What's the best way to catch a domestic duck? Ways to catch wild ducks without a gun

Outwardly, wild ducks look more graceful than large farm birds. This makes you think about the difficulties in breeding them. Is it so? And we will tell you how to raise healthy and strong livestock in our material.

Features of a wild bird

Did you know?During molting, wild ducks lose their ability to fly.

The undoubted advantage of wild ducks over domestic breeds is their strong immunity, which is developed by birds living in the wild. Among the disadvantages, it is worth highlighting the tougher meat and their relatively small size.

But, if the diet of these birds does not differ from the diet of domestic birds, then their meat will soon acquire different taste qualities and will become similar to ordinary duck meat.
These waterfowl get along well with domestic herds, successfully breed in captivity and breed healthy offspring. A distinctive feature of these birds is their eggs with green shells.

Which breed to choose

The most popular breeds:

Important!The best time to catch ducks is when there are a lot of young ducks that have grown up and don’t yet know how to fly well enough.

How to catch a wild duck alive for breeding at home

There are three main ways to catch a wild duck alive. Some can only be done by experienced hunters, while others can be tackled even by a novice.

So, you can catch a wild inhabitant of rivers and lakes alive using:

  • loops;
  • traps;
  • hands.

Video: how to catch a wild duck using a trap Only experienced hunters can cope with fishing with a noose: the bird is attracted with bait (the food it loves) and the hunter, sitting in ambush, tightens the noose on its paws or body. The complexity of the method lies in the high risk of bird injury

Trap fishing is much easier. To catch a bird alive and unharmed, all you need is a box or cage equipped with a special return mechanism that is triggered by the weight of the duck. When the bird lands on the roof of the trap, it will fall inside. You can make the fishing process easier with the help of baits that are placed on the lids of the boxes.

Did you know?Duck feathers cannot be wetted with water without subjecting them to special treatment.

Catching wild birds with your hands is only possible for those who know the basic rules of duck behavior. When danger approaches, the queen diverts the predator's attention to herself, and the young birds try to hide. At this time it is most vulnerable, since the birds do not move and sit still.

Breeding wild ducks at home

Breeding wild ducks in captivity is almost no different from breeding domestic poultry.

Nutrition and feeding

Whatever the diet of wild ducks, they will never gain the mass of their domestic counterparts. The only thing that can be achieved with such a diet is the similarity in taste of the meat of wild and domestic birds. In the wild, these waterfowl eat fish, river vegetation, algae and small insects.

In captivity, ducks can be fed with hard varieties of barley and buckwheat, fresh fish, small crustaceans, and bloodworms. The feed should be crushed, but not very finely.
Birds must eat small pebbles and clean river sand. It is also important that ducks have 24/7 access to clean drinking water. Ducklings eat the same things as chickens - grass, boiled eggs, vitamin supplements.

Bird care

The owner should take care of regular cleaning of the duck house. This will help prevent the spread of various diseases.

Important! In the summer, a weak solution of potassium permanganate must be added to the water for waterfowl to protect the livestock from intestinal infections.

Since wild ducks have strong immunity, their vaccination is carried out only in farms that are unfavorable in terms of morbidity.

Video: breeding wild ducks at home It is important that the bird has the opportunity to freely walk around the territory of the poultry house - for wild ducks, walking and the availability of natural or artificial reservoirs are required. The run should be equipped with a canopy that will help protect the birds from rain and sun.

These birds tolerate cold well, so the duckling does not need special heating. But it is better if the owner still takes care of protecting the herd from severe frosts and provides for the possibility of insulating the premises. Also, the duckling house should be ventilated daily to avoid the spread of various infections.

The room should be clean and dry. The duckling house itself should be quite spacious - the ideal density of heads is no more than three per square meter. In the warm season, waterfowl feel comfortable in the fresh air, where they can stay around the clock.
With the onset of cold weather, they need to organize lighting (daylight hours to preserve egg production must last at least 14 hours) and insulate the floors with a thick layer of straw bedding. In nature, wild ducks build their nests in small holes.

At home, you can build special nests for waterfowl, but it is not a fact that the bird will want to sit on it. These birds are good mothers who can boast of strong and fast-growing offspring. Therefore, human intervention in caring for newborn chicks is minimized.

