Livorno is a port city in northern Italy. Open left menu Livorno Livorno Italy

The city center is surrounded by canals. There is the Old Fortress (in Italian Fortezza Vecchia), New Fortress (translation - Fortezza Nuova).

A little away from the center, about a kilometer away, an absolutely gorgeous Embankment(called viale Italia), which is very pleasant to walk along. There is a lot here, there is a mini-water park, a Ferris wheel, swimming pools, beaches and an AQUARIUM.

Acquario - translation from Italian "Aquarium".

I liked the aquarium. The only thing is that the price seemed overpriced for such a small aquarium (translated into Russian money, 800 rubles). There are 20-30 small aquariums and 1 large bathroom. We looked around everything in 30 minutes.

Address: Piazzale Mascagni, 1- 57127 Livorno
Telephone.: 0586/269.111-154
Opening hours: see graph below.
How to get there: Bus No. 1 to stop " Terrazza Mascagni" (pronounced in Russian by Terrazza Mascagni) (see Phrasebook with pronunciation).
Ticket price: adults - 14 €, children from 1 meter to 140cm - 8 €, children under 1 meter - free.

In Italy, on the seashore, there is a city whose population is more than 150 thousand people. It's called Livorno. The city is the largest port in its region.

Livorno was first mentioned in documents in the 11th century. Then it was a village. In the second half of the sixteenth century, it was decided to turn the city into a port. In the seventeenth century, trade was already well developed in the city.

At the end of the eighteenth century, much attention was paid to the improvement of the place. Some famous poets and travelers visited here in the nineteenth century. During World War II, many of the city's buildings were partially destroyed. After the war they were reconstructed.

Visitors will see many paintings and sculptures in the museum. The museum is located in the building Villa Mimbelli. The building was erected at the end of the nineteenth century. The interior of the villa is beautiful.

There is a wonderful park around the building. It is small in size. It contains a fountain with fish and turtles. Also in front of the building is a monument to the artist, after whom the museum was named.

Location: Via San Jacopo In Acquaviva - 65.

The wonderful beach is located in a magnificent bay. Here you can ideally relax, enjoying the tranquility. Very close to the place there are wonderful pine groves. The view from the beach can rightfully be called picturesque. Moreover, visitors have the opportunity to exercise on the beach.

The beach is sandy, there is an entrance fee. It was opened in the second half of the twentieth century. The beach is quite wide, long and has everything necessary for the convenience of vacationers. It is believed that it is a very good place to spend time with family.

The building is light gray in color and is symmetrical. The cathedral was built at the beginning of the seventeenth century. A century later, two chapels were added to the building. The bell tower in the cathedral appeared in the first half of the nineteenth century. It is square in shape.

During World War II the building was heavily damaged. About ten years later, the church began to be restored. The restored building has many differences from the cathedral that stood here before. Inside the church there is a fine twentieth-century organ. But the altar was made in the first half of the eighteenth century. The walls are decorated with paintings from the seventeenth century. The main gate was installed at the beginning of the 21st century. On them you can see the main moments of the city's history.

Location: Piazza Grande.

The beach shore is rocky, but this does not make the place bad, because you can just take your shoes with you on vacation. Restaurants, bars and shops are located near the beach.

The fortress was built a long time ago. Volunteers have been restoring it for several years. Tourists can enter the attraction completely free of charge. The building is an asymmetrical structure. Visitors can also climb the old tower. It offers a wonderful view of the city and port.

The terrace is located on the embankment. Here you can take a walk and relax peacefully. The place is named after a famous local composer. There are bike paths, running areas, several shops and cafes. There is also a gazebo, which was installed in the first half of the last century.

The material for its construction was stone. The gazebo has a round dome, supported by columns. This place is popular for photo sessions, especially wedding ones.

The museum was founded in the first half of the twentieth century. It is now located at Villa Henderson. The museum has five halls. It houses a collection of insects, mammals, birds and minerals. Next to the museum there is a library; it contains many editions of scientific works.

A fairly decent area around the museum was set aside for an English garden. Visitors will see a fountain, various trees, arches and a metrological station.

Location: Via Roma - 234.

New Fortress and New Venice

There is a district in the city called New Venice. It received this name due to the fact that there are canals here. The main attraction of the area is the fortress. During World War II, the fortress housed military warehouses, so the building was subject to bombing.

The fortress was built in the sixteenth century. It was as impregnable as possible, since there were ditches around it. Now the place where the fortress stands looks like an island. The building is surrounded by a wonderful park, and guests can take a boat ride along the canals.

The beaches of Castiglioncello and Vada di Rosignano Marittimo

The beaches of the city are clean. They are popular both among people who come on vacation and among the local population. The places are equipped with all the necessary amenities to make visitors feel comfortable. There are several restaurants along the beaches where you can try traditional cuisine. Tourists will find a wonderful view of the cliffs here.

The beach is separated by eleven kilometers from the center. It is very convenient because it is divided into two parts. On one half, visitors relax in silence, and the second part is made for those who like to have noisy fun and dance. There are bars, discos and restaurants here, they are open even at night.

