Crimean legend about the diva rocks, the monk and the mountain cat in Simeiz. Rock Diva in Crimea: beautiful views and extreme recreation Where is the rock located in Crimea

Rock Diva is a natural, stone megalith, 54 meters high. While improving the surrounding area, the owners of Simeiz, the Maltsovs, paved a path to the Diva rock and since 1905 it became possible to climb the rock and admire the surroundings of Simeiz.

Rock Diva

Going down to the water itself, the rock completes a single ensemble of mountain objects (Mount Koshka, Swan Wing rock, Panea rock), covering the small but very cozy Simeiz bay from the western wind.

Rock Diva is a unique, specially protected, climatic and mountainous object of Crimea. The diva is placed on the official coat of arms and flag of Simeiz along with Mount Cat.

The rock is located in the western part of the southern coast of Crimea, south of Mount Koshka. Between Mount Cat and Rock Diva there is Rock Panea. Between Diva and Panea there used to be Monk Rock, which was destroyed by the 1927 earthquake and the 1931 storm.

The rock is an outcast of the Crimean Mountains. Made of limestone. The southern slope is steep; used for rock climbing. The northern slope is flatter; In the first half of the 20th century, a staircase was laid along it to the top, where an observation deck was equipped.

The upper part of the rock resembles the profile of a female silhouette with her head thrown back and her hair hanging down into the water. Especially the profile of Diva is well read from the source of Ai-Panda. According to legend, the Diva rock is the evil spirit of a beautiful girl who was turned into stone for evil deeds.

Thanks to its picturesqueness, the rock appeared in many paintings, including the work of Lev Lagorio “The Monk and Diva Rocks” (1890). Episodes of the films “Amphibian Man” and “Ten Little Indians” were filmed on the rock.

Rock Diva and Monk. Simeiz

A little higher than Diva there is a 70-meter rocky cliff - Panea Rock, which translated from Greek means Mother of God.

Photo of the Diva rock

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A beautiful ledge next to the city beach of the village of Simeiz. There is an opinion that the Diva rock received this name because from the sea side it resembles the profile of a girl with her head thrown back and her hair dipped into the water.

Rock Diva and the beach next to it

The height of the rock is about 45 meters. At the top there is an observation deck from which you can see the surrounding area of ​​Simeiz. You can get to the site along an equipped path.


At a time when convenient highways had not yet been laid between the villages of Crimea, a hermit appeared among the coastal rocks of Simeiz. None of the locals could tell where he came from or what he wanted. Once upon a time this man led a sinful life, was a strong and cruel warrior, killed innocent people, burned villages, raped girls, and then sold them into slavery.

The older the warrior became, the more often his conscience tormented him; at night he woke up in cold sweat, and he constantly had terrible visions. Then the warrior became a hermit, fled from human society, and finally, among the rocks of Simeiz, he found his refuge. The hermit lived in a cave, ate only wild fruits and only occasionally allowed himself fish, which he caught here.

Years passed. Gradually, memories of the terrible deeds of his youth faded from memory, and people began to perceive the old man as a wise and fair man, a saint of God. People began to turn to the hermit for advice and respected him.

However, the evil spirit and the devil did not agree with such changes - they do not like it when a sinner in the past suddenly takes the side of good. The demons began to look for weakness in the old man. First, the devil turned into a cat, which began to meow at the entrance to the cave. The hermit took pity and let her go. During daylight hours, the cat slept, and in the evenings she purred songs to the elder, tempting him with thoughts of home comfort, a loving wife, and children. The old man’s heart trembled and then he realized that this was all the work of the devil. The hermit got angry and threw the cat out of the cave.

This behavior pleased the devil, because he was able to provoke anger in the old man. Then the evil spirit turned into a beautiful maiden and, when the old man threw the net into the sea, he climbed into it. Instead of a fish, the hermit pulled a beautiful, naked and lifeless girl ashore and rushed to save her. The girl sighed, opened her eyes, looked tenderly at the savior and kissed him on the lips. The elder could not resist; in an instant he forgot all the monastic foundations.

Then the Lord punished his servant along with the seducers, turning them all into stone. Since then, the Diva rock has stood by the sea, the Monk does not take his eyes off it, and the huge Mount Cat watches them.

In 1927, an earthquake occurred in Simeiz, as a result of which the Monk rock was destroyed. Apparently, the elder finally atone for his sins.

