Carcassonne board game template. "painted" carcassonne

  • *Information
    • Number of players: 2-5
    • Game type: strategy
    • Game time: 30-60

    20.02.2016 , In the section

    Brief information about the game:

    Carcassonne is a French commune located in the Aude department in the Languedoc-Roussillon region. The city of Carcassonne is a prefecture of the department. This excerpt is from the well-known educational resource Wikipedia. And it interests us little, but what is really useful for us to know now is that Carcassonne - is a surprisingly fun, German-style strategy game with elements of economics. The author of the game is Klaus-Jurgen Wrede ( English) (German) Klaus-Jürgen Wrede) and he created this miracle in 2000. A game "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" is still a worldwide hit to this day. From here you can start getting acquainted with the world of serious board games, the rules are very simple and clear from the first round played, the gameplay is dynamic and not boring, and there is plenty of room to think (for prudent strategists). Experienced board game players will benefit from gaining additional experience.

    Over the years the game "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" has acquired several additions and some plot branches, with new ideas it is much more interesting to build your city. For example extension "Inns & Cathedrals" or "The River and River II (River and River II)", they perfectly complement the gameplay and add their own flavor when the player determines his strategy.

    To get acquainted with "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" we have collected material on the original game with all the additions and Quarterly Expansions.

    Printing kit contents:

    - original "Carcassonne / Carcassonne";
    "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" Inns & Cathedrals (Taverns and Cathedrals);
    "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" The River and River II (River and River II);
    "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" The games quarterly expansion(Expanded Quarters);
    "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" CATHARS (Catars);
    "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" King & Scout (King and Thief Baron);
    "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" The count of Carcassonne (Count of Carcassonne);
    "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" Abbey & Mayor (ABBAT AND MAYOR);
    "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" Princess & Dragon (Princess and the Dragon);
    "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" Traders & Builders (Merchants and Builders);
    "Carcassonne / Carcassonne" The Tower.
    +Scoring scale and translated rules for all add-ons.

    The meeples will have to be cut out of wood yourself. Or replace them with something simpler. For example, ordinary paper circles)

    Game description "Carcassonne / Carcassonne", explanations of the rules, tips, pros and cons of game mechanics and the final score in our review at the link below.

    In the meantime, download, print and play for fun. But promise that you will then burn your homemade product and go buy the original. :)

    The board game "Carcassonne" (Carcassonne in the original, in Russia also published under the name "Middle Ages") is renowned as one of the best board games in the world. What is the superiority of Carcassonne? In simple rules, in the variety of games, in their short duration, in the absence of open confrontation between players - this is a classic example of a game “in the German style”.

    We're settling in little by little

    The theme of the game is the development of the territories around Carcassonne, one of the largest castles, and later cities in France. Several players play the roles of feudal lords who explore the surrounding lands, take control of roads, seize arable land, and build cities and monasteries.

    Modus operandi, or What to do?

    In Carcassonne, the players' actions are extremely simple. On his turn, the player must take a cardboard square with a section of the medieval landscape and place it on the table along with the already laid out squares according to the domino principle. The new square should continue the existing picture of the world - the road connects with the road, the pasture with the pasture, the city wall with another section of it. When a new object appears on the table due to the placement of a square (for example, a road moves away from an intersection), the player who placed this square can stake this object for himself. To do this, he must take one wooden figurine from his reserve and place it on the square. Now it is in his interests to develop and complete this object (i.e., in our example, to close the road with the next intersection). Objects should be developed with some caution: if the player does not complete this object before the end of the game, he will not receive anything for it. Upon completion, the player removes his little man from the object and receives a certain number of points.

    Moment of truth

    The key strategic moment of the game is the time when the player decides “where to place” a new square of land. The player chooses what is more profitable for him, because one square can give several placement options with different consequences. Continue your objective or prevent the enemy from completing his monastery/city/road? Anger one opponent with a treacherous move or provoke everyone with your successes? Not only victory or defeat in the game, but also the emotional mood of the entire company depends on a simple choice. And such a choice is made on every new move! In addition, the significance of the choice increases as the game approaches the end. There are fewer and fewer free squares left in the reserve, and the number of options for placing a square only increases with each move. At the same time, players have less and less chance of completing the objects they have started or correcting the consequences of “enemy sabotage.” The tension, as it should be in a good game, increases, the players' resistance to each other increases, the strength of emotions reaches peak values. It’s best to play it yourself: reading about other people’s experiences cannot be compared to your own feelings.

