What they bring from France: a review of the best souvenirs. Self-guided route through France by car Famous French patisseries

General information about France
Capital: Paris is one of the most attractive cities for shopping and entertainment.
Square: 551500 sq. km.
Population: 59 million, these numbers have been constant for many years, the younger generation does not tend to leave their homes in search of work.
Currency unit: Euro.
Religion: Catholicism.
Official language: French.
Big cities: Nantes, Nice, Marseille, Toulouse.
According to its political system France is a republic, and one of the oldest in Europe. The role of parliament in governing the country is enormous, but the president is also vested with significant powers.

Geographical location and climate
The location of the state territory is the most suitable for recreation and living. In the northwestern part, the shores are washed by the English Channel, which is the water border with Great Britain. In the west, the state is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, from the northern part you can get directly to Luxembourg and Belgium, in the east are Germany and Switzerland.
The wide variety of landscape zones makes the country extraordinary: most of the area is occupied by the flat part, 1/3 is occupied by the French Alps, the highest point of which is Mount Mont Blanc.
The coast from the southeast is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, in some places there is rocky terrain, mainly pebble beaches.
The climate is temperate, characterized by mild, wet winters, and subtropics dominate in the south.
The plains on the southern coast experience all the delights of the Mediterranean climate - there is practically no frost, summers are dry and hot, and heavy short-term rains in spring and autumn. Experienced tourists advise traveling to the south of the country with caution; a piercing cold wind, the mistral, blows from the Rhone Valley at least 100 days a year.


Traditions and culture
France- a truly great country in historical and cultural terms. The traditions of numerous provinces can be contradictory and very different from each other.
The main part is inhabited by modern French people, who are descendants of the original inhabitants, as well as tribes that at different times captured the lands (Romans, Scandinavian Vikings, Gauls). In the east of the country there is a fairly large number of residents of Italian origin. Each class has its own unique culture, which changes over time.
Among the most interesting rituals are:
- eating - table etiquette among the scrupulous French is always at its best; it is from this country that the roots of beautiful table settings and rules of behavior during meals come;
- the taboo of English speech is an unspoken rule based on an unshakable love for one’s native speech;
- On December 24, every family has a grandiose “reveillon” dinner: baked turkey with chestnuts, pie and foie gras are always on the table.

Painting and literature
France known throughout the world as the birthplace of the greatest artists; the impressionists, Renoir and Monet began to create here. Many creators of paintings and sculptures drew inspiration from Montmartre. There are many workshops open in this region, exhibitions and vernissages are held.
Dumas, Hugo and Balzac are names that are famous all over the world today. It was in this country that they lived and created their immortal works. Several of the literary masterpieces have been made into films and musicals.

Sights of France

Associations of tourists with the country are traditional - the Eiffel Tower, the Champs Elysees and the Cote d'Azur. Many people are not even aware of the huge number of historical monuments present in every city.
Forest of Fontainebleau - located 50 km from the capital, if you move south. It is located in the vicinity of a city with the same name. On the territory of the forest there is a palace that has survived to this day (built in the 16th century). The total area is 25 thousand hectares, there are only two types of trees - pines and oaks, then there are picturesque plains, valleys, giving way to heather heaths. Fontainebleau is glorified in Druon's novel about King Phillip. In the shade of the trees, he became stressed and suffered a stroke; after some time he dies in the castle.
Bordeaux , located in the southwest, famous for its large and beautiful squares. Entire ensembles built in the 18th century are devoid of pretentiousness and modernity; the architects focused on classicism. Almost all objects are on the UNESCO list. Vacationers will be interested in looking at the bay, tasting local cuisine and tasting wine, which is valued throughout the world.
Lyon - a unique city where families with small children love to relax. This is the historical center of France, in the vicinity of which there is a huge aquarium. Excursions here will allow you to get acquainted with thousands of varieties of marine life, touch some harmless fish and look at toothy sharks from afar. The main attractions can be considered the Saint-Jean Cathedral, the triumph of Christian values ​​- the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, the Fourvière Tower, built of metal, and the Hotel Dieu. The last place is notable for the fact that the writer Rabelais stayed here.
Mont Saint Michel - a small island on which rises a fortress in the form of a fairy-tale castle. Most of the time its spiers are shrouded in low, ragged clouds. At the very top of the spire (at an altitude of almost 155 meters above sea level) there is a skillfully made gold figurine of an archangel who raised a sharp sword high. The island is surrounded on all sides by the sea, only a narrow 2-kilometer dam connects it to the mainland. Many years ago, Victor Hugo, impressed by its appearance, called the castle “A Pyramid in the Ocean.”
Reims - a commune in the northeast, on whose territory the Reims Cathedral is located. Its architectural style is classified as Gothic, built in the 13th century. Royal Square, the Carnegie Library, and the circus arena are also noteworthy. In the suburbs, the most visited places are Fort Pompey and the Castle of Condé.
Strasbourg - located at the junction of two states - Germany and France. This is where parliamentarians go for official meetings, and there are several courthouses where the most important international cases take place. Every year before each Christmas, an enchanting event is held in Strasbourg - a fair where you can buy gifts for yourself and loved ones at huge discounts. Local residents and guests call the “Big Island” the historical heart, which will captivate discerning connoisseurs of architecture with its grandeur and diversity of forms.
Chartres - built on a hill in the middle of the plain, from any point you can admire the beauty of nature. The city is famous for its cathedral. By visiting the stained glass museum, you can get acquainted not only with countless examples of stained glass art. This is also the workshop in which they are made; clients from all over Europe order stained glass compositions here. The Museum of Fine Arts is also very interesting for visitors with Western European exhibits and exhibitions held here regularly.
IN wax museum there are entire rooms dedicated to historical events, starting from the time of Louis. The exhibits are dressed in police and military uniforms from a distant time. Their realism amazes even the most experienced tourists.
La Rochelle belongs to the category of port towns, it is located on the coastline of the Bay of Biscay. The main attraction was the Old Harbor. It is surrounded on all sides by narrow half-timbered houses, each of which has the common design feature of two separate exits and two facades, although the owner may be one person.
Cannes - The most famous here will be the Croisette. Its length is several kilometers, it stretches along the coastline. On the one hand you can go down to the sea, on the other you can continue your journey through luxury shops and buy souvenirs and clothes.


