The best countries to live and live. Where is the best place to live? Rating of countries Rating of favorable countries for living

The United Nations annually releases an extensive report on the world's best countries to live in. A list of 180-197 states is becoming traditional for UN analytical comparisons, taking into account such indicators as the quality of life of the population, including medicine, education, nutrition, recreation, etc., life expectancy and per capita income. The data obtained turned out to be no coincidence: the main twenty first places were occupied by European countries, Russia was in 32nd place on this list. It is worth noting that the irreconcilable rival of the Russian Federation, the United States, did not make it into the Top 10 best countries, ending up only in 11th place. In last place in this ranking was the state of Niger, recognized as the worst country in the world.


Switzerland, a state located in Western Europe with the highest index of potential human development, is recognized as the best country in the world based on the totality of all indicators.

For almost 8 million of the country's population, Switzerland is a state with the most developed social infrastructure and a stable economic situation, thereby satisfying all the average criteria for the life of citizens.


Norway, with its population of five million, was for many years recognized as the best country in the world, but eventually lost its place in the ranking to Switzerland, despite the fact that the HDI (Human Development Index) index remains the highest in the world.

Achieving high standards of living is facilitated by developed oil and gas production and processing.


The Kingdom of Sweden, located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, ranks third in the list of the best countries in the world. Stable economic development and effective social reform of society have allowed this northern country to become one of the most livable people.

The population of Sweden is 9.7 million people, almost fully employed in all sectors of the economic sector, excluding unemployment.

New Zealand

Located in the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand ranks fourth in the ranking of the best countries and becomes the first among non-European countries to be included in this list.

The country's developed market economy allows it to provide for the social sector of the state with a population of just over 4.5 million people. Despite the nominal GDP indicator, which is far from the first world positions, the HDI index is not just high, but is increasing.


The next state in this ranking was another Scandinavian state, Denmark, with a population of 5.96 million people, represented by a large percentage of highly qualified workers in various industries. Despite low inflation of no more than 2.4% and an unemployment rate of no more than 5%, huge taxes and a lack of competitiveness due to high wages prevent Denmark from taking a more prestigious place in the list of the best countries in the world.


In the endless list of European countries that have become the best in the world, fifth place is again occupied by the Pacific country - Australia, with a population of 23 million people. Adhering to the state's development strategy according to the index of economic freedom, GDP and a high level of medicine and education make Australia one of the best among the world's countries.


Once again, a state from Western Europe - the Netherlands - becomes the best in the world. With a population of more than 16.8 million people, the country ranks among the first on the Human Development Index.

Despite numerous controversial reforms and peculiarities of Dutch legislation, the level of social security here is practically the highest in the world. The inhibitory factor in the development of the population's life is high taxes and insurance payments.

Every year the UN publishes a report containing ratings of the most favorable countries to live in. The assessment is carried out from the point of view of general well-being, population health, level of general education, life expectancy, etc.
We offer you the top 10 countries where, from the UN point of view, people live most comfortably.

10. New Zealand

Residents of this country live the longest - on average 82 years. When you are surrounded by blue mountains, amazing wildlife and such fabulous views, you can live happily ever after.

9. Canada

Canada has the highest level of education - 68% of residents have higher education and work in their specialty.
In addition, Canada is a real paradise for those who love to travel. There are a huge number of beautiful national parks for every taste, with rocky mountains and wide open spaces.

8. USA

There is one of the highest levels of financial well-being here. The average annual income for the average American is approximately $51,843.

7. Ireland

The country with the lowest crime rate. In addition, the fewest suicides occur here - 1.2 per 1000.

6. Germany

People with the highest health indicators live here. The average life expectancy of Germans is approximately 83 years.

5. Netherlands

This state is often called the country of equals. It has the lowest level of income inequality between different segments of the population and has continued to decline since the mid-90s. There are also 30,000 km of bike paths in the Netherlands. If you are thinking about moving, be sure to buy a bicycle.