The park was founded at the end of the last century. There are some rare flora species here. Migratory birds visit here twice a year. Visitors can admire them. There are also birds in the park that live here permanently.

The wall was built in the first half of the nineteenth century. Its length was eight kilometers. During the war, the wall was partially destroyed. But some fragments remained intact.

It is noteworthy that the church was built over a century and a half. When it had not yet been completed, it was used as a monastery. Then the building was turned into a prison, which remained here until the end of the twentieth century. Restoration work was carried out.

The tall tower especially stands out in the church building. The interior is decorated with many nineteenth-century frescoes and beautiful paintings. There is also a wonderful organ here.

Location: Piazza Dei Domenicani - 2.

The building was erected in honor of the patroness of the district. Some famous local people are buried here. The temple was built and enlarged over several centuries. The interior is decorated with paintings and a ceiling made of wood with exquisite carvings.

Location: Piazza di Montenero - 9.

The museum is located in a building erected in the nineteenth century. Here are things that belong to Jewish national culture. Moreover, the museum presents evidence that Jews were persecuted by the Nazis.

Location: Via Micali - 21.

The university trains future officers. This building used to be a hospital, and then a prison moved here. The Academy was opened in the second half of the nineteenth century. Previously, pilots were also trained and trained here.

The university building consists of three floors, there is a tower, its shape is square. There is a clock on each side of the tower. Every year more than a thousand students come to the academy.

Location: Viale Italia - 72.

The monument is of great value to the city. It was installed in the second half of the sixteenth century. Then new areas of the city were built.

The man whose figure is depicted on the monument supervised the construction work. He is still considered the founder of the city and is respected. At the foot of the monument there are four figures; they symbolize pirates and victories over them. The monument is so revered and valuable that during the war people divided it and hid parts in different places. In the mid-twentieth century, the monument was collected and reinstalled.

The trip took place in August - the height of the tourist season. The price tag for housing in the Tuscan coast area was off the charts, so I bought these designer apartments - a loft under the very roof in the city center:

And a large marker on the map “Livorno” (hoping that there will be not just a cottage seaside strip, but an original city).

Otherwise! Livorno is a real port city, large by Italian standards, and very well located geographically!

About the architecture, decoration and color of the city!

Firstly, Livorno is not a tourist city at all. Usually cruise ships come here for tourists to “walk” along its famous “checkers” embankment for several hours:

It is she who is depicted on all postcards with the inscription "Livorno"

Otherwise, Livorno is a quiet provincial Italian town. And of course, in terms of architectural decoration, it is not even close to Florence, Venice and Rome... This is not worth expecting here, people come here for the measured Italian simple and unhurried life.

There are several architectural monuments, a couple of temples, the fortresses of Fortezza Vecchia and Fortezza Nuova (not that impressive, but worth a walk to them). In general, it is modest, but the overall appearance of the city is very pleasant.


Livorno has a wonderful feature: the LIVORNO CARD tourist card, which for 5 Euro gives free travel for 3 days on all buses in the city + discounts in museums (all information on

About the sea:

This is the minus of Livorno - Livorno is a port, and therefore open there is no access to the sea. You need to go to the edge of the city by bus to the Antignano area, and the beach awaits you so-so...

My sadness knew no bounds about this, but, fortunately, there is a railway station in the city. Thus, on high-speed trains TrentItalia in 5-10 minutes you can get from Livorno to seaside cottage towns, where there are more or less pleasant swimming areas.

The entire journey from home to the beach towns took about 30 minutes:

The zones look like this: that is, an inexperienced tourist should remember that without special. You can't get into the water with rubber slippers, and in general, swimming with the local Italians means lying on rocks in the water.

My favorite nearby bathing town has become Castilionagello- there is a small park and a relatively clear beach area (photo above)

About the location:

Despite the disadvantages with the sea, Livorno is still a very convenient location.

Livorno - very conveniently located between Florence and Rome(it takes 2 hours to get to each city), so you can easily arrange a one-day visit to the cultural capitals of Italy.

Pisa: Everyone knows about Pisa that there is the Leaning Tower of Pisa and that apart from it there is nothing special to see there. So Pisa is 15-20 minutes from Livorno. You can't help but go.

Other cities (where to go from Livorno):

Cinque Terre.

While staying in Livorno, you can’t help but visit the famous Cinque Terre(a series of authentic seaside villages - the pearl of Tuscany). By the way, everything is OK here with the beaches, but what places... the heart skips a beat and melts (and a separate note is written report on the Cinque Terre). Must watch:


And also not far from Livorno there is a famous Lucca leather goods manufacturing center(who dreams of the vaunted Italian leather - MUST visit), and in general, the souvenir business here is beyond praise. Although, well, all kinds of shopping! Walking through the cozy streets of this ancient city, where a whole defensive ring of city walls and towers has been erected, where everything is literally saturated with medieval antiquity, is a special pleasure!

