Bahamas where. Useful information about the Bahamas

The Commonwealth of the Bahamas is an island archipelago with 30 inhabited islands out of 700. The Bahamas are located 90 km from Florida in the Atlantic Ocean. In the Caribbean, these islands are in the very north. The islands of Abakos, Andros, Aklins, Exumas, Berri, Biminis and some others are considered the largest in the archipelago. The total area of ​​the state is approximately 14 thousand square meters. km. The capital is Nassau. It is the largest city in the country, which is at the same time its cultural and commercial center.

Population of the Bahamas

The number of inhabitants of the Bahamas is approximately 366 thousand people. Blacks and mulattos make up over 80% of the population.

Nature in the Bahamas

Hundreds of kilometers of white sand beaches, 2500 coral reefs, clear coastal waters heated by the Gulf Stream have long been associated with the concept of "luxury vacation" by most vacationers. The unspoiled nature of most of the islands attracts crowds of tourists. Inagua Island is home to rare pink flamingos and iguanas.

Climatic conditions

The Bahamas has a humid subtropical climate. The rainy season begins in May and lasts until October. Due to the mild wind from the equator, winters are very warm with a temperature of + 15 ° C, and in summer, due to trade winds, the temperature does not exceed + 32 ° C. The warm Gulf Stream, washing the Bahamas from the west, warms the sea water up to about + 25 ° C throughout the year.


In the Bahamas, the only official language is English. The entire population of the country speaks it fluently.


The cuisine in the Bahamas is fruit and all kinds of fish, crab and seafood dishes. The main ingredient in most dishes is the conch shellfish. It is a well-known aphrodisiac and is widely used here. In the Bahamas, they like to cook very spicy dishes, combining them with lime juice. And coconuts are even used in ice cream.

Currency of the Bahamas

The national currency is the Bahamian dollar. In relation to the US dollar, it is equal and therefore the US currency is also freely used in the Bahamas.


In the Bahamas, the island population is Christian, but membership in other religious denominations is not condemned, thanks to the complete freedom of religion.


Boxing Day is celebrated in the Bahamas on December 26. This very solemn and vibrant event is considered traditional for all the former colonies of Britain. The holiday is very colorful, in the form of a colorful carnival, which begins at midnight on Bay Street.

Major resorts in the Bahamas

The most visited resorts in the Bahamas are located on the Paradise Islands, Grand Bahama and New Providence. Grand Bahama Island has a golf course, tennis courts, spear fishing and diving. Swimming with dolphins can be arranged on Inagua Island.


In the center of the capital of the Bahamas is the famous Parliament Square, where in the 19th century the buildings of Parliament, the Supreme Court and the Colonial Administration were built around the statue of Queen Victoria.

Nassau Underwater Aquarium, Retreat Gardens, the beautiful Cable Beach are perfect for nature lovers. Not far from the center of the capital is Fort Charlotte, which was built back in 1788. Tourists will not be left indifferent by the labyrinth, which resembles the destroyed Atlantis. The unique tunnel passing under water and striking with the beauty of the underwater world has no analogues in the world. The Sea Gardens is a place where you can get acquainted with the rich flora and fauna of the underwater world. Hand-made souvenirs created by local craftsmen from clay, straw and shells are very popular all over the world.

But the main attraction of the islands is their unique nature. Walking to the reefs, visiting natural areas where flamingos live, observing the underwater world of the Atlantic will be an entertaining pastime for all tourists.

The name of the country comes from the Indian name "island" - "Bahama" and the name "island" - "Bahama".

Capital of the Bahamas... Nassau.

Bahamas area... 13 935 km2.

Population of the Bahamas... 388,000 people (

Bahamas GDP. $8.511 billion (

Location of the Bahamas... The Bahamas is a state in the West. It is located on 700 small islands and two and a half thousand coral reefs, stretching from the southeastern coast of Florida to the east coast. Inhabited by about 40 islands.

Administrative divisions of the Bahamas... The state is divided into 21 districts.

Form of government of the Bahamas. .

Head of State of the Bahamas... The Queen, represented by the Governor General.

Supreme Legislature of the Bahamas... Bicameral Parliament Senate and House of Assembly.

Supreme Executive Body of the Bahamas... Government.

Major cities in the Bahamas... New Providence, Freeport.

Official language of the Bahamas... English.

Religion of the Bahamas. 32% Baptists, 20% Anglicans, 19%, 6% Methodists.

Ethnic composition of the Bahamas... 85% are Africans, 15% are British, Americans.

Currency of the Bahamas... Bahamian dollar = 100 cents.

Flora of the Bahamas... The vegetation on the territory of the islands is tropical. Thickets of evergreen shrubs and pine forests predominate, and coconut groves on the coast. Here, in the harbor of Nassau, is the world famous Paradise Island (Paradise Island).

Fauna of the Bahamas... The islands are home to a large number of birds and there are practically no mammals. There are many tropical fish species.

The Commonwealth of the Bahamas is one of the best holiday destinations on the planet. Tourists come here for the azure sea, snow-white coast, picturesque nature and rich nightlife. Here you can rent and party, enjoy spa treatments, visit the casino, go snorkeling with dolphins or dive with sunken ships.

Where is the Bahamas located?

The world map shows that the Bahamas is located north of the Caribbean Sea and washed by the Atlantic Ocean. They consist of a placer of small ones that stretch from the Florida Peninsula to the side. The archipelago is part of the West Indies region and covers an area of ​​more than 250 thousand square meters. km.

Currently, the country's territory covers an area of ​​13878 sq. km, it is divided into 31 districts, which are called districts in the Bahamas.

Climate in the Bahamas

In the south of the country there is a subtropical climate, and in the north - a tropical trade wind. The Gulf Stream has a significant impact on it. lasts all year round, but for the sake of the beach it is worth coming here from September to May, when there is no sweltering heat. In winter, the weather is calm and warm, the air temperature varies from +18 ° C to +24 ° C.