France- one of the most romantic and colorful countries, which has everything for a comfortable and memorable holiday. To ensure that your stay in this wonderful country leaves only vivid and pleasant impressions, we have collected the most necessary and up-to-date information for tourists in our guide to France.

Helpful information

Visa to France
In order for Russians to enter this wonderful country, they must obtain a visa. For tourism purposes it is worth to receive a Schengen visa, the period you should expect at the embassy is from 3 to 7 working days. Visa issuing authorities do not work on holidays; in some cases, the period for issuing a visa can be extended to 1 month without explanation.
After submitting the documents, you need to pay a fee in rubles. Rules for submitting documents:
- it is necessary to collect and submit a package of certificates and copies to the French Embassy 90 days before the date of the intended trip;
- there must be an invitation from a state representative and it can only be used once;
- If it is necessary to correct documents, the procedure can be repeated.
The Embassy in Moscow is located at: st. Bolshaya Yakimanka, 45, telephone for inquiries: 937-14-30.

Customs regulations
Officially, there is no ban on importing currency into the country; if the amount of cash exceeds 7,500 euros, it must be declared.
When a tourist reaches 17 years of age, he is allowed to have with him: cigarettes - 200 pcs. or 250 g of tobacco,coffee (500 g) and tea (100 g), fish 2 kg, perfumes - 50 ml. It is strictly forbidden to import goods that imitate French brands, fakes and copies of things and shoes. If the tourist is carrying narcotic substances, he will be detained at the airport until the circumstances are clarified. You cannot import toys, antiques, or explosive substances that are dangerous for children.
You can export: tobacco products (800 cigarettes),alcohol (strong drinks - 10 l, wine - 90 l).
It is strictly forbidden to export antiques and materials containing pornographic elements.

Reminder for tourists

In general, tourists are safe in the country, but they must adhere to certain rules: do not walk in the dark through poor neighborhoods and those that are unfamiliar; It is better not to carry original documents with you, but only their copies; check your bank account balance after making a purchase.
As in any country, pickpockets work at train stations, near commuter trains and on public transport. You should not take a significant amount of cash with you. In order to protect your rights, you can contact one of the nearest police commissariats; if the city or village is small, with similar problems they go to the mayor’s office. Specialists will help you draw up a statement that will serve as the basis for the insurance company to compensate the tourist for damages.
Before your trip, you should familiarize yourself with the list of dangerous areas of the provinces, which sometimes even a taxi will not take you to in the dark.

Cigarettes (cigars, cigarillos) in France They are very expensive, if the habit is stronger than financial problems, it is better to take several packs with you. Local residents make their own rolling papers from paper and tobacco they grow themselves or buy. If they see that a tourist has arrived with his own cigarettes, they will certainly ask to take one, but instead they will snatch as many as they can. It is better to take one with your own hands and give it to the one who asks. Smoking is strictly prohibited in public places.

Mobile and landline communications
You can call relatives and friends from a public pay phone or hotel room. The first option will cost much less, but it is less comfortable.
To save money, you can buy a special telephone card at the nearest kiosk, the account of which is replenished depending on the needs of the tourist. Coin-operated phones are much less common; they are installed in bars and cafes.
You can keep in touch via the Internet; there are free access points at airports and public institutions; connecting to them is a matter of a few minutes (by setting up a mobile gadget).
Emergency numbers:
- rescue service - 112;
- fire department - 18;
- ambulance - 15;
- police - 17.

Prices in France
You can pay in shops and other public institutions only in euros - this is the only one at the moment currency used in the country. A trip can be expensive or economical, it all depends on the choice of the traveler:dine in an expensive restaurant or a cozy budget cafe,book a tour of the museum or take advantage of a free day of visiting and a discount,buy branded clothing from a new or old collection on sale.
It is better to take cash and a credit card with you, which can be used to pay almost everywhere where there is a special mark at the entrance to a store or cafe. The only limitation is that for these purposes it is better to issue a special international card with a microchip on it.
The abundance of ATMs allows you to withdraw the required amount at any time, and exchange offices will exchange rubles or other monetary units. It is advisable to do this in your own country, so the savings will be impressive only on the exchange rate.
The network of banks is quite developed, the largest of them are: Central, Credit Agricole. General operating hours are from 9:00 to 12:00, after a break from 14:00 to 17:00. On holidays and the day before and on weekends, financial institutions are closed.
It is customary here to leave tips for taxi drivers, waiters and sellers. In good form, their size is approximately 5%. Money for service is already included in the total price; if you wish, you don’t have to leave personal thanks.

