The most dangerous predators in the world: rating, description and interesting facts. The largest predators in the world The most dangerous predators in the world: interesting facts

The ocean is home to a huge number of different predators. Some sea predators attack quickly, while others sit in cover for a long time, waiting for their victims.

Every inhabitant of the ocean is eaten by other sea inhabitants; only killer whales and sharks have no enemies.


The white shark is most likely the most dangerous predator of the deep sea. People tremble at the very idea of ​​a great white shark.

The white shark has no equal in strength and power among predators in the ocean.

Sharks appeared in the ocean long before man began to dominate the Earth. There are about 400 species of sharks. But the most dangerous shark is the white shark. Individuals of this species can reach 6 meters in length, they weigh about 3 tons and have a powerful toothy mouth. There are about 300 sharp-shaped teeth in the mouth. The teeth on the upper jaw are triangular, and on the lower jaw they are curved. The body shape of the white shark is spindle-shaped, the tail has the shape of a crescent, and the fins are large. White sharks live for about 27 years.

But people are not the target. These predators prefer victims with more serious fat reserves. For example, their favorite treats are sea lions and seals. White sharks do not show too much interest in people, since the human body contains too many tendons and muscles.

Typically, white sharks attack people for two reasons. The first is that a shark associates a person swimming in the water with a sick animal that cannot develop sufficient speed and is easy to catch. The second reason is that surfers floating on a board look like other ocean inhabitants from the water. And since the shark has rather poor eyesight, it can easily make mistakes. To determine whether the prey is edible, the shark bites it, but sometimes sharks tear people to pieces. It is difficult to predict how this predator will behave. When a shark grabs a victim, it shakes its head in all directions, thus snatching pieces from it.

Sea anemone is a predatory animal that more closely resembles a plant.

Scientists say sharks are ocean orderlies because they eat dying animals.

Sea anemones

Sea anemone is a predator veiled by beauty.

Sea anemones are representatives of cnidarians. Sea anemones have stinging cells that they use as weapons. Sea anemones reach a height of about 1 meter. These creatures lead a sedentary life. They are attached to the bottom by a foot called the sole or basal disc.

The sea anemone has from ten to hundreds of tentacles with special cells - cnidocytes. These cells produce poison, which is a mixture of toxins. Anemones use this poison during hunting and for protection from predators.

The poison contains substances that affect the nervous system of the victim. The prey is paralyzed under the influence of the poison and the predator calmly eats it.

The diet of sea anemones is based on fish and crustaceans. Sea anemone poison is not dangerous for people; it does not lead to death, but can cause quite severe burns.

Killer whales

- predators of the dolphin family, but they are not at all as friendly as dolphins. They are called killer whales. Killer whales attack almost all marine inhabitants: mammals, fish and shellfish. If there is enough food, then killer whales behave quite friendly with other cetaceans, but if there is little food, then killer whales attack their own kind: dolphins and whales.

Killer whales are one of the ocean's formidable hunters.

For these predators, the size of the prey is not of great importance; killer whales hunt large animals together. If the victim cannot be killed immediately, the killer whale harasses it by biting off small pieces of it. No one manages to stay alive after a collision with killer whales - not a small fish, not a large whale.

A pod of killer whales acts very harmoniously during the hunt. The predators move in even ranks, like soldiers, and each killer whale has a clearly defined task.

When killer whales lead a sedentary life, they feed mainly on crustaceans and fish. And migrating killer whales prefer large mammals, such as sea lions and seals. Killer whales live up to the name killer whales in the best possible way.


Octopuses are part of the order of cephalopods. These creatures have excellently developed vision, smell, and touch, but they do not hear very well.

The world's oceans are home to a wide variety of predators. Some wait for their prey in cover and suddenly attack when it has lost its vigilance, while others are able to develop breakneck speed while pursuing prey. But they are all one of the links in the food chain: a small predator, in turn, becomes the prey of a larger one. And only sharks and killer whales, standing at the top of the food pyramid, do not have natural enemies in the water element.


The shark is one of the oldest predators on Earth. There are about two hundred and fifty species of sharks in nature, but only a few of them attack humans. White and tiger sharks are the most aggressive and voracious of all sharks. They have three rows of serrated teeth. Having bitten its prey, this ferocious predator begins to shake its head from side to side, while its teeth, like a saw, cut the flesh.