In summer, the average air temperature in the Bahamas is +30 ° C, but usually the mercury column exceeds +40 ° C. It should be borne in mind that in the central part of the country the weather is colder than in the south. This period is characterized by tropical storms and hurricanes, as well as heavy rainfall.

The archipelago is mainly composed of coral limestones, which lie at a depth of about 1,500 m. The Bahamas is surrounded by one of the largest coral reefs on the planet, karst forms prevail in the relief of the islands. There are practically no rivers here, but there are salt lakes communicating with the sea. Among the animals you can find bats, agouti, iguanas and various birds. The flora is represented by pine forests, bushes and savannas.

Political system

The history of the political structure of the Bahamas was significantly influenced by Great Britain, whose queen is the head of this state. Its official representative is the Governor General, who is appointed by the Prime Minister. The country has a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. Legislative power rests with a bicameral Parliament, consisting of the Senate and the House of Assembly.

The Bahamas flag was adopted in 1973 and is a black equilateral triangle that symbolizes the determination and unity of the indigenous people. It depicts 3 horizontal lines representing the country's natural resources: the aquamarine stripes represent the sea, and the golden stripes represent the land.

The coat of arms of the Bahamas is a shield with national symbols supported by flamingos and marlin. It also features a shell, the ship of Christopher Columbus, the rising sun and animals. They symbolize the marine life of the archipelago and the young nation, indicate the geographical position and indicate the bright future of the state.

Major cities and islands in the Bahamas

The largest and most famous city in the Bahamas is the country's capital, located in New Providence. More than 70% of the population lives here. It is a historic site where you can enjoy the charm of the colonial era.

In the Bahamas it is also worth visiting the islands, and where is located. This is a famous settlement, which is a duty-free zone, people come here for amazing shopping.

Resorts in the Bahamas

The most famous places in the Bahamas, in addition to the capital, are considered such as:

Bahamas landmarks

The main treasure of the archipelago is its nature, especially the attractive coastline and rich marine fauna. There is also a developed infrastructure that allows you to comfortably spend your vacation. In the Bahamas, a variety of tourists are held, during which you can visit:

Archipelago beaches

Usually tourists come to the country for the azure waters and the snow-white coast. The islands are surrounded by coral reefs, so there are no sharks here, and in the Bahamas, some of them also organize holidays, the photos of which will remind of an exotic vacation for a long time. You will also be offered to dive into the depths of the sea to the sunken ships or swim among exotic fish. The most famous beaches in the country are:

Population and religion in the Bahamas

There are currently 353,658 people in the country, according to the most recent census taken in 2010. 85% of mulattoes, 12% of Europeans and 3% of Hispanics live here. The official language is English, but Creole, based on French, is also widespread.

In the Bahamas, 92% of the population is Christian, the rest are atheists, Hindus, Bahá'ís and Spiritualists. Immigrants from the Dominican Republic and Haiti practice both.

Hotels in the Bahamas

On the territory of the archipelago there are a wide variety - from luxurious villas to small cozy hostels. Most of the establishments are located on the coast and have access to the beaches. The local all-inclusive food system is considered the best in the Caribbean, and when you add in the courteous staff eager to please the guests, your vacation will turn into a real fairy tale.

Average cost of living varies from $ 100 to $ 3000 per night. There are golf courses, swimming pools, spas, tennis courts, casinos and luxury food restaurants at your service. The best hotels in the Bahamas are:

  • Meliá Nassau Beach 5 *;
  • Sandals Royal Bahamian 5 *;
  • The Ocean Club, A Four Seasons Resort 5 *.

Cuisine and restaurants of the country

The most popular local delicacy is the conch shellfish, which is used for both main courses and snacks. Also, from April to August in the Bahamas, you can taste the prickly lobster. It is customary to serve Jonicaix buns, hot sauce and food made from peas and rice with every meal. Local delicacies are also in demand, including seafood salads, baked crabs, etc.

As for drinks, tourists should try the classic Nassau Royal rum, Kalik beer, Colombian or Brazilian coffee, as well as tea prepared according to an English recipe. In restaurants, it is customary to leave a tip in the amount of 10-15% of the order amount. You can eat in the Bahamas in such catering establishments as:

  • Crabs and Ting;
  • Cafe Matisse;
  • Daiquiri Shack.


The most famous place for shopping in the Bahamas is considered to be the maximum number of boutiques and shops located on Bay Street. Nearby is where famous fashion houses are concentrated. From here you can bring fabrics, cutlery, porcelain, Scandinavian glass, silver jewelry, jewelry, perfumes and a variety of local crafts.

The islands have a currency called the Bahamian dollar (BSD). It can be exchanged at large stores, hotels or bank offices. The most profitable course is observed in Freeport and Nassau, and the most disadvantageous - in the tourist area. In shops, you can pay with credit cards, although some establishments may charge a commission for cashing out.

Tourist safety

A fairly safe environment is observed in almost all tourist areas of the archipelago, but sometimes petty thefts happen here, so you need to be careful with valuable things. Also, women are not advised to walk alone after dark.

To ensure that your vacation in the Bahamas is not overshadowed by anything, familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • you cannot use underwater weapons while diving;
  • for the distribution and use of drugs here can be imprisoned for a long time;
  • be careful on the water and traffic rules;
  • watch the weather situation in the country and in case of danger - evacuate;
  • medicine in the Bahamas is good, but very expensive, so it is better to have insurance that provides for air evacuation.

Transport system

The most convenient way to move from one piece of land to another is by plane or boat. True, the flight schedule changes very often, so it is rather difficult to plan a trip in advance. In total, there are 60 airports in the Bahamas, the most famous of which are the Auxiliary Airfield, Lynden Pindling and Grand Bahama.

You can move around the territory of one island in the country by motorcycles, cars, taxis and motor scooters, which are easy to rent. It should be borne in mind that there is left-hand traffic on the archipelago.

Customs regulations

Adult tourists can bring any amount of money, 200 cigarettes, up to 0.94 liters of wine and spirits to the Bahamas. It is strictly forbidden to transport explosives and drugs, weapons and items of historical and cultural value. Plants, agricultural products and local currency with denominations higher than BSD 70 cannot be exported from the country without special permission.

