Having reached Ostryakovo, I set off for the Ostryakovo - Simferopol - Gruzovoy stretch. This is where my fears were confirmed: the sun was shining in such a way that it was ideal to rent trains to Simferopol, but to remove the oncoming trains I had to wait 2.5 - 3 hours, and I only had 3 hours until the return electric train. Nevertheless, hoping for the best, I went out to the race. According to the schedule, the Evpatoria-Simferopol electric train is now scheduled to pass, and it looks like it’s just around the corner. Yes what! EPL2T-032, the only EPL2T in Simferopol.

EPL2T-032 "Crimea - the pearl of Ukraine." In general, I don’t like it when the CS supports block part of an electric train, okay, a freight train or a PDS, where the locomotive is important, not the cars, but here...However, this will do for a start.
However, I didn’t photograph the next electric train for this reason, firstly, and secondly, it was the boring ER1-199.
Trains from Simferopol came one after another, but from Ostryakovo - nothing! So 35 minutes passed. But finally, the PDS is going under emergency situation 2

ChS2-086 with the train Ivano-Frankivsk - Simferopol. In general, in the schedules it is designated as Chernivtsi - Simferopol, but in fact there are only 4-5 cars from Chernivtsi, and in Simferopol it is announced as Ivano-Frankivsk
The fact that it passed under ChS2 of the early releases was certainly pleasing.
Literally 5-7 minutes later another PDS passed

ChS7-117 with train No. 257 Moscow - Sevastopol. By the way, it was ChS7-117 that was pulled by train No. 234 Sevastopol - Moscow, on which I was returning from Crimea to Moscow.
And again silence...
As a result, in the remaining time, I filmed only the return passage of EPL2T, and one PDS near Simferopol ChS2

ChS2-399 with train No. 256 Simferopol - Lviv.
Having reached the 1450 km square, I waited for the return electric train, it was the ER1-190 electric train, which I had filmed in Simferopol a week earlier. Unlike ER1-33, during repairs, the electric train retained its original wooden frames, but no more...well, or almost. Arriving in Simferopol, I finally photographed the interior of the ER1-19006 car in which I was traveling.

Salon ER1-190

It’s incredible, but after the renovation, factory plates were hung in the new interior, which are quite well preserved. They look even better in ER1-33.
This ended the not very productive foray
On the day of departure, August 16, I took one more photo.
I didn’t have time to photograph the electric train to Yevpatoria, because the bus from Yalta was 20 minutes late, and all that remained was to carry out the EPLkuv curve in front of the village. But literally 3 minutes later the T-9 typhon was heard, indicating the approach of the VL8 electric locomotive. And the location from the point of view of filming is simply no good: on the right there are painted walls of garages, and the lighting is crap. The sun actually hid in the clouds, and it was raining away from Simferopol. Nevertheless, I decided to try to remove it. The result is below

VL8M-1361 VL8M-1360 with a freight train.
Next, I’m posting a few photos of the PDS taken that day.

ChS7-185 with train No. 176 Kharkov - Simferopol. Filming this train was one of the main tasks on this outing.

ChS7-299 with train No. 172 "Skhidny Express" Simferopol - Dnepropetrovsk

ChS7-308 with train No. 310 Simferopol - Odessa

ChS2-656 with the train Simferopol - Kharkov. Number of the second electric locomotive is ChS2-655. I’ll say right away that this is not a system, the second electric locomotive is simply driven in a hot state.
And finally, I filmed another Emergency 2 with a low number.

ChS2-063 with train No. 562 Simferopol - Kyiv.
After that, I returned to the station, and after waiting for train No. 234, I went to Moscow. Just like that!