Package tours: planning, selection, organization and offer. Advanced search for package tours

Search And package bookingtours We are convenient and profitable! We just sell tours NO EXTRAS!
You pay for your tour exactly what it costs tour operator.

You no longer need to visit offices travel agencies.
Modern remote service allows you book, pay for the tour and receive documents,
without leaving home. You can right now take off from a city convenient for you,
no matter where you are at the moment.

Just fill out the search form for package tours, indicating all the necessary data and click "Search tours":

Search result form:

Click on the hotel name to get all the information about the room, available rooms in this hotel, type of food, resort, country and much more.

Click on the airplane icon and you will see available flights.

When you click on the price, you will be taken to the tour application page.

Manual selection

Click and fill out the form that opens if you want our specialist to select a tour for you. With manual selection batch tours It is possible to take into account more of your wishes for holidays abroad.

Package tours are vacation tours that usually consist of flights, insurance, hotel accommodation, transfers and visa services. Package tours do not include excursions. The figure shows the location of the package tour search module:

Figure No. 3. Country selection

The first parameter you need to select is the country of your intended travel. After this, you are taken to the tour search page, where you can specify a large number of parameters. It is advisable to provide as much information as possible to find an offer that suits you. All fields in the form are optional and can be filled out in any order. When you select one of the options, the other options automatically change depending on the selected option. For example, since the Nuweiba resort in Egypt only offers tours to 4* and 5* hotels, only 4* and 5* categories are shown in hotel categories.

Figure No. 4. Selecting package tour options

1 Country selection

Description of the selected country (currency and politics, time, climate, attractions, history, language, cuisine, geography, population, religion, national holidays, visa and customs regimes, transport, entertainment and other useful information).

2 Photos of the country

Photos of the selected country from the resource RuTraveller. ” RuTraveller”.

3 Selecting a resort

The drop-down menu displays a list of all resorts in the selected country; select the one you are interested in.

Indication of preferred options for hotel categories.

5 Departure date and number of nights

Departure dates mean the period from which date a tourist needs to fly. All tours in the System are calculated based on the number of nights, respectively, days in the tour - one more. If you are interested in a specific number of nights, then you need to put the same value of nights in the drop-down lists “from” and “to” (for example, “7 nights”).

The default is 7 nights.

6 Number of people in the room

This refers to the number of people who will live in one hotel room. It is possible to view prices for a room with children of a certain age.

The default price is for a double room (DBL).

7 Selecting the power type

By analogy with the choice of resorts. E If you check the box “Allincluded» search results will only show tours with these meal types.

The list of abbreviations by food type can be found in the System in the "Help" section or in the section .

8 Maximum price

Please indicate the maximum price you are willing to pay for the tour.You can also choose whether to calculate the maximum price only with the air ticket or display all options in the search results (both with and without the air ticket included).

9 Advanced search

If you need to select tour parameters in more detail, click the "Advanced Search" link. .

10 Search tours

Having specified all the search parameters, you must click the "Search for tours" button, after which you will see a page with tours that match the specified parameters.

11 Country selection

Ability to change the country of search for tours.

If you are a tourist with impressive experience, then you are probably familiar with the concept of a tour package, or in other words package tour. But travelers without experience often ask the question: “Will it turn out that they will buy a “cat in a... bag”?

So what is a tour package?

A tour package is the most popular product in Russia, which includes a certain set of travel services. Typically, it is recommended to buy a tour package:

  • vacationers going abroad for the first time, as well as those who do not know the language of the host country and have no experience in traveling;
  • families with children;
  • and also for those who want comfortable rest, without worrying about any organizational problems.

The main thing to pay attention to is that all tour packages are different. Some are standard tour packages, that is, including a minimum set of tourist services, and some are expanded, that is, with additional tourist services. This selection of a tour depends on:

  • tour operator fantasies;
  • Your personal preferences.

By the way, on our website you can independently select tours for all destinations, including tours from Moscow. Your task will be, when purchasing a tour, to “look into the contents” of the tour package, choosing exactly what suits you. Nothing can be removed from the finished tour package and nothing can be added to it, that is, you can buy the tour as is, or not purchase it at all. And what tour to choose - it all depends on your wallet and your preferences!

Thus, a tour package is a finished product of a tour operator, containing a range of tourist services, such as a voucher for hotel accommodation, guaranteed meals, health insurance and other possible services - excursions, visas, and so on.

Advantages and disadvantages of the purchased tour package

Such purchase of tours in finished form allows you to save significantly cash, especially if your vacation budget is not too big. On our website you can choose a tour for a specific time of your vacation and at the same time save 10...50% of the cost of accommodation and tickets, in comparison with their separate independent purchase.

The only drawback of a travel package is that returning it to the travel agency is not always easy and financially unprofitable. But, if the tour package is returned, the tour operator will most likely transfer it to the category.

Figure No. 5. Selecting advanced search options for package tours

In the search form of the advanced search for tours, you can specify the following parameters:

1 . Selecting the departure date, number of people, number of children, as well as the usual search for tours. Added checkboxes to select flights only on Saturdays “Sat” and/or Sundays “Sun”. The “Cost” parameter in the advanced search allows you to specify a price range. By default, prices are searched in US dollars.

2 . Selecting numbers of their characteristics and service

3 . Selecting a view from your room

4 . Selecting the type of food, similar to the standard search. In the advanced search, the item “Breakfast and half board” has been added, which allows you to select only those tours in which meals are only available according to this type.

5 . Selecting your preferred resorts. After clicking the “+” icon after the name of the resort, a list with areas in this resort opens, which allows you to select tour locations in more detail.

6 . Selection by hotel names and category (star rating) of hotels.

8 . Having specified all the search parameters, you must click the "Search for tours" button, after which you will see a page with tours that match the specified parameters.

After clicking on the “Search tours” button, you are taken to the search results page.

Figure No. 6. Tour search results

1 Description and photo gallery of the hotel

2 Description of the resort

3 List of hotel prices

4 Choosing an agency

5 Add to Favorites

The * icon allows you to add the selected tour to the “Favorite Tours” of your personal account. When a tour is added to favorites, the * icon is highlighted in red

Figure No. 7. Featured tours

Your selected tour will be shown in the Favorite Tours menu or it will be added to the selected ones if you have previously added other tours to your favorites.

Icon “ + “ allows you to reveal detailed description tour.

To remove a tour from Favorites, click the icon"x"

6 New search

Allows you to go to the previous step of searching for tours and start the search again.

7 Filter

When displaying a large number of offers, the filter allows you to refine your search parameters. It is possible to refine the search parameters by departure dates, number of people in the room, type of food, choice of resort, areas, hotels and their categories.