Rostourism: Tez Tour's problems with Aeroflot will not affect tourists. TEZ TOUR - “Why I love Tez Tour despite the high prices or the review of a dedicated travel agent.” Is it possible to buy tours at Tez Tour in installments: reviews from tourists

The undisputed leader of this summer has become. It is followed in popularity by , and - all of them also showed positive dynamics, showing growth in the range of 10%-15%. Mr. Burtin spoke about this in an interview with a “TURPROM” correspondent during the celebration of the company’s 23rd anniversary, which took place at the “” hotel from November 20 to 24.

It is worth noting that about 500 travel industry professionals from 14 countries took part in the festive event, including Tez Tour partners from Turkey, Ukraine, etc. Over the course of 4 days, the tour operator’s guests were able to not only celebrate the company’s birthday on a grand scale at concerts with the participation of Seryoga, Thomas N’evergreen, as well as the legendary group Boney M, but also get answers to the most pressing questions regarding further cooperation.

Thus, summing up the results of 2017, Alexander Burtin stated that Turkey became the most popular outbound destination from Russia in the outgoing season. “And this was facilitated by a number of factors, including the strengthening of the ruble, good prices that were given for the Russian market, as well as pent-up demand. All together, this led to the fact that more than 3 million Russian tourists visited the country, which exceeded even the rather optimistic estimate given before the start of the summer season,” he explained.

In turn, European destinations, according to the co-owner of Tez Tour, also showed positive dynamics. “This is again due to the strengthening of the ruble, thanks to which tourists have the opportunity to return to their favorite resorts. Here we are primarily talking about Italy and Spain. Each of these countries actually received 1 million tourists from Russia, which is a positive trend - we see a certain revival in the market, which at the end of the year results in a very good result,” the expert noted.

However, as Mr. Burtin emphasized, initially the company tried to avoid any overly optimistic forecasts. “There were some concerns about the season, but now we see that people have begun to look to the future with confidence, relax more and spend more on themselves and their families. Therefore, the result is generally positive for all companies that were in the right place at the right time. Yes, there were problems with VIM-avia. But everything else worked more or less decently. All non-standard situations were resolved in a working manner,” he explained.

Speaking about forecasts for the coming year, Alexander Burtin noted that one of the main expectations is the return of Egypt. “We hope that this will somehow be timed to coincide with the presidential elections. All the main points from a security point of view seem to be resolved there. But, on the other hand, Egypt has been promised to us for a very long time, so it is unrealistic to make any forecasts yet,” he noted.

At the same time, next year the company no longer expects impressive growth in volumes. And there are several reasons for this. Firstly, according to Mr. Burtin, Tez Tour fears that holding the 2018 World Cup in Russia could negatively affect the work of airports. “So far, no one understands what restrictions will be introduced against this background. There has never been such a large-scale event in Russia, so at the moment it is difficult to imagine how the movement of fans over such long distances will be organized. But we hope that with the sensitive guidance of our authorities, everything will go smoothly,” he explained.

The second reason is the lack of transportation capacity for traveling abroad. “These two factors in any case limit the capabilities of tour operators. Of course, in the event of positive dynamics in the economy, we will extend the seasons, because... people will be able to relax not only in summer, but also in autumn, spring and winter. This factor will primarily allow us to increase volumes on long-distance and winter destinations - the UAE, Southeast Asia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, China, etc.,” added the co-owner of Tez Tour.

In conclusion, Alexander Burtin noted that in 2018 the company’s partners should hardly count on any new exotic destinations - the tour operator is placing its main bet on strengthening traditional routes. However, “Tez Tour” still cannot do without new products. “We have a plan to enter Georgia by offering beach holidays in Adjara,” the expert concluded.

See the photo feed of the celebration of the 23rd anniversary of TEZ-tour on the island of Cyprus at the link.

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Another series of major flight delays this season, “hyped” on all central television channels, occurred last weekend - the culprit turned out to be a charter airline affiliated with the tour operator “”. Due to technical problems with one of the airliners, several hundred Russian tourists were stuck in Turkey; the “mirror” victims were tourists who were still preparing for their vacation - the airline was unable to send them to Turkey from Moscow and a number of other Russian cities on time. However, in the next 2 days the carrier promises to transfer all unserved tourists, thereby returning to the regular schedule. It is curious that the current situation showed the complete incapacity of the relevant departments: during the weekend, all actions of Rosturizm were limited to just one vague press release, and for two days no one could find the director of Tourist Help to clarify the competencies of this organization in the current situation. Against this background, representatives of the tourism sector have already announced their readiness to raise the issue of massive disruptions of flight programs, which have already become the “norm” for this summer season, at the next meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko.

