Homemade stoves for tents. Winter tent with stove for hunting and tourism

Spending the night in a tent is great. But when it’s cold outside, it requires special preparation, especially if children take part in the hike. Today we will find out what methods exist for heating a tent during the cold season. Let's start with the simplest and end with the most technologically advanced and costly.

Clothes and sleeping bag

An important role in the matter of heating is played by the tourist’s clothing, his mattress, and his clothes. If all these attributes are selected correctly and made with high quality, then they will be enough to comfortably spend the night in the autumn forest. However, with the arrival of real cold weather, such warmth will not be enough. There will also be little of it for children, and there are two reasons for this. Firstly, children get colder. And secondly, in their sleep they like to toss and turn and open up. Therefore, it is important to heat the entire tent.

By the way, if you are spending the night in, and in principle, and in any other case, try to make sure that the parts of your body are in contact with each other as much as possible. At a minimum, take your arms out of your sleeves. The principle of a mitten works here, which, as you know, warms (or, more correctly, retains body heat) much more effectively than a glove. To make your night in your sleeping bag warmer before the harsh cold sets in, a simple bottle of hot water, which you need to take with you in your bag, will help. You will get a kind of heating pad.


The second easiest way is to heat the tent with candles. It will be suitable in the fall when you need to warm it up a little, but in winter candles will not be enough. A live fire in a tent is very dangerous, so it can only be used in two cases. The first is when you are awake and can monitor the burning of the candle and its vertical position. Typically, candles are used by winter fishing enthusiasts who set up a tent not for sleeping, but for protection from wind and precipitation. Well, the second case is when the candle is in a safe burner. The design of such a burner was invented by tourists. You just need to take the metal shell from an old flask thermos and put the candle in it. This burner has a number of advantages. Firstly, if the thermos falls, the candle will remain in it and will not cause harm. Secondly, the candle heats the thermos, which means the heat transfer surface increases significantly.


Heating a tent using a stone/stones is an old method, notable for its simplicity and reliability. It is suitable for stronger cold weather than the previous two. But here, as in everything, there are some nuances.

If you just take a heated stone and bring it into the tent, it will be hot, but not for long. In just an hour the stone will cool down and the cold will set in again. The first way to increase the cooling time of the stone is to place it in a kettle and cover it with a lid. Such a simple manipulation will heat the tent for three hours, but this is not enough for a comfortable sleep. It is necessary to slow down the heat transfer of the stone so that it remains hot for at least 6-8 hours. For these purposes, simple aluminum foil is used. It is non-flammable, lightweight and very compact. If you wrap the stone in several layers of foil, it will cool much more slowly and will not create stuffiness in the first hours of cooling. Heat will be retained due to the air gap between the layers. If you feel that it is getting cold in the tent, simply remove one layer of foil.

A hot stone can burn through the bottom of the tent, so it is placed in a kettle or saucepan. It is good if the stone gets stuck in the socket of the container and does not heat its bottom. Otherwise, you need to put a wooden plank under the pan. Another important nuance: do not heat the stone too intensely in the fire. Due to a sharp temperature change on the surface and inside, it may crack.

A canister of hot water works like a stone. Only heat transfer occurs much faster.

Warming up the earth

Now we’ll find out how to heat a tent while camping in severely cold conditions. An old and reliable way is to put up a tent on the site of the fire. There are two options here. The first takes more time and energy. First, in the place where the tent will be installed in the future, you need to remove the turf. You should dig to a depth of 20 centimeters. Then a huge fire with wide logs is built in this pit. The main goal at this stage is to dry and warm the earth, as well as to obtain large coals. When the coals are ready, they are evenly distributed over the pit and covered with a 7-10 cm layer of earth. It is important that the soil is dry. If there is none, you need to use the second method given below. Dry grass or spruce branches are laid on the ground, and a tent is placed on top. The tent is heated throughout the night.

The second option is less energy intensive. In this case, there is no need to dig a hole. All you need to do is light a large fire, and when it burns out, carefully remove the coals to the side. Spruce branches are laid on the ground hot from the fire and a tent is pitched.

