Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops and the history of the Egyptian pyramids. Egyptian pyramids: a story with fewer and fewer mysteries

The first wonder of the world of all time, one of the main structures of our planet, a place full of secrets and mysteries, a point of constant pilgrimage for tourists - the Egyptian pyramids and in particular the Cheops pyramid.

The construction of giant pyramids, of course, was far from easy. Enormous efforts of a large number of people were made to deliver stone blocks to the Giza or Saqqara plateau, and later to the Valley of the Kings, which became the new necropolis of the pharaohs.

IN currently There are about a hundred pyramids found in Egypt, but discoveries continue and their number is constantly increasing. IN different times one of the 7 wonders of the world meant different pyramids. Some meant all the pyramids of Egypt as a whole, some the pyramids near Memphis, some the three large pyramids of Giza, and most critics recognized exclusively the largest pyramid of Cheops.

Afterlife of Ancient Egypt

One of the central moments in the life of the ancient Egyptians was religion, which shaped the entire culture as a whole. Particular attention was paid to the afterlife, perceived as a clear continuation of earthly life. That is why preparation for life after death began long before death and was set as one of the main life tasks.

According to ancient Egyptian belief, man had several souls. The soul of Ka acted as a double of the Egyptian, whom he was to meet in the afterlife. The soul of Ba contacted the person himself and left his body after death.

Religious life of the Egyptians and the god Anubis

At first, it was believed that only the pharaoh had the right to life after death, but he could bestow this “immortality” on his entourage, who were usually buried next to the tomb of the ruler. Ordinary people were not destined to enter the world of the dead, the only exceptions being slaves and servants, whom the pharaoh “took” with him, and who were depicted on the walls of the great tomb.

But for a comfortable life after death, the deceased had to be provided with everything necessary: ​​food, household utensils, servants, slaves and much more necessary for the average pharaoh. They also tried to preserve the person’s body so that Ba’s soul could later connect with him again. Therefore, in matters of body preservation, embalming and the creation of complex pyramid tombs were born.

The first pyramid in Egypt. Pyramid of Djoser

Speaking about the construction of the pyramids in Ancient Egypt Overall, the beginning of their story is worth mentioning. The very first pyramid in Egypt was built about five thousand years ago on the initiative of Pharaoh Djoser. It is in these 5 thousand years that the age of the pyramids in Egypt is estimated. The construction of the Pyramid of Djoser was led by the famous and legendary Imhotep, who was even deified in later centuries.

Pyramid of Djoser

The entire complex of the building being erected occupied an area of ​​545 by 278 meters. The perimeter was surrounded by a 10-meter wall with 14 gates, only one of which was real. In the center of the complex was the pyramid of Djoser with sides 118 by 140 meters. The height of the Djoser pyramid is 60 meters. Almost at a depth of 30 meters there was a burial chamber, to which corridors with many branches led. The branch rooms contained utensils and sacrifices. Here archaeologists found three bas-reliefs of Pharaoh Djoser himself. Near the eastern wall of Djoser's pyramid, 11 small burial chambers were discovered, intended for the royal family.

Unlike the famous great pyramids Giza, the pyramid of Djoser had a stepped shape, as if intended for the Pharaoh’s ascension to heaven. Of course, this pyramid is inferior in popularity and size to the Cheops pyramid, but still the contribution of the very first stone pyramid It is difficult to overestimate the culture of Egypt.

The Pyramid of Cheops. History and Brief Description

But still, the most famous for the ordinary population of our planet are the three pyramids of Egypt located nearby - Khafre, Mekerin and the largest and high pyramid in Egypt - Cheops (Khufu)

Pyramids of Giza

The pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was built near the city of Giza, currently a suburb of Cairo. At present, it is impossible to say for sure when the Cheops pyramid was built, and research gives a strong scatter. In Egypt, for example, the date of the start of construction of this pyramid is officially celebrated - August 23, 2480 BC.

Pyramid of Cheops and Sphinx

About 100,000 people were simultaneously involved in the construction of the wonder of the world, the Pyramid of Cheops. During the first ten years of work, a road was built along which huge stone blocks were delivered to the river and the underground structures of the pyramid. Work on the construction of the monument itself continued for about 20 years.

The size of the Cheops pyramid in Giza is amazing. The height of the Cheops pyramid initially reached 147 meters. Over time, due to sand filling and loss of lining, it decreased to 137 meters. But even this figure allowed her for a long time remain the tallest man-made structure in the world. The pyramid has a square base with a side of 147 meters. To build this giant, it is estimated that 2,300,000 limestone blocks were required, weighing an average of 2.5 tons.

