Thermal springs of the Mostovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory: beneficial properties, indications for treatment, description, photos, prices. Holidays at thermal springs in Russia: main directions for holidays at hot springs Hot springs on the Black Sea coast

If you want to relax and restore strength and health in winter, then it is not at all necessary to fly to hot countries. A sharp change in climate “from winter to summer” is not at all beneficial for the body. You can relax your body and soul at thermal springs in different European countries, many of which will delight you not only with their service, but also with low prices for services. has compiled a list of noteworthy thermal places on the map of Europe.

The abbreviation SPA stands for Sanus per aquam (Latin for “health from water”). The beneficial effects of thermal water, a relaxing holiday atmosphere and beautiful views outside the window - what else do you need for the best vacation in the world? If previously only rich nobles could afford water treatment (remember Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time”), today almost everyone can afford this pleasure. In Europe, even in winter, the climate is mild, and prices drop significantly during the off-season. Let's look at five spa resorts where you can enjoy your holiday even in winter.

As a guide, the article provides approximate prices for a week of vacation in November-January-February (on holidays, in spring and summer, of course, they can increase).

Vrdnik Banja (Serbia)

Banya is the name given to thermal resorts with mineral springs in Serbia. Vrdnik Banya is located just an hour's drive from the country's capital, Belgrade. You're driving along country roads through fields and farmland when suddenly, from behind red tiled roofs, apple orchards and sunflower fields, the ultra-modern Hotel Premier Aqua (rated 8.9 out of 10 on booking sites) appears. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, neurological pathologies, consequences of fractures and soft tissue injuries are treated here. The water temperature in the springs is almost 33 degrees. This water is unique in its composition, including sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfates and nitrates. It is also important that the Vrdnik bathhouse is located on the southern slopes of the Fruški Gora National Park. The climate here is warm, there are no strong winds, cold air masses do not reach the village of Vrdnik, and clean air with a high ozone content allows you to breathe for a year ahead. Wine tastings are offered at nearby wineries.

Cost: weekly accommodation in a double room with meals and treatment - from 661 euros.

Terme Olimia (Slovenia)

The surroundings of this resort are very picturesque. Located on the banks of the Sotla River, 115 kilometers from the Slovenian capital Ljubljana, the Terme Olimia resort is so well integrated into the landscape that it has received many awards for architecture and landscape design. A few steps from the hotel and you are already walking through the forest or riding along the bicycle paths laid through the forest. The resort specializes in: diseases of the joints and spine, chronic skin diseases. They also offer Selfness programs to improve your sense of inner balance and well-being. The water is magnesium-calcium-hydrocarbonate with a temperature of 30°C to 37°C. This water has a high silicon content, which promotes the renewal of soft tissues: muscles, ligaments, skin.

Interestingly, not far from the resort is the village of Olimje, recognized in 2009 as the most beautiful village in Europe. Above it on the hill rises an 11th-century castle, cared for by Minorite monks. On the territory of the monastery there is an elegant temple and one of the oldest pharmacies in Europe, where they sell teas, honey, tinctures and herbal ointments prepared by the monks.

Cost: Weekly accommodation at the Breza Hotel in a double room with meals, access to thermal pools and drinking thermal water - from 490 euros.

Terme Zrece (Slovenia)

Free buses from the Rogla ski resort take tourists to the high-altitude Slovenian thermal resort several times a day. But not only sports enthusiasts can enjoy the delights of the Slovenian spa. Just 95 kilometers from Ljubljana - and you find yourself surrounded by pine forest. Centuries-old pines and mountain air in themselves “nourish” the body with health for the whole year. The highlight of the resort is Pohor peat, an environmentally friendly and effective remedy for the treatment of rheumatic and many other diseases. Peat wraps, applications and masks help to recover after operations and injuries, including severe sports ones. Terme Zreče treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as chronic back pain and osteochondrosis, as well as gynecological diseases. The water here is acrothermal hydrogen carbonate thermal with a natural temperature of 34.5°C. And after the procedures, you can relax in the sauna village - the largest sauna complex in Slovenia.

Cost: a week of accommodation with treatment and meals at the Villa Terme Zreče hotel will cost approximately 476 euros.

Poseidon Gardens (Ischia, Italy)

The Emerald Island - as Ischia is called - is a balneological resort in itself. Almost every hotel has a small thermal pool. But the real pearl of the island is the thermal park “Gardens of Poseidon”, located in the town of Forio in Citara Bay, known throughout the world as the “eighth wonder of the world”. The park is under UNESCO protection. In the picturesque territory of the park there are 22 thermal pools in marble, surrounded by statues with the romantic names “Aphrodite”, “Apollo”, “Adriano” and constantly renewed water of volcanic origin, unique in its chemical composition. There is also a natural sauna in the grotto - steam is generated from a source of very high temperature mineral water escaping from a crevice in the rock. The water temperature in the pools ranges from 28 to 40 degrees; accordingly, the composition, concentration and healing properties of the water also differ. There are contrast pools: 15 and 40 degrees, there are cascades, a natural thermal sauna, special foot pools, underwater massage. The park has a medical center with a wide range of physiotherapeutic services, various types of massages, inhalations, mud and cosmetic procedures.