4. Denmark

Education and healthcare in Denmark are completely free. The difference in wages between men and women in the country is 15%. This figure continues to decline due to labor protests. In the USA, for example, this ratio sometimes reaches 64%.

3. Switzerland

A country that produces so many types of the most varied chocolate cannot, by definition, be unhappy :) Switzerland has one of the most affordable educations in the world. Tuition at many schools is as low as $1,000.

2. Australia

Over the past ten years, the Australian government has been systematically increasing investment in education. As a result, today, the majority of Australians study for up to 20 years.
Australia also has a very low level of environmental pollution from human waste, despite the national love for massive barbecue parties.

1. Norway

For the second decade in a row, this country ranks first in the ranking. There is a high level of education, social well-being, personal freedom and security, as well as high life expectancy.
It is believed that climbing one of the local mountains called Skala takes away all of a person's worries and concerns. Maybe this is the whole secret of the Norwegians?)

At different times, people, in search of a better life, think about changing their place of residence. Some want to leave their hometown, and many are even considering other states for moving. As a rule, the main criterion for choosing a country to live in is the quality of life of the population. However, there are many other factors that also seriously influence the choice of country of residence. Among them are the following:

  • security level;
  • educational opportunity;
  • provision of medical care;
  • environmental level;
  • entertainment options;
  • transport infrastructure;
  • stability in the sphere of politics and economics;
  • climatic conditions.

In every part of the world there are sure to be many cities that are perfect for living. A significant part of them are US cities, but this is not the only state that provides good living conditions. Various research centers regularly study the standard of living of people around the world, and based on the data obtained, experts form ratings. To get a holistic idea of ​​life abroad, consider one of these lists:

  1. USA

Let us analyze the living conditions in each of the above countries.

Who will teach you how to live? Vitaly Sundakov

Norway: Scandinavian stability

Norway has long remained one of the most attractive options for emigration among the Scandinavian countries. This state pursues stable political and economic development tactics, offers a variety of social programs and is known for its excellent quality of life. Obtaining a residence permit in Norway is not very easy, however, there are still options. The most accessible and convenient ways are to work or study as part of a cultural exchange.

Denmark: accessibility of entry and services

Denmark, which occupies one of the best places in terms of living standards, would be an equally suitable option. Highly developed Denmark provides citizens with one of the most affordable conditions for immigration among European countries, therefore, the price level for accommodation, entertainment and services is also high. Moreover, education and medical care in the country are free. Low inflation and unemployment, large reserves of natural resources can also play in favor of life in this country.

Australia: friendliness and confidence

According to recent studies, it turned out that Australia is one of the leading countries in terms of living standards. The average life expectancy of the Australian population is 82 years, which is above average. In addition, the unemployment rate here is low and amounts to only 5%. The country's economy is very stable and, as experience has shown, is capable of avoiding recessions and coping with the consequences of economic and financial crises as quickly as possible. The well-being of Australians is evident by all measures. The climate is mostly equatorial and tropical, and the ecology is good. There is a pension insurance system, an effective legislative system, and the labor market is diversified. The most affordable way to move to Australia is for specialists, which is provided by a special professional emigration program.

New Zealand: protecting human resources

Another good option among the states of Oceania is the not too densely populated New Zealand. The favorable climate, good terrain and location are suitable for both living and recreation. Let us note that a high standard of living is ensured not by the tiresome rhythm of life of the population, but through the optimal use of natural resources. The protection of the population here is ensured by multi-level social insurance systems and a gradual reduction in tax payments. This state is gradually developing in various fields of science - the areas of genetic engineering, renewable energy sources and information technology are becoming very promising. The transport system is developing steadily and gradually. The state is open to highly qualified specialists and entrepreneurs.

Sweden: confidence in the future

Living in Sweden would be a very stable economic choice. The state provides good transport infrastructure, a well-thought-out educational system and quality medical care. Sweden is a country with a high level of innovation, so it is the easiest place for scientists and high-quality researchers to move here. To enter, you can also take advantage of the Au Pair program or open your own business in Sweden.

