Recreational tourism. Features of the organization of recreational tourism Russian practice of recreational tourism

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Recreational tourism- a type of tourism whose purpose, as opposed to business tourism, is recreation. Types of recreational tourism can be called health, educational and sports, as well as their combinations... Tourist vocabulary

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Contents 1 Recreational tourism 1.1 Health tourism ... Wikipedia

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  • Crimea New vector of tourism development in Russia Monograph, Sharafutdinov V., Yakovenko I., Pozachenyuk E., Onishchenko E.. The monograph brought to the attention of readers is devoted to the problems of creating and selling regional tourism products, ensuring their sustainable reproduction in order to preserve and increase...
  • Ecological tourism in specially protected natural areas of the Kamchatka Territory. Problems and prospects, Zavadskaya A.V.. The monograph presents the results of physical, geographical and sociological research devoted to the study of the conditions for the development of tourism in specially protected natural areas of Kamchatka...

Alekseeva Victoria Igorevna
Proceedings of the international scientific conference
"Problems of modern economy" (Chelyabinsk, December 2011)
Chelyabinsk: Two Komsomol members, 2011. - 190 p. - P.176.

Concept of recreational tourism

Tourism is one of the largest and most dynamic sectors of the economy, an important part of the foreign economic activity of many developed and developing countries of the world. The high pace of its development and large volumes of foreign exchange earnings actively influence various sectors of the economy, which contributes to the formation of the tourism industry. According to data, the tourism industry accounts for about 6% of the world's gross national product, 7% of global investment, every 10th job, 11% of global consumer spending, 5% of all tax revenues. By 2020, the number of international tourist trips will increase to 1.6 billion, that is, almost 3 times, and income will be about 2 trillion. dollars per year.

The Osaka Millennium Declaration, adopted at the Conference of Tourism Leaders (September 2001), noted that the economic impact of the tourism industry, as well as its impact on the social and natural environment, necessitates deepening research into the state and prospects for tourism development, taking into account the principles sustainable development, which allow balancing and comprehensively solving the problems of survival of local communities, as well as tasks related to the protection of natural resources and cultural objects. Sustainable tourism helps resolve contradictions that are caused, on the one hand, by the needs to protect the natural environment, and on the other hand by the need to ensure the development of the economy of local peoples. These goals are best met by this type of tourism (ecotourism). The importance of tourism as a factor in achieving sustainable development was confirmed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg (South Africa, September 2002). At the same time, “sustainable development” is understood as “maintained and improved satisfaction of the needs of the population without negative impacts on the natural environment.” At the First World Summit on Nature-Based Tourism (Quebec, 2002), it was characterized as “responsible travel to natural sites while preserving the natural environment and improving the well-being of local people.”

The forecast for the development of tourist destinations made by the WTO and presented in the “Tourism 2020 Vision” study identifies the most promising directions and types of tourism of the 21st century. One of the most popular types of tourism by 2020 will be recreational tourism.

Recreational tourism is an innovative direction of the tourism business in Russia. The relevance of this problem is determined by Firstly, an extensive and unique in many criteria base for the implementation of tourism development programs in our country. Secondly, the region proposed for use as a recreational tourism zone has, as a rule, a poorly developed socio-economic structure of its own. This determines the importance and prospects of a special analysis of the processes that arise when objects of the tourism service sector are included in this structure. We are talking, first of all, about establishing quantitative estimates of the conditions of ecological balance and developing economic and mathematical models that take into account the socio-economic structure of the region when including processes that ensure the development of tourism in recreational areas.


1. Tourism management: Tourism as an object of management / ed. V.A. Kvartalnova. - M.: 2004.
2. Pankratov R.G. Commercial activity: Textbook. - M., 2006.
3. Entrepreneur's Directory: retail trade, wholesale trade, freight transport, catering and hotel management. - M.: Nauka, 2004.
4. Tourism in Russia: Stat. - M.: State Committee of Russia, 2000. - 164 p.
5. Tourist services - demand. - 1996. - No. 3.
6. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the reorganization and development of tourism in the Russian Federation” dated December 22, 1995.
7. Fedotova L.N. Advertising in society: what is the effect? // Socis. - 1996. - No. 3.

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What is recreation and its types

Tourism as a form of recreation

Recreational tourism


List of used literature


Recreation, from the Latin "recreatio", means restoration. The industry for the restoration of spiritual, physical, moral, moral strength provides ample opportunities for the provision of services when a person chooses, and professionals suggest in which direction it is best to carry out restoration and, most importantly, carry it out. The recreation industry is, on the one hand, a well-known phrase, and on the other hand, it is constantly being filled with new meaning.