And again about Livorno:

On the Internet, in traveler reports, you can find mentions that Livorno has very inexpensive shopping. This is true: there are inexpensive cafes on the embankment, the most inexpensive coffee that I have encountered in all my travels. And the price tag for clothes and shoes is clearly “non-tourist”. But I can’t say that there is a great abundance of shops in Livorno. Rather, if you walk deeper into the city, you will find small shops and mini-shops with locally made shoes.

Located on the coast of the Ligurian Sea; port and industrial center of Italy. Tourism is not the main activity of its residents; a businesslike, working atmosphere reigns here. Recently, the city has begun to restore its sights, which were thoroughly destroyed by the war, and is becoming interesting to visit.

Terrace of Mascagni

The “musical” terrace of Mascagni (Terrazza Mascagni) is associated with the name of the composer Petro Mascagni, who ran along it as a child and listened to the music of the sea. Today it is a super-equipped area for pleasant walks: how you can easily slide on parquet along an embankment laid out in a checkerboard pattern. Graceful railings separate you from the vagaries of the choppy sea. Round lanterns, a bizarrely shaped platform, a snow-white stone gazebo - everything creates a romantic mood.

It’s not for nothing that newlyweds leave the locks of their hearts on lantern poles here, and throw the keys into the sea as a sign of fidelity to their chosen one. From the gazebo in the park on the Mascagna terrace, the traditional rowing competition among the city's residents begins. Teams from 16 regions organize races on gozzo - 10-oar boats and gozzette - four-oar boats. The Palio Marinaro takes place in Livorno on a hot day in July, on the 2nd Sunday.

The Mascagni Terrace starts from the shipyards and extends to the Aquarium. This is a small aquarium containing 1,200 specimens of marine animals. Particularly interesting are the huge turtles, sharks and stingrays. Parking here costs 2 euros, the entrance ticket is 13 euros.

Little Venice

  • See detailed instructions:

By car

Traveling by car is the best way to explore the province of Livorno. You can rent a car on the website.

For those traveling to Livorno from the North, take the A12 highway. From the South, take the A1 motorway to the Firenze Nord exit and then take the A11 motorway towards Pisa until the A12 motorway exit for Livorno.

A taxi from Florence to the port of Livorno costs about 170 euros; you can order a transfer in advance on the website.


Livorno is a city in Italy, on the Ligurian coast, and is the most important port in Italy.

From Livorno by water you can reach numerous resort destinations with well-developed infrastructure: a large number of beaches, cafes, restaurants, clubs and discos. Here you can, if you wish, practice tennis, horse riding, mountain biking, mini golf, sailing, surfing, water skiing, etc.

Tourists will be interested in the old and new fortresses, the New Venice quarter, which has a large number of canals, wonderful bridges, narrow streets and beautiful residential buildings founded at the beginning of the 17th century.

The Four Moors monument is one of the symbols of the city. It consists of a pedestal on which there is a sculpture of Ferdinando I de' Medici, and at the bottom of the pedestal there are four bronze statues representing pirates, which are connected by a chain. Copyright

The Cathedral of Livorno was built in honor of St. Francis, built in the 16th century according to the design of A. Pieroni. A little later, side chapels were added to it, one on each side.

Church of St. Ferdinando 1707-1716 in the Baroque style. Entering inside the church you can see the sculpture of the liberation of slaves by Giovanni Baratta.

In addition, Livorno has a large number of different churches, such as the Armenian Church of St. Gregory, the Greek Church, the Anglican Church of St. Giorgio, the Jewish Synagogue, the Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity, the Protestant Church, the Church of the Evangelists.

An interesting historical monument is Leopold's Wall. When, at the beginning of the 19th century, the actively growing port area went beyond the existing fortress walls, Prince Leopold II ordered to surround the new area with an additional wall. This is how a new powerful wall appeared, the length of which is more than 8 km. In 1849, during numerous battles with the Austrians, this wall repeatedly protected the city from conquerors.

The most interesting cultural site is the Natural Science Museum; it will be interesting to visit with the whole family. The location of this museum is the historic Villa Henderson, which is an important architectural monument of Livorno. This museum has many unique collections dedicated to the flora and fauna of the Mediterranean, and several years ago one of the world's largest seed banks opened on the museum grounds.

Fans of unusual excursions will be offered a trip to the miniature island of Meloria, the main and only attraction of which is the old lighthouse tower. This man-made island is separated by about 7 km from the coast of Livorno. In 1709, it was decided to build a new lighthouse here, which later became an indispensable landmark for seafarers. The ancient tower has been perfectly preserved, despite the fact that it has undergone many battles and thousands of wave blows during a storm.

Not far from Piazza Dante there is an excursion site that is rarely included in standard guidebooks - an abandoned resort complex. Once there was a first-class thermal complex here, it was one of the largest and most advanced in the country. The resort complex was built at the beginning of the 20th century, and medicinal thermal springs were discovered here much earlier, in 1854. In 1968, the resort suffered a major fire, as a result of which many of its buildings were destroyed. It was never possible to restore the complex and bring it back to life; now tourists like to walk around these places; there are no official excursions here.