German mobile phone number. What do German license plates mean?

An exclusive license plate is a way for drivers to express themselves. However, some combinations of numbers and letters are prohibited in Germany. What combinations are these and why is their use not allowed?

The date of birth of a child or the abbreviation of the place where a meeting with love took place - often car enthusiasts use a license plate to leave a memorable message about the event. In this case, you should be aware that not all combinations of numbers and letters in the license plate are allowed. For example, in Germany you will never be given a license plate with the letters “HJ”.

These license plates are prohibited in Germany

The grounds for prohibiting certain number plates are specified in section 1, paragraph 8, of the Vehicle Registration Regulations (FZV). It states: “The combination of an identification number, or the combination of a geographic code and an identification number, must not violate integrity.”

Regardless of the federal state, in Germany you will never see vehicle with license plates starting with "HJ", "KZ", "SA" and "SS". The reason is simple: these letter combinations represent the concept of National Socialism.

"HJ"Hitlerjugen: the youth organization of the National Socialist Party (NSDAP), which was formed in 1926 under the name "Union of German Workers' Youth" (HJ, Bund deutscher Arbeiterjugend). It was used by the Nazis for the ideological and military education of youth.

"KZ"TOonzentationslager(concentration camp): At the initiative of the National Socialist leadership of the Third Reich (1933-1945), hundreds of thousands of people were killed in concentration camps.

"SA"Sturmabteilung(storm troopers): During the National Socialist Third Reich (1933-1945), they played a decisive role in the Holocaust.

"SS" Schutzstaffel(security units): military organization of the National Socialist Party (1920-1945).

In Bavaria

In addition to the national regulations, each federal state has the right to prohibit additional license plate combinations. So, in Bavaria they include the combination of letters "NS"(National Socialism).

In combination with numbers " 18", "88" and "28" combinations of letters " are prohibited A.H.» And « HH» . Cause:"AH" and the number "18" stand for "Adolf Hitler, "HH" and "88" "Heil Hitler." Number "28" abbreviation for the Blood and Honor skinhead organization banned in 2000.

In addition, license plate combinations are prohibited in Nuremberg "N-PD" And "N-SU", which can be interpreted as the right-wing extremist National Democratic Party of Germany and the right-wing extremist terrorist group “National Socialist Underground”.

In Baden-Württemberg

In Baden-Württemberg, in addition to nationwide bans ("HJ", "KZ", "SA" and "SS"), there is a ban on using the combination "NS" on license plates.

In Berlin

Combinations are prohibited in Berlin « HJ", "KZ", "SA", "SS" And "NS".

In Brandenburg

In Brandenburg, registration authorities may not allow the following combinations of numbers: 14, 18, 28, 88, 188, 1888, 8888, 8188 . The number "14" is prohibited because it is an abbreviation of the slogan of American neo-Nazi leader David Lane: "We must ensure the existence of our people and the future of white children."

Combinations are also prohibited "JN-18", "HH-18" And "AH-18". “JN” is a youth organization of the right-wing extremist NPD “Young National Democrats”.

In Bremen

Combinations are prohibited in Bremen « HJ", "KZ", "SA", "SS" And "NS".

In Hamburg

Besides "HJ", "KZ", "SA" And "SS" Hamburg prohibits combinations "NS" And "SD". "SD" stands for "Reich Security Service". This was an SS unit for the personal protection of Adolf Hitler.

In Hesse

Registration plates with letters are prohibited in Hesse "HJ", "KZ", "NS", "SA", "SD" And "SS".

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Signs with letter combinations are prohibited in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern "HJ", "KZ", "NS", "SA" And "SS".

In Lower Saxony

In Lower Saxony, motorists are prohibited from having license plates with letters "HJ", "KZ", "NS", "SA" And "SS".

In North Rhine-Westphalia

In North Rhine-Westphalia the same rules apply as in Berlin: no license plates with letters "HJ", "KZ", "NS", "SA" And "SS". In addition, in Cologne it is prohibited to have a license plate with the letter "Z".

In Saarland

Nationwide combinations banned in Saarland "HJ", "KZ", "SA" And "SS".