    Carcassonne. Nobles and towers

    Board game “Carcassonne. Nobles and Towers" is a set of 2 large and 4 small additions.

    Addition "Tower"!

    The Tower is the fourth major expansion for the Carcassonne game. Tower segments have been added to the game, as well as several new features. Instead of placing a Follower on the board on their turn, players can now place a tower segment on a special tile, with a space allocated for it; add a segment to an existing tower, or place your Follower on top of the tower (who “completes” it).

    Building and capturing towers allows you to capture your opponents' Followers if they are in turn within sight of the tower. A tower one segment high will allow you to capture a Follower at a distance of 1 tile; a tower 2 segments high - 2 tiles away, and so on. Players not only lose the points they could have gained with their Followers, but they will also have to pay 3 Victory Points if they want to free them.

    Mini-expansion "River"

    Another addition is “The River,” a mini-expansion for Carcassonne. It adds 12 river tiles, but with a landscape you're already familiar with. You first have to place the river tiles, then play continues as normal. You cannot place your Followers on river tiles, so scoring follows the rules of the original game.

    The Crop Circles expansion is a mini expansion that contains 6 corn crop tiles. Such a tile gives the player the right to place a second Follower on an already occupied space or return a previously used Follower to his hands.

    Magnificent expansion "The Princess and the Dragon"

    And so, before you is the magnificent addition “The Princess and the Dragon” for the world famous game “Carcassonne”. This time you have a unique opportunity to go into the world of fairy tales!

    A real dragon visited the vast region near Carcassonne, and life certainly didn’t get any easier... Brave heroes set out to meet danger, but without the support of fairies, they have practically no chance... In the city, the princess turns to the help of knights, and farmers in This is the time when secret passages are built so that you can move without being seen by the dragon...

    6 new tiles or the Cult addition

    The Cult add-on contains 6 tiles, each with an image of a Cult (which are similar in mechanics to Monasteries). When the Monastery and the Cult collide nearby, the battle begins! The first player to surround his tile receives 9 Victory Points, while the opponent receives nothing!

    And finally, the addition “Count”

    The Count add-on is another expansion for the Carcassonne game. It contains 12 additional tiles, as well as a Count (a miniature made of wood). The tiles themselves depict the city of Carcassonne, which the Count is visiting. When a player places a tile that scores points for an opponent, the player can place a Follower in one of the four districts of the city. He also gains the ability to relocate the Earl, imprisoning all the Followers in the area. Each district is associated with a specific way to score points, and when the corresponding points are earned, the player can take part of them for himself or even prevent other players from earning points!

    In conclusion

    The board game "Carcassonne" and its many sequels are already in millions of board game collections around the world. You can get acquainted with this simple, smart and exciting game from a young age to an advanced age. And after getting acquainted, you will certainly want this game to be in your collection of entertainment, wherever it is - at the family hearth, in a student dormitory, at work or in the office.

    Great news for fans of the Carcassonne series is the release of two great additions. The first is Carcassonne. Royal Gift”, which includes the base game and four expansions to it. And for those who already have a box of “Carcassonne”, a set of four add-ons - “Carcassonne. Suburbs and inhabitants"

    You can buy the board game "Carcassonne" in our retail stores or by ordering from us on our website.

    Suburbs and Inhabitants

    In the new series “Carcassonne. Suburbs and Inhabitants" includes additional chips, tiles and addons. Among them: “Merchants and Builders”, “Taverns and Cathedrals”, “Abbey & Mayor”, “Scout” and, of course, “King” (King). The Scout set can only be used in the Hunters and Gatherers section. The rest of the sets can be used as you wish - with them the game will become even richer and more interesting!

