For gourmets: restaurants and cafes in Krakow. Authentic dishes and delicacies, where to go for dinner

Cafe on the Market Square

If you just want to sit with friends on the street over a glass of beer or a cup of coffee, there is nothing better for this than the Market Square (Rynek Glowny). Along its entire perimeter, except for the side of St. Mary's Church, there are tables of summer cafes under umbrellas in a continuous semicircle.
The main dish here is beer. Moreover, each cafe specializes in its own variety, the name of which is written on the umbrellas, and sometimes on a special menu board standing right next to it.
In addition to beer, you can take a cup of coffee or a glass of soda. Such pleasure costs 4 - 10 zl (even in nearby cafes the price can vary greatly). They also serve cakes and alcoholic drinks.
Don’t be put off by the high price of beer - sometimes it simply scares off “casual” visitors, while prices for other dishes may not be high.

Note! Bars do not sell alcohol to persons under 21 years of age. So if you look young, have with you an ID confirming your age.

As soon as you sit down, the waiter brings the menu. Pay attention to the possible “Promocja” item - it means a significant reduction in the price of something. Various breweries regularly conduct advertising campaigns, and perhaps on this day the price of something will be reduced.
Usually the menu indicates the cafe's assortment: tea, coffee, beer, wine, vodka, cognac, cold and hot snacks. But in "orgudka" (ogrodok, "kindergarten"), the name given to places on the street, reputable restaurants, depending on what you ask, they bring you different menus - separately for those who only want to drink, and separately for those who want eat.
Therefore, if you intend to have a snack, you should immediately ask the waiter what they can offer you.
If you smoke, be sure to ask the waiter for an ashtray (piepielniczke [ashtray]); however, to get acquainted with representatives of the opposite sex sitting at the next table, you can ask them for a bedspread too. By the way, don’t light a cigarette with a candle, because the sign says that if you light a cigarette with a candle, you will drown a sailor.

The atmosphere on the Market Square, especially in the evening, is extremely romantic. But I must say that in the summer it gets dark in Krakow much earlier than in Moscow, and there is nothing to compare with St. Petersburg.
Each “ogrudek” (I like this word) in the square is made in its own unique style. The tables are ancient or modern, elegant or massive. Chairs or armchairs with or without armrests, with a straight or inclined back, or even cozy wicker chairs.
And you can choose a location with a view of the Mickiewicz monument or the Church of St. Wojciech, the Town Hall Tower or the Cloth Hall in all their glory, or so that you can see the trumpeter on the tower of St. Mary's Church.
Finally, gourmets can be guided by the types of beer that are written on the canopies of cafe umbrellas.
In a word, on the Market Square you can always find exactly what on this day, at this hour, best suits you, your mood, your company.

Friends from Krakow told me an interesting story. In Poland, as you probably know, property is transferred to former owners. Those. if you can prove that you are the legal heirs of someone who previously owned a house, then consider that this house is yours.
And then one fine day a man came to the city authorities who stated that his ancestors, for special merits, had been given ownership of a part of the Cloth Hall with an adjacent plot of land. Be that as it may, a document is a document, and if a piece of land in the center of the city has an owner, then he can do whatever he wants on it. Law is law. Now, in this place, during the warm season, there is a summer cafe, all proceeds from which go to the legal heir.
What I mean is that if suddenly one of your ancestors owned at least something in Poland, look for documents and come to take over the rights of inheritance.

However, I'm going off topic again...
So, those who decide to have a snack should keep in mind that by the evening in the cafe, some dishes naturally run out, and they can no longer offer you such an assortment as during the day. This does not apply to alcoholic drinks, but anything can happen with hot dishes.

This happened to me personally. One evening, my Polish friends and I went to the Market Square to drink beer, and I also wanted to have a snack. And because There was nothing more suitable at this hour, I opted for pizza, fortunately from the street. Florianskaya has a pizzeria.
Friends immediately warned me: “better not take it,” but I didn’t listen and still ordered it. It was about nine in the evening, and at first the waiter said that they no longer served pizza, but then he brought it anyway.
It would be better if he didn't bring it. I have never tasted more disgusting food in my life (sorry, but there is simply no other word to describe “it”). The dough has an incomprehensible taste, soaked in the juice of dripping olives, and is spreading...
In general, disgusting muck. Never get pizza here, especially in the evening.

If you don’t want to have a substantial meal, but just want a snack, it’s better to buy a hot “pie” at one of the many kiosks on Grodzka or Florianska after a couple of glasses of beer on the Market Square. This advice is especially relevant late at night.

Speaking of beer...

Like us, in Poland there are many breweries, both large ones, known throughout the country, and small ones, serving only their region.
The two most famous brands in Lesser Poland (the region of which Krakow is the capital) are "Zywiec" [Żywiec] and "Okocim" [Okocim]. They are considered the best, or at least the best selling. In addition, both breweries are located in the former Galicia (on the territory of which Krakow was located), so Krakow residents also choose them out of a sense of patriotism. (However, it is worth noting that Krakow itself was not part of Galicia, but remained a free city. The capital of Galicia in the 19th century was... Lvov.)
Among other beers, it should also be noted that the beer “EB” [E-Be] (pronounced “E-Be” and not “E-Be”), “Lech” [Lech] and Strong [Strong].

In general, Okocim beer can now only be tasted in Lesser Poland. A few years ago, the plant was bought by the German company Carlsberg, and now it is promoting its own brand (naturally, by reducing the production of Okoczim). If a couple of years ago, Okocim was one of the top five best-selling brands, now it remains far beyond the top ten.
The Polish top five most popular varieties are: “Zywiec”, “Tyskie”, “EB”, “Lech”, “Warka”. Although it is worth noting that every major city is proud of its own brewers. For example, in Wroclaw you can almost only buy “Piast”, in Masuria - “Dojlidy”, in Rzeszow - “Van Pur” and “Lezajsk”, and in Warsaw - “Browary Krolewski”.

For my subjective taste, “Lech” is more pleasant than “Zhiwiec”, at least in a jar, but “Van Pur” sometimes frankly resembles the taste of soap.

On cold winter or just chilly evenings, I recommend trying... hot beer, “grzaniec” in Polish. Wonderful beer with cloves, cinnamon, cardamom - the best warming remedy after walking along the cold streets.

Sometimes there is... green beer. The taste is very pleasant, but difficult to describe. So I just recommend trying it if you see it.

Other beer bars

Local youth (and Krakow is a city of students) sometimes attempts to count the bars located in the Old Town (within the Plant). Several times “enthusiasts” set themselves the task of trying beer in every bar of the Old City, but after several weeks of tasting such attempts failed.
Opening a new youth bar now is not a problem. Everything is done simply: the basement is cleaned, some kind of flat surface is built on which tables can be placed - and the bar is ready.
The walls and ceilings are simply decorated with old brickwork. And the tables have only one requirement: to be flat and durable. Nothing else!
However, this approach has one undeniable advantage: in conditions of fierce competition, youth bars cannot raise prices too much. In addition, the more bars there are, the greater the chances of finding free space in them.
Although in popular places, especially on Friday evenings, finding a free table is a big problem.

For "wealthy gentlemen" and tourists there is a large selection of reputable bars with a sophisticated atmosphere.
There are several such beer bars on the Small Market Square. It's just a minute's walk from the Market Square, but there are no such crowds of tourists there. You can get to the Small Market by going around St. Mary's Church on the left and walking a little further along Mikolajska Street.
A distinctive feature of the Small Market bars is that they have practically no tables on the street, and you can have a great time in a cozy intimate atmosphere. I recommend visiting the "Bull" bar (formerly called "John Bull"), here you can get, in particular, not only beer, but also delicious toast to go with it.

And, of course, the bar in the very heart of Krakow (depending, of course, on what is considered “heart”) is located right in the Royal Castle on Wawel. Although museums close as early as 15:30, this bar is open until almost 19:00 when there are visitors. Therefore, if you come here in the evening, there will be no more crowds of tourists, and the romance of the centuries-old castle is there.
The menu includes beer, tea, coffee, cookies in packs, ice cream. All this costs no more than on the Market Square. But in a real royal castle. (In Moscow, for example, I cannot imagine such a bar in the Kremlin.)
Another place where you can sit in the evening and enjoy the beautiful view is the pier at the Grunwald Bridge (most Grunwaldsi). From Wawel Castle you need to go to the Vistula and walk a little to the left. The bar is located on the second floor of the landing stage.
To create a complete romantic atmosphere, you can take a boat trip along the Vistula. At the end of summer it gets dark relatively early, there are not as many people sailing as during the day, and the bar on the ship will offer everything you need to “maintain the romantic spirit.”

There are also good views on the roofs of the Forum Hotel and the Jubilat store (by the way, this used to be Krakow's largest department store in Soviet times). Both buildings are located near Wawel, and from the Vistula embankment the signs of both are clearly visible.
An excellent panorama opens over the city from the open area of ​​the castle restaurant in Prszegozaly. By the way, in addition to the open area, this restaurant has luxurious rooms. One inconvenient thing is that the castle is located outside of Krakow, and there are no buses going to the mountain where it stands. They come there by car.

You can find the addresses of selected bars in.