How were the pyramids built in Egypt?

The technology of building pyramids is still controversial in our time. Versions vary from the invention of concrete in Ancient Egypt to the construction of pyramids by aliens. But it is still believed that the pyramids were built by man solely by his own strength. So, to extract stone blocks, they first marked out a shape in the rock, hollowed out grooves and inserted dry wood into them. Later, the tree was doused with water, it expanded, a crack formed in the rock, and the block was separated. Then it was processed into the desired shape with tools and sent along the river to the construction site.

To lift the blocks up, the Egyptians used gently sloping embankments, along which these megaliths were dragged on wooden sleds. But even with such a backward technology by our standards, the quality of work is surprising - the blocks fit tightly to each other with minimal mismatches.

We can talk for a long time about the pyramids shrouded in myths and legends, their labyrinths and traps, mummies and treasures, but we’ll leave that to Egyptologists. For us, the Cheops Pyramid is one of the greatest structures of mankind throughout its existence and, of course, the only First Wonder of the World that has survived to this day from the depths of centuries.

Scheme of the Cheops pyramid

Video about the pyramids of Egypt

Video about the Cheops pyramid

1. The three most famous Egyptian pyramids are those at the Giza Necropolis, but in fact approximately 140 pyramids have been discovered in the area of ​​ancient Egypt.

2. The oldest Egyptian pyramid is considered to be the Pyramid of Djoser, which was built in the Necropolis of Saqqara in the 27th century BC.

3. While the Pyramid of Djoser is considered the oldest, the Pyramid of Cheops is the largest. The original height of the pyramid was 146.5 meters, and the current height is 138.8 meters.

4. Until the construction of Lincoln's Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in England in 1311, the Great Pyramid of Giza held the title of the world's tallest man-made structure. She held the record for at least three thousand years!

5. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders Ancient World and the last one currently in existence.

6. Estimates of the number of workers involved in the construction of the pyramids vary greatly, however, it is likely that at least 100,000 people built them.

7. The Pyramids of Giza are protected Great Sphinx, the largest monolithic sculpture in the world. It is believed that the face of the sphinx was given a resemblance to the face of Pharaoh Khafre.

8. All Egyptian pyramids were built on west bank the Nile River, which is the place of sunset and was associated with the kingdom of the dead in Egyptian mythology.

9. The ancient Egyptians buried their noble citizens in pyramids with funeral gifts that ranged from household items to the most expensive items such as jewelry. They believed that the dead would use them in the afterlife.

10. The earliest known architect of the pyramids was Imhotep, an ancient Egyptian polymath, engineer and physician. He is considered the author of the first major pyramid - the Pyramid of Djoser.

11. While experts generally agree on the hypothesis that the pyramids were built from huge stones, carved with copper chisels in quarries, the methods used to move and stack them are still the subject of heated debate and speculation.

12. Another relatively obvious fact is that the methods used to build the pyramids evolved over time. Pyramids more late period built differently from the earliest pyramids.

13. After the end of the period of pyramid construction in Ancient Egypt, an outbreak of pyramid construction began in the territory of modern Sudan.

14. In the 12th century, an attempt was made to destroy the pyramids of Giza. Al-Aziz, the Kurdish ruler and second sultan of the Ayyubid dynasty, tried to demolish them, but he had to give up because the task was too large-scale. However, he managed to damage the Pyramid of Mikerinus, where his attempts left a vertical gaping hole in its northern slope.

15. The three pyramids of Giza are precisely aligned with the constellation Orion, which may well have been the builders' intention, since the stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and the underworld in ancient Egyptian mythology.

16. It is estimated that the Great Pyramid of Giza consists of 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh between 2 and 30 tons, with some even weighing more than 50 tons.

17. The pyramids were originally covered with casing stones made of highly polished white limestone. These stones reflected the light of the sun and made the pyramids shine like precious stones.

18. When the casing stones covered the pyramids, they could be seen from the mountains in Israel and maybe even from the moon.

19. Despite the extreme heat surrounding the pyramids, the temperature inside the pyramids themselves actually remains relatively constant, hovering around 20 degrees Celsius.

