What does a luxury compartment look like on a double-decker train? Double-decker Russian Railways cars

An interesting photo report about a trip on one of the first flights of double-decker trains. Let's look further at how everything is arranged inside such double-decker train cars and read further comments about such a trip.

The test drive of the train began on November 2 at 07:50 Moscow time from the first platform of the Kazan station of the capital.

Was I scared? Very scary, because... They write such things that sometimes it’s almost creepy.
And I’m not too young for such tests-)

The carriages are Russian and made at the Tver Carriage Plant.
My ticket is on the second floor and, who knew, suddenly while driving I would fall somewhere with my things...

I went in and was stunned! My first thought was that I was on the wrong train.
For a second it seemed that I was in Europe and on the Paris-Nice route, and not Moscow-Adler.
Since when did they start making such cars in Russia?

On the eve of the Olympic Games, Tver Carriage Works purchased
50 double-decker cars: 38 compartments, four each of SVs, compartment staff cars and a dining car.
Of these, three trains were formed that will go to Adler with stops in Ryazan,
Voronezh, Rostov, Krasnodar and Sochi.

A ticket to the Coupe cost me 3,206 rubles. Thanks to the increased number of seats
in the carriage it was possible to reduce the cost of travel in compartment and SV carriages.

And here is the coupe in which I have to travel 25 hours and 19 minutes.
It does not have an overhead luggage rack, but my rather large suitcase fit underneath.

The compartment has individual electrical sockets
for charging mobile phone or laptop. Two pieces!

The fare includes: bed linen, drinking water
along the route, sanitary and hygiene kits and the press.

The whole train is packed to capacity - there are no empty seats. My mischievous neighbor Vova!-)

The car is made to high European standards using new technologies,
equipment and materials - light, clean, comfortable,

Free hygiene kit

You will be surprised, but the ticket price includes packed rations.
I had to “risk” my health and test it. Survived!
Everything turned out to be edible, although I would have replaced the chicken pate-)

Set contents: waffles, crackers, jam, drinking water, pate, mayonnaise, mustard,
sanitary and hygienic set (paper napkin, knife, fork, boat, salt, pepper, sugar, toothpick), sandwich.

And here is the first stop

The train also includes a restaurant car.
On the second floor there is a dining room for 48-50 visitors

The lower tier houses the kitchen and bar.

Have I tested the restaurant's products for myself?

Of course I tested it. For 350 rubles I ordered a business lunch of salad,
first, second, and drink! And most importantly, he survived again!

Let's take a walk on the train

In double compartments (SV) each seat equipped with an LCD display for viewing video programs.

There is Wi-Fi on the train, but I admit, its speed leaves much to be desired.

You are not blind - separate waste collection is carried out in each carriage!

All carriages are equipped with three dry closets, which can be used during stops.
I read the following statistics from someone. A regular compartment car has 36 seats and 2 toilets.
This turns out to be 1 toilet for 18 passengers. The double-decker carriage has 64 seats and 3 toilets - 1 toilet for 21 passengers.
Allegedly, the toilets will be 15% busier.

I want to object! With three toilets and a full carriage, I never had to wait in line in 25 hours.
There was always one free toilet. The author of the statistics did not take into account that the toilets are open during stops.

Each carriage has a video surveillance system, control system, access control
and security passenger train, as well as air conditioning and heating systems,
which provides a comfortable microclimate.

People with disabilities have not been forgotten either.
The train has a special compartment and a wheelchair lift

Landscapes outside the window.

The view is better from the second floor!

The cars have a vibration compensation system,
which will allow passengers not to experience inconvenience when the cars rock.
And photos when moving are clearer)

The sea appeared outside the window - we were approaching Sochi

At each station everyone tries to take a photo as a souvenir with the first double-decker train

Are there any disadvantages? Of course there is, it is the lack of opportunity
regulate the air temperature in a separate compartment
(I saw something similar in Europe in Siemens cars).

Arrived in Adler. Please note the difference in the height of the carriages.