Recreation is a set of phenomena and relationships that arise in the process of using free time for health-improving, educational, sports and cultural-entertainment activities of people in specialized territories located outside their place of permanent residence.

In Russia, especially recently, the culture of recreation, leisure, and sports is rapidly developing. At the same time, most of the various types of recreation are mainly carried out outside the home, in the fresh air, in the open air. Recreation activities such as walking, for example, do not require any special costs, but at the same time depend on weather conditions. All types of recreation can be divided into two categories of popularity: more popular types and less popular types. The first category of recreation includes the three most common types, the dominant among which is walking. The second common form of spending leisure time outside the home is relaxing with family and friends in nature, rivers, seas, and lakes. Hiking to historical sites and sightseeing are very popular.

Not surprisingly, walking has become the most common activity. As already noted, this type of recreation does not require special costs and devices; it is relatively cheap, but at the same time it is beneficial for health and strengthening the body, especially for older people. The rapid growth in the popularity of walking indicates that the number of supporters of this type of recreation will continue to grow. Visiting beaches for a few hours, days or for an entire vacation has long been a favorite way of spending leisure time among Russians. It should be noted that the attractiveness of this type of recreation is ensured by the comfort of the beaches, the high quality of service in hotels and motels, in public catering establishments, and the provision of various types of entertainment for children and adults.

Some types of recreation outside the home, such as walking, owe their popularity to their low cost, their proximity to cities and a wide range of all kinds of services, that is, the average city dweller does not need to spend a lot of money and travel far from the city just to relax and take a walk in nature, he can do this in a city park.

But there are also other types of leisure and recreation that are less popular, uniting people mainly according to their hobbies. This group includes all kinds of hiking, fishing, hunting, etc.

Some types of recreation combine people's recreation with knowledge of nature and the environment. These are the so-called educational and spiritually enriching types of recreation. These include visiting natural and cultural monuments, historical sites, archaeological excavations, as well as watching birds, wild animals, nature, studying various natural features of water bodies, etc. Visits to cultural centers, historical places, natural monuments bring not only a boost of energy , but also a lot of useful information about a variety of natural resources, the environment, the history and culture of various peoples. There are a large number of types of recreation of the second group associated with visits to various water bodies, for example visiting swimming pools. It should be noted that swimming is very popular among older people, as they find it good for health and consider it a good means of rejuvenation.

Fishing and exploring nature around water bodies are among the types of recreation associated with water. Types of water recreation include sailing on simple and motor boats.

Some land-based recreational activities, such as cycling, running, and race walking, may or may not require special conditions. Some people prefer specific types of cycling, such as mountain biking, while many others enjoy riding from one place to another on a regular country road. The popularity of running also continues to grow inexorably. The peculiarity of this type of recreation, which makes it popular, is that it can be practiced almost anywhere, be it a lawn near a house, an open stadium, or a municipal park with special trails for running. In addition, the increasing popularity of running is influenced by its benefits and health-improving effects.

Other types of recreation, such as hiking, orienteering, etc., require a large number of different conditions and devices, which complicates participation in them, and, therefore, somewhat reduces their popularity, but still the number of participants in these types is still quite high. Recently, the popularity of these types of recreation has been growing, which creates a demand for an increase in the number of trails, routes, and campsites.

Some types of recreation, recreation and leisure activities in the open air, such as rock climbing or windsurfing, can be classified as so-called special types of recreation. These species, for the most part, require not only special conditions for their establishment, for example the presence of mountainous terrain, but also the presence of a variety of sports equipment and inventory. However, this group also includes such traditional types of recreation and recreation as hunting, horse riding, downhill racing, etc.

The climatic features of our country are associated with snow and ice types of recreation, such as skating, snowboarding, various types of mountain and lowland skiing, snow sledding and snow sledding, etc. Among the listed types of recreation and recreation, the most popular, no matter how strange, riding on a simple sleigh. The second most popular activity is skiing, and skating takes third place among the participants.

Regardless of the types of recreation, they are all aimed at ensuring a person’s complete rest. Rest is the process of restoring mental and physical performance, occurring under conditions of cessation of the activity that caused fatigue. There are passive and active recreation. Passive rest involves the cessation of previous activities and complete physical rest of the body, active rest - switching the body’s activity to another type of activity.