In 2018, it is not needed for Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians if your stay there does not exceed 3 months. However, if you are flying through the United States, you will need an appropriate document.


You can make calls within the country from payphones, for this you need a special card. The Bahamas code is + 1-242. To reach emergency services, dial the following numbers:

  • 322-21-21 - to call an ambulance;
  • 322-38-77 - aviation service at sea;
  • 911 - emergency service.

How to get to the country?

You will have to get to the Bahamas from Moscow with at least 2 transfers: in Cuba and London or the USA. Travel time takes up to 13 hours, excluding connections.

BAHAMI ISLANDS(Bahamas), Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

General information

B.O. is a state in Latin America, in the West Indies. Located in the Atlantic Ocean, northeast of Cuba, northwest of the Turks and Caicos Islands and the island of Haiti, southeast of the Florida Peninsula (USA). Takes b. including the Bahamas archipelago (about 700 islands, of which 30 are inhabited, and about 2 thousand coral reefs). Area 13 939 km 2; 28% falls on the water surface; the largest islands (area, km 2): Andros 5957, Big Abaco 2009, Big Inagua 1679, Big Bahama 1373, Long Island 596 and Eleuthera 518. Population 382.3 thousand people. (2014, estimate). The capital is Nassau (on the island of New Providence). Official language - English (Bahamian Creole dialect); Haitian Creole (based on French) is widely spoken. The monetary unit is the Bahamian dollar. Administrative divisions: New Providence Island (under direct government control) and 31 districts (on other islands).

BO - member of the UN (1973), IMF (1973), OAS (1982), Caribbean Community (1983; does not participate in the common market).

Political system

B.O. - unitary state... The Constitution has been in effect since 10.7.1973. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy.

The head of state is the British monarch, who is represented by the Governor General.

The highest legislative body is a bicameral parliament, consisting of the Senate (upper house) and the House of Assembly (lower house). The House of Assembly consists of 38 members, elected by universal suffrage. 16 Senate members are appointed by the Governor General (9 - on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, 4 - the leader of the opposition and 3 - by agreement between the leaders of the ruling and opposition parties). The Senate has the power to delay the adoption of laws (with the exception of those related to finance). The term of office of both chambers is 5 years, however, early dissolution of parliament is possible.

Executive power rests with the government, headed by a prime minister - usually the leader of the party with a majority in parliament. The government is accountable to the House of Assembly.


82.7% of the population (2010, census) are Bahamian Creoles (blacks and mulattoes), whose language was formed on the basis of English. There are also Haitians (11.1%), immigrants from Jamaica (1.6%) and other Caribbean islands, US Americans (1.2%), British, Canadians, etc.

In 1950–2014, the population of B.O. increased by more than 4.8 times (79.0 thousand people in 1950; 169.4 thousand people in 1970; 256.3 thousand people in 1990; 297 , 8 thousand people in 2000; 353.7 thousand people in 2010, census), with the fastest growing in the 2000s and 1950s. Population growth is mainly due to its migration growth. In 2014, the population increased by 0.87% solely due to natural population growth. The birth rate is 15.7 per 1000 inhabitants. (2014), mortality 7.0 per 1000 inhabitants. Fertility rate approx. 2.0 children per woman (2014), infant mortality 12.5 per 1000 live births (the same for boys and girls). Average life expectancy of the population is 71.9 years (2014, including men - 69.5 years, women - 74.5 years). The average age of the population is 31.2 years (2014; including men - 30.1 years, women - 32.3 years). In the age structure of the population, the share of children (under 15 years old) is 23.2% (2014), people of working age (15–65 years old) - 69.8%, elderly people (over 65 years old) - 7.0%. There are 104.2 women per 100 men (2014).

The average population density is 27.4 people / km 2 (2014). Over 70% of the population lives on the island of New Providence, over 15% - on the island of Grand Bahama. The share of the urban population is 82.8% (2014). The largest city is Nassau (248.9 thousand people; 2010, census). The economically active population is 196.9 thousand people. (2013). Among those working in the service sector, 86% are employed (2011), in industry and construction 11%, in agriculture, forestry and fishing 3%. The official unemployment rate is 16.2% (2013). 9.3% of the population lives below the poverty line (2010).


About 95% of the inhabitants of BO are Christians, including about 82% - representatives of various Protestant denominations (35% - Baptists, 14% - Anglicans, etc.), about 12% - Catholics; followers of other religions (Baha'is, Hindus, Muslims, Judaists, adepts Caribbean syncretic cults) are few; 4.4% do not identify themselves as belonging to any religious group (2010, census).

There is 1 metropolitanate of the Roman Catholic Church. Anglican parishes are members of the B.O. diocese and the Turks and Caicos Churches of the West Indies. There is 1 Orthodox parish under the jurisdiction of the Constantinople Orthodox Church. Religious legislation: in Art. Chapter 22 3 of the BO Constitution proclaims freedom of conscience and religion, prohibition of discrimination against any religion.

