A message about the sights of England. Tourism in Great Britain: the main attractions of the country and features of recreation

The country headed by the queen is quite successful and rich. The British love their land and try with all their might to take care of their native land. Therefore, they live in abundance and prosperity. Tourists love to visit Great Britain, where a lot of historical past has been preserved. What attractions are interesting and significant for a traveler?

10 Trafalgar Square

This square was built on the site of former stables. The name commemorates a big event - the victory of England at the Battle of Trafalgar. The square is a kind of “zero kilometer” and gives rise to three streets. Citizens and tourists love to relax here. Always crowded and noisy.

9 Palace of Westminster

The name comes from the area of ​​Westminster. On the banks of the River Thames is Westminster Hall, built almost a thousand years ago for sessions of the Supreme Court of England and crowned balls. In the 19th century, the Houses of Parliament were built and connected to Westminster Hall. In 1834, a fire destroyed the structure, leaving only the Jewel Tower and the hall. A new palace was built on the same site. It took 44 years to build the beautiful building called “Parliament”.

8 Winter Wonderland

A beautiful wonderland appears in Hyde Park in the run-up to Christmas. Here you will be in the arms of the Snow Queen, marvel at the talents of circus performers, enjoy the greatness and courage of strongmen, be horrified by the composure of performers of dangerous stunts, ride on Santa Claus's sleigh and see the dungeon of the gnomes. For children and adults, this is a great reason to have fun and relax.

7 British museum

For a long time there was a library in the museum, but when the number of books increased, it was moved to a separate building. The British Museum preserves the memory of two million years of human history, and its exhibits are often the subject of theft. Today, thanks to the Internet, you can walk through the museum visually without leaving your home. The museum often hosts exhibitions of contemporary artists.

6 Stonehenge

The most mysterious structure that took 1500 years to construct. It still remains a mystery how ancient people, without special equipment, placed huge boulders on top of each other. What was Stonehenge for? Anthropologists suggest that this place was a cemetery, a temple, the residence of a king, and an observatory. The more rumors there are, the more ridiculous each assumption becomes. Many of the stones came from the Preseli Mountains in Wales. Only the devil could move huge monoliths 250 km away. Therefore, most versions converge to the tricks of evil spirits.

5 Buckingham Palace

The statesman John Sheffield, who received the title of Duke of Buckingham in 1703, built a building for his residence in London. In 1820, the architect John Nash added three buildings that collectively represent Buckingham Palace. The beautiful building now houses members of the royal family and 800 staff. 350 hours go by simultaneously. A sentry looks after them and makes sure that the mechanisms work smoothly. For some time (from August to September) the palace is open to visitors. The Queen leaves the residence, and guests stroll happily through the majestic halls.

4 Thames

The main British river, 334 km long. Its flow and water level are constantly changing. For this reason, the embankment piers sometimes go under water and you need to find out about the tide before going out. Sports competitions and large entertainment events are held on the Thames. Constant movement - river buses, pleasure boats create an atmosphere of eternal bustle and anxiety. But this is only at first glance. Everything here is thought out and calculated. Water transport relieves congestion on the streets of London, helping local residents get things done.

3 Tower

The oldest building that keeps legends and secrets of the past. During the reign of Elizabeth I, animals were kept here. Instead of payment, visitors brought a cat or dog, which was sent to be eaten by lions. Later, all the animals were moved to the zoo. Now the Tower is a protected museum. Jewels of the British Empire, worth a total of 20 billion pounds, are under reliable protection. Soldiers of the royal guard inspect the area every evening and hand over the keys to the gate to the next guard.

2 London Eye

This Ferris wheel was planned as a temporary structure (for only five years). Built at the beginning of the third millennium, it became loved by many in a short time. Who will allow the popular attraction to be demolished now? Restless architects, having lost the competitive selection, wanted to build a wheel. They found sponsors, signed all the necessary papers and entered into an agreement with the Japanese. The London Eye welcomed its first visitors in March 2000. Now it is the most visited place - more than 10,000 people a day.

1 Big Ben

The main attraction of England. Everyone thinks that Big Ben refers to the clock tower, but this is not true. Inside the tower there is a huge bell, weighing 13 tons. So they call it by this unusual name. The neo-Gothic style of the building appeared after the fire, when Charles Barry and the architect Pugin decided to restore the tower in 1834. Now the Big Ben clock accurately keeps time, and for the British they are a direct reflection of character: accuracy, reliability, confidence. Citizens are proud of the city and love to visit their favorite places.