The “hot time” for bars and outdoor cafes is Friday evening, when residents want to relax after a working week. On Friday and weekends the composition of visitors also changes. Some students go home for the weekend, and “respectable” local residents appear in the “establishments.”

note that drinking alcohol in public places is prohibited in Krakow.
However, this does not mean that everyone drinks only at home or in bars. Local youth like to sit in the evenings with a can of beer on the Vistula embankment and admire the sunset. However, at the same time, they vigilantly monitor the situation. As soon as the City Guard (Straz Mejski) appears in sight, they quickly hide the alcohol and wait for the guard to leave. And then they calmly continue their “cultural recreation”.
Or, if you have fast legs, you can simply run away from the “guards”.

Life hack from local residents: since formally the city guard can only fine you for drinking, incl. for holding an open container of alcohol in your hands, then after you have taken another sip, place the bottle/can next to you or on the ground. Then even if the “guard” approaches you, you can always say that this bottle/can is not yours, and there will be no reason to fine you. The main thing is to remember to look around before picking up alcohol again.


Tips in Polish cafes and restaurants are usually 10%, but in Krakow no one will be offended if you give less. Usually, when paying, you can tell how much you are rounding up the bill. For example, if the bill for lunch (for a company) is 62.80 zl, then when giving a large bill you can say “Sixty-five”, and the waiter will bring change from the amount you named.

If you do not speak Polish, then you, as a foreigner, in some establishments may be given a cash receipt on which either the tip amount will be added with a pen, or even a bill written not on letterhead or a piece of paper from the waiter’s notebook, but simply on a piece of paper. This is a gross violation and arbitrariness on the part of the waiters (what can you do, restaurant owners are not always able to find decent personnel). In such cases, it is worth asking for a cash receipt and paying everything strictly according to the bill (i.e., asking for change and not giving any tips). The impudent person will understand his mistake and will behave differently with another client.
You too will take part in the education of worthy personnel! :-)
Remember that waiters receive a salary for their job, and tips are a reward for good service. And if I don’t receive tips from clients at my job, then why should I pay here? :-)
In the market square often for you, i.e. for the cafe tables where you sit, street musicians play, and then they go and collect “whoever will give how much.” And whether to give zloty or not depends only on your desire. Please note that very few serve.


I specifically distinguish pizzerias from the class of fast food outlets because for Krakow residents it is more than just fast food. Having appeared in Poland only five to ten years ago, pizzerias managed to gain popularity. Perhaps because “casseroles” (zapiekanka), which are close relatives of pizza (I write about them below), were previously very popular.
Pizza Hut was one of the first to come to Poland. At one time she was also in Russia, but after our banking crisis of 98 she left us, and now you can only try her dishes abroad.
You can easily get lost in the list of pizzas offered. I recommend you try "Sicillian".
Portions here vary in diameter: the smallest is for 1 person, medium is for 2-3, and large is for 3-4 people.
The standard drink for pizza is, of course, cola. Goes well with pizza and beer.
In addition, they serve ice cream and other desserts.
If you “don’t feel like it anymore,” don’t make an effort - all the uneaten pieces of pizza will be packed for you, and you can take them with you.
In the center of Krakow, Pizza Hut is located on Mary Magdaleny Square (pl. Marii Magdaleny), opposite the Church of St. Peter and Paul, address: st. Grodzka, 57 (or Kanonicza street 12).
Please note that pizza takes time to prepare. So be prepared to wait about ten minutes.
If you are in a hurry, then around the corner on the street. Grodsk there is a department where they sell pizza in slices (w kawalkach [in cavalkas]) and “to-go”. Ready-made pizzas are on display, and you can buy a large fragrant slice, water, and have a snack while wasting time.
You can also order any of those on the list, but then you will have to wait. Here you can also buy takeaway pizza, and they will also pack it for you.

As I already said, pizzerias have become very popular among Krakow residents, and now there are so many of them that it’s difficult to list them all. Like true gourmets, Krakow residents will no longer take you to the once popular Pizza Hut, but will offer you something new.
Here are the ones my Polish friends recommended to me: "Quattro" - ul. Bracka (intersection with ul. Golebia) - a couple of blocks from the Market Square, original recipes and signature pizza with four different flavors, i.e. Each part contains different ingredients, there is also a bar with a large selection of alcoholic drinks; "Cyklop" - ul. Mikolajska, 16 - also in the very center, they cook here in a real oven, the hall is small, so you usually need to wait a little until tables are free; "Tratoria" - ul. Brzozowa (in the Kazimierz area), "Na dziedzyncu" - ul. Stradom (next to Wawel, first arch on the right).
If you don’t have any specific preferences, look at the menu item “Nasza specjalizacja” - this is the signature dish of this particular pizzeria.
Pizzas cost (per person) an average of 12-15 zl.
By the way, you can also order pizza by phone from the TelePizza service, and it will be delivered to your home at any time of the day. You can even compose it yourself to your own taste, telling you exactly what you want to put there.
Address: st. Sw. Tomasza 29, tel. 422-78-88, 422-41-36, 422-88-86.

Addresses of selected pizzerias:
- Banolli - st. Halszki 29, st. Karmelicka 22, st. Pszona 1, pl. Wolnica 10;
- Casa Della Pizza - Maly rynek (Small market) 2;
- Cyclop - st. Mikolajska 16;
- Grace - st. Sienna 15;
- New York City - st. Bora Komorowskiego 39;
- Pod Aniolkami - st. Szewska 14;
- Pizza Hut - st. Grodzka 57;
- Telepizza - class. Sw. Tomasza 29.

Fast food outlets

McDonalds is very popular, especially among children. Residents of our large cities do not need to explain what it is. For the rest, I will say that here you can be offered ready-made standard sets - H-burger, potatoes and a drink.
“Standard lunches” cost 13 zl (3.5 Euro). You can also order so-called “XL” sets - these are a little more potatoes and soda; such pleasure will cost you 1.5 zl more. The same components, but purchased separately, cost 1-2 zl more.
In the Old Town, McDonald's on Florianska Street is the second building to the left of the tower. It is believed that this is the most beautiful McDonald's in Poland. It also has a spacious hall in the basement, and in summer there are tables in the courtyard. It is open from 7:00 to 2:00, which is very convenient for “night tourists”. The other is open on the Market Square (from the side of the Town Hall Tower).
There are also McDrive points scattered around the city - McDonald's for those on wheels. There you can place and receive your order without leaving your car. In addition, McDonald's is located in the M1 and Plaza shopping complexes.

Another of the world-famous, but unfamiliar to us, fast food outlets is KFC. He shoves chicken into all his dishes (much like in our Rostik), so the portions of potatoes and cola here are smaller than at McDonald's. And, frankly, dishes that look extremely appetizing in advertising photographs can actually be not as tasty.

And of course, both McDonald's and KFC have sets for children - with a toy inside. Moreover, the wave of changing toys first sweeps across Europe, and then reaches Russia, so your child has a chance to bring home a toy that his friends will only be able to receive a few months later.

It is worth adding that the staff of the eateries mentioned above usually speak English, at least at the level of names of dishes and prices.
In addition, there is a free toilet available everywhere. You can come in just for him - it’s not forbidden here.

Eat on the go

There are many retail outlets on the streets of the Old Town and for those who like to eat on the go. They usually sell casseroles (zapiekanka) (in a nutshell, this is “simplified pizza”) for 3-4 zl (0.75 - 1 Euro), pizza in portions for 3-5 zl (~1 Euro), kebabs (kiebab; we call it “Shaurma”) for 4-5 zl (~1 Euro).
Those who are not afraid to put on weight should look into the small pastry shops scattered throughout the city. Here you will always find delicious fresh pastries. It is worth trying the branded donuts and charlotte. You can wash it all down, for example, with the drink "Ice Tea", bought in a nearby store.
Colas on tap are sold on the streets for 2.50 - 3.50 zl for 0.3 - 0.5 liters.
Lovers of healthy food are offered juices (0.2 l for 1-1.50 zl) and vitamin drinks "Kubus" (3-4 zl for 0.3 l).


In addition to cafes, which in Polish are called "kawiarnia" - "coffee shop", for those who do not like coffee there are "tea shops" - "herbaciarnia" [herbaciarnia].
Unlike the Central Asian teahouses we are familiar with, “herbaczarnia” is not a second name for snack bars. People come here to drink tea.
The waiter brings a menu with a choice of two dozen types of black tea and about a dozen green and flower varieties. Next to each name, and they are very intricate, it is described in detail what is included in them.
You order not cups of tea, but a teapot. Each teapot contains 250 ml, and this amount is enough for 3 partial cups. When the waiter brings the teapot, he will tell you how many more minutes the tea should be brewed.
A teapot costs about 6 zl.
Don’t forget to tell the waiter how many empty cups to bring for your party, since it’s free, just like the sugar in the sugar bowls on the tables.
If you want, you can order cookies for tea.
The teahouse is not a fast food joint. It is more of a meeting place with friends or lovers. You can sit and talk for a long time over one cup.

The most famous teahouses

The teahouse on Kanonicza Street (the second building from Wawel) is a cozy little room in the basement. There are only five tables here. The atmosphere is romantic - dim lights, soft calm music, candles on the tables.
And on the ground floor there is a store where you can buy the variety you like.