Historical sketch

Before the discovery of the islands by Europeans, they were inhabited by the Arawaks, who were close in culture to the Taino. The Bahamas became the first land discovered by H. Columbus during his expedition to America. 12.10.1492 Columbus landed on the island, which the locals called Guanahani, and gave it the name San Salvador. The exact location of Guanahani has not been established, now the most common identification with the island of San Salvador (from the 17th century until 1925 it was called Watlings Island), other possible candidates are the Samana Cay Islands, Plana Keys, Cat, etc. The Spaniards did not founded on The Bahamas had permanent settlements, but raided the islands, capturing Indians to work in mines and plantations in their American colonies. In 1565 the French made an unsuccessful attempt to establish a colony on the Abaco Islands. In 1629 England formally declared the Bahamas its possession, the first settlement was founded in the 1640s. on the island of Eleuthera by a group of English Puritans who fled from Bermuda due to conflicts with local authorities. In the second half of the 17th century. colonies also appeared on the islands of Harbor Island, New Providence, and others. The population grew at the expense of immigrants from Europe, British colonies in North America, and a significant number of blacks (both slaves and freed people) were imported to work on plantations. In addition to agriculture, salt production, fishing, whaling, and the extraction of turtles and molluscs developed. From 1670 the islands were administratively subordinate to the English colony Carolina (British America; from 1712 it was divided into North Carolina and South Carolina). In the late 17th - early 18th centuries. there were also pirate bases in the Bahamas, the island of New Providence, depopulated after the attacks of the Spanish-French fleet (1703, 1706), turned into the center of a kind of "pirate republic". Former privateer W. Rogers, appointed by the British authorities as the 1st governor of the Bahamas, in 1718 established control over the port of Nassau on the island of New Providence and took measures to destroy pirate bases, at the same time recruiting pirates for the war against Spain. In 1782, the Spaniards captured the archipelago, but already by Treaty of Versailles 1783 returned it to the UK. After graduation Revolutionary Wars in North America 1775–83 up to 3 thousand people moved to the Bahamas. from among the supporters of the British king (the so-called loyalists). They set up cotton plantations on the islands, for work on which slaves were imported from Africa. After the British government banned the slave trade (1807) and the abolition of slavery (1838), the plantations fell into disrepair, and their owners began to leave the islands. The economy of the islands degraded until the end of the 19th century, then the resort and tourism business began to develop in the Bahamas, which contributed to its rise. An additional impetus to economic development was given by the industrial production of rum, which brought especially large incomes to the owners of distilleries during the period of "Prohibition" in the United States (1919–33). 1940–45 the former king of Great Britain was the governor of the Bahamas Edward VIII(bore the title of Duke of Windsor). During World War II, there were American naval bases on the islands. The flow of tourists increased significantly in the late 1950s and early 1960s. after the opening of an international airport in Nassau (1957) and the US conflict with Cuba, which was previously a popular vacation spot for Americans. Since the 1950s. political parties began to emerge in the Bahamas, and in 1964 Great Britain granted the islands self-government. From 10.7.1973 - an independent state of BO within the framework of the Commonwealth. In the country, while retaining the post of governor-general, a modern party-political system has developed. In 1973–92 and 2002–07, the center-right Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) was in power, in 1992–2002 and 2007–12 - the center-left Free National Democratic Movement (SNDM). According to the results of the elections on 7.5.2012, the PLP returned to power. The islands have suffered from devastating tropical hurricanes on numerous occasions (1999, 2004, 2012). Since the 1990s. In connection with the change in legislation, BO became one of the world's main offshore zones.

Bahamas-Russian relations

BO diplomatic relations with Russia were established on January 14, 2004. Political contacts are maintained, interaction is carried out in the UN and other international organizations. Russian-Bahamian trade in 2011 amounted to $ 17.2 million. Due to numerous offshore companies, B.O. is one of the leaders in terms of direct investment in Russia (at the end of 2015 - 1st place, 5.2 billion US dollars, which is 42.9% higher than the corresponding figure for 2014).


The volume of GDP (at purchasing power parity, 2013) 11.4 billion dollars; per capita 30.2 thousand dollars.Human development index 0.789 (2013; 51st place among 187 countries). The service sector creates 90.6% of GDP (2014), industry and construction - 7.3%, agriculture, forestry and fishing - 2.1%.


The main industrial region was formed in the western part of the Big Bahama Island near the city of Freeport - a free trade zone (1955); specializes in the repair of ships and containers (including TEU), the production of pharmaceuticals (enterprises of the American company Sintex Corporation and the British company GlaxoSmithKline), beer, paper, etc. including the Bermuda company "Bacardi" - the production of rum of the same name), the textile and clothing industry. On the island of Big Abaco - a plant for the production of wood pulp of the American company "Owens-Illinois". Evaporation of rock salt from sea water on the islands of Great Inagua and Long Island (American companies "Diamond Crystal Salt Company" and "Morton Salt") and mining of aragonite (calcium carbonate; over 1,000 tons per year) near Ocean Key (American company "Aragonite Enterprises"). Electricity production approx. 2 billion kWh (2013) at TPPs. Handicraft production of jewelry, batik, sisal souvenirs, seashells and sea turtle shells.

Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Agriculture is underdeveloped, a significant part of food is imported. Less than 1% of the territory is cultivated. They grow sugar cane, citrus fruits (mainly on the islands of Big Abaco and Big Bahama), tropical fruits (on the islands of Eleuthera and Big Abaco), a coconut tree, early vegetables (on the island of Big Abaco), flowers and ornamental trees and shrubs (mainly for export to USA). Gross harvest (thousand tons, 2012): 57.5 sugar cane; grapefruit and pomelo 20.4, oranges 3.7, lemons and limes 3.1, bananas 9.5, mangoes and guavas 2.4, avocados 1.2, other tropical fruits (including papaya and pineapple) 6.6; coconuts 2.6; tomatoes 5.8, zucchini and squash 2.1, cabbage 1.3, onion 1.1, other vegetables and herbs 18.0. Livestock farming is poorly developed, the main industry is poultry farming (mainly on the islands of Bolshoy Abaco and Eleuthera; 3.0 million heads, 2013); they also breed goats (15 thousand heads), sheep (6.6 thousand), pigs (over 5 thousand) and cattle. Production (thousand tons, 2013): poultry meat 6.6, goat's milk 2.2, cow's milk 0.7; eggs 2.2 mln. pcs. In coastal waters - fishing (tuna, etc.), sea turtles and seafood (lobster, etc.). Since the 1990s. artificial breeding of shrimp (for export) is developing. Harvesting of timber (mainly Caribbean pine) on the islands of Andros and Big Abaco.