I was met by a dog-)

Very beautiful station

I'll have to say goodbye to the train and tell you about the station

The construction of the station in Adler was carried out in the image and likeness of the popular
worldwide intermodal passenger transport hubs,
where a passenger can not only make a transfer or leave luggage,
but also receive a wide range of additional services - from purchasing the latest press
to hotel service.

The total area of ​​the seven levels of the terminal is almost 30 thousand square meters. m,
capacity exceeds 15 thousand people per hour.

Everything sparkles inside

When will such stations be in Moscow?

The station can accommodate about 2 thousand passengers at a time

Per day new terminal can serve 56 pairs of long-distance and suburban trains,
and on top of that, four Aeroexpress trains can depart and arrive from here every hour.

The station building consists of three parts: parking for 555 cars,
the sea and city parts of the building, as well as the concourse connecting them (the square where several streets converge)

So Yakunin coped with his task on the roads to the Olympics.

Almost everything is here. Air conditioning, video surveillance, toilet rooms (really rooms, not a corner to relieve oneself), doors with an electronic key, even compartments for people with disabilities. And there are twice as many seats here - the carriages are double-decker, but this is still the most ordinary train...

The reserved seat carriages were unusual. They are not found anywhere except Russia and former USSR countries. This is solely our invention.

In 1951, German drawings of the Ammendorf plant, as was customary in the post-war period, ended up in Kalininsky carriage factory. Here, under the leadership of KVZ director Ivan Alekseevich Lukyanov, the design of the compartment car is being brought up to Soviet standards. The doors are removed, the partitions are cut and sealed, adding 18 side seats. For 65 years they have been traveling around the country like this... In 2006, in honor of the inventor reserved seat carriage, called one of the Tver boulevards.

It is noteworthy that the first double-decker carriage in Russia was made at the same Tver Carriage Plant in 1905.

The 21st century arrived in 2013. An unexpected turn - the Tver Carriage Works is again starting to produce double-decker cars, which should completely replace reserved seat cars.

New carriages are not much higher than usual

But you can photograph them in different ways, even from the same angle. Here they are huge and scary

And here they are cheerful and fast-paced

Once inside, you won't even understand what floor you are on. This is the first

And this is the second one. Almost no differences, except for the mirror at the end of the corridor

First floor compartment

The second one is almost the same.

God, a 220 socket! Not in the aisle near the reclining chair, not in the toilet with the warning “For razors only”, but in the compartment and as many as two pieces! Although, why not four then?

Intercar doors open with a button and close automatically

Entrance to the compartment using cards

The most popular search query starting with the words “What happens if” will gradually become a thing of the past. Start typing this phrase in Yandex if you don’t understand what I mean.

On February 1, this train began traveling between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Departure at 22:50, arrival at 6:47.

Guide's kitchen. Microwave, coffee machine, thermopot... I don’t understand where the cup holders are hidden.

The dining car is decorated with collages. On the one hand, Moscow - the Kremlin, the Tsar Cannon, the University, on the other - St. Petersburg. They just didn’t take into account that sculptures are created in such a way that they are looked at from below. Face to face they look monstrous.

Nothing supernatural. Just a train the way it should be modern countries. I would even say a budget train. The price is not much more expensive than a reserved seat and is usually cheaper than all other compartment trains on this route.

One of the important advantages of a double-decker carriage is that it can accommodate more passengers. There are 64 sleeping places (16 compartments) in a two-story compartment carriage, while in a regular carriage there are only 36 (9 compartments). Thanks to this, the cost of travel on a double-decker train is lower than on trains of similar class. The train departs at 10 am from the Kazansky station and covers the distance between Moscow and Adler in 25 hours.

The train includes cars:

  • SV (32 seats)
  • coupe (64 seats)
  • headquarters (50 seats; with space for people with disabilities)
  • dining car

Services for passengers

The carriages consist of 4-seater or 2-seater insulated compartments located on two floors. The equipment of the cars includes air conditioning and heating systems, three dry closets, LED lights, a video surveillance system, a control system, access control and security for the passenger train. The energy supply is provided by an electric locomotive, which ensures that the train is environmentally friendly.