Breeding wild inhabitants of reservoirs at home does not require special knowledge and a lot of work. With the right approach, this can become not only an interesting, but also quite profitable activity. After all, the tasty and protein-rich meat of wild ducks is highly valued on the market, and the birds themselves are always in demand in forestry.

You could see wild ducks in almost all bodies of water, be it a park or just a river; even people are not a hindrance to the birds. You've probably seen wild ducks more than once while going fishing or just on the lake. So, imagine you come fishing to a small river and see an un-autumn-like fat duck take off from the reeds in front of your nose. And then you begin to regret that you don’t have a gun at hand, because you would so much like fresh game. It doesn’t matter, there are several ways to catch a bird without the help of a weapon, we will now tell you about some of them and clearly show them in the video.

Duck hunting is a very exciting activity that requires a lot of patience. As has been the custom for a long time, when hunting birds, people used various kinds of bait, decoy game, traps, traps and much more. However, how to catch a duck without using a gun?

First you need to find an area where the duck may be located, most often these are ponds or swamps. At night, she often goes ashore to clean her feathers, and leaves behind traces and droppings, from which it is easy to find the bird’s roosting place in the morning. Now you need to be patient and wait for the right moment.

Of course, it’s easier to take a slingshot or just a stone and throw it at the duck, but this method will only scare away the whole bird and will not bring any results. It is better to use a hundred times proven methods. The most common of them is hook fishing.

Directly hunting on the hook

This option is ideal for fishermen who have had no luck catching fish, but don’t want to return home empty-handed. The most important thing is that you already have all the accessories at hand, which are shown in the video, and you don’t need to carry anything extra with you. Hunting a duck without a gun with a hook is a more humane way to get a trophy, and you will get a lot of pleasure from the process.

Stage 1

To fish with a hook we will need the following items:

  • fishing line;
  • hooks;

Everything is very simple, if you have the above items on hand, then we copy the fishing method. We choose any stump on the shore of the lake, place a brick or another equally heavy object on it. Then we tie a fishing line with hooks to it, an ordinary one, which, for example, you use all the time when fishing. Afterwards, take a knife and cut out thin pegs up to half a meter long. It is advisable that the hooks are made of good, strong steel, otherwise they will simply bend or break.

Stage 2

We bait the hook with a pre-prepared bait, as shown in the video, it can be purchased or caught fish fry, you can also use fish offal, experts also recommend a piece of lard as bait. We disguise ourselves and wait for our bird to swim out for a walk.

So, the bird swallows our bait and all that remains is to pull out and remove the duck from the hook. If you don’t have a hook at hand, then it doesn’t matter, you can use an ordinary button. Just like in the previous option, attach the bait and wait, the effect is the same. To get better results, we recommend making more of these traps, so the chance of catching a bird increases. There is another very interesting way to catch a wild duck.

Fishing with a hinged lid

This method is more complex, but is ideal if you need to catch the bird intact and not maimed. So, we need to attract the bird in this way, offer it a comfortable way to dry its feathers. D

To do this, you need to do a series of sequential actions:

  1. You need to find several logs and fasten them together.
  2. Place a basket on the logs and attach it.
  3. There should be an easy-to-open lid with a return mechanism on top of the basket.
  4. Pour soil onto the lid, you can also put food.
  5. A bird lands on your structure, the cover falls through and the duck is trapped, without any damage.

Using a loop

The third method is less common and is used by avid hunters. If you are like that, then in order to catch a wild duck you must be able to hide well, determine the direction of the wind and lie low in anticipation. This is a completely inexpensive hunting method.

Make a tight loop and place the bird's favorite bait, corn, in the center. Then just wait until the duck starts to eat, pull the end of the rope sharply so that the loop encloses the duck, all your spoils are in your hands.

These principles of catching wild ducks will be useful to both beginners and experienced hunters. Because even they may find themselves in the wild, for example, without a gun, and these methods will help them not to be left in the forest without prey. Now you, our reader, know all the secrets, so feel free to go to the nearest bet and practice your knowledge. Good luck hunting wild duck without a weapon.

Video “How to catch a wild duck on a hook?”

The video explains step by step what needs to be done to catch a wild duck.