Services sector

The basis of the country's economic sector is foreign tourism (60% of GDP and 49% of employment, 2013), financial services (offshore banking) and business services (including the registration of foreign sea vessels under the “cheap” flag; in total, approx. 35 % Of GDP); e-commerce is actively developing. Foreign tourism has been developing since the beginning. 1960s (the flow of American tourists from the island of Cuba was redirected here). Tourists arrive by sea (cruise liners) and air transport. In 2013, BO was visited by 5.9 million foreign tourists (from the USA - about 85%, from European countries - 7%, from Canada - 5%); net income from tourism amounted to $ 2.4 billion. Types of tourism: beach, cruise, sports (diving, yachting, surfing, kayaking, fishing and golf), event (festivals "Junkanoo", Bahamian music, Aboriginal Bimini islands, Bahamian culinary and winemaking; carnival, sailing regatta and fishing tournaments), cultural and educational (visiting historical forts, traditional villages, the British settlement of the 18th century. "Gambier Historical Village", the botanical garden and zoo "Ardastra", a rum factory, etc.) , entertainment (casino and water park), health (spa centers), ecological (national parks, bird watching, etc.). Mass tourism is developed on the islands of Grand Bahama and New Providence (there are large modern hotels, beach areas, yacht clubs, golf courses, casinos, etc.; new resort areas have been created - near Freeport and on an island connected to Nassau by a dam Paradise), specific types of tourism - on the islands of Andros, Eleuthera and Big Inagua (luxury vacation , extreme diving, treasure hunt, etc.).

BO is one of the world's largest centers of offshore banking and insurance business. Its development is facilitated by a preferential tax regime (including the abolition of many taxes). A total of 430 offshore commercial banks from 36 countries are registered (mainly subsidiaries of the world's leading banks, 200 of which have offices in Nassau and Freeport), as well as offshore trust, investment, insurance, shipping companies and companies providing email domains. 1063 foreign sea vessels are attributed to B.O. (2010), most of them belong to shipowners from Norway, Greece, USA and Great Britain. The main capital market operators are the BO Central Bank (1974) and the Bahamas International Stock Exchange (1999; both are headquartered in Nassau). Among the largest commercial banks are British American Bank, Bank of The Bahamas (both have headquarters in Nassau), Barbados First Caribbean Bank, American Citibank, Canadian Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Nova Scotia and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Australian Commonwealth Bank. In the free trade zone near Freeport, there is a storage and transshipment base for oil products (capacity 20 million tons), serving mainly the regions of the Atlantic coast of the United States; under the control of Bahamas Oil Refining Company International, since 2011 in the structure of the American Buckeye Partners.


The total length of motor roads is 2.7 thousand km (2013), of which approx. 1.6 thousand km. Its own marine fleet numbers 97 vessels (mainly bulk carriers, tankers, refrigerators and chemical carriers). The largest seaports: Freeport (includes oil terminals for receiving tankers and refueling sea vessels and container) and Nassau (passenger terminal for receiving cruise ships, cargo container terminal and berths for yachts and small vessels). Freeport is connected to Palm Beach (USA) by regular hydrofoil flights, Nassau to Miami (USA) by sea catamarans. All inhabited islands of the Bahamas are connected by sea traffic. International airports operate in Nassau [Lynden Pindling International Airport; 3 million passengers, 2009] and Freeport ["Grand Bajama" (" Grand Bahama International Airport» )], local airlines connect Nassau with b. including the islands of the archipelago (24 airports with paved runways and 37 airports with unpaved surfaces). Airlines: SkyBahamas, Pineapple Air, Southern Air Charter (all scheduled and charter international and domestic flights) and Bahamasair (charter and cargo international and domestic flights).

International trade

The balance of foreign trade in goods is chronically deficient. Foreign trade turnover of St. $ 4 billion (2014), including exports of $ 960 million, imports of $ 3.05 billion. The main export commodities (including re-exports from the free trade zone near Freeport - mainly repaired sea vessels): petroleum products, seafood, pharmaceuticals, aragonite, rock salt, rum and wood pulp; imports: petroleum products, machinery and equipment, chemical, consumer and food products. Major trading partners: USA, Germany, Spain and France.

Health care

There were 163 doctors, 230 nurses and 25 dentists per 100 thousand inhabitants (2001). Expenditures on health care (2002) amounted to 5.14% of GDP (budget financing - 64.5%, private sector - 35.5%). Healthcare is decentralized: the public sector regulates hospital and primary health care, targeted programs; the private sector is limited to individual practice. The working population is covered by the national health insurance system. The main causes of death in the adult population are cardiovascular diseases, infections (including HIV), cancer, and trauma. The incidence of tuberculosis - 82 cases, HIV infection - 320 cases (2002).