The formidable ruler of the deep sea is not a fish at all, but a mammal. The killer whale is a killing machine. An adult male reaches a length of ten meters and can weigh up to seven tons.

killer whale

The killer whale is the most dangerous and downright virtuoso underwater predator. This animal is distributed in cold and temperate waters of almost the entire World Ocean. Killer whales are omnivores: they feed on both small fish and large sea animals, especially pinnipeds. This daring predator even attacks giant whales. The most spectacular method of hunting is to throw killer whales ashore on sea lion rookeries. A sharp dorsal fin, blackening above the surface of the water, is a menacing signal of an approaching hunter.

sea ​​anemone

Anemone, or sea anemone, looks like a flower that grows on the seabed. In fact, it is a living creature, a coral, which needs food in order to exist. Not all types of sea anemones are able to move along the bottom; most are motionless attached to it and are forced to wait for small fish or small invertebrates to swim up to them. Anemones paralyze their prey with poison from thread-like organs, and then pull food to their mouths with tentacles.


This fish got its name because of its very unattractive appearance. The monkfish's head is huge and flat, all covered with spines, its large mouth is filled with three rows of sharp curved teeth, and its fins look like paws. The long, free-standing fin on the head is like an antenna; the monkfish uses it as bait for small fish and fry, which it feeds on. The predator hides in ambush at the bottom, buried in the sand. Only a long fin protrudes above the surface, which lures the prey and then directs it directly into the mouth of a hungry hunter.


Octopuses feed on small fish and crustaceans. The hunting tactics of the octopus are very diverse, which is due to the characteristics of this amazing animal. The octopus's brain volume is very large. It has eight tentacles covered with many suckers. He has excellent eyesight and an enviable talent for camouflage. This makes the octopus one of the most dangerous marine predators.


In rivers and lakes there is pike, which is not without reason called the river shark. In its natural habitat it has no worthy rivals. This fish is aggressive and voracious, and is large in size (adults reach a weight of fifteen kilograms). Hiding among the bottom algae, the predator waits for its prey, and then suddenly pounces on it.


The most terrible enemy of bivalves is the starfish. The multi-legged predator grabs the mollusk and uses strong tentacles with suction cups to open the shell's valves. Then she pushes out part of her stomach, with which she envelops the inside of the shell. The food, already dissolved by gastric juice, is sucked into the mouth of the predator.

In this section of the site you will read how and where sea animals live, you will be able to learn interesting facts about them, and see photos of sea animals!

More than two thirds of the earth's surface is covered by seas and oceans. This huge mass of water is necessary for life on our planet: winds carry moisture throughout the world, it evaporates and is restored again in the form of rain and snow, feeding the flora and fauna. The sea is teeming with life, and strangely enough, both the microscopic and the largest sea creatures, such as the blue whale, manta ray or whale shark, feed on a large amount of food invisible to the naked eye - plankton.

Jellyfish more than 90% consists of water; Some jellyfish can cause a painful burn.

U octopus eight tentacles; it lives on the seabed and can change color to adapt to its environment.

Hawksbill turtle (caretta)- very dexterous swimmer; feeds mainly on jellyfish and crustaceans. Lays eggs in the sand on the shores of small bays.

Blue whale- this is the largest animal in the world: one female, caught in 1947, weighed 190 tons. A blue whale calf is born eight meters long and weighs up to three tons.

Marine flora consists of algae- plants without a trunk. Their life depends on sunlight, and therefore at great depths, where the rays of the sun do not penetrate, there are no algae.

Moon fish usually swims in the open sea almost at the very surface, which is why its fin emerging from the water is often mistaken for the fin of a shark; In contrast, the moon fish is completely harmless.

Angler. This amazing predatory fish lures its prey by swinging its “antenna”, at the end of which there is a growth similar to a delicious worm.

Zebra lionfish. Its spectacular appearance is fraught with serious danger - on the back of this fish there is a fin that secretes poison as strong as that of a cobra.

Needlefish. It hunts in a completely unique way: it approaches the prey, often hiding behind other fish, and with lightning speed sucks it into its long “beak”. In terms of its characteristics, the pipefish is very similar to the seahorse.