21. The Pyramid of Cheops was built facing north. In fact, it is the most carefully north-aligned structure in the world. Even though it was built thousands of years ago, the pyramid still faces north, with only a slight misalignment. However, the error occurred because the North Pole is gradually shifting, meaning that the pyramid was once pointing due north.

22. On average, each pyramid took 200 years to build. This means that often several pyramids were built at once, rather than just one.

23. One of the reasons why the pyramids are so well preserved is the unique cement mortar used in them. It is stronger than real stone, but we still don't know how they prepared it.

24. Contrary to popular belief, the pyramids were most likely not built by slaves or prisoners. They were built by ordinary workers who received wages.

25. Although many people associate pyramids with hieroglyphs, no writing or hieroglyphs have been found in the Great Pyramid of Giza.

I would like to summarize all the information about the most famous Egyptian pyramids collected on LifeGlobe into a single collection. Naturally, here I will describe only the largest pyramids, with links to a separate article about each of them. In detailed topics you will find both their coordinates and more detailed description. In total, there are 118 pyramids of different shapes, sizes and heights in Egypt, but we will start, of course, with the three Great Pyramids of Egypt at Giza. It is these structures on the Giza plateau that are included in the list of the seven ancient wonders of the world, although, in addition to Giza, there are many pyramids in other parts of Egypt.

The first number in our review will be the Great Pyramid of Cheops, which is known anywhere in the world. It is she who is the face of the Egyptian pyramids and the largest construction of antiquity, giving rise to many secrets and legends around her. The construction of the pyramid took two whole decades and was completed in 2560 BC.

With a height of 146.5 meters, it was the largest structure in the world for more than 4 millennia. I have been collecting material about the Great Pyramid for a long time in a separate article; using the link above you can learn more about it.

The second most important pyramid is the pyramid of Khafre, the son of Cheops. It was built on a 10-meter plateau, so it seems taller than the Cheops pyramid, but it is not. Its height is 136.4 meters, while Cheops is 146.5 meters.

Not far from the Pyramid of Khafre is the Great Sphinx - a monument carved into the rock. The Sphinx's facial features mirror those of Pharaoh Khafre.

Third great pyramid is the pyramid of Mikerin. It is the smallest of them, and was built the latest. It is only 66 meters in height, and the length of the base is 108.4 meters.

Despite its small size, it is considered to be the most beautiful of the three pyramids. In addition, the pyramid of Mikerinus marked the end of the era of large pyramids. All subsequent buildings were small in size.

On this Egyptian pyramids do not end, we move from Giza to other parts of Egypt. The step pyramid of Djoser is considered one of the largest in Egypt. It is located in the village of Saqqara, and was built for Pharaoh Djoser by Imhotep himself. It occupies an area of ​​125 by 115 meters, and its height is 62 meters. This is the first pyramid of Egypt, and also very well preserved.

The most unusual in shape can be safely called the pyramid in Medum. It is located 100 kilometers south of the capital of Egypt, it was built for Pharaoh Huni, but it was completed by his son Snofru. It originally had 8 steps, but nowadays only the last 3 are visible. After construction, its height was 118 meters, and its area was 146 by 146 meters.

The Pink Pyramid is unusual in that it has a pink hue due to the special stone used for its construction. This is the third tallest pyramid after Cheops and Khafre, 104.4 meters high. Researchers believe that this pyramid was also built by the already known Pharaoh Snefru.

Not far from Rozovaya is the Bent Pyramid, built in the 26th century. BC e. It got its name because of its irregular shape. Look for yourself, it was built in 3 stages, at each of which it was given different angles of inclination:

I have described the largest and most famous Egyptian pyramids, now let's move on to smaller specimens. A later structure is the pyramid of Userkaf at Saqqara, not far from the pyramid of Djoser. It was preserved very poorly, so only initial data can be given: its height is 49.4 meters, length at the base is 73.30 meters.

Not far from Saqqara, in Abusir, there is a pyramid of the 5th dynasty pharaoh Sahura. All subsequent complexes of the pharaohs of this dynasty were built in the likeness of this pyramid. Unfortunately, this pyramid has survived to this day in rather poor condition.

Let's finish our review of the most outstanding Egyptian pyramids with the Pyramid of Unis in Saqqara. It is notable for the fact that the very first “Pyramid Texts” were discovered here - ancient hieroglyphs on the walls of the burial chamber. Many scientists are still deciphering these texts.


