It is customary to leave tips for porters in hotels. It is not customary to leave tips in restaurants

If you decide to explore the culture of Asia and spend your vacation in China, then the surest way to do it on a budget is to go on your own, without the help of tour operators. We have put together an interesting 9-day itinerary that will allow you to see all the interesting things.

A nice bonus only for our readers - a discount coupon when paying for tours on the website until October 31:

  • AF500guruturizma - promotional code for 500 rubles for tours from 40,000 rubles
  • AFTA2000Guru - promotional code for 2,000 rubles. for tours to Thailand from 100,000 rubles.
  • AF2000TGuruturizma - promotional code for 2,000 rubles. for tours to Tunisia from 100,000 rubles.

From Russia the cheapest way is to fly to Beijing, and then to Xi'an.

As a rule, the first and second terminals are used for domestic flights, but departures can also be from the third. It is better to purchase air tickets in advance. Flights are operated by Air China. If you are not a big fan of flying, you can get from Beijing to Xi'an by train. Tickets can be purchased at

You shouldn’t waste time trying to buy tickets at the station, as you’ll have to wait in line in the evening. You can use the services of a travel agency, whose offices are not difficult to find. They may sell you tickets at a small markup, but this way you can save quite a lot of time. The cheapest way to get from Beijing to Xi'an is by bus, which departs from Liuliqiao Bus Station.

So, for example, a double room in the Suba Hotel Xi'an Dongmen 2* per night costs 428 rubles, a room in the Xi'an Forest City Hotel 4* 1309 rubles per night, a room in the Golden Flower Hotel Xi'an by Shangri- La 5* for 2783 rubles. In general, the choice is huge, and the prices are quite affordable.

The first day. On your own in Xi'an

Xi'an is an amazing city that has more than 3,000 years of history. It is rightfully considered one of the oldest cities in China. This is where the Great Silk Road began. You will spend two days here. We begin our tour of the city with the most famous sights.

We catch a taxi and go to the Big Goose Pagoda, which is located in the Qien Temple. Here you will see beautiful gardens and unique architectural buildings. Many of which have been restored after repeated destruction. The Pagoda itself, 64 meters high, has 7 tiers. From the top there is an excellent panoramic view of the entire city, where many other unique attractions are concentrated. An observant tourist will notice that the Pagoda is at an angle that increases over time. This is how the pagoda received the unspoken name “Chinese Leaning Tower of Pisa”.

Big Goose Pagoda is a great place for walking and contemplating beauty. Be sure to check out the Peony Pavilion. Near the Pagoda, the fountain show begins in the evening. A very beautiful sight. Not far from the fountain garden is the Narru New Year shopping center, where you can have a snack at the Hot Pot restaurant. In these restaurants, food is prepared right at your table, which has a heating element built into it.

After a short rest, we again use a taxi and go to the inspection of the Fortress City Wall, the main task of which was to protect the city. Here are the most famous and significant sights of Xi'an - the Drum and Bell Towers, the Muslim Quarter, and the Great Mosque.

We recommend starting your inspection from the southern gate. Here you can see the Drum Show, which takes place daily. After the show, you will be able to take a photo with its participants dressed in national costumes and even knock on these same drums. Tourists are treated with respect here.

The length of the wall is 12 km, so you can rent a bicycle on site. Paid entrance. In close proximity to the South Gate there are the Bell and Drum Towers. The Muslim Quarter is also close. The Silk Road directly influenced the fact that two religions are practiced here - Islam and Buddhism.

In the Muslim Quarter you will see the Grand Mosque, which is one of the four largest in China, and which was built in the 18th century. The Muslim Quarter is a fantastic place, colorful and a must-see.

The shopping streets in the quarter deserve special attention. Here you can buy souvenirs made of stone, wood, and silk.

Second day

To visit Xi'an and not see the eighth wonder of the world - the Terracotta Army - would be simply an unforgivable mistake. You can get there from Xi'an by one of the buses that depart from the railway station every five minutes. Look for the inscription on the bus “Terracotta army”. The journey will take no more than an hour. The bus will stop near the ticket office, which is where you need it. Local guides who speak reasonable English also offer their services here.

Before you get to the entrance, you will have to pass by souvenir shops, eateries and other places that will try their best to get you to spend money.

Now that the path has been completed for you, three pavilions will be open on the territory of the museum. To see the Terracotta Army, go to the first pavilion. The height of each warrior in the army reaches about 195 cm, and the weight of the sculpture is 135 kg. The faces of all the sculptures are directed to the east, towards the defeated states.

After visiting the eighth wonder of the world, go to the bus stop, get on the bus and after three stops ask the driver to stop in Lintong. The Huaqing hot springs will be interesting here. Don't forget to prepare a note with hieroglyphs for the driver or explain yourself in English. Just let us know that you need Hot springs. Why is this place a must visit? It is here that the garden and park assembly is located, which occupies an honorable place among the hundred best in China.

You will have to pay about 110 yuan to enter. This place is associated with a romantic but sad love story between the beautiful Yang Guifei and Emperor Xuanzong. It was for his beloved that the emperor built a beautiful park and baths.

Today, next to the Lotus Pond, you can see the Tree of Love, to which thousands of ribbons are tied. The hot springs are also operational, so you can wash your face with healing water. Now is the time to appreciate the place from the observation deck on Mount Lishan, which is located close to the park.

Now you can return to Xi'an with a sense of accomplishment to taste the famous local dumplings. We recommend checking out the restaurant, which is located between the Bell and Drum towers. You definitely won’t pass by this place, because at the entrance you can see a huge dumpling.

Don't stay up late, because tomorrow you will have a flight to Guilin.

The third day. On your own in Guilin

How to get there

In order not to worry about the transfer, contact the administrator of your hotel and order a taxi. The flight to Guilin takes 1 hour 50 minutes. What is remarkable about this place? Unique nature, unique landscapes, the Lijiang River, karst mountains. In addition, it was here that the third episode of Star Wars and the film The Painted Veil were filmed.