Transport connections in France

The country is one of the most comfortable for travelers in terms of organizing transfers and moving around cities and beyond.
Airports in France
It is most convenient to use the air corridor. In Russia, Transaero and Aeroflot provide passenger services. Travel time is minimal - 3-4 hours, depending on weather conditions and objective circumstances. The time difference with the capital of Russia is 3 hours in winter and 2 hours in summer. In the high season (summer) the cost of air tickets will be higher, but by autumn it decreases.To save money, you need to book your tickets about two months in advance using the early booking service. The largest airports in France:Charles de Gaulle (located 25 km from Paris), Orly (13 km), Paris Beauvais (85 km),Marseille Provence (27 km from Marseille).
Public transport
Moving around within the country is very easy and fast; there is virtually no crowding at bus stops, despite the large number of tourists visiting each region every year. The transport system has been thought out by the developers to the smallest detail; there are many signs and it is impossible to confuse anything.
For those who want to save money, there are offers for purchasing travel tickets; it is quite possible to do without a taxi. Their cost varies depending on the city; on average, one trip will cost a tourist 2 euros. Tickets are sold in special machines at public stops or ticket offices. You can also buy a one-stop pass, which will be valid on a single route.
The main transport is buses, they run strictly on schedule and are never late. At night there are special routes. Additional means of transportation are the metro, trams and electric trains.
Bicycles for rent
Almost no one travels into the country with their own bicycle, but this will not be a problem. There are special rental points that can provide a vehicle for a certain period of time for a reasonable fee.
Travel by rail
The railway is relevant for those who want to save money (an airplane will cost much more, and there may be a fear of taking it into the air, especially for those who have never flown).
There are two direct trains from Moscow all year round to Paris and Nice, they depart from Belorussky Station. The carriages come in 3 classes: 2, 1 and Lux ​​coupe. The last option will give you maximum comfort on the road: it has a double bed, an armchair, a TV, a table, and a minibar. Breakfast is provided free of charge and the caravan has a shower room and separate toilet.
Travel time 38 hours 30 minutes.
Approximate ticket price range: 347-1116 euros.
Departure: summer - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday; winter - Thursday and Sunday
Travel time 48 hours 20 minutes.
Cost: 321-1133 euros.
Departure: on Thursdays.
When ordering a ticket, indicate the passenger's age; if he is under 26 or has reached 60 years of age, the travel document is issued at a discount. Several people fit into one, unlike in domestic countries. The maximum number of passengers is 6.
Water transport
In almost every city where there is access to the sea, water vehicles operate. It is not used for transport purposes; it is more a service for the entertainment needs of tourists.
In Paris you can book an unusual river cruise; yacht trips in Cannes are very popular. The island of Corsica can be reached from one of the ports on the Cote d'Azur.
Cruise ships departing from the river embankment have also been implemented. The ticket can be purchased directly on the spot before departure, but it is better to reserve a cabin in advance. This will give you confidence that there will be free seats upon arrival. It’s better to contact one of the trusted cruise companies; you can do this before leaving your country on the companies’ official website: Croise Europe, Locaboat, Viking Rivers.
A cruise is not a one-day event, it lasts approximately 8-9 days. For recreation, special ships are organized, which have restaurants, cozy rooms and premises for public events. In ports and cities, ships stop to break the voyage for an excursion, tasting of local cuisine and wine.

Holidays in France by the sea

The country attracts tourists with the opportunity to soak up the beaches. Most of them belong to municipal authorities, therefore there is no entrance fee. In case of private ownership, you will have to pay approximately 20 euros per day per person. Children can be provided with more flexible payment conditions. You can enter and exit the beach area countless times, this amount also includes the use of an umbrella, a warm shower, a comfortable sun lounger, a toilet and, if necessary, an inflatable mattress that you can take with you into the water.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that public beaches are always crowded, sometimes it is not possible to find a comfortable place near the coastline, there are practically no sun loungers and umbrellas. Private beaches are more comfortable; clean, sifted sand and the absence of garbage attract customers who are not deterred by the rather high cost. Many restaurants and cafes allow you not to interrupt your beach holiday for breakfast and dinner.
On South France spreads its territory on the Cote d'Azur, is distinguished by a high level of service and a developed range of services. Tourists are also offered to go to Antibes, where the cleanest beaches with fine sand are surrounded by centuries-old pine trees.
Not far from them there are small ports with a wide range of water activities: diving, diving into sea caves, exciting trips on yachts, fast boats, for professionals and beginners they will offer jet ski riding independently or with an experienced instructor.
Cannes does not have its own sandy areas, the beaches are decorated with imported sand, so there are almost no free ones, several municipal ones are located far from the hotels, on the very outskirts. In Nice, the pebble beaches will cause some inconvenience; in the Cassis area the shores are not flat, but steep and rocky.
For those who love space and a wide beach area, you need to go to the Atlantic coast. The water temperature here is lower, so this area is not suitable for boat trips for families with small children and elderly people with joint diseases.
On the beaches in Costa Verde there is a water park and a whole staff of animators who can keep children busy with various games while parents relax.

Shopping Features

Along with Italian designers, many fashion designers live and work here, annually presenting their collections on the world's leading catwalks. Fashionistas who want to get their hands on the next hot hit come here for shopping. in the form of a dress or blouse from a famous designer.
Boutiques, department stores, shops, large shopping and entertainment centers - this is not a complete list of what you can visit. The largest number of them is concentrated in Paris.
By visiting outlets, you can save money; discounts and sales are held constantly. The only inconvenience is that most of these shopping centers are located in the suburbs. At spontaneous markets you can buy antiques, vintage vases, clothes and shoes (both new and used).
Large sales, during which discounts reach 70%, are held twice a year. Moreover, everything is subject to certain rules: a month before the start, it is forbidden to change the price of goods in any direction. The exact dates are not the same every year, they are set by the government. The total sales period is five weeks. In winter, approximate period: second week of January until mid-February. In summer - late June - early August. After this, the price tags come back again.
Some brands never reduce the cost of their goods (Louis Vuitton, Ermes).

Tax free
Tax Free is a relatively new service that allows tourists to save on purchases. This is a procedure, the correct execution of documents for which allows you to return value added tax (VAT).
The minimum total purchase amount to receive a refund must be 175.01 euros, the tax refund percentage is 12%. You can apply for it in almost any store; for ease of service, there are icons in specially designated areas.
Persons over 15 years of age (as confirmed by documents) are entitled to a tax free refund. They must not be residents of the European Union, that is, they live outside its member states for more than six months or are on business trips in France.
To make a refund, you must arrive at the airport at least two hours before the plane departs home. In the store, you cannot forget to get a receipt for tax free (it differs from a regular cash register). Exchange points can be found at passenger information stands.

Features of French cuisine

This country was created specifically for gourmets who decided to try real cheese and taste rare types of wine. Cuisine is traditionally divided into regional and haute cuisine. In Provence, almost every dish is supplemented with fragrant herbs prepared by local specialists; Burgundy is famous for its meat baked in wine sauce. Haute cuisine is unusual; it is a unique recipe of dishes combined with exquisite table setting.
There are many varieties of cheeses: salty, blue, sweet, Parmesan, in salad or wine, spicy and hard. It is impossible to try each one during a vacation in the province, there are a lot of them, the cost is also different. All guests are offered to try signature dishes: oysters, grape snails, mussels, foie gras (duck or goose liver prepared according to a special recipe), onion soup. One of the most revered delicacies among the French is frog legs. Currently, they are not served in all restaurants, due to multiple bans on catching frogs.
The most popular baked goods are croissants. They are served for breakfast and lunch; the fillings in the airy puff pastry can be very diverse. Wine brands: Muscat, Pinot Noir, Cabernet, Chardonnay.

