What is the flag of Chile? National symbols of Chile What the banner looks like.

One of the three main symbols of freedom and sovereignty (along with and) is its State flag(Spanish: La bandera nacional de la República de Chile), also known as La Estrella Solitaria (trans. "The Lone Star").

The first Flag of Chile was officially adopted upon gaining independence from the Spanish Crown, on July 4, 1812. However, it acquired its modern appearance a little later - on October 18, 1817. Since that day, it has remained unchanged for 200 years.

Description and meaning

It is a panel consisting of 3 colors: blood red below, and white with royal blue above. Inside the blue square is a white five-pointed star.

Each of these colors has its own special meaning...

Blue symbolizes the sky and the waters of the Pacific Ocean. White is a mountain range of the majestic Andes with peaks forever covered with snow. Red is a symbol of the blood shed during the fierce struggle for freedom. The white star, in turn, emphasizes the unity and unitarity of the state, in contrast, for example, to the 50 stars on the US flag, which represent federalism. By the way, it was with these flowers, and it was with this star (“Star of Arauco”) that the locals, who for many years waged a desperate war against the Spanish Conquest, decorated their banners!

The design of the modern flag was developed by the Minister of War, the first Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Navy - Jose Ignacio Centeno(Spanish: José Ignacio Zenteno).

A little history

The very first flag of the newly created Republic was raised by the head of the provisional government, José Miguel Carrera, on July 4, 1812, during a banquet in honor of the celebration of American Independence Day. This flag consisted of a blue, white and yellow tricolor.

On May 26, 1817, the so-called “transitional flag” (blue-white-red tricolor) was approved. The yellow color in it was replaced by red. Soon the white and blue stripes swapped places and a star was added to the center.

Finally, on October 18, 1817, by decree of the Supreme Ruler of Chile (1818-1823) (Spanish Bernardo O'Higgins), the adoption of a new flag was solemnly proclaimed, which has survived to this day.

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The flag of the Republic of Chile is an integral symbol of statehood, like the coat of arms and anthem of the country.

Description and proportions of the flag of Chile

The national flag of Chile has a length to width ratio of 3:2. It is a three-color rectangle, the lower half of which is bright red. The top half of the flag is divided into two unequal parts. One third of it, closest to the shaft, is made in blue. There is a white five-pointed star on a blue field. The rest of the field at the top of the flag is white.
The red color of the flag of Chile is a symbol of the blood shed by the patriots of the state in the struggle for the country's independence. The blue color is the cloudless Chilean sky, and the white color is the Andes mountain range with eternal glaciers on its peaks. The five-pointed star on the flag of Chile is the country’s guide to new heights, success and glory.
The flag of the country's president practically repeats the state flag, with the only difference being that the country's coat of arms is placed in the middle of it. The coat of arms of Chile on presidential flags is a heraldic shield, the upper part of which is blue and the lower part is red. The center of the shield is occupied by a five-pointed star, and is crowned with a helmet emblem - a sultan of blue, white and red feathers. On the sides of the shield are the symbols of the country - the South Andean deer and the Andean condor. The crowns on their heads symbolize the naval prowess of the state, and the animals rest on an ornament intertwined with a ribbon with the country’s motto. Translated from Spanish it sounds like “By persuasion or compulsion.”
The flag of the Navy of the Republic of Chile is a blue square with a white five-pointed star at an equal distance from its edges.

History of the Flag of Chile

The author of the flag of Chile is considered to be Antonio Arcos, who was not only a military engineer, but also a participant in the armed struggle for the independence of the continent from the colonialists. The flag was officially adopted in 1817, when the Spaniards were completely defeated during the liberation battles and the country gained independence.
The flag of Chile has not changed for almost 200 years, despite all the events in the political life of the country and repeated coups d'etat.
The country's coat of arms appeared in 1834, and was invented by a subject of the British Crown, Charles Wood Taylor. Today, the British creation adorns the flag of the South American republic and symbolizes the freedom-loving spirit and rebellious character of the Chilean people.

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Proportions: 2:3

Description of the flag of Chile:

The Chilean flag consists of two horizontal stripes of equal width. The top stripe is white and the bottom stripe is red. In the upper left corner of the flag, on a white stripe, there is a blue square the width of the entire stripe. In the middle of the blue square is a white five-pointed star.

Chilean flag meaning:

The red stripe represents the blood of the patriots who fought for independence. The white stripe symbolizes the snow in the Andes mountains. The blue square represents the sky. The star on the flag emphasizes that it is a unitary republic and not a federal one.

History of the flag of Chile:

The Chilean flag was adopted on October 18, 1817, making it one of the oldest flags in the world. Chile gained independence from Spain on February 12, 1818.

There is a regulation that the Chilean flag can be hung both horizontally and vertically, but the star must always be in the upper left corner.

The Chilean flag is similar to the state of Texas's flag.

The flag consists of a white (top) and red horizontal stripe. In the roof there is a blue square, which has the same height as the white stripe. In the center of the square is a white five-pointed star, which symbolizes the desire for success and fame.

The blue color symbolizes the sky, white represents the Andes mountains covered with snow, and red represents the blood shed in the fight for independence from Spanish rule.

The state blue-white-red flag was preceded by a blue-white-yellow flag.

Residents of the country consider their flag to be the most beautiful in the world.

Flag of Chile from 1812 to 1814

Flag of the "Old Motherland" (Patria Vieja)

This flag was used on merchant ships. It is considered the first National Flag of the country. The colors symbolized the sky, the snow-capped Andes and fields of golden wheat, respectively.

Flag of Chile from 1817 to 1818

This version of the flag literally reads "Flag of Transition". The flag was a rectangular panel with three horizontal stripes of blue, white and red (from top to bottom) colors. It was a transitional version of the flag.

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