From Guilin Airport you can take an express bus to the city. If your hotel is further away than the final stop, then after the bus, take a taxi.

Where to stay

Budget accommodation options include the following hotels:

  • Guilin Ling Hong Express Hotel (RUB 427 per night)
  • Guilin 68° Hotel North Train Station Branch (RUB 517 per night)
  • Guilin Muslim Hotel (RUB 662 per night)
  • Yu Long Hotel (RUB 669 per night)
  • Guilin Hetai Hotel (RUB 675 per night)

If price doesn’t really matter to you and you don’t want to skimp on comfort, then we recommend the following hotels:

  • Grand Bravo Hotel (RUB 4,045 per night)
  • Guilin Golden Oriole Hotel (RUB 4,052 per night)
  • Sheraton Guilin Hotel (RUB 4,390 per night)
  • Shangri-La Hotel, Guilin (RUB 4,587)
  • The White House Hotel Guilin (RUB 8,442)

Now that you have checked into your hotel and rested a little, we recommend visiting the iconic site of Guilin - Elephant Trunk Mountain (Xianbishan), which is located in the southern part of the city center. This place, whose height is 100 meters, received this name because the outline of the mountain resembles an elephant that seems to have lowered its trunk into the river. A very interesting place. This is where the Lee River joins the Peach Blossom River.

According to legend, in this place a herd of elephants descended from heaven to earth. The beautiful views and picturesque nature so impressed the elephants that they wanted to stay here, but this thereby angered the Jade Emperor, who ordered them to return immediately. The herd returned, but the emperor was missing one elephant.

Enraged, he took out his sword and stabbed the animal in the back. The elephant turned to stone. Today, tourists can visit this place by taking a ferry. The ferry departs from the terminal on the street. Nanhuanlu. At the top of the hill you can see a brick pagoda. Its shape resembles the hilt of that same sword.

Near the park you can see the Hezhong tourism travel agency. We recommend stopping by here to purchase a tour to the rice terraces. Of course, you can get to them on your own, but then you will have to make a transfer, and the journey itself takes more than three hours. In general, many tourists prefer an organized excursion. You will have to pay about 170-180 yuan. The bus will pick you up from your hotel and then take you back. Don't forget to leave the hotel's business card with the employee to avoid any misunderstandings, as English will not help you here.

Waterfall at the Lijiang Waterfall Hotel

Don’t rush to leave the park, because an evening walk along the picturesque complex of ponds and unusual bridges will bring a lot of pleasure. Be sure to go to the hotel
Lijiang Waterfall Hotel, which is located in the center. In the evening, whole crowds of tourists and locals gather here to see how the wall turns into an amazing waterfall for ten minutes. Another moment and the waterfall again becomes the wall of a five-star hotel.

If you are planning to extend your stay here for a couple of days, then be sure to visit the Reed Flute Cave and the Seven Stars Park. In the cave you will be able to contemplate not only magnificent halls, the beauty of which is difficult to describe, but also one of the most beautiful underground lakes.

Fourth day

Today we go to Yangshuo to see with our own eyes all the beauty of the karst hills and take a walk along the Li River. To get to the city you can purchase a cruise for 420 yuan per person. You won’t find anything cheaper; there is only one company that organizes them. The journey will take four hours.

Independent tourists can get there by bus in an hour. We recommend not to waste your money and time and choose this option.

According to local residents, the area between Yangdi and another village of Xinping is the most picturesque and fascinating. If you look closely at the Chinese 20 yuan note, you will notice the Li River, karst hills and lush vegetation.

To get there, go to the bus station to buy tickets to Yangshuo. The fare is about 15 yuan. Having reached the city, you will need to change at the same bus station to a bus that will go to Xinping or Yangdi.

The bus that goes to Yangdi will take you to the pier, where you can rent a raft designed specifically for tourist trips. Such rafting will cost a tourist about 300 yuan.

Be careful, because for less money, cunning guides reduce the walking time from an hour and a half to 30-40 minutes and drop you off far from the end point. So, if you fall for a scam, you will have to get to Xinping on your own and spend a lot of time and effort on this. In general, we recommend not saving too much on your trip and paying money for a full-fledged rafting trip. The price usually includes a transfer from Xinping Pier to the bus station.

The guide can also stop for lunch at one of the local cafes. No one promises that it will be presentable, but they will feed you tasty and inexpensive. In general, if you feel slightly or not very hungry, then agree.

A three-hour walk from Yangdi to Xinping will delight you with beautiful scenery and a unique atmosphere. To return to Yangshuo, take a regular bus, the fare is about 7 yuan.

Moon Hill

Before leaving for Guilin, do not deny yourself the pleasure of seeing the miracle of nature - Moon Hill, which has a unique shape. You can get to Moon Hill by bus, just 15 minutes and you’re there. A ticket to Moon Hill costs 15 yuan.

You will have to make the climb yourself, since there is no lift, but for the money, a stunning view awaits you at the very top of the hill. It's worth it! Also, prepare 5 yuan for the grandmothers, who will accompany you until you buy water or any other drink from them. Now go back to the train station and take the bus to Guilin.

Fifth day

We are going to the ethno-village of Huanglo to the long-haired Yao

We use this day to see the Longji rice terraces, especially since we thought of everything in advance and bought a tour from the Hezhong tourism agency. In the morning, a bus will pick you up and go to the Huanglo ethno-village, where representatives of the Yao people live.

In this village, girls never cut their hair, and yet their hair is really beautiful and thick. For residents, this is the key to long life and wealth. What is also surprising is that rich hair color can be found even among elderly representatives of Yao; gray hair is unheard of here. One can only envy this.

Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records recorded the maximum hair length of one lady living in Huanglo, which was 2.1 meters. In general, when travelers get to this village, they envy silently, and sometimes they don’t even restrain their emotions.

Previously, traditions were strictly observed here, so only the girl’s husband could see her loose hair. Today, this tradition is rarely remembered, so for a fee, village residents will not only let your hair down for you, but will also happily pose for the camera. It’s not for nothing that they say that money spoils people.

All the girls are talented needlewomen, so the souvenir business is developed. Here you can buy handmade items. Here, next to Juanluo, you can already see rice fields.

Trip to Ping An village (rice terraces)

The next village you will visit is called Ping An. If you go on your own, you will have to pay for entry. For organized tourists, admission is usually included in the price of the tour, so there is no need to pay anything additional. The distance from Guilin to the village is about 100 km. To get to the place, you will have to transfer to another bus, designed specifically for driving along mountain serpentine roads; a specially trained driver is included with the bus.

This concerns the program of the purchased tour. If you are persistent and decide to explore the area on your own, then you need a bus that goes to Heping. It’s easy to find one at the bus station. From Heping you can get to the village entrance by car. When you reach the entrance, you will have a difficult choice between two routes.

Packet-goers have only one option - to transfer to a bus that goes to the Ping An rice terraces. Local residents gave them the name Dragon Ridge. The land for rice fields began to be cultivated more than 800 years ago. At that time, the Yuan Dynasty ruled.

To say that it was a titanic work is to say nothing. It took centuries for the plan to be realized, and today a unique landscape opens up to travelers. There is even something unearthly about it. On the terraces you can find two viewing platforms - Nine Dragons and Five Tigers and the Landscape of the Seven Stars accompanying the Moon. You will have to get to the observation decks on your own, climbing the steps.

In addition to rice, tea is grown here, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of purchasing it at a local stall. Freshly picked tea leaves will be dried and packaged right in front of you. After exploring and purchasing souvenirs, you will be asked to board a bus and be taken back to the hotel in the evening.

Sixth day. On your own in Shanghai

How to get there

It's time to go to Shanghai. It is better to purchase tickets in advance. You can easily get there on board a Shanghai Airlines plane. There are several ways to get from Pudong Airport to the city center: taxi, bus, Maglev Train, which reaches speeds of up to 430 km/h. Maglev goes to LongYang Road Subway Station Line 2. Perhaps this is the best option. The fare is 50 yuan, but there is an opportunity to save.

Present your air tickets when purchasing and you will receive a 20% discount. You will be there in 7 minutes. Once you arrive at the final stop, you will need to change to the metro or take a taxi to get to the center itself. If you choose the metro, after 5 meters you will see metro line 2. The trip will take about 10 minutes. If you prefer a taxi, then ask the driver to turn on the meter, it will be much cheaper. If the meter refuses to turn on, the fixed amount should not exceed 80 yuan.

Where to stay

  • Baolong Homelike Hotel (Zhongshan Branch) 2* from 1039 RUR. per night
  • Shanghai Amersino Hotel 3* from RUB 1,240 per night
  • Jitai Hotel (Shanghai Train Station South Square) 3* from 1353 rub. per night
  • FX Shanghai Liuying 4* from 2006 rub. per night
  • Golden River-view Hotel Shanghai from RUB 2,884. per night
  • Grand Mercure Shanghai Central (Formerly.Grand Mercure Shanghai Zhongya)5* from 4500 rub. per night
  • JI Hotel Shanghai Railway Station West Tianmu Road 4* from 7153 rub. per night

These hotels are located very well. Nearby there is the Shanghai Railway Station metro stop and the central train station.

After checking into the hotel and some rest, we recommend heading to the Old Town. To get to the place, use the metro. You need purple line 10, Yuyuan Garden. In the Old City, we recommend visiting the Garden of Joy (Yuyuan Garden). The entrance ticket costs from 30 to 40 yuan, depending on the time of year.

This garden, located in the old part of Shanghai, was founded more than 400 years ago by the Pan Yundan family, or rather by a son who wanted his parents to spend their days in complete peace and happiness. The rich have their own quirks, but the idea was a success, although it took more than 20 years and all the savings. Later, the guild of Shanghai merchants would buy this garden. Today this park is one of the main attractions of Shanghai and causes indescribable delight among visitors.

In the park you can leisurely enjoy the pond with blooming lotuses, gazebos, terraces and, of course, the picturesque “Bridge of Nine Turns”. According to legend, by walking across it, you can cleanse yourself of evil spirits, whose entry to the bridge is prohibited. The Usintin Tea House is located right on the bridge. We also recommend visiting the Temple of the City Gods.

Spend today in this park and leisurely enjoy its charm, beauty and splendor. Near the park you will find many cafes and souvenir shops.

The Bund embankment and the Pearl of the East TV tower

If time permits and you have the desire, you can get to The Bund embankment and the Oriental Pearl TV tower. On the waterfront you can take stunning photos of the city's skyscrapers. It is located near metro line 10, East Nanjing Rd station. From the metro, move towards the river. Huangpu.

The Oriental Pearl Tower is located one subway stop from the embankment, near Lujiazui Station Line 2. You can also visit the famous aquarium here. On the way back, we recommend stopping by the railway station at the pre-sale ticket hall, especially since the hotel is located in close proximity.

You can buy tickets to Suzhou here tomorrow. Take the G train, it will get you there in just 25 minutes and the ticket costs about 40 yuan. There are cheaper options, but the journey will take longer than an hour. Keep in mind that you will need to present your passport at the ticket office, as tickets are issued in personal names.

Seventh day. To Suzhou on your own

Why is Suzhou a must-see? Yes, because here you can enjoy the splendor of the famous gardens, of which in the 16th and 17th centuries there were about 280. Today there are much fewer, about 69, but this is more than enough for one day. The city itself is more than 2.5 thousand years old, and its historical part is part of the World Heritage Sites. In general, there is a lot to see and be impressed by. Suzhou is also a silk center. Well, how can we resist here?