Mysterious pyramids of Egypt

The Egyptian Pyramid of Djoser, better known as the step pyramid, is located in Saqqara, 30 km from Cairo. A visit to the pyramid is part of the Dashur-Sakkara excursion. It’s worth visiting this pyramid at least out of curiosity, because this is the very first pyramid built in honor of the ruler Djoser. The peculiarity of the pyramid is that it is made in a stepped form. Six steps are the path along which the pharaoh goes to the afterlife, according to historians. Inside the pyramid there are 11 burial chambers for the pharaoh and his family members. During the archaeological excavations, Djoser himself was not discovered, only the mummies of his relatives. This is explained by the fact that by the time the excavations began, the tomb had already been plundered.

An excursion to Saqqara with a visit to the Pyramid of Djoser will cost about $80 per person.

Pyramid of Mikerin

The pyramid is located on the Giza plateau next to other famous pyramids - Cheops and Khafre. Compared to them, the pyramid of Mikerinus is considered the smallest and youngest pyramid of the famous triad. The peculiarity of this pyramid is its color - up to the middle it was made of red granite, and above it was made of white limestone. But in the 16th century, the cladding was destroyed by Mamluk warriors. Scientists explain the fact that the Mykerinus pyramid is relatively small in size by the fact that the Egyptians stopped doing grandiose tombs. But despite this, the pyramid never ceases to amaze scientists and travelers. For example, the largest block of stone weighs about 200 tons! What technical means helped the ancient Egyptians so much? An excursion to the pyramid is included in the Cairo travel program and costs approximately $60 per person.

Pyramid of Mikerin

The Pyramid of Cheops

There is hardly a person. who would not know the main attraction of Egypt - the Pyramid of Cheops. The height of this one of the Seven Wonders of the World today is 140 meters, and the area is about 5 hectares. The pyramid consists of 2.5 million stone blocks. The construction of the pyramid took 20 years. Several thousand years have passed since the construction of the Cheops pyramid, but the Egyptians still strongly revere the pyramid, and every year in August they celebrate the day its construction began. Despite the research and excavation of the pyramid, it still holds many secrets. For example, in the funeral room of the pharaoh’s wife, secret doors were discovered, which, according to scientists, symbolize the path to the afterlife. But archaeologists were never able to open the last door. The cost of an excursion to the Giza plateau with a visit to the pyramids is $50-60. For children, the ticket will cost half as much.

Pyramid of Khafre

Although the Pyramid of Khafre is 4 meters smaller than the Pyramid of Cheops, visually it seems higher. The secret is that the pyramid stands on a ten-meter plateau and is very well preserved to this day. The pyramid has two entrances - one at a height of 15 m, and the other on the same side at the base level. The inside of the Khafre pyramid is quite modest - two rooms and a couple of corridors, but the real sarcophagus of the pharaoh is kept here. The tomb is made on top level and does not leave any of the tourists indifferent. The tomb itself is empty.

Archaeologists found a grand discovery in a pyramid in the 19th century - a sculpture of a pharaoh made from mountain diorite.

The cost of an excursion to the Pyramid of Khafre is about $60.

Pyramid of Khafre


This place is not as popular as the Giza plateau with its pyramids. Dashur is famous for its pyramids, which were built during the reign of Pharaoh Snofu. These structures are considered the first tombs in history built using new types of structures.

South Pyramid, which is better known as Broken, got its name due to its irregular shape. During its construction, the angles of the edges were changed for an unknown reason. This may have been a mistake, but scientists explain this as a construction move with concern for the strength and durability of the pyramid. Main difference Bent pyramid in. that it has two entrances - the “traditional” northern one and the almost never encountered southern one.

Another attraction of Dashur is the Northern Pyramid, better known by its name as the Red Pyramid. The pyramid got its name because of its red facing color. This is the first tomb with a regular pyramidal shape. The pyramid is very dark, so it is worth taking a flashlight with you. In the lowest burial chamber one can observe a high stepped ceiling, the same as in the gallery of the Cheops pyramid.

The cost of an excursion to Cairo, which includes a trip to Dashur, will cost an average of $85.

Probably every person wants to look at the pyramids. And if this is your dream since childhood, then a tour to Egypt is what you need. It’s very easy to book such a tour today - just travel companies your city via special form on our website, or contact us with any questions you may have at 8-800-100-30-24.

3-04-2017, 11:17 |

The Egyptian pyramids are those wonders of the world that have captivated people's attention for many centuries. Mysterious structures, the construction of which no one can accurately explain. One thing that makes the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids even more interesting.

