Found skeletons of giants. Giant skeletons of giant men

Everyone read fairy tales in childhood, and probably not only Russian ones, but also fairy tales of the peoples of the world. Giants are invariably present in the popular consciousness, fairy tales and epics of almost all nationalities on all continents. There are descriptions of giants in sacred texts. In all ancient written sources that have come down to us: in the Vedas, Avesta, Edda, the Bible, Chinese and Tibetan chronicles, giants are reported everywhere. Even the Assyrian cuneiform clay tablets speak of the giant Izdubar, who towered above all other people, like a cedar above a bush.
Materials regularly appear on the Internet about discoveries of giant human skeletons, both in the past and present. The first time I came across material about Russian finds, which prompted me to collect a collection of photographs of what I would come across freely floating on the Internet.
The mystery of the Terengul giants

In Sri Lanka, on the island of Ceylon, there is a cone-shaped mountain 2240 meters high, which is revered by adherents of all four world religions. The reason for this veneration is the imprint of a human foot in the rock at the very top. According to legend, this mountain is located next to paradise. Mount Adam, as the peak is called, is annually visited by thousands of pilgrims during the dry season: Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and Muslims. Since climbing under the scorching rays of the sun is too difficult an ordeal, the pilgrimage is performed at night. The shortest route involves climbing 5,000 steep steps.

The size of the human foot print on the top is very unusual: length - 160 centimeters, width - 75.


In 1911, Lovelock Cave, located 20 miles south of Lovelock, Nevada, began to be excavated after guano miners discovered many broken arrows and other artifacts. Somewhat later, human remains of an unusually large size were found in the cave. Due to the fact that some of them were completely covered with a layer of guano, their skin and hair were preserved, it turned out that the giants were red. Even the shrunken mummified corpses were no lower than 2.4 meters. At the same time, some bodies actually reached 3.5 meters in height.

In this photo you can see a jaw discovered in Lovelock Cave - despite the proportional similarity to a human, the size of the bone seems abnormally large. Although many artifacts have been lost (or "lost") over the past century, some can still be seen at the Humboldt Museum in Winnemucca, as well as at the Nevada State Historical Society Museum in Reno. Reno). In addition, on June 19, 1931, articles appeared in the press about giant remains found in a local lake. The skeletons were wrapped in cloth treated with rubber. The height of the people to whom the remains belonged reached 2.4 and 3 meters.

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Every year, archaeologists and enthusiastic diggers discover many interesting things during excavations. There are discoveries that force you to rewrite the pages of history, some that open unknown pages, and some that are downright creepy and terrifying. It is the latter that will be discussed in this review.

1. Burial of babies

One of the most gruesome recent archaeological discoveries was made in southern Israel. More than a hundred infant skeletons have been discovered in the ancient seaport of Ashkelon. The skeletons were found to date back to the Roman era. Who these babies were and why they were killed remains a mystery.

2. Hobbit skeletons

Indonesia's Flores Island was the site of an extraordinary discovery in 2003 when scientists discovered the bones of a small ancient hominid, Homo Floresiensis, also known as "the hobbit." At first, researchers believed that the bones may have belonged to a person with microcephaly (a condition that results in a small head size and short stature), but later the discovery of other skeletons of a similarly small size led to speculation that "hobbits" were not just tiny people, but separate species.

3. Headless Vikings

In June 2009, archaeologists made a stunning discovery in the seaside town of Weymouth in Dorset, England. During the construction of the Weymouth Road, a Roman mass grave was discovered containing the remains of 54 beheaded warriors and 51 skulls. Experts believe the Vikings may have been executed for treason.

4. Skeleton puzzle

Any discovery of a human skeleton is a little creepy, but what happened after the discovery of four prehistoric mummies in Scotland's Outer Hebrides in 2001 completely horrified scientists. Radiocarbon dating and stable isotope analysis revealed that each mummy was actually made from body parts from several different people, "stacked" to look like one person.

5. Cannibal Neanderthals

In 1994, deep in the darkness of El Sidron, a cave system in northwestern Spain, scientists discovered the bones of 12 Neanderthals. The 51,000-year-old skeletons belonged to a family of 3 children, 3 teenagers and 6 adults. Modern forensic techniques have shown that the family was killed and eaten by another group of Neanderthals. The bones and skulls were opened to remove the bone marrow and brain.

6. Severed legs

In the Canadian province of British Columbia, one of the most terrible and incomprehensible discoveries was made in the last few decades. Since 2007, at least 16 severed human legs covered in sneakers have been found on the shore here (from Jedediah Island to Botanical Beach). Although some of the legs have been identified, it is still unknown why they were cut off and how they ended up at sea.