Acne. For centuries, scientists, starting with the Greek philosopher Aristotle, have tried to understand how this fish reproduces. Today it is known that it lays eggs in the Sargasso Sea, between Bermuda and the Caribbean islands. Small larvae travel many thousands of kilometers to return to the rivers where their parents come from. The eel is a very strong fish; It is found in fresh water and can remain out of water for a long time: it often makes part of its journey on land.

Seabirds. The sea provides food for many animals that live on the coast. Among them are numerous seabirds. These birds have a lot in common: they all fly well, can land on water, swim with webbed feet, and their beaks are adapted for fishing. Many of them, such as the cormorant, are capable of chasing fish underwater.

Cormorant. The inhabitants of Japan taught this bird to fish: with every fish caught, the bird returns to its owner.

Gull. Many different species of seabirds are called gulls. You can often see flocks of seagulls chasing fishing vessels returning from fishing: they pick up waste that sailors throw overboard. Seagulls have learned to find food even in landfills in the interior of the continent, tens of kilometers from the sea.

Frigate. The male of this large, living on the shores of warm seas, during courtship, inflates a huge bright red crop to attract the attention of the female.

Sea depths.

Far from the coast, at great depths, algae that require sunlight do not grow; there are only phytoplankton, formed by microscopic algae that float freely in the water. For this reason, at great depths there are mainly predators; other fish are content with phyto and zooplankton. Consisting of tiny invertebrates.

In open expanses of water, where there are no shelters, only large sizes can instill fear in a predator and prevent an attack. Therefore, it is only far from the coast that large marine life is found: from cetaceans such as killer whales and whales to large fish such as shark, tuna or swordfish.

Small fish use other methods of defense: flying fish jump high out of the water, and sardines and mackerel find salvation by gathering in large schools.

The Earth is washed by four oceans: Indian, Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific. The largest is the Pacific Ocean, its area is 180 million square kilometers. The average depth of the oceans is about 4,000 meters. The enormous length and depth do not allow exploring the bottom of the oceans; in fact, it is extremely difficult and expensive to create machines that can withstand the highest pressure that exists in the abyss of the sea.

The greatest depth of the ocean is the Mariinsky Trench in the Pacific Ocean: 11,022 meters.

Flying fish. The flying fish has highly developed lateral fins, with the help of which it makes gliding flights over the surface of the sea, escaping from predators.

A complex combination of winds, currents and tidal cycles causes waves to move. The sea rarely has waves higher than 10 meters, but waves even higher than 30 meters have been observed.


A large number of microscopic organisms float in the sea that are not able to withstand currents - animal (zooplankton) and plant (phytoplankton) in origin; together they make up plankton. Carried by currents, it serves as food for both the smallest fish and crustaceans, and huge mammals, such as the blue whale. Animals that can actively swim form nekton.

Zooplankton- part of plankton formed by animal organisms.

Phytoplankton- this is that part of plankton that consists of microscopic algae floating in water. A large amount of phytoplankton gives sea water its characteristic greenish color.

One liter of water contains millions of microscopic organisms that are invisible to the naked eye. They not only constitute food for marine animals, but are also necessary for the restoration of oxygen.


These are large mammals, inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Over millions of years of evolution, their body has acquired a shape similar to that of fish, thanks to which they swim quickly. But cetaceans, unlike fish, cannot breathe rarefied oxygen. They need to breathe air, so they are forced to swim to the surface of the sea from time to time. Their young are born in water; immediately after birth, the mother pushes them to the surface to take their first breath. This is a very important moment, and parents must be extremely careful not to encounter a predator.

The smallest cetacean is the dolphin, and the largest is the sea whale, which is also the largest animal in the world.

"Fountain". The whales may appear to be breathing out sprays of water; in fact, what we see is a stream of air mixed with a small amount of water.

The sei whale, humpback whale and blue whale feed on plankton, which they filter through dense horny plates called baleen. These plates prevent large animals from entering the mouth, so these whales do not need teeth.

Humpback whale. Unlike other whales, which prefer the open sea, the humpback whale lives close to the coast, sometimes even swimming into bays and rivers. Despite its weight of 30 tons, this frisky animal loves to “dance” when it sticks out of the water.

