Getting ready for a hike: what you need to know. How to go to church for the first time, how to behave in an Orthodox church What is the most important commemoration for the deceased

A person comes to church in order to express gratitude to the Lord, repent of sins, and morally cleanse himself. There is no doubt that sincere prayers will definitely be heard by the Lord.

However, for many, a significant obstacle to visiting church is a simple lack of knowledge of the rules of behavior in the temple.

Basic rules if you come to church for the first time

A woman is supposed to wear a long skirt or dress when visiting a temple. Trousers are considered unacceptable. It is also not recommended to wear a tracksuit or shorts.

It is believed that all parishioners should wear long sleeves, regardless of the season.

You need to enter the church calmly, silently, with reverence. According to the rules, a man must remove his headdress, and a woman, on the contrary, must wear a headscarf. Usually those women who go to church for the first time take their headscarf. For the rest, you can use a “duty scarf”. And if it’s not there, then you can quietly ask the church workers. They usually have several scarves for the congregation for these occasions.

What prayers you need to know when going to church

Prayer of a person going to church

We rejoiced because they said to me: Let us go to the house of the Lord. But by the multitude of Thy mercy, O Lord, I will enter into Thy house, I will bow to Thy holy temple in Thy passion. Lord, guide me in Thy righteousness; for the sake of my enemy, straighten my path before Thee; that without stumbling I will glorify the One Divinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

First time in church, how to behave

If you do not know these prayers by heart, you can copy them onto a piece of paper and read them from a sheet of paper, or use the modern option - download the prayers to your phone.

So, when you enter the church, make three prostrations. On holidays, three bows are performed from the waist. After which you can bow to the parishioners to the right and left. For some this will not be an easy task. Since a feeling of awkwardness or even shame will be a hindrance for some. If this is a problem for you, then you can limit yourself to the usual bow and crossing yourself three times. Try not to think about how you will look from the outside. Just bow and cross yourself three times.

Since ancient times, it was believed that the left side of the church was reserved for women during worship, and the right side, respectively, for men. Although this rule is rarely observed now, if you remember, and even more so know, you can use it.

During the service, you need to be baptized and bow your head when the priest makes the sign of the cross, the Gospel, an image or the holy cup. During the overshadowing with candles, the sign of the cross and censer, you only need to bow your head.

If there is no service, then you can go up to any icon you like, cross yourself twice, kiss the bottom of the image and cross yourself a third time.

During worship, you should not turn your head, look around, look at those praying, ask them about anything, chew gum, keep your hands in your pockets, shake hands with friends, or talk on the phone. If this is absolutely necessary, then it is better to leave the temple and make a call.

During menstruation, it is better for women to refuse to visit the temple, as it is believed that by doing so the woman desecrates the shrine.

Photography or video recording is not permitted in the church. But if there is an urgent need for this, then it is better to coordinate this issue with the priest in advance.

It is better to purchase candles before the service begins. There is a specially designated place in the temple for this.

The candle can be placed with either hand. Candles cannot be placed near icons during services.

Candles for health can be placed with any icons. And candles for the repose are only for a special canon. It is usually located at the beginning of the temple and has a square shape.

If you are placing a candle for the first time, then do the following: go to the canon and select an empty place where you will place it. Light your own from a neighboring candle and, having slightly warmed up the lower part of your candle from the neighboring one, place the candle on the canon.

Sometimes parishioners do the following: they buy the most expensive and thick candles and place them without lighting them on the canon. In this way, it’s as if I’m donating candles. If you wish, you can follow their example.

If you want to light a candle for some saint or pray to him, you should cross yourself twice, bow at the waist, light the candle, cross yourself again and bow.

Finally, you can take holy water. Holy water is usually found in a special container in the temple. If you don't see her, go to the church workers and ask. Usually the parishioners themselves pour the water.

First time at a church service, what to do

If you are going to church for the first time or are still thinking about it, you can do this. Dress as described above, take a scarf for women and a container for holy water (optional). Go to the church.

Buy several candles in the church and place them on the canon. Don't leave right away. Stay a while at the service if it is going on. If you don’t know when to cross yourself or bow, then you can “spy” from knowledgeable parishioners. They usually stand in the front rows and sing along during the service. You shouldn’t make a pious face or open your mouth as if you were also saying a prayer. Stand silently, listening to the words of the prayer. Try to feel God within you, feel the divine energy. If you don't feel anything, that's normal. Perhaps in the future everything will change. Stay in the service as long as you think necessary.