Every country has attractions that are its calling card. Tourists visiting famous places enjoy the beauty, grandeur and try to understand the history and culture of the nation. Receiving new impressions, a person perceives the world differently, therefore, all national monuments of the past teach, educate and force us to reconsider life values ​​in their own way.

The city of Cambridge is the administrative center of the county of the same name and is rich in various architectural monuments. The city is world famous thanks to the University of Cambridge, which is located in the city and is considered one of the best universities in the world.

Cambridge was first mentioned in 730, but there is evidence of the city's existence even before the arrival of the Roman Empire. The city has preserved many different architectural monuments, testifying to the rich history of the city. The city also houses various museums, art galleries, theaters and concert halls.

After a walk along the ancient streets of the city, you can relax in a cafe, bar, restaurant or go shopping.

Coordinates: 52.20805600,0.12250000

Cambridge university

The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world and the second oldest in the UK after Oxford. Currently, 18 thousand students study within the walls of Cambridge, approximately 20% of whom are foreigners.

The prerequisite for the founding of the University of Cambridge in 1209 was a conflict between several teachers from Oxford and local residents, as a result of which, fearing persecution, they fled to Cambridge. Since it turned out to be much easier to escape from the people of Oxford than from their own calling, a group of teachers founded a new alma mater in these places, where local youth soon flocked. Almost a century later, in 1318, Pope John XXII officially recognized the university, and in 1869 the first women's college, called Girton, opened here.

Cambridge now includes a central department and 31 colleges - 28 co-educational and 3 women's, as well as more than 100 departments, faculties and schools under the direction of the General Board.

King's College Cathedral, whose construction began in 1446 and took almost a century, is the university's most outstanding structure. The King's College Cathedral Boys' Choir performs here every year around Christmas.

Coordinates: 52.20300000,0.12000000

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Church of the Holy Sepulcher

The Church of the Holy Sepulcher, also known as the Round Church, is located in the center of the English city of Cambridge. This is one of the oldest operating buildings not only in Cambridge, but throughout England. The prototype of the temple was the rotunda in the Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

The church was built around 1130. Originally intended as a chapel on a busy road where travelers could stop and communicate with Jesus through prayer, the church received parish status two centuries later. During the 15th century, a number of reconstruction works were carried out here, changing the original appearance of the temple. The small windows in the Norman style were replaced by larger Gothic windows, and a polygonal bell tower was added.

Currently, there are no services held here because the church simply cannot accommodate everyone. However, it does not stand idle: it regularly hosts exhibitions dedicated to the influence of the Christian religion on the development of England, as well as religious lectures and concerts.

Coordinates: 52.20840000,0.11890000

Chester Cathedral is the cathedral of the Diocese of Chester in Chester, Cheshire, England.

At first it was the church of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Werburgh; it was converted into an episcopal one in 1541, at the time when the monastery was abolished by Henry VIII.

The cathedral was built from reddish sandstone; over the centuries, the stone acquired a pale pink hue. The structure has a cruciform plan, the transept and the cloister and refectory adjacent to the north are elongated. The length of the building is 114 m and the width is 60 m. Almost no traces remain of the ancient Norman church, since in the 11th century it fell into such disrepair that it had to be immediately rebuilt. At the beginning of the 13th century, the construction of the choir and the central tower was completed - its height is estimated at 60 meters; soon after this, the chapel of Our Lady and the chapter house were completed. In the 19th century, the cathedral was completely restored according to the design of Gilbert Scott.


The Thames is one of the symbols of England and the largest river in Great Britain.

England owes a lot to this river, since the latter is the country's most important river for economic and transport purposes.

However, the river is not only an economic asset, but also a kind of entertainment center. Every spring, the river hosts the Boat Race, a rowing competition between the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The race first took place in 1829 at Henley, but was later moved to the Thames. Every year the boat race attracts the best athletes from all over the world.

Coordinates: 51.50019400,0.73392100

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the few modernist churches in England, in any case, one of the earliest religious buildings in this style. It is a significant milestone in the church architecture of our time. This church was created from 1930 to 1932, and in 1964 it was expanded on the western side.