Sperm whale. This large animal reaches up to 20 meters in length. It feeds mainly on cephalopods, such as squid, as well as fish. When getting food, it can dive to a depth of up to two thousand meters, where giant squids weighing several centners are found. A sperm whale can hold its breath for almost two hours!

Narwhal. Due to its long, straight, horn-like tooth, the narwhal cannot be confused with anyone else. This friendly animal lives in cold Arctic waters.

Killer whale. Has a reputation as a cruel and very dangerous predator; in fact, the killer whale, like other carnivores, attacks the animals on which it feeds, but there is no evidence that it has attacked people.

Dolphin. Dolphins are very easy to tame due to the fact that they are very intelligent and have exceptional learning abilities. Dolphins, like all cetaceans, make many different sounds; This dolphin “language” is being studied by scientists. Dolphins are incredibly friendly; Once upon a time, it was a dolphin who saved a shipwrecked man from attacking sharks.

Sharks. These are very ancient fish; Due to the streamlined shape of the body, when moving forward, sharks experience the negligible resistance of the water, so they swim very quickly. Unlike fish, sharks reproduce by laying eggs; Some place them at the bottom, attaching them to algae or rocks; in others, the eggs develop completely in the mother's body, and the young are born already formed. Sharks range from fearsome predators, such as the blue shark, to peaceful plankton eaters, such as the huge whale shark, which, despite its terrifying appearance, is completely harmless. The whale shark is the largest fish in the world, its body length reaches 12 meters! The blue shark is considered a man-eating shark, and there is considerable evidence that it attacks people injured in shipwrecks and swimmers.

Gray shark. Lives in tropical seas, exploring the shallows in search of fish and crustaceans. It does not attack people, but if a person gets scared and tries to escape, this shark can become very dangerous.

Sawfish. Found in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. A distinctive feature is the long and flat snout with small teeth arranged like the teeth of a saw. It serves the fish to comb the sandy bottom in search of small prey. Occasionally, the sawfish uses its “nose” to protect itself from enemies. Often the shark is accompanied by pilot fish; they feed on the remains of shark food, and, oddly enough, sharks do not attack them. There is an opinion that the pilot fish shows the shark the way to large schools of fish. In fact, this is just a legend without any basis.

Scat. It has a highly flattened body, which gives the impression that it is “flying” on water. Basically, the stingray lives on the bottom, at moderate depths, where it is remarkably camouflaged. Some species of stingray have a long spine on their back that secretes a strong poison. The mouth, located on the belly, has a lot of sharp teeth.

Tiger shark. This fish is called so because of the color of its skin. It swims close to the shore and feeds on everything: fish and crustaceans, birds and mammals.


Sunlight does not penetrate water deeper than several tens of meters. Below there is constant darkness, and it is impossible to distinguish day from night. Plants cannot live without light, so there are no algae here at all. This is the reason that only predatory fish live at the depths, luring prey in various ingenious ways.

Many deep-sea fish have special luminous organs, so-called phosphors; they serve as bait that other fish cannot resist and, attracted by such “bait,” are often eaten.

Deep-sea fish are able to withstand the highest pressure; moreover, they cannot tolerate low pressure, and if they floated to the surface, they would die.

Organic substances slowly descend to the bottom of the ocean - the remains of animals and plants that died in the surface layers. All this constitutes the food of small benthic animals - this is the name given to the collection of organisms living on the bottom. Benthos, in turn, serves as food for fish and larger shellfish, which are watched by other predators that penetrate the abyss of the sea from shallower layers, for example, the sperm whale, which can dive to depths, despite the fact that it breathes atmospheric air.

Giant squid. One representative of this species of animal, “stranded” on the island of Newfoundland in Canada, weighed two tons. Giant squids have a body length together with tentacles that reaches 13-18 meters; it is even suggested that they get involved in fierce battles with sperm whales in the depths of the oceans: traces left by tentacles are often seen on the bodies of which, and the remains of giant squids are found in the stomachs.

Pelican-like largemouth.

Always swims in the dark, keeping his huge mouth wide open; in this way he collects all the food that comes his way.