In Saxony

As in most German states, combinations are prohibited in Saxony "HJ", "KZ", "NS", "SA" And "SS".

In Saxony-Anhalt

License plates with letter combinations are prohibited in Saxony-Anhalt "HJ", "KZ", "SA" And "SS", as well as the number " 88 " In the Saal district (Saalekreis) there is a ban on the use of the combination "SK-IN", which means "skinhead".

In Schleswig-Holstein

Prohibited combinations "HJ", "KZ", "NS", "SA" And "SS".

While in Germany, a tourist can use landline phones in hotels for communication within the country and abroad (the most expensive option - a minute of conversation costs from 1 €) or pay phones.

For those staying in Germany for a longer period of time, it is possible to save on calls from a landline phone by using local Vorwahl operator codes (for example, Moscow code). The code is dialed before dialing the main number. You can find international codes using this Internet service.

In Germany, pay phones installed in special booths are divided into 3 types according to the method of payment for the call: cash (coins), telephone card (Telefonkarte with a face value of 3-25 € are sold at communication kiosks and at the post office) and credit card. The cost of a call from a landline phone in Germany depends on the time of day - a reduced rate is valid on weekends and in the period 18:00-08:00 on weekdays.

Mobile communications in Germany

Local cellular service

In Germany, the cellular communication standard GSM 900/1800 has been adopted. Mobile communications in Germany are expensive, even relative to other European countries.

The leaders in the mobile services market are several of the largest operators - Vodafone, T-Mobile, E-Plus and Ortel Mobile.

A German SIM card costs on average 10 € (5-7 € on account) and is sold in many stores or large supermarkets (Lidl, Tchibo). You can top it up by purchasing special cards (in the same place where the SIM card is sold), through the store’s cash register, or by debiting money directly from bank card(if you have a bank account in Germany).

To obtain a SIM card without a contract (Prepaid Tarif ohne Vertrag), you do not need to show your international passport - you just need to have an internal (Russian) one. There is also the opportunity to switch to the services of a local mobile operator, keeping your number (surcharge of approximately 30 €, part of the amount goes to the account).

After purchasing, the German SIM card must be activated, and since the Internet may not be at hand for this action, it is better to ask the seller to do this directly.

There is no domestic roaming in Germany. Calls within the country cost from 0.09 € per minute. Calls to Russia start from 0.01 (preferential Star Rossija tariff from O2 or Mobilka SIM card). The cost of 1 SMS in Germany is usually equal to the cost of a minute of conversation.

Roaming in Germany

For mobile communications in Germany you can use roaming offers from leading domestic cellular operators.

Roaming tariffs in Germany from major Russian operators

Prices are indicated in rubles

Internet in Germany

The Internet in Germany is well developed, Wi-Fi access points (W-LAN in German) are found everywhere - from Lufthansa aircraft cabins, to train stations, squares, hotels and shopping centers. It is easy to use the Internet in Germany by visiting one of the many cyber cafes that can be found both in major cities, and in small villages. The cost of Internet in such cafes is 1-2.5 € per hour.

Mobile Internet in Germany is available by purchasing a pre-paid SIM card from one of the leading mobile operators and connecting to an Internet package, as well as through a network connection (via a modem costing about 30 €) of one of the popular Internet providers: 1 & 1, Alice, Congstar,, Simyo, Fonic, Klarmobil.

The cost of mobile Internet in Germany starts from 2.5 € per day or 15-20 € per month for unlimited communication (with an average speed of 1-2 Mbit/s, and a maximum speed of 7.2 Mbit/s), and the minimum cost of tariffs is with restrictions for traffic - 4 € per month (up to 150 MB). Tariffs can be changed once a month.