Guests and residents of Manchester are impressed by the architecture of the temple - smooth walls with large rectangular windows that let in a lot of light, shaded by vertical and horizontal stripes made of brick. The interior decoration of the church is also distinguished by its originality - the ceiling, made in blue, red and gold tones, emphasizes the asceticism of the entire building.

From 2001 to 2003, restoration work was carried out in the church. In addition to the restoration work of the temple, work was also carried out to renovate the interior. A new office space was created for meetings and conferences. These new buildings not only did not spoil the original appearance of the temple, but also gave it additional charm with a round meeting room located directly under the roof.

Coordinates: 53.41980300,-2.21450200

White Cliffs of Dover

Since time immemorial, the first thing that sailors saw when sailing to the shores of Britain from the continent was a chain of snow-white cliffs stretching along the entire southern coast of England. These are the famous white cliffs of Dover.

Julius Caesar mentioned them when describing the Roman invasion of Britain, and William Shakespeare devoted several lines to them in his King Lear. It is to these rocks that England owes its oldest and most poetic name - Albion, which comes from the Latin word for “white”.

The Dover Cliffs were formed during the Cretaceous period more than sixty million years ago from countless remains of marine plankton. They consist of soft, fine-grained chalk rocks with minor inclusions of silicon and quartz. The height of the cliffs reaches one hundred meters, but due to natural erosion every year it decreases by about one centimeter. In addition, due to the fragility of the rock that forms the rock, landslides and landslides are common here.

In good weather, the rocks are visible even from the coast of France, because the width of the strait here is a little more than thirty kilometers. Guarding the sea gates of Britain, the famous Dover Castle rises on a high bank above a snow-white cliff.

Coordinates: 51.13843200,1.37027400

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Anfield Stadium

Anfield Stadium is located in the city of Liverpool, and is one of the oldest and most popular football arenas in England. It is the home stadium of Liverpool Football Club.

Anfield was opened in 1884, and initially the Everton club played their home games there, but already in 1892 it became the stadium of the newly emerged Liverpool club, which still plays its matches there.

The stadium has been reconstructed several times. The most extensive reconstruction was carried out in 1992, when all the stands were significantly expanded. A special feature of the stadium is the presence of proper names at the stands, entrances and even gates, which were named in honor of the legendary Liverpool coaches.

Now the stadium accommodates more than 45 thousand visitors. It always has a high attendance rate, thanks to the legendary merits and popularity of the Liverpool club.

Coordinates: 53.43082000,-2.96082600

The most popular attractions in England with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places in England on our website.

More sights of England

England is an incredibly beautiful country... and despite the fact that there is truly stunning London, the list of amazing cities in England does not end there. Moreover, there really are a lot of them here! We present a list of the most unusual towns and villages in the south of England, which are definitely worth visiting at least once.


Lacock is a tiny little village in the English county of Wiltshire. This picturesque place is full of charm... The architecture of the curved buildings of the magnificent abbey stuns the imagination. The entire village is under the protection of the National Trust, which has owned and looked after the village for several generations.

On a note: Be sure to try the local treats (jam, marmalade, eggs), which townspeople leave in “honesty boxes” on their doorsteps.


Bilbury is a small village that is definitely worth a visit if you find yourself in the Cotswolds area. Here is Arlington Row, perhaps one of the most beautiful small streets in England.

On a note: Arlington Row is a very popular tourist spot, so if you want to enjoy the beauty of this wonderful street in relative solitude, head here early in the morning.


This is one of the smallest cities in England. The boat is definitely worth a visit if you find yourself in London. Just a 45-minute train ride takes you to the magnificent King's College and you can try your hand at punting on the town's waterworks.

On a note: You should definitely grab a bite to eat at the Cambridge Chop House “...especially considering the appetite that you will have after the walk.

Castle Combe

Castle Combe is a tiny town in Wiltshire. Start walking along the high street and discover the charming buildings of this town and don't forget to stop by Castle Combe Market, located in the town hall. Here you may be interested in antiques or locally produced products.

On a note: Be sure to stop by a local pub to try real English cuisine.


Broadway is one of the largest villages in the Cotswolds and is a wonderful place to visit for the day. This is where you can endlessly explore the shelves of antique stores that made Broadway famous.

On a note: Be sure to take time to take a short walk to Broadway Hill, the highest point in the Cotswolds.