Rest is one of the essential conditions for maintaining and strengthening health, maintaining high working capacity and achieving active longevity. Adequate rest is an integral feature of a healthy lifestyle and is ensured through the rational organization of free time, as well as special rehabilitation measures that are included in the work regime. One of the most common types of active recreation is tourism.


Tourism in its content coincides with the concept of long-term recreation. In modern scientific literature, tourism is usually understood as a set of relationships and phenomena that arise in the process of travel and stay of people outside their permanent place of residence, if the stay does not turn into a long or temporary activity for the sake of earning money.

Tourism (from Latin - trip) - travel in free time, one of the types of active recreation - is the most effective means of meeting the recreational needs of the population, as it combines health, knowledge, communication, etc. Travel within one’s country is united by the concept domestic (national) tourism, outside its borders - foreign (international) tourism. Excursion tourism is widespread. Depending on the purposes of travel, tourism is divided into educational, sports, natural, amateur, tourism with social purposes, business (fairs, congresses), religious, etc. In international statistics, it is customary to consider tourist trips to resorts, dachas, as well as mass short-term trips of teams, individual groups and individuals to special recreation areas. Depending on the means of transportation and the use of equipment or other types of transport, water tourism, walking, skiing, horseback riding, cycling, motorcycle, auto and air tourism, mountain tourism, etc. are distinguished.


Recreational tourism is the movement of people in their free time for the purpose of recreation, which is necessary to restore a person’s physical and mental strength. For many countries of the world, this type of tourism is the most common and widespread. Recreational resources are necessary for its development. Recreational resources constitute the most important part of the region’s natural potential. In addition, their role in the formation and development of modern tourism in the region is constantly increasing, especially from an ecological and geographical point of view.

The assessment of recreational resources is made on the basis of an assessment of each of its components: relief, water bodies and soil and vegetation cover, climate, mineral and unique natural medicinal resources (historical and cultural potential, etc.), considered from the point of view of its use by a specific type of tourism .

Recreational tourism can be divided into two types:

1. Tourist and recreational;

2. Educational and tourist.

Each type requires its own type of recreational resources. Recreational resources are understood as a complex managed and partially self-managed system, consisting of a number of interconnected subsystems, namely: vacationing people, natural and cultural territorial complexes, technical systems, service personnel and management bodies. Natural characteristics include the area and capacity of the recreational territory, climatic conditions, the presence of water bodies, aesthetic features of the landscape, etc. The optimal combination of these characteristics creates the necessary basis for the development of recreational tourism.

For the first type, these are climatic factors, which, in combination with mineral water sources and healing mud, create favorable conditions for the formation of a resort complex. For the second, in addition to the above, there is historical and cultural potential. Geographically, several main recreational zones can be distinguished in the Russian Federation. Forest-steppe, forest, mountain and coastal zones have opportunities for organizing both mass recreation and tourism, as well as medical and rehabilitation resort holidays almost all year round. Medical and biological assessment of climatic conditions at seaside resorts is based on determining the possibilities of various types of rehabilitation and recreational activities in these conditions. The main types of climatic and recreational activities at seaside resorts are aerotherapy (sea air breathing, air baths), thalassotherapy (sea bathing), heliotherapy (general solar irradiation and special types), kinesitherapy. The latter includes walks along the seashore, sports games on the shore, active swimming, rowing and other water sports.

Combinations of these types of recreational activities are common. Despite the noted diversity and complexity of recreation, two main types can be distinguished, depending differently on climatic conditions.

Recreational activities of the first type can be called passive. These include sun and air baths taken at rest. They are usually carried out in beach conditions. This type of recreation makes strict demands on the weather.

The second type is active recreation: walks, sports games, etc. Active recreation is distinguished from passive recreation, firstly, by the fact that physical activity causes increased heat production. Secondly, during active recreation people are usually clothed. And although in this case light clothing is used, in combination with increased heat production this makes lower air temperatures comfortable than for passive recreation. Weather requirements are less stringent compared to passive recreation.


Recreation is the restoration of a person’s physical and spiritual strength, increasing the level of health and performance. In practice, recreation means rest after a working day, a working week, during a regular vacation or vacation.

Recreation is closely related to the problem of free time; various activities of people in their free time, aimed at restoring health and physical strength, and the comprehensive development of the individual, are called recreational activities. There are constant changes in the content and forms of organization of recreational activities, and the importance of active types of recreation is gradually increasing.