What to bring from France

French perfumes - one of the highest quality and most durable, there are many offers for every taste and wallet size. You can also choose cosmetics from leading brands. Mascaras and lipsticks, lip glosses and nail polishes are very popular.
Dijon mustard - manufactured in the city of the same name. There are several varieties, each of which has an aroma and mild taste. The secret of production is simple - black mustard seeds are used as a basis.
Spices and herbs from Provence - aromatic basil, mint, thyme, rosemary, sage - all this can make any dish a real culinary masterpiece. Most of the herbs that are sold in Russia are not grown in Provencal fields; the original can only be brought from their homeland.
Poppy syrup - an original gift for those with a sweet tooth, it can be added to baked goods, poured over pancakes and pies.
Violets from Toulouse - flower petals in sugar, which are a delicious delicacy. This is the emblem of the city of the same name, so you can find violet jam and sweets on the shelves of confectionery shops.
Cicadas - this does not mean an insect, but keychains or magnets with its image. This is a symbol of the Cote d'Azur; here you can hear the wonderful singing of cicadas everywhere, but you can’t always see them with your own eyes.

France is rightfully considered one of the most attractive countries in Europe, which tourists from all over the world are sure to visit. The cultural capital of the country is Paris, and on its territory alone there are countless historical and architectural monuments.
This is a country associated with Montmartre, the Eiffel Tower and the Cannes Film Festival. The unique French wine has not been produced in rural vineyards for many years, but is produced in large factory batches, but this does not in the least affect its multifaceted, noble taste.

Tourist route for independent travel in France for 14 days.

Independent travel route in France

© topsteph53 / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

France is a country that offers its visitors an amazing variety of options for how to spend your time. France is loved by many, and it is rightfully one of the most popular countries among tourists. But most people come to Paris and miss out on so many other wonderful places. The purpose of this route around France for 2 weeks is to find out what to see in France besides Paris (but Paris too) and to get to know this beautiful country better.

In my opinion, 2 weeks is enough to see all the best sides of France without getting overtired. You can always remake this tourist route for yourself, depending on how much time you plan to spend in the country. 5 days or a week - remove some points from the route; more than 2 weeks - stay longer in the area you like most.

Our travel route around France will start from Paris. Because the cheapest air tickets are to Paris.

Rent a Car

This route is suitable for traveling independently around France by car. Just rent a car upon arrival in Paris. The cost of renting a car is about 30 euros/day. If you decide to follow the proposed route, the entire journey will take about 2000 km. Therefore, you will need a reliable car that will be comfortable for the driver and passengers, and will have room for luggage.

Self-drive route around France by car

Route around France on the map

Day 1 – 4 - Paris Itinerary

© luc-mechelen / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Day 1 of our Paris itinerary – arrival. Most likely, you will arrive in the morning, and you will have a good half of the day and evening to start exploring the sights.

City of Lights, Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world. And for good reason. Throughout the city you will find beautiful examples of architecture, art and delicious French cuisine. All the main attractions of Paris can be easily explored in 2–4 days, the main thing is to plan the route correctly.

Where to go and what to see in Paris in 3-4 days

Eiffel Tower– an icon of France and a must-see place when in Paris. It was once the tallest tower in the world. You can take the elevator to the very top, where you have a breathtaking view of the city.

Triumphal Arch - stroll along the famous Champs Elysees to enjoy the imposing view of the approaching arch. The Arc de Triomphe was built to honor those who fought and died for France. You will be able to find the names of the generals and the victories they won carved into the stone of the arch. This is another place in Paris that is worth seeing on its own. You can climb the steps to the very top and look around the city from above, and then go down along the avenues running out from under the arch.

Notre Dame– one of the best examples of Gothic French architecture in the world. Notre Dame or Notre Dame Cathedral is famous for its stained glass windows and the gargoyles that guard the cathedral. The interior of the cathedral is breathtaking. You can also climb up to get a closer look at the gargoyles and take in the cathedral roof and spiers that tower over the city.

Louvre– the next point on our route in Paris and the home of the notorious Mona Lisa. The Louvre building is spread over 3 wings, and inside there are 8 different departments and about 35,000 works of art. One visit will not be enough to see all the exhibits on display, so I strongly advise you to plan in advance what you want to see in the museum.

Montmartre and Sacre Coeur Cathedral. While walking around Paris, be sure to stop by Mormartre. For hundreds of years, Place Montmartre has attracted artists from all over the world. Today it is still a bohemian place with its own atmosphere, culture and fun nightlife. The most famous building in Montmartre is the Sacre Coeur Cathedral. From here you also have a beautiful view of Paris. And the cathedral itself is worth visiting.

Cruise on the Seine- this is what you must do in Paris. The fact is that the most beautiful architectural sights of Paris were built along the Seine. It is best to take a cruise at night, when the city lights are mysteriously reflected in the water surface. Climb aboard the Bateaux Mouches for an hour of delight.

Palace of Versailles– make sure your Paris itinerary includes this palace. The Palace of Versailles was once the home of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The palace is stunning inside and out. The spacious rooms are decorated with artwork and antique furniture, and outside are beautiful manicured gardens. Plan to spend at least half a day, preferably all day, on your trip to Versailles.

Take a stroll through the gardens. Paris has many stunning gardens that serve as a great place to take a break from the bustle of the city. From the Louvre you can clear your head in the Tuileries Garden (Jardin des Tuileries) through which you will exit to the Place de la Concorde. I also highly recommend admiring the flowers in the Luxembourg Garden (Jardin du Luxembourg). These are the two best parks in Paris.