Szechenyi Baths (Budapest, Hungary)

The largest balneological complex in Europe - the Széchenyi Thermal Baths - is located right in the center of the Városliget city park in Budapest. Mining engineer Vilmos Zsigmond discovered the source at the end of the 19th century. After a series of studies and drilling of a well in the rock at the beginning of the 20th century, magnificent buildings in the Baroque style were erected near the source. It is noteworthy that the open-air bath can be visited in winter. The water in the main pool is so warm that the rising steam forms a protective layer of warm air. Swimming in the center of the ancient city among snowdrifts and right under the starry sky - what could be more romantic? But in Széchenyi it is customary to walk in chest-deep water around the pool. Moreover, everyone is moving strictly in one direction. There are 11 baths and 5 swimming pools in Szechenyi. The water from the St. Stephen's spring with a temperature of +77 °C (the hottest spring in Europe) rises from a depth of more than 1200 meters. Bicarbonate-sulfate-calcium-magnesium water containing sodium ions, microcomponents of fluorine and boron is indicated for the treatment of joints. Drinking procedures are recommended for diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys and respiratory organs. It's funny that waste mineral water flows through an artificial river through the Budapest Zoo. So, zoo workers attribute the extraordinary fertility of the zoo’s exotic pets (even hippopotamuses give birth here, which is rare in captivity!) to the miraculous influence of healing water.

Cost: Day pass to the Széchenyi Baths with personal locker rental – about 17 euros (at the exchange rate to forints)

Bad Waltersdorf (Austria)

Bad (which means baths in German) is a resort located among the alpine foothills of Austria, in Styria, which is famous throughout the country as an apple and pumpkin region. A mild sunny climate, endless meadows and fields, and most importantly, thermal springs with exceptional water. The thermal waters of Bad Waltersdorf have a temperature of 62°C and come from a depth of 1200 meters. The composition is bicarbonate-chloride-sodium water, and due to the absence of potassium salts it is very soft. Here they treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, joints, muscle pain, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, and metabolic disorders. The resort is young - the first spring was discovered here only in 1975, and at first the hot mineral water gushing from underground was used... to heat buildings. Since there is not even a heating station in this area, the resort is rightfully called one of the cleanest and most environmentally friendly resorts in Europe. And the surroundings of Bad Waltersdorf delight with the variety and color of farm restaurants and a rich bouquet of Austrian wines. The resort is located on the so-called East Styrian Roman Wine Road, famous for its vineyards and wineries.

Cost: Typically, accommodation here is expensive (in January from 1,500 euros for two per week in one of the best hotels in the Falkensteiner Therme & Golf Bad Waltersdorf resort), but in the autumn-winter period there are various discounts and special offers, and you can always choose a hotel simpler.

Tallinn (Estonia)

Just imagine - a walk through a medieval city while the tower clock chimes, Christmas markets, mulled wine and the spicy aroma of baked goods... And in the evening you can warm up in the sauna and enjoy relaxing treatments in the spa center. Where is this possible? In Tallinn. Noble guests have been coming to the Estonian capital since 1813, when court advisor Witte founded the Badesalon (bathing salon in German) medical establishment in the city. Since then, Tallinn can rightfully be called the center of spa culture. The city has a large number of hotels with bath complexes and wellness centers. Often, hot guests go outside to cool off. A group of people in bathrobes and slippers drinking beer in front of the hotel entrance is quite a common sight for Tallinn at night. Tallink SPA & Conference Hotel is conveniently located just a 2-minute walk from the Old Town. Its architecture is interesting - the bath complex and water park are located, as it were, in a glass cylinder in the middle of the hotel, which creates the complete feeling of being at a tropical resort. The Aqua Spa features a variety of saunas, a hot tub, a children's pool and an outdoor pool. Beauty treatments are also available.

Cost: A week's stay in a Tallink SPA & Conference double room with breakfast and access to the spa area in winter (January) will cost from 620 euros.

Text: Daria Karelina

Thermal resorts in Russia have always been popular. Today it is fashionable to travel to places where a clean spring of warm water comes out of the ground. It is believed that it is good to bathe in it, and it is also good to drink it. There is an opinion that it helps against many diseases.

The thermal springs of Russia will give you many pleasant impressions

Our goal is to figure out whether places with thermal springs are really good for a wellness holiday. We will also look at the best thermal resorts in Russia and find out why hundreds of thousands of Russians flock to them every year. Are they really coming for health, or are they simply deceived by enterprising advertising?

  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • beneficial thermophilic bacteria and other substances beneficial to the human body.

You can learn about the benefits and harms of thermal springs from the video below.

The benefits of thermal water

The reason for such a wealth of thermal water is that it comes from the bowels of the earth, becoming saturated along the way in layers of geological rocks. The amazing combination of its beneficial properties is difficult to recreate artificially. Only nature is capable of creating a completely harmless universal medicine that not only cures many ailments, but also rejuvenates.

People who regularly visit the springs get sick less often and age more slowly. Even cosmetics created on the basis of thermal water can work wonders.

Thermal springs of the Russian Federation

It is not for nothing that the Russian Federation is considered the richest country in the world. As for geothermal springs, there are many of them. The most popular are located:

  • in Tyumen;
  • in Altai;
  • in Kamchatka;
  • in Sochi;
  • on Baikal.