After arriving at the station in Suzhou, we transfer to bus No. 5, which departs from the station and goes to the Panmen Gate (“Gate of the Curled Dragon”). Travel time is about 50 minutes, ticket price is 1 yuan. Panmen was once part of the wall. Today we can see the already restored landmark.

A huge amount of work was done and at least $2 million was spent. Thanks to these investments, the area was also beautified: trees and flowers were planted, the pond where carp live today was cleaned, and lighting fixtures were installed. While walking, you will easily find the Ruiguant Pagoda, which in ancient times housed a Buddhist stupa made of pearls.

Fisherman's Garden and Wangshiyuan

Wangshiyuan is one of the most popular gardens in Suzhou. Here architecture and nature, impeccability and grace come together. In the pavilions you can see the interiors of previous centuries, and in the center of the garden, visitors can admire the beauty of the picturesque pond, which is framed by beautiful plants and stones. In Wanshiyuan, you can also take beautiful photos in the bansai tree garden, on the arched bridge, which has the lyrical name “Leading to Serenity.” In summer you can visit the garden even at night, so don’t miss this opportunity.

The next must-see garden is Lion Grove, the distinctive feature of which is a pile of stones that have a certain appearance (taikhushi). Several decades are needed to “grow” such stones. To achieve a certain look, it was necessary to make holes in ordinary stones and place them in the lake. Over the years, these stones took on very unusual shapes. In general, there is something to see and be surprised by. The Lion Grove Garden is definitely a must see. Ticket price is 30 yuan.

Now is the time to go to the Garden of the Humble Official or Administrator, which covers an area of ​​5 hectares. Of course, a few hours are not enough to explore it; it’s better to set aside a whole day, but if you don’t have much time, then during this time you can see quite a lot here.

Construction of the garden was started more than 600 years ago by an official removed from government affairs for corruption. He worked on its creation for about 20 years, and today it has a unique design and unique beauty. If you visit the garden in summer, you will find a lotus festival, and in the spring, an azalea festival. The entrance ticket costs 70 yuan.

If you’re not in a hurry to catch the train, you can walk to the train station and be sure to stop by the “85” confectionery to brighten up your day with delicious pastries and aromatic coffee.

Eighth day

Travel to Chinese Venice on your own – Zhouzhuang

Today we will go to explore the Chinese Venice - the city of Zhouzhuang, which has a history of almost a thousand years. You can get to it by bus from Suzhou, so first we’ll take the comfortable G train. There is a bus station not far from the railway station. The fare is 17 yuan. Travel time from Suzhou to Zhouzhuang is about an hour.

If the road is not tiring and you are full of energy, then from the final stop to the Old Town you can walk or take a taxi if you are not considering this option. You need to pay 100 yuan for access to the attraction. The old city, after the noisy and dynamic Shanghai, will surprise you with its regularity and silence, especially if your trip takes place on a weekday. Unlike Venice, the local canals are narrower, and the passing boats are steered by local women.

We recommend not to miss the opportunity to explore the city from the water. The cost of renting a local gondola is 100 yuan. That's how much a 25 minute walk costs. If you're lucky, they'll even let you steer and sing something folk and very sad, about love, probably. But for love, or rather for singing, you will have to pay extra. No romance.

After enjoying the walk, you can go explore the city and the life of the local residents. Be sure to check out the Key Bridge. If you are observant, you will understand that local residents receive their main income from private transportation along canals, the restaurant and souvenir business. The most interesting thing is that men here are engaged exclusively in intellectual work. Women get the hardest part – physical work. Maybe that's why they sing such sad songs?

If you want to eat, you will find many places, but whether you dare to try something is another question. Keep in mind that water for cooking is taken from the same canal where clothes are washed and other household chores are done. No, of course, the water is first boiled, and, as the locals say, after that it acquires a unique taste (who would doubt it), but the choice is always yours.

If you have already seen everything and don’t want to stay overnight to see the stunning sunset, we recommend that you hurry up, because the last bus to Suzhou leaves at 17.10, and to Shanghai 40 minutes earlier.

Ninth day. Self-guided walks in Shanghai

Today you can take a walk in the French Quarter. You can get there via Red Line 1, Shanxi Road. This place is very atypical for a metropolis; here you can stroll peacefully and feel its romantic atmosphere. If you have been to Europe, you will recognize its appearance - cozy cafes with the cutlery we are used to, and pastry shops, paving stone roads and nicely decorated balconies. Despite the name, not only the French lived in the quarter, but also Russian emigrants.

The remaining time can be spent exploring the sights that you have noted for yourself, but have not yet had time to see or go shopping. We recommend viewing and visiting the Shanghai Circus and Zoo, the Temple of the Jade Buddha, the Pushkin monument, and the Museum of the Chinese Communist Party.

If you are interested in items from fashionable global and local brands, we recommend Grand Mall. On 7 floors you are sure to find something for yourself and your loved ones. There is also a supermarket where you can buy delicious fruits and vegetables, and the choice is simply huge. Grand Mall is located nearby Lujiazui Subway Station.

We hope that our route around China will help you plan your 9 days correctly and get a lot of pleasant emotions!

There are ancient cities and modern metropolises. Every free piece of land is cultivated.

Applying for a visa to China

To travel to China you need a visa. Citizens of the Russian Federation can apply for it at the Chinese Embassy in Moscow or at the consular department in St. Petersburg, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok and Irkutsk. Those traveling to Beijing for tourism purposes need an L visa, which is issued for a period of 30 days.

If you are traveling as part of a tourist group, then you are eligible for a visa-free regime for 21 days. The list of travel agencies that have the right to issue visa-free entry can be found on the website of the Chinese Embassy. For a fee, you can be included in the list of tour groups.