Heating a tent using a pipe

Let's move on to more sophisticated and technologically advanced methods. To bring this idea to life, you need to take 5-6 meters of duralumin pipe with you on a hike. It can be divided into meter sections for convenient transportation. It’s even better to take pieces of different diameters and stack them on top of each other. But do not forget about the seal at the joints, otherwise all the heat will escape into the air. The weight of such a set will not be significant at all.

So, to begin with, a fire is lit a few meters from the entrance to the tent. The pipe is placed on the fire so that one end goes into the tent, and the other protrudes beyond the flame so that smoke does not enter it. The end of the pipe that goes into the tent should be 1.5 meters higher than the second end. This design works very simply: cold air entering the pipe heats up and rises, entering the tent. The steeper the slope of the pipe, the more air will circulate. And the closer the fire is to the tent, the hotter this air will become.

To ensure effective heating, you can go further and make two pits, as in the figure below. The first is needed to protect the tent from fire, and the second is needed to ensure good airflow. If it's too hot in the tent, you can simply close the pipe.

Heating a tent using the above methods requires energy and time. In conditions where you move to a new place every day and get very tired, this is completely inconvenient. It is also inconvenient if there are children in the hiking group. Therefore, many people prefer to use modern technologies. We'll talk about them below.

Gas heater

- a simple design device that has compact dimensions and does an excellent job of heating the tent. By itself it works very unproductively. It simply heats the air, which is mixed due to natural convection. To make a real heater, a special nozzle (working fluid) is put on the burner, which accumulates heat and gradually releases it to the air. It is the nozzle on the gas burner for heating the tent that determines the type of device. Nozzles are available in metal and ceramic. In addition to nozzles that work in tandem with the burner, there are independent heaters, which also have a metal or ceramic structure as a working fluid. Let's take a closer look at each type.

Heater with metal working fluid

Such a camp heater can be either an attachment to a gas stove or a stand-alone device. The first option requires special care, because its hot surface is usually not protected. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave such a heater overnight.

Self-contained structures are more suitable for heating a tent at night. They are more stable on the surface and have protection of the danger zone from external objects. Such heaters may have one or two independent burners. Thanks to the parabolic reflector (reflector), the working fluid can be directed in the desired direction. There are a lot of such heaters on sale, both foreign and domestic. The advantages of the device are simplicity of design, low cost, safety. Disadvantages - low return, insufficient efficiency.

Heater with ceramic working fluid

This type of portable heater has stronger heat dissipation and is therefore more economical. The combustion process takes place on the surface of a ceramic plate, which has a shape similar to a honeycomb. Heat is removed much more efficiently than with an open flame. Up to 50% of combustion energy is converted into thermal radiation. The advantages of ceramic burners are efficiency, compactness, unpretentiousness, a little carbon monoxide is released during operation, and directional action. Unfortunately, domestic heaters are inferior to imported ones on all fronts.

Gasoline heater for tent

Gasoline heaters work on the same principle as gas heaters. The main advantages of such products are availability and ability to work in any weather. A gas burner for heating a tent at a temperature of -5 degrees and below begins to malfunction. However, along with all the advantages, gasoline heaters also have significant disadvantages. The main one is danger. If used incorrectly, the cylinder can cause serious harm. And the fuel itself - gasoline - requires careful transportation.

Safety precautions when working with gas and gasoline heaters

When using these products in a tent, you should pay special attention to the following safety rules:

1. The tent must have at least some ventilation to remove combustion products.

2. The tent heater should be positioned at least half a meter from the wall.

4. It is advisable to place the sleeping place at a height of up to 25 cm from the floor. Carbon monoxide is heavier than air, so it accumulates at the bottom.

5. Only special cylinders that are equipped with automatic protection are suitable for use in a tent. It blocks the gas supply if the burner goes out or overheats. The cylinder must also have a certificate authorizing its use in residential premises.

6. The heater must be installed on a non-combustible base with an area at least 30% larger than the burner area.

Well, the most effective way to heat a tent is to put a stove in it. This is the method used in army tents. Of course, it has more modest dimensions than the army one, but the essence is the same. This heating method is not suitable for a small tent. You will have to tinker with the stove, but the result will be more than worthy. There are few such products on the market, but they still exist. And some even adapt to gas and gasoline. The stove, as a rule, comes complete with a collapsible chimney. It is made of light metal and does not weigh much at all. The advantages of the stove are that it produces a lot of heat, has a simple but reliable hood design, is inexpensive, and does not require refueling.