Warwick is a relatively small city midway between London and Birmingham. It's easy to reach by train and features sites rich in history, including the medieval Lord Leicester Hospital and Warwick Castle, which is arguably one of the finest castles in England.

On a note: Be sure to visit Charlescote Park, a place of peace and tranquility.


Salisbury is one of England's most magnificent medieval cities. It is worth visiting early in the morning to fully enjoy the beautiful streets of the city. It is also home to the 14th-century town clock and the iconic Salisbury Cathedral.

On a note: Be sure to plan your trip to Salisbury with a visit to Stonehenge, which is just 9 miles from the city.


Banbury is the best place to explore the smaller towns of Oxfordshire. The number of attractions here is simply mind-boggling, including Broughton Castle and Upton House.

On a note: If you have a free minute, be sure to check out the beautiful Sulgrave Estate

Watergate Bay

Watergate Bay is located in Cornwall a few hours west of Bristol. It is easily accessible by train from major cities, including London.

Note: While here, visit Jamie Oliver's Fifteen restaurant ", which overlooks a superb waterfront, and also stay at " Watergate Bay Hotel ", which is simply amazing!

Isles of Scilly

These almost tropical islands are shrouded in many secrets...especially for travelers to the UK. Due to its location, on the path of the Gulf Stream, there is always warm water and air...therefore, many tropical plants grow here. To visit the islands, you can hire a boat from Cornwall and enjoy the magnificent beauty of nature.

Note: The last months of summer are especially good here. Clean water, sandy beach and pleasant weather.


This beautiful city is the best preserved Roman city in all of England. The Roman Baths, located right in the heart of the city, are accessible to visit. Here you can see what the city looked like 2000 years ago. While you're in town, stop by Bath Abbey and the magnificent Royal Crescent.

Note: Be sure to stop at Sally Lunn ” to try their delicious sweet buns!

We will hardly consider London. Maybe we’ll just go through it briefly, since besides it there are a huge number of places in England that definitely need to be visited, if possible.

The story begins around 1066 (almost a thousand years old). This castle is the residence of English monarchs in Berkshire. One 17th-century writer called it "the most romantic castle in the world." In 1992, one bad thing happened, namely a fire in the castle. True, the castle was quickly restored and some modern elements were introduced into it. However, its appearance remained majestic, ancient and incredibly beautiful.

City of Canterbury

A small ancient city, incredibly beautiful, located in Kent. Here we seem to find ourselves in the Middle Ages. The architecture of this place is simply unique, especially Canterbury Cathedral, which is simply impossible to miss. In this city there are even tours in which they will tell you (and maybe show you?) about all the ghosts, ghosts and other evil spirits that live in these places.

The splendor of the Cotswolds

Region of west central England. Officially recognized as an area of ​​"outstanding natural beauty". Here we find ourselves in a fairy tale. In small villages, houses look like toys. Landscapes beyond description. They need to be seen; it is impossible to convey in words all the beauty of this place.

The Unique Ludlow

This is one of the smallest towns in Great Britain. Located in Shropshire, surrounded by a ring of beautiful hills. This is a real city of English traditions. Restaurants, pubs, markets and festivals - all in true British style.

Northern Ireland and the Giant's Causeway

Do you want to visit one of the most beautiful and mysterious places? Then you definitely need to get to this magical corner of Britain. A large number of legends and tales are associated with this place. One of them, the legend of the warrior Finn Mac Cumal, presumably gave the name to this area. If interested, read it. Quite exciting. This beautiful region evokes a sea of ​​emotions and has some kind of mystical power. See for yourself.

This is how the hit parade turned out Britain's most picturesque places. This is not all, in the future we will make up for what we did not fit into one post. Therefore, subscribe to the mailing list at the bottom of the post, click on the social network buttons more often (I would be very grateful).

One of the most influential and interesting European countries is Great Britain, located on an island in the northwest of continental Europe. The state has a rich history of development, characterized by tragic, solemn and other events. All this leaves an imprint on the culture, and therefore there are many interesting objects that attract tourists from different parts of the planet. To make your trip around this country comfortable, you should familiarize yourself with the location of attractions and vacation features in advance.

Briefly about Great Britain

Great Britain is located in the north-west of Eurasia and is one of the largest island states in the European part of the world. The country's form of government is called a parliamentary monarchy, and the current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II.