For citizens of the Russian Federation living in areas bordering China, a special regime applies.

You can find a complete list of documents for a visa to China and download application forms on the website of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation:

Citizens of Ukraine and Belarus can apply for a visa at the Chinese embassies in their countries:

If you do not want to apply for a visa yourself through an embassy or consulate, you can use the services of specialized agencies. I usually process all my documents through the Pony Express Visa Application Centre. Be sure to check all the formalities on the website - the list of required documents for a visa may change.

Visa-free transit through China

For citizens from 45 countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, there is a 144-hour visa-free transit (temporary stay). To do this, you need to enter the country through the airports of Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Chongqing, Chengdu, Dalian, Tianjin, Wuhan, Xi'an, Xiamen, Guilin, Kunming, Shenyang, etc. (be sure to check the latest information before departure). In Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Chongqing, Chengdu, Dalian, Tianjin, Wuhan, Xiamen, the countdown starts from 00:01 the next day. In other cities, time is counted from the moment of arrival. There is a visa-free period of 30 days in Macau.

Within 24 hours, you must register with the local police department. In addition, you must fly to another country from the same airport; no other mode of transport or other airport is allowed. It is prohibited to leave the city limits.

If you are flying through several cities in China, you can take advantage of 24-hour visa-free transit. The number of transfers is not limited.

To obtain visa-free transit, you must have itinerary receipts and electronic tickets (e-tickets) in English. Itinerary receipts in Russian are not accepted.

Travel insurance

Before traveling to China, you must take out travel insurance. One option is an online service, which is accepted by all embassies and medical institutions. You do not need any special vaccinations to travel to China.

Flights to China

The most convenient way to travel to China is by plane, especially if you live in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus or Western European countries. From Moscow to Beijing it takes just under 8 hours of flight, in the opposite direction it is 30-40 minutes more. By train, your journey can last for 5-6 days (if you are coming from Moscow).

You can “catch” the cheapest air tickets by using the Bot for searching for abnormal prices for air tickets from Aviasales, which works through Viber, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Slack messengers... The average discount is 34.6%.

If you live in the Asian part of Russia, it will be cheaper to get to China by train. Please keep in mind that international train tickets can only be purchased in person at the railway ticket office; purchasing foreign tickets online is not possible. Those who live in the border area with China can use buses.

Tours to China

If you don’t want to look for flights and hotels on your own or worry about transfers, then you can buy a tour to China, for example, through or. The tour price includes air tickets and hotel. In general, the cost of a tourist trip to China for 7 days for two starts from 60-65 thousand rubles, to Hainan Island - from 90 thousand rubles. Hot tours are cheaper.

Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou are large cities where history and modernity harmoniously combine. There are many museums, palaces, monasteries, and ancient parks that will delight antiquity lovers. On the other hand, these are dynamically developing megacities sparkling with lights, a great place for shopping. It’s good here at any time of the year, but it’s best in autumn and spring.

Hainan Island is one of the best places on our planet for a beach holiday. There are beautiful sandy beaches and warm waters of the South China Sea. Lovers of educational recreation will also not be bored here: Hainan Island is famous for its natural beauty and cultural attractions. The best time for a holiday on Hainan Island is from mid-September to May, in the summer - the rainy season.

Last minute tours to China

Formalities upon arrival in China: registration at the place of stay

Before entering China by plane or train, you must fill out a migration card. Keep it during your entire stay in China.

Once you arrive in China, you must register within 24 hours at the local police station. For rural areas the limit is 72 hours. If you are late in registering, you may face a large fine.

As a rule, hotels have a special license and therefore register on the spot. However, when checking into a hotel, be sure to check that they give you a registration form (there are cases that are forgotten in a hurry, or the hotel is small and does not have a registration license). If you rent an apartment, the owner of the apartment is required to accompany you to the police station and help you register.

The buildings of police stations have a characteristic appearance: white with blue elements. Registration is free. If you have a multiple-entry visa, you only need to register for the first time or if you arrive in another city.

In China, you must always have your foreign passport with you along with your migration card and registration (in addition, some museums allow you to enter for free upon presentation of your passport).

Chinese money

Chinese money is called renminbi 人民币 ( rénminbì). The main currency is the yuan 元 ( yuán). 1 yuan = 10 mao 毛 ( mao). 1 mao = 10 fen 分 ( fēn). Currently, 6.65 yuan is approximately equal to 1 dollar, 1 ruble is equal to 1 mao. You can exchange currency at the Bank of China, airports (unfavorable exchange rate), and hotels.

China has its own payment system, UnionPay. However, at many ATMs you can withdraw cash from Visa and MasterCard cards, and pay with these cards in large stores, hotels and restaurants. We usually take a Sberbank dollar MasterCard card with us. It is not profitable to pay with ruble cards - a lot is lost during conversion. Before traveling to China, it is worth exchanging a small amount of money for yuan (RMB 500-1000) in your country, so as not to look for an ATM immediately after arrival.


Of course, the first thing that strikes foreigners in China is the language. Both oral and hieroglyphic. Chinese is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. However, this applies only to phonetics and writing. But the grammar there is extremely simple. There are seven major dialects in China, which vary quite a bit. After the 1949 revolution, the formation began Mandarin普通话 - a universal dialect created on the basis of northern dialects. However, not all residents of the Celestial Empire speak it equally well. In addition, Chinese is a tonal language. There are four tones in Mandarin, and depending on the tone, the syllable changes its meaning.

Chinese hieroglyphic writing originated in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. and has since undergone very significant changes. In ancient times, one hieroglyph meant one word; in modern language, a word, as a rule, consists of one or two hieroglyphs, less often three. Currently, it is hieroglyphs that unite the entire population of China. When the Chinese cannot understand each other, they resort to writing hieroglyphs - previously with a finger in the air or on the palm of their hand, now using a telephone.