    Taverns and Cathedrals

    Six players? Please - each of them will be able to have fun to the fullest! It is this kind of joint play that makes the choice in favor of the addon obvious - where, if not here, can you get such pleasure from the game?
    With the help of taverns you can double the points for completed roads. Cathedrals influence cities in the same way. Among other things, the tiles of the cities, cathedrals and taverns themselves have been updated, and their design has become even more pleasant. Special cards will make it easier to count your points.

    Carcassonne. Merchants and builders. (Carcassonne: Traders & Builders)

    Chips that double the construction speed are no longer a dream, and they will allow the one who receives them to win much faster!
    In this add-on, new builder chips have appeared that double the construction speed. New tiles with the designation of various goods have also appeared here, and chips with pets have been added. They are needed for a reason - they give extra points!

    Carcassonne. Abbot and mayor. (Carcassonne: Abbey & Mayor)

    The mayor, barn and cart, as well as tiles already known to all carcassson players, are included in this addon.

    Carcassonne. King. (Carcassonne: King & Scout)

    The King expansion received 7 new tiles. The player who has the largest city at the end of the game becomes king. And the one who has the largest road becomes the atamans of the robbers. These titles, of course, also provide tangible benefits. In addition to the Scout expansion, 5 new tiles have been added for the Hunter and Gatherer game.

    To play you need a basic Carcassonne

    "Carcassonne. Suburbs and Inhabitants" is a game both for those who have already fallen in love with this series of games and have become its true fans, and for those who are just getting acquainted with it. Good game!

    Bag-Counter Carcassonne

    A convenient fabric bag for transporting numerous tiles and meeples from your Carcassonne games. Equipped with a printed score counter. Now it’s much more convenient to take Carcassonne with you on trips and visits!

    The set also includes exclusive Izbushka and Bogatyr tiles.

    In Russia, board games are not very popular (although in recent years the situation has begun to improve; if in 2007 only 7 European board games were released on the Russian market, in 2008 their number reached 40 (!), which of course is a clear sign of popularity), there are many reasons. For example, the fact that such a pastime is unusual for us, and we firmly associate board games with the scheme “roll the dice, move the chip,” but in fact, such squalor is unknown except here (the cult “Monopoly” still comes out of this list). Others consider it children's entertainment, although this is not at all the case. Yes, and there are different board games. Complex and simple, collectible and not, card and board. In the same post, I decided to write about a game that has been deservedly popular all over the world for many years, which I myself have been playing for quite a long time (I became acquainted with it 5 years ago, thanks to its computer incarnation), despite other existing board games. And which, most importantly, is easy to get in our city.

    One day, an unknown board game developer Klaus Jürgen-Rehde decided to go on vacation to the south of France, and I must tell you that board game developers are no less popular than, for example, computer game developers. A well-promoted name pays well, and if the developer’s name is on the box, then the game will simply be swept off the shelves by boardgame fans. So, Klaus had none of this, and therefore, in order to take a break from all his problems, he went to the small town of Carcassonne, in the south of France. But I must tell you that this area is very remarkable, the birthplace of the Provençal troubadours and the Albigensian heresy, the Crusades and magnificent castles and fortifications.
    Klaus was so amazed by the beauty of those places that, upon returning home, he got the idea to create a game that would allow everyone to create their own Carcassonne and become its rightful owner, beating all their rivals.
    The result exceeded all expectations - “Game of the Year 2003” in Germany, and then throughout the world. Many additions and sequels and numerous editions around the world. Including in Russia. And everywhere the game captivated audiences, captivating those who didn’t even know that board games could be so interesting, and not just “throw the dice and move the chip,” which, by the way, is not the case in Carcassonne, but first things first .

    What will we need to organize our medieval province? And that’s all: cities, roads, fields and monasteries. The principle of the game will be familiar to anyone who has ever played dominoes or put together puzzles; there is something in common. The role of dominoes in the “Middle Ages” is played by cardboard squares (“Tiles”), on which the named elements of the area are drawn. At the beginning of the turn, the player draws one square from the general pile and places it on the field so that it fits the card already built there. Roads must be combined with roads, fields - with fields, and city walls - of course, with city walls. As a result, a rather nice area is being built, which we need to subjugate. The “capture of territories” is carried out by the subjects - each player has seven human tokens. Having placed the next square, the player has the right to “settle” one of the chips on it. Knights - Castles, Priests - Monasteries, Robbers - Roads, and the land, following the behests of Vladimir Ilyich, to the peasants.
    Roads end at crossroads or gates of cities, cities are closed within their own walls, and monasteries are surrounded on all sides by pious flocks. As soon as a certain object comes to its logical conclusion, the token of the player who “stakes out” it is removed (later it can be used to occupy other objects), and the player himself receives victory points depending on the size of the resulting fiefdom - for example, the length of a road or the area of ​​a city.