Elizabeth II ascended the throne in 1952 and is currently the longest-reigning monarch in the history of the United Kingdom.

Great Britain is famous for its architecture and history

The country has an oceanic temperate climate with high rainfall throughout the year. The air temperature varies depending on the season. In winter, the maximum is -12 °C, and in summer the air warms up to a maximum of +35 °C. Such conditions are optimal for active, cultural and other types of tourism.

Full country name

The name "Great Britain" is widely used in everyday speech by citizens of different countries, as well as in advertising, media and other sources. Full form - The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This combination looks cumbersome and inconvenient and is used only in scientific, political and other official circumstances. The country is often called the United Kingdom (The UK), which is also an abbreviated form.

Capital and geography

The capital of the state is London. It covers an area of ​​1706.8 km2 and has a population of 8,538,689 people. The settlement is located in the south-eastern part of the island, near the North Sea, in the valley of the Thames River mouth. The city is divided into 33 administrative districts.

London has a well-developed transport network: there are three ring roads, bus service, underground and light metro, tram routes, as well as water transport and city trains. The infrastructure is well developed in all areas, so tourists can easily get from one part of the city to another.

By the way, the London underground itself is a kind of monument, since this subway is the oldest in the world. Its first line was opened in 1863. Due to the shape of the deep tunnels, Londoners nicknamed this type of transport “The Tube”.

The capital also has sports stadiums, museums and libraries, theaters, many monuments and historical buildings built in past centuries.

The country is divided into 4 administrative and political parts: Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England. They are located on the island of Great Britain and the northern part of the neighboring island.

The UK's only land border divides Northern Ireland, which is part of the kingdom, and the independent Republic of Ireland.

The territory of this state also includes small archipelagos: for example, the Shetland and Orkney Islands, Arran and White.

Great Britain is an island state

South-westerly winds contribute to cloudy weather in the western part of the islands, where most of the precipitation falls. Snow melts quickly in winter, so the climate here is quite mild.

The country has many lakes, rivers, mountainous and lowland areas. One of the famous places is the freshwater Loch Ness, considered the largest in the British Isles: its area is 388 km 2. On the southern coast of the island of Great Britain there is the English Channel Eurotunnel, connecting this country with the continent. Its length is 50 km, of which 38 km lie under water.

Lake Loch Ness is considered the largest in the British Isles

Official language in the country

The state is modern and well developed. Local residents speak English, which is the official language in the country and has international status. Therefore, tourists can communicate in this language with all employees of hotels, airports, shops and other organizations. For travelers without knowledge of English, tours with a guide-translator are best suited.

One of the most famous English dialects is Cockney - a simplified speech based on incorrect pronunciation and rhyming phrases, common in London mainly in the middle and lower strata of the population.

Currency in UK

Throughout the country, payments are made in pounds sterling. If necessary, in shops, hotels and other establishments you can pay with a plastic bank card of international payment systems. Before traveling, you should prepare a small amount in pounds sterling or exchange cash at special points or banks upon arrival in the country.

Queen Elizabeth II appears on English banknotes

Religion in the country

There is freedom of religion in the United Kingdom. At the same time, about 71.6% of the population professes Christianity, Islam is supported by 2.7%, and Hinduism is supported by 1% of the population. The number of atheists is 15.5%. The country has a church with state status - the Church of England. Among all Christian denominations, the largest are Anglicans, Catholics, Presbyterians, and Pentecostals.


The UK is in the time zone UTC±00:00, and Moscow is in UTC+03:00. Thus, the time difference between the European country and the Russian capital is +3 hours.

The best regions and cities for tourism

There are several cities and regions in the UK that are in demand among tourists. These places are distinguished by natural, historical and architectural attractions and optimal conditions for travel. There is a comfortable climate, developed infrastructure and all the opportunities for an interesting holiday.