How to get there

The trail to the Diva rock originates on the city beach of Simeiz.

Rock Diva on the map:

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Rock Diva

A beautiful ledge next to the city beach of the village of Simeiz. There is an opinion that the rock received this name because from the sea it resembles the profile of a girl with her head thrown back and hair dipped into the water.

Rock Diva 44.400675, 34.000797 A beautiful ledge next to the city beach of the village of Simeiz. There is an opinion that the rock received this name because from the sea it resembles the profile of a girl with her head thrown back and hair dipped into the water. Rock Diva

Each Crimean resort has its own symbol. Near Simeiz, this is the Diva rock, probably the most picturesque rock off the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula. Mount Cat as a symbol also belongs to the Blue Bay, and the Diva Rock is a landmark of Simeiz. Even photographs make a lasting impression; in person she looks even more beautiful.

Rock Diva. Geographical sketch

A little east of the Swan's Wing there is a rock complex, before the 1927 earthquake, represented by three rocks (from north to south) - Panea, Monk and Diva. After a devastating earthquake, the Monk cracked but remained standing, but its stability weakened, and subsequent storms completed its inevitable fall.

In 1931, Monk Rock crumbled. Now there is a pile of stones between the rocks Panea and Diva. Along this stone chaos, the road was blazed by tourists to the slopes of the Diva rock. Climbing up the back of a steep rock is dangerous, so over time a fence appeared here to protect daredevils. Since then, the Diva rock has become a place of pilgrimage for curious vacationers.

The water in the bay, formed by the Diva rock and the city beach, has an unusually beautiful turquoise hue in calm weather. Especially in the evening, when the shadow of the Cat’s head begins to slowly cover the beach. This bay is loved by diving fans.

In a western direction from the Diva rock there is a huge chaos of Simeiz. The largest fragment is the Swan Wing rock, which, like Mount Cat, is constantly stormed by climbers. Huge boulders are piled up around the Swan's Wing, among which it is difficult to even find a path. The edges of some of these debris are incredibly sharp.

This, however, does not prevent savages from resting in such a calm place, far from the benefits of civilization. In addition, almost only juniper grows here, which smells intoxicating in the summer. The Simeiz stone chaos is separated from the passage to the Diva and Panea rocks by the fence of the Yunost sanatorium.

Observation point on the Diva rock

The height of the Diva rock is about fifty meters. Once upon a time, according to legend, there was a guard post here. The assumptions about a fortress on the neighboring rock of Panea look much more confident, which is supported by archaeological finds. By the way, Panea offers the most beautiful view of the Diva rock, even better than the higher Koshka.

To visit Simeiz and not climb to the observation deck on the Diva rock is nonsense. Rock Diva is picturesque from any angle. This becomes clear when you approach it along the already largely polished stones. The ascent is a simple stone staircase, closed on one side by an iron fence. There are 260 steps in total.

This staircase was seen by those who watched the popular Soviet film “Ten Little Indians.” It was along these stairs that the guests who arrived on the island climbed at the very beginning of the film. At the end of the journey, Agatha Christie’s heroes await not the observation deck of the Diva Rock, but… Swallow’s Nest. The observation deck is surrounded on three sides by a fence, which, according to a long-standing Crimean tradition, is tied with scarves along its entire length - as a symbol that the person who tied the scarf will return here again. The top of the Diva rock and its human-accessible slopes are covered with inscriptions.

Diva Rock also attracts risky people to jump from ledges and shelves on the eastern part of the rock.

They say that some jumped into the water from the very top of the Diva rock. The stuntman also did this during the filming of the film “Amphibian Man”. It should be added that in recent years there have been accidents here when people fell off the climb to the Diva rock, or after unsuccessful jumps into the water. Of course, this does not bother tourists at all, who do not give the observation deck a break from morning to evening.

Rock Diva. How to get there

If you arrived in Simeiz at the bus station, then you should go west to the long cypress alley, walk almost to the end and turn left at the “Ezhi” cafe. There are columns in front of the entrance to this part of the park. You need to go in a southerly direction along a well-trodden path, ignoring the turn down and to the left - this is a descent to the village beach. The road will lead to the Panea rock, from which the Diva rock is already clearly visible.