In order to know how to catch a wild duck alive, you must first decide what exactly it is for. The gun, as one of the methods of fishing, must be discarded immediately. Most often, birds are caught either for banding and further monitoring of their migration, or for bait with live bait. There are several ways to catch them - on a hook, in a set trap, or in a snare. The main thing is not to damage the birds, so you need to approach the fishing approach as responsibly as possible.

How to catch wild ducks

There are several ways:

  • hooking;
  • various traps;
  • snares.

Catching wild ducks on a hook

The most dangerous method is fishing with a hook, as there is a risk of damaging the duck. To catch them in this way, you first need to find a body of water favored by birds. On the shore or nearby in the water you should look for a snag with several branches. Next, a strong fishing line with hooks at the ends (5 or 6 sizes) is attached to the branches.

Important! The fishing line must be transparent in order to become as invisible as possible in the water.

The bait is hooked onto the hooks and the whole thing is secured to a snag. The ideal option for bait is live small fish or frogs. It is this kind of bait, in its attempts to get out into the wild, that will attract the attention of birds on the lake.

If it is not possible to attach such live bait, then ordinary lard or bread crumb will do. But in this case, the bait should be attached to the hooks so that it stays on the surface of the reservoir and does not sink. The best option would be to make fishing line of different lengths - in this case, the chances of catching a wild bird increase.

Wild duck

Important! It is very important to attach the snag to the shore, since the duck, in trying to free itself, can send a piece of wood “free floating.” The best option is to attach the snag inconspicuously to the shore with a rope or make a good heavy anchor.

With this type of hunting, the risk of damage to the bird increases not only during removal, but also when the bird tries to free itself. Therefore, it is better to observe the process while sitting unnoticed in a shelter on the shore. Naturally, the hunter will have to hide very well so as not to scare away the winged creatures.

Duck trap

A more complex method is trapping. But it is also the safest, as it almost eliminates the risk of damage to the bird. There are many duck traps. They are distinguished by their final destination.

For example, you can make a structure so that a duck wants to dry its feathers there. For this option, you need to pick up two small logs and fasten them together. Attach a basket with a detachable lid on top, so that the lid falls under the weight of the landing duck and then returns to its place, thereby locking the bird inside. The top of the basket should be sprinkled with earth so that the metal parts do not confuse the bird.

Ducks' attention is attracted by bait

Having landed on top of such a basket, the bird will fall inside and will not be able to get out. The hunter will only have to approach and take the feathered captive.

Another trap option could be a labyrinth-like cone with food scattered around the perimeter. But in this case, it is important to be nearby or frequently check the trap so that the bird does not have time to get out of the improvised labyrinth.


This method is the simplest and least expensive, since practically no expensive materials are needed for production. To make a snare or noose, you only need a strong rope.

For this method of fishing, you need to be well versed in the area and know the basic behavior of wild birds. When fishing, you should take into account the direction of the wind in order to know where to build a snare and hide. In addition, the hunter will have to be diligent and patient.

Important! Loops are not the most popular type of fishing, since this process requires the skill of a real hunter.

How to make a snare for a duck? To catch birds, you need to make a strong self-tightening loop. Then quietly install it in the ducks’ favorite roosting or resting place. Place bait in the center of the loop. Experienced hunters advise putting an ear of corn or a piece of lard. Next, you should hide well, so that the wild bird cannot see or feel the person.

The moment the duck enters the center of the loop, you need to tighten it on the bird's leg with a sharp movement. This eliminates the possibility of strangling her, but you can break her paw. Therefore, you should be as careful as possible during this process.

Active ducks need their wings trimmed

How to catch wild ducklings

To catch the little ducklings, you need to wait until the drake and duck leave the nest in search of food for their young. This usually happens at dawn. At this time, you should get close to the nest and quickly catch the ducklings with your hands.

It is necessary to know exactly the location of the nest and the favorite nesting places of wild ducks. Typically this is:

  • marshy areas;
  • floodplains;
  • warm lakes.

For nesting, birds choose elevated places, such as hummocks in swamps, hills and even low trees. The optimal period for catching ducklings is May or April. But it is also necessary to take into account the time of ice melting.

Raising ducklings at home is not difficult. The process is practically no different from breeding their domestic relatives. But at the same time, one should take into account the greater mobility of children and their desire for freedom. You must be prepared for the fact that the ducklings will try to escape to freedom more than once.