Today we found out how to heat a tent while camping. There are many ways to make camping life more comfortable and safer, starting with the use of simple candles and ending with full-fledged stoves. Which of this variety to choose depends on the time of year, place of vacation, composition of the group and the personal characteristics of each person. Some people wear a T-shirt in winter and sleep in one sleeping bag, but for others a stove wouldn’t hurt even in the summer.

For those who go out into nature not only in summer, but also in winter, in the off-season, the problem of heating a tent is acute. If you don’t want to go to the store and buy a ready-made stove, then you can easily make it yourself.


Stove models in demand for manufacturing work on:

  • gas;
  • alcohol;
  • firewood

Each stove has its own advantages and disadvantages, season of use, and fuel consumption. Let's look at each in more detail.

Gas infrared

In this method we will tell you how to assemble such an installation yourself, because... building an infrared burner is very difficult.

Materials and tools

For production you will need:

When choosing a ceramic heating pad, it is better to give preference to small models - gas is consumed more economically. The peculiarity of infrared heating is that it heats objects, not air, so if possible, it is good to have a stand under the heating pad, which will allow you to direct the energy.

Manufacturing instructions

The diagram clearly describes the principle of operation of the stove. The gas-air mixture allows you to achieve high temperatures with the least risk of fire.

Principle of operation

Essential elements

  1. Place the nozzle into the connection hole of the infrared burner.
  2. Attach the retaining ring on the reverse side.
  3. Place a clamp on the oxygen hose to prevent gas leakage.
  4. Connect to the nozzle, tighten the clamp with a screwdriver.
  5. Connect the gas cylinder to the hose, also using a clamp.
  6. To light the heater, you need to hold a match to the ceramic heating pad. It is forbidden to ignite gas near the nozzle. Fuel can be propane, argon and natural gas. When replacing fuel, you need to change the type of injector. The gas camp stove is ready.

Type of infrared gas stove for a tent

Operating rules

A camp stove for a tent should not only heat the space, but also serve as an assistant in cooking.

Infrared heaters are not intended for this, but craftsmen have learned to cook on the following tiles:

  • You need to place the heating pad with the radiating side up, and place two stones or bricks on the sides.
  • Place metal rods or skewers on the bricks.
  • Place dishes on top for cooking and heating canned goods.

A 200g can will last for 2 hours, after which you need to replace it with a new one. The gas cylinder must stand upright. It is prohibited to leave the stove unattended. Ventilate the tent from time to time. The surface temperature of the ceramic heater is 800-900 degrees.

From a can of alcohol

The debate about how best to use alcohol, for indoor or outdoor heating, will never end. This does not prevent tourists all over the world from using it as fuel for mini stoves for tents. The weight and dimensions of this design are insignificant; it is convenient to take on a hiking trip.

Materials and tools

To make a homemade camping stove you will need:

  1. Any tin can.
  2. Nail or awl for making holes.
  3. Alcohol 96%. Vodka won't do.
  4. Metal cover
  5. Knife and scissors for even cutting of a tin can.
  6. Ruler.

Manufacturing instructions

To make an alcohol stove, no complex diagrams are needed; the principle is simple and accessible, as are the materials.

From a beer can:

Operating rules

Such a burner must be ignited in a special way:

Such camp stoves for tents are used in the off-season; the design will not give a large increase in temperature, but it will allow you to heat canned food and boil water. The stove will boil one liter of water in 9 minutes at home; when camping it will take longer, depending on the ambient temperature.

From a pipe on wood

If the trip is planned for the winter, you cannot do without a serious heating device. Any stove should not be left unattended, especially a wood stove. Purchased models of the best tent stoves are equipped with a spark arrester and an additional chamber for complete combustion of gases. It is difficult to make additional cameras in homemade structures.