Let's look at these and other places in more detail.

Geothermal resources of Tyumen

The Tyumen region boasts several large swimming pools in which you can relax and at the same time get saturated with useful substances brought by water from the depths of the earth.

The best thermal springs in Russia offer a full range of services. Recreation center "Polyanka"


  • recreation center "Polyanka" in the village of Dubrovoye;
  • sanatorium "Volna" in the village of Mys;
  • recreation center "Avan";
  • complex "Sosnovy Bor";
  • source "Soviet";
  • the Yar swimming pool, located in the village of the same name;
  • base "Verkhniy Bor".

You should choose depending on your preferences. For example, those who like to relax with savages will most like the Sovetsky spring. People call him “Wild”. Situated on the banks of the Tura River, it is ennobled by the local population. You can live here in a tent, which is placed wherever you like, or in a trailer. For a fee you will be provided with bed linen and basic necessities.

An inexpensive and useful holiday would be in the village of Yar, where there is a large swimming pool. Here you can stay inexpensively and have all the amenities. Yar is a great place to relax with company. It is possible to rent a gazebo and barbecue.

Verkhniy Bor is located in a unique corner of nature under the canopy of centuries-old pine trees right on the shore of Lake Krivoye.

Cultural recreation awaits guests of Tyumen at the Verkhniy Bor base. Its pool stretches 400 meters. There are special areas for relaxation with children. You can choose the entry depth according to your preferences. The pool comes with slides and hydromassage. There is a children's playground nearby. In summer you can ride ATVs around the pool. Accommodation is offered in a comfortable spa hotel.

Recreation center "Polyanka"

Fans of eco-tourism will enjoy the Polyanka recreation center. It is a small town of wooden houses. The pool here is small - only 120 m². The water temperature in it is +43°C. The depth does not exceed 1.5 m. For those who want to stay for a few days, there is a hotel. You can also stay in trailers. There is parking, gazebos, a classic Russian bathhouse, and a cafe with delicious dishes.

You can improve your health at a thermal spring at the Volna recreation center. During Soviet times, it served as a sanatorium. The place is most suitable for those who like to relax in a civilized manner. The base is located near the city center. There is good infrastructure here. It is possible to choose a location for placement. Only one well zoned pool is offered. Guests have the choice to swim in the deep water or spend time with the kids in the shallow water. Water temperature +43°C. Here you can stay in a hotel and rent sports equipment. The base is popular with tourists in all seasons.

The Volna recreation center is located within the city of Tyumen, in a quiet, picturesque place near a park area, a 20-minute drive from the city center.

The Avan recreation center has 3 swimming pools. The temperature in them stays at +45°C. One of the pools seems to be specially created for kids. Its depth is only 80 cm. In addition, it has a pleasant round shape. People come here for a few hours; there are places where you can change clothes and have a snack. A hotel has been built for those wishing to stay longer. There is a restaurant, you can rent a grill.

Recreation center "Sosnovy Bor"

Sosnovy Bor, a complex with 2 swimming pools, will not disappoint expectations. You can live here for a long time, choosing either a cozy house or a comfortable hotel room for accommodation. Sosnovy Bor is attractive not only for its swimming pools, but also for its large, well-designed bath complex. There is a jacuzzi, a Japanese bath, a sauna, a steam room, phyto-barrels, and the famous Russian bath. A playground has been built for children. During the winter season there is an ice skating rink.

Thermal springs in Altai

Altai is glorified not only by its ski resorts. Local geothermal springs are also in great demand. We are talking about the resort town of Belokurikha, located in the Bolshaya Belokurikha river valley. There are several boarding houses here that can simultaneously accommodate no more than 5 thousand people.

You can learn about the effect of radon baths on the human body from the video below.

The hydropathic bath has been known since the 20s of the last century. In the middle of the last century, sanatoriums were opened here, which were later reclassified as boarding houses.

Local geothermal springs are part of the group of hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium radon waters. They revealed an increased content of:

  • radon;
  • nitrogen;
  • fluorine;
  • silicon

Belokurikha functions as a resort both in winter and summer. In the warm months it is not hot here, winter is mild. It is best to treat allergies and inflammation in this area. Water has a comprehensive, healing effect on the body.

Healing Kamchatka

The healthy warm waters of Kamchatka are also in demand in Russia. This:

A little less than an hour's drive from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and you will find yourself in the Green Lakes complex. There is not much space for bathing - about 10 baths, each for 5 bathers. For ease of relaxation, showers and changing rooms are installed. The waters are useful, but not recommended for long-term stay in them. You will achieve a good effect if you stay in such a bath for about 20 minutes. If you like swimming in an ice hole, you can then move to the cold lake located right there.

Malkinsky sources have a good reputation. These are wild baths that are mostly visited by locals. There is a tent camp nearby. It will be cheaper to stay in your own tent.

Apachinsky springs

You can relax in a civilized manner and improve your health at the Apachinsky springs. There is a comfortable hotel with a full range of functions for a pleasant stay. A beautiful interior, a cinema room and a room for children - all this is offered at a reasonable price. In winter people come here to ski and snowmobile. In summer, fishing and rafting enthusiasts flock to the region.

