Aeroflot lost luggage phone. Baggage search

Baggage collection after landing at Aeroflot follows a standard procedure. The passenger goes through passport control and goes to a special room, where, upon presentation of a baggage tag, he is given personal belongings transported in the cargo compartment of the aircraft.

During loading and unloading, an air traveler's baggage may get lost. As a rule, this happens due to a torn tag from a suitcase or due to mistaken overloading of bags on connecting flights. As a result of such errors, the passenger is left without personal belongings.

This circumstance makes every person panic, but in order to understand the situation and find your suitcase as quickly as possible, you need to calm down and take the right measures. In this article we will tell you what to do for a passenger who has traveled by air on an Aeroflot aircraft and has not received personal belongings after landing at the place of arrival. Read how to find luggage at the airport.

What to do if your luggage goes missing at Aeroflot

First you need to make sure that the luggage is really lost. If you are informed that a bag with a tag is not in the room where luggage is stored until it is released, try to double-check this information and carefully look around. Note the oversized cargo belt and conveyors dispensing baggage from other aircraft. It is possible that your suitcase was mistakenly transferred to another collection office.

If you have checked all possible options and your luggage is not found, go to the Baggage Tracing desk. Contact a specialist with your problem. An authorized employee will draw up a report where you need to provide some information.

What is needed to draw up a missing persons report:

  • The passenger must present identification documents, a luggage tag and a plane ticket.
  • The report indicates the flight number, passport details, special features of the lost bag and a personal address for delivery of baggage, which can be found in the very near future.
  • The injured traveler must also leave a contact phone number so that representatives of the baggage tracing service can contact him if necessary.

The claim act is drawn up in two copies. The first remains with the representatives of the search service, the second document is taken by the passenger.

Aeroflot airline is taking adequate measures to search for luggage. After receiving a report about the loss of the passenger’s personal belongings, the specialist makes inquiries to the airport at the place of departure and arrival, as well as to other air terminals where the luggage could have been mistakenly sent. If items are found, the company is notified and requests delivery.

Found items are sent to the passenger at the specified address. The employee first notifies the air traveler about the positive result of the search work and apologizes for the loss of luggage during transportation.

The official time frame for searching for luggage lost during a flight is 21 days. The airline also sets a period of up to 45 days to consider the application filed by the injured party.

If during this time the passenger’s personal belongings are not found, the luggage is considered permanently lost. In this case, the injured traveler can apply for compensation for lost luggage.

How to receive compensation for a lost suitcase from Aeroflot

Aeroflot Airlines is responsible for the safety of baggage during transportation by plane. It should be noted right away that this rule applies only to the luggage itself, but not its contents.

If a tourist's bag contained valuable or fragile items that were damaged during the flight, the carrier is not obliged to pay compensation in the absence of a document confirming the declared value of the transported cargo or insurance for the luggage.

A passenger who was not given luggage at the place of arrival writes a statement requesting a search of personal belongings, describing in detail appearance lost suitcase and internal contents. 21 days are allotted for search activities.

If during this period the passenger’s personal belongings were not found, he can write a written application for compensation. This can be done within 6 months when flying on domestic flights and up to 18 months for passengers whose luggage was lost during an international flight.

The application for compensation must be accompanied by a plane ticket, insurance documents (if any), and a tear-off tag from the suitcase. If the traveler still has a receipt for a previously purchased travel accessory, he can attach it too, which will increase the amount of compensation.

Within 30 days, Aeroflot airline considers the application from the injured party and makes its decision, of which it undertakes to notify the passenger in writing.

The amount of compensation is calculated individually, which depends on the applicant’s personal claims, the weight of the luggage, the availability of insurance and the receipt for the suitcase. According to the rules of the air carrier, the calculation is made according to the following formula: for 1 kg - 600 rubles. If the baggage was not weighed upon check-in, then the average weight of 35 kg is taken into account.

For baggage with a declared value, compensation is provided in the amount specified in the document. If the passenger's belongings were insured, the amount of payment increases.

In addition to compensation for lost luggage, a passenger can file a claim for additional damages. For example, due to loss of luggage at the point of arrival, a traveler misses his connecting flight and incurs unexpected financial expenses to purchase a new ticket. The amount spent can also be compensated by the carrier company, through whose fault the passenger’s luggage was lost.

You can also receive compensation for moral damage, if this is confirmed medical documents. But, as a rule, the amount of payments under this item is small, so wasting precious time collecting evidence is not always beneficial for the traveler.