You may make donations after the service. For this purpose, the temple has special boxes with a cutout at the top. Usually they are located along the wall of the temple. When you deposit money, try to do it in such a way as not to attract the attention of parishioners. Everyone donates to the temple as much as they see fit.

Also, if you wish, you can buy the icon you like. Remember that an expensive icon is no different from its cheap counterpart. Buy the icon to which your heart lies. Some recommend buying a Bible or Gospel. Before you do this, consider whether you will read it.

Also, if you wish, you can buy a cross or some kind of church decoration. If you took a water container, use it before leaving the temple. This concludes your first visit to church. When you leave the temple, cross yourself, bow and walk with God.

And finally, remember that a true Christian is characterized by his faith, and not by the frequency of church attendance, monetary donations or talk about spirituality.

First choose which beach is suitable for swimming. An open private or city beach - this beach has been inspected by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Rospotrebnadzor. Such a beach must have a category. There are only 3 of them: 1st And higher the category can be recognized by the blue flag, 2nd And average- in green, well 3rd will be decorated with a yellow flag. By the way, force majeure troubles can happen on a beach that has passed the inspection.
Which? We list the most unpleasant ones and give tips on how to eliminate them.
You hurt yourself or cut yourself. Feel free to go to the first aid station. You are required to help, examine and make an appropriate entry in the journal. They don’t give certificates - they don’t have to. Ask for a complaint book - they cannot deny you this right. If you decide to fight for compensation, then take this into account: a claim must be filed against the administration and sent to court and file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor; The reason is lack of sanitation and hygiene.

You have caught an infection. It's more complicated here. According to regulations, water samples must be taken from a beach that is officially open for swimming every 2 weeks. Can you receive compensation for losses and moral damages? by going to court and Rospotrebnadzor. A certificate about your condition and that your illness is caused by an infection picked up while swimming is taken from your attending physician.
You are injured. It is no secret that on large bodies of water today there are a lot of different types of water vehicles. The same boat. According to the regulations, the swimming area for people should be limited by buoys. If you sail abroad, you will have yourself to blame. And if the border was not marked, then he has the right to sue the beach administration.
We bought food on the beach and got poisoned. Noticed - not with grandmothers! We are talking about food in a specially permitted tent. The tent has an owner, so sue him. A check is preferred, but not required.
You are sunbathing, and a person begins to drown in the water. Call the rescuers. If suddenly they were not there, then the beach administration will be responsible.

You lost your child . Rescuers must have a loudspeaker. And call the police immediately.
A good beach - a first aid station and lifeguards, there are stands with information on water and air temperature, there are life rafts, clean bottom, buoys, “paddling pool” for kids, drinking fountains, changing cabins.
But swimming on a wild beach is very risky. If anything... there will be no one to ask!

You need to know this!!!

Everyone has their own fashion and hobbies, and therefore sometimes it’s very nice to find like-minded people, appreciate their stamp collection or skill in a certain game. Here are collected various videos that are dedicated to one or another hobby. It doesn’t matter whether you like chess, tennis, or collecting wild, untamed animals under your roof - here you will be able to find good video- content you like.

Nowadays, one hobby is very popular both online and in reality, accessible mostly only to the female sex - make-up on camera. It will seem to ordinary viewers that in these videos the girls are simply putting on makeup and making a big deal out of a mountain. But in reality, these beauties are showing off their artistic skills, which they have developed over the years. In such videos you can find tips, life hacks, and also highlight many useful points that you missed in your life. Curvy models and their stylists will tell you what eye shadow to choose and what dress to choose to match your hairstyle. For many women, this has become a kind of hobby to which they devote almost their entire lives.

In addition to make-up, many girls simply adore shopping, and therefore often upload their trips to the local store to YouTube. shopping mall, where they shop for clothes and begin to examine and try them on. Such girls often collect a whole collection of different outfits at home, and some could even open their own store and sell clothes for several years - they have so many purchased outfits. And their entire vast collection falls into the camera lens. To be honest, I don’t understand why many girls watch this, but there are clients for such content and it’s a little strange.