Telephone codes in Germany

Germany telephone code: 49

Telephone codes cities in Germany

Berlin's telephone code is 30

Munich's telephone code is 89

Hamburg's telephone code is 40

Dresden's telephone code is 351

Cologne's telephone code is 221

Bonn's telephone code is 228

Frankfurt am Main telephone code is 69

Dusseldorf telephone code is 211

How to call from Germany to Russia

Landline, mobile: 00 - 7 (Russian code) - your city code - phone number;

Example: 00-7-495-123-45-67; +7-495-123-45-67

How to call from Russia to Germany

Landline: 8 - beep - 10 - 49 (German code) 30 (Berlin code) - telephone number;

Mobile: +49 - phone number;

Example: 8-10-49-30-71234567 or +44-7871234567;

How to call within Germany

0 - phone number

Example: 0-2045678956

Useful telephone numbers and addresses in Germany

Russian Embassy in Germany

Address: Unter den Linden 63-65, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone: + (49 30) 229-11-10, + (49 30) 229-11-29, + (49 30) 226-511-83 (consular section)
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 08:30-18:00

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Munich

Address: Maria-Theresia-Straße 17, 81675 München, Germany
Phone: + (49 89) 59-25-03 (consular issues), + (49 89) 59-57-15 (duty service)
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 09:00-13:00; Mon-Thu 15:00-17:00 (passport issuance)

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Hamburg

Address: Am Freenteich, 20, 22085 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: + (49 40) 229-52-01, + (49 89) 229-53-01
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 09:00-12:00; Mon-Thu 15:00-17:00 (passport issuance)

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Bonn

Address: Waldstrasse 42, 53177 Bonn, Germany
Phone: + (49 228) 386-79-30, + (49 228) 386-79-31, + (49 228) 31-21-64
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 08:30-13:30; Acceptance of documents - until 13:00

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Frankfurt am Main

Address: Oeder Weg 16-18, 60318 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Phone: + (49 69) 430-082-611
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 09:00-13:00; entrance to the building - until 12:30

Emergency services in Germany

  • Telephone number of the Russian Consulate for emergency cases (threat to the life, health and safety of Russian citizens in Germany) - + (49 157) 366-55-231
  • Fire service, ambulance -112
  • Police - 110
  • Information railway stations - 33-69-11
  • Airport information desk - 50-81

Attention: fake!
Quite a few offices have appeared in Moscow that offer German numbers for more low price. We consider it our duty to warn you that unscrupulous manufacturers use Russian license plates with RUS holograms for German duplicates. This number is considered fake. Any traffic police officer will be able to detect such a fake. Be careful, do not try to save on quality. Agree, it’s better to pay a little more, but be sure that these numbers are legal.

German registration plates

When producing German license plates, they use a special font, umlauts in letter combinations, as well as the use of land stickers and technical inspection stickers, which are attached directly to the registration plate. There are several types of registration plates that are issued for specific types of vehicles.

As of 2007, purchasing new license plates will cost a motorist 30 euros directly in Germany, in addition, you will have to pay from 10 to 40 euros for re-registering old license plates or registering new ones.

Types of license plates

  • License plates found on classic cars contain the letter H at the end of the combination. For example, K-AA 100H
  • Red registration plates (Wechselkennzeichen) are used by dealers to temporarily register vehicles (for transportation).
  • Official vehicles, such as police, fire and municipal vehicles, do not have letters placed after the stickers on their license plates.
  • Unregistered vehicles have short-term license plates, valid for 5 days. The digital code starts with number 04, for example, DD-0400.
  • The registration numbers of vehicles protected by diplomatic immunity have the number 0 on the left side instead of a prefix.
  • On the registration plates of vehicles belonging to the German armed forces, on the left side, instead of a blue rectangle with the EU symbol, a standard letter D is depicted state flag Germany.
  • Vehicles exempt from transport tax (ambulances, tractors, agricultural trailers, trailers for boats and gliders) have green letters and numbers on white license plates.
  • Special seasonal license plates have two numbers at the end of the combination that represent the month.
  • License plates of exported vehicles. Installed on cars exported abroad to Germany.
  • The Federal Police uses registration plates starting with the prefix BP (Bundespolizei). Until 2006, the code BG (Bundesgrenzschutz) was used on license plates - it is still valid today, but on new cars the prefix BP is used.

On our website you can order duplicates of German license plates.

Room prices

  • The cost of 1 room is 2,000 rubles.
  • Set - 2,500 rubles.


  • Cash;
  • To a Sberbank card (we will provide the card number after placing the order).