Apache springs are mineral hot springs in the southern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula.

If you come to Kamchatka as a tourist, be sure to visit the Timonovsky zoological reserve. Its very name hints at improving health. According to legend, in ancient times, a certain holy elder Timon was cured of a dangerous illness here. Thermal waters helped him.

Not far from the Vilyuchinsky volcano there is an outlet for thermal waters to the surface. 2 pools were formed: one is higher - the water temperature is +50°C, the other is lower, in it the water is +60°C. Each pool is a wooden frame. You can come here, but you won’t be able to stay near the springs.

Another health resort is Paratunka, famous for its three-level springs. There are many springs gushing out of the ground in the region. Some of them are ennobled, others are in a wild natural state. Temperatures vary from +40°C to +80°C.

The fact that thermal springs have healing powers has been known for a very long time. Treatment with natural waters is one of the oldest methods of getting rid of a variety of diseases. Baths, showers, wraps and inhalations in combination with ingestion of water help improve the condition of patients suffering from disorders of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory and excretory systems, skin and endocrine pathologies. Water procedures are effective in treating complications of infectious diseases, the consequences of physical and emotional stress.

The temperature range and composition of the waters of any geothermal source are unique, therefore each balneological hospital is designed for a specific set of ailments. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the features of the ten most famous thermal resorts.

The concentration of mineral salts in the Dead Sea is extremely high. Not only water, but also sulfide bottom mud, rich in iodine and bromine compounds, has a healing effect. The combination of water and mud procedures has a literally magical effect on the skin, and inhaling air saturated with a suspension of bromine salts has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous and respiratory systems.

Staying in Dead Sea spas is especially beneficial for patients suffering from bronchopulmonary diseases, skin and musculoskeletal system pathologies. A simple wellness holiday is also effective - it allows you to relieve severe fatigue and get rid of the effects of stress.

You can be treated at the Dead Sea at any time of the year. Resorts are very convenient for people with delicate skin, since salt-rich vapors absorb a significant portion of ultraviolet rays and prevent burning.


This is a popular balneological resort based around twelve mineral springs. The waters have temperatures from 30 to 72 °C and varying degrees of saturation with carbon dioxide, but all sources have high concentrations of sodium, iron, magnesium, bromine and lithium compounds. The therapeutic complex consists of baths (oxygen, radon, etc.), massage, procedures using healing mud and ingestion of water.

Treatment is indicated for patients suffering from diseases of the digestive system (intestines, stomach, liver), obesity, diabetes and other metabolic disorders. Most treatments are available all year round, but some springs are closed in the winter.


The sulfur springs of Vichy have been known since antiquity and are extremely popular in Europe. A medical, health and cosmetology infrastructure has been formed here for centuries. The resort is visited by patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, skin and gastrointestinal tract, as well as people who seek to improve their appearance and undergo procedures that promote rejuvenation. In addition, a well-known company producing cosmetics based on healing mud is located in Vichy.

The resort is open all year round, but the procedures here are not recommended for patients with hypertension. The disadvantages of the resort include the high cost of treatment and stay.


The healing effect of the water of the thermal lake Heviz is due to the high content of gaseous substances in it, as well as the effect of bottom calcium-sodium mud on the body. Swimming in open water is possible at any time of the year, as the water temperature does not drop below 23 °C.

In Heviz, it makes sense to be treated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system (especially for problems with the spine), gynecological problems, chronic inflammatory processes, and pathologies of the venous circulation.

The procedures here are contraindicated for children.


One of the most famous European resorts, using the therapeutic properties of sodium chloride thermal waters. The set of procedures includes bathing in springs with temperatures ranging from 14 to 67 °C, compresses, wraps, inhalations, and ingestion of water. Here they help cope with diseases of the digestive system, respiratory system, joints, cardiovascular system, as well as skin and gynecological problems.

The resort is considered one of the most prestigious, which explains the rather high cost of treatment.


The thermal waters of Loutraki resort contain bromine, magnesium, sodium and potassium salts. Here you can receive a range of therapeutic procedures at any time of the year, including swimming in pools, massage, mud therapy, physiotherapy and aromatherapy.

Treatment is indicated for patients suffering from cholelithiasis or urolithiasis, pathologies of the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular systems, gynecological or skin problems. Many come here simply on vacation - in the summer, when wellness treatments can be combined with sea swimming and relaxing on the beach.


Hot (at least 40 °C) waters of the volcanic springs of the Blue Lagoon are saturated with quartz, mineral salts, microscopic seaweed and contain a suspension of healing white clay. This mixture extremely effectively softens and cleanses the skin, and also improves the overall tone of the body.

The Blue Lagoon is one of the best resorts for people with skin diseases. In addition, specific medicinal cosmetics based on local clays and mud are produced here.

Visit recreation centers with thermal springs in the Krasnodar region! Prices in 2019 in local balneological centers are much lower than foreign ones. We talk about popular tourist centers and sanatoriums. We describe the infrastructure, features of water and treatment.

Thermal resort "RASPUTIN HOTEL & SPA"

A developing resort in the Mostovsky district. Located in the resort area of ​​the Mostovskoy village on the street. Shevchenko, 88.