The situation with the collapse of Turkish iFly programs began to develop on Friday: the departure of this airline’s flight from Turkey to Vnukovo, scheduled for July 23, was postponed many times. As a result, the tourists managed to return home only on Sunday evening. In addition, on Saturday, July 22, flight I4 9118 - Moscow was canceled, and two flights on this route were canceled today, July 24. In turn, passengers on two iFly flights were unable to fly from Moscow to Antalya on Saturday. At the same time, as of July 24, according to the online scoreboard of Moscow Vnukovo Airport, 3 flights of the carrier to Antalya have already been canceled, and one flight due to the late arrival of the aircraft has been postponed from 04:30 to 20:20. Two return flights have also been cancelled.

As noted by ATOR, delays of iFly flights last weekend became widespread. At the same time, Tez Tour says that the carrier will return to its regular schedule within the next two days. “The disruption in the schedule and delay of the flight on the Moscow-Bodrum-Moscow route was caused by a technical malfunction of one of the aircraft - we are talking about electronics, and the late return of another aircraft from maintenance. According to updated information from the airline, it is included in the schedule. It is planned to fully restore the schedule within the next two days,” the press service of the tour operator told a correspondent of the TURPROM information group.

They also noted that tourists who were in Turkey had their stay extended. “A hotel was provided in Moscow. Whenever possible, the issue of transfers to flights of other air carriers was resolved without additional payments from tourists. But now is the high season, in addition, flight delays this weekend affected a number of other airlines, so this was not so easy to do given the shortage of transportation and continuous delays. The issue of compensation is currently being considered. Each case with a tourist will be considered individually in accordance with legal standards within the framework of current legislation,” Tez Tour added.

Indeed, this weekend, according to data published by the Federal Air Transport Agency, 7 Azur air flights were delayed, including from Moscow to Punta Cana for almost 13 hours, as well as three flights of the North Wind airline, three charter flights “Russia”, In addition, the list includes “Royal Flight”, “Icarus”, “Nordavia”, “Ural Airlines” and “Red Wings”.

It is worth noting here that this is not the first time that charter carriers have encountered problems in the 2017 summer season. So, at the beginning of summer, due to cancellations and delays of VIM-Avia flights, which could not but affect the reputation of Russian tour operators. In turn, iFly's problems only worsened the situation on the market.

Let us recall that earlier Vitaly Mutko stated the need to take more stringent measures against charter carriers operating flights with delays. “Here we count on support in terms of modernizing legislation, in terms of greater protection of consumer rights, and the rights of our tourists. The State Duma held parliamentary hearings on shareholders, and we have our own shareholders, such as the VIM airline, which recruits tours and receives money: it has five planes, but it receives money for 12,” he said. Mr. Mutko also emphasized that the recent situation, when tourists cannot fly away, despite the fact that they honestly paid for their tickets, requires “more stringent response measures and also putting things in order here.”

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Is Tez Tour closing? Rumors about the bankruptcy of the tour operator seriously worried Russians who used the services of this company year after year. The largest travel company Tez Tur can become bankrupt only under a number of circumstances. So far, the situation in the company is not so critical, although Russian tourists should remain on their guard.

Rumors that the largest Russian tour operator Tez Tour is closing arose against the backdrop of the widespread bankruptcy of well-known Russian travel agencies: Ascent Travel, Ideal World, Lanta Tour, ITC, Capital Tour and others. Considering that Tez Tur serves the overwhelming number of Russian tourists, if it is declared bankrupt, the country will plunge into a deep tourism crisis. At the same time, rumors about the bankruptcy of Tez Tour remain unfounded, although the company has certain problems.

In particular , after the tourist flow to Turkey and Egypt dried up, the company lost a fairly large amount of income.

Disabling winter armor

Most recently, Tez Tour had major disagreements with Aeroflot, which demanded guarantees from the tour operator to ensure the volume of air transportation. Considering that the tour operator could not provide such guarantees, Tez Tour suspended activities in a number of areas in the long term. However, given that the tour operator cooperates with a dozen other airlines, there is no reason to worry.