The teahouse at the Mangha Center for Japanese Technology is located in a modern, and very elegant, Japanese-style building. From here you have the best view of Wawel of all the cafes and restaurants in the city. (Apparently the Japanese have the money to purchase such plots.)
The atmosphere is not as romantic as on the street. Kanonicha, but this teahouse has an open area, where there are also tables in the warm season.

Other teahouses:
Golebnik ul. Golebia 7, open from 8.00 to 22.00, on weekends from 9.00 to 21.00
Herbaciarnia nr 1 st. sw. Tomasza 7, open from 9.00 to 24.00 on weekends from 10.00 to 1.00
Herbaciarnia nr 23 Rynek Glowny 23 is open daily from 11.00 to 22.00

Eat at night

Krakow cafes do not have a common closing hour: some finish work earlier, others later. For example, some cafes on the Market Square can close as early as 10:00 p.m., and some can be open even after 1 a.m. in the summer. It all depends on how many visitors there are.
Therefore, it is natural that in the summer or on Friday-Saturday you can find many points open until late, while during the rest of the year everything may be closed at 20:00.

Hence the advice: if you go for an evening walk and want to eat, watch the time: places where there were “just” a lot of people before 22:00 may suddenly become empty. In addition, after 21:00 the kitchen may close, and late in the evening you will only be offered cakes :-) There will be no problems with drinks from bottles/cans, but you will not be able to satisfy your hunger everywhere.

The bar at the Main Railway Station (pl. Kolejowy) is open all night.
You can also use the services of McDonald's on Florianska (ul. Florianska), which is open until 2:00. If you can’t get into it during the day, then in the evenings the hall is half empty and even the basement is closed. In addition, it is located close to the station.

However, you can make your own sandwiches at the hotel. There are several night shops near the city center.


I would like to immediately reassure those who are frightened by the word “restaurant” by the prospect of parting with the lion’s share of their vacation budget - unlike Moscow restaurants, Krakow restaurants will pleasantly please you with relatively low prices, which, by the way, are considered one of the lowest in Poland.
In the evening, a “good sit-down” without limiting yourself in any way costs an average of 20 Euros in a Krakow restaurant.
Anyone who celebrated the New Year in Krakow may object:
- Wait, what 20 Euros “for everything” are we talking about? We paid 50 Euros for New Year's dinner, and then we had to buy something else!
Indeed, for festive Christmas and New Year's dinners, prices in restaurants shamelessly skyrocket. But the rest of the year they behave quite well.

When a few years ago German authors compiled a guide to Krakow bars, cafes and restaurants, they counted all food outlets in Krakow with German pedantry. It turned out that within the boundaries of the Old City alone there are more than 800 (eight hundred) of them!
Typically, guides conducting sightseeing tours around the city show only two expensive restaurants: Wierzynek and Hawelka, which are located on the Market Square. Otherwise, the tourist has to hope for luck and either go to the first restaurant he comes across, or trust the advertisement in some newspaper or guidebook.
I dare to offer my help and tell you about the best Krakow restaurants.

So, for those who want to try Polish national cuisine, I advise you to visit the restaurant “Chlopskie jadlo” [Peasant food].

Today there are 3 restaurants with this name in Krakow; they all belong to the same network. But I recommend visiting the one located on Sw.Agneszki street, a couple of hundred meters from Wawel.
The very interior of this restaurant already puts you in a “folk mood”. There are 4 halls, and each of them is decorated differently. This includes a spacious common room with various jars on shelves, a cramped bedroom, half of which is occupied by a stove, and a children’s room with a real bed and funny crafts on the walls.
And for romantics, there is an additional room, which is a real... hold of a sea ship with the sound of rolling waves and the cries of seagulls. This hall, which can only be reached by passing through all the others, is sometimes listed as a "Baba ryba" restaurant offering seafood dishes.
As it should be in peasant huts, dim lighting reigns here, which makes dinner even more romantic.
But that is not all! In the evenings, you can hear a folk ensemble perform here, the soloist of which (they say is a former opera singer) soulfully sings folk songs. Some of them resemble Ukrainian ones, and sometimes our Russian motives are woven into the melody...
Now, finally, about food... Fans of diets and calorie counting are unlikely to find anything low-calorie on the menu, although they can choose something from a large list of homemade salads. For those who love to eat, first they are offered aromatic homemade bread with lard, then golombka with sauerkraut, porcini mushroom soup, dumplings, wild boar - and this is not counting the usual dishes of veal and pork...
And, of course, in order to help the stomach cope with all this, alcoholic drinks are offered on the menu. For example, beer with “cherry juice”, where the role of juice is played by cherry liqueur. You should see how the waiter masterfully places a cleverly twisted glass of infusion into a glass of beer... Fans of “classic drinks” will not be disappointed either.
I can assure you that a dinner in a romantic setting with live folk music will add to your collection of pleasant memories of Krakow.

The restaurant is open from 12:00 to 22:00, on Friday and Saturday until 24:00.
The price of an average dinner is 40 zl (10 Euros), lunch - 20 zl ($5) (the Baba Ryba hall is almost 2 times more expensive).
Address: st. Sw.Agneszki, 1. Tel. 421 85 20. Directions: by tram or bus to the stop "Stradom", then walk along Stradomska street (towards Wawel), first lane to the left. Or from Wawel along Stradomska street, the first lane goes diagonally to the right.

Attention! The folk ensemble sometimes sings in other "Chlopskie jadlo" restaurants, so it is better to find out in advance when and where it performs.

There is another restaurant on Grodzka street (9) - between the Market Square and Dominikanska-Franciskanska streets.
The third one is on St. Jana Street (Sw.Jana, 3) - the street exits from the Market Square as a continuation of the Cloth Hall (from the side of St. Mary's Church).

Ogniem i mieczem

Another folk-style restaurant that opened relatively recently is “Ogniem i mieczem”.
It is located in a good-quality two-story “village house” that rises behind a peasant yard with simple village utensils scattered on it. Here, in the open-air courtyard, visitors can also sit in the warm season, and the role of tables can be played, for example, by a standing cart...
In the carefully recreated interior, as in the “Cotton Yadlo”, high-calorie dishes of national cuisine are served, but the music is already recorded.
A wonderful restaurant in the spirit of our “Yolki-palki”. The only drawback is that travel is not the most convenient for those who do not know their way around Krakow very well.
Average dinner – 60-80 zl (15-20 Euro).

The restaurant is open from 12:00 to 23:00, on Friday and Saturday - until 24:00.
Address: st. Serkowskiego, 7.
Directions: by trams 6, 8, 10, 11, 23 to the stop "Most Pilsudskiego", from the intersection go towards the bridge, and turn into the first street on the left - Rejtana street, after a block it turns into Serkowskiego street, You won't miss the restaurant on the left side.

Within the boundaries of the old city there are also

The listed restaurants are divided into price categories according to the cost of lunch: up to 20 zl (5 Euros), from 20 to 40 zl (10 Euros), from 40 to 70 zl (20 Euros), and above.

The restaurant is located in a real restored basement, where there was once an alchemical laboratory.
The process of preparing some dishes takes place before the eyes of visitors, because everything is cooked in an oven located in one of the halls.
Polish menu with Podhale elements (Podhale is an area in the Polish Tatra Mountains).
It is worth trying the dishes of the Polish highlanders.
Lunch costs no more than 70 zl.
Address: Grodzka, 35.
Open: from 13:00 to 24:00, from Friday to Sunday - until 1:00.

The restaurant is a legend of Krakow gastronomy.
Previously it was called "Under the Image", because... On the façade of the house there is an image of the Mother of God who protected the house during the great fire of 1850.
The restaurant is famous primarily for its dishes of Krakow cuisine from the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
On weekends, you can dance to a jazz orchestra here.
Lunch will cost no more than 70 zl.
Address: Rynek Glowny, 19.
Open from 12:00 until the last visitor.

The restaurant is a legend of Krakow and Galician cuisine.
A huge portrait of Emperor Franz Joseph immediately makes it clear that you are in Galicia, in a restaurant with many years of tradition.
An ideal place for a sentimental, quick and inexpensive (for such a place) lunch - up to 40 zl.
Address: Rynek Glowny, 34.
Open from 12:00 to 23:00.

Orient Express interior. Every table here is a compartment table. On the shelves above our heads lie huge antique suitcases, outside the windows there is night, a candle is burning on the table; and how nice it is to while away the night on the road with a lush dessert...
The restaurant offers a mixture of dishes from the countries the Orient Express passes through.
According to experts, the best dishes of this restaurant are desserts: Hungarian gundelpalacints (not translated into Russian; a type of pancake) and pancakes.
However, other dishes are not inferior to them in taste. It is not for nothing that this restaurant was nominated by the Galician Academy of Taste for the "Zlota Kawka" prize in 1997 (Prize for the best restaurant).
Lunch here costs no more than 40 zl.
Address: Poselska, 22
Open from 13:00 to 24:00.