Arboreal linophryne. Very little is known about this deep-sea fish due to the difficulty of studying it in its natural habitat. Probably most of the time she lies calmly on the bottom, swaying a long antenna with a phosphor - a luminous organ located on her head. Other fish, having been caught on such bait, inevitably end their lives in the throat of linophryne.

Coral reefs.

Corals- these are small animals, in whose colonies there are millions of individuals, they live in tropical seas, attached to their bottom. Over time, one calcareous skeleton generated by them grows and forms real coral reefs in coastal areas, on which waves break; because of this, between the shore and the coral fence the sea is calmer, like in a port harbor.

coral reef- an ideal habitat for both animals and plants: the sea here is calm and warm, there is a lot of sunshine. If you look underwater through a scuba mask, you can see countless different picturesque fish “walking” among starfish and sea anemones.

If you dive on the other side of the reef, towards the open sea, you may experience a feeling of extreme dizziness: there is no more bottom - only bright blue water.

The largest coral reef, more than 2,000 kilometers long, is located along the coast of Australia. These coral fortresses are called large quarry reefs and pose a serious danger to mariners.

Atolls. The peaks of underwater volcanoes can rise above the water, forming small islands, or be located near the surface of the ocean. If coral colonies form around them, they take on an almost circular shape, forming atolls - coral islands.

Madrepores. Relatives of corals are also formed by colonies of polyps of calcareous nature. At night, they extend their tentacles, grabbing food consisting of plankton.

By the shore.

In the ocean near the coast, the most favorable conditions for the prosperity of the inhabitants of the underwater world: sunlight penetrates the water, promoting the rapid growth of algae and providing food for the animals that feed on them; these animals, in turn, themselves serve as food for predatory fish. And finally, the movement of the waves, which never reaches a depth of more than a few tens of meters, here causes mixing at the bottom, which contributes to its fertility.

The bottom can be rocky, muddy or sandy, and sometimes covered with algae. Depending on the type of seabed, it is inhabited by different animals. For example, on a sandy bottom you can find a flounder that hides in the sand, burying itself halfway into it, and an octopus finds shelter on a rocky bottom, where it is almost invisible among the rocks.

Among the rocks washed by the sea, which provide a hospitable welcome to countless animals, there is a rich life. Some of the local inhabitants, such as mussels, patellas, urchins, starfish and sea anemones, do not swim. Crustaceans, octopuses and fish such as sargus, grouper, rockfish and moray eels lurk in the shadows of crevasses and cliffs. The flounder and the baby dragon hide in the sand, and the sultan explores it with her long antennae in search of food. All this potential prey attracts hunter fish that live in the open sea to the coast - bayfish, large serioles and zubans.

Sea urchins. When swimming in the sea, you need to be very careful not to step on these animals: the consequences can be very sad! The sea urchin's mouth is called an Aristotelian lantern and contains five constantly growing teeth. Some hedgehogs have short and dense spines, others have long and sparse spines. They differ in color.

Crustaceans. All these animals, most of them marine, have two pairs of antennae, and some also have two solid claws that can close forcefully. During the day they usually hide in rock crevices, but at night they become more active and go in search of food, which usually consists of mollusks and dead animals.

lobster found in seas almost all over the world; its weight can reach eight kilograms.

Lobster is like lobster, this is a very popular seafood product; Lobsters are caught using special traps - tops. Unlike the lobster, it has claws.

A distinctive feature of the crab is its specific way of moving sideways.

Crustaceans have a permanent burrow, where they certainly return after night forays for food: this indicates that crustaceans have a good sense of orientation. Some of them, for example, lobsters, make mass migrations over long distances.

photo: John 'K'


Perhaps the most dangerous predator in the ocean is the white shark: this animal brings great fear to people. Sharks lived in the ocean many years before humans appeared. About 400 species of these animals are known, but the white shark is considered the most dangerous predator. Its powerful teeth, enormous weight - about 3 tons and a length of about 6 meters - can terrify anyone. The predator has a spindle-shaped body, large fins and a crescent-shaped tail, and lives for approximately 27 years. There are 300 sharp teeth in the oral cavity, the upper jaw is equipped with triangular teeth, and on the lower jaw they take on a curved shape.