Infrastructure. 2 swimming pools with five residential buildings. On the territory of the complex there is a cafe and a restaurant, a billiard room, a children's room and a playground with a trampoline, a massage room, a gym, a wood-burning sauna, warm gazebos and an equipped barbecue area.

Water temperature and composition. Hot geothermal water +50°C is supplied directly to the hotel rooms. A therapeutic shower can be taken at any time. The pools are open from 7 am to 3 am.

Treatment. Recommended for people with diseases of the skin, respiratory system, digestion, eyes and kidneys; patients with hypertension, arthritis, varicose veins and diabetes mellitus. At the resort you can buy cosmetics of your own production "THERMOSMETICS".

Prices. Room for two from 5,000 rubles, villa rental from 20,000. The price includes a swimming pool, breakfast (buffet) and parking. Rent a gazebo from 1500 rubles.

Double room (Photo ©
Territory of the complex. Swimming pool with Charcot shower (Photo ©


The recreation center with this name is located in the village of Mostovskoy, in house No. 2 on Kurortnaya Street. "Anastasia" is one of the most famous thermal resorts in the Krasnodar region.

Infrastructure. Water is supplied from a deep well. There is a large hydromassage pool. The base has residential buildings, open gazebos, a wood-burning sauna, a bar and a children's playground.

Water temperature and composition. The pools are heated to +38...+39°С. Water contains chlorine, fluorine, carbonate, calcium, potassium and other trace elements.

Treatment. People come to the recreation center to get rid of female infertility, skin diseases, chondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis. Local water makes it easier for patients with hypertension, as well as people suffering from varicose veins and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Prices. A room for two costs from 2600 to 3600 rubles. Swimming - 400-600 rubles. Discounts are provided to children under 12 years of age and pensioners. Children under 6 years old swim for free.

(Photo ©

"Coral Family"

The modern mini-hotel is located on Krasnaya Street, 78, in the village of Mostovskoy.

Infrastructure. In addition to rooms for accommodation, "Coral Family" offers parking, a terrace, a cafe-restaurant, barbecues and swimming pools. The Pyaterochka supermarket is 100 meters away.

Water temperature and composition. Geothermal water comes to the surface from a depth of 1850 m. It is rich in sulfur, carbon dioxide and bicarbonate gases. The temperature in the bathing area is maintained at +37°C all year round.

Treatment. Local water relieves fatigue and has a beneficial effect on the skin. “Coral Family” treats ailments of the endocrine system, respiratory and digestive organs, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, urinary system and diabetes.

Prices. For double rooms they ask from 3900 to 6300 rubles. Full day swimming for adults costs 400-600 rubles, for children from 6 to 14 years old - 250-400 rubles. Use of the pool for an hour - from 100 to 200 rubles.

(Photo ©


The popular recreation center is located on the outskirts of the village of Mostovskoy, on Shevchenko Street, 119.

Infrastructure. On site there are two swimming pools for adults and one for children. There is a parking lot, a sauna with a steam room, a snack bar, sports grounds, billiards and a games room. The hotel has 23 rooms.

Water temperature and composition. Deep waters have a temperature of +38...+48°C. They are rich in bromine, sodium, magnesium and other active substances.

Treatment. Geothermal water helps to cope with problems of the skin, circulatory system, bones and joints. In addition, it reduces blood pressure.

Prices. A double room costs from 2,000 to 4,900 rubles, day-stay trailers cost from 700 to 1,000 rubles. Bathing in the springs - from 1200 to 1500 rubles.

(Photo ©

A modern recreation complex was built on Shevchenko Street, 80, in the village of Mostovskoy.

Infrastructure. In addition to the 2* hotel, the base has a parking lot, a restaurant and three swimming pools.

Water temperature+37°С.

Treatment. Healing procedures are used to relieve stress, treat the respiratory system and non-infectious skin diseases.

Prices. Accommodation for two will cost from 3,400 to 6,000 rubles per day. The price includes breakfast and swimming.

(Photo ©


The recreation center is located in the village of Mostovskoy, on Kurortnaya Street, 1.

Infrastructure. Large swimming pools are equipped with a cleaning system, hydro and air massage. Four of them are intended for adults, and two are for small holidaymakers. On the territory there is a restaurant, cafe, bar, beauty salon and massage room, sports grounds, playgrounds for children, gazebos, Finnish sauna and barbecue area. Tourists are accommodated in a hotel and cottages.

Water temperature and composition. Low mineralized water has a highly alkaline reaction. In pools it is heated to +37...+39°С.

Treatment. Bathing normalizes sleep, has a positive effect on the skin, treats cardiovascular diseases and the respiratory system. Water procedures are used to lose weight and get rid of cellulite.

Prices. Double rooms with breakfast cost from 4,500 to 6,500 rubles. Swimming in the pools - 450-700 rubles for an adult and 250-350 rubles for children under 14 years old. Gazebo rental - from 300 rubles, car parking - 100 rubles per day.

(Photo © vk com/aquavitamostovskoy)


The camp site is located near the picturesque Guam Gorge, in the village of Nizhny Novgorod, Absheronsky district.

Infrastructure. On the territory there is a cafe, gazebos, a shooting range, playgrounds for children and 11 outdoor swimming pools. Guests are accommodated in wooden cottages and a hotel.