Where is the best place to stay in Paris?

Hotel Marignan

Located in the Latin Quarter, next to the Luxembourg Gardens and a few steps from the metro. Free Wi-Fi, breakfast and laundry included.

Hotel Le Relais des Halles

The hotel is located on a pedestrian street, a few steps from the center of Paris with all its attractions. The rooms are air conditioned, have private bathrooms, and breakfast is included.

Ritz Paris

An icon of Paris, this hotel is located in the heart of the city. Luxurious rooms, restaurants, fitness center, spa and beautiful gardens on site.

Day 5 – 6 Normandy route

© jamesstringer / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

How to get there: Drive from Paris to Caen, this route to Normandy by car will take approximately 2.5 hours. Leave early to give yourself more time to explore Normandy.

Where to stay: Like Paris, the city of Rouen is located on the Seine River and has a rich medieval history behind it. In just a few hours you can explore the Gothic cathedral, which the artist Monte loved very much, wander through the medieval quarter and visit the place where Joan of Arc died.

Normandy is France's humble gem. Here you will find a dramatic coastal landscape, green fertile hills and a rich history. Delve into the history of the Middle Ages, admire local orchids, try seafood and cheese, and explore charming coastal towns.

What to see in Normandy

Arromanches – On June 6, 1944 (D-Day), during World War II, Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy. You can visit these beaches. On the beach of Arromanches-les-Bains you will see the remains of the Mulberry harbor, which was built by the military. After a walk on the beach, head to the cliff tops for 360 Cinema. This is a museum with screens located in a circle, on which you can see the history of the landing and get at least a little touch on the events of the past. Details can be found on the website.

American Cemetery in Colville. The cemetery occupies 700,000 square meters. m. This is the largest American cemetery in Normandy. If you know English, you can take a tour. They will tell you in detail the history of the D-Day holiday. You can walk among 9,387 marble tombs, some of which belong to famous people. For example, three Medal of Honor recipients, three generals (including General Theodore Roosevelt Jr.), two Niland brothers (their story inspired the movie Saving Private Ryan).

Bayeux Tapestry – in France it is known as La Tapisserie de la Reine Mathilde. This is a 70-meter tapestry detailing the Norman invasion of 1066. And the city of Bayeux itself deserves attention.

Camembert – The most famous cheese in France comes from the village of Camembert, which is located in the center of Normandy. You can take a tour to see the cheese making process. It tastes similar to brie.

Where to stay in Normandy

B& B Hotel Caen Memorial

Affordable, family-run bed and breakfast. Private bathroom and free Wi-Fi. A few kilometers from the city center.

Ibis Styles Caen Center Gare

Ibis chain hotel. It is located on the River Orne. Bar, Wi-Fi, air conditioning and other amenities are included.

Hotel Restaurant Spa Ivan Vautier
Luxurious rooms, spa, restaurant with local chef Ivan Vauthier. Good expensive hotel.

Day 7 – 8 – Loire Valley Route

© zooka / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

How to get there: the journey from Caen to the city of Tour takes approximately 2.5 hours by car. Or 4.5 hours if you decide to stop by Mont Saint-Michel. Leave early to have more time to explore the cities.

Mont Saint Michel. Photos of Mont Saint-Michel have inspired more than one tourist to travel. This is a small island connected to land by a causeway. The main attraction of the island is the monastery. Arrive early to stroll through the narrow streets to the monastery without the crowds of tourists.

The Loire Valley is one of the most beautiful regions of France. It is famous for the largest number of castles in France. Come explore the castles, wander through the sprawling gardens, smell the orchids, sample local produce and wine, and simply enjoy the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

What to do and see in the Loire Valley

Chambord Castle- the largest and most famous castle in the Loire Valley. Chateau Chambord was built by King Francis I. It was originally intended as a hunting lodge, but later it grew significantly. Chambord is one of the finest examples of Renaissance architecture in the world. The castle has 440 rooms, all of which are open to the public.

Castle and gardens of Ainy-le-Vieil. The castle of Ainy-le-Vieil differs from all others with its luxurious gardens, divided into a number of thematic sections. The castle has been owned by the same family since 1467, which is very rare in France. As you explore the interiors, you may find some personal memories left behind by family members.

Ride your bike along the Loire River. The Loire Valley is almost flat, making it a great place for cycling. In most local towns and villages you will find bike rental places. Saddle up the bike and go get acquainted with the numerous castles of the area.

Bourges Cathedral- one of the most remarkable cathedrals in France. Bourges was built in the 12th century and is located in the city of the same name (Bourges). Bourges is similar to Notre Dame. There are beautiful stained glass windows with biblical stories.

Drive through the vineyards. The Loire Valley is one of the best wine regions in France. You can explore the vineyards on your own by car or rent a bicycle. Maps of the vineyards can be found at any tourist office, allowing you to easily create your own route.

Where to stay in the Loire Valley

Hotel Italia

Nice family run place near the city center. Free Wi-Fi and breakfast. Comfortable, simple rooms with private bathrooms.

Best Western Plus lArtist Hotel

Located almost in the very center. This hotel has comfortable rooms, tomorrow and internet. There is a fitness center.

Clarion Hotel Chateau Belmont Tours

Own area measuring 25,000 sq. m. in the very center of Tours. Luxurious rooms, swimming pool, restaurant and bar.

Day 9 – 10 - Lyon route

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How to get there: The journey from Tours to Lyon takes 4.5 hours. Leave early, along the way you will come across many beautiful places where you will want to stop.

If the main reason you're traveling to France is food and culture, then Lyon is a great choice of destination to experience both. France's third largest city, Lyon offers museums, daily cultural events and plenty of delicious food.

What to see in Lyon in 1 – 2 – 3 days

ExploreVieux Lyon's old town is a great place to start exploring Lyon. Stroll along the narrow cobbled streets past craft shops and sidewalk cafes. Walk along traboules - passages between streets that were used in the Middle Ages. Many of them have been restored.