Corsican restaurant. From the inside it looks like a sea tavern and specializes in seafood dishes.
A popular meeting place for Krakow's artistic bohemia. The book of honored guests is full of names of famous artists from all over the country.
In the evenings and on weekends, it is better to reserve seats in advance.
Lunch costs no more than 70 zl.
Address: Poselska, 24.
Open from 13:00 until the last visitor.

Cyrano de Bergerac is considered the best French restaurant in Poland.
Two fairly large, elegantly decorated halls in medieval cellars.
Own wine cellars.
The restaurant is expensive, but it's worth it.
The Galician Academy of Taste awarded the restaurant the "Zlota Kawka" prize in 1997 as the best restaurant in Galicia.
Address: Slawkowska 26.
Open from 9:00 to 23:00.

These were the best Krakow restaurants, and below I provide an expanded list of “simply the best” restaurants.

Best restaurants in Krakow (by district)

On Wawel Hill

The only restaurant on the territory of the Royal Castle, in a 19th-century building built by the Austrians. It is an indispensable "attraction" visited by foreign guests.
The French chef generously adds French dishes to the menu.
The restaurant is open until the last visitor, but you can order dishes until 20:00.
Address: Wzgorze Wawelskie, 9.
Entrance from the side of the road leading to the Vistula.

Districts Okol and Stradom

Vega Vegetarian Bar

The only truly vegetarian place in the city. Berries, soy dishes, bran cakes, freshly squeezed juices.
On weekends there is live classical music. Inexpensive.
Address: Sw. Gertrudy, 7.
Open from 10:00 to 21:00.

Arabic restaurant. Divided into 2 parts: a self-service hall and a hall with waiters. The menu includes Middle Eastern dishes (to be honest, I was only able to translate the names “kebab” and “couscous”).
There is a salad bar in the self-service hall.
Lunch - 20-40 zl.
Address: pl.Dominikanski, 6.
Open from 9:00 to 24:00.

Chlopskie jadlo
(see above)

Orient Express
(see above)

A small cozy restaurant opposite the Royal Hotel. A good choice for lovers of traditional Polish cuisine and large portions.
Lunch - 20-40 zl.
Address: Sw. Gertrudy, 21
Open from 11:00 to 22:00.

Restaurant with a Texas menu. A favorite place for young people and students.
Lunch - 20-40 zl.
Address: Poselska, 20
Open from 12:00 to 23:00

(see above)

Pod Aniolami
(see above)

Commercial advertising:

And today it is the most convenient city for traveling for several days. In addition to the main attractions, the food here is cheap and tasty, and flying to Krakow from Kyiv available for $50 on Wizz Air. Walk around Krakow it is best at night, and this follows from my previous post, and during the day it is better to combine business with pleasure, walks and food, and in Krakow it is better to give preference to the pleasant: that is, food and drink. The right traveler never rushes around the city in search of another unseen church and naturally does not take pictures in front of every monument.

Long gone are the days when food in Krakow was issued on ration cards. For those who are not in the know, it’s a paradox, but the most tourist city in Poland has some of the lowest prices in restaurants. It seemed that it should be the other way around according to all the laws of economics. With the laws of economics, everything is correct and there are no secrets - only within the old city there is about 800 restaurants, cafes and pubs. This does not include student canteens, where lovers of tourist freebies eat. IN Krakow you can dine for pennies in student canteens, no one asks anything at the entrance, and there are a lot of foreign students there, so you won’t arouse suspicion, but if you’re over 40 or just don’t look well, you can pass for a teacher.

Let's leave kebabs and instant pizza to students and other traveling people who save on the gastronomic component and their own emotions.

Where to eat deliciously in Krakow

You can and should start your morning with coffee, Polish cafes sound like "kawiarnia" and the most famous place among coffee lovers - Krakow cafe - "Jama Michalika", st. Florianskaya, 45. Located at the entrance to the old city to the left of the Florian Gate, it is difficult to miss. The cafe is mega popular, but classic, large and moderately pretentious, there is usually enough space for everyone. I came here more as a tribute to history; I prefer small and cozy establishments.

In addition, a couple more not very visited by tourists:

"U Noworolskiego" on the Main Market Square, near the Cloth Hall, from the side of the Mickiewicz monument;
"Redolfi", Market Square (Glowny rynek), building 38.

I like to look at the city from above, there are some for people like you cafe "Panorama" on the roof hotel "Forum"- Wawel and the old town at a glance;

IN Krakow You can simply eat in every 200 square meters, but among hundreds of restaurants and cafes there are champions, the best of the best. Let's go through the ones I've been to myself.

"Cotton Yadlo", the number 1 restaurant in Krakow, although quite popular among tourists. It is highly contraindicated for those who are on a diet or suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract to come here. Golonka with sauerkraut, porcini mushroom soup, pirogi (Polish dumplings), wild boar. Believe me, I forgot about Wawel and St. Mary's Church after this restaurant, not to mention less significant attractions. Why is there a church there - I even forgot about the camera, and this rarely happens to me.

Restaurants with this name in Krakow as many as three. No pathos or starchy tablecloths. Only food, drinks and appropriate interior. Several rooms, each with a different theme, I liked the one that resembles the hold of a ship. The sea is our everything, even in the river Krakow.

Restaurant addresses "Chlopskie jadlo": (the Krakow card is required and is available at any hotel, even if you do not live there)

Sw. Agneszki, 1.

Grodzka, 9- between the Market Square and Dominikanska-Franciskanska streets.

Sw.Jana, 3– a side street from the Market Square as a continuation of the Cloth Hall from the side of St. Mary’s Church.

Restaurant JAREMA on Matejka Square. Here we celebrated the New Year, it is more pretentious and is more suitable for celebrating special events or for those who simply love everything elegant and beautiful, without rusticity and simplicity. In addition, this is almost the only place in Krakow that is not in the basement.

Old Polish restaurant "U Babci Maliny" (At Babtsi Malanya) another must-visit place, less noisy than the popular one "Hlopske Jadlo" but no less tasty and a little cheaper. Clear kitchen, beautiful interior. One of the chain's restaurants is located in the central part, directly opposite the theater. Restaurant addresses "U Babci Maliny"

Krakow, ul.Slawkowska, 17
Krakow, ul.Szpitalna, 38

The prices, as in all restaurants, are reasonable; you can spend more than 30 euros for two people, but you have to try.

Another place - cafe Polakovski, located opposite the Dominican Church, in the city center, a 5-minute walk from the Market Square - a city map will help.

Krakow without the Jewish Quarter is like New York without Chinatown. Kazimierz- Jewish quarter of Krakow. Here we found two establishments that I also added to my must visit list.

"At the neighbor's" With a minimum of tourists, the most delicious food with an emphasis on meat dishes. Restaurant address: Krakow, ul.Miodowa, 25, tel.12 654 83 53

Most restaurants don’t bother with decoration; they remove the plaster and leave bare brick walls; it looks quite organic. The Lviv residents adopted the same principle.

Another little-known place in Kazimierz PUB Stajnia (Pub "Stainya") on Joseph Street It’s better to ask on the spot how to get there, I got there by accident while wandering through the back streets of Krakow. Pub "Stainya" resembles a cultivated analogue ruin pub in Budapest .

There are still about a dozen places where you can eat, but the best is the enemy of the good. Therefore, only the best and personally verified places.

After lunch you can take a walk, the main thing is not to get carried away with the sights and not to overeat. There is still evening and beer gatherings ahead. Krakow It’s not Munich, of course, and in terms of beer consumption culture, if it hasn’t yet caught up with Germany, it is trying in every possible way to imitate it. They drink a lot of beer and do it with pleasure. Usually, each cafe (not a pub) specializes in beer from one manufacturer, which one is easy to find out - read the inscriptions on the umbrellas. The two most famous brands in Lesser Poland (the region of which Krakow is the capital) are "Zywiec" and "Lech". I like both and are considered the best among dozens of others. In winter, instead of mulled wine, they drink hot beer, in Polish “grzanie pivo” or “grzaniec”. There is with cloves, cinnamon, cardamom. As a digestif, many people drink beer with cherry juice, of course there is no juice there - the Poles use strong cherry liqueur as juice. Such a ruff in Polish. I never became a fan of all sorts of beer mixtures, as well as warmed beer. But in classic pub I came in and I recommend it to you.

Beer restaurant SK Browar (SK Browar). In a nutshell - excellent beer, democratic and very noisy ( It’s hardly suitable for intimate get-togethers for two, but I highly recommend drinking beer in company. Address: Krakow, ul.Podwale 6-7

For non-beer lovers, in addition to the cafe "kawiarnia" in Krakow there are teahouses "herbaciarnia" (herbaciarnia), from the word herbata (tea). I recommend, again with a view of Wawel, in Japanese Technology Center Mangha. I don’t really like places located in shopping centers, but you need to go here not so much for the tea, but for the view of the city.

And for dessert one more place, though not in Krakow and is suitable only for motorists. I mean the castle restaurant in Przegozaly. It is located on a mountain and there are no buses going there. From the open area of ​​the restaurant there is an amazing view of the city.

Find budget accommodation in Krakow

Budget city hotel in Krakow can be found through the booking system Hotels Combined, a service I use myself. The advantage of the service is that it compares prices from dozens of booking systems - you just have to choose the best offer, including everyone’s favorite low-cost air travel - you just have to choose the best by price, departure time or airline.