While traveling around the country, you should pay attention to the following cities:

  • London, the capital of the country, has a rich and interesting history that has left its mark on the architecture of the city. Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Tower Bridge, Hyde Park - these are just the main objects that guests of the capital seek to see. Numerous restaurants and cafes, hotels and inns are distributed throughout London, so it is not difficult to find the best place for relaxation or lunch. It is worth visiting Madame Tussauds wax museum, the Warner Brothers studio and the Harry Potter museum. The city is optimal for a leisurely cultural holiday: there are many interesting and historically important sites;
    The sights of London look very beautiful in the evening
  • The city of Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and is located on the southern coast of the Firth of Forth. People come here for shopping, the best place for which is Princess Street. Edinburgh Castle, the National Art Gallery, the Royal Museum, the Scottish Gallery of Modern Art, bars with interiors stylized in the Middle Ages - all this can be visited while walking around the city;
    The city of Edinburgh has a cozy atmosphere and many beautiful buildings
  • Bristol is located in the southwest of the country and is a major port on the River Avon. Tourists should look at the Clifton Suspension Bridge and go to the nearby Bristol Caves, the most famous of which is called the Giant Caves. Interesting places to visit include Brunel's SS Great Britain, the Zoo, the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, and the curved mirror at Clifton Observatory. You can grab a bite to eat in the restaurants and bars located on Whiteladies Road and West End's Park Street, as well as near the port;
    Bristol has a well-maintained embankment, which is a pleasure to walk along.
  • Liverpool is a port on the north-west coast of England, at the mouth of the Mersey River, which became famous throughout the world in the 1960s as the birthplace of the legendary group The Beatles. In addition to the museum dedicated to the work of the Fab Four, in the city you can see the city hall, the Anglican and Catholic cathedrals, the Wellington Column, and also find the Superlambanan sculpture, which is constantly moving around the city, which both symbolizes the danger of genetic experiments and reflects the historical past of Liverpool;
    Liverpool is famous not only for its sights related to the history of the Beatles, but also for its architectural monuments
  • When visiting the Lake District you can admire the beautiful scenery and relax in the fresh air. This region is in the Highlands of North West England. Mountains and valleys, where hiking tours are possible, lakes, rich vegetation, as well as the culture of the local people attract tourists here. Getting to the edge is easy by car or rail;
    In the Lake District, tourists are attracted by the beauty of nature
  • You can get acquainted with the culture of the country on the Shetland Islands. Local products are considered environmentally friendly, high quality and tasty. Therefore, it is worth trying traditional dishes here, for example, dried salted meat with potato soup. You can visit historical buildings and ancient settlements: Jarlshof Prehistoric & Norse Settlement in Sumburgh and Fort Charlotte in Lerwick. You can see huge colonies of skuas, gannets and puffins near the sea coast. Tourists should pay a visit to the Shetland Museum, the Clickimin Broch fortress, the Toll Clock Shopping Center in Lerwick, where they can buy quality sweaters, souvenirs and much more;
    The architecture of buildings in Great Britain is distinguished by its majesty and solidity.
  • Cambridge is one of the oldest educational centers in Europe. Tourists can visit the university buildings, but admission is paid, and during the exam period (in May and June) the institution is closed to visitors. It is also worth visiting the Museum of Archeology and Anthropology, the Fitzwilliam Museum, which displays interesting art exhibits and ancient artifacts. The streets of Cambridge are distinguished by elegant but majestic architecture, so tourists should spend a little time walking around the city;
    Rowing competitions are often held among Cambridge students
  • Wales is a part of the United Kingdom located in the southwest. The islands of Anglesey, the Llyn coast, and the Gower Peninsula are especially beautiful in nature. Surfing and windsurfing are possible on the coast of the peninsula. The castles of Beaumaris, Carnarvon, Harlech, Chirk Castle, and national botanical gardens - all attract travelers. Trekking is possible along the trail that runs along Vala Offa, and the length of the entire route is 270 km. You can complete this route in about 11 days, which is optimal for active tourism.
    The English coast offers water sports and outdoor activities
  • You can take a walk through picturesque areas anywhere in the country, because Great Britain has beautiful nature and unusual landscapes. In cities, tourists may be interested in buildings of majestic architecture. Thus, the UK is a popular destination for comfortable travel and active tourism.

    Video: “Heads and Tails” in London

    Famous UK landmarks

    The country is known for a large number of historical, cultural and architectural attractions. In large cities, tourists will also find other entertainment, such as concerts and parties in nightclubs, so people with different interests can relax here.