    At first glance, “Middle Ages” may seem like an unpretentious and simple game, but after just a few games you will discover that it deserves serious attention. Sometimes it forces you to use your brain, to use an unnecessary square to mess up your opponent, delaying its construction or making it incomplete. Install your vassal in time, snatching a significant piece of possessions. However, if you do not take this game seriously, playing it with the whole family (a total of 6 people can participate), then it will not lose its fascination.

    In the West, there are also add-ons for this game, which are popular, and a sign that the game is loved by the people is that add-ons are still being released. It’s a pity that they are practically impossible to get in Russia, because they were not localized.

    2001 - The River

    A small addition of several cards that diversifies the initial layout. If in the original Carcassone everything starts with a special starting tile, then here a river is built surrounded by fortresses, roads and temples.

    2003 - Inns & Cathedrals

    An addition for those for whom the original is not enough, many new tiles of castles, crossroads and walls.

    2003 - Traders & Builders

    Another mini addition that introduces markets to the game. Now, when you capture a city or field, you not only receive victory points from it, but you can also organize a market, this does not bring much variety, rather just a cosmetic update (which, however, will find successful development in another line of Carcassonne games - Hunters and Gatherers)

    2004 – The King

    A small addition that adds King and Baron figures to the game. They are distributed as follows. The King is given to the player who has the largest city and can only move if someone builds an even larger city, similarly, the Baron is only placed on the road. Despite the fact that the addition is simple, it affects the game because it is now more profitable for players not to build small castles, of which you can build quite a lot, but to rebuild huge fortifications in pursuit of victory points.

    2004 - The City

    The peculiarity of this addition is that first a city is laid out on the table step by step, and after that a standard field follows from it. Which should connect with the roads from the castle.

    2004 - The Count of Carcassonne

    To some extent, an analogue of the previous addition, but made more thoughtfully, a king chip was added, which belongs to the one who made more branches from the city, and the city adds some tactical subtleties to the game.

    2005 - The Princess & the Dragon

    Fantasy addition to Carcassonne. This is an add-on that takes players to a fantasy land terrorized by a dragon. Now the game has a meaningful goal - in addition to earning points, you need to help the princess escape from the city without being noticed by the monster. Well, with the help of a dragon you can play tricks on your opponents.

    2005 - The River II

    An expansion to the “The River” add-on that diversifies the starting layout of the game.

    2006 - The Tower

    In this box you will find a lot of bricks, from which it is recommended to build towers in cities, for which victory points are awarded.

    2007 - Abbey & Mayor

    In this addition to the company of Knight, Monk, Robber and Peasant, a Mayor is added, who supervises the construction of abbeys.

    2007 - Travel Carcassonne

    A variation of the game for tourists and travelers who can play their favorite game around the fire. The tiles are made one and a half times smaller, and the scoring board is carefully transferred to a pouch in which all the game elements are located.

    2008 – Catapult

    The craziest addition to Carcassonne, which surprised many fans of the game and made them doubt the adequacy of the game's creators. This extension contains a small wooden catapult with which you can throw tiles onto the playing field indicating the effect of the action. This can hardly be called a serious addition; rather, “Catapult” is intended for a well-drunk company that wants to remember how to play “Chapaev”, but does not have checkers at hand.

    In addition to additions to the original "Carcassonne", many variations sprang from it:

    2002 - Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers

    The game was created based on the world famous board game "Carcassonne", which became so popular that its author Klaus-Jürgen Wrede could not help but come up with a new game to the delight of all fans. The game mechanics are in many ways similar to the original Carcassonne, but there is a new setting and various interesting additions. In the form of building villages and obtaining food. This, of course, was not in the original game, but it was added with the release of add-ons.