Water composition. Geothermal water contains a lot of magnesium and calcium.

Treatment. People go to Aquarius to get rid of problems of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, respiratory diseases, metabolic disorders and nervous disorders.

Prices. A room for two costs 3,500 rubles, a cottage - 5,500 rubles. The price includes parking and use of the swimming pools. Swimming for those who do not live at the camp site: adults - 400-500 rubles, children from 6 to 14 years old - 200-250 rubles. Renting a gazebo - 1000-1500 rubles per day.

(Photo ©

One of the largest complexes with thermal springs in the Krasnodar region is located on Shosseynaya Street, 217, in the village of Otradnaya.

Infrastructure. Vacationers are accommodated in a hotel and cottages. The territory is equipped with gazebos for relaxation, sports grounds and playgrounds.

Water temperature and composition. Low-mineralized chloride-hydrocarbonate-sulfate sodium water has a high content of silicic acid. It is heated to +38...+40°C.

Treatment. People come to Thermopark to get rid of heart and vascular problems, skin diseases, genitourinary ailments, bone and joint diseases. Local water reduces pain, relieves fatigue and stress.

Prices. Visiting the pools is free for guests. For the rest, bathing costs 300 rubles per hour or 600 rubles per day. For children from 5 to 14 years old they pay 100 rubles per hour and 250 rubles per day.

(Photo © thermopark.rf)

"Silicon Baths"

The balneological spa resort is located on Chapaeva Street, 2, in the village of Yaroslavskaya - 35 km from the Maykop railway station.

Infrastructure. The recreation center has a wellness center, a spa, hot water pools, parking and a barbecue area.

Water temperature and composition. Geothermal water comes from a depth of 2530 m. It contains a lot of silicon and has a temperature of +37...+38°C.

Treatment. Healing water has a beneficial effect on hair and skin. It normalizes metabolism and sleep, relieves fatigue and joint pain. In addition to bathing, they drink water to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Prices. Double rooms cost 6900-10800 rubles. The price includes breakfast and swimming.

(Photo © / Silicon Termy)

Sanatorium "Laba"

One of the best resorts with thermal springs in the Krasnodar Territory and Adygea is located on Vodoistochnaya Street, 1, in the city of Labinsk.

Infrastructure. The sanatorium is famous for its highly professional diagnostic center. It has residential buildings, parking, several shops and playgrounds for children, a gym, a water park, a summer cafe and billiards.

Water temperature and composition. Sodium chloride iodine-bromine siliceous water has a temperature of +26...+30°C.

Treatment. Bathing in highly mineralized water helps cure genitourinary ailments and dermatological diseases.

Prices. Accommodation in a double room will cost 2200-5700 rubles. The price includes 3 treatments and a visit to the pool. Three meals a day - 600 rubles per day. Parking - 50 rubles per day.

(Photo © sanatoriumlaba.rf)

The healing properties of geothermal waters have been known for a long time: the entire Russian nobility and intelligentsia went to Europe “to the waters” before the revolution. There are many such resorts in Europe, and there is a choice for every taste and budget, and it is especially important that this is a year-round vacation. “Vestnik ATOR” looked into where you can go today to improve your health in Europe.


Thermal (geothermal) resorts are located in areas with hot healing springs. Natural groundwater, heated to a high temperature and enriched with mineral salts, emerges from wells and enters the thermal complexes: swimming pools, baths, grottoes. Therapeutic muds and cosmetics are created based on water.

Attention: Treatment at thermal resorts has contraindications, so you should definitely consult a doctor. The main rule for visiting thermal pools and baths is limited time in the water, because there is a serious load on the lymphatic system and heart, and subsequent rest. Also to thermal parks children's access is strictly limited, for children, as a rule, only inhalations and physiotherapy are performed.

Main directions of treatment Most thermal resorts are chronic fatigue, decreased immunity, diseases of the respiratory tract, genitourinary system, circulatory disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc.

Eat several types of recreation at thermal resorts. Thus, there are hotels where you can restore strength and beauty, and therapeutic procedures can be combined with a visit to a cosmetologist and relaxation areas. Rest here alternates with excursion and educational trips, and stays here for 3-5 days quite enough to improve your well-being.

There are also resorts that specialize in the treatment of certain diseases and hotels located here are combined with clinics. You can even call them more commonly - sanatoriums. Tourists coming for treatment visit a consultant doctor, take tests and tests. Staying at such resorts is recommended at least 14 days, since we ourselves treatment programs are usually designed for 10-21 days. Inhalations, mud therapy, rehabilitation procedures in thermal pools and a variety of physiotherapy - the entire list of procedures and costs can be found in advance when booking a tour.

The peak season for many European thermal resorts is the spring-summer period, when you can comfortably go on excursions, and for centers located in the mountains, the peak comes in winter. After all, after an active day of skiing, it’s so nice to relax in the pools, relax and gain strength for new exploits.

Public thermal spas suggest the opportunity to spend almost the whole day in them: the complexes contain numerous outdoor and indoor swimming pools with thermal water of different temperatures, saunas, steam rooms, recreation areas, cafes, restaurants and beauty salons. The ticket price (depending on the resort) will be approximately 10-30 euros with rent of a personal locker for things.