    England is rich in historical and architectural sites, the most famous of which are the following:

  • Stonehenge is a stone structure made of huge blocks. The architectural site is located west of the city of Amesbury and 13 km north of Salisbury, in Wiltshire. The stones are arranged in a circle and form an unusual complex. The age of the structure is several thousand years, and archaeologists and scientists around the world are still trying to unravel the history of its origin. This place is popular among tourists, as many mysterious legends are associated with it;
    Stonehenge looks unusual and mysterious from above
  • In Cornwall there is the Eden Botanical Garden, which is a complex of greenhouses with plants from all over the world. The project covers an area of ​​22,000 m2. There are many spherical domes, the design of which includes hundreds of hexagons and several pentagons. The complex looks like a fantastic structure. It has a variety of flora, which is why tourists often visit this place when traveling around the UK;
    The domes of the Garden of Eden give the landscape a beautiful and fantastic look
  • Tower Castle is located in the historical center of London, on the north bank of the Thames. The solid fortress looks majestic and attracts travelers with its history and unique architecture. The height of the castle towers reaches 30 m, and construction began in 1066. Initially, the building served as a defensive structure, but at different times it housed a zoo, a mint, an observatory, a prison, an arsenal, and a royal treasury. Now on the territory of the castle there is a museum with a rich collection of weapons and works of art. There are also private apartments here. A visit to the museum for adults will cost approximately 1,732 rubles, and for children from 5 to 15 years old - 781 rubles;
    Tower Castle is a famous and beautiful landmark of England
  • in Westminster, in one of the districts of London, the Palace of Westminster, made in the neo-Gothic style, is located. It was built over 500 years ago, but after a fire it was rebuilt in 1840–1860. Whitehall Street connects it to Trafalgar Square in the British capital. The parliament meeting rooms are located here, and there is also a Jewel Tower. Tourists should look at this structure while walking around London;
    The Palace of Westminster in London is made in the neo-Gothic style
  • Big Ben is a popular tourist attraction in London and is the clock tower of the Palace of Westminster. The official name of the attraction is the Elizabeth Tower. The clock was launched on May 31, 1859. Here is one of the heaviest bells in the world, which weighs 13.7 tons;
    The clock tower adorns the Palace of Westminster
  • The Sherlock Holmes Museum is an interesting place often visited by tourists. It was created based on the description of the apartment in which the hero of the famous literary work of Arthur Conan Doyle lived. The building is located at 221b Baker Street. The interior of the premises corresponds to the setting described by the author, which is complemented by objects that are symbols of the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes;
    The interior of the Sherlock Holmes Museum includes many interesting details
  • Madame Tussauds wax museum is located in Marylebone, London. Here visitors can look at skillfully created sculptures of many famous people. All exhibits are made of wax and surprise with their realism. This museum was created more than 200 years ago by the sculpture Marie Tussaud. Now about 19 branches are open in different cities.
    All the figures in Madame Tussauds are very realistic
  • There are few historical attractions in Scotland, but there are bright and unusual natural sites. Of the ancient buildings, it is worth noting the castle, located on a rock located in the center of Edinburgh. The Royal Mile leads here, at the other end of which stands the Palace of Holyroodhouse, which is the official residence of the British monarchs in Scotland. These sites are easy to visit while exploring Edinburgh.

    Edinburgh Castle is located on a high cliff

    Among the natural sites of Scotland, it is worth noting the island of Staffa, on the west coast of which Fingal's Cave is located. This depression is washed out in the rock by sea water and has a length of 113 m. Tourists can get inside the cave only along a narrow path near the water’s edge. The entrance here is too narrow for boats. This place was once visited by Walter Scott, Jules Verne and other famous people. The surrounding area is picturesque, so many travelers and active hikers often come here.

    Fingal's Cave attracts lovers of active travel

    In Scotland, in the region of Aberdeenshire, there is a medieval castle called Drum. It is owned by the National Trust for Scotland and can be visited throughout the summer. The castle was built in the 13th century and modified during the Victorian era. During reconstruction in 2013, secret passages and hidden rooms were discovered here. This building is interesting for its architecture, mysterious atmosphere and interiors from the Middle Ages.

    Drum Castle is small in size and has a large number of secret passages.

    When traveling around Wales, it is worth visiting the medieval village of Cosmeston. This place is an open-air museum: all the buildings located on the territory have been reconstructed based on information obtained as a result of archaeological excavations. The facility is located near the city of Cardiff, which is the capital of Wales. The remains of buildings found here date back to the 14th century, but there is no evidence of the existence of this village after the Middle Ages. There is a hypothesis that the inhabitants of this settlement died during the plague in the 1340s.