Internet sites that help you save money when planning your own trips

Aviasales- low-cost air tickets around the world

RoomGuru– search for budget accommodation, hotels and apartments around the world and on all popular booking sites, including Agoda, and other popular booking systems– familiar and convenient search and booking of accommodation around the world

– car rental all over the world with the possibility of free cancellation

Website for purchasing bus tickets in Europe and the CIS countries


I broadcast all news and articles on the LifeIsTravel page in


From cheap eats to luxury restaurants, Krakow has something to suit everyone's taste and budget. But this article will be devoted to budget restaurants in the city, for those who are forced to save money during their trip.

Kielbasa(Ul. Daszynskiego)

If you want to try the traditional Polish dish Kiełbasa (sausage, in our opinion) with sauces, go try it at the Hala Targowa market and look for the blue van parked in front of it. This street cafe has been in existence for over 10 years in this location, and you can buy food there from 21:00 to 3:00 (Monday-Saturday). Sausages are served on a plate with mustard or ketchup. There is usually a line outside the food trucks, but it's worth the wait. This is a wonderful sausage - the most desired food after parties (that's why hungry party-goers crowd around the van around three o'clock).

Alebriche(Karmelika 56)

The owner of the restaurant is Mexican of Polish descent and prepares most of the dishes for the guests. So, here you will find authentic Mexican food - tortillas, tortillas, and of course, chicken with mole sauce (Mexican chocolate sauce) is an absolute favorite! This restaurant is a 10-minute walk from Krakow's main square. There are special offers for guests every day for lunch and dinner. Food here is very cheap, so go ahead and try everything on the menu, and don’t forget to save room for dessert! By the way, this cafe is one of the few places in Krakow where you can order a real Margarita.

Schedule: Mon-Sun: 10:00-22:00

Lord Koko(Gołębia 8)

The restaurant in the very center of the city is well known among students (of course, because it is very cheap). It serves traditional Polish cuisine. By the way, drinks here are perhaps the cheapest in the area of ​​the main square of Krakow. Order dumplings, sausage and cabbage rolls here, as well as flavorful ribs, fish and a variety of homemade soups (the menu usually changes daily). The place consists of three small halls. If you can't find a seat, go downstairs to the basement hall - there are usually fewer people there.

Schedule: Mon-Sun: 08:00-03:00

Plac Nowy

In the very center of Kazimierz you will find a historic round building. The stalls next to this building sell traditional street food, particularly zapiekanki - a baguette cut in half with mushrooms, cheese, ham, paprika and other ingredients of your choice. This is a very popular fast food in Poland. Prices on the street range from 3 to 7 zlotys. The cheapest option with mushrooms, cheese and sauce costs less than 1 euro. And, believe me, one “casserole” will be enough for you. Of course, the sandwich is about thirty centimeters long.

Lady Tradycyne(Starowiślna 83)

Krakow residents are very fond of locally produced ice cream. When the weather is warm, the crowds around this restaurant are very long, especially on warm weekends. Family recipes are the secret of such divine taste. Unfortunately, the assortment is not very large - mainly fruit ice cream.

Schedule: Mon-Sun: 09:00-19:00

Bar 25(Zwierzyniecka 25)

A good place for lunch, where there are not many tourists. The location, close to the main square, attracts mainly locals, students and guests from nearby hotels. If you want to drink coffee, beer or have a small snack, such as sandwiches or panini, go to this restaurant. The prices are very reasonable and they even have free Wi-Fi. Overall, this is a very comfortable stop to read a book or just relax after shopping or a walk.

Schedule: Mon-Sun: 09:00-00:00

Roti Roti(Węgłowa 4)

A friendly, bright and simply delightful restaurant where you can dine in or order food to take away. The restaurant offers authentic Indian dishes such as samosas and various fried meat and vegetable appetizers. They make their own bread here and it’s delicious! The food here is radically different from anything you can find in Krakow. Interestingly, the food is prepared according to real Indian recipes, without adaptation to Polish tastes. Lunch combos are very cheap and filling.

Schedule: Mon-Sun: 12:00-22:00

Pierwszy lokal na Stolarskiej po lewej stronie idąc od Małego Rynku(Stolarska 6)

Yes, yes, such a long name. Despite its central location, the café in the Old Town is more of an eatery. It's spacious though. Here you can chat with the locals, drink regional beer and relax near the bar, in the smoking area, or next to the cafe. The decor is rustic, with funny newspaper headlines plastered on the wall behind the bar. If you're hungry, the restaurant offers homemade sandwiches. The restaurant is open from early morning – and this is its great advantage.

U Szwagra(Zwierzyniecka)

There is always a lively bar, or rather, a window in the wall, where you can buy delicious kebabs, pizza and hamburgers. Everything is cheap and filling, and very convenient. Kebabs, which you can also order here, are a popular street food in Krakow and there are many good places to buy them. But this place will really appeal to everyone – the range of fast food is impressive. You can enjoy your meal right there or eat while sitting on a bench on Wisła Boulevard.

Sami Am Am(ul. Świętego Wawrzyńca 27)

This is a tiny place run by a Syrian family, so the dishes sold here are traditional Syrian. These are not only kebabs, but also dishes that most people have never heard of - mtabal (thick pasta sauce), manakish (pita with a mixture of spices) and others. Meals can be eaten on site or ordered to take away. Vegetarians will also enjoy the restaurant. In general, this cafe is an excellent alternative to regular fast food, and the low prices simply won’t allow you to order less than two dishes.

Schedule: Mon-Sun: 12:00-21:00

Stary Kleparz(Rynek Kleparski)

The proximity to the Market Square and the range of delicacies make this delightful place the best for grocery shopping. Everything you could want - dairy products, meat, herbs, fruits, vegetables, sweets, fish, mushrooms, it's all here. You can find some mouth-watering treats. Look for the dairy stand at the back of the market, selling palatable cheeses (cow's, goat's and sheep's milk, plain or herbed, fresh and mature) or Arthur's stall with over 200 different herbs and seasonings. Buy traditional Polish products at this mini-market - feta cheese, ośtiepok (smoked sheep cheese) and kiełbasa (sausage).

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After pleasant walks around Krakow, special attention should be paid to the restaurants of the city, because after visiting Krakow it is impossible not to sit in cozy restaurants and cafes and not try Polish cuisine.

Café Ariel.

ul. Szeroka 18.

Charming old Jewish restaurant (not kosher) in the center of the Jewish quarter of Kazimierz. The second floor is decorated with hunting trophies, and in the evenings a trio of klezmer music performers performs. Very colorful and fun.

Menu 40-80 zlotys

Cafe Camelot.

ul.Sw.Tomasza 17.

A trendy and catchy cafe where you can enjoy a cup of tea or a glass of beer, as well as a snack (delicious hearty breakfasts). Excellent salads, soups, sandwiches and desserts.

Menu 15-40 zlotys.


ul.Sw.Anny 3.

The salad bar is open from morning until evening, offering unlimited inexpensive salads and snacks. The signature dish is lamb with almonds, and for vegetarians - cauliflower puree with spinach.

Menu 15 – 40 zlotys.

Chtopskie Jadto.

ul. Sw.Jana 3.

The name translates as "peasant cuisine" - a very accurate description for this chain of Polish village restaurants. A fun, bright interior in a rustic style and classic simple food - soups, pies, fish and meat dishes - with half-liter mugs of beer accompanied by folk music; rural atmosphere. Free cakes for breakfast on Sunday.

Menu 40-80 zlotys.

Cyrano de Bergerac.

ul.Stawkowska 26.

Quite an expensive establishment. A refined basement restaurant serving French cuisine at French prices. A favorite place of the local elite and visiting celebrities. A decent establishment - if your wallet allows it.

Menu from 80 zlotys.

Da Pietro.

Rynek Gtowny 17.

A pleasant cellar right on the Market Square is the right place to enjoy Italian cuisine without breaking the bank. Large portions and good selection of pasta.

Menu 40 zlotys.


ul.Swakowska 3.

The interior features lacquered wood and leather armchairs and separate offices. Chic homemade drinks and creative international cuisine. Be sure to order the halibut with lime and chili.

Menu 40-80 zlotys.

ul. Dietla 49.

Complete vegetarian food in a small restaurant with a homely atmosphere between the Old Town and Kazimierz. One of the few places that serves brown rice.

Menu 15 zlotys.

North Fish.

Rynek Gtowny 25.

Everything here is clear from the title. Delicious fish and chips, including a spicy version, in an ice cream cone. Condiments, alcohol and a decent salad bar.

Menu 15-40 zlotys.

ul.Wislna 11.

A real gem among restaurants hidden in an old church basement. The food is a tempting mix of delicious Italian and Indian dishes. Good selection of music.

Menu from 15 zlotys.

Pod Aniotami.

ul. Grodzka 35.

Stylish medieval basement with stone walls, wooden tables and carpets on the walls. A cool summer courtyard where tables are set out in the summer. Specialization - local cuisine, including all types of fried meats.

Menu 40-80 zlotys.

Rynek Gtowny 26.

The most popular network in the country. Large portions of kebab style dishes served with a generous side salad of cabbage. Worth a try.