7. The fruit inside the bishop's coffin

Researchers from Lund University, Sweden, were surprised when they performed a CT scan on a mummified Scandinavian bishop. They found the remains of a tiny baby laid at the feet of the bishop. Researchers believe the fetus may be related to the bishop. Another theory is that it may have been an illegitimate stillborn child that someone wanted to give a proper burial.

8. Headless Gladiators

In 2005, a number of mysterious skeletons dating back to the Roman Empire were discovered in York, Northern England. All the skeletons belonged to people who had been beheaded. All the men died relatively young, all were above average height for people of the period, and all were buried with weapons in their hands. Therefore, experts believe that the mysterious people were gladiators.

9. Mummies of frozen children

In 1999, archaeologists at the Llullaillaco volcano in Argentina made a shocking discovery when they discovered three mummified children who had been left to freeze on the side of the volcano during an old Incan sacrificial ritual. Such rituals were often performed by the ancient Incas to mark important events or prevent natural disasters.

10. Dead Skier

In 2015, the remains of Canadian skier Gregory Barnes were discovered in the Italian Alps. The creepy part of the story is the fact that the skier was actually buried under snow for 35 years before being found. The Italian authorities who made the discovery said a hotter-than-usual summer caused the glacier to melt, which revealed the remains. Barnes' body was found in a crevasse along with his passport, which was used to establish his identity.

11. Vampire Graves

Archaeologists excavating a medieval cemetery in the Polish town of Kaldus have discovered 14 so-called vampire graves. During the medieval ages, people believed in the existence of vampires, and they used several methods to “cure” vampirism. Some of the supposed vampires were beheaded, others were buried face down, and most of the coffins were covered with stones to prevent the undead from escaping their graves.

12. The “oldest” leper

In 2009, a 4,000-year-old skeleton with obvious signs of leprosy was discovered in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The gruesome discovery immediately became the oldest known archaeological evidence of the terrible disease. The fact that it was the skeleton that was buried suggests that the person was an exile (according to Hindu traditions, the dead are cremated).

13. Place of mass death

In 1971, paleontologists discovered a mass death site in an Idaho cornfield. On the site of the former lake there were about 200 different animal skeletons. The animals likely died by suffocation under deep layers of volcanic ash about 12 million years ago.

14. The Man from Sligo

When a 215-year-old beech tree in Sligo, Ireland was uprooted by a severe storm in 2014, its exposed roots revealed a gruesome discovery. They found the skeleton of a young man, now known as the Sligo Man. Further analysis showed that man lived in the early Middle Ages, between 1030 and 1200 AD. He was between 17 and 20 years old at the time of his death. Given the damage to the bones, he was probably killed.

15. Surrey Ghost Car

Accidents are a fairly common occurrence on the A3 motorway in England, so police in Surrey were not at all surprised when the station received a call saying a car had driven off the road into a ditch with its headlights on. But when the officers went to the call, they did not find the slightest sign of an accident. During a further search, just 20 meters from the supposed accident site, the remains of a broken car were found in the undergrowth, driven by the remains of the decomposing body of a young man. According to police estimates, he crashed 5 months ago.


For many years before the Protestant Reformation, St. Mary's Chapel in St. Nicholas Church in Aberdeen, Scotland was always a quiet, secluded place for Catholic women to come to pray. However, several decades after the Reformation, the chapel began to be used for much more macabre purposes. Historians have recently uncovered evidence that the chapel served as a prison for suspected witches, with would-be "witches" held there until trial and execution.

October 24, 2013

Five meter skeleton

Children's fairy tales, legends, ancient books and manuscripts excite our imagination with descriptions of creatures of gigantic size. Large skeletons from archaeological excavations are indisputable evidence of the existence of giants.

People were described by ancient historians. The Arab traveler Ibn Fadlan, a thousand years ago, spoke about a five-meter skeleton he saw among the subjects of the Khazar king.

Russian ancient chronicles tell about a four-meter giant warrior who stood up to defend the fatherland on the Kulikovo Field.

Russian writers Korolenko and Turgenev say that in the museum of the Swiss city of Lucerne they saw a five-meter skeleton found in 1577 by the doctor Platner in a mountain cave.

Historical chronicles continually recorded information about the discovery of unusual human remains.

Large skeletons 215 cm long were found during construction in 1821 in the USA in Tennessee, and in 1885 in Pennsylvania.

In 1971, in Queensland, a farmer plowing a field found a large fragment of a human jaw with five centimeter teeth.

But these are not the biggest skeletons yet.

In 1899, in Germany, miners found the fossilized remains of giants almost 240 cm tall.

In Australia, a race of giants discovered during excavations was called Meganthropus. Mega-people had the largest skeletons found on the mainland - almost three and a half meters. Just imagine the 67cm molar found by scientists in 1985! True, the owner of such a jaw lived a long time ago, almost nine million years ago.