    2003 – Carcassonne: Fortress

    But the author of this series was not Klaus-Jürgen Wrede, but rather the well-known author of board games, Rainer Knizia, most of his games are based on mathematical calculations and clear planning. He brought all these elements to “The Fortress.” The basis of the game: laying out a map of the area from squares and placing your vassals on it remained the same, but the rules have changed in many ways, greatly diversifying the game.

    One of the important differences is that the game is intended for 2 people. It is thanks to the many changes in the game mechanics that this version has become one of the most popular. And to the line of successful products by Reiner Knizia, along with “Lost Cities” and “Royal Gates,” “Carcassonne: The Fortress” was added.

    2005 Carcassonne: Sailors

    Once again, players will lay out tiles, this time exploring new lands step by step. As you can imagine, a lot of scoring rules can be added to the basic mechanism of drawing up a map of an area from squares. So, in this version of Carcassonne, points are counted in a completely different way, but this adds little variety to the game, and the illustrations are not that excellent, which is why this game did not find wide popularity.

    2008 – Carcassonne: New Lands

    Another variation on the Carcassonne theme, with quite interesting and, most importantly, fresh mechanics. We play as sailors who land on the shore of an uninhabited continent and organize a camp from which we begin construction. The peculiarity is that the starting positions of the game and the scoring board are combined and designed in the form of old cards. The laid out tiles, which were drawn by professional artists, form a beautiful picture in the form of castles, forests and fields. This doesn't change the core mechanics of the game, but it does create the atmosphere of an era of discovery.

    2009 Carcassonne for children

    Although the game is simple, it will still be difficult and not very interesting for little ones. The developers decided to grab this audience for themselves by releasing a version of the game for children. There are fewer tiles so as not to delay the game. But they have become larger, more visual and colorful, which children will certainly like. The rules were simplified, making the basis of laying out tiles in the manner of a puzzle. Of course, adults will find the game simple, but for kids it’s a good option)

    And finally, some news for those who can’t tear themselves away from the computer or who don’t have friends for the party.
    If you rummage around in computer game stores, you can find computer analogues of the main games of the family, namely Carcassonne with additions Rivers and New Lands And Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers

    Attention! I purchased an official copy of the game. Year of publication of the box - 2002, rarity. Review and description is possible.

    Simple, calm, peaceful and interesting - these are the epithets I will give to the heroine of today’s review of the game “Carcassonne”, also known as “Carcassonne”.

    Carcassonne is the name of a medieval fortress, which is now located in France. During the Albigensian Wars (1209-1229), this fortification became famous for its durability, where the rebel people held back the onslaught of the attacking knights.

    “Carcassonne” is one of the veterans of the gaming world; it was played already when some board game lovers still walked under this very table. I have not yet seen a single person who would speak negatively about Carcassonne; everyone likes Carcassonne. This is a great game both for the family and for quiet gatherings with friends, especially with friends who are new to the board world.

    As is clear from the title, I made this game myself, so there will be no photos of the box, organizer and other attributes of the licensed game. And I’ll immediately make a reservation that I’m looking at the basic, very first part of “Carcassonne” for he is the head of everything and I have no others.

    Brief information about the game

    The author of the game is Klaus-Jürgen Wrede, the artist is Doris Matthäus. Carcassonne can be played by 2 to 5 people. This is a rare game (not counting duels) that can be played well by two people. The age of the players is from 8 years, the duration of the game is 45 minutes. The game was developed in 2000.

    In total, we have at our disposal 72 tiles of the playing field, they are also “tiles” and 8 people each. One of them goes to the tablet with victory points and will act as an indicator, jumping over the cells with victory points. In total, 7 people will participate in the game on the field.

    Rules, turn order, victory points

    The rules of Carcassonne are extremely simple. They are so simple that you don’t even need to think, everything happens on an intuitive level. You only have to show it once - everything is immediately clear.

    We have to lay out field tiles according to game principles, forming a map and getting points by occupying certain objects that will appear on the map.