Have lunch at a bouchon. These small restaurants serve traditional Lyon cuisine, perfect for anyone looking to try something a little different. Dishes include ingredients such as bone marrow, pork offal and other offal.

Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvières – an impressive white church overlooking the old town of Lyon. From here you have a beautiful view of the city. You can climb the steep steps, or you can take the funicular. The basilica is popularly called the “inverted elephant” because of its unusual shape. It's very beautiful inside.

Roman amphitheater - next to Notre Dame you will find the best preserved Roman amphitheater outside of Rome. It once accommodated 10,000 people. Now there are no performances in the theater, you can just walk through its remains.

Museum of Fine Arts (Museum of Fine Arts) – this museum contains the largest collection of works of fine art, ranging from ancient Egyptian to modern paintings. This is a real paradise for art lovers.

Rent a bike. Lyon is located on a flat area, and 2 rivers flow through the city. This makes Lyon a great place to pedal and get to know the city properly. Throughout the city you will find Velib rental stations, where you can take a bike and leave it in another part of the city at the same branded rental station.

Where is the best place to stay in Lyon?

Hotel Saint Vincent

Located close to all the attractions of Lyon. The rooms are clean and simple, with free Wi-Fi and private bathrooms. There are many good bars and restaurants in the neighborhood.

Hotel ParkSaone

Located by the river near the city center. There is a hotel restaurant and bar with a beautiful view from the terrace.

Villa Maia

Located on Fourviere Hill with panoramic views of the city. There is an indoor heated pool and sauna, a private garden and luxurious rooms.

Day 11 – 12 – Provence route with and without a car

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How to get there: the journey from Lyon to Provence takes 3.5 hours. Along the way you will come across many beautiful places where you will want to stop, leave early.

Suggested stopping places: On the way to Provence I advise you to make 2 stops. One to Pont du Gard to walk along the ancient Roman aqueduct. And the second one is in Avignon, to look at the Palais des Papes, walk through Pont Saint-Benezet, wander along the cobbled sidewalks past the boutiques and have a snack in a cafe.

Provence is a region for gourmets. Markets, cafes, food stalls, lavender fields, small beautiful cities - all this has been attracting artists from all over the world for many years, whose masterpieces can be found in the best galleries. Provence is especially beautiful in spring and summer.

What to see and do in Provence

Aix-en-Provence– I advise you to stay in this city. It is very beautiful and cozy. Have dinner at one of the local restaurants. Wander the cobbled streets to understand why artists like Cezanne fell in love with this city. Stroll through the chic boutiques dotted around the city.

Amphitheater in Arles. During the summer months, the ancient Roman amphitheater in Arles comes alive with performances and concerts. Walk through it, imagining yourself in Roman days, watching sports competitions, animal hunts, executions of prisoners and gladiator fights. People used to have such entertainment.

Old port of Marseille. Here locals relax, drink, walk and enjoy life. It's nice to spend time here, just watching the life of the harbor. You can stop by and have lunch at one of the local restaurants.

Saint-Rémy-de-Provence– a traditional Provençal village. Quite sleepy these days, but in Roman times it was a thriving Roman settlement, the ruins of which can be seen today. Van Gogh lived here and was treated for his psychological problems here.

Moustier Saint-Marie– a beautiful medieval city hidden in the gorges of Veron. The path to it takes place along a long winding road up the gorge, along stunning landscapes. The town itself is charming, it seems as if time stood still there several hundred years ago.

Lavender fields of Digne les Bains. One after another, one after another, you will see many lavender fields for which Provence is so famous. At roadside stalls you can buy products with the addition of lavender: soap, sprays, honey and other edible products. Lavender blooms from June to August. In August, local residents organize a festival for several days during the harvest.

Where is the best place to stay in Provence?

Hotel Le Mozart

Cozy rooms with air conditioning, Wi-Fi and private bathrooms. You can have breakfast on the terrace, there is your own parking. From here you can easily reach the city center.

Hotel du Globe

Located in the city center. The terrace offers a panoramic view of the city; it is very pleasant to have breakfast here. The rooms are comfortable, Wi-Fi is available everywhere.

Villa Gallici Hotel & Spa

Luxurious villa with appropriate service. Outdoor pool in a beautiful garden. Beautiful rooms, there is a bar and restaurant.

Day 13 -14 – French Riviera Itinerary

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How to get there: the journey from Aix-en-Provence to Nice will take about 5 hours if you drive along the coast, or 3 hours if you take the shorter road in the middle of the mainland. Taking the long route, you'll take in St. Tropez, Cannes and Antibes along the way.

Nice is the heart of the French Riviera. There is a lot of sun and an atmosphere of wealth. At the same time, Nice has cobblestone alleys and wonderful beaches. There is something for everyone.

Things to do and see in the French Riviera

Soak up the sun on local beaches. In Nice you will not find the white sandy beaches that every second tourist dreams of. The beaches here are only pebbly, but the waters of the Mediterranean Sea will still lure you to a sun lounger. And they will do the right thing!

Take a walk By English embankment. A must when the sun is shining. 8 km along the beaches under the palm trees, watching people enjoy life in this beautiful place. A very joyful sight.

Get to know the old town. After a few hours in the sun, it's time to turn into the streets of the old town and get lost in the maze of tiny cafes, colorful groceries and artisan shops. At the local market you can observe the life of local residents.

Monaco. The best time to visit Monaco is just before sunset. You can get from Nice by train or bus in 20 - 30 minutes to admire the Prince Albert Palace (Le Palais des Princes de Monaco) and multi-million dollar yachts in the rays of the setting sun. You can spend the night at the Monte Carlo casino or in one of the local cafes. Here you will see some of the most expensive cars in the world and their owners.

Modern Art Museum. End your trip with a splash of color by visiting a contemporary art gallery. There is a large collection of paintings that can be viewed for free and frequently changing imported collections (you have to pay to look at them). The building itself is worthy of special attention, and from its roof there is a stunning view.

Where to stay in Nice

Hotel des Dames

A simple and comfortable hotel with a good location. Free Wi-Fi, breakfast and cozy patio included.