Canada: a green state with quality education

This is not the first time that Canada has been recognized as one of the best countries in the world in terms of quality of life. In particular, Ottawa, the capital of the state, has occupied a leading position in the lists of cities with the best living conditions for several times in a row. Interest in Canada increased markedly after the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2010. In preparation for this event, the Canadian authorities significantly improved the infrastructure and reconsidered the problems of insurance for citizens. The environment is ideal for living.

Every year, the Canadian government allocates about 7% to education development, thereby improving an already high-quality system. Naturally, this contributes to the training of highly qualified personnel who are competitive throughout the world. Today, Canada is opening up new prospects for itself in the development of biology, aerospace, microelectronics and high technology. All these factors make Canada one of the most reliable and attractive countries to live in.

Finland: high level of development and active economy

Finland is deservedly considered one of the most inexpensive northern European countries. The endless stunning landscapes of this country will not leave anyone indifferent. Finland is very stable economically - it is considered one of the highly developed industrial countries, and it has one of the leading indicators of GDP per unit of population (US$ 44,488), and the economy is developing confidently and actively. For residents of the country, medical care is almost completely reimbursed by the state. For these reasons, Finland is one of the best options for living.

Switzerland: security and remuneration of work

Difficult to enter, but one of the most highly developed countries is Switzerland. Entry into this richest country is very limited, and the number of applicants is constantly growing. What can Switzerland offer its residents? Prosperity, a developed and stable economy, high wages, a progressive transport system, as well as an ideal environment, low taxation and loyal attitude towards different segments of the population - this is the formula in favor of living in this European country.

The Netherlands: diversity and safety

The next decent option for life will be the Netherlands. Those who want to move to the Netherlands will enjoy a mild and warm climate, excellent security, low inflation and unemployment, a highly developed post-industrial economy, and a diverse labor market. This country also has a large number of entertainment resources, and the lack of cultural leisure here is simply impossible: the Dutch love to celebrate a variety of holidays and social events, all kinds of music festivals are regularly held, and there are always interesting performances in theaters and musicals. By the way, the people of the Netherlands are very open, friendly, and also have a high level of health. The population is multinational.

USA: American democracy and high technology

One of the most common options for relocation is the United States of America. This is a democratic state that offers its citizens a high standard of living, affordable prices for goods, and a well-functioning legal and legislative system. Also, the advantages of living in the USA include the opportunity to obtain a high-quality inexpensive education with good prospects, a high level of service to the population in various areas of everyday life and the almost complete absence of bureaucracy. During its development, the United States has built the largest economic system and boasts good reserves of natural resources, stability in the political sphere and high-tech production. One of the problems of the population of the United States can be called obesity, but the authorities are making every effort to combat it by promoting an active lifestyle.

In any case, each of these countries provides its citizens with high-quality social benefits and support from the authorities, and not a single state is insured against shortcomings and risks, so you should be careful and thoughtful in choosing a country with ideal conditions for you.

Did you think that Russia doesn’t really value you as a citizen of its country and decided to quit? We will not dissuade you; on the contrary, we will recommend some places where it is relatively comfortable to live.

1. Iceland

In addition to its magnificent landscapes, Iceland's other assets are its 100% literacy rate and low homicide rate (1.8 per 100,000 people per year).
In addition, Icelanders are very tolerant of representatives of various kinds of minorities.

2. Denmark

The Danes are considered the happiest people alive.
Their country has the best social security system in the world.

3. New Zealand

The least polluted corner of the planet. 90% of those who have already moved there say they would recommend this country to friends. In addition, this country has a tradition of giving generous holiday pay, so New Zealanders have a very good holiday.

4. Austria

Austria boasts an excellent environmental condition, amazingly clean streets, low crime rates and an excellent transport communications system.

5. Switzerland

Excellent education and medical care are what sets Switzerland apart from many other countries.