If you remove the chimney not vertically, but at an angle of 30 degrees, you can increase the efficiency by 30%. A simple mesh in the chimney is used as a spark arrestor. Thanks to the installation, you won’t have to wait long for heat; the stove heats up the space instantly.

Materials and tools

When making a stove for winter fishing with your own hands you will need:

  • Chimney pipe 200mm.
  • Clamp for plugs 200mm – 2 pcs.
  • The chimney pipe is 80mm, the length depends on the height of the tent.
  • Plugs 200mm – 2 pcs.
  • 80mm clamp.
  • Legs from a travel chair.
  • Sheet of tin.

Manufacturing instructions

The diagram is quite general, but shows the principle of operation. The shape of the oven depends on the available materials and capabilities. If you don’t want to weld parts, you can use a simpler method described below in the instructions. Tourist stoves for tents should be collapsible and light in weight.

Operating rules

The operating rules are simple:

  • The stove must not be left unattended; non-flammable materials must be placed under the structure, and the chimney pipe must be insulated from the tent. This stove will easily heat a 4*4m tent.
  • After use, allow the metal to cool, pour out the ash, and disassemble the stove into parts for transportation.
  • Ventilate the tent, check the draft and tightness in safe conditions before leaving.
  • All openings must be precisely adjusted to prevent smoke leakage.

A stove for a winter tent is made with your own hands in a day, and lasts for several years.

Which stove is best to use in summer?

In summer, the oven is needed more for heating and preparing food, tea, coffee. There is no point in pulling gas cylinders or wood stoves - heating the tent is not needed.

The best solution would be a mini-alcohol stove for a tent. Light weight and compact dimensions allow each member of the camping trip to take their own homemade stove.

The only drawback in comparison with ready-made branded designs is the inability to transport the stove with filled fuel. But this is not a significant drawback - putting a bottle of alcohol in your backpack is not difficult. Long-burning stoves are used for winter tents.

Which stove is best to use in winter?

All three types of stoves are suitable for a winter tent. Winter fishing involves staying at low temperatures for a long time; the holes should not freeze, otherwise fishing will not take place. The difference in temperature in the tent and outside without heating devices will not exceed 2-3 degrees, which is not noticeable at -20C.

  • Most often, a long-burning gas infrared heater and a wood-burning stove are used. They provide good heating and increase the temperature in the tent by at least 15-20 degrees. The gas model is suitable as a camp stove for cooking, it heats up the space perfectly, it is compact and lightweight.
  • A more economical option would be a wood stove. The steel structure is easy to transport. The folding stove can be quickly assembled and disassembled. If fishing is planned near plantings or forests, there will be no problems with collecting firewood, otherwise you will have to bring fuel with you. There is also a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning if the chimney pipe is not sealed. Even if a homemade stove for a tent is made according to technology, it is necessary to ventilate. Wood stoves for winter fishing tents are used for large tents, and gas stoves for small ones.


The stove brings warmth and a subtle aroma of tea into the tent. With a huge selection of ready-made models, tourists and fishermen still prefer to make long-burning camp stoves with their own hands.

Each model described above has advantages and disadvantages, although camping stoves for tents cope with their duties no worse than expensive branded ones. A tent without an awning retains heat worse, but a real tourist will not be stopped by the cold when his soul calls for a hike.

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A homemade stove for heating a tent can be used so that tourists can spend the night warm and even in cases where they need to heat a steam room while camping. The author of this model uses it mainly in the off-season at temperatures at not very low temperatures - about minus 5 degrees, and only sometimes tested it in frostier conditions, when going on ski trips.

But such a stove (photo below) can be purchased in this Chinese store.

Necessary stove elements and materials:
– Steel pipe 0.2 mm thick, weight 360 grams. Made from 4 foam cans.
– Chimney made of steel 0.2 mm thick (a cover on the pipe to protect it from snow or rain on the street), weight 20 grams. Made from one foam can, weight 20 grams; an electrode with a diameter of 3 mm was also used.
– Housing made of galvanized steel sheet 0.4 mm thick, weight 1 kg; steel blind rivets 3.2x6 mm.
– Stove legs made of galvanized steel rods for suspended ceilings, length 1 m, diameter 4 mm, weight 160 grams.
– The passage through the roof of the tent is made of tinned steel, 0.2 mm thick, made from the bottom of a can, weight 120 grams.
– A cover made of terpowling (reinforced polyethylene, plus a sling - nylon thread, weight 160 grams.