The essence of the disagreement with Aeroflot comes down to the fact that starting in October, Tez Tour began to refuse charter flights, transferring passengers to regular ones. This in turn may indicate that the company does not have sufficient funds to carry out charters. It is also obvious that when using regular flights, tourists will experience inconvenience, since it will not be possible to create an optimal travel schedule based on the timing. Therefore, of course, Tez Tour will not get to the point where it can close, but the fact that the company has begun to rapidly reduce its costs is an indisputable fact. So far, however, the restrictions have affected only winter trips. And even then, in a number of popular destinations, the travel company continues to operate as before.

In what cases can Tez Tour go bankrupt?

Tez Tour may go bankrupt due to several factors. The first is a sharp drop in tourist flow as a result. The second is the introduction of diplomatic sanctions against Russia. This tour operator itself states that 70% of its clients are Russians. In fact, most likely, the percentage of Russian tourists is much larger. And if the bankruptcy of the above companies played into Tez Tour’s hands, since the tour operator became almost a monopolist on the Russian market, then global changes could hit the company’s economy hard. If it happens that Tez Tour is closed, the Russians will not feel any problems from this, since they will face more radical and tough difficulties.

But in general, we must admit that in order for Tez Tour to suspend its activities, too global economic and political changes must take place. The great advantage of this company is that its assets are based on real funds. For example, Tez Tour owns a huge number of buses, offices, and the company’s work is carried out directly. And the income Tez Tour received last season more than covers all costs. So for now, bankruptcy of this tour operator is out of the question.

Despite the fact that now more and more people want to travel the world as “savages,” many still prefer to trust their vacation to tour operators and travel agencies.

Now there are a lot of travel agencies on the market, but before using their services, tourists first re-read reviews about them, ask friends who have flown with their help, and only then make a choice. Naturally, companies with many years of experience in the market enjoy great confidence. Such a company can be called the travel agency Tez Tour.

In contact with

Tour operator "Tez Tour": description of the company

Tez Tour is an international tour operator. It is one of the largest in Russia, as well as in the CIS countries. The travel agency was founded in 1994.

Today, tourists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova and other countries have opportunity thanks to the travel agency Tez Tour travel to the following countries:

There are different reviews of the Tez Tour company from both tourists and employees, we will get to them a little later . Now let's list the main advantages tour operator Tez Tour, which are stated on the company’s website:

Reviews from Tez Tour employees

Naturally, that not all reviews employees of the travel company Tez Tour are positive, there are those who complain about poor working conditions and insufficient earnings.

Those employees who left positive reviews about working in the company, note the following:

  • good, friendly and professional team;
  • positive impressions from the interview;
  • the opportunity to attend a promotional tour for free (but such an opportunity is rare, and only the best employees can go on such a tour);
  • free food (not in all cities).

But in negative reviews, former and current employees of the Tez Tour travel agency note the following points:

  • salary is “gray”;
  • lack of incentives;
  • no summer holidays;
  • the job is not for the faint of heart;
  • Irregular working hours, sometimes you have to work on weekends;
  • promotional tours are rare; you have to see dozens of hotels in a few days; travel allowances are not paid;
  • high staff turnover.

Also in their reviews, former company managers, who work as hotel guides at reception sites, tell how they were forced to deceive tourists: buy excursions at inflated prices and persuade them to make purchases in certain stores. Naturally, the manager himself received a percentage from this, but many did not like the fact of deception.

Is it possible to buy tours at Tez Tour in installments: reviews from tourists

Of course, not every person who wants to relax at the seaside or at a ski resort is able to pay the cost of the trip right away. For this case, the Tez Tour company It is possible to purchase the tour in installments.

By the way, many large tour operators offer such a service, but judging by the reviews of some tourists, Tez Tour has the most attractive conditions.

So, What points can be highlighted based on the reviews:

Tez Tour: reviews from vacationers

As already mentioned, the reviews of those tourists who flew on vacation with these operators are very mixed. Some people really liked the service, and someone was not particularly pleased with their vacation. Let's read some tourist reviews about this travel agency, written in 2018.

This year I flew to Italy with Tez Tour. I spent a week relaxing in Rimini and took several excursions from a tour operator. I really liked the professional work of the guide - the delivered speech and the ability to wonderfully present information. After this, I want to come to these places again and again.