The Olympic Association was founded and recognized by the IOC in 1952. Athletes have been participating in the Olympic Games since 1952 (Helsinki). The most popular sports are boxing, wrestling, athletics, sailing, diving, windsurfing, volleyball, tennis. The first Olympic award for the country was won by yachtsmen, taking 3rd place in the Star class in 1956 (Melbourne). In 1964, in Tokyo, the crew of a Star-class yacht consisting of D. Knowles (participant in the 8 Olympic Games in 1948–72, 1988; nicknamed the Sea Wolf) and S. Cook won the first gold medal at the Olympic Games. In 2000 in Sydney, B.O.'s athletes won 2 gold medals (both women) in the 200 m race (1999 world champion in the 4 × 100 m relay and silver medalist in the same discipline at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics - P. Davis-Thompson) and in the women's track and field relay 4 × 100 m (P. Davis-Thompson, D. Ferguson, S. Fiennes, C. Starrup) and 1 bronze medal; 4 years later in Athens - 1 gold (400 m runner T. Williams-Darling) and 1 bronze medal. At the Beijing Olympics (2008), Bahamian athletes were awarded 1 silver and 1 bronze medal. At the London Olympics (2012), the four men's runners (R. Miller, D. Pinder, M. Mathieu, C. Brown) achieved historic success, winning the 4 × 400 m relay.44 years later in Rio de Janeiro (2016 ) A sensational victory in the 400 m race was won by S. Miller (before this competition, the best results of which were - 2nd place at the World Indoor Championships in Sopot, 2014 and 4th at the World Championships in Moscow, 2013) - unexpected " dive ”at the finish line she outstripped the main favorite of the race American E. Felix. In total, as of 1.1.2017, B.O.'s athletes had 6 gold, 2 silver and 6 bronze medals. The largest sports arena in the capital of B.O. Nassau - Tomas Robinson Stadium (built in 1981, reconstructed in 2005 and 2014, about 15 thousand seats) hosted the first two in the history of athletics world championships in relay race (2014, 2015) and must pass the third (2017); Bahamian runners won two silver medals in the 4 × 400 m relay (2014, 2015). The stadium is named after the famous sprinter T. Robinson (1938–2012) - a participant in 4 Olympics (1956–68), winner of the Commonwealth Games (1958). In addition to the Olympic champions, professional Bahamian boxers have achieved international fame - Sh. Williams (performs in the heavyweight category; held 56 fights, scored 38 victories and 20 of them by knockout), who fought with E. Holyfield, R. Chagaev, T. Fields and others; C. Edner (performs in the weight category up to 60 kg; had 44 fights, won 34 victories and 19 of them by knockout). In 2011 and 2012 in Nassau, the B.O. Open Championship in tennis among women was held (ITF series, prize fund of $ 100 thousand), in the singles category of which, respectively, were won - A. Ekimova (Bulgaria) and A. Wozniak (Canada) ... The doubles of both competitions were played by representatives of BO - N. Fountin, L. Russell. BO athletes are participants in such traditional international forums as the Commonwealth Games (1954–70, 1978–82, since 1990) and the Pan American Games (since 1955); on the first of them 24 gold, 24 silver and 32 bronze medals were won, on the second, respectively - 7, 13, 11.

Education. Institutions of science and culture

Educational institutions are managed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. The main regulatory document in the field of education - Education Act 1996. The education system includes: pre-school education (optional; mainly run by religious organizations and individuals), 6-year primary education, 3-year incomplete and 3-year complete secondary education, higher education. Education for children from 5 to 16 years old is compulsory and free. Primary education enrolled 97.5% of students, secondary education - about 83% (2010, data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics). The literacy rate of the population over 15 years old is over 95% (2015). Higher education is given by the Branch of the University of the West Indies (founded in 1965), B.O. College (1974), Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI), Agricultural and Marine Institute (2014). Public Library (founded 1873; building 1798–99) - all in Nassau. The first museum was founded in 1847 (the collection was later transferred to the National Archives). Museums: in Jambi Village [founded in 1975 on the basis of the private museum "Bahamiya" ("Bahamia" ) - a collection of 19th century household items, works of traditional crafts, national clothes, etc.]; The Bahamas Historical Society (founded 1959; collection on the country's naval history); slavery and emancipation "Pompi" ("Pompey"; founded in 1992), pirates - all in Nassau; the history of the Indians in Lucai; historical W. Malone in Hop-Town (1977, Abaco Island) and others. Ardastra Park and Zoo (1937, current status since 1982), National Art Gallery (NAGB; 1996) - both in Nassau.

Mass media

The leading BO newspapers are the oldest "The Nassau Guardian" (1844), which publishes local applications in several cities (the largest is "The Freeport News"), "The Bahama Journal", "The Tribune", "The Punch". Weekly newspapers are published on the islands of Abaco, Andros, Cat, Long Island, Exuma and Eleuthera. Publications for foreign tourists have been distributed. Radio broadcasting has been conducted since 1936. More than 20 radio stations operate. Television since 1977. Two public and 4 private, including 2 religious, channels. The state corporation "Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas" (BCB) owns the television and radio broadcasting company "ZNS Bahamas", which operates several radio stations, including the oldest on the BO ZNS-1 (1937), and the leading television channel B. ZNS- TV 13. Cable TV is available on 11 islands, and its largest operator is the national company Cable Bahamas. The level of Internet penetration in B.O. is 90.5% (2015).

Basic moments

The extended archipelago covers an area of ​​250,000 km² and consists of 2,700 islands and coral reefs covering a total of 13,878 km². People inhabit thirty of them. The island territory is united into a state - the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, in which 391,232 people live (2016). The most populated is the island of New Providence, where the capital of the country is located, and the island of Grand Bahama. The population is 3/4 African American and mulatto. A small proportion of Bahamians are elderly, wealthy North Americans and Europeans who settled on the islands after retirement.

The majority of believers in the Bahamas are Christians - Protestants, Methodists, Baptists and Roman Catholics. Some locals, and especially the descendants of African American slaves, adhere to African cults.

The Bahamas are popular with travelers from all over the world and the island's economy is heavily dependent on tourism. People come here for a beach holiday. In addition, the Bahamas attracts diving, surfing and sailing enthusiasts.

In recent years, medical tourism has been actively developing in the Bahamas. The level of medical care here is based on US standards and is rated very high. More than twenty modern medical institutions have been opened on the islands, specialists of which work in all types of health care. The most popular areas are joint surgery, heart surgery and plastic surgery.

History of the development of the Bahamas

The first to settle on the tropical islands were Native Americans - Lucayans (Arawaks), who sailed here in the 5th century from the Antilles, Cuba and Hispaniola (now the territory of the Republic of Haiti). In 1492, the expedition of Christopher Columbus landed in the Bahamas. Three years later, Spanish colonists settled on the archipelago. For 30 years, the locals have practically died out. The reasons for this were the diseases and slavery brought by the Europeans. The colonists took a large number of Lucayans to Hispaniola for pearl mining and work in the mines.

Soon the Spaniards also left the Bahamas, and for about 130 years this region remained unclaimed. Then British settlers from Bermuda came to Harbor Island. In addition to them, pirate bases arose on several islands, where sea corsairs rested and repaired their ships. Only in 1718, thanks to the British army, the pirates were expelled from the Bahamas. Since then, the islands have secured the status of a British colony.

The local population began to grow rapidly from the end of the 18th century. The reason for this was the eviction of eight thousand loyalists from the United States to the Bahamas, with whom their slaves arrived. The new settlers tried to organize cotton plantations on the islands in the manner of those they were forced to leave in America. However, due to the poor soil, this venture failed. In 1807, the slave trade was banned in Great Britain and the Royal Navy freed slaves in the Bahamas.