In Chinese there are also chengyu (成语 chengyǔ) are stable idiomatic expressions, each of which has a story behind it that explains the meaning. Educated Chinese often resort to chengyu in their speech.

Useful Chinese language programs for smartphones

In general, the Chinese speak English poorly, although they study it in schools and universities. Before traveling to China, download several handy apps on your smartphone that will help you cope with the language barrier:

  • Lingvo- Chinese-Russian dictionary.
  • Pleco- Chinese-English dictionary.
  • Waygo Visual Translator- when you point your smartphone camera at the name of a dish or street, you will get a completely readable translation. The free version of the program will be sufficient in most cases.
  • Chinese-Russian online dictionary, one of the most complete. Requires an Internet connection.
  • Google Maps and Baidu(Chinese search engine, similar to Yandex) for navigation in the country.

Even if you don't speak Chinese at all, set your smartphone to allow you to enter characters using the phonetic alphabet and by writing characters on the screen (languages ​​option). In case of difficulties, you can always ask the Chinese to write words, which you can then translate using a dictionary.

Chinese Firewall and the ability to bypass it via VPN

Many sites are blocked in China, including the largest services: Google, Youtube, Blogger, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. A complete list of sites blocked in China can be found on the Habrahabr website.

You may be able to avoid visiting these sites during your stay in China. If you cannot imagine your life without social networks, then you will need a connection via a VPN. Many people recommend The Tor browser does not always work in China.

Also keep in mind that internet speeds in general may be slower in China.

Chinese cuisine

Traditional Chinese cuisine is incredibly delicious. Each province, each nationality has its own cuisine. Sichuan cuisine is considered the spiciest. Since ancient times, the Chinese have used chopsticks to eat. It's very easy to learn how to use them. However, if you are not comfortable with chopsticks, you can always ask for a fork and knife.

Chinese tea

China is the birthplace of tea. Here it is sold everywhere: in small shops, tea shops and in huge tea markets. The variety of teas is amazing: white, yellow, green, red, black, floral, pu-erh... True, ordinary Chinese often drink water - good tea is expensive. It is better to buy teas in specialized stores.

Shopping in China

Many people go to China specifically for shopping. Even if you are not a fan of shopping, you are unlikely to resist such an abundance of goods. It is best to buy in the markets. However, you need to know a few principles that will save you money and nerves, and also protect you from unnecessary disappointments. Keep in mind that weighted goods are measured not by kilograms, but by jing斤 - 500 gr. In Chinese stores where the price is not indicated, you always need to bargain. Sometimes the price of a product can be reduced several times.

Chinese holidays, customs and traditions

China has many holidays, both traditional and those that arose after the founding of the People's Republic of China. European holidays such as Christmas and New Year are not celebrated in China. Three times a year, all of China goes on vacation. At this time, official institutions and enterprises are closed, and it is very difficult to get tickets, since it is customary to go home and celebrate holidays with family. If possible, try to avoid traveling to China during this time:

  • Spring Festivalchunjie春节, traditional Chinese New Year. Celebrated according to the lunar calendar, it usually occurs at the end of January - beginning of February. Lasts 2 weeks and ends with ;
  • may Dayui五一. Usually they have a three-day vacation, but due to Saturday-Sunday, the duration of the vacation can increase to 5 days;
  • Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China guoqingjie国庆节 (October 1-10).

China: where to go and what to see

China is a country you should visit at least once in your life. Of course, the list of attractions in China is inexhaustible.

The most popular holiday destinations in China

  • Hainan Island and Sanya City- beach holiday. Beautiful beaches, sea, good service. Hainan is often called the “Chinese Hawaii” for its similar nature and climate.
  • Beijing- the capital of China, the political, economic, cultural center of the country. In fact, China in miniature. If you want to get a general idea of ​​China, then your best bet is to go to Beijing.
  • If you want to see the classic south of China, the famous historical and cultural region of Jiangnan, then go to Suzhou And .
  • If you are interested in modern, dynamically developing China, then - Shanghai.
  • See the famous terracotta army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang (III century BC) and the city that was repeatedly the capital of China - Xi'an.
  • Do you want to see the mountains where the movie Avatar was filmed? Zhangjiajie National Park, Wulingyuan Mountains(Hunan Province).
  • Sichuan Province— has its own microclimate, interesting landscapes and unforgettable spicy Sichuan cuisine.
  • Lijiang River- high steep mountains, rice fields.
  • Yangtze River Cruise- an unforgettable journey along the largest river in Asia and the most densely populated region of China. Here you will see the largest hydroelectric power station in the world - San Xia 三峡 (“Three Gorges”).
  • Tibet, but you need to go there as part of a tour group; a special permit (permit) for the stay of foreigners is required.
  • Gansu Province— landscapes almost like in Tibet, the western outskirts of ancient China, many interesting architectural monuments.
  • Yunnan Province— beautiful mountain landscapes, interesting local culture.

Excursions in China

Sometimes you can't do without the help of a guide. He will show you everything, tell you everything, take you there and feed you. This is a great time saver. On these resources you can select and book excursions around China:

Wuhan 武汉 is a large city on the Yangtze River. It’s probably not worth going there specifically, but if you get there, you won’t regret it.

The Chinese say that “in Heaven there is paradise, on Earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.” Hangzhou 杭州 is definitely worth a visit if possible. There are many architectural monuments preserved here, surrounded by the city and mountains, the beautiful Xihu Lake. The famous Longjing tea has been grown in these places since ancient times.

I hope this small guide to China will not only help you organize your own trip to China, but also give you an insight into the rich Chinese culture.

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Count the beds in the room

Chinese hotels do not always provide extra beds according to the number of guests, especially when it comes to children. Therefore, when traveling with your family, you can save a lot of money on this. Instead of renting two hotel rooms, a family of four can comfortably stay in a standard twin room with two beds, each large enough to sleep two.