Mallard at home

Most often, mallards, mandarin ducks or goldeneyes are kept at home. And although birds may behave wildly at first, they soon become tamed and are no different from domestic ones. But if they are still too active, it makes sense to clip their wings. For maintenance you need to make a separate pen.

Important! An important condition for keeping wild ducks is round-the-clock access to water. The best option for this is a small natural pond.

They need to be fed small fish, minced meat or fish, duckweed, algae, meadow grasses, grains (barley, millet and corn are best), tops of garden vegetables (carrots, beets). It is important to mix gravel, chalk, and sand into food.

When breeding wild individuals, you also need to take into account their distinctive feature from their domestic relatives - they form pairs, and even if you add several ducks to a drake, he will choose one for himself, and will simply ignore the rest. You also need to take into account that some species mate only in water. For example, this applies to the species of tangerines.

Thus, catching a wild duck is not so difficult if you approach this issue thoroughly. The main thing is to choose the final goal of fishing in order to choose the most optimal option.

Wild ducks live on all reservoirs almost throughout Russia, even on those reservoirs where there are a lot of people, ducks still live and breed, you have probably seen wild ducks more than once while fishing or when you went swimming, but the Hermit, since he will live in the wilderness , in the vicinity of reservoirs, there will be a lot of this free “floating meat”, but how can you catch this meat if you don’t have a gun, of course you can try with a stone or a slingshot, but most likely you will just scare them away without getting anything and you will remain hungry and angry.

Here is a really working method of catching ducks on improvised perches, the point is as follows. We take something that will not sink, will be heavy enough and will not arouse suspicion among the ducks, for example, a small log with twigs. Next, we tie a fishing line to this log with hooks 5-6- number, the line should be as thin as possible, but at the same time strong enough to withstand the duck, which will desperately resist when you remove it.

Leashes can be tied either to a log or to branches, the length of the leashes can be different, about three meters on average, we go into the pond longer or swim in a boat and place our log on the water where the ducks gather, and put a nozzle on the hooks, the nozzle is live fish or bread or small frogs, we tie the BAIT so that if it is alive it is in the water but at the same time it does not swim away and the duck notices it, for this we make notches on a branch or log and clamp the fishing line about 20-30 cm from nozzles, so that the bait itself does not pull itself out of the clamp, and the duck can do it without effort while eating.

If the fish is dead, then you don’t have to do this, just bait it and throw it into the water, it won’t drown, the duck will find it and eat it, but remember the live bait itself attracts the duck, as it moves and creates movement on the water. If you use bread, then it must be hung above the water, on those branches that stick out from the water, but so that the duck can easily remove it and swallow it along with the water. To increase the efficiency of such fishing, you can make more than ten such devices, in different places and tie more baits, and then the catch can be carried out in whole flocks, but I think you’ll figure out what to do with the meat - boil the stew, maybe salt it, or maybe in the village you won’t need anything exchange or sell.



Loops and traps for catching small animals and large forest inhabitants are an affordable and easy way to get food and animal fur, and other types of animal products. Many people will think that this method of catching is just pampering, and hunting with a gun is much better, but in practice, hunting with using a gun is more of a sport, since sharp hunting involves tracking an animal, pursuing it and ultimately making an accurate hit, which requires training and at least minimal shooting skills.

Also, such a hunt requires the presence of a gun and all permits to carry weapons and to shoot certain types of animals in a certain period, and even if you hunt in deserted spaces, the sounds of the shot spread for kilometers around and you will still be interested in the local surveillance services “FISHING SUPERVISION” and the district police officer .

And hunting for samolov is a secretive, silent way of catching an animal, and at the same time it is much easier and more effective than hunting with a gun. Various samolov began to be used in ancient times, but they are still relevant to this day, since these methods are specifically for mass trapping animals and they are used everywhere by hunting farms and hunters, and this is the favorite way of catching animals for poachers. By the way, in general, catching animals with self-catching traps is universally prohibited with rare exceptions; these are catching quotas for the indigenous population and hunting farms.

Due to the fact that such methods cause irreparable damage to nature and quickly reduce the number of animals in this area. That is why for a hermit or a resident of a remote area, samolov are an ideal option, since samolov are made from improvised means and are quite simple to learn.