photo: corwinconnect

However, humans are not a “delicacy” for these animals; they prefer to attack those inhabitants who have good fat reserves, for example, fur seals and lions. People are not very interesting for white sharks: they have a lot of muscle tissue and tendons. Shark attacks on people occur for two reasons:

a person flounders in the water, and a predator mistakes him for easy prey - a sick animal;

the silhouette of a man floating on a surfboard resembles the outlines of other inhabitants of the ocean. Because sharks have poor eyesight, they may mistake a swimmer for mere prey. To make sure that the prey is edible, the predator makes a test bite or limits itself to a powerful push, but it can also tear the prey into pieces.

photo: Venson Kuchipudi

It is difficult to predict how a white shark will behave. Having caught prey, the shark shakes its head in different directions, which helps it tear the victim into pieces.

Scientists believe that thanks to this animal, the Pacific Ocean is the cleanest, since the shark eats the weakest creatures.

Sea anemones

These organisms belong to the class of cnidarians, a distinctive feature of which is the presence of stinging cells used for protection from predators and for the purpose of attack. Anemones lead a sedentary lifestyle, their length reaches 1 meter in height.


These predators are attached to the bottom with a special leg called the basal disc or sole. The tentacles of sea anemones, the number of which varies from ten to hundreds, contain special cells called cnidocytes. These cells secrete a venom, a mixture of toxins, intended for hunting and self-defense. The poison contains substances that affect the nervous system: they paralyze the victim, which allows the predator to pull it closer to the mouth. With the help of poison, sea anemones immobilize fish and crustaceans, which constitute their main diet.

For humans, the venom of stinging cells is not life-threatening, but can cause pain and burns.

Killer whales

These predators belong to the dolphin family, but do not have all the benevolent features of these animals. Their nickname is the killer whale; they eat almost all the inhabitants of the oceans: shellfish, fish, mammals. If there is enough food for them, then killer whales exist quite peacefully with other cetaceans. But if a killer whale gets hungry, a whale, a penguin, or a penguin can become food for it.

photo: Nick Johnson

The size of the prey does not really matter: if it is a large animal, the killer whales can attack as a whole herd. But when it is not possible to kill the prey in one fell swoop, killer whales can starve it out, biting off small pieces from the body. No one can be protected from the attack of killer whales - neither a small herring nor a large dolphin.

A pack of these animals works in a strictly regulated mode: when they notice the prey, they become very “silent”.


They move in even ranks, like soldiers, and each individual has its own task. If a school of killer whales leads a sedentary lifestyle, then fish or crustaceans are quite suitable for food. A migrating pod of killer whales may rely on large mammals such as seals and sea lions for food. They fully justify their nickname – “killer whales”.

These are representatives of the order of cephalopods. Octopuses have an excellent sense of smell, vision and touch, but they do not hear very well. Octopuses are agile animals that use their tentacles to capture prey and immobilize it with paralyzing poison. Their prey most often are crabs and lobsters: with the help of their tools, they split their shells and reach the body of the victim. Octopus venom is also dangerous for humans, causing problems with speech, breathing and swallowing. If help does not arrive in time, this can lead to death.

Photo: Neptune Canada

Octopuses are quite cunning creatures: when an enemy attacks, they seem to throw away their tentacles. The folded organ wriggles desperately, and the predator focuses directly on it. At this time, the octopus crawls away safely.

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Which predatory animals are the largest and most dangerous? Most people probably think of lions and tigers first, but these predators are just babies compared to the really big predators that live on our planet. So, in this post - about the largest and most dangerous predatory animals.

First of all, it is worth dividing predators by habitat. It is clear that marine predators living in water can grow larger than their land-based competitors. But it is impossible to make a clear division here. For example, sharks can attack not only the inhabitants of the sea, but also such completely land animals as deer, horses and bears. On the other hand, many land predators prey on sea creatures. Finally, there are many predators that lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle; they can be found both at sea and on land.

The largest sea predators

The record holder among marine predators and generally the largest predator in the world is the sperm whale. Sperm whales are huge marine mammals from the order Cetaceans. Modern sperm whales reach 20 m in length and weigh up to 50 tons.