A large influx of money to the islands occurred in 1920. At this time, a dry law was passed in the United States. Smuggling began to grow in the Bahamas, and a rum warehouse was made from the city. During the Second World War, the American military spent vacations in the Bahamas, and in the post-war period, the tourism industry began to develop on the islands.

Since 1973, a democratic political regime has existed in the island state, and the Constitution is in effect. According to the form of government, the Bahamas is a parliamentary monarchy, when the British queen is considered the head of state, and her interests on the islands are represented by the governor-general. Legislative functions are performed by a bicameral parliament, while executive power is exercised by the government. Administratively, the Bahamas is divided into 31 districts.

Bahamas landmarks

All Bahamas attractions

Climate features

It is no coincidence that the Bahamas is called a paradise. Their northern part lies in the tropical trade wind zone, and the southern part lies in the subtropical zone. The average temperature in the summer months is from + 26 ° С to + 32 ° С, and in winter - from + 18 ° С to + 22 ° С. Summers are warmer in the south than in the central part of the archipelago, while winters are cooler in the northwestern Bahamas.

The sea water is suitable for swimming all year round. Its temperature, depending on the season, ranges from + 23 ° C to + 27 ° C.

It is believed that the best time to visit the Bahamas is from September to May when it is cooler. At this time of the year, there is almost no rain, and if it does happen, it falls in the form of strong short showers, after which the sun immediately comes out. From May to mid-November, the Bahamas begins the tropical storm and hurricane season. There are heavy rainfalls on the islands, and large waves rise in the coastal zone.

The nature of the islands

The land area in the Bahamas covers an area of ​​10,070 km². All islands are composed of coral limestone. The surface is mostly flat, but there are also karst landforms. The most elevated part is on the island of Cat. This is the Alvernia hill, which rises 63 m above sea level.

Frequent hurricanes and mineral-poor soils have led to the lack of lush vegetation in the Bahamas. Here you can find thickets of evergreen thorny bushes and savannahs. Coconut palms grow in abundance on the coast, and pine forests are far from the sea.

The Bahamas is home to many birds, iguanas, bats and agouti. In the national park of the island of Big Inagua, there is the largest colony of flamingos on the planet, in which over 50 thousand birds have found shelter. The coastal waters surrounding the islands are home to a variety of fish, crustaceans and molluscs.

Today, more than 25 protected areas have been created in the Bahamas with a rich flora and fauna. Rare birds and animals can be seen in local national parks. Most popular with nature lovers are the island of Greater Inagua, the northeastern part of North Andros, and Embrister Creek on Cat Island.


Almost every island in the archipelago has excellent beaches. Clean white sand, easy entry into the water and warm water attract millions of travelers to the Bahamas.

The most luxurious are the beach areas of New Providence, especially Cable Beach. Here you can sunbathe and swim. If you wish, you can drop by a local casino or cross the original bridge to Paradise Island.

Grand Bahama offers vacationers surrounded by coconut trees, Gold Rock Beach, Paradise Bay and Tiger Beach. On the outer islands, many beaches coexist with fishing villages. They attract lovers of more secluded relaxation, as well as fans of diving and sea fishing. The beaches of Andros Island are often used for wedding ceremonies. National-style weddings are popular here, and hotels on the island offer special "wedding packages".

Outdoor activities in the Bahamas

Not only fans of a measured beach holiday come to the Bahamas. New Providence, Harbor Island and the Grand Bahama have the most sports centers and water sports facilities. There are places for golf and tennis, as well as for motorcycle trips. Popular sea activities include windsurfing, surfing, kiting, water skiing and scooters.

Fans of sea fishing go to the islands of Bimini, Berri and Andros, and those who want to feel the power of the sea waves and explore the coast from a yacht, to Long Island and Exuma. These places are considered a real paradise for boaters and the sailing season lasts here most of the year.

The clear waters of the Atlantic and the rich underwater world attract diving enthusiasts to the Bahamas. Most of the islands have dive centers that organize beginner training and underwater expeditions for experienced divers. Coral reef diving is practiced on the islands of Eleuthera and Abaco. In many places, travelers can swim with dolphins and even participate in shark feeding.

Cities and resorts of the Bahamas

Most of the inhabitants of the Bahamas inhabit the capital of the archipelago - a city of 274,400 people (2016), which is built on the island of New Providence. There is a large seaport in this city. Many come here for the vibrant nightlife, shopping and picturesque examples of colonial architecture. Tourists love to visit the “straw market” of the city, where they sell interesting straw crafts. Not far from the center, there is a unique corner of tropical nature - the magnificent Adastra gardens and a zoo.

Grand Bahama is often referred to as a tropical paradise. The island is covered with lush thickets of Cuban pine, and three national parks are located on it. Travelers come here to see beautiful large caves with stalagmites and rare tropical flowers.

Long Island got its name from its elongated shape. It stretches for almost a hundred kilometers with a width of up to 5 km. Long Island is covered with low hills. It has beautiful beaches and steep headlands that drop right into the sea.

Eleuthera is known as an elite holiday destination. The most luxurious hotels, beaches and clubs in the Bahamas are concentrated in the resorts of this island.

Island restaurants and local cuisine

There are many excellent restaurants and bars in the Bahamas. In most places, tourists are offered British, North American or Caribbean cuisine. Lunch in a budget cafe costs $ 12-15, and in a respectable restaurant - $ 30-35. Fast food establishments are represented by world famous brands - McDonalds and KFC.

Livestock farming is poorly developed on the archipelago, so rice, shrimp, fish and cereal, potatoes and macaroni and cheese prevail in the daily menu of local residents. Fishing is a major craft for the islanders, and Bahamian cuisine is rich in ocean gifts. Previously, turtle soup was considered a specialty on the islands. But time passed, the number of turtles decreased, environmentalists sounded the alarm, and this soup is no longer prepared here.

Bahamian delicacies include seafood salads, grilled shells, crabs and prawns, and red grouper cutlets. You should definitely try boiled lobster and reef bass fillets, which are fried or baked in tomato sauce.

The restaurant menus also include meat dishes, with rice or peas used as a side dish. Bacon and scrambled eggs, steaks, schnitzel and onions, fried chicken and french fries are served everywhere. A mixture of rice and peas forms the basis of most local soups. A special place in the island menu is occupied by soup, which is made from meat, water acidified with lime juice, onions, peppers and celery. This popular soup is prepared very quickly and tastes good.

For dessert in the Bahamas, it is customary to eat tropical fruits or pudding made from guava. Locals and tourists alike have a preference for coconut crumb cakes, Johnny Cakes and gingerbread.

Non-alcoholic beverages on the islands are English-style tea, as well as strongly brewed Brazilian or Colombian coffee. In addition, many fruit juices and various types of carbonated water are consumed here.

In the Bahamas, you can try the local Nassau Royal rum. It tastes good and is inexpensive. A large amount of rum is produced at the Bacardi distillery, which is located south of the capital of the Bahamas. Local beer "Kalik" is also popular. It is produced in three types. Light beer "Kalik Light" contains a small amount of alcohol. Kalik regular is appreciated for its refreshing soft taste. And "Kalik Gold" is the strongest of all varieties, the amount of alcohol in it reaches 7%.


Bahamasair planes fly between the major islands of the Bahamas. The prices are quite high, so it is often more profitable to charter a small plane privately.

New Providence has the longest and most extensive road network - 1000 km. Eleuthera has 209 km of roads, while the Grand Bahama has 156 km. In the cities of Freeport and passengers are brought up by private fixed-route taxis.

There is no public transport system, so travelers use taxis or rent cars, motorcycles or bicycles. To move between the islands or along the coast, you can rent a boat or boat.

The Bahamas has left-hand traffic and heavy road traffic. In densely populated areas, traffic jams occur every now and then. In addition, the road network is often flooded during floods. There are no sidewalks along some roads, people walk right on the side of the road, so those who rent cars or bikes should be extremely careful.


The Bahamas are considered safe for travelers, and the tourism centers established there enjoy a good reputation. However, there are cases of pickpocketing and hotel room theft. All tourists, and especially women, are advised to refrain from walking alone in the outskirts of cities, and even more so at night.

If tourists go sport fishing, they must pay a $ 20 tax. In this case, the boat should not have more than six spools of fishing line. Spearfishing is not permitted in the Bahamas with any kind of gear. The prohibitions also apply to the independent conduct of underwater archaeological research. For these violations, substantial fines are imposed, up to and including expulsion from the country.

The use and distribution of drugs is especially severely punished in the Bahamas. Local laws in this area are even harsher than European or North American ones, so those who are convicted of drug crimes always receive long sentences.

Particular threats in the Bahamas can arise in connection with natural disasters. The Bahamas is part of the Caribbean region and is in the zone of hurricanes and typhoons. Those travelers who find themselves in the Bahamas from June to November are advised to follow the weather forecasts. Hurricanes are usually accompanied by floods. It should also be borne in mind that during strong typhoons in the Bahamas, airports are closed, and tourists are not able to leave the country.

Tiger shark

While tap water is considered safe in the Bahamas, it is not worth drinking from the tap. Every Bahamian resort sells bottled water. Due to the possibility of contracting infectious diseases on the islands, it is not recommended to swim in freshwater bodies. The exception is hotel pools, where the water is regularly disinfected.

To travel to the Bahamas, it is worth taking out medical insurance, which includes payment for air evacuation. The most qualified medical care can be found in New Providence and the Grand Bahama. There are few hospitals on the small islands, and they do not work every day. True, on most of the inhabited islands, you can use the rapid response services, which are supervised by volunteers. With the help of such services, the sick person is quickly transferred to the nearest hospital.

Cancellation of currency and settlements

The Bahamian dollar (BSD) is the local currency used for all settlements on the islands. It is tightly pegged to the US dollar, however the exchange rate can vary depending on the hotel or bank. In addition, US dollars are accepted for payment anywhere in the Bahamas.

You can exchange currency in many places - in hotels, bank branches and large shopping centers. Tourist checks are also cashed here. As is usually the case, the most disadvantageous course is offered in the areas where the most foreign tourists stay. The most convenient way to change currency is at bank branches in the capital of the country and in the city of Freeport. From Monday to Thursday they start work at 9.00-9.30 and end at 15.00. Bank branches are open until 5 pm on Friday. It should also be borne in mind that in remote places banks may not serve customers every day.

In large hotels and shopping centers, cards are accepted for payment. In other places, preference is given to cash.

Tipping is accepted in the Bahamas. As a rule, hotel porters, guides and porters expect $ 1 from a grateful visitor, and room maids - $ 1-2. In most establishments, the tip reaches 15%, and they are immediately included in the bill. In addition, many hotels add an additional 8-10% government tax to their invoices.

Useful information for tourists

  • To visit the Bahamas, Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa. This rule applies if the trip is in the nature of a private visit and does not exceed 90 days.
  • When passing through customs, there are no restrictions on the import and export of foreign currency. Duty-free in the Bahamas is allowed to import 200 cigarettes or 0.45 kg of tobacco, as well as up to 0.94 liters of strong alcohol and the same amount of wine.
  • In order to take out agricultural products from the islands, any plants or wood carvings will require a special permit.
  • To accommodate tourists in the Bahamas, huge hotel centers and small cozy all-inclusive hotels have been built. Some travelers prefer to rent rooms and rooms in guesthouses from the local population.
  • The famous Bay street outside the Bahamas is considered the center of shopping. All goods sold there are exempt from taxes.

How to get there

There are no direct flights from Russia to the Bahamas. The best option is considered to be a flight with a stopover in London. Without taking into account the transfer itself, this will take about 13 hours. Another option is to fly through the United States. In this case, you need to apply for an American transit visa.