Each compartment has a table, mirrors, shelves for small items, lamps, ladders for climbing top place. The compartments are equipped with two sockets for connecting electric shavers, mobile and other devices with a power of no more than 100 W. In 2-seater compartments (SV), each seat is equipped with an LCD display for viewing video programs.

The staff car is equipped with satellite communications and navigation equipment (GLONASS).

The fare includes: bed linen, drinking water. The carriages are provided with sanitary and hygienic items of improved quality. Also offered Additional services: sale of tea and confectionery products, printed publications, souvenirs and other goods.

Comfortable double-decker trains began running on Russian railways not so long ago. The first train to be launched was "Moscow - Adler" 103/104. On currently residents of the capital who want to get to St. Petersburg can purchase a ticket for the same train number 5/6. There is also another train like this - from Moscow to Kazan (23/24).

How convenient are such trains?

The advantages of two-story trains include primarily:

  • possibility of immediate transportation large quantity passengers;
  • the ability to sell tickets at a not too high cost;
  • environmentally friendly operation.

The double-decker carriages of Russian Railways (see photo below) look quite unusual. Their height is 5 meters 25 cm. They were designed and built by domestic engineers. Tickets for travel on such trains cost approximately 22% less than on regular trains. Russian Railways managed to reduce their prices precisely because it became possible to transport a much larger number of passengers in one flight. However, judging by the reviews, traveling in a double-decker train is not as convenient as in a regular train.

Key Features

In addition to regular passenger trains, the double-decker trains also include a dining car. The dining room itself is located on the second floor. On the first floor there is a kitchen and a washing room. Ready meals are served upstairs via a special elevator. The same device is used to drain dirty dishes down. The restaurant hall is designed for 48 people. The bar can accommodate six at a time.

All double-decker train cars are assembled using special energy-saving technologies. They weigh only 64-66 tons. For comparison: the weight of a one-story building is 58 tons. At the same time, the capacity of the new train carriage is almost twice as large. The centralized energy saving system in such cars allows reducing energy costs by 35-40%.

In addition to the restaurant, this train includes a staff car. It is designed for only 50 passengers. At the same time, there are places for disabled people and their accompanying persons. Tickets for this carriage cost the same as for others. However, beneficiaries have the opportunity to ride in it for free.

A two-story train can reach higher speeds than a single-story train. You can get to your destination 2-3 hours faster with it. A double-decker train is traveling at a speed of approximately 160 km/h.

Cars in double-decker trains

Traveling on such a train is not as convenient as on a regular train, but it is still quite comfortable. There is a special lift at the entrance to double-decker cars. Disabled people have the opportunity to get inside the train without getting out of their wheelchair.

All double-decker carriages are equipped with air conditioning systems. The width of the passages inside the train is exactly the same as in regular trains. The stairs to the second floor are not too steep and are equipped with railings. A special mirror is installed on the intermediate platform. It is necessary so that passengers going up can see those going down and traffic jams do not form on the stairs.

Each double-decker car (photo of the corridor can be seen above) is equipped with a temperature display. The conductor can monitor order through a video surveillance system. It is much more convenient to move from carriage to carriage in a double-decker train than in a regular train. Nothing rattles or wobbles here (everything is absolutely sealed). Each double-decker carriage has three dry closets. Titanium with hot water is not located in the corridor, as in conventional trains, but in the conductor’s working room.


There are no reserved seats in double-decker carriages. The coupes are almost identical to the regular ones. The difference is that they are equipped with 220 volt outlets. In addition, there is free Wi-Fi on the trains. Passengers have the opportunity, for example, to take a laptop with them and access the Internet. In this regard, double-decker Russian Railways carriages (the photo below shows the situation in the compartment) are, of course, superior to ordinary reserved seat carriages in terms of convenience.