Ibis Styles Nice Center Gare

A minute's walk from the beach you will find a good Ibis hotel with all the amenities such as internet, air conditioning, bathroom and food.

Hotel Negresco

But for fans of a luxury holiday, I recommend the Negresco Hotel. Close location to the beach, huge beds, own fitness center.

Helpful advice

Save on housing by renting an apartment from a local with Airbnb. Get 2100 rub. as a gift for your first booking.

Paris is one of the most popular cities in the world among tourists. People are ready to stand in lines for hours to climb the Eiffel Tower, go down to the mysterious Catacombs or see world masterpieces in the Louvre. Of course, such a crowd of enchanted people with money in their pockets attracts scammers of all stripes. We will tell you about several common deception schemes in the French capital.

Bracelet for scammer

This type of “divorce” can be encountered at the foot of the magnificent Sacre Coeur - the usual place of deployment of strong guys (“Afro-French”), quickly surrounding a crowd of a person who wants to climb to the cathedral. They offer to weave a bracelet from threads on your hand.

This company looks quite arrogant and threatening; not everyone would risk refusing. It is best to pass by them when joining a large tourist group. If you can’t do this, then it’s better to politely but clearly refuse the offer and move on without hesitation.

What happens to those who fall for deception? After the thread, the price of which is 3 kopecks, is tied, the tourist is required to pay for the souvenir. Usually 10 euros. They will try to get you to talk by making compliments, trying to chat in a language you know, or in some other way - in all these cases, if you want to keep your money and property to yourself, ignore and pass by.

Gypsies are everywhere

There are many gypsies in Paris, especially in the most crowded tourist spots. Of course, not all representatives of this people are involved in crime. But you are unlikely to enjoy close communication with most of them.

At the Eiffel Tower, at Notre Dame Cathedral, at Montmartre - in almost all famous places of the city you can notice groups of young women with strange folders in their hands. They approach all foreigners passing by, pestering them with the same phrase: “speak English?” As soon as a gullible tourist makes contact and tries to understand what is being offered to him, a simple scam begins.

Gypsies try to disguise themselves as ordinary Parisians, preferring jeans, T-shirts and sneakers to long skirts and massive jewelry. But gait, facial features, dark skin color, hair length and many other details still reveal nationality. An attentive person will immediately notice that these ladies are holding plastic tablets for paper, with a bunch of signatures on the sheet. As soon as you give the gypsy a positive answer to her hackneyed question, she will immediately begin asking you to sign a certain petition, supposedly related to charity.

Of course, all this is an ordinary “scam”. You will be asked to pay a few euros (5-10 euros) to contribute to a noble cause. It is quite possible that while you are delving into the offer, someone else’s hands will already be in your bag. If you start to brush it off, they will argue with you, because you just signed “on the document.”

The most amazing thing about this story is that all this is happening in front of the Parisian law enforcement agencies. Local law enforcement officers usually do not pay any attention to groups of these cunning ladies.

Giving alms is also not worth it. Especially when gypsies sit on the street with small children in their arms. With children who are often completely different from their mothers even in skin color, but that’s another story...

By the way, it is necessary to say separately about another category of gypsies who steal in fashionable places. They disguise themselves as wealthy women (you wouldn’t even think that these are ordinary scammers), enter expensive cafes, shopping centers and quietly rob tourists while having a delicious dinner or shopping. That's why, for example, in some restaurants, waiters will ask you every five minutes to keep your purse on your lap. Yes, it’s inconvenient, but you’ll have to endure it.

“Free” toilets

It often happens that at the entrance to free public toilets near attractions there are people brazenly extorting money for entry. Some scammers just say: “Pay as much as you don’t mind!” This is especially common, for example, in the same Sacré-Coeur.

Is it worth conflicting and fighting a vicious system? The question is complex. Most likely, you don’t need a showdown with local outcasts; it’s better to move on and use the toilet in another place if you are not going to pay scammers.

Souvenir Attack

Like annoying flies, guys walk around tourist spots with bundles of Eiffel towers and other souvenirs. There is nothing wrong with people wanting to make money. The bad thing is that at some point the intrusiveness and number of sellers begins to get on your nerves. Especially if, instead of calmly enjoying the beautiful views, you have to worry about the safety of your property. In addition, often the same souvenirs can be bought in other places for much less.

Dubious acquaintances

This point is also very important. You don’t need to trust new acquaintances too much, be on your guard. This especially applies to women. Perhaps, while you are picturing in your head the wonderful prospects of marrying a foreigner and emigrating to your favorite country, your chosen one is already looking at your jewelry and thinking about the contents of your wallet.

Summer is not only a time of lush greenery and flowers, but also, naturally, a time of resorts and vacations. When choosing a country in which a vacation will bring unforgettable impressions, more than half of the girls surveyed will undoubtedly choose France.

Oh, Paris, the city of live music, fountains, lights and elegant young ladies... Having made a choice in favor of this amazing country, a girl will definitely not go wrong. The days spent in this magical place with all its attractions are filled with a living fairy tale of the eternally sleepless Parisian streets. The banks of the Seine River, the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower - all these unearthly places flash before your eyes when the time comes to say goodbye to your beloved country of romance and feelings. Gradually we have to come down to earth and solve pressing questions: what should we bring home to our loved ones from such a mind-blowing trip? other tourists to maintain at least a piece of the “Parisian” mood?

This article will present the best, and most importantly, proven options for gifts and souvenirs from wonderful France.

Famous French patisseries

When it comes to France, most associations are associated with traditional French croissants, which are still warm and served in cozy restaurants early in the morning. Of course, it would be possible to bring this creation of confectionery art, but during the many-hour journey the delicate dough may become stale... But you can’t leave the country without its traditional sweets?

One of the best gift options for family and friends can be a bar of high-quality French chocolate. How is it different from any other chocolate product? It's simple: it contains the most delicate milk and a large amount of spices, which the French know how to use so well. Indeed, ordinary chocolate is lost against the background of one that literally melts in your mouth, leaving behind a delicate aftertaste of cinnamon...