It is known that Napoleon in the 18th century. not yet being Emperor of France, I wanted to visit inside. During the Egyptian campaign, he was attracted by mystical tales. He stayed inside for about 20 minutes. And then he came out very puzzled and even a little scared, silently, with difficulty getting on his horse, he returned to his headquarters. However, to this day no one knows what struck Napoleon then; he took this secret with him.

And for a long time now, scientists, Egyptologists and simple daredevils have been trying to understand the main function. But even now the pyramids are a big mystery that our ancestors left us. No one can say how they were built or what they were intended for.

The Mystery of the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt

Over the past 20-30 years, interest in the pyramids of Egypt has increased greatly. But it is still not known exactly what their purpose was. There were a lot of Egyptologists who did not see only the tombs of pharaohs in the pyramids. On the contrary, many scientists put forward other versions, and some of them are capable of changing modern people’s understanding of ancient civilizations. remain a big mystery to people; it is very difficult to imagine that such structures were built just to bury the pharaoh. Their construction was very grandiose, and a lot of effort was spent.

One of the Arab historians who lived in the 14th century. wrote about the Cheops pyramid. In his opinion, it was built by order of the mythical sage Hermes Trismegistus. He ordered the construction of 30 treasure vaults, they were filled with jewelry and various weapons. Another Arab traveler, who lived in the same century, argued that the pyramids were erected before the flood. They were built to preserve books and other valuable items.

In Ancient Egypt, powerful pharaohs ruled, and they had crowds of slaves under their command. Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure are known as the most important. But the problem is that in these three pyramids there is no evidence in the form of hieroglyphic inscriptions or mummies indicating that these are their pyramids.

On September 17, 2002, a report appeared in the media that several researchers intend to visit the cache, which was discovered in. They were going to do this with the help of a special robot. It was equipped with a camera. Everyone expected the secret of the pyramid to be revealed. But everyone was disappointed; they were unable to penetrate far. This is due to the design of the pyramids. After a certain stage of construction, it is no longer possible to enter some rooms.

The secret of the inner contents of the pyramids

In 1872, the British scientist Dixon tapped one of the chambers, the so-called queen's chamber. While tapping, he discovered voids, then used a pick to destroy the thin wall of the cladding. He managed to discover two holes of equal size, 20 cm each. Dixon and his like-minded people decided that these were adits for ventilation.

Already in 1986, French specialists used a special apparatus and, with the help of technology, also discovered cavities that were thicker than other stone masonry. Then specialists from Japan used special modern electronic devices. They illuminated the entire area and the rest of the area to the Sphinx. Research showed many voids in the form of labyrinths, but it was not possible to get there. And those premises that scientists could explore did not yield results. No mummies or any remains of material culture were discovered there.

So the question arises - where did all the contents go - the sarcophagus or the jewelry. Maybe Egyptologists correctly put forward the version that after several centuries robbers visited the pyramid and took everything with them. But now many people think that the tombs were empty from the beginning, even before the entrance was walled up.

The mystery of the Caliph's entry into the Egyptian pyramid

To prove the theory that it was originally empty there can be cited one historical fact. In IX, Caliph Abdullah al-Mamun and his detachment penetrated into. When they found themselves inside in the king's chamber, they were supposed to find treasures there, which, according to legend, were buried with the pharaoh. But nothing was found there. Everything seemed to be cleaned; clean walls and floors and empty sarcophagi appeared before the caliph.

This applies not only to these pyramids at Giza, but to all those built by the III and IV dynasties. Neither the pharaoh's body nor any signs of burial were ever found in these pyramids. And some didn’t even have sarcophagi. This is also another mystery...

A stepped one was opened in Saqqara in 1954. There was a sarcophagus in it. When scientists found it, it was still sealed, which means that the robbers were not there. So in the end it turned out to be empty. There is a hypothesis that the pyramids are a special place that was sacralized. There is an opinion that a person entered one of the chambers of the pyramid, and then came out already deified. However, this does not seem to be a rational assumption. Most of all, the belief is that Mamun found maps in the pyramid that were compiled by representatives of a highly developed civilization.

This can be confirmed by the following event. After returning from Egypt, the Caliph created maps of the earth's surface and the most accurate catalog of stars for that period of time - the Damascus Tables. Based on this, it can be assumed that some secret knowledge, which subsequently ended up in the hands of Mamun. He takes them with him to Bogdad.