Some discomfort in the compartments of such trains is experienced mainly by those who bought a ticket for the top bunk. In this regard, the double-decker car (the photo inside it clearly demonstrates this) actually differs from the usual one not for the better. The fact is that the distance between the surface of the shelf and the ceiling is very small. Even despite the absence of an upper luggage compartment The passenger will not be able to sit down with his legs dangling.

In general, the double-decker carriages of the new Russian Railways trains are quite well equipped. But, of course, the budget composition cannot be too convenient. However, you can still get to your destination on such a train with relative comfort. And you will have to pay a little less for travel than for a trip in a regular carriage.

According to Russian Railways plans, by 2020 almost all train cars will be long distance will be replaced with two-story ones. Their advantages for the only Russian company, which carries out passenger rail transportation, are obvious. Double-decker cars are almost 2 times more spacious than regular ones, and this allows you to get a lot more money in one trip. And the passengers themselves will probably find the new unusual motorhomes quite comfortable.

A little history

Currently, only two double-decker trains run on the country's roads: Moscow-Adler and Moscow-St. Petersburg. The cars for both trains were assembled at the Tver plant. This design is by no means a modern invention. Such carriages plied the roads of our country back in 1905. By the way, they were produced by the same Tver plant. A century later, the management of this enterprise decided to revive the old project. Of course, the new double-decker cars of Russian Railways bear little resemblance to their counterparts of the last century. They are made from modern materials and have a more advanced shape. Well, of course, there can be no comparison between these two models in terms of technical equipment.

Differences from conventional carriages

New trains traveling from Moscow to Adler and St. Petersburg also have one more interesting feature. The types of Russian Railways passenger cars are different - reserved seat, general, SV, KB, etc. Double-deckers are classified as compartment cars. There is no reserved seat or SV here. Tickets for such a carriage are not too expensive. You will have to pay a little more for the trip than for a reserved seat on a regular train.

Features of double-decker carriages that are unusual for domestic travelers include the presence of compartments and toilets intended for the disabled, a bar (in addition to the restaurant), and magnetic cards for opening/closing compartments. For those who like to spend free time on the Internet you will probably like the presence of free Wi-Fi and 220 V sockets near each lower berth on trains. The double-decker Russian Railways cars look very modern and quite stylish inside.

Conductor's compartment

In addition to a standard sink, there is a microwave, a thermopot and a coffee machine. If you wish, you can ask the guide to warm up the food you took with you or order coffee. The control panel no longer flashes strange colored lights. In double-decker carriages it is more similar to those found in the steward's cabin on an airplane. The conductor can regulate the climate in compartments and corridors, as well as administer magnetic access systems. The same remote control also controls the car's power system. Among other things, the conductor's room is equipped with a video surveillance screen. The cameras themselves are installed in the corridors of both floors.

Passenger compartment

In addition to sockets, there is a radio point. Unlike regular trains, you can catch your favorite channels on your own. Each compartment, as in a regular train, has a folding table and four berths. The new double-decker cars of Russian Railways are equipped quite well. However, their passengers will have to experience some inconveniences. For example, there are no third shelves in the compartment for luggage. All suitcases and large bags will have to be placed under the lower berth. Of course, due to the design of the carriages, the ceilings in the compartments are much lower.

The sleeping berths in double-decker trains are quite long, but still somewhat less comfortable than in regular trains. Firstly, the windows in the compartment of a double-decker train are located very low. Therefore, you won’t be able to lie down and admire the landscapes passing by. Secondly, due to low ceilings, there is very little free space on the upper shelves. It will not be possible to sit with your legs dangling down in any case.

In addition to Wi-Fi and radio, the compartments of double-decker cars are equipped with climate control systems. The doors have magnetic locks. You can open/close them using a special card. Of course, there is also individual lighting for passengers in the compartment.


A passenger who has just entered a double-decker carriage will not see anything particularly new (except for the stairs leading up). Externally, the corridors are very similar to those that everyone is used to seeing on long-distance trains. There are dry closets on both sides, and a carpet is laid out on the floor. The only difference is the location of the windows (almost near the floor) and lower ceilings. On the second floor there is a mirror in the corridor. It is necessary so that people going up and down the stairs can see each other in order to avoid collisions. On the lower and upper floors, the corridors are made from different sides. Therefore, double-decker passenger cars of Russian Railways are quite convenient in terms of observing the landscapes rushing past while moving.