Recreational activities are based on the use of recreational resources, which include natural complexes and their components (relief, climate, vegetation, water bodies), rare natural objects (waterfalls, karst caves, beautiful landscapes, plant species exotic for the area, deposits of semi-precious stones, etc. .), cultural and historical monuments, cities and other populated areas, unique technical structures.

For recreation and health improvement of the population, sports and fitness complexes are widely used, available in cities and towns, both at large enterprises and institutions, and in residential areas. The complete health complex includes a swimming pool, baths, gyms for such popular games as volleyball, basketball, mini-football, tennis and table tennis, exercise rooms, rhythmic gymnastics and exercise therapy.

Recreational tourism is considered as a form of active tourism within the framework of physical recreation with certain restrictions on physical activity.

The program for organizing this type of tourism should be multifunctional in nature: recreation, leisure and entertainment activities, a health program that can raise the vitality of vacationers and satisfy their spiritual and emotional needs.

The system-forming factors of recreational tourism are identified:

1. Change of scenery;

2. Ensuring sufficient muscle activity;

3. Stimulation of natural immunity - the body's immunity to pathogenic bacteria.

It is worth drawing our attention to the intense pollution and environmental degradation observed in many regions of our country, which have spread to the most popular recreational areas and zones. Recreational areas must be reliably protected from pollution.

recreation tourism active natural


1. Senin V. S. Introduction to tourism. M.B.I., 1993;

2. Gulyaev V. G. Organization of tourism activities. M. Knowledge, 1996;

3. Vedenin Yu. A. Assessment of natural conditions for organizing recreation. M. Mercury, 1969;

4. V.S. Senin, “Organization of International Tourism”, Moscow, 1999;

5. “All about national parks” by R. Bobrov. Publishing house "Young Guard". Moscow. 1987


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Recreational tourism- this is the movement of people in their free time for the purpose of rest, necessary to restore the physical and mental strength of a person. In many countries of the world this type of tourism is widespread.

Recreational tourism can be divided into several types, for example, tourism and health tourism and educational tourism. Each type of tourism requires (its own type of recreational resources. Under recreational resources refers to a complex controlled and partially self-governing system, consisting of a number of interconnected subsystems, namely: vacationing people, natural and cultural territorial complexes, technical systems, service personnel and management bodies.

The natural characteristics of a recreational area include area and capacity, climate comfort, the presence of water bodies, primarily of a balneological nature, aesthetic features of the landscape, etc. The optimal combination of these characteristics creates the basis for the development of recreational tourism.

For the tourist and recreational type, these are climatic factors, which, in combination with sources of mineral waters and healing mud, create favorable conditions for the formation of a resort complex; For educational tourism, in addition to the above, historical and cultural potential is required.

Geographically, several main recreational zones can be distinguished in the Russian Federation. In forest-steppe, forest, mountain and coastal zones, almost all year round there is the opportunity to organize both medical and rehabilitation resort holidays, as well as mass recreation and tourism. Recreational activities of the first type, which can be called passive, include sun and air baths at rest, usually carried out in a beach setting; people are naked. This type of recreation makes strict demands on the weather.

Chapter 19. Recreational needs

The second type is active recreation - walks, sports games, etc. Some types of recreation of the second type combine rest with knowledge of nature and the environment. In Russia, cultural centers, historical places, and natural monuments are visited by more than 60 million people annually. Also, traveling not only brings a boost of energy, but also provides a lot of useful information about a variety of natural resources, the environment, as well as other types of recreation and recreation, for example, such as watching wildlife, birds, fish, etc. . Types of recreation related to water include, for example, fishing and exploring nature near water bodies, sailing for recreational purposes on simple and motor boats.

This type of recreation outside the home also includes attending concerts and open-air sports competitions, participating in various sports, such as football, beach volleyball, etc.

Special types of recreation. Some types of recreation, recreation and outdoor leisure activities, such as rock climbing or windsurfing, can be classified as special types of recreation. Most of them require not only special conditions for their construction (the presence of mountains, steep sea waves), but also a variety of sports equipment and equipment. This type also includes such traditional types of recreation and recreation as hunting, horse riding, downhill sledding and skiing, etc.

Some types of recreation based on land - cycling, running, race walking - may or may not require special conditions. Thus, the popularity of running and walking is largely explained by the fact that you can run and walk almost anywhere, be it a lawn near your home, an open stadium or a municipal park with special trails for running. Other “land” types of recreation, such as hiking, orienteering, etc., require a large number of different conditions and devices, which complicates participation in them and, therefore, somewhat reduces their popularity, but still the number of participants in these types is still still quite high.