6. Japan

Japan is a country of perfectly clean public restrooms, impeccably polite people and excellent quality food.

7. Finland

There is virtually no corruption and no class divisions in Finland. In addition, Finland has the best school education in the world.

8. Canada

Canada has one of the most developed economies in the world today.

9. Sweden

Sweden is a country of increased social comfort and beautiful snow-covered landscapes.

10. Belgium

If you love beer and chocolate, and don't mind rainy weather, then Belgium is for you. In addition, from Belgium it is a stone's throw to two of the largest European capitals - Paris and London are an hour and a half away by express.

11. Norway

Norway has a very low crime rate and prison population.

12. Ireland

The Irish are incredibly friendly and have a great sense of humor. In addition, this country has the best golf courses in the world.

13. Slovenia

Slovenia is a small Eastern European country with a mild climate, excellent cuisine and low crime rates.

14. Czech Republic

Excellent cuisine, a huge selection of beer for every taste, stunning architecture and a cosmopolitan atmosphere - this is what awaits you in the Czech Republic.

15. Germany

In Germany, an appreciation for the art, history, and culture of the homeland is not considered a sign of elitism. It's just one part of German life. In addition, high standards of living make this country an ideal place for a comfortable stay.

16. Australia

The climatic conditions of this country are conducive to a healthy, active lifestyle. Moreover, preferably in the fresh air. The average life expectancy here is 82 years.

17. Singapore

Regarding work on the conservation of water resources, the environment, etc. Singapore has no equal.

18. Portugal

A paradise for golf lovers. The excellent climate, relaxed lifestyle of the Aboriginal people and low crime rate make this country attractive in all respects.

19. Qatar

One of the richest countries in the world, where the cost of gasoline can be less than the cost of water.

20. Butane

An amazing country, very different from most countries around the world. The only corner on the planet that continues to resist with all its might the growing expansion of Western civilization.

The ranking of the British think tank Legatum Institute for 2014 offers the ten most prosperous countries. Well-being is determined by the satisfaction of the residents of these countries, the state of the economy and the income of citizens - a total of 89 criteria.

The Prosperity Index 2014 has been published, an annual ranking of prosperous countries in the world compiled by the British analytical center Legatum Institute. In 2009, experts from the international investment group Legatum began to analyze how satisfied residents of 142 countries are with life. The study covered 96% of the world's population and 99% of the world's population.

When compiling the rating, the state of the economy and the income of citizens are taken into account. The center conducts surveys, trying to determine how comfortable the population feels in different parts of the planet. The standard of living is assessed according to 89 criteria, covering all spheres of the country’s existence - from the possibility of business development and management systems to the state of personal freedoms and security. Data is taken from 12 different sources and each item is scored on a ten-point scale.

In 2014, Russia ranks 68th in the ranking, having dropped by 7 points compared to last year. Our country demonstrated the most active negative dynamics among all European countries. It is regrettable to admit that in the assessment of governance Russia took only 115th place, but in terms of educational level the results are not at all bad - 26th place.

In the post-Soviet space, the most promising indicators are in Lithuania and Latvia - 42 and 44 places in the ranking, respectively. Belarus showed good growth - 53rd place compared to 58 last year. Kazakhstan ranks 55th, down eight points. And Ukraine was able to rise only one place and ended up in 63rd place.

Such prosperous countries as Great Britain, Germany, France, Spain and Italy were not included in the group of leaders. In the group of developing countries, the best results are in Brazil (49), China (54), Mexico (64), Indonesia (71), Turkey (86).

Interestingly, according to the results of a 2014 study, the United States of America is no longer perceived as one of the most democratic countries in the world (21st place). The USA lost its leading positions not only to Norway and New Zealand, but also to Uruguay (8) and Costa Rica (15). The group of leading countries in economic development included the leading Asian countries: Singapore (2nd place), China (6th), Japan (7th) and South Korea (9th). This fact may indicate the enormous potential of this region.