Moving from carriage to carriage on a double-decker train is safer and not as scary as on a regular train. Passengers will not hear anything rattling or clanking here. The vestibule doors also do not slam, but close and open automatically using a special button. Smoking on double-decker trains is strictly prohibited. Therefore, there are no ashtrays in vestibules. It is unlikely that you will be able to smoke in the toilet. Control systems are installed here. Smoking passengers can relax with a cigarette only after getting off the train at the stations.


Many passengers consider the double-decker carriages of Russian Railways to be quite comfortable due to the presence of new, modern bathrooms. In my own way appearance and functionally they are more similar to airplane toilets. The stops do not close on time, which, of course, is good news. Each toilet has a comfortable toilet, a neat sink, a mirror and a hand dryer. There is no top-opening trash can under the window opposite the bathroom on double-decker trains. Instead, several containers are installed. The garbage is sorted by type.

Dining car

Of course, passengers on the double-decker train have the opportunity to have a delicious lunch on the way. Actually, the restaurant hall itself with tables and comfortable sofas is located on the second floor of the carriage. On the first floor there is only a kitchen and a bar. The dishes are prepared by highly qualified chefs. They are served upstairs in a special mini-elevator. The second one is exactly the same and is designed for lowering dirty dishes. The cost of meals in the dining car of a double-decker train is quite acceptable for people of average income. For soup or borscht, for example, you will have to pay about 250 rubles. Non-alcoholic soft drinks are available at the bar.


Thus, we have found out how a double-decker passenger train car differs from a regular one. Next, let's look at how service in such trains is different from service in regular ones. So, the ticket price for a double-decker train includes:

  • bed sheets;
  • packed lunch, including yoghurt, sausage, tea bag, bun and mineral water;
  • magazines, newspapers.

Ticket price

The price of a travel document depends on the time of its purchase. The fewer seats left in the cars, the more cost tickets. The road from Moscow to St. Petersburg, if you buy a travel document the day before the train departs, will cost about 3,500 rubles.

Disabled spaces

The designers who developed the double-decker Russian Railways cars also took care of people with disabilities. If necessary, you can get into the carriage without getting out of the stroller. For this purpose, a special platform is provided at the entrance. A disabled person in a wheelchair simply drives onto her, and she lifts him into the carriage. In addition to special compartments, there are also special wide toilets for people with disabilities.

Double-decker Russian Railways cars: reviews

As you can see, a trip in this composition will cost a little less than a trip in a compartment regular train. In this aspect, passenger reviews of double-decker trains are enthusiastic. Many people also like the introduced technical improvements. Although Wi-Fi is not available in many places along the route, it is still available in the carriages. The opportunity to listen to your favorite music on the radio is also good news. In general, the double-decker cars of Russian Railways are equipped better than even some of the old branded ones.

However, reviews of new formulations are not always so rosy. Of course, double-decker cars also have some disadvantages. Passengers primarily include:

  • Service. Since there are more people in a double-decker carriage than in a regular carriage, and the number of conductors has not changed, you will have to wait longer, for example, for tea.
  • Risk of injury. When moving, the double-decker train sways very much. The stairs in the carriages are quite steep.
  • Overcrowded toilets. In a regular compartment car there are 2 for 36 seats (one for 18 people), in a two-story carriage - 3 for 64 (1 for 21 people).
  • The absence of third shelves, of course, also does not add convenience to the carriages.

As you can see, on the one hand, double-decker cars are beneficial to the Russian railways"and are quite comfortable for passengers. You will have to pay less for a trip in this composition. However, passengers on the new trains will still have to experience some discomfort, primarily due to cramped conditions. For clarity, a little higher in the article, a diagram of a double-decker Russian Railways car is presented to your attention.