20.1. Human biological adaptation

The largest segment of international tourism is travel for the purpose of recreation and recreation, accounting for 60% of the global volume of international tourism.

Recreational tourism: tourism with the main purpose of recreation, treatment and other health purposes. Concept recreation(recovery) covers all types of recreation, including sanatorium and resort treatment.

By the end of the twentieth century, the concept of “recreation” acquired new shades, and the goals became more diverse. Tourists themselves, especially those who travel regularly and often, are more adventurous when it comes to their holidays, trying to get maximum pleasure and diversify their leisure time with active pursuits. Travel planners are also looking to innovate to differentiate their offering and stand out from the competition.

The most beautiful places are chosen for recreational travel. There are many places on earth where nature itself appears to tourists as a work of art. Be it the mighty Niagara Falls in North America, Lake Baikal in Siberia or the picturesque fjords in Norway. Each of these places evokes an inexhaustible desire of people to see this miracle with their own eyes.

Caring for nature and preserving it for future generations occupies a central place in the policies of states seeking to develop the tourism sector of the economy. In Canada, for example, much attention is paid to the creation of national parks. Some of them are associated with historical events or the lives of prominent historical and public figures, others serve solely the purpose of preserving nature and creating “quiet corners” where current and future generations can take a break from the noise of the city and enjoy nature in its original form.

Guests of national parks have specially designed routes, which you can follow with a guide or take an independent walk using a tourist guide. Tourists come to national parks to see dense forests, picturesque lakes, mountain rivers and glaciers, watch the life of birds and wild animals in their natural environment, admire the beauty of wild flowers, and breathe in the healing forest air.

In recreational tourism, one of the main health-improving methods is climatotherapy. The beneficial effects of climatotherapy on the body are determined by such factors as the location of the area above sea level, the degree of distance from the sea, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, air circulation and humidity, precipitation, intensity of solar radiation, etc. Main directions of climatotherapy: heliotherapy, aerotherapy and thalassotherapy.

Thalassotherapy resorts usually use heated water if natural sea water is not warm enough. But if you are planning a trip to a regular vacation spot on the sea coast, you need to keep in mind the difference in air and water temperatures. Water warms up more slowly than land, so in the spring, when the average air temperature reaches 20 degrees Celsius, the water in the sea is still cold - no higher than 15 degrees, and swimming in the sea is unsafe for health. In autumn, on the contrary, the air rather cools, and sea water continues to retain summer heat. In Tunisia, for example, the water in March is much colder than in October.

The number of rainy and sunny days is also of great importance when choosing the time of year to visit a particular area, and when visiting countries with a tropical climate, it is necessary to highlight the most and least favorable periods. Thailand, for example, is usually hot and humid, with the driest and most favorable time to visit being from November to February. In March it becomes unbearably hot, and from June to October there are monsoon rains.

Widely used in recreational tourism landscape therapy- a method of spa treatment that uses the beneficial effects on the body of a person’s stay in an area with a beautiful landscape. This helps to normalize the functions of the nervous system, cheerful mood, improve sleep and appetite.

In recreational tourism, natural and climatic resources are actively used. Consistently successful balneological resorts where various methods of influencing healing mineral springs on the human body are used. Offered mud therapy- applications of therapeutic mud of various origins. Are used thermal waters- groundwater with a temperature of 20 degrees and above. They got their name from the village of Terme, located in Sicily, where they were first used for medicinal purposes. Implemented everywhere hydrotherapy- hydrotherapy (hydromassage, circular shower, bathing, cascade bathing, etc.). Under construction water parks. Since ancient times, people have noted the beneficial effects of the aquatic environment on human health. Now water parks have begun to be created everywhere in large tourist centers (the USA, France, Japan, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Finland and other countries have famous water parks that attract thousands of tourists).

In St. Petersburg, for example, for the 300th anniversary of the city, it is planned to create a huge water park that will be visited by 8,600 tourists per day. It will be a one-stop recreation and entertainment center - an indoor water park offering swimming in pools with currents and ocean waves, diving from diving boards, water slides, hot tubs, etc. In Moscow, a similar center has already been opened and is popular with the population.

Under the beneficial influence of the surrounding nature, as a result of the process of communication and direct contact with natural benefits, healing occurs in the human body itself, and its emotional and mental state improves. Inspection of monuments of human culture enriches the human intellect; familiarity with the customs and traditions of other peoples contributes to the interpenetration of cultures and the development of mutual understanding between nations.