Similar mega-people also existed in China. Fragments of jaws and teeth confirm the fact that such people should have risen 3-3.5 meters above the ground.

3.6 meters

Cases of finding imprints of huge feet are not uncommon. In 1979, a 17cm toe print was found in the Blue Mountains. If the skeleton of the owner of these fingers were found, it would be almost six meters in length. But not far from Malgoa, three footprints of a giant’s steps were discovered. The human foot was 60 cm long and the step width was 130 cm.

In 1877, gold miners in Nevada used pickaxes to cut out part of the foot, including the shin and kneecap, from the rock. Size - almost a meter from knee to foot. That is, the owner of the bones had to be 3.6 meters tall.

Large human skeletons were found by the German anthropologist Larson Kohl. In Central Africa, on the shores of Lake Elizi, he dug up a mass grave of 12 men, ranging in height from 3.5 to 3.5 meters.

There is documentary evidence of the discovery of a human skull in Poland during World War II, three times the size of an ordinary skull.

Part of a skull was found in the diamond mines of South Africa in 1950. The diameter of the skull was 45 cm. It was a very ancient inhabitant of the planet. The age of the find is almost nine million years.

In 2008, near the city of Borjomi, Georgian archaeologists found the skeleton of a three-meter man.

In 2005, burials of people were found in the Sahara that had fairly large skeletons; the height of the people exceeded the two-meter mark.

120 centimeter human bone

A fossilized 120 centimeter human bone was found in Turkey. The owner of such a leg had to be five meters tall.

In the Netherlands in the 17th century there lived a woman nicknamed "The Big Maid". Her documented height was 254 cm. In the 19th century, the peasant of the Vitebsk province Fyodor Makhnov had a height of 285 cm.

People who had large skeletons have existed in modern times. The Dagestan giant of the last century Osman Abdurakhmianov had a height of 207 cm, the Frenchman Rene the Giant had a height of 224 cm, the American Robert Pershing Wadlow had a height of 272 cm, the basketball player Jorge Gonzalez had a height of 231 cm. The Turkish farmer Sultan Kesen had a height of 251 cm.

Numerous artifacts prove that in addition to giant people, there were animals of enormous size.

Their large skeletons can be seen in museums around the world. A huge dinosaur skeleton was found at the beginning of the last century in Africa. It is mounted and displayed in the Berlin Museum.

The largest dinosaurs - diplodocus and futalognokosaurs - surpassed the modern giant blue whale in size. His life-size skeleton can be seen in the Museum of Natural History in Santa Barbara (USA).

Representatives of the fauna also have large skeletons, which for various reasons have “outgrown” their relatives: a giant horse from Belgium named Radar; the huge Big Chilly Cow; a very large rabbit named Emmy, 1.5 cm long; a giant pig from China with a waist circumference of 2.3 cm and fourteen centimeter tusks.

The incredible largest skeletons of birds, animals, prehistoric dinosaurs, footprints of people - giants in the world's museums - an indisputable fact that the legends about giants were formed from real facts, and not from fiction.

It should be immediately noted that the scientific world is suppressing this information with all its might. After all, it does not fit at all into the foundations of the world that history textbooks describe to us from childhood. Archaeological finds and ancient legends indicate that a race of giants lived on Earth.

Burial places, and more often the remains of dead giant people, have been found on the planet for a long time. They are excavated all over the world, both on land and underwater in the seas and oceans. Another confirmation of this is the find in Yakutia.

A group of independent researchers has been studying this issue for many years and has formed a clear picture of what was actually on our planet 12-20,000 years ago. But this is not so long ago! The height of the giants during their lifetime ranged from 4 to 12 meters; in addition to great physical strength, they also possessed phenomenal mental abilities.

Version about the lost Atlantean civilization

Isn’t this the mysterious civilization of the Atlanteans, which some consider mythical, while others really existed and died? Japanese scientists have already discovered at the bottom of the ocean the remains of a civilization similar to Atlantis ().

Researchers suggest that it was this civilization of giants that built pyramids not only in Egypt, but throughout the entire Earth. The total number of pyramids erected by them reaches more than 600. Construction was carried out in a strictly specified geometric sequence. The pyramids could be erected using simple technology that is still used today - using ordinary formwork. Then it turns out that the blocks were not moved over long distances, but a strong concrete composition was poured into wooden forms!

The purpose of the pyramids was related to cosmic energy, the use of which is still unknown to us. Later, another human civilization, the Egyptians, began to use the pyramids and worship their gods. The Egyptians made them into tombs for the pharaohs. Thus, the Egyptians themselves did not build the pyramids. In fact, the pyramids remained as evidence that a race of giants lived on Earth in ancient times.

A lot of documentary information about the race of giants has been obtained from various sources. Let's list just a few of them.