    The atmosphere of an ancient settlement has been recreated in the village of Cosmeston

    In Wales, tourists should also look at the Menai Suspension Bridge, which connects the island of Anglesey with the mainland of Wales.
    Manorbeer Castle, located in Pembrokeshire, attracts tourists with its ancient architecture and beautiful surrounding landscapes. It was built more than 8 centuries ago and belonged to various aristocratic families. Several films were filmed here, and now it is visited annually by tourists from different countries.

    Manorbier Castle is located in a flat area without dense vegetation

    There are many museums throughout the UK, because the culture and history of the country is diverse and full of different events. Travelers should visit the following places:

  • the original Fan Museum in London;
  • Transport Museum in Manchester, England;
  • Whiskey History Museum in Edinburgh;
  • aviation museum in Yorkshire;
  • Belfast Museum Ship in London;
  • Museum of Childhood in Edinburgh.
  • In the country, historical sites are located in the vicinity of both large cities and small settlements. Tourists should plan a travel route that covers at least 2 settlements. This will allow you to better know the culture of the people and have a good rest.

    Country in different seasons

    Despite the large amount of rainfall throughout the year, holidays in the UK in the summer are in demand among travelers from different countries. During the warm season, interesting excursion tours are available, and hotel rooms should be booked in advance, which will save your budget. From July to the end of August you can swim in the sea and lakes on the southern coast of the island. Water sports, trekking, picnics on the shores of lakes, trips to museums and shopping are also appropriate.

    In summer there are fountains in the palace parks

    In autumn, the average air temperature does not exceed +18 °C, but tourists can easily take walks around the cities, active excursions through valleys with lakes or visit ancient castles. In November, the weather deteriorates greatly, showers, hurricane winds and other disasters are possible. Therefore, in the fall it is optimal to plan a short trip to explore the main attractions of the country.

    There are no severe frosts in the UK in winter. During the day the air temperature is above zero, but at night it can drop to negative values. Fog often occurs in cities and near bodies of water, sometimes so thick that movement can be difficult. Therefore, in winter, many travelers limit themselves to getting to know the country’s culture and visiting restaurants with traditional cuisine.

    The streets of UK cities are beautifully decorated for Christmas

    At the beginning of spring there is practically no precipitation. The tourist season begins in May. At this time, travelers visit national parks and take excursions to ancient sights. There are also festivals and celebrations in May to mark the start of summer where you can have fun.

    Short travel options

    It's impossible to see all the main attractions in one day in the UK, but it's worth walking around the city where you're staying. During such a walk, for example, in London, many tourists visit restaurants with local cuisine, as well as palaces and museums of the city. During the period of Christmas or off-season discounts, shopping is optimal, during which you can purchase symbolic souvenirs, clothes and other things.

    If your stay in the country lasts about three days, then it is worth visiting Scotland during this time, where there are unusually beautiful landscapes, cozy small villages and cities. The Lake District nature reserve is optimal for such a trip, but you can also see the cities of England. Traveling by ferry will allow you to appreciate the picturesque embankments of many cities.

    England has many picturesque towns and cozy villages

    During 5 or 7 days of rest you can visit medical and health resorts. The county of Hampshire, located on the south coast of the island, has several such places. For example, the city of Bath is famous for its Roman baths, and there are springs in the city of Buxton. The mineral waters of Leamington and Cheltenham also attract travellers. In a week you can tour several cities, islands and lakes of the country.

    Entertainment for children

    In the UK there is a lot of entertainment for children of different ages and with any interests. When traveling with a child, it is worth considering the most popular places where you can have a good rest with the whole family, learn a lot of new things and look at unique objects. The following attractions are optimal for these purposes:

  • The London Aquarium, as well as the Zoo, Madame Tussauds, the Pollock Toy Museum, the London Ferris Wheel, the Alton Towers amusement park - all this will make a holiday in the country's capital exciting for children and parents;
  • Drayton Manor Park in Staffordshire, which has various attractions, a zoo, cafes, themed areas, and water slides;
  • Legoland park in Windsor with attractions made from Lego parts. A helipad, cafe, animators and other entertainment will appeal to children from different countries;
  • London is visited by tourists from around the world. Bristol has a well-developed tourism infrastructure. Birmingham has a cozy atmosphere and beautiful streets.