Menu 15-40 zlotys.

Restauracja Szara.

Rynek Gtowny 6.

Dishes of various European cuisine. A sophisticated little restaurant on the old Market Square.

Menu 15-40 zlotys.


Rynek Gtowny 15.

The most famous restaurant in Krakow. Traditional Polish cuisine in a medieval building from 1346.

Menu 60-80 zlotys.

Is the answer helpful?

Compared to prices for cafes and restaurants in Russia, eating in Krakow is cheaper, especially if you know how to save money.

All catering establishments in Krakow can actually be divided into three groups: restaurants, cafes and cafeterias for local residents. The maximum number of establishments are located in the historical center of the city, where tourists usually walk, but this does not mean that prices in such establishments are significantly higher than on the outskirts of the city.

A meal in a European-style restaurant will cost you about one and a half thousand rubles for two. Portions depend on the establishment itself: some people put small neat pieces and carved figures of carrots, while others put a giant clear plate. In any case, the menu always indicates the gram portion and you can calculate how much it costs to take. You can pay in cash or by card; in most cases, tips must be left separately.

In the cafe you can always have breakfast or take a business lunch. As a rule, coffee with cake or a set of soup with croutons and coffee will cost you 150-250 rubles, which is not that expensive. In addition, snacks can be organized without a cafe, since their signature buns with poppy seeds or sesame seeds are sold everywhere in Krakow, which you can eat while admiring the beauty of the city.

The third option for establishments is establishments that are not aimed at tourists. Eating here is much cheaper and there is a fairly good selection of Polish cuisine. If we talk about cafes in the central part of the city, I would recommend two: Smakołyki and Gospoda Koko. The first cafe is located on Stashevsky Street, has several halls and a fairly small number of visitors in the evening. The waiters do not speak Russian and the menu is entirely in Polish, but a meal with salad, first course, second course, beer and dessert will cost you 700 rubles for two. In the second, in the evening, on the contrary, it is sold out, and it happens that there is practically nothing left from the menu, but the prices are about the same level. The cafe is located just behind the Main Market Square.

The cost of food in the store is about the same as ours, alcohol is somewhat more expensive and is sold in separate “shops”. In addition to Polish alcohol, Krakow has a lot of Czech beer, absinthe and Becherovka.

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There are no problems with food in Krakow. On the day of arrival, we had lunch in a cafe near the Castle (tourists call it the Kremlin).

Vareniki. which we had high hopes for turned out to be ordinary dumplings with potatoes. Another Polish dish - stewed cabbage with pork turned out to be quite tasty. The beer is served interestingly. In general, it is served by adding syrup to beer. I was surprised and expressed my doubts, after which the waitress agreed to bring beer and syrup separately. I then tried adding raspberry syrup to beer, which turned out to be not bad at all.

We also had lunch at a cafe in the city - everything was delicious too. Lunch cost us 60 zlotys.

For dessert, you can treat yourself to Polish ice cream. They sell it on the pedestrian street. Depending on the type and size, the price varies from 2 to 5 zlotys.

Is the answer helpful?

As in any tourist city, Krakow has no shortage of restaurants, bars and cafes. There are establishments for every taste and budget: from very expensive restaurants with a century-old history, to small and inexpensive cafes. But always with excellent cuisine.

Krakow is generally famous for its cuisine. But at the same time, prices in city restaurants are considered to be among the lowest in Poland.

In the Old Town Almost every house has a cafe or mini-restaurant. Prices there are a little higher than in other areas of the city, but one cannot say that they are much higher. And local residents are trying to organize a bar in almost every basement. What can you do, demand creates supply. It happens that cafes on the main tourist streets are located in the back of the courtyard and do not have a shop window. In these cases, signs in the corridors leading to the street will help - but to see them, you need to open the doors and go inside. Unusual, of course.

Well, such a remark. If you want really tasty food, then in restaurants and cafes look for the “Our Specialization” section in the menu. There will be a list of those dishes that the establishment specializes in preparing.

But to begin with, perhaps it’s worth listing a few famous cafes in Krakow. They are also considered the most expensive in the Old Town. But each of them has its own individual story. Here they are:

“Jama Michalika” (located on Florianskaya street, 45);

“U Noworolskiego” (near the rows of Sukiennice, from the side of the Mickiewicz monument);

"Redolfi" (Rynek Glowny, building 38);

“Panorama” (located on the terrace of the Forum Hotel, offering an excellent view of Wawel).

Krakow restaurants generally pleasantly surprise with their prices.

Unlike restaurants in other major European tourist cities, food prices in restaurants in Krakow are indeed relatively low. For example, having a “good time” in the evening in a mid-level Krakow restaurant, even with a small amount of alcoholic drinks, means that your approximate bill will be 20 euros per person. In expensive restaurants this amount can increase by a maximum of 2 times. But again, it depends on what you order (if a person prefers only lobsters, then you understand).

Summer cafe tables are scattered almost along the entire perimeter of the square. Those under umbrellas. By the inscription on the umbrellas you can easily figure out what type of beer is offered in this cafe. You may not know what type of coffee they will offer you. You can have some dessert with your coffee.

I repeat that in the last paragraph we are not talking about food as such, but about the “correct” pastime in Krakow. The romantic atmosphere on the Market Square also plays an important role, which is especially noticeable in the evening.

By the way, about beer! The most famous brands in Krakow are "Żywiec" and "Okocim". They are considered the best. Also noteworthy are the beers "EB", "Lech", "Tyskie", "Warka". Although, every major city produces its own beers. There are so many of them that there is no point in listing them. Just take it and try it.

There is one bar that stands out from the others. It is located right on the grounds of Wawel Castle. The bar is open until almost 19:00, although the museums close much earlier. Medieval romance reigns here... The assortment is not large (beer, coffee/tea, cookies, ice cream). And the prices, they say, are no higher than on the Market Square. And it sounds very dignified: I drank beer (coffee) in a real royal castle!

In Polish restaurants and cafes it is customary to leave tip approximately 10% from the order cost. Krakow is in some ways an exception - here you can give less. Usually they simply “round up” the bill to the nearest multiple of 5 (for example, a bill of 61.5 zł is rounded up to 65 zł). But in any case, tips are your own business. If you don’t like something, you can generally pay everything strictly according to the invoice, down to the last penny.

There is such an interesting concept in Krakow as " milk bar"(bar mleczny). But today this is more of a tribute to tradition; in these establishments, dairy products are not at all the basis of the menu. But you can eat there quite inexpensively. A set lunch consisting of a salad, soup, main course and drink will cost approximately 8-15 zł (2-4 euros).

Naturally, in Krakow there is pizzerias. They appeared in Poland quite recently, but have already gained popularity. One of the first pizzeria chains to appear in Poland was Pizza Hut. One of them is located at ul.Grodzka, 57.

The list of pizza varieties offered is very large. When choosing a portion, you need to be guided by its diameter: the smallest pizza is designed for 1 person, the medium one is for 2-3, and the largest one is for 3-4 people. On average, pizza costs 12-15 zł per person. If you cannot eat everything, then the normal practice is to ask to pack it with you.

Pizzerias are now very popular among Krakow residents. Now, in addition to Pizza Hut, there are so many of them in the city that it is impossible to list them all. I’ll name just a few pizzerias that I’ve heard about myself: “Quattro” (ul. Bracka – two blocks from Rynek), “Cyklop” (ul. Mikolajska, 16), “Tratoria” (ul. Brzozowa – in the Kazimierz district), “Na dziedzyncu" (ul. Stradom, near Wawel), "Grace" (ul. Sienna, 15), "Casa Della Pizza" (Maly rynek, building 2), "Pod Aniolkami" (ul. Szewska 14).

There are many fast food outlets in Krakow ( fast foods). Not that I recommend them, but cases are different. The most popular, naturally, is McDonalds. It is believed that in the Old Town on Florianska Street (next to the tower) there is the most beautiful McDonalds in Poland. World-famous (but unknown in our country) fast food centers called “KFC” are also widespread. Children are especially happy about KFC, because only abroad can they try their products and then brag to their friends.

An undoubted advantage is the relatively passable command of the English language by the staff of these establishments. There is also a free toilet available to you even if you are not a visitor.

Well, a very quick way to have a snack is to eat on the go. There are many points around the city where you can buy some casseroles, portioned pieces of pizza, kebabs, various pastries and drinks.

The huge selection of dishes in Krakow will satisfy even the most sophisticated gourmet.

In terms of the sophistication of its dishes, this city is a little simpler than the constantly developing Warsaw in this sense, but Krakow is still Poland's second gastronomic center, which also has more than enough places worth a look.

Ed Red Steakhouse

The steakhouse, which recently opened next to the Market Square, sells mostly meat, with an emphasis on beef steaks from Limousin cows bred in this country in conditions as close to natural as possible. Local chef Adam Chrzonstowski is one of the best chefs in the country. Here at Ed Red Steakhouse, dry-aged steaks seasoned with traditional French sauces are not the only dish. Here you can also try excellent dishes prepared from various offal with grilled croutons. For example, veal tongues, crops, liver, and, moreover, bovine eggs. And the cheeses produced by Polish farmers are beyond praise here, and they are constantly included in the menu. By the way, the Ed Red restaurant is included in the Michelin guide.