Natalia, Ekaterinburg

This summer, my friends and I vacationed in the city of Alanya (Türkiye). Our hotel guide from the operator worked extremely poorly. As always in such cases, he assured us that buying tours from street agencies is fraught with danger and deception.

We believed him and bought a tour from a Tez Tour representative for $50. On the day of departure, we received messages about when the bus would arrive to pick us up. We also had information about when the show we were going to go to started. We were picked up from the hotel very late; we were traveling through another city to pick up other people for the same event, who also bought tickets there and also waited a long time. Upon arrival at our destination, we were very late for the show also due to the fact that our driver did not know the way. We missed most of the show for which we paid a considerable amount of money.

And when they met us, there were no more seats for us, and we watched the show on the steps. We returned back to the hotel at three o'clock in the morning. The next day we wrote to the hotel guide and demanded compensation. Of course, nothing was returned to us and no one even apologized.

And the most interesting thing is that those people who bought various excursions, including tickets for the same show from street agencies, went normally, and there were no problems. Perhaps the company's management should think about who they hire and how well their services are provided to tourists.

Irina, Krasnodar

I liked how the company’s managers worked in a critical situation. We bought a ticket in Turkey at one of the Moscow offices of the Tez Tour company, but decided to return it because flights were constantly delayed and we did not want to lose money.

So, the managers were sympathetic to our desire, no one expressed dissatisfaction, although I know that usually in such cases the money may not be returned, and when you go on a trip, you pay not for the stated period, but for a shorter period.

Now I know which company I will most likely travel with when I get ready.

How fashionable it is to say these days " Be careful, bed sheet!"

Since I started writing reviews about everything that happens to me and what I use, I have become very picky about everything. Therefore, this review consists of a thorough analysis of all the details From and To

So I’ve finally found a place where I can pour out my thoughts, experiences and everything we’ve been through, so that I can finally rest for the first time in 2 years.

I already wrote the background to my story about how we bought a tour to Turkey in half a year and how we then suffered with it .

Based on our sad experience of turning to intermediaries [link to review above], we decided to buy a tour directly from a tour operator.


As I already wrote in TezTour we found the most attractive price for the tour to the hotel we liked. Moreover, the prices differed significantly from other offers.

Prices for excursions are as follows:

To compare prices, I want to give an example from my experience.

We bought tickets to Ferrari Park in advance from home. They cost us 255 dirachms. And TezTour offered for 247 dirachms.

Agree, the markup is quite small.


I don’t know whether TezTour should inform about flight delays or not, but I was prompted to this reasoning by a friend who said that their tour operator tracked all the information and informed them.

This was not the case here.

Upon arrival at the airport, we were “pleasantly” shocked that not only would we not be leaving at 3 a.m., but it was generally not clear when we would be leaving. We received all further information about the flight ourselves at the airport.

I will describe the rest of the information about informing tourists in the next section.


Since we managed to evaluate the work of TezTour in two hotels at once, I will tell you in more detail about what we received in two places of our stay at once.

The transfer was great . The short road to the hotel went unnoticed, and the girl who greeted us, despite the night outside, was cheerful and cheerfully chirped information about the country and the hotel.

I don’t remember her name, but I remember what she said at the end of each phrase: “ Fine?".

I’ll immediately insert the main information from the title in the middle of the review, so as not to confuse you with hotels later.

The point is that even though we We lost a day of rest, it paid off for us with interest.

At a hotel in Abu Dhabi I turned to Alexey (Tez Tour representative at the hotel) with a question about what we should do with the lost day. He said that he would transfer the information to the main office in Moscow and they would decide.

Just in case, I also wrote to the main office and representatives in Abu Dhabi.

Previously, I would have humbly awaited my fate like a mouse, but the latest trials that befell us with this vacation prompted me to take active action.

No one will take care of you unless you yourself . It’s better not to wait for a miracle, but to create a miracle yourself, but to create a miracle yourself.

And then, the day before departure, I receive a letter via WhatsApp, after which I jumped and screamed like crazy ٩(●̮̮̃●̃)۶:

I really don’t know if it’s the merit of TezTour that they decided to so generously compensate us for the lost day or because there simply wasn’t a free plane due to the bankruptcy of Vim-Avia and we were just waiting for a replacement. And in such cases, it is quite possible that the payment is handled not by the tour operator, but by the Ministry of Transport, but this is not certain.