Additional payments can only be received by a court decision, which means that the passenger will have to spend money and time on legal proceedings. However, if the law takes his side and makes a positive decision on all claims, the airline will have to pay the legal costs.

Lost Baggage Tracking

After accepting the application to search for lost luggage, Aeroflot begins search work. All this time, the passenger can track the search via the Internet using the international system – World Tracer. This form can be found on the official website Aeroflot airlines. It indicates the code (look at the report of lost luggage) and full name. After filling out these items, the program will provide up-to-date information on searching for the passenger’s personal luggage.

If luggage is found, the website will display data on the location of the suitcase and the estimated time of its arrival at the specified address. However, this information is usually provided by Aeroflot employees, but not always in a timely manner.

To receive your luggage at the place of arrival and reduce the likelihood of it being lost during the flight, control the process of attaching the tag when checking your suitcase and check it for strength.

Experienced travelers also recommend marking the travel accessory with personal initials on an additional tag tightly attached to the frame. And to make your luggage more noticeable at the airport, choose a suitcase for air travel with bright patterns that are visible even from a distance.

09.08.2018, 08:02 31496

Horrible dream: Upon arriving at the airport, you are horrified to discover that your luggage is not there. We assure you, there is no need to panic in this case. We wrote about this in detail, so we won’t dwell on this point. But we’ll tell you about the new online baggage tracking service. Fortunately, such a service has appeared, which has added convenience and peace of mind to passengers. International search system World Tracer

World Tracer is the world's only dedicated baggage search and tracking system, developed by the IT company SITA.

How the search system works

If you have not received your luggage upon arrival at the airport, you will need to fill out special form Property Irregularity Report (PIR) act. Here you will need to indicate:

  • passenger details
  • flight details
  • describe the luggage in detail (appearance: color, shape, size, distinctive features, etc.).
You will also need to fill out the information from your baggage receipt (it is stuck on your boarding pass during check-in). After this, you will be issued a certificate indicating the registration number.

Responsible airline employees enter this data into the World Tracer search system, and it enters a single database. At airports that use this system (there are about 3 thousand of them), information on unclaimed baggage is compared. If the data of lost and found luggage matches, it is sent to the owner to the specified temporary address of his location or to the address of his permanent place of residence.

Where to go to fill out a baggage delay/loss report

To fill out a lost baggage report you need to contact the Lost & Found counter. It is available at almost every airport and is located in the baggage claim hall or immediately near the exit.

If this is a small, regional airport, then there may not be such a counter, in this case about contact your airline representative, which you flew with or to the airport administration.

Attention! This must be done before you leave the terminal or airport.
How to track delayed/lost luggage online

You can track your luggage on the airline's website. Find the special form there and fill it in:

  1. Last name
  2. A ten-digit identification number in the format AAABBXXXXX, where AAA is the airport code, BB is the airline code and XXXXX is the 5-digit tracking number. For example: ATLXS12155.

After entering the data, the current location of your items and the estimated time of their arrival will be displayed.

The system tracks luggage for 100 days; after this period, it can be considered irretrievably lost.

For reference

Baggage is considered lost if it is not delivered within 21 days of arrival. Before this period he is considered detained. .

One of the most common problems passengers have is losing their luggage at the airport. According to statistics, up to 25 million suitcases are lost annually. Fortunately for travelers, the non-refund rate is low, only 3.4%. The majority of lost suitcases and bags find their owners.

However, you need to know the sequence of actions in such a situation. Search activities are the same in all cases. And as an example, you can take the search for luggage at Sheremetyevo airport.

This procedure is regulated General rules air transport. Most of the requirements are universal for all carriers operating on domestic and international routes.

Suitcases will be handed out after passport control in a specially designated room. Items must be received immediately when they arrive for delivery, and at the exit from the terminal you will have to present a tear-off coupon for the baggage tag.

The internal rules of airport terminals detail the issuance procedure. In Sheremetyevo, cargo can be received in the delivery hall, which is served on a conveyor belt indicated by an indication on the information board.

If the load is missing from the conveyor belt

Everyone should know what to do when a suitcase or bag is not found on a conveyor. The main thing here is not to panic. Loss of baggage by an airline is a serious problem, but it can be solved. First you need to make sure that things are missing:

  • Wait for the end of delivery. They may have been the last to be unloaded.
  • Inspect the transporters delivering cargo from other aircraft. Rarely, but mistakes do happen.
  • Check the oversized load belt.

If there are no doubts left and things are lost, you will have to contact the search service at the terminal. There is a possibility that they were mixed up upon receipt and are already waiting for owners from the employees of this service.

Where to go

Usually this counter is called “Lost&Found” or “Luggage Search” in Russian. If necessary, any of the airport employees will show where it is. It is possible that such a stand is missing. Then the place to contact could be:

  • representative office of the air carrier whose crew performed the flight;
  • representative office of the national air carrier of the country of destination;
  • if there is neither one nor the other, contact the airport administration.

Before applying, check that you have the documents required to complete your application:

  • identification;
  • ticket;
  • tear-off coupon baggage tag.

Office staff must help the passenger at the time of request, regardless of the time of day. The victim fills out the necessary documents in the form of a statement of loss addressed to the carrier, fills out a Search Report or Property Irregularity Report (in the abbreviation the name is written as PIR).

How to fill out the act

The claim must be filed immediately after discovery of the loss. Before filling out, you will need to present the tear-off coupon, which is usually attached to the air ticket. The Act must indicate:

  • flight number;
  • passport series and number;
  • color, weight and size characteristics of the suitcase;
  • special features (stickers, external defects, bright details, trademarks, name tags, etc.);
  • contact details and address to which the lost suitcase, bag or backpack needs to be delivered.

Example of a completed act (click to enlarge):

The claim is made in two copies. One of them remains with the applicant, and the second goes to the management of the airline, which must organize the search. If the loss could not be discovered within five days, a detailed list of things that were inside the luggage is attached to the application.

Search algorithm

Regardless of the reasons for the loss, the search for baggage is the responsibility of the air carrier. If the flight was operated by Aeroflot, its employees will conduct the search. The search must begin immediately upon receipt of a written application.

The carrier sends requests:

  • to the airports of departure and arrival for the presence of things;
  • to airports where items may have been sent by mistake;
  • When they are detected, a request is sent for delivery to the destination.

The found loss is delivered to the address specified by the owner in the act. Delivery does not require additional payment and is carried out at the expense of the airline. When receiving things, you must present your passport, coupon and certificate, which must be kept until the end of the search.

How to track searches

Usually the loss is found quickly, but sometimes it can take a long search. In this case, contact details of airline employees will be required. Take care of this when filling out the PIR. The service desk has telephone numbers, which you should write down in advance. If you have internet access you can use the unified World Tracer database, through which the owner can track the search.

After receiving a statement of loss, all data is entered into the database. To access information in the request form, you must indicate personal data and the code received when drawing up the Search Report. On the Sheremetyevo Airport website you can see a list of airlines that are tracked in this database.

How to get compensation

Since the carrier is responsible for the cargo, the airline will compensate for the loss. Claims for damages can only be made after three weeks. If during this period the search for the baggage put on the wanted list is unsuccessful, it is considered lost.

Compensation must be paid on the basis of a written claim, which must be submitted before the expiration of 6 months if the problems arose during domestic flights, and up to 18 for international flights.

The following are attached to the application:

  • air ticket;
  • tear-off coupon;
  • insurance documents, if the items were insured;
  • receipts confirming the value of the contents of the suitcase or bag.

The airline management is obliged to consider the claim within 30 days and pay the amount required by law or refuse in writing.

Payment amount

Amounts of compensation payments for losses on international flights established by international agreements. If items were lost during international or transit flight when one landing was outside the country - 20 dollars or 19 euros are paid per kilogram of cargo. On domestic flights the amount is 600 rubles per kilogram.

If the exact weight is unknown, then calculations are made using the average, which is 35 kg per person. In cases where the value of the property was announced by the passenger in advance, payment is made in the stated amount. The amount will be higher if the items are insured.

In addition to the specified compensation, you can claim:

  • Compensation for other losses. When a passenger has to miss a connecting flight or train departure, the company must refund the cost of the tickets.
  • Payments for moral damage. If there is no way to confirm health problems, their size will be small.
  • If the carrier did not satisfy the claims voluntarily, and compensation had to be obtained through the court, an additional payment of a fine in the amount of 50% of the amount paid to the passenger is possible.

Such payments will most likely have to be sought through the court, so after receiving the found items, you should not sign the documents stating that there are no claims.

Other payments

In cases where luggage is lost and a passenger is left without essential items, some companies may offer reimbursement for the cost of purchasing them. This is not the carrier's responsibility, but most provide such assistance for reputational purposes. The amounts are usually small and are paid after receipts confirming expenses are provided. When purchasing clothes, half the cost is paid.

If these expenses were not paid by the company, they can be included in the list of legal claims.

In addition to the loss of bags and suitcases, passengers have to deal with other troubles. Usually this:

  • stealing things;
  • property damage;
  • mixed up suitcases.

In the first two cases, you will also have to contact the carrier to file a claim. Based on this, the issue of compensation is considered. This may be full or partial cost, depending on the decision of the commission. If a suitcase breaks, compensation for repairs is possible.

The latter situation requires the prompt return of items to the carrier’s office or to the airport.

How to avoid problems

Most often, items are lost on connecting flights when a carelessly attached tag comes loose. In this case, things can either fly away in any direction or remain in place. To prevent such situations, speed up the detection of losses, and reduce material losses, it is necessary to:

  • If possible, avoid routes with transfers;
  • make sure that the tag is present and that it is firmly attached;
  • remove previous tags left over from previous flights;
  • do not transport particularly valuable items;
  • insure the cargo;
  • wrap your bag or suitcase in plastic, which will reduce the risk of damage and theft;
  • When choosing a carrier, read the reliability ratings and take them into account when purchasing tickets.

Be sure to include your last name with initials, contact information, destination and flight on the name tag. Although this partially duplicates the information from the coupon, it will significantly speed up the process of finding luggage if it is lost. If you have encountered troubles, do not despair, more than 90% of losses are found within the first two days.

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Missing luggage is an unpleasant and troublesome thing.

After all, instead of going from the airport or airport (Sheremetyevo) to do your business, you will have to deal with the registration of the procedure for searching for lost things.

Aeroflot lost your luggage?

Let's look at an example, search for property at Sheremetyevo during an Aeroflot flight or any other .

Step one. Wanted stand.

Once your hopes of seeing your items on the conveyor belt are dashed, look for this special counter (office) for “lost luggage” in the arrivals area.

In English it is called “Lost & Found” (found and lost luggage).

There you formulate your problem, and they will give you a form to fill out.

And this is what it might look like

If there is no such counter at the airport, then look for a representative office of the airline you flew with.
If it is not there, then contact office of the company - the national carrier of the country in which you arrived.

The time of day when this happens does not matter - The office must be open 24 hours a day.

Attention! Do not leave the arrival terminal, until you make the necessary call and application.

Submit a written claim to the carrier as soon as you discover the loss. In case of damage to property - no later than 7 days after receipt.

Step two. Filling out a search report (Property Irregularity Report (PIR).

There you indicate what the lost bag looks like and its special features. It would be good if it had a name tag and you took the time to fill it out before the flight.

This act is completed in duplicate. One will be handed over, and the other will go to management to figure out whose fault the airline lost and they will now look for him.

If don't know the language of the country, which they arrived at, then the act is filled out in English.

To make it easier to navigate, the act already indicates the main colors and size categories of suitcases.

All you need is select the data that matches your loss.

You will also have to describe in detail the contents of the bag and the approximate value of the items in it.

Important: You will definitely be asked a baggage tear-off pass, the one that is usually glued to the boarding pass of a ticket or to the cover of a passport.

Treat him with respect and store until you receive your items safe and sound.

To fill out the act you will also need passport and flight number you were traveling on.

To be aware of how the search is going, you need take the contact number at the Lost&Found counter. This service has its own website With its help, you can also monitor the search for loss.

Aeroflot carries out the search in the same way.

When the bag is found, it They will deliver completely free of charge to the address you specify.

If you lost the airport

The algorithm of actions is the same as if the items were lost by the carrier (Aeroflot or another company). You need to contact a special local service. If she is not at the airport, then contact the airport administration.

By the way, if a suitcase is not found on the transport belt, no matter who is to blame for the loss - the air carrier or the airport - The search will be carried out by the carrier company.

Important: The airport is not responsible for your property.

Its transportation and safety are the concern of the carrier.

In other words, Aeroflot will look for lost property if it carried out your flight.

Why does luggage go missing?

3 main reasons:

As we see, in all cases it is to blame human factor.

It leads, in particular, to the fact that from the bag luggage tags, which contain information about the flight and the owner of the items, fall off and peel off.

It’s not so bad when this important piece of paper leaves your bag at the airport of arrival or departure. It’s much worse if the bag became nameless during the transfer. By the way, it is during connecting flights that baggage losses are most common.

If, when checking in for a flight, you were entrusted with attaching the luggage tag yourself, then treat this task as responsibly as possible. The fate of your property depends on this piece of paper.

But in most cases the tag registration specialist hangs up. As a rule, he does this deftly and quickly.

Fact: The leading airlines in baggage losses are Lufthansa, AirFrance and British Airways.

They lead the international baggage anti-rating. They should learn to be organized in this matter from Israeli company “El Al”

It has only nine baggage problems per thousand passengers.

If it passes 3 weeks, and the things and the owner have not met, the airline compensates the loss to the owner.

What are the amounts of compensation from air carriers?

General world practice This is 20 dollars (19 euros) per kilogram of weight of a lost suitcase (600 rubles per 1 kg in Russia). The weight taken is that indicated on the baggage pass.

By the way, this is another argument in favor of its careful preservation.

If, suddenly, it turns out that the weight of the loss is not known exactly, then a certain average value is taken - 35 kg.

If gone missing hand luggage, then 400 dollars are paid by foreign carriers and 11 thousand rubles by Russian ones.

But this only applies to cases when hand luggage went missing in the cabin.

Airlines of countries acceded to the Montreal Agreement, compensate their passengers, when loss, damage to property, 1134 euros.

Important: The air carrier is completely not interested in the value of the things in your bag.

Therefore, there is no need to put it there expensive electronics and jewelry.

Their cost no one will compensate in case of loss.

If receipts for the goods lying inside have been preserved, then part will be returned, and maybe even their full cost.

If fly far and with transfers, that is the meaning insure the bag. In this case, with her loss, the amount of compensation will be greater.

Fact: Some airlines provide some reimbursement for the purchase of essential items (toothbrush, razor...) while the suitcase is being sought.

They won't give you much - 50 dollars - and maybe not in money, but in a voucher. And not immediately, but after you will buy these necessary things and show the receipt.

The check must be dated - no later than the 1st day from the date of drawing up the loss report. If you buy clothes, you will only get 50% of their cost back.

As for baggage delays in Russia, then here we are guided by article No. 120 source “Air Code Russian Federation» dated March 19, 1997 N 60-FZ, which gives the passenger the opportunity to receive compensation in the form of a fine of 25% of the minimum amount of labor (100 rubles) for each hour of delay and a maximum of 50% of the cost of the fare.

The path of the nameless suitcase

Bag “without clan or tribe” sent to the Lost & Found service.

There she will wait patiently for his owner to show up.

There is also a worldwide automated baggage search system – “World Tracer”.

Many major airlines operating international flights are connected to this system.

A common data bank allows you to find a match between missing persons reports and notices of orphan finds.

Fact: General statistics show that items are usually found within 5 days after they are reported missing.

And yet, for just one In a year, 25 million (!) suitcases and bags were lost by airlines around the world, 850 of them were never found.

Through one hundred days after unsuccessful searches, property declared permanently lost. It gets "stigma" of unclaimed. And this could be a death sentence - it will be destroyed, or it may become a second life - it will go to auction.

Fact: The airline is required to store unclaimed baggage for two years.
It is stored at Sheremetyevo for six months.

Cat in a poke

Such auctions are gaining popularity in the West, in the USA. For Russia this is still unknown entertainment.
Property that is listed as unclaimed is put up for auction.

Those who participate in these auctions have a real chance to buy sports equipment very cheaply, Cell phones, gloves, umbrellas, suitcases...

Interestingly, some airlines They sell suitcases closed.

And no one knows what's in them. Buying a “pig in a poke” is a special kind of entertainment. You can bargain and You might end up with worn out, dirty clothes, or you could end up with designer exclusives with labels- if we get lucky.

Options for baggage troubles

What to do?

Return this suitcase to the representative office of the airline you were flying with as soon as possible.

  1. Fill out the card with your personal information and attach it to your bag.
  2. Choose non-stop flights whenever possible.
  3. Do not put valuables in your suitcase.
  4. Insure yourself with insurance.
  5. Remove tags from previous flights from your suitcase.
  6. Pack your suitcase at the airport in film. It will protect it from damage, bad weather, and from opening.

Useful video

Video about lost luggage and what needs to be done immediately after discovering the loss:

Now you have clear instructions how to act when lost luggage We hope that you will never need our advice and that your things will always be safe!