  • ul. Slawkowska 3

Working hours:

  • Mon-Thu: 12:00-23:00
  • Fri-Sun: 12:00-24:00

Zazie Bistro

This restaurant is very popular among both local residents and city guests. There are always a lot of people here, for this reason it is recommended to book a table in advance. Zazie Bistro is located in the Jewish district of Kazimierz. The decor of the restaurant resembles a bistro from France, and the menu here contains mostly French culinary creations. Local chef Daniel Mysliwiec did his work in Spain in the old days, and not so long ago received the proud title of Gault & Millau Young Talent 2015. For many years now, according to the majority of clients of the establishment, the best thing here is seasoned calf crop ricotta, dried duck liver, egg yolk, fried pistachios, and also liver pate, prepared according to a Parisian recipe, seasoned with prunes soaked in Armagnac. They serve both original dishes like lamb in chocolate sauce with the most exquisite additives, as well as classic ones, for example, beef Bourguignon. Zazie Bistro is included in the Michelin Guide as one of the best restaurants in Krakow.


  • ul. Jozefa 34

Working hours:

  • Mon: 17:00-23:00
  • Tue-Thu: 12:00-23:00
  • Fri-Sat: 12:00-24:00
  • Sun: 12:00-23:00

Pod Nosem ("Under the Nose")

The Pod Nosem restaurant, which occupies two floors, is located on the most beautiful and oldest street in Krakow - ul. Canonicals, under the very walls of Wawel. This is a great place to end a walking tour through the historical part of the city. This restaurant serves mainly Polish national dishes, prepared in a modern way. The unique decoration is complemented by tapestries. The local chef Przemyslaw Bilski practiced and gained professional experience in the British capital. Depending on the time of year, here you can eat delicious asparagus soup, dumplings with duck meat, seasoned with pieces of cheese, goose breast marinated in Wieliczka salt and raspberries, or even veal meat with cabbage and smoked potatoes. Here you can also try the most excellent caviar produced by Antonius Caviar, a company located in this country. The restaurant is included in the Michelin Guide.


  • ul. Kanonicza 22

Working hours:

  • Mon-Thu: 12:00-22:00
  • Fri-Sat: 12:00-22:00
  • Sun: 12:00-22:00


The Copernicus restaurant is located in the building of the hotel of the same name on the street. Kanonicha. The chef here is the brilliant Marcin Filipkiewicz, one of the authors of recipes from the well-known cookbook “Gourmet Polish Cuisine,” which received one of the first places at the Gourmand World Cookbook culinary competition held in Paris in 2013. The culinary works he prepared represent the current version of the palace culinary art of Poland and Italy. Lunch and tasting dishes are served here. The salmon steak flavored with pickled onions, sheep offal seasoned with shrimp and garlic, and cream soup with parsley and veal crop are very tasty. They also serve local lamb with Jerusalem artichoke and fried artichokes, as well as cod, flavored with barley porridge and a salad made from local mushrooms. During the warm season, the roof of the building where the restaurant is located becomes an observation deck, offering a beautiful view of the Old Town. The restaurant is included in the Michelin Guide.


  • ul. Kanonicza 16

Working hours:

  • Around the clock

Trzy Rybki ("Three Fishes")

The gourmet restaurant, whose name means “Three Fishes”, is located in the open area of ​​the Stary Hotel. The local chef, Krzysztof Żurek, has extensive experience working in various restaurants in Warsaw and Italy. Here he prepares signature dishes that extremely successfully combine traditional and the most modern elements. The menu here is exclusively seasonal. In the spring and hot season, fresh vegetables, asparagus, and artichokes are served here, so it makes sense to choose dumplings with goat cheese, artichokes and truffles. In the autumn season, you can mostly find game, mushrooms, as well as edible flora related to this season. Here you should order duck liver seasoned with caramel, saffron and celery. Having eaten well, you can take the elevator to the rooftop terrace: from this place you can simply enjoy an amazing view of the rather picturesque streets of this city. The Krakow restaurant Three Fishes is included in the Michelin Guide.


  • ul. Szczepanska 5

Working hours:

  • Mon-Sun: 12:00-23:00

Bottigliera 1881

This restaurant was included in the Michelin Guide for the first time in 2016. Most people consider it a “wine cellar” because you can drink any wine from a collection of about four hundred different types, which will be selected by sommelier Mikhail Yantsik. But don’t forget one more thing: in addition to wines, Bottigliera also has a good menu. Not too big, but it was selected with all possible care. The chef here is Pavel Kras, who trained both in Poland and in other countries. The menu here is seasonal. Something like bouillabaisse here is seasoned with bok choy cabbage, onions, and shrimp. There are also options for Polish cuisine. Well, in order to get even more pleasure from your meal, it is recommended to listen to what the sommelier advises. The restaurant is included in the Michelin Guide.


  • ul. Bochenska 5

Working hours:

  • Mon: closed
  • Tue-Sat: 12:00-23:00
  • Sun: 12:00-18:00

Biała Róża ("White Rose")

This restaurant is located in the palace complex in Planty, not too far from the Market Square and Wawel. These places, evoking associations with the local philistinism, recall the traditions of the city and the past of these places. The local chef Lukasz Tichy, when creating his culinary works, turns for inspiration to the old Lesser Poland cuisine, which about a hundred years ago intertwined motifs from four countries. Nowadays they serve, for example, lamb sausage seasoned with rhubarb, wild elderberry and juniper, chicken with homemade local buckwheat soufflé, mashed potatoes made with leeks and ginger, and local cheeses. Well, as appetizers in this restaurant, lamb, seasoned with sorrel, sea buckthorn and spinach, is not bad; you can also try herring caught in the Baltic territory, seasoned with onions, new potatoes and curdled milk.


  • ul. Floriana Straszewskiego 16

Working hours:

  • Mon-Sun: 12:00-22:00


Miodova is located in Kazimierz. The local chef, Mateusz Turay, used to work at the local restaurant Ancora under Adam Chrzonstowski. The Miodova restaurant is distinguished not only by its modern decor, but also by the fact that it serves equally modern Polish cuisine. When creating his creations, Turay took ideas from the Illustrated Krakow Cookbook, written by Maria Gruszycka, as well as from the cuisine of Jews and Austro-Hungarians. Here you can taste dishes like baked goose stomachs, seasoned with tomatoes and marinade, herring flavored with lightly salted cucumber, decorated as a filling for a spiced pancake, and modern versions of dumplings: for example, seasoned with lamb jellied meat and Emilgrana cheese. In addition to all of the above culinary products, it is recommended to choose wine from Central/Eastern Europe. The Miodova restaurant in Krakow is included in the Michelin Guide.


  • ul. Szeroka 3

Working hours:

  • Mon-Sun: 12:00-23:00

Studio qulinarne ("Culinary Studio")

Studio qulinarne is one of the most beautiful restaurants in the area, and it has a wonderful summer veranda. This miracle is located in a post-industrial restored building, which previously served as a tram depot. The decoration here is simply gorgeous. Oskar Zasun, head chef at Studio qulinarne, is a fan of modernist cuisine, and combines elements from the cuisine of Poland and other countries. In summer you can order tartare made from lamb meat with mint, shimiji mushrooms and egg yolk from local chickens. Also worth a look is the veal trio, seasoned with carrot and asparagus puree. The restaurant is included in the Michelin guide as one of the best restaurants in Krakow.

The Chlopskie Jadlo restaurant offers dishes of national Polish cuisine prepared according to old peasant recipes. The average bill is about forty zlotys.

The restaurant's interior matches its menu. Opening the door of the restaurant, you find yourself in a real peasant hut. The large room is decorated with various jars, wooden benches, there is also a tiny bedroom with a stove and a nursery with a crib and crafts. The restaurant also has a separate room, designed in the form of a ship's hold, in which seafood dishes are served. Prices there are higher than in the restaurant itself. As befits a peasant hut, the lighting is dim, creating a calm, romantic atmosphere. In the evenings, a folk ensemble performs here.

The restaurant menu offers a wide selection of dishes: from appetizers and homemade salads to full-fledged hot dishes. Soups made from peasant recipes are a must try. Lamb, veal, wild boar and beef are prepared according to Old Polish recipes. They also serve excellent dumplings.

The restaurant also offers a large selection of alcoholic drinks. A popular drink is beer with “cherry juice,” the latter being cherry liqueur, a shot of which is dropped into a beer glass.

Restaurant Pimiento Argentino Grill

The Pimiento Argentino Grill restaurant opened its doors to visitors in 2007 and immediately gained popularity among both locals and tourists. The restaurant, as the name suggests, serves Argentine cuisine.

The restaurant is stylized as an Argentine tavern, which creates a pleasant atmosphere, suggesting a relaxing holiday in a cozy atmosphere.

Of course, the key dish on the menu is Argentine steaks, the meat for which is brought directly from Argentina. The menu also offers other traditional dishes, such as rabbit with a special sauce. In addition to the menu, the restaurant offers a rich wine list, which contains the best wines of the New World - from Argentina, Chile and Uruguay.