To begin with, it is recommended to climb Panea and look at Diva from above - it is very beautiful. Plus - explore the ruins of ancient fortifications and admire the old dachas on the territory of the Yunost sanatorium. Afterwards you need to go down to a pile of boulders - all that remains of Monk Rock, and, walking carefully along the uneven surface, begin the ascent. It is not complicated and does not take much time. The views from the Diva rock will reward you for all the inconvenience experienced during the climb.

Arriving in Simeiz, do not be lazy to take a walk to the western part of the village and admire the beautiful rocks of Simeiz. After visiting the Diva and Panea rocks, we can advise you to walk along the picturesque road leading to Katsiveli to see the head of Mount Koshki from the front. From here you can go down to the sea through the stone chaos and find a place to enter the water - there is very clean water and a memorable view of the Limen Valley.


Each Crimean village has its own attractions. The calling card of Simeiz is the Diva rock. From the village and from the sea it looks equally beautiful and looks good in photographs. And extreme sportsmen have chosen the rock for dizzying jumps, rock climbing and mountaineering.

Photo of the Diva rock:

Interesting Facts:
The height of the rock is about 70 m. There are stories that desperate daredevils throw themselves into the water from the very top. We don’t know whether this is true, but it is known for certain that during the filming of the film “Amphibian Man” (1961), a stuntman jumped from a cliff into the water. This footage was included in the final version of the film.

There are three options for the origin of the name of the rock. One version speaks of Indo-Aryan roots. Diva or Jiva, root diva - “god, divine”, or jiva - “living, soul”.

How the appearance of the rock has changed over the past hundred years

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the rock complex near the village of Simeiz consisted of three rocks: Panea, Monk and Diva. But the earthquake of 1927 brought a lot of destruction to the Crimean coast. The Monk rock cracked. It took another four years of sea storms for it to finally collapse, forming a stone chaos between the rocks of Diva and Panea.

How to climb the Diva rock

Gradually, tourists trampled a path between the stones to make their way to the top of Diva and admire the sea views. To secure the ascent, the village administration installed suspension bridge and a staircase with railings. There are about 280 steps in total. During the holiday season, quite a lot of vacationers gather at the observation deck. But in fact, an even more picturesque view of the diva opens from the Panea rock. Take a walk around the area and see for yourself!

After the walk, it’s nice to take a swim in the bay between the rocks. The water here is an amazing turquoise hue. There is no organized beach; people swim here as savages. But the slopes of the rock are covered with thickets of juniper, which smells intoxicating on hot afternoons. The beach is also popular among diving fans. Here you can rent equipment and go scuba diving.

Video review:

What awaits lovers of extreme recreation?

If you go for a walk in a western direction from the rock, you will find yourself in the Seiz stone chaos. Huge boulders and a lot of sharp debris are scattered around. You have to make your way carefully. Mount Cat and the Swan's Wing rock are constantly stormed by climbers.

Another adrenaline-pumping activity: cliff jumping in the sea. Dozens of risky people chose the shelves and ledges in the eastern part of Diva. You can jump from a height of three, five, eight meters. Those who climb higher take desperate risks, this is a dangerous occupation, and accidents happen periodically. Even if you are not ready for jumping yet, it is interesting to watch the spectacle from the outside. Adrenaline is off the charts!

How to get to Diva rock

To get to the Diva rock you need to get off at the bus station in the village of Simeiz. Then you will have to walk in a western direction. The path will run along a long cypress alley. Near the “Jerzy” cafeteria, you need to turn towards the coast and, ignoring the descent (this is the path to the village beach), walk in the direction of the Panea rock. Further on the path to Diva will be clearly visible.

Rock Diva on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: 44°24’2″N 34°0’2″E Latitude/Longitude

Hello! My report from the most beautiful corner on the southern coast of Crimea, which impresses with its bright colors and amazing shapes all year round. I will tell you how to climb the Diva rock in Simeiz and show views from a height of 50 meters of the bays, beaches and village. In early April there were few people willing to explore the rock, and the lack of heat made the steep climb easy.

From Simferopol to Simeiz, depending on the chosen route - 100 - 120 km through Alushta or Bakhchisarai. In 2017, a lot of improvement work was done at the resort. The main thing is that the reconstruction of the storm-damaged embankment has been completed.

Simeiz has a beautiful, well-kept park and a large juniper grove.

The only thing that spoils the entire surrounding view are these abandoned concrete boxes that rise along the entire coast.

In March of the same year, the cypress alley (Apallon Alley) was put in order.