Use the best mobile apps

Pleco is the best Chinese dictionary that can be installed on your smartphone. It has a convenient function for scanning and recognizing hieroglyphs - just take a photo of an unknown character, and you will immediately receive a translation.

Buy original gifts

Everything is made in China by hand and to order, from a neon sign with your name to personalized bed linen. China is a land of opportunity, so you can easily use your imagination when it comes to gifts.

Use the best travel guides to China

Ordering rice is the right decision

Do you want rice? Say it out loud. Chinese restaurants are reluctant to serve rice as it is considered a cheap way to quickly satisfy hunger. Therefore, you need to tell the waiter “mifan” - 米饭 - in advance.

Toilet paper reminder

Toilet paper is rarely found in public restrooms, so we advise taking this into account.

Suitable breakfast

Chinese hotels serve rice and noodles for breakfast. If you or your children are unpretentious eaters, this is not a problem for you. But if, after all, you are not used to Chinese cuisine, no one forbids you to take a bag of cereal and milk with you to make the morning pleasant.

China is not at all as dangerous a country as many guidebooks say. Yes, there are really a lot of people on the streets and long queues, yes, however, when it comes to safety, the Celestial Empire ranks one of the first in the world.

Make the locals happy

If you are traveling in rural areas, you can buy a Fujifilm Instax Mini 7 camera, which is sold in almost all electronic stores for 400 yuan ($62), take an instant photo with the locals and give it to them as a gift. Believe me, the Chinese will highly appreciate such a gift.

Experience real hutongs

Hutongs are preserved one-story old buildings in Beijing. The word “hutong” comes from the Mongolian “hot” - “yard, well”, and the residents of Beijing began to call their houses this way with the advent of the Manchu Qing dynasty. Nowadays, hutongs are not called courtyards, but the streets consisting of these courtyards.
Wandering through these narrow streets will give you a deeper insight into the real life of the Chinese.

Don't be afraid of Chinese screams

The fact is that the Chinese always talk very loudly. Without knowing this, many tourists assume that the interlocutors are swearing at each other. Don't worry, that's not true, they're just communicating.

Help is needed? Reach out to youth

If you come to China and don’t know Chinese, and you need to learn something, try asking the youth for help. They may be able to answer you in English, although this is not entirely certain. .

Where are you from?

In China, everyone from taxi drivers to hotel staff will be interested in your country. You will certainly hear questions about where you came from. Be prepared to answer them. Eluosi - Elos - Russia, Wukelan - Ukelan - Ukraine, Baieluosi - Bai Elos - Belarus. However, the older generation knows and is very happy about the name of the USSR - Sulian - Sulyan.

Try street food

On the streets of China there are often shops or carts with local food, which is prepared on the spot. This is the best way to immerse yourself in Chinese flavor. Food vendors usually hit the streets early in the morning and late in the evening. The Chinese have a tradition of gathering with friends in such evening “restaurants” and sitting until the morning, drinking beer.

Experience Chinese Traditional Medicine for yourself

Want to unlock your chi energy (气)? Every city in China has a Chinese medicine center where you can get preventive care for various diseases, consult a doctor, get a therapeutic massage and, of course, go for acupuncture.

Pay attention to the city poster

Upon arrival at the hotel, be sure to look through the posters of museums and exhibitions. You can always find something interesting for yourself.

Take your children with you

If so, your children will have an excellent opportunity to have a fun holiday, because there are a lot of children's entertainment in China. These can be huge amusement parks, exciting performances in the Chinese circus and much more, and ticket prices will pleasantly surprise you.

Chinese tea

In China you have an excellent opportunity to touch the tea history of all of Asia. There are a lot of specialized stores in Chinese cities where you can easily find almost any type of tea, and in some of them you can watch a tea ceremony.

Take pictures of everything

Take lots of photos during your trip to China. Then, with their help, you will be able to trace the thread of development from old China to large cities with skyscrapers. In addition, pleasant impressions of China will forever remain in your heart.

Dmitry Sakharov

Download your free China travel guide in pdf format. The guide may take a few minutes to download.

Four thousand years ago, one of the world's oldest civilizations was born in China. This East Asian country has given the world a wealth of cultural, spiritual and scientific knowledge that has influenced humanity to this day.

In the materials of this guide you will find useful information on how to spend your leisure time in China: what to visit, where to eat and much more that will be useful during your trip.

You can easily download guides just by clicking on the link below. In a minute or seconds they will be on your computer or tablet.

The cradle of philosophy with unique artistic traditions, historical monuments and customs that they witnessed, huge parks and monasteries, ancient temples and rich museums. Add to this the ancient arts of fighting and the diversity of flora and fauna in the botanical gardens, and you will understand that you will never forget China.


The capital of China is Beijing. Here, despite the modern pace of development, the traditional lifestyle is still preserved. Monuments of past eras are perceived here with special reverent interest. It is full of mysterious temples and rich gardens. Since Beijing became the city of Chinese emperors, historical monuments have accumulated here over the centuries and now evoke awe of the centuries they witnessed.

In the electronic guide you will find the necessary information to understand how to move around the city, what to visit. You will also certainly need background information about the main attractions that primarily deserve attention, about restaurants and clubs, as well as information about the life of modern Beijing.

Just download our guide to use it at the right time. It will take almost no time of yours. One minute - and your faithful assistant will be in the memory of your smartphone or computer.


Shanghai is a cosmopolitan city with a high degree of development. His role in the life of China and the world cannot be underestimated. Here you can see the latest advances in technology, visit international exhibitions, and wander through the newest neighborhoods built with skyscrapers, teahouses, restaurants, etc. All this, of course, is of the highest level.

Right there, next to modern architecture, financial centers, the TV tower in the Pudong area and crowds of metropolitan residents, there are quiet islands of gardens, Buddhist temples, Catholic churches and Orthodox churches. Modern boutiques and traditional Chinese markets, which came from ancient times, coexist peacefully.