When installing, so as not to give away yourself and your fishing, do not place loops where people can pass, they can discover traps and spread the news throughout the area, and then you are guaranteed a meeting with the control authorities, or they themselves can fall into your traps and get hurt , and then you won’t be envied.

Self-catchers come in many different designs for different animals. I will not describe the details of the manufacture and installation of these self-catchers, since this information can be easily found in books or on the Internet, but I will write a rough idea of ​​the self-catchers.

Self-catchers are traps - metal and wooden products for capturing and holding an animal, as well as loops, this is a product made of metal wire or other thin, soft, but simple materials, the principle of operation is that the animal gets caught in a loop, it tightens and does not allow the animal to free itself, These are pits with sharp stakes or a net inside - the animal falls into the pit and runs into stakes or gets entangled in the net, and there are many variations and method of manufacture and installation.

A very, very long time ago, my friends and I vacationed “in nature.” Nothing
We didn’t need anything special from this nature. We just decided to get out
away from the city. And actually - a cultural drink and snack with an overnight stay
under the stars. Go fishing - but without fanaticism. We got to the place.
A small dam with ducks, quiet, clean, the weather just to order - a miracle!
We settled down, settled down, organized a simple life -
tents-fireplace-kettle-donki. Beauty!
We sit, have a drink and a snack, talk, behave decently, don’t duck
we scare. Grace!
Soon two men came out to the place of our cultural recreation. Straightaway
apparently - experienced Chingachgooks. Equipped smartly, but lightly, they walk briskly, step
loyal. Backpacks, guns, storm boots. Hunters.
They - can we have a little smoke here? We, of course, are welcome, not
Would you like to join? They looked at each other and agreed to
fifty - we still have to go,” from the offer to dine with dignity
refused. OK. After “fifty each - we still have to go” - they stood up,
shook themselves off and... No, they asked, but you guys are just relaxing -
or how?
- Or how! - declares one of us, in whom there were already “three hundred and fifty”, -
we're on a duck's back.
The Chingachgooks looked with a faithful eye at the camp, in which there was absolutely nothing
it could even hint at hunting. And they looked questioningly at
- What about a snare? Or how?
- Or how! - declares the one with three hundred and fifty.
- ? - the Chingachgooks ask with only their eyes and sit back, revealing
of pure interest.
The situation was complicated. To fool serious people -
ugly. And for serious people with guns it’s also risky. The one in which
Three hundred and fifty hesitated for half a second - and improvisation began.
- A teapot! Have you tried it?
Apparently he was trying to bend the line of conversation towards a joke. Chingachgooks are not
appreciated and stared at him somehow ambiguously. By the way - for all the time,
that they spent with us, they never smiled.
Three Hundred and Fifty began to move from confusion to despair. When
came and shouted:
- Wait! - and ran into the tent. He returned with a teapot. I approached the shore. In it
We tried to make fifty more Chingachgooks each time. Happened.
The stern faces softened.
Three Hundred and Fifty approached the shore. Remember I said there are ducks in there. Three hundred
Fifty tried it on, made some fantastic graceful swing with
with a twist and threw the kettle into the thick of the duck company, fortunately he was able to fly
15 meters away. The company was scared and immediately moved away. Three hundred fifty
turned to us and already began to put on his face the expression “it didn’t work out.”
something." But one of the Chingachgooks, who was carefully watching
happening, performed the dance "huyasse!" with appropriate facial expressions,
he rolled off his wagons and headed to the dam. There's a teapot-struck duck
fought for her future and tried to free herself from the teapot, which:
- Apparently he knocked out her flight mechanization;
- put his hand on it;
- filled with water and pulled into the abyss.
The second Chingachgook also danced "huyasse" and looked at us approvingly.
Three hundred and fifty instantly rose to Five Hundred and began to develop
success, declaring that he forgot to put the lid on the teapot in his haste. With lid
it was possible to knock out a couple at once. It was completed quickly, just in case
to Seven Hundred and he fell asleep.
As a result, none of us lost face, and the Chingachgooks expanded their knowledge of
hunting areas. They favorably accepted such a thing twice more.
fifty, took their leave and went about their business. Duck, by the way, after
inspection (no damage was found, for which thank God) was
released with an apology.