The best ice towns: list, rating, description and reviews from visitors. The largest ice town in Russia How to describe the ice town where children play

There are winters in the City interesting entertainment for each guest: two spacious skating rinks, a tubing hill, a team game of yukigassen, curling and an incredible program for the entire holiday!

The event has already passed

Festive fair on Red Square 0+

Multi-colored lights from shopping chalets, performances by street performers, Christmas tree decorations of all kinds, the most beautiful New Year's gifts and mouth-watering delicacies await you at the main Moscow fair.

The event has already passed

Ice city on Poklonnaya Hill 0+

From December 29 to January 12 on Poklonnaya Hill The traditional New Year's festival “Ice Moscow” will take place. In the family". 2019 has been declared the Year of the Theatre, so a whole complex of ice buildings dedicated to the theatrical theme will be located on the Entrance Square of Victory Park.

st. Brothers Fonchenko, 7, Poklonnaya Gora

The estate of Father Frost in the Kuzminsky forest

To see the main wizard of winter, you don’t have to go to Veliky Ustyug! Come to Kuzminsky Park- here you will see the Snow Maiden’s tower, the magical throne of Father Frost, and interactive areas where children will be invited to have fun at exciting master classes. In addition, there is a Santa Claus Post Office in the estate. Where else if not here to make wishes for next year!

Volgogradsky Ave., property 168d

Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve 0+

Tsaritsyno is a magical place in itself, especially in winter, when everything is covered in snow. And this year, for the first time ever, reindeer sledding will take place there. Do you want to feel like Santa Claus and ride a sleigh pulled by reindeer? Come to Tsaritsyno!

st. Dolskaya, 1

"Factory of Happy People" in Gorky Park 0+

Back in 1934, the writer Herbert Wells visited Gorky Park and called it “The Factory of Happy People.” In the new season, the skating rink in the park was stylized as a factory: with a neon conveyor and a ten-meter chimney. The factory produces, of course, only positive emotions.


Melting art - this is how you can call all these fascinating ice villages, castles and even cities that grow for a short time every winter in places where they know first-hand about snow. Ice and snow sculpture festivals are held throughout the northern hemisphere, and we will tell you about the largest of them, not forgetting about domestic ones. (This is our personal hit parade, and we do not pretend to be objective).

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival

China, Japan, Canada, Norway, Sweden - these are the Top 5 world ice festivals.

Let's start with the China Ice and Snow Festival, which has been held in the country's coldest city, Harbin, since 1963. Not only one of the oldest, but also the largest of its kind. Over the course of two months, celestial palaces and giant sculptures of mythical gods grow on an area of ​​about half a million square meters.

Harbin Ice City is about 2000 different art objects and 200 thousand cubic meters pure ice from the Songhua River. Each cube weighs 250 kg. Just think about these massive numbers!

The theme of 2018 was the cities of the Great Silk Road. Ancient civilizations are recreated from fragile material by artists and sculptors from China, America, Canada, Japan, Russia, Singapore, etc. This year, the construction of the largest three-hundred-meter sculpture took ten days and the strength of five hundred craftsmen from all over the world.

The coolest thing about this festival is that, like the famous one, in the finale all the ice creations must be destroyed! Ice axes are provided to everyone! Information for those who want to destroy something: the final of the festival is scheduled for February 28.

Snow festival in Sapporo, Japan

In the middle of the last century, the history of the Japanese Snow Festival began with several sculptures built by boys.

The peculiarity of the festival is that it takes place in three places at once in the capital of the island of Hokkaido. And it is not a given theme that reigns in it, but the fantasy of snow sculptors! The country's armed forces are involved in creating the largest compositions. The holiday takes place in early February and lasts only a week.

Canadian Carnaval de Quebec

It's more of a carnival than a festival. Since ice sculptures are only part of the event at this celebration of soul and body, the main focus is on unbridled Canadian fun.

The birth of the carnival can be considered the end of the century before last, and its organizers recommend looking for its roots in traditional folk festivities before the start of Lent. Preparations for the winter holiday in Quebec begin with the construction of a palace for the symbol of the carnival - a snowman named “Dobryak” (Good Man).

A masquerade ball for mummers, sled races, hockey matches, a rowing competition on the wild St. Lawrence River, night parties and a dozen other good traditions! And among all this fun, there is time for serious international competition: more than 50 teams from 30 countries take part in the snow sculpture competition.

Norwegian Ice Music Festival in Geilo

On the first full moon of the year, the snow-capped peaks of the ski town become the backdrop for an unusual musical show. Playing music on instruments made of ice was invented by the Norwegian composer and artist Terje Isungset.

Each instrument is made from natural crystal clear ice. Terje tried making guitars and drums from ordinary frozen water poured into a prepared mold, but they sounded dull.

The festival lasts only 3 days. Music sounds, and icy guitars, harps and trumpets melt from the warm touch of a person. This has its own magic.

Swedish Snow Festival in Kiruna

Kiruna is a town in northern Sweden. The first festival took place there a little over 30 years ago in 1986 on the occasion of the launch of the Viking rocket.