An Alternative Approach to Studying the Egyptian Pyramids

There is another approach to studying the mystery of the pyramids. According to research by geologists, a pyramid is a clot of specific pyramidal energy. Thanks to its shape, the pyramid can accumulate this energy. This kind of research is still quite young, but many people are doing it. Such studies have only been carried out since the 1960s. There are even facts allegedly that the razor blades that were located inside the pyramid became sharp again for some time.

It is believed that the pyramid became a place for processing energy into other, more convenient energy. Then it was used for some other things.

This theory goes far beyond the boundaries of official science. However, it still exists and it has its followers. Various scientists are trying to discover the secrets of these structures different ways. Many unknowns remain. Even elementary - how did such massive structures survive for thousands of years? Their construction looks so reliable that it forces many to think about the secret meaning of the pyramids.

It is already a proven fact that most of the buildings of other ancient civilizations have long since collapsed. Archaeologists are making great efforts to find them and somehow restore them. But only the top lining fell off the pyramids. The rest of their design symbolizes reliability.

The secret of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.

Already from the 19th century. Many Egyptologists study the structure of the pyramids. And they made astonishing conclusions. No one can reveal the secret of the construction of Egyptian tombs. However, it has been proven that the size of the slabs is selected with an accuracy of up to a millimeter. Each slab is identical in size to the previous one. And the joints between them are so correctly made that it doesn’t even allow a blade to be inserted there. This is simply incredible. How could the inhabitants of that distant time build so correctly without any technical innovations?

The calculated width between granite blocks is 0.5 mm. This is ingenious and defies explanation. This is the accuracy that modern devices have. But this is by no means the only secret in construction. Also striking are the right angles and the precise symmetry between the four sides. But an even more important mystery is who brought several stone blocks to such a place? greater height. The main version is that they built pyramids. But there is a problem with the evidence base. Some nuances do not fit into this version. It is unclear how, given those technical and mechanical solutions, it was possible to build such massive structures.

The secret of the construction technology of the Egyptian pyramids

It has been suggested that modern people simply have no idea what construction technologies were used. But it is impossible to build what was built without modern jacks and other tools.

Sometimes versions are put forward that are simply absurd at first glance - what kind of technologies were they, maybe they were brought here by some alien civilizations. Even with all the achievements of modern man, it would be difficult to repeat such construction. This could have been done, but the construction itself was difficult. And here is another secret that the pyramids carry with them.

Those pyramids that are located in Giza also contain the Sphinx and the Valleys, and here’s another secret for you. During their construction, slabs weighing almost 200 tons were used. And here it becomes unclear how the blocks were moved to the right place. And 200 tons is not the limit of the Egyptians' capabilities. On the territory of Egypt there is architectural structures weighing 800 tons.

It is also interesting that around the complex there were not even any hints found that such blocks were dragged from somewhere or moved to the construction site. Nothing found. Hence the assumption about levitation technology is put forward. Based on the myths and traditions of ancient peoples, a lot can be learned in this regard. useful information. Some of them directly or indirectly indicate the existence of such technology. You may even find images that look like a tank or a helicopter. In principle, for those who adhere to an alternative version of the construction of the pyramids, this theory explains a lot.

Egyptian pyramids and mysteries around them

Of course even alternative versions, if we are to be objective, we cannot discount it. Every scientist or ordinary person can go and see for himself what kind of structures these are. It immediately becomes clear that this is not a primitive construction by some slaves. This is not even construction using exclusively manual labor. If you follow the logic, then there must be some unknown construction system, and again not a simple one. An example is the construction of massive and reliable structures using special technologies that have not yet been discovered by modern researchers.

Now there are about three dozen different hypotheses that are trying to uncover the secrets of the pyramids. Most Egyptologists are of the opinion about the use of inclined planes, but historians are not architects. But they put forward other versions. They precisely determined that in order to lay an inclined plane to , an inscription more than 1.5 km long would be needed. Moreover, the volume of the inscription itself would be three times the volume of the pyramid itself. Another question that arises is what to build from. It would be impossible to build with simple soil, since they would begin to settle over time and under the weight of the blocks.

Another mystery is what tools were used to build the blocks. And in general they were built as a whole. One way or another, now it is impossible to adhere to an unambiguous version in this matter. There are many secrets left that are still inaccessible to humans. Both rational and, for some, absurd versions were given here. However, there are such versions, and history is an objective thing. And therefore, such alternative versions also have the right to exist.

The Mystery of the Egyptian Pyramids Video