In general, the weight of the entire camp stove for the tent was 1.86 kg. Folded size 320x240x150 mm. The stove can be conveniently placed in a light 80 liter backpack.

About the design and features of the forest stove

The stove has an afterburning chamber, pay attention to the row of rivets on top; this is the chamber partition riveted (at a distance of 38 mm from the top, close to the front wall and 26 mm from the rear wall). The pipe is at the end of the chamber. Gases go to the rear wall, rise into the chamber, and then go to the front wall and into the pipe. All passages with a cross-section not less than the cross-section of the pipe. Thanks to the afterburner, fuel is used more efficiently and sparks do not fly from the pipe. There is no grate.

Before using the stove in a tent, you must first heat it outside to completely remove the zinc coating. If after this there is zinc left in some places, burn it with a gas torch.
The developer of this tourist mini-stove has been successfully using it since 2009 in tents specially made for the stove; the total operating time by 2012 was about 200 hours. The photo shows a drawing of a camp stove.

If you are going to spend winter nights in a tent while hiking, then the author does not recommend relying only on this stove. It is better to have a sleeping bag with an appropriate comfort temperature. A stove like this can only dry you and your things and create a comfortable temperature in the tent for a short time.

However, even with a good sleeping bag, a stove still won’t hurt. It makes it much easier in cold weather.
Find out more (up to 40 degrees), with which you can sleep even without covering yourself with a blanket.
Why is the top of this stove not flat, because you could cook food on the stove? According to the author of the stove, the thin flat steel sheet from which the stove is made becomes somewhat deformed after the first heating. The plane of contact with the bottom of the pan is reduced. To maintain the boiling temperature of water, you have to overheat the stove, which is dangerous in a small tent. since its radiation overheats surrounding things. And it becomes uncomfortable for people in a small tent to be near the stove.

Special tents for camp stoves

Two tents - houses - were made for this stove. Three-slope 1.5x2.6 meters, and gable 1.3x2.0 meters. Both tents have high sides of 0.6 m and a height of 1.4 m. The bottom of the gable tent is unfastened; it without a bottom with a stove is used as a bathhouse and for winter ski picnics. A gable with a bottom is used for storing things and food.
This development can be used as a camp stove for a bath, but only at above-zero temperatures, preferably in the summer. For the bath, the stove was heated at an outside temperature of up to plus 4 degrees.

For those fishermen who want to fish not only during the daytime, but also all night long, the issue of heating a winter tent is quite acute. No matter how good the tent is, when it is -20°C or more outside, it is quite difficult to withstand and feel comfortable. That's when the Tent Stove comes to the rescue.

For a long time, traditional candles and kerosene lamps were used to heat the tent. This was almost always enough, but with the advent of new, fairly large and voluminous tents, the issue again became quite acute.

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Modern gas equipment, widely used in industry and tourism, came to the rescue. Fishermen quickly realized that it is not enough to buy the right tent for winter fishing (http://kiwi-market.ru/catalog/zimnie_palatki/stek/), you also need to provide high-quality heating. And here the question arises, which stove to choose for a winter tent?

Tent Stove: Stoker for Winter Fishing

In fact, making high-quality heating using modern gas equipment is quite simple. Its beauty lies in the fact that with its help it is possible not only to heat a tent, but also to prepare hot food and boil water, thanks to which comfort and utility are increased many times over.

In order to heat a tent for winter fishing, the fisherman will need a five-liter gas cylinder, a hose of a suitable diameter, as well as a reducer that will evenly dose the gas and convert the pressure at the inlet and outlet. The fisherman will also need an end element that will burn the gas, converting it into heat.

Classic tourist tiles often act as such an element. Its power is quite enough to heat a two-person tent. In addition, such tiles are successfully used for cooking. Recently, quite powerful gas heaters, which operate on the “turbo lighter” principle, have been gaining popularity. The gas is supplied to the hot coils of the heater and burns almost completely, transforming into a large amount of heat.