Every year, during the last week of January, the city is filled with ice and snow sculptures. And guests come to admire the short-lived creations in the background northern lights, which is a frequent occurrence in those latitudes.

The organizers call it the only festival beyond the Arctic Circle, which they are very wrong about. (Below we will tell you about our polar festival of snow and ice, which is gaining momentum).

"Snegolyod" in Khibiny, Russia

The smallest, but no less spectacular snow festival takes place on the very edge of Russia, beyond the Arctic Circle on Kola Peninsula. There, starting from the end of December, the “Snow Village” has been growing for the tenth winter in a row, where the “Snow Ice” festival takes place. The snowfall lasts for a couple of weeks, where in real time viewers watch the birth of new snow creations.

There is so much snow in the Russian north that in addition to the “village” in the Arctic, they also built an ice sculpture gallery, next to which the “Mad Saw” express competition takes place in the middle of winter. Blocks of the purest lake ice turn into art in 90 minutes. Thus, it turns out that “Snow Ice” is a large-scale two-week festival consisting of a snow and ice sculpture competition.

Several years ago, it was possible to get to the Kingdom of the Snow Queen only in one place in the city. But, apparently, there were so many people who wanted to do this that in recent years Snow Towns have appeared one after another.

However, this year the weather mixed up all the plans of the organizers. It got cold outside atypically early. Because of this, many ice (and even more so snow) structures were simply not ready to receive guests. However, sooner or later they will open. And, of course, parents and children will once again be invited to ride the curved slides, marvel at the bizarre sculptures, get lost in the labyrinths, and just have a good time.

For the fourth year in a row, young Muscovites and their parents are delighted with the ice city “Ice Moscow. In the Family Circle,” which opens on December 29 at the Entrance Square of Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill. Here you can admire the main symbols of the Great Civilizations. The park will feature miniature palaces of Chinese emperors, the Parthenon, the Great Sphinx and the Pyramid of Cheops from Egypt.

Traditionally, a copy of the Kremlin wall with five towers and a cascade of ice slides will also appear. The height of the Spasskaya Tower will reach 10 meters, and the length of the largest slide will be about 100 meters. In addition, at the festival site you can see a copy of St. Basil's Cathedral.

This year, part of the exhibition can be seen inside three tents.

Until the end of winter, an exhibition of ice sculptures “-273°. Ice Space” is open for adults and children in Gorky Park. The exhibition is divided into three zones. The first pavilion housed a hall with space objects, including the Buran sculpture. The second tent contains the main symbols of the New Year: Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Nutcracker and Pig. The third tent is equipped with a 16-meter planetarium.

Until January 8th Festival Square The Luzhniki sports complex houses a sports park for all winter sports enthusiasts. active rest. A winter amusement park has been created on Festivalnaya Square for all connoisseurs of Russian winter: artificial skating rink, curling, giant ice slide for tubing, an ice climbing area and large illuminated ice objects.

The park is open until January 8, 2019, daily: from 16:00 to 21:00 (weekdays) and from 13:00 to 21:00 (weekends).

On the territory of Izmailovsky Park there is a real snowy

Every year in the very center of Perm on the esplanade before the New Year a super ice city. Its theme changes from year to year. For example, there was the Olympics in Sochi, and we have an Olympic village. 2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology in Russia, and we are again in the trend, we have grown the Ice Town “Eco-Garden”, whose inhabitants are rare species of animals and plants. And what a one, the largest in Russia. Just a few numbers. The total volume of ice used for the construction of the winter complex exceeded 2,100 cubic meters. Over 2,500 meters of decorative RGB lighting were used to decorate the complex. And the total area of ​​the town is 6 thousand sq.m.

2. Observation deck “In the Clouds”. It's no secret that giraffes are the tallest animals on our planet; they can grow up to 6 meters. That’s what the organizers intended with this very observation deck the most best view to Ice Town. And if giraffes are ready to eat from 16 to 20 hours a day, then visitors to the town can see such beauty from 12 to 23 hours on weekdays and from 10 to 23 hours on weekends. For lovers of all statistics: h (object height) - 5.6 m / s (object width) - 6.1 m / l (object length) - 11.5 m.

3. In total, 21 objects have been created in the Ice Town. Of these, 14 slides (23 slopes), 3 traps, a labyrinth whose passages are over 300 meters long, an observation deck, 12 objects for the youngest visitors and, of course, a very tall Christmas tree.

4. Children's slide complex "Penguins". It is believed that the first penguins appeared on Earth 65 million years ago. Previously, they could fly, but in the process of evolution, the wings of penguins changed and began to resemble flippers. Now he can only dive and swim, but on land he is no longer so mobile. Often raising their heads too high, they lose their balance and fall on their backs. They can no longer get up on their own, so people came to their aid. So on many polar stations An amazing profession appeared - “raising” penguins. This person helps the penguins turn over and take the bird's usual position. But it’s there in the North, and in our town boys and girls help them fight boredom, the more they ride on these slides, and there’s a whole herd of these “Penguins” here, the more fun everyone has! / h (object height) - 2.3 m / s (object width) - 2.2 m / l (object length) - 6.3 m.