The sperm whale is the largest predator on Earth

Sperm whales live in all areas of the world's oceans and feed mainly on fish and cephalopods. Despite the fact that sperm whales breathe air, they can dive to a depth of 3 km, remaining under water for up to an hour and a half.

How dangerous are sperm whales? The sperm whale is the only predator that can swallow a person whole without even chewing. Nevertheless, sperm whales are not the first to attack people; a scuba diver can swim next to a huge sperm whale without fear. Unfortunately, man himself, as soon as he mastered navigation, began to exterminate marine life, taking up hunting, including sperm whales. And the sperm whales showed the whalers that they were by no means helpless victims. They themselves responded by attacking whaling ships, ramming and even sinking them. Even for modern sea vessels, sperm whales are dangerous.

Another large, smart and effective marine predator from the cetacean order is killer whale. Killer whales are not dangerous to people and do not attack them, but many marine inhabitants are not given a single chance.

Killer whales reach a length of 10 m and can weigh up to 8 tons. They live throughout the world's oceans and mainly hunt fish and seals. Killer whales often hunt in packs; they surround and drive victims, pressing them to the shore or surface of the water. You can understand how dangerous killer whales are from the fact that they even attack large whales and sharks.

The most dangerous and largest predatory fish is, of course, White shark. Great white sharks reach a length of 6 m and a weight of about 2 tons. The white shark is a dangerous and aggressive predator; it often attacks everything that moves, testing buoys, boards and other floating objects. Dozens of swimmers and surfers have been attacked by white sharks.

Over hundreds of millions of years of evolution, these dangerous predators have developed many unique adaptations. For example, sharks have a unique sense of smell, sensing the smell of blood from kilometers away, sensing the slightest temperature changes and even electromagnetic fields. Sharks are not at risk of caries - in addition to the fact that their teeth (of which there are about 300) are very strong, they grow and are renewed throughout their lives.

The largest semi-aquatic predators

There are many animals that can stay for a long time both on land and in the sea. Among them there are also large predators, the largest of which are southern elephant seals. The southern elephant seal lives in the seas of the southern hemisphere, mainly in Antarctica.

Southern elephant seals reach a length of 6 m and weigh up to 5 tons. They hunt mainly for marine life, feeding on fish and squid. Despite their size, these predators are usually not dangerous to people.

Another thing - saltwater crocodiles. The saltwater crocodile, also known as the saltwater crocodile, is the world's largest species of crocodile and a very dangerous and aggressive predator.

These crocodiles can reach a length of 7 m and weigh up to 2 tons. They are able to spend a lot of time at sea, swimming thousands of kilometers. Saltwater crocodiles hunt both land and sea animals, without being very picky. They even attack sharks and elephants.

How dangerous saltwater crocodiles are can be judged by an episode that occurred in February 1945. At this time, the British were trying to capture a Japanese base on an island off the coast of Burma. But to defend the island, the Japanese deployed a detachment of 1215 selected soldiers. Then the English suggested luring the Japanese detachment into the mangrove swamps where saltwater crocodiles lived. The plan worked brilliantly - the crocodiles attacked the Japanese who carelessly entered the swamp, and almost the entire detachment was soon exterminated. Only 20 soldiers managed to escape.

The largest land predators

Of the predators living on land, the largest are bears. The biggest of all bears - polar bear, living in the Arctic.

Polar bears reach a length of 3 m and a weight of up to 1000 kg. These predators mainly hunt seals and fish. Polar bears pose a moderate danger to people, although they are not usually the first to attack.

The largest species of brown bears is kodiak- lives in Alaska and is almost as big as a polar bear.

These bears are omnivores, feeding on both plant and animal foods, especially preferring fish that are caught in rivers during the spawning period.

Large predators, of course, sometimes attack people, but they are by no means the most dangerous among animals. Rather, the largest predators themselves need protection from humans today. The most terrible and dangerous animal that you really need to be afraid of actually looks different. Here it is:

Malaria mosquito is only about 6 mm in size and weighs approximately 2 milligrams. But these dangerous insects kill many times more people than all sharks, crocodiles and other large predators combined. WHO estimates that these mosquitoes infect more than 300 million people with malaria every year, and more than a million of them die.