In small thermal centers at hotels First of all, hotel guests are served; here you can schedule a set of procedures for the entire duration of your vacation and follow their schedule. The course of procedures depends on the direction of treatment.

Note that holidays at the thermal springs of Europe can also be considered as “second vacation” in the off-season, And How a great alternative to lying on the beach in summer, for those who want to combine a relaxing holiday at sea or visiting excursions with health-improving treatments.


The main characteristic of most thermal resorts in Western Europe are fairly high prices, but also high standards of service. Austria and Germany are undisputed leaders in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. France is synonymous with luxury and the leisurely lifestyle “on the waters” described by classic writers. Italy looks more democratic against their background; fortunately, the luxurious heritage of the Roman Empire in the form of thermal baths and swimming pools still serves people.


In Austria, a large selection of resorts, various types of treatment, the effectiveness of procedures and the ability to combine treatment with walks around the city or a cultural program allow Austrian thermal centers to maintain their leading positions year after year. Sulfur springs, radon adits, therapeutic mud in combination with modern advances in medicine guarantee improved health. Accommodation in hotels at resorts will be more expensive than in Hungary or Slovenia, but this does not hinder popularity.


Germany is the leader among European countries where Russians go for treatment and diagnosis. Modern equipment, clarity of diagnosis and the highest quality of treatment are known all over the world. Rehabilitation resorts in Germany are also popular.

The most famous spa in Germany - Baden Baden , who determined the fashion for “water treatment” in the 18th and 19th centuries. Numerous aristocratic families of the Volkonskys, Menshikovs, Trubetskoys rested and were treated here; later Gogol, Turgenev and Dostoevsky visited the resort. Kings and heirs of empires, poets, writers and musicians improved their health and gained strength. Classic architecture, casinos, concerts and performances during the summer season, parks and luxury hotels attract visitors from all over the world. Famous thermal centers are located here "Friedrichsbad" And "Caracalla" with thermal baths and steam baths. A course of procedures for 7 days based on these complexes, including a doctor’s consultation, wraps, massages, and visits to baths costs approximately 1050-1100 euros.

Baden Baden

rest in Wiesbaden - this is not only classical architecture, the accuracy of medical diagnostics and about 30 thermal resorts specializing in the treatment of joints and the musculoskeletal system.


In Spain, most of the thermal resorts are located outside the main tourist destinations; the country is more famous for thalasso treatments. In Spain, there is one of the most famous Wellness clinics, SHA, where famous politicians and celebrities undergo weight loss, rejuvenation and body detoxification programs. Treatment there is, of course, very expensive.

But we can recommend a resort that is quite accessible to visit Marina D'or located on the coast Costa Asaar, 250 km from Barcelona. This is a fairly new resort, consisting of hotels and apartments of various categories.

Marina D'or

The center of the resort is a medical and the largest balneological center in Europe with numerous outdoor and indoor swimming pools, mud baths, physiotherapy and massage courses. But the basis for treatment is sea ​​water, not thermal water.

Near the center there is a fairly extensive infrastructure for active recreation - tennis courts, gyms, sports grounds. There is also infrastructure for children. The center specializes in treatment urolithiasis, kidney diseases, rheumatism, respiratory tract.


Italy is the ideal choice for a holiday with treatment. The history of the country, a comfortable climate, amazing cuisine, a wide selection of resorts for any budget, the opportunity to visit thermal centers coupled with a vacation at sea or in the mountains - all this allows us to safely recommend thermal resorts in Italy for relaxation.

In Italy there is a gradation of resorts: southern specialize in treatment diseases of blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract, and the sources in northern parts of the country are more effective for treatment of the nervous system, treatment of joints and weight loss.

Abano Terme

One of the most popular resorts in northern Italy - Abano Terme , located just 60 km from Venice. Each resort hotel has its own thermal center, where numerous treatments are provided through mud baths, inhalations, massages and baths. diseases of the skin, genitourinary system, respiratory system, stress and fatigue. The classic architecture of the hotels, picturesque nature and the opportunity to visit the best excursion routes in Italy make the hotel a worthy choice for lovers of a respectable holiday. Cost of the tour for a week - from 700 euros per person in a 3* hotel excluding the cost of procedures.

Two thermal centers, Fonte Bonifacio VIII(open all year round) and Fonte Anticolana(open May-late September), located in another thermal resort in Italy - Fiuggi and are known as drinking resorts. They specialize in treatment of genitourinary system and kidney diseases. Both hydropathic centers are located in large parks and additionally have medical buildings for treatment.


Also, in addition to the medical infrastructure, visitors on the territory of the complexes can find cafes, restaurants, drinking fountains, and Fonte Anticolana has infrastructure for entertaining adults and children. To visit the parks there are single tickets and passes. Single ticket price - about 10 euros. Accommodation at the resort is offered in hotels of various categories, but all of them are undoubtedly comfortable. For example, Universo 3* is located in the garden and on the main square of the resort.

Just 40 minutes by ferry from Naples and you are in a unique resort - island of Ischia , where the mild climate, picturesque nature, sea and unique hot springs have created amazing opportunities for relaxation and treatment. This resort is year-round.