Nearby are the villas “Ksenia” and “Dream”. For many years, historical buildings were destroyed and no one cared about them. Since the spring of 2017, these two houses have been restored as part of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Crimea.

Villa “Ksenia” was built at the beginning of the 20th century by the famous Yalta architect N. Krasnov from natural limestone. Villa “Dream” is a two-story mansion with 11 rooms, built of sandstone. The exact date of construction is not known. The owner of the villa was the founder of a society for the improvement of the village of Simeiz.

Villa "Ksenia"

Villa "Dream"

Simeiz is famous for its beautiful views. Mount Cat and the rocks: Panea, Diva, Swan Wing are the hallmarks of the resort. The fifth rock - Monk has not survived to this day.

When choosing Simeiz for your holiday, keep in mind that the village is located in a mountainous area with steep slopes. You will have to walk all the time up and down the winding streets.

The village has several dozen hotels and sanatoriums, the Blue Bay water park, an oyster farm, and an observatory.

How to climb the Diva rock

In order to climb the Diva rock (Dzhiva-Kaya), you need to go through the cypress alley and turn left at the Jerzy cafe. Rock Diva and Mount Koshka are natural monuments of regional significance. The partly paved path goes towards the sea with a slight downward slope. On the left side, through evergreen bushes and trees, magnificent views of the Simeiz water area and the Diva rock open up.

Almost every rock or mountain in Crimea has a legend associated with it. The guides offer to peer into the outlines of the rock and see the very diva who was bewitched by the evil spirit... In general, a muddy story... You can find out the details on the Internet).

The further route caused me complete delight, because... mountains and walking through labyrinths of stones are my passion.

The southern slope of Diva is steep, and extreme sports enthusiasts jump from it. In August 2017, the international cliff diving championship took place on the Diva rock. At a height of 27 meters, a platform was installed from which the best athletes from different countries jumped.

Along the northern gentle slope there is a staircase that was built back in the 20th century; according to various sources, it has 260-270 steps and all of them were polished by the feet of tourists. Be sure to think about comfortable shoes, because in some areas there are no handrails, the fall will be long and painful.

In order to reach the top of Diva, you need to go down from Mount Panea, go through a chaos of stones and along wooden floorings to the stairs on the rock.

This is all that remains of the earthquake-damaged Monk Rock.

At the foot of Diva, the public beach “Frigate” has small pebbles, it is small and is always full in the summer season. The other beach is located further away and a little wider in size. Further from the embankment there is a narrow beach without large stones and the Naryshkinsky stones beach with pebbles and boulders.

The height of the Diva rock is more than 50 m, approximately 17 floors. Metal handrails make it easier to climb steep and narrow stairs. There are small areas for recreation.

In 1987, a scene for the film “Ten Little Indians” was filmed here. Here the poor fellows are climbing the stairs to the Diva rock, although they enter the house (“Swallow’s Nest”) already in Gaspra.

You can climb the rock via stone steps for free throughout the year, and also via a stretched bridge, but only in the summer season. In 2017, a ticket for crossing the suspension bridge cost 300 rubles. one way. At the end of August, the bungee was also working. I think it will be installed again in the 2018 season.

View from Diva of Mount Kosha and Panea rock. In the background is part of the defensive wall of the Genoese fortress.

My favorite mountain in Crimea is . In my opinion, she also looks very much like a cat. How do you think?

In the distance you can see the beach of the Yunost children's sanatorium. Last season, admission was free; previously there was an hourly schedule. The beach is very small, more like a wild one.

The viewpoint on the Diva rock is quite small, if you see 8-10 people there, it’s better not to go up, otherwise you will only disturb each other).

On the right edge are the Ai-Petri teeth.

When you look at all this idyll, your head is spinning, so be careful along the route! A sea of ​​this color can be seen in advertising magazines about distant countries, but Simeiz does not need advertising.

Geographic coordinates of the Diva rock in the village of Simeiz on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.400785, E 34.001045

Vacationers at the resort are offered boat trips, excursions around Simeiz and other Crimean resorts.

Minibus No. 115 runs from Yalta to Simeiz and takes 50 minutes.

On the website you can buy a ticket from Simferopol to Simeiz for 329 rubles (April 2018)

Now you know how to climb the Diva rock and what to see in Simeiz. Even in one day you can see a lot of interesting and unusual things.

Thank you for your attention!