Recreational tourism offers a wide variety of sports activities and entertainment to fill leisure time, and for some reasons it includes such types of tourism as excursion, water, mountaineering, adventure, hunting, fishing, entertainment, sports, exotic, environmental, etc.

Sightseeing tourism is one of the most popular types of educational tourism. It is carried out with the aim of getting acquainted with tourist attractions (monuments of history, architecture, art, etc.). In our country, before perestroika, educational tours formed the basis of Soviet outbound tourism. Trips, as a rule, were made in tourist groups with comprehensive services, accompanied by a guide-translator and according to a planned program, which indicated all the attractions that were to be visited during the trip abroad.

By the beginning of the third millennium, excursion tourism had undergone changes. Regular group excursion tours are considered a kind of calling card of a serious tour operator. But at present, in Russian outbound tourism, only a few companies can offer and implement guaranteed trips on excursion tours. Travel abroad is increasingly taking on the characteristics of an individual rather than a group trip; excursions are no longer planned in advance; tourists decide on the spot where to go and what to see.

Excursion routes, as a rule, cover several cities and provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the most outstanding monuments of a particular country. One can already call classic tours in Germany, including visits to Cologne - Bonn - Dusseldorf - Frankfurt am Main - Nuremberg - Munich, or tours in Italy Rome - Venice - Florence.

Specialized tourism. Unlike ordinary holidaymakers, travelers in this category have a specific purpose and their stay usually focuses on that purpose, be it participating in a sporting event, watching birds or animals, participating in horseback riding trails, visiting a number of sites associated with a particular historical event or personality, etc. The organization of this type of tourism requires a highly qualified tour operator. Typically, such groups are accompanied by a specialist on the issue of interest to tourists, who has in-depth knowledge of the subject and can provide explanations during the trip.

In specialized tourism, there is also a segment united by the desire to stay in unusual accommodation, such as, for example, a health farm, or a peasant house. Research conducted on this segment showed a higher level of education, a higher level of personal income, and a high social status of participants (managers, unique specialists and high-class professionals).

Educational tourism. Traveling for the purpose of training and advanced training is relatively new in international tourism. The most popular trips are those aimed at learning a language, especially to the UK and other English-speaking countries.

Sports tourism. The main objective of these tours is to provide tourists with opportunities to engage in their chosen sport. Sports tours are divided into two types: active and passive. In the first case, the basis is playing some kind of sport, in the second - an interest in sports, for example, attending competitions.

Adventure tourism is a unique type of recreation and ensures not only that tourists stay in an attractive place, but also engage in an unusual type of activity. Adventure tourism is divided into several types:

1. Hiking expeditions;

2. Safari tours (hunting, fishing, butterfly catching, etc.)

3. Sea and river travel (yachting).

A specific feature of such tourism is obtaining various licenses (hunting, fishing, importing trophies), as well as ensuring security, which requires highly qualified instructors. This type of tourism has a fairly high cost, and it can be classified as an elite vacation.

Exotic tourism. This type of tourism is associated with travel to exotic countries, to islands in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, or with travel in an unusual vehicle or to an exotic place. In recent years, tours have appeared that are striking in their unusualness. The most incredible and expensive tour so far is a flight into space. After the first tourist Denis Tito's flight on a Russian spaceship, traveling into space no longer seems like a distant dream. At present, a list of those wishing to make a short space journey on the Russian Buran spacecraft has already been formed, and are ready to pay 100 thousand dollars for this exotic journey.

An example of exotic tourism is a trip to the Arctic on comfortable icebreakers with a sauna, swimming pool, and conference rooms. The icebreaker is equipped with boats and helicopters for excursions. There are many people who want to get acquainted with the underwater world and travel on a submarine. In Germany, a former prison cell is popular among tourists who love exotic things, where you can feel like a prisoner.

Ecological tourism, or as it is usually called for short ecotourism, has attracted close attention in recent years. For residents of Europe and America, traveling through protected natural areas has become one of the most common types of recreation. The main difference between this type of tourism is that the focus of travel is the natural environment and tourists strive not to damage natural complexes, promote environmental protection and improve the well-being of the local population. Ecotourism is designed to create economic incentives for environmental conservation. This is a wide range of trips - from small educational tours for schoolchildren to regular tourist programs in national parks and reserves. The income received from this type of tourism can be partially used for environmental protection measures.

Social tourism- These are travels subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs. The purpose of social tourism is not to make a profit, but to support people with low incomes to realize their right to vacation.