However, not only girls love fashion and style and are distinguished by their hobbies; men also have many different hobbies that can amaze to the core. Some people collect napkins from stores, some like to play sports simulators (which is wild in itself), but there are also those who spend their days pestering women and collecting their kisses. At the same time, they prefer to record their adventures on a video camera, and then put the videos on public display and make themselves great machos.

In any case, in our world there are so many different hobbies, activities, affairs, and all of them can captivate a person with a certain mindset for some time, and maybe even for the rest of his life. There are so many of them that there is simply no point in listing them further. On this page you can find hundreds of different videos, and they can be about anything. After all, how many people there are, so many hobbies. Each person can invent a specific time killer for himself. Sometimes you may even be surprised by what the human brain is capable of when it's bored, but don't be surprised if your own hobbies are strange to someone.

Look at people doing their favorite thing, laugh at the stupidity of what is happening, or emphasize for yourself certain things that you can find applications in your life. Here, for the most part, entertainment, information and stylish video content is collected.

The very first thing - it's cold at night! Moreover, in almost any region and at almost any time. Even if the thermometer shows +20-25 at night, that means during the day it was over 35-40. Such a difference is perceived by the body, especially an unprepared one, as cold. And all that is recommended is to take warm clothes suitable for the night temperature. For example, a jacket, a light down jacket, and a hat.

Second - sleeping bag, No blankets or other amateur activities. If you want comfort, buy a sleeping bag. For the mid-season, a sleeping bag +10-0 is suitable.

Third, never sleep in jeans or jackets! We go to bed in a sleeping bag or thermal underwear, or in a tracksuit. If it's hot, just wear shorts.

Fourth - pillow, it is not needed at all. You take the jacket, turn it inside out, and wrap your backpack, pants, and extra things in it. The pillow is ready.

Fifth - shoes. Trekking boots or sneakers are recommended. And keep in mind that dew falls in the morning (this is from 4 o’clock, if anything). You can take light rubber boots, but only when parking; I don’t recommend walking long distances in them.

Sixth - rug, tourist foam or inflatable - it’s not so important, the main thing is that it is!

How to go to bed. We put our shoes under the tent, rather than storing them in the tent itself. We put it under the floor of the tent, just close enough to cover it so it doesn’t get damp. We change into sleeping clothes, lie down in the sleeping bag, make ourselves a pillow, tighten the ropes on the hood of the sleeping bag. Goodbye!

And one more note, the tent! You can have a hammock, but you must put a rug in it and cover it with a waterproof cloth, because in the morning there is dew!

My off-season kit. A sleeping bag for +10 (bought at Decathlon), and an inflatable mat from there. A set of thermal underwear made of merino wool. A very light down jacket, I sometimes sleep in it if it’s cold (bought at Sportsmaster). Keen trekking shoes, these are not at all budgetary, of course, trekking from the same Decathlon or Sportsmaster is enough. Membrane windbreaker with fleece, can be replaced with an ordinary jacket. Windblock cap, can be replaced with any sports cap. A tent for the same three people. You can also wear woolen socks to sleep in, depending on the weather.

Oh yes! Flashlight! Or better yet, two - a headlamp and a handheld one, a spare set of batteries for both flashlights!

I forgot one thing! Never wear the things you sleep in on the route - these are yours" dry kit", and especially don’t cover yourself with a sleeping bag near the fire, it will get damp! And everything will be dry and comfortable.

Separately, you can talk about things on the route; pants, shoes and a jacket play an important role here. But this is if you plan to walk 20-30 km a day. Me as an amateur water trips, I always have a “wet” set, these are either special “dru-shorts” or a neoprene suit, a special waterman’s jacket (a very light waterproof windbreaker, all seams must be taped (!), worn over a T-shirt or neoprene T-shirt). A waterproof hat or bandana (for broken cases - a Panama hat), neoprene gloves, booties or neoprene slippers. On walking route- army trousers (NATO soldiers) made of membrane fabric, shoes already described, storm jacket, always with a hood. Hat or bandana. I recommend a bandana (my grandmother’s cotton scarf in parrots is also normal), it protects better from ticks. If you go to a region with midges, wear a mosquito net.