10. USA

The United States has the best health care in the world, but in terms of safety the country ranks a disreputable 31st place. Inflation in 2014 was 1.5%.

The United States was able to return to the ranking of happy countries, displacing Luxembourg, which was able to stay on the list for only one year. Experts praised freedom of enterprise and public administration, placing the United States in third place in the ranking. Oddly enough, Americans rated their personal freedoms and the level of the education system not very high - 9th place. In the economic sphere, things are even worse - 14th place. The state of security looks very sad - 25th place on the list.

9. Netherlands

The Dutch rank fourth in the Education indicator (4th line), but in the Economy criterion they are in 25th place. Inflation – 2.5%. For the fourth year now, the Netherlands has occupied one of the last places in the ranking, and in the last two years the country has shown rather modest economic indicators. Positive changes occurred in the areas of healthcare (6) and education (4).

8. Finland

Life in this country is very safe - 4th ranking result, but the state of the economy is not the best - 26th line; last year Finland occupied the same positions. Inflation – 1.5%. The country consistently occupies high positions in the ranking, but unemployment remains a serious problem that worries Finns. Only 17% of respondents are confident that they will easily find work if necessary.

7. Australia

Australia has the highest level of education - the country deservedly ranks first in the world according to this criterion. But there are security problems - only 16th position. Inflation in 2014 reached 2.4%. In last year's ranking, Australia was in the same seventh position in the list of the best. Experts note the tolerant attitude of Australians towards migrants, although perhaps they are the reason for the low level of security.

6. Sweden

The country can be proud of its business development opportunities. According to this indicator, Sweden is in first place. But for some reason, the education criterion does not rise above 16th place in the ranking. The country's economy is in excellent condition - in 2014 the country had zero inflation.

5. Canada

Education in the country is doing well – 2nd place in the ranking. But the state of business in Canada is not rated so highly by experts - 17th line. The inflation rate is enviable - only 0.9%. Last year, Canada was two places higher. Many respondents (38.7%) noted that they are concerned about corruption in the country. Experts from the Legatim Institute could not help but note the tolerance towards migrants and the very high level of personal freedoms.

4. Denmark

This prosperous country has excellent business opportunities - 2nd place in the ranking, but the Danish economy is only in 18th place. Inflation this year is minimal - only 0.8%. The Danes have problems with unemployment, which increased by 7.5% in 2014. At the same time, only 22.1% of respondents expressed confidence that they would easily be able to find a new job in the event of dismissal.

3. New Zealand

New Zealand can be considered the country with the highest level of personal freedoms in the world. Unfortunately, there are problems with healthcare, as evidenced by the 20th position in the ranking for this indicator. Inflation in 2014 was only 0.9%. New Zealand moved into the top three, moving up two places over the year. 96% of happy New Zealanders are confident that if they lose their job, the government will support them. However, there is no particular reason for concern - the unemployment rate is low - only 6.9%.

2. Switzerland

Switzerland's economy is traditionally stable, and its public administration is exemplary - according to these criteria, the country is the best in the world. There was no inflation observed in 2014 – the figure was -0.2%. Experts noted that the level of Swiss education lags behind the overall excellent picture, giving the country only 21st place in this indicator. But the Swiss are quite satisfied with the quality of education and have almost no complaints about it - 84.6% of respondents reported this.

1. Norway

Already a traditional leader in the ranking of the most prosperous countries in the world. Norway has been ranked first in the Prosperity Index for six years in a row. True, the country does not have the best indicators of business and opportunities (line 7), but according to the “social capital” criterion, this Scandinavian country ranks first in the world. Inflation in 2014 was 2.1%.

The stability of the country makes Norwegians feel happy. The vast majority of the country's citizens do not feel worried when thinking about the future - 94.9% are confident in stable well-being. Norwegians are almost not even concerned about the problem of unemployment - 66.1% of respondents expressed confidence that they could easily find a job.