Another win-win sweet that is usually brought from France is the widely known Macaron - here, in its historical homeland, this sweet is cheaper and made of better quality than in other places.

Alcohol products

Since we are talking about edibles, how can we miss such an important topic as the famous French medium-alcohol drinks, which will drive you crazy with their taste even without an extra few degrees.

Of course, we are talking about luxury French wines and an assortment of elegant and simple gifts in the form of a bottle of good wine, which will delight both friends and family, and will be an excellent example of what is brought from France. The most amazing thing is that in this country, especially in its heart, in Paris, good alcohol can be bought almost everywhere. And the point here is not at all in the statistics of alcohol intoxication among French residents: it’s just that Paris is always crowded with tourists from other countries who can’t wait to take home a couple of bottles of the popular Bordeaux, and it just so happens that the French are a people who love to live beautifully and elegantly , and therefore there are simply no cheap counterfeits of alcohol here.

Thus, French wines or champagne will be an excellent souvenir option for loved ones. Moreover, the list of quality alcoholic beverages does not stop at wine - cognac is also one of the prides of French producers, but its high quality corresponds to an equally high price, which is why cognac is not often chosen as a gift.

French cheeses

Continuing the theme of alcoholic drinks, we cannot help but mention the ideal ensemble, which has long become a kind of classic. We are talking about wine and cheese - a pair that cannot be separated.

When thinking about what to bring from France as a gift, you can stop at a wheel of good-quality cheese. This delicacy will be appreciated anywhere, because French cheese is imbued with the atmosphere of this country, like any other national delicacy.

And don’t forget that France became the birthplace of world-famous blue cheeses. Naturally, not everyone will like such a product, but if a gourmet friend is waiting at home, then why not please him with the original blue cheese, which is significantly different from what can be purchased in any supermarket?

Herbs and spices

Another hallmark of France can be considered a giant market called Richard Lenoir. Why has this market become something of a tourist attraction? It’s very simple - this place is entirely specialized in trading a wide variety of spices. Just think: there are thousands of types of spices here - from traditional coriander and saffron to the collection of Provençal herbs.

A box filled with a whole bouquet of a wide variety of spices is something that can be brought from France as a gift to people who often prepare gourmet dishes. Such a souvenir will be appreciated, and therefore spices will be an ideal option straight from the French market.

Designer clothing

This gift option is more suitable for girls, because who, if not a woman, knows a lot about stylish clothes? So, in France there will be no problems with this souvenir, since Paris, along with Milan, is one of the current fashion capitals in the world. There is a huge number of designer boutiques where you can buy exclusive items.

Of course, the prices for ready-made luxury will correspond to its quality, but if you want to give a worthy gift from the heart, then you can’t skimp on it! Options for souvenirs from Parisian designers can be high-quality gloves, sunglasses, elegant wide-brimmed hats or berets in the rhythm of French fashion, and in no case should one ignore the personification of French style - chiffon airy scarves.

Receiving such a gift, any girl will be able to feel like that same French woman who comes into the bakery every morning for a cup of strong coffee with spices and a fragrant croissant to go with it. So designer clothes are one of the best answers to the question of what to bring from France as a souvenir.

Cosmetical tools

The global authority that many French cosmetics companies have is undeniable, so why not buy a couple of products for someone as souvenirs? But first, it’s worth figuring out: what cosmetics to bring from France? To answer this question, you need to know the preferences of the person to whom you plan to give the gift: perhaps it will be a long-lasting classic lipstick, branded mascara or a set of face care creams. A wonderful option could be a set of aromatic oils for body skin care.


Not far from cosmetics, it’s worth paying close attention to the dizzying French perfume. One thing is for sure - it is impossible to find a better perfume in the world! This is probably why French perfumes are what are most often brought from France.

The atmosphere in which French perfumers come up with and combine their unique scents leads to the fact that any bottle coming out of expensive and branded stores or simple and medium-priced stores breathes its own life. France is also a country of scents, each of which tells its own story. So it’s not for nothing that French perfume has become a household name, denoting the degree of luxury of a perfume.


Another amazing gift you can think of is real French coffee. You won't be able to try this drink anywhere else! The tart taste and aroma, the feeling of cheerfulness that it gives - all this together makes you dizzy at the first sip. Ricore is considered one of the best brands - this is a drink in which coffee and chicory are mixed in special proportions - perhaps that is why it has such a unique taste. If it is preferable to buy the best French sweets as a gift for girls and women, then coffee is the best gift for serious men who will be able to appreciate it.

France - the country of forgotten vintage

After staying in this amazing country, many people ask the question: what is the first thing they bring from France as souvenirs? The answer to this question can be found in the windows of many small shops that sell the most outlandish and rare things. Once you enter such a shop, it will be impossible to leave empty-handed.

These tiny shops with antique trinkets embody the spirit of France, and therefore will be a wonderful gift when traveling home. Souvenirs can be beautiful vintage postcards with dried lavender flowers exuding an incredible aroma, they can be vinyl records from the 30s or 40s, but what about worn photographs depicting the most beautiful views of old Paris? An equally original gift can be an aged carved music box, from which motifs of national French music flow.

Classic souvenirs

If none of the above options appealed to your heart, then no one canceled the classic small souvenirs that can be found in any country.

Then you don’t have to think about what souvenirs to bring from France: keychains with the Eiffel Tower or the Arc de Triomphe, magnets with views of the Champs Elysees or the Louvre, gift lighters again in the shape of the Eiffel Tower, small gift figurines, kitchen sets, jars for storing spices with views of Paris at night... There are so many of them! But the main thing is that anyone will be happy with such gifts, regardless of a person’s taste, and plus, these souvenirs will never lose their popularity!

If you still have questions on the topic “Souvenirs from France: what to bring and how to please everyone,” then you can always ask the person himself, who will tell you exactly about his tastes and preferences. And yet, no matter how wonderful a souvenir may be in itself, nothing compares to a live stay in this land of wish fulfillment and night romance. So the best option for getting vivid impressions would not be a desired gift, but your own presence in this amazing country.