5. The author of the artistic concept of the ice town was theater artist, member of the Union of Artists of Russia Larisa Kamenskikh.

6. Slide "Whale". It is known that the blue whale is the largest animal existing in the world. The length of one average blue whale is 33 meters, and its weight is identical to the weight of 40 African elephants. The heart of this mammal alone reaches truly enormous sizes and can weigh a whole ton. In nature, they can not be found so often due to extermination in the past, so they are even listed in the Red Book. But in Perm, in our Ice Town, there is one copy. You can touch it, take a photo with it and, of course, ride it many, many times. / h (object height) - 5.9 m / s (object width) - 7 m / l (object length) - 35 m.

7. By the way, our Stas liked this slide the most

8. Entrance group " Ecological garden" This is one of the entrances to our ice fantasy world, which invites us to plunge into the harmony and beauty of nature. / h (object height) - 3.5 m / l (observation deck length) - 11 m / l (slide length) - 36 m.

This year, the cost of the town was 33 million rubles, plus another 8.5 million rubles were allocated from the budget of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for the Russian Cup in Snow and Ice Sculpture. The town will be happy until mid-February.

11. Slide “Tree of Life”. There are trees on our planet that have seen the rise and fall of ancient civilizations and stubbornly fought for life in the changing climate of the Earth. The oldest tree in the world is a pine named Methuselah, and the tallest sequoia is General Sherman, 84 meters high. The Skhtorashen plane tree can be seen even from space: the size of the leaves of the plane tree reaches half a meter, and the area of ​​its crown is 1,500 sq.m. The Tree of a Hundred Horses is the oldest chestnut tree, under whose foliage the Queen of Aragon hid with a hundred knights. The majestic Sarw-e Abar-Kuh cypress grows in Iran, and the oldest yew, included in the list of 50 great trees of Great Britain, grows in Wales. And in Sweden there is the oldest spruce - Old Tikko. But now a new tree has appeared on the planet, yes, its life is not long at all, only a couple of months, that’s why, friends, have time to visit our city and it will be a plus for your karma. / h (object height) - 5.9 m / s (object width) - 8 m / l (object length) - 28.7 m.

12. Play climbing frame “Snake”. There are about 3,000 species of snakes in the world. Having appeared in the era of dinosaurs, they adapted to different living conditions, evolved and acquired an unusual appearance. Our snake is not poisonous at all, but on the contrary, it is ready to make everyone happy. Its h (object height) is 3 m / s (object width) 13.5 m /
l (object length) - 22.8 m.

14. Traps for children “Big and small turtles.” It's like the bigger one. Now there are about 230 species of turtles on our planet. These reptiles are found on all continents except Antarctica. Apparently they freeze there. But our new innovative icy species is quite comfortable in Perm, and they also have mutual love with the local children. / h (object height) - 1.1 m / s (object width) - 8 m / l (object length) - 8.3 m.

16. The 21st century has arrived and you can’t live without gadgets, so here too the organizers installed several information kiosks with which you can send your video greetings to your loved ones or friends. We sent it to Sveta, and it finally arrived!

17. “Snail” slide. One of the oldest inhabitants of our planet are snails. Scientists claim that these mollusks appeared more than 500 million years ago. They live both on land and in water. The largest snail in the world is the East African Achatina, which grows up to 20 cm in length. Hey, where are the representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, our snail will be sicker :). / h (object height) - 6.6 m / s (object width) - 11.4 m / l (object length) - 34.7 m.

18. Directly opposite the town is the administrative building of LUKOIL-Perm, and this year they took first place in the city for the New Year's decoration of their office.

At first glance this year our Ice Town seemed simple to me. “The Permians got greedy,” you say! Yes, I agree, every year the organizers spoil us with such beauty. And then I remembered, because there will be more new features very soon. On January 15, the next “Russian Cup of Snow and Ice Sculpture “Winter Vernissage”, already the fifth in a row, starts in Ice Town. Right now, preparations for the competition are underway at an accelerated pace.

This year, the best sculptors from 12 cities of Russia and 14 countries of the world will come to our city, including such “winter” powers as Mexico, Malaysia and Thailand. A total of 20 teams will compete. The start of the Cup is scheduled for January 15. The winners will be awarded in a week - on the 21st. The theme of this year's Cup is "space".

The craftsmen will have only five days to turn huge cubes of snow and ice into sculptural compositions from their sketches. For all participants at the work site, a fixed working day is established from 09.00 to 19.00 hours. Work on the creation of sculptures before and after the established time is prohibited by regulations.

Let me remind you that the Open Competition “Russian Cup of Snow and Ice Sculpture “Winter Vernissage” is an author’s project of the Non-Profit Foundation of Russian Sculptors “Unity”, held once every two years, starting in 2007. Today, the Russian Cup for Snow and Ice Sculpture “Winter Vernissage” is the most high-profile international competition in the field of the art of snow and ice sculpture in Russia and the only one in the country held with the official support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.