Almost every hotel in Ischia has a swimming pool with thermal water, and thermal parks provide the opportunity for complete relaxation and recuperation. Small Eden Park, picturesque Negombo park with many swimming pools, a park for the whole family Poseidon Gardens- in Ischia there is a thermal park next to almost every resort area.

Affordable prices for accommodation, varied infrastructure for tourists, the opportunity to visit Naples, Sorrento and islands Capri attractive for family holidays. Thermal waters and mud are aimed at curing skin diseases, vascular problems, breathing and hearing diseases. For example, a tour to the Parco Cartamarana 3 * hotel with breakfast costs from 438 euros per person including flight. There are also VIP level hotels. A one-time visit to the thermal park will cost about 35 euros, for children - 15 euros.

Thermal spa Terme de Saturnia in Tuscany - this is a unique opportunity to undergo treatment in thermal waters from volcanic craters. Situated on a hilltop, the baths consist of natural pools and two open-air waterfalls. Additionally, the complex has treatment rooms. The complex specializes in the treatment of dermatological diseases, otolaryngology, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, metabolism, etc. It is at this resort that the famous hotel is located TermedoSaturniaSPA &GolfResort, awarded numerous awards in the field of tourism.

Terme de Saturnia

But the most famous resort in the Tuscany region is Montecatini Terme . Gardens and parks, luxury hotels, high level of service and gourmet restaurants will not leave anyone indifferent. The thermal waters of the resort are used for treatment of diseases of the liver, stomach and joints. Some sources are drinking, others apply for baths and wraps. You can stay in hotels, but the cost of living here will be higher than in Ischia. The cost of the tour in May, including air tickets, to the Michelangelo 3* hotel is from 630 euros. The hotel itself is located a stone's throw from the thermal park.

Montecatini Terme

In winter, among the thermal resorts in Italy, the ski resort leads Bormio - its thermal springs combined with excellent skiing opportunities are the determining factors for your choice. The hotel base is quite wide, there is an opportunity for recreation for both young people and discerning guests.


City thermal complex BormioTerme(ticket price 21 euros) is the most affordable and open every day. There is an inhalation room, foot baths, swimming pools, saunas and a mud bath. For children there are children's pools and water slides.

Thermal centers located a little away from the resort area of ​​Bormio BagniVecchi And BarniNuovo are included in the complex with the hotels GRAND HOTEL BAGNI NUOVI 5 * and GRAND HOTEL BAGNI VECCHI 4 * The thermal session in each consists of visiting numerous indoor and outdoor pools with thermal water, saunas, baths, chromotherapy and aromatherapy rooms. Robes and towels are provided for visitors.

Thermal center BagniVecchi in Bornio is smaller in size, but with a picturesque view from the outdoor heated pool of Bormio. Indications for visiting - treatment of kidney diseases, joint injuries, diabetes, gynecological diseases, skin diseases. The cost of visiting the parks is 40-50 euros per person.


On the territory of France there is more than 1000 thermal springs, on the basis of which numerous thermal centers and clinics were built. The most famous resort is Evian, located in the foothills next to Switzerland. The unique climate and healing mineral waters create an excellent basis for improving your well-being.


Health Center « EvianRoyalSPA" specializes in treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine diseases, genitourinary system, there are also numerous programs body detoxification, weight loss and so on. The center itself is located in a 5* hotel ROYAL - EVIAN RESORT 5* Luxe, but you can book a course of treatment while staying in other hotels, for example, at the Hilton Evian-les-Bans 4*. The EVIAN ERMITAGE 4* Luxe hotel has SPA centerTheaterTerres, where numerous cosmetic and medical procedures are performed using Evian water.


The second, no less popular French thermal resort, Vichy, is famous for its historical past. Many celebrities rested and recovered here; in the 19th century it was one of the most prestigious thermal resorts in Europe. The city has a casino, opera house, shops, luxury restaurants and picturesque parks.

Gastrointestinal diseases in children and adults, diseases of the spine and joints, metabolic disorders and many others - this is the specialization of clinics located in Vichy. Drinking water and mineral baths, wraps and mud therapy are used for treatment. In the thermal center « LesThermesdesDomes" Treatment of various diseases is carried out, as well as health-improving cosmetology programs and weight loss courses.

And here « LesThermesCallou" is a clinic where only treatment programs lasting 14-21 days are carried out.

One of the most famous hotels in Vichy is VICHY SPA HOTEL&RESORT LES CELESTINES 5*. The hotel is connected by an indoor gallery to a SPA center, where, in addition to treatment rooms and swimming pools, there is Institute of LaboratoriesVichy. Of course, in addition to these famous resorts in France, there are a number of thermal resorts that are excellent for treatment and wellness.

The choice of thermal resorts in Western Europe is certainly not limited to those listed above. There are also other famous thermal spas here, such as Blue Lagoon (Iceland), numerous Swiss clinics on Lake Geneva, known for their quality of treatment, and thermal bath resort in the UK is on the UNESCO World Heritage List thanks to its architecture - almost every country has its own unique sources and methods of treatment, and the beauty of nature and cities will complement the pleasant experience.

We talked about democratic and affordable thermal resorts in Eastern Europe in the second part of the article -.