The power of such heaters can reach several kilowatts, which is quite enough to heat a large three or four-person tent. You can hardly use such a device for cooking and boiling water, so fishermen are forced to have both devices, swapping them if necessary. We should not forget that the gas cylinder must be placed outside the tent. This will eliminate the unpleasant consequences that may occur due to a gas leak.

A fire alone is not enough; you will need a homemade stove. It does not require much effort or special skills. But first you need to decide what type of product you will assemble, and prepare materials and tools.

First of all, the oven must have certain properties:

  • have low weight and size;
  • use fuel economically;
  • comply with fire safety regulations;
  • simple and easy to install in a tent without special tools;
  • work reliably and uninterruptedly;
  • easy to operate.

We can conclude that the device should be compact, easy to use and burn fuel economically. All these requirements are suitable for simple stoves assembled with your own hands. There are a wide variety of devices on the market that also perform other functions.

The stove must be installed on legs. If you go outdoors in the winter, when there are deep snowdrifts, then your legs should be higher.

The main tasks of a portable stove: easy transportation, quick ignition and heating of the tent. Appearance doesn't matter anymore.

Remember that having a fire extinguisher will ensure you have a safe holiday.

The stove can operate on dry fuel (wood) or gas. The second type of fuel is much more economical and convenient. Such a product will be closed, and therefore safe. If the flame goes out, the automatic fuel shut-off mode will ensure safety. Gas consumption is quite small. You can take not only a stove with you, but also stock up on fuel in cylinders at home.

An oil filter is also suitable for making a heating device. Its advantage is that the main structure is already ready, all that remains is to make the body.

The principle of collecting the product for both types of fuel is the same. Please note that a small compact oven is not suitable for cooking, since its top has a small area. And in order for the dishes to warm up well, they must heat up very much, which will not be comfortable for those who are in a small tent.

So, let's look at the simplest options for a portable stove for a do-it-yourself tent.

  • two jars with a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 6 cm;
  • a metal mug, the diameter of which is one centimeter smaller than the cans;
  • piece of tin;
  • antenna;
  • bolts and nuts.

Process e edges of the cans so that they are smooth and do not scratch your hands. Bend a piece of tin in the shape of a circle to make three petals, which need to be lowered to the bottom of the jar, having previously drilled three holes in it with a diameter of at least 3 mm. Place dry fuel, such as small pieces of wood, on a circle placed on the bottom. In the top of the jar, at a distance of 2 cm, make three holes into which you need to insert the bolts. This will be a stand for the mug. Screw the bolts with nuts. To screw the legs to the jar, you need to make three holes in the bottom, the angle between which should be 120 degrees. Insert three pieces of antenna into them. Do not make the height of the legs greater than the diameter of the can so that the structure is stable. Cut five holes at the bottom of the stove for ventilation. The handle will be the screw terminal removed from the power supply.

This stove is enough to heat up a small portion of food and warm up in a tent. To make firewood burn better, drop a little kerosene on it. If you make holes in the top lid of the jar, the device will give off more heat, and you can even fry eggs on it.

Suitable only when you have a car to transport it. The stove is more massive and can heat a large, spacious tent. You can also cook food on it.

To construct it, you will need a metal pipe, preferably steel. Its diameter should be 15 cm and its height 60 cm. You can take a different size, but the proportions must be maintained.

At the bottom of the pipe, cut a rectangular hole 30 cm high, make the width 7-8 cm (a quarter of the height). Divide the resulting piece of steel into two parts: 10 and 20 cm. The larger piece will be the door for the firebox, and the small piece will be the door for the ash pan.

Weld a pipe with a diameter of 6 cm and a height of 15 cm to the upper base of the pipe. And to the pipe, weld a chimney pipe that will exit through the roof of the tent. Place a grate above the ash pan door.

Cover the steel pipe with metal sheets that are 10 cm larger than the diameter of the pipe. Their thickness should be 0.5 centimeters or slightly less. It will be more effective to weld the sheets; you can use corners.

To make this oven safer, a steel grate is installed around it, which will serve as a casing. Cut holes in it for access to the firebox and ash pan. Open space can be filled with clay, as it conducts heat well.