It is quite possible that TezTour organized accommodation and transfer to the hotel, but the relevant government agencies handled the payment.

Since after the situation with Vim-Avia (in which, unfortunately, we found ourselves and I already managed to write about it), the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. very harshly criticized the Ministry of Transport and gave them a notable scolding:

Putin demanded that Sokolov “quickly and effectively” solve the problem around VIM-Avia and present proposals to strengthen regulation of the air transportation sector.

“I ask you to quickly and effectively close this problem, and not only to close this problem, but to submit proposals for resolving the situation as a whole, for strengthening the legal regulation of this area of ​​activity, for increasing the responsibility of carriers. And control needs to be established over how norms, requirements and relevant criteria," the president said.

He emphasized that these requirements and criteria must be effective, understandable and transparent.

And since we are poor sufferers left without an air carrier, measures were probably taken to provide everyone humiliated and insulted with compensation for what they experienced.
Between tourists there were rumors , that they found out that someone’s vacation was extended, but someone didn’t, they called the office and they were told that you don’t think that this is compensation, there is simply nothing to fly on.

I don’t dare say whether this is true or not, since this is just gossip, but in general I didn’t care who extended my vacation by 4 days (!) , I just rejoiced at the happiness that had arrived.

Let me return to my impression of the tour operator TezTour.

Our TezTour representative at the hotel I really liked Alexey. Namely, by answering all questions in detail, sharing all the important information and being pleasant to talk to.

There are often representatives who rattle off the same speech over and over again and dream of getting rid of tourists faster by selling him excursions.

A similar story was told by a girl from our hotel who arrived on vacation with another tour operator. She said that their representative was rude, visibly angry when they refused excursions, and when asked if he would be at the hotel in case of emergency, he replied, “What’s the point of me hanging around here?”

So Alexey also suggested excursions, but we had a one-year-old child and this complicated the choice.

Then he asked how the child tolerated the heat and roads and, based on this, he selected something that we could visit as a family, without trying to impose anything.

In addition to the price tags with excursions, they also offered this colorful brochure with descriptions of beautiful places and excursions:

At the second hotel in Dubai, TezTour representative There was also a very nice girl who answered everything, but she recommended a water park for us on the excursion, telling us that there were children’s slides there.
I seriously doubt this.

I believe this is exactly the water park that was offered to us:

I can’t imagine how you can spend the whole day with a hungry child in +40 heat and where he can go for a ride. In addition, the booklet says that children over 110 cm are allowed on the attractions. Naturally, this is not about one-year-old children.

Anyway, the whole service was excellent!

A little more about the service.

When we were still at the airport at the airport and waiting for our flight to Dubai, I called the tour and they connected me with the online booking department, the girl who communicated also made me happy. She did not let me panic and guided me in actions. And even then, when she couldn’t get through to me, she called my husband back to provide the information I requested.

About the holiday bonus

I think I will not be mistaken if I say that Each contract will contain a clause regarding the fact that the hotel can be replaced with an equivalent one.

The contract with TezTour also has such a point, only it stipulates that if suddenly something seems wrong, then this is your personal subjective opinion.

The letter to extend the vacation stated that we were destined hotel in Dubai, equivalent to ours in Abu Dhabi.

So, my dear readers, if you are still reading this text and have mastered my sheet, the hotel provided to us is not equivalent, only judging by the stars, then both are 5 stars. Everything else is heaven and earth.

I’ve already written a review about the first hotel, and I’m just preparing a review for the second, so you can compare them yourself.

The second hotel was good both service and novelty BUT the hotel we chose is near the beach, with a huge green beautiful area, lots of entertainment for children.

And this one on the outskirts of the city among construction sites and the child in the children's pool was bored.

But they do not look at a given horse's teeth and we were happy. But If our hotel had initially been changed to this one, I would have been indignant.

The sad view from the window alone is worth it:

If you remove all my minor quibbles, then I am satisfied with TezTour and can confidently recommend using their services without fear.

And if I were less harmful and more flexible and unpretentious, I would rate the tour operator 5. But “thank you” to LevelTravel and Vim-Avia for what they did with me. Links to the bad guys are below.

For those who are confused in my sheet, in all the backstories, continuations and ramifications, then I structure this entire tourist story: