Collection of lavender in Crimea. Lavender fields in Crimea - traveler's map

Some time ago, tourists going on vacation to the South developed a new hobby. They found out about the lavender fields in Crimea - where they are and when they bloom, now whole lines of cars are heading to such places. The newlyweds are traveling for wedding photo, artists and simply lovers of nature, and, to be honest, petty swindlers intending to pick a sheaf of fragrant flowers “for free”.

Where are the lilac lands?

It is not easy to unequivocally answer the question of where the lavender fields, considered the best, are located in Crimea. There are quite a lot of them, and in different regions of the region. Previously, even under the USSR, there were even more of them, and raw materials from Taurida were even supplied to France and were in demand among local perfumers.

But even now there are many plantations. You can see them while driving along the route “Simferopol - Sudak”. You need to be especially careful after the village of Crimean Rose. There is even a village called Lavender (go from the capital by ) - of course, there are plantings near it. In the area of ​​the main city of Crimea, lavender grows near the villages of Vodnoye, Mazanki, and Medicinal.

In Belogorye it is between the villages of Aromatnoye and Tsvetochnoye (appreciate the names!). The plantings are found in Uchkuevka, and on. But the Bakhchisarai region is the richest in lavender. Plantations are located near the villages of Kudrino, Shelkovichnoe, Rastuschee, Zavetnoe. The most famous and popular lavender field is located near the village of Turgenevka.

If you are traveling to Crimea in June-July, plan to visit the blooming lavender fields. Best places for shooting - near Bakhchisarai and at the foot of the North Demerdzhi mountain near Alushta.

Lavender, low a plant with purple flowers, dizzying no worse than the Crimean nutmeg.

Wherever you find yourself- on the deserted Tarkhankut, in strict Sevastopol or in the ever-cheerful Koktebel, in the Crimea, it seems that there is no place where her smell, which is so well remembered, does not reach.

Lavender in Crimea blooms from mid-June to late August. And if you find yourself in Crimea at this time, plan a trip or hike to the fragrant lavender fields - the impressions will last a lifetime.

Is it true, best time for visiting and photographing plantations - from early June to early July. Then it becomes too dry, dull, fades, although it does not lose its aroma, it becomes even more spicy and alluring.

History of Crimean lavender

They grow in Crimea angustifolia lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). It is unpretentious, drought-resistant, and grows even on rocky soils.

This is a plant, homeland which the French and Spanish coasts Mediterranean Sea, were first sown in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden about 200 years ago.

It was started in 1928 grown on an industrial scale to produce essential oils used in perfumery and medicine. Its flowers contain 1.5-2% fragrant oil.

Thirty years ago Lavender fields occupied about 2.5 thousand hectares in Crimea, and oil from Crimea was even supplied to perfumers in France. Now the plantations have shrunk and many fields are abandoned.

Wild lavender in Crimea there is not much, it can be found in the foothills of Krasnolesye, on Chatyrdag and not far from Gurzuf.

What is made from lavender

In any market or an impromptu market in season, there will be a grandmother with lavender. A bunch of aromatic herbs costs from 40 to 100 rubles, depending on its thickness and place of sale.

Sometimes they sell sachets, filled with threshed lavender flowers. The sachet can be placed in the closet - this will give the bed linen an exquisite aroma. It is believed that dried lavender repels moths, but in practice this did not help the author of these lines.

Lavender is added in herbal teas to add aroma or sold separately (50 g from 60 rubles). This tea is drunk for colds; it calms and relaxes.

Another useful one A product worth buying is aromatic oil in small bottles (120-180 rubles per 10 ml). It is believed to relieve headaches, suppress flu, help with insomnia and calm neurasthenia. Use this oil in aroma lamps or add a few drops to the bath (preferably with salt under running water). A traditional Crimean souvenir is a postcard with a test tube of lavender oil attached to it.

Highly appreciated and lavender honey. But although supposedly monofloral lavender honey is offered in markets and stores in Crimea, it is, at best, just a herb. Real lavender quickly sells out to familiar and regular customers.

Where are the lavender fields in Crimea?

Lavender fields found in many regions of Crimea. If you are staying in Sevastopol, Gurzuf or in some pleasant place near Alushta, for example, in the Irey relax center, its website is, you can get to the lavender fields by car, public transport or on foot.

True, finding fields is not easy- blooming lavender on the peninsula has not yet become the same brand as in the famous French Provence. Special excursions, signs, guides to lavender places are a rarity. We have prepared a list of the most beautiful lavender places, but some of them are abandoned and appearance getting worse from year to year.

Best places for photography - near Bakhchisarai. In the area of ​​the village of Turgenevka there is the largest and fairly well-groomed lavender field in Crimea. In June, residents of Turgenevka even hold a lavender festival, which attracts several hundred people. “Lavender, mountain lavender,” the once popular song blares from the speakers, and people sing along and dance. But so far this festival has not gone beyond the scope of a local event.

Also near Bakhchisarai there are fields near the villages of Kudrino and Shelkovichnoye (behind the reservoir), in the mountains near the villages of Rastuscheye and Zavetnoye.

Quite big and beautiful lavender fields can be seen near the village of Lavender (road Simferopol-Alushta). In Simferopol you need to take a trolleybus, get off in the village of Lavender and then walk for about an hour through Luchistoye towards Northern Demerdzhi.

Lots of lavender fields located on both sides highway Simferopol–Sudak. The fields begin 40 km from Simferopol near the village of Crimean Rose.

Few people know that one of the most impressive summer trips will be an excursion to the lavender fields in Crimea. They are in no way inferior to the famous French ones, which tourists from all over the world come to see. Moreover, you will like it more here, because the largest lavender field in Europe is located in Crimea. A lot of entertainment, holidays and production are organized around this summer flower - lavender is added to food, cosmetics are made, etc. Be sure to visit the lavender fields in Crimea: it’s worth going here at least for a colorful photo shoot or simply contemplating the endless violet expanses. We will tell you where lavender grows in Crimea and how to get there!

History of the use of the flower

Lavender has become people's favorite flower since ancient times. The Catholic Church even recognized it as a sacred plant, therefore, during the ordination of priests, these flowers also took part in the ceremony. Ordinary Catholics made lavender crosses from twigs and decorated the doors of their houses with flowers.

It is believed that the Egyptians were the discoverers of lavender. The plant was used as incense, was part of embalming ointments, and accompanied the pharaohs to the other world.

It is not for nothing that the lavender fields in Crimea attract so many visitors: in the Middle Ages, the flower began to be used for the production of perfume. Later, when they noticed medicinal properties lavender, it began to be grown in large quantities. For example, Hippocrates believed that it heals the liver and spleen and relieves headaches. Parkinson echoed him, considering lavender the best remedy for head diseases. During World War I, the French treated wounds with lavender essential oil.

Nowadays, this amazingly fragrant plant is used in many areas: in perfumery and cosmetology, medicine and chemistry, in food production and in everyday life.

Lavender fields in Crimea

Considers the birthplace of lavender Mediterranean coast France and Spain, in Russia the plant has been bred since 1752. However, then the attempt of Princess Elizabeth ended in failure. In 1813 Nikitsky Botanical Garden again began to plant lavender fields in Crimea. It turned out that the climate of the peninsula is surprisingly suitable for the plant - it does not like a lot of moisture and is not afraid of dry winds.

Under Soviet rule, crops in lavender fields in Crimea became industrial, amounting to 2.5 thousand hectares. It was used in industry Soviet Union, and when it turned out that in some respects the Crimean lavender essential oil was superior even to the Provencal one, France began to purchase lavender flowers in large quantities.

It is known that the largest lavender field in Crimea occupies more than 120 hectares. This plantation is over 25 years old. It is located in the Bakhchisaray district in the village of Turgenevka.

When does lavender bloom in Crimea?

It is difficult to make an accurate forecast of the lavender flowering period in Crimea, since it is influenced by the weather in the spring and other climate factors. As a rule, lavender fields in Crimea bloom in June-July. If you want to definitely get to the bright purple plantations, come in mid-July. Next, lavender retains flowers until August, but gradually its shades become paler. By the way, if you are interested in when lavender and poppies bloom in Crimea, then we inform you that this process does not occur at the same time. Poppies bloom in May, and lavender in July.

It is in July that in the lavender fields in Crimea, every bush flares up in a bright lilac color, like fireworks, and there is a hum above the field - these are bees collecting nectar. The smell of lavender hovers over the entire peninsula both during the lavender harvest period and later, when small bunches of it are already sold by grandmothers at bazaars. If you are lucky enough to get to Crimea at the time of its flowering, look at the lavender fields in Crimea in different time days, the shade of blooming lavender changes depending on the amount of sun (this is important for photo shoots).

Unlike Provencal, Crimean lavender looks a little different. The fact is that in France the plant is planted in rows, but in our country it is planted chaotically. Thanks to this, lavender fields in Crimea look like a uniform lilac sea.

Where are the lavender fields in Crimea 2019

Lavender fields in Crimea have been preserved in many areas of the peninsula, but sometimes it is quite difficult to find them: some of them are abandoned, while others are located far from tourist trails.

However, there are a few well maintained plantations. If you are interested in the lavender fields where they are located in Crimea, we will give you a few coordinates:

  • Most of the lavender fields in Crimea have been preserved in the Bakhchisarai region: near the villages of Turgenevka, Kudrino, Shelkovichnoye, Rastushchee, Zavetnoye and Tarasovka.
  • Highway Simferopol-Alushta: near the village of Lavender.
  • Highway Simferopol-Sudak: near the village of Crimean Rose.
  • Highway Simferopol-Nikolaevka: near the villages of Vodnoye, Medicinal.
  • Near Simferopol: near the villages of Mazanka and Opushki.
  • In the Belogorsky district: near the villages of Aromatnoye and Tsvetochnoe.
  • Cape Tarkhankut: near the village of Olenevka.

More small lavender fields in Crimea in 2019 can be found near Sevastopol: in the village of Uchkuevka (at the entrance and near the post office), near the village of Andreevka and on the Mekenze Mountains.

There are many lavender fields around Alushta; in the summer there is even a lavender festival here, as well as many master classes and excursions.

How to visit lavender fields in Crimea

If you travel by car, you can see the flowers on your own. There are also special excursions. Thanks to them, you can find out the lavender fields in Crimea where they are located:

  1. The Alushta essential oil plant conducts excursions during the lavender flowering period, and organizes it in retro style: they take you to the mountains by bus, talk about lavender, conduct a master class on weaving wreaths, treat you to Crimean herbal tea, and even allow you to pick some flowers from the lavender fields in Crimea for myself. The same excursion will be organized on horseback.
  2. Private tours can be organized by private guides. During the walk you will visit lavender fields in Crimea and observation decks, take a lot of photos, go to cozy teahouses next to the plantations.

For independent tourists It should be clarified that Crimean farmers do not always welcome guests - sometimes the entrance to the territory is closed in order to preserve the lavender fields in Crimea. In this case, you can walk and admire them from the side.