Our guide will guide you completely free of charge through the intertwining streets of Shanghai and help you get to the most interesting and significant places in this crowded and diverse city. From it you will learn about the best clubs and shopping centers, attractions that a meticulous tourist should not miss and, of course, will help you choose and bring with you wonderful Chinese souvenirs.

Hong Kong

Just some fifty years ago, Hong Kong was an unremarkable village inhabited by fishermen. Now it is one of the richest financial centers of modern China.

What is also surprising is that Hong Kong is located on more than two hundred and sixty islands directly in the South China Sea. It may seem strange, but skyscrapers are also being built here, and residential buildings sometimes reach forty and even fifty floors. In these communities, in addition to housing, all the associated infrastructure is located. There are kindergartens, shops and gyms, entertainment facilities and office blocks nearby. These buildings are connected to each other by multi-level roads, along which double-decker buses can easily travel.

The city's districts are interspersed with mountains, on the slopes of which nature reserves and parks are nestled. Hong Kong will greet you with an interweaving of Western progress and ancient cultural traditions of magical China.

With our free guide You won't get lost among the intricate network of roads connecting the islands of Hong Kong, and you can quickly and comfortably get directions to any point in this rapidly developing city. On its virtual pages you will find information about cafes and restaurants serving traditional Chinese cuisine.

Download the guide to your laptop, phone or tablet. Use it without an Internet connection.

It frightens many tourists at first glance: it is huge in area, crowded with people and practically does not speak English. Not everywhere here can be visited by foreigners; many things are prohibited or difficult to obtain. China is a continuous challenge. It is no coincidence that many of the most intrepid travelers who can go to Southeast Asia, Japan or Korea without fear, flatly refuse to go to China.

They can be understood, but difficult to forgive. After all, China is home to one of the most ancient cultures in existence today. The country is incredibly rich in tradition, heritage and history. Here are such world-famous things as the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City or the Terracotta Warriors. But even without this, China still remains one of the most important and powerful countries in the world.

In this article we have provided some tips that will simplify your trip to China.

Language problems
For many people, the language barrier is the scariest thing about China, understandably so. And the point is not only that the Chinese, who are not associated with the tourism industry, do not know English, but also that the Chinese language itself is one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world, not only to learn, but also to understand. Because of its peculiarities, it is difficult for a European to learn even a couple of the most basic words. There is a similar problem with writing.

In fact, there is nothing particularly to be afraid of. Of course, your chances of learning Chinese are minimal. But there are also advantages. Traveling in China is much easier than, say, in South America, because in China no one actually expects you to know their language. People won't laugh or make fun of you because the Chinese also want to somehow overcome the language barrier. They communicate very well with gestures, so conversation with locals turns into a fun process.

Your main assistant in navigating around China is your hostel. Youth hostels in China employ young people who speak English and want to help you in all matters. They will pick you up from the train station, help you book tickets and write the desired address in Chinese. Take full advantage of this opportunity.

Don't underestimate the true size of China. The journey from Shanghai to Beijing takes 13 hours by train. You can easily be late, so in some cases it actually makes sense to choose a domestic flight over a train. Moreover, these flights are quite cheap.

If, over time, everything is ok for you, you might want to try taking a train ride. China has an excellent network of railways that will take you almost anywhere in the country. When you buy a ticket for an overnight train, you will find out the difference between the classes of carriages. Soft coupes - comfortable sleeping places for two passengers. Hard carriages are something like reserved seats. Get ready to experience Chinese culture: smells, songs and elderly Chinese playing cards until midnight. At the very bottom of the train hierarchy are seated carriages - you should buy seats there last, since the level of comfort there is much lower.

There are a lot of rumors about Chinese food, so many people are convinced that the Chinese eat tons of dishes full of bugs. In fact, although local food is very different from what you can buy at home, it is usually made from fresh ingredients, is varied and even tasty. Pork dishes are very common, but there are also plenty of vegetable dishes. Rice and noodles are used almost everywhere. The cuisine differs greatly depending on the region, so while you travel, you can decide what you like.

However, to really experience the local gastronomic flavor, you will have to leave the hotel and go where the locals eat. This will not be so easy, because the most difficult thing in Chinese catering is choosing what to order. It is best, again, to enlist the help of the names of Chinese dishes written on paper by the hostel worker.

China is incredibly safe for tourists. Many of the social problems that locals face do not affect foreigners at all. Assault or robbery by a foreigner is punished very severely here, so it is unlikely that you will be attacked. Pickpockets work here too, although the most common danger is street scammers, especially in Beijing or Shanghai. Before you go to China, read about the most common types of scams popular in this country.

In fact, the greatest danger for tourists is transport. The streets of China operate in a controlled anarchy, and the rules are most often taken at the council level. Be very careful when crossing the street. It's better to join a group of locals. Even on sidewalks, be careful - motorcyclists often drive onto them.

Culture shock
Most likely, you will experience it. It is important to remember that in China, cultural and moral norms are very different from those in the West. Some things that we consider very rude and ill-mannered, such as spitting and picking your nose, talking loudly, are not considered such here. Here the intimate zone of a person is much smaller. You shouldn’t think that the Chinese are rude and ill-mannered people; these things are simply perceived differently in their culture than in ours. As soon as you accept this axiom, you will immediately become much more comfortable.

Outside of Beijing and Shanghai, tourists are still new. If you represent any race other than the local one, you can be sure that you will be stared at, pointed at, or even touched with that finger (especially if you also have blond hair). People will take pictures with you, often without asking permission, and sometimes they will even thrust their children into your hands for a good shot. You may be asked indecent questions (from the point of view, again, of a European), but if you have a good sense of humor, everything will be fine. The Chinese are very friendly and hospitable people. If you make friends with them, you can expect royal treatment.