09.10.2017 12.10.2017 by admin


German license plates are a very capacious and interesting topic. By and large
account, we are talking about a whole system of registration and control of use
vehicles (hereinafter referred to as “vehicles”). The very first license plates
appeared in Berlin in 1892, and in 1906 it was introduced
All-German license plate system.
Currently in use
format adopted in 1994; the left side of the license plate is occupied by blue
rectangle with the symbol of the European Union, under it in white
the letter D (Deutschland) is printed, followed by a letter code or prefix,
containing from one to three characters, depending on the population
point and its location. The following rule applies: than
the larger the city, the fewer letters - so, a one-letter prefix
assigned in the most big cities Germany(B - Berlin, K - Cologne, M
- Munich, F - Frankfurt am Main). But to designate the cities of Eastern
In Germany, several letters are more often used, because after unification
countries in 1990, short letter combinations were already used in
cities in West Germany. Here's a small example: in Düsseldorf
single-letter prefix “D”, and in Dresden - “DD”, in addition, in eastern
areas have fewer registered cars, and this allows
use three letter codes. There are a few more exceptions - these are
letter combinations in the codes of former Hanseatic cities, in their prefixes on
The first place is the letter "N". The code combination for Hamburg plates is
"NN" (Hansestadt Hamburg), and in Rostock - "HRO".
After the prefix of the city or region code of the federal state there are
emission test sticker and inspection sticker
safety of a car or other vehicle, after them there is another
letter code and digital combination. There is no more on a license plate
eight letters and numbers.
If the region of the federal state does not change when the vehicle is sold, then the numbers may remain the same.

Car owners have the opportunity to install on their vehicles
means personal license plates
, which are reflected as the name
city, and your own initials with the year of birth, but only in that
case if the selected code has nothing to do with “prohibited
combinations of letters." Most of the prohibited letter combinations are associated with
the period of Nazism in German history (SS, SA, HJ, NS, KZ), therefore
license plates in Saxony-Anhalt use the prefix "LSA" (Land
Sachsen Anhalt). In addition, combinations that are
which indicate obscene expressions.
Special seasonal license plates have the last two digits of the combination
indicate the period during which the vehicle is considered
registered, the upper digit indicates the month in which such
period, and the last one is the month of its end.

Short-term license plates are provided for unregistered vehicles,
valid for five days, their digital code begins with “04”.
On the right side of the license plate there is a yellow stripe indicating
expiration date of the number.
When taking a car out of the country, special signs are issued for
exported cars whose owners are not citizens
Germany. On the left side of such signs there is no blue field with the image
EU symbol, replaced by a red stripe with the end date
insurance contract.

Have their own characteristics and license plate numbers of persons with diplomatic
Instead of a prefix, a number is shown on the license plate
“0”, and for cars of representatives of the highest echelon of power the following are accepted
designations: “0-1” - for TS of Presidents, “0-2” - for prime ministers, “0-3”
— ministers of foreign affairs, “1-1” — chairmen of parliaments.
Vehicles of the Armed Forces have numbers on which, instead of
blue stripe with the EU symbol, the national flag of Germany is depicted, and
the code starts with the letter "Y" followed by a six-digit number
a combination of numbers or five digits if we are talking about motorcycles. At the cars
assigned to NATO units located in Germany,
similar license plates, only the code starts with “X” and the number
four-digit, for example: X-2345.
Not everyone knows that for collector cars from thirty years ago
There are also “special” numbers, their digital combination
starts with "07". In addition, the collector must have in his hands
a special certificate confirming that the cars do not have criminal records
history, and all components are original and in working order.
It is allowed to have one set of signs for the entire collection, but in this
In this case, the collector must clearly record all transactions with numbers.

In the 70s of the last century, by order of the German government, Karlgeorg Höfer
(Karlgeorg Hoefer) developed a unique font, which later received
the name “making it difficult to falsify” (Fälschungserschwerende Schrift).
This font has only been used for license plates since November 2000.
Its peculiarity is the impossibility of changing the code, since each
the sign has almost no common elements with other signs, and “interrupt” P with
R or F on E is extremely difficult.

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