Facts confirming the existence of a race of giants

  1. 1899 Miners in the Ruhr region in Germany discovered huge fossilized skeletons of people ranging from 210 to 240 centimeters tall.
  2. 1979 At Megalong Vzlli in the Blue Mountains, local residents found a huge stone sticking out above the surface of a stream, on which could be seen the imprint of part of a huge foot with five toes. The transverse size of the fingers was seventeen centimeters. If the print had been preserved in its entirety, it would have been 60 centimeters long. This imprint was left by a six-meter-tall man.
  3. The Arab traveler Ibn Fadlan, who lived a thousand years ago, saw a six-meter human skeleton, which was shown to him by the subjects of the Khazar king. A skeleton of the same size was seen by the Russian classical writers Turgenev and Korolenko when they came to Switzerland. In the museum of the city of Lucerne they were told that these huge bones were discovered in 1577 in a mountain cave by the doctor Felix Platner.
  4. Ivan Sanderson, a world-famous zoologist, once shared an interesting story from a letter he received from a certain Alan McShir. The author of the letter in 1950 worked as a bulldozer operator on the construction of a road in Alaska and reported that workers had discovered two huge fossilized skulls, vertebrae and leg bones in one of the burial mounds. The height of the skulls reached 58 cm and the width 30 centimeters. The ancient giants had a double row of teeth and disproportionately flat heads. The vertebrae, as well as the skulls, were three times larger in size than those of modern humans. The length of the shin bones ranged from 150 to 180 centimeters.
  5. Obvious evidence that a race of giants existed are the imprints of their huge feet. The most famous print was found in South Africa. It was found by local farmer Stoffel Kötzi at the beginning of the last century. The “left foot print” is imprinted into the almost vertical wall to a depth of approximately 12 centimeters. Its length is 1 meter 28 centimeters. Apparently the giant came when the rock was soft. Over time, it hardened, turned into granite and stood upright due to geological processes.
  6. 1950 In South Africa, a fragment of a huge skull 45 centimeters high was discovered in diamond mining. Above the brow ridges were two strange protrusions that resembled small horns. Anthropologists who came into possession of the find determined the age of the skull - about nine million years.
  7. One of the adobe tablets of ancient Babylon says that the priests of the Babylonian state received all their astronomical knowledge from giants who lived in South Asia, taller than 4 meters.
  8. In South Africa, on the Okovango River, aborigines talk about giants who lived in these places in the past. One of their legends says that “the giants were endowed with incredible strength. With one hand they blocked the flow of rivers. Their voices were so loud that they could be heard from one village to another. When one of the giants coughed, the birds seemed to be blown away by the wind. While hunting, they walked hundreds of kilometers a day, and killed elephants and hippos were easily thrown onto their shoulders and carried home. Their weapons were bows made from palm tree trunks. Even the earth had difficulty carrying them.”
  9. Inca legends say that during the reign of Inca XII Ayatarco Kuso, people of enormous stature arrived in the country from the ocean on huge reed rafts. Even the tallest Indian reached them only to his knees. The giants' hair fell over their shoulders, and their faces were beardless. Some of them wore animal skins, others went completely naked. Moving along the coast, they devastated the country - after all, each of them ate more at a time than 50 people could eat.
  10. The legends about the conquest of America say that the Spaniards discovered a skeleton 20 meters tall in one of the Aztec temples. The Spaniards sent it as a gift to the Pope. Confirmation of the existence of such huge giants is also found in the history of a certain Whitney, who served as the chief archaeologist for the US government at the beginning of the 19th century. He examined a skull that was found in one of the mines in Ohio. The diameter of the giant's skull was 2 meters.

How could such giants exist and why did they die?

Scientists have expressed different versions of the possibility that a race of giants existed on our planet. One hypothesis states that gravity on Earth in those days was completely different, as was atmospheric pressure. In such physical conditions, giant people could live and function normally. The death of the giants could have been caused by a global catastrophe. As a result of a large-scale disaster, the climate changes that we observe in modern human history could also occur.

“Optimal genetic development,” says Bohm, “is when everything embedded in the DNA of an organism develops entirely due to favorable external conditions.”

In his opinion, before the Flood the ozone layer was much thicker, but after that only one-seventh of it remained. The decrease in the ozone layer has led to a weakening of protection from solar radiation, which affects plants, animals, and, of course, humans.

Why are the facts of the existence of a race of giants hushed up?

With so many artifacts found, why are the giant bones of giants not exhibited in any museum in the world? The only answer that some scientists find is that it was done on purpose. Unique finds confirming the existence of a race of giants on Earth are hidden from view, otherwise Darwin’s theory of evolution would completely fall apart. People would have to change their views on the entire history of mankind and its appearance on earth. For the scientific world, such a turn is apparently not desirable.

See 5 more evidence of the existence of a race of giants in the past