Restaurant Miod Malina

Restaurant Miod Malina is an interesting national restaurant, which is located in an old building from the 14th century.

The average bill is around twenty euros.

The restaurant has an attractive interior decorated in folklore style. Warm colors create coziness and set the mood for a relaxing holiday. The walls are decorated with handicrafts dedicated to peasant life.

The menu offers Polish cuisine prepared according to Old Polish recipes. The restaurant has a large oven, in which most dishes are prepared. For example, ribs, shanks, duck with mushroom sauce. The restaurant is also famous for its dumplings and pancakes. It is worth noting that in addition to Polish cuisine, you can also find Italian dishes on the menu. The main emphasis is on homemade pizzas and Italian desserts.

Restaurant "Scandale Royal"

Restaurant "Scandale Royal" is located in the center of Krakow. It offers a huge range of dishes from French and Asian cuisines. The interior of the establishment is designed in a very cozy style, which is created by warm dark yellow lighting and calm music. It is very spacious here, as there are two floors, each of which has only 5 tables. They are served in advance and decorated with bouquets of fresh flowers.

The main decoration of the establishment is the magnificent chandeliers made in the Empire style, as well as handmade wicker iron railings. The hall on the ground floor is intended for small orders focused on alcoholic beverages. In the center of it there is a large bar counter, and behind it there are shelves with a huge assortment of exquisite drinks brought from different parts of the world. On the second floor there are soft leather sofas and huge rectangular tables decorated with decorative candlesticks. It is intended for customers who have made large volume orders. The service here is at the highest level, as this establishment employs only highly qualified personnel.

Scandale Royal's signature dish is pike perch fillet served with a stew of seasoned tomatoes and walnuts. Also very popular is a snack made from tomato, avocado, tiger shrimp and basil.

Restaurant Mamma Mia

Restaurant Mamma Mia is a famous Italian restaurant located in the historical center of Krakow. The average bill is around twenty euros.

The restaurant is decorated in a modern style, creating a bright and cozy atmosphere. The base colors are dark but have warm tones. It feels like you are in a beautifully decorated living room.

The menu includes truly Italian dishes created according to traditional recipes. Pizzas cooked in a real Italian oven are famous throughout Krakow. Spaghetti is also popular, and chefs offer several options for preparing it. Here you will find a wide selection of appetizers, soups and desserts, as well as Italian wine.

Restaurant Aperitif

Restaurant Aperitif is a small cozy restaurant, perfect for a relaxing holiday and a long dinner. The average bill is from thirty-five to sixty zlotys.

The restaurant is located in the center of the Old Town. Warm colors in the interior and a romantic setting create the atmosphere of a small South European street, where you can spend a pleasant evening with a glass of wine.

The restaurant's menu offers French and European dishes. Chef Martin Lorek prepares masterpieces of fusion cuisine. The restaurant's signature dishes are meat dishes. The restaurant's menu is small and often seasonal.

Restaurant Klimaty Poludnia

Restaurant Klimaty Poludnia is a wine restaurant whose name means “Climates of the South”. The restaurant invites you to plunge into the warm southern atmosphere, enjoy excellent wine and cuisine.

The restaurant is located in the courtyard of one of the houses in Krakow. As soon as you enter it, it is as if you find yourself in one of the Italian courtyards surrounded by vineyards. The wonderful atmosphere of warmth and sun will give you a great mood.

A wide selection of southern wines will not leave any lover of this drink indifferent.

The menu also has a southern flavor - French, Italian and Mediterranean dishes are available for your choice. The restaurant also offers Polish cuisine. However, it is worth noting that the menu is small.

Restaurant Cyrano de Bergerac

Restaurant Cyrano de Bergerac is one of the best restaurants in Krakow, recommended in 2012 by the Michelin Guide. The restaurant offers a French menu and the average bill costs around thirty euros.

The restaurant is located in the historical center of the city, in the basement of a house built in the 13th-14th centuries. The restaurant has been repeatedly awarded by awards and guides and is rightfully considered the best in the region. His guests of honor were Roman Polanski and Prince Charles.

The restaurant's interior is designed in a classic, sophisticated style. The color scheme is mostly dark. The walls are decorated with works of art. This environment attracts actors and artists to the restaurant.

Dishes of French cuisine are true culinary masterpieces of a chef who is distinguished by his creative approach, while not forgetting traditional recipes. The specialty is game dishes. The restaurant has a large wine list.

Restaurant Jama Michalika

Restaurant Jama Michalika is located in the historical center of Krakow. It is one of the oldest cafe-restaurants in the city. The average bill is around twenty-three euros.

Jan Apollinary Mihalik, being an excellent pastry chef, founded his own cafe in 1895. The confectionery was named "Lviv Confectionery", which the locals soon jokingly renamed "Mikhalik's Pit". This was due to the fact that the room was a long hall without windows. The confectionery quickly gained its popularity, especially among the intellectual elite - writers, actors, artists and students of the Academy of Fine Arts. Often they had no money, and they paid with their paintings, which still adorn the walls of the restaurant. Since 1905, the green ball cabaret troupe and puppet theater performed here in the evenings. The dolls have also survived to this day.

Currently, the restaurant has one hundred and sixty seats. The restaurant offers the possibility of holding banquets, conferences and business meetings.

An excellent selection of national cuisine, traditional cakes and other confectionery preserve the atmosphere created a long time ago.

Restaurant C.K. Browar

Restaurant C.K. Browar is a popular restaurant in Krakow that has its own brewery, which produces unique beer.

The name translated means “Imperial-Royal Brewery” and dates back to the times when part of Poland was part of the Austrian Empire. The restaurant is located in the basement. The restaurant's shelves are decorated with beer mugs from different eras, collected from all over the world. The hall resembles an old tram lounge. The restaurant broadcasts sports matches. Foreign consulates often hold receptions here in honor of national culture days.

The brewery produces six types of beer, with the main emphasis on ginger and wheat. The beer contains no chemicals and is produced using top fermentation.

The menu consists of Viennese and Polish dishes.

Restaurant "La Campana"

La Campana is a wonderful restaurant serving Italian cuisine. This place is famous among tourists and locals for its fabulous interior and excellent service. The total area of ​​the establishment is only 60 m², and the capacity is 20 people. The restaurant is perfect for corporate parties and small celebrations.

The "La Campana" menu offers dishes in the pasta category - pasta seasoned with various sauces, as well as pizza, ravioli and a variety of meat pates. For a snack, guests are offered a large assortment of desserts and cocktails. All those who have been here note that this place is very bright and memorable - there are many small attributes that together create a magnificent festive atmosphere. Well-chosen lighting plays a special role.

The restaurant is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 18:00 to 00:00. Regular customers are given a discount card. Before visiting "La Campana", you should reserve a place in advance, which can be done with the administration of the establishment or on its official website.

Restaurant-pub Alter Ego

Alter Ego is a popular restaurant-pub in Krakow, located in the historical center of the city. Here you can have a good lunch in a pleasant atmosphere, and in the evening meet friends and have fun.

The medium-sized bar area is perfect for watching sports matches. A wide selection of drinks will suit your taste.

The restaurant is located in two rooms, the walls of which are decorated with unusual comic drawings. They create a joyful atmosphere and home comfort.

The restaurant's menu offers dishes of both traditional Polish cuisine and common European dishes. The choice is quite large. Various appetizers and salads, soups and hot dishes will allow you to create the perfect lunch or dinner. The quality of the cuisine is excellent, everything is done quite simply, like home.

Restaurant Studio Qulinarne

The Studio Qulinarne Restaurant is an elegant restaurant that was recommended by the Michelin Guide in 2012.

The restaurant's interior is designed in a classic style. It is decorated with 19th-century furniture, matching wall decor and antique books. Beautiful dark tablecloths on the tables complement the look and create a cozy atmosphere.

The classic image of the restaurant is contrasted with its modern menu. The main emphasis in it is on the combination of seemingly incompatible ingredients. It is worth visiting the restaurant to see the quality of the dishes and enjoy unusual culinary masterpieces.

Restaurant Zielona Kuchnia

Restaurant Zielona Kuchnia is a rather unusual restaurant in Krakow. The restaurant promotes “green cuisine”, as symbolized by its name, so it is perhaps more suitable for vegetarians.

The restaurant is also ideal for those who are on a diet or carefully monitor a healthy lifestyle.

The restaurant’s creators note that many people see “green” food as something tasteless and uninteresting. This is exactly what they want to refute here. When preparing food, only the freshest and most environmentally friendly ingredients are used. Fruits, vegetables, and grains are presented here in large quantities, but meat dishes are also present. Unusual combinations and amazing discoveries in this area of ​​​​cooking will pleasantly surprise you.

Restaurant Pod Baranem

Restaurant Pod Baranem is a restaurant serving traditional Polish cuisine, located in the historical center of Krakow. The average bill is between twenty and forty euros.

The interior is designed in a classic style. The old-fashioned setting gives the restaurant a cozy atmosphere, which is supported by friendly service. The restaurant has seventy seats.

The restaurant's menu offers traditional Polish dishes. Ancient recipes are used in their preparation. The main emphasis is on hot dishes: Polish chicken, Old Polish morning, as well as dishes from lamb, game, fish and mushrooms.