    In the open, in turn, players draw any of the cards from the field and place them on the table. The only and main condition for placing tiles is that each subsequent tile of the field Necessarily must be in contact with fields already laid out with the same element, i.e. the road must be in contact with the road A mok s z A MKOM, field with field. There are no exceptions in this case.

    Immediately, and only then, you can place your little man on the card you just laid out. Only the one that was just posted. You can only place 1 chip during your turn.

    Chips can be of 4 types, 4 different roles (see example in the photo above): all red- knights, because they are located in cities; both blue- monks, because they are housed in monasteries; yellow- a robber, because he is standing on the road; upper green- also a robber, the bottom one is a peasant, he works in the field.

    Let me remind you that the photo above is just an approximate layout that can happen in the game.

    If a fortified city has closed borders, i.e. all its walls are closed, then the player removes his “knight”, puts him in his supply and receives 2 points for each square on which his city is located + 2 points for each shield that is in this city. In case of red“knights”: 2×3+2=8 and 2×4+2=10 points. Scoring with unfinished cities is delayed until the end of the game.

    If the road is closed, i.e. has borders in the form of a city, crossroads or monastery, then the player removes his “robber” and puts it in his supply, after which the player is awarded points based on the number of tiles on which the road lies. When yellow player, he gets 7 points. Scoring with unfinished roads is delayed until the end of the game.

    Upper blue“monk” gets 9 points: 8 for each tile around the monastery + 1 for the monastery itself. The player removes his “monk” and puts it in his supply. Scoring with unfinished monasteries is delayed until the end of the game.

    Green The “peasant” (bottom) lies until the end of the game and at the end of the game receives 3 points for each completed city, in our case: 3+3=6 points.

    Scoring at the end of the game

    Perhaps the most difficult thing in this game. You need to have some skill to correctly count points at the end of the game. At first, I had a little trouble, but now I have learned.

    So, let's count. You are getting:
    - 1 point for each tile of an unfinished road with your robber;
    - 1 point for each tile of an unfinished city-z A mka (+ all shields) with your knight;
    - 1 point for each tile around the unfinished monastery with your monk;
    - 3 points for each completed city on the field where your peasant is.

    How I did PnP on Carcassonne

    I was lucky enough to be able to use this game (the original) for several months, 2 or 3. All this time we played it with pleasure. However, the time has come to return. After that, I ordered one box for myself, but the components in it were defective and I returned it. I didn’t buy it a second time, it wasn’t risky. I decided to make it myself.

    At first it was a little uncomme il faut, because... It seemed difficult to cut out 72 cards + I had to get 40 figures from somewhere in five different colors. I thought for a long time. I had already acquired some good materials for PnP, but it was all up to the figures, and that was what slowed everything down.

    Unexpectedly, I saw the game “Spirium” and bought it (wait for a review later) and - oh success! In "Spiria" there are the same little men as in "Carcassonne"! I decided to start making PnP Carcassonne. So, after purchasing “Spiria” I got my own “Carcassonne”. Now, when we want to lay out the party, I open the Spiria box and take out the little men from there. Although, it would be ideal to buy additional used little men on the Internet, but this is not so critical.

    We've sorted out the chips, now let's talk about how I made the other components. You can read about my process of making PnP games at this link

    I printed the cards and field tiles on 180 gr double-sided matte paper. The scoring board is also made from the same paper. In general, that's all. Laminated with 80 micron film. Rounding - 3 mm. All the nuances of the work are described in the link above. There are no deviations in the process of work, everything is according to the established scheme.

    The cards are thin, yes, this is not the original cardboard 2-3 mm thick, but not bad either. It is quite suitable for playing and takes up little space. If you print on 300 g paper, it will be even cooler.

    My review of Carcassonne

    A great game for everyone: beginners, advanced, adults and children. There is always time for this game, it is always interesting to play. An excellent strategy game with a few steps forward. “Carcassonne” is calmingly calm, it is stable, it is strong, like the stones in its walls.

    “Carcassonne” is recommended for everyone: perfect for children who are just learning to play adult games and getting used to gatherings with adults; adults who are tired of stress and bustle will find peace in laying out tiles and forming their medieval kingdom; Beginners will fall in love with this game for its simplicity and depth and will love board games forever. Checked!