How to travel to China on your own? Master Class. Which regions of China can Russians enter without a visa? Where to start a holiday in China?

You can enjoy your holiday in China, regardless of the season. A country with such a rich history and culture is sure to have something to offer even the most demanding tourist. Holidays in China in 2019 – where is the best place to go?

Before you ask yourself where to go, think carefully about what you want to see.

Hainan Island

A hotel room on Hainan Island will cost from $28 per night per person. A 15-day vacation with flights and accommodation for two will cost about $2,000.

On the island, service is at the highest level, as in all expensive resorts. But it is here that you can experience the highest service and a wonderful vacation, and all for an affordable price.

Zhujiang Nantian Hot Springs

The cost of a ticket to this unique place will cost about 800 rubles. The park area includes 67 thermal water baths, the temperature of which ranges from 40 to 60 degrees. This is where you can improve your health and relax.

Baths with original filling will be a pleasant surprise for any tourist. If you wish, you can soak in a bathtub strewn with rose petals or enjoy relaxation in a pond with the addition of Chinese herbs and coconut milk. On the territory there is a swimming pool with clean water, which is so pleasant to swim in on a hot day.

The most popular place in the park area is worth noting the pool with small fish. When immersing the body in water, you can feel them nibbling microscopic particles of dead skin. As a result, the skin is cleansed, becomes smooth and soft, as if after a trip to a beauty salon.

Tropical paradise

Not far from Sanya, in the Yalongwan resort area in Hainan province on 15 sq. km. There is a unique tropical park. It was designed to meet the technical requirements of National Forest Parks in China.

Here you can not only relax and breathe in plenty of fresh, clean air. This is an excellent place for climbers and lovers of green tourism.

In the park you can find semi-deciduous and evergreen forests, including at least 100 species of trees and twice as many plants. The unique world of fauna amazes with its diversity. The dense jungle opens up to the traveler in all its glory, showing the full power of wild nature.

If you wish, here you can ride ostriches, visit the suspension bridge, and ride a cable car. For ease of movement, tourists are offered eco-mobiles, which allow them to comfortably spend time traveling through the park.

Village of Li and Miao ethnic groups

A place that is especially popular among tourists. There is a huge historical complex on the territory where you can visit temples, a theater, museums, restaurants with excellent cuisine and well-kept huts.

Those who are not indifferent to quality alcoholic drinks have the opportunity to buy original vodka.

If you wish, you can ask the ticket office for a map of the village, this will make it easier to move around and not miss a single attraction.

An interesting theatrical show allows you to better understand the traditions and rituals of nationalities. An ideal production from which you will not get tired or bored.

An excursion to the village will cost about 220 yuan.


Shopping enthusiasts have a unique opportunity to purchase high-quality, authentic goods. All kinds of shopping centers, supermarkets, shops, private shops and markets are available to shopaholics.

It is appropriate to bargain at the market and in individual retail stores, thanks to which the discount can reach 50%. If you purchase more than one item, it is also worth asking for a discount.

To enjoy exotic fruits, it is worth visiting the Hong Gan Fruit Market.

Those who don't mind eating delicious fish can visit the Lao Yong Gai fish market. It is better to make a purchase in the morning, when fishing boats are just unloading. Here tourists can not only buy fish and seafood, but also try them in restaurants and eateries. At the same time, even the most budget traveler can enjoy this pleasure.

What to bring from your trip?

  • Considering the large deposits of crystal, it is simply necessary to purchase goods made from it in Hainan. If you wish, you can visit the Crystal Museum, where you have a unique opportunity to buy not only crystal objects, but also items made of jade and precious stones.
  • It is unforgivable to visit China and not buy silk. In Hainan, you can buy luxurious, top-quality silk products from bed linens to household items. To check the quality of the fabric, one of the threads of the fabric is set on fire. At the same time, it burns without a trace, emitting the smell of burnt hair. A conscientious manufacturer has nothing to hide and will gladly not refuse such a trifle.
  • Pearl products. “Mother-of-pearl Hainan diamond” is what the locals call pearls. Hainan is the leading Chinese exporter of top quality pearls. It is better to make a purchase in a specialized store.
  • Lovers of a strong aromatic drink can purchase tea of ​​various varieties. Thanks to the excellent climate, specialists grow tea of ​​the highest quality. It is worth making a purchase in numerous tea houses. Here a tourist can attend a tea ceremony, taste different types of aromatic tea, buy a beautiful tea set or souvenirs.


If you are an avid shopaholic, you urgently need to go to Shanghai. In it, mirrored skyscrapers intertwine with cozy streets. The rhythm of life in this city is vibrant with extraordinary force.

Mount Sheshan

Anyone who loves to contemplate the wonderful nature and fabulous landscapes should visit Sheshan Mountain, which attracts travelers from all over the globe. This place attracts travelers from all over the globe with its wonderful mountains, thickets of bamboo forests and original structures at the peak of the mountain. There are many attractions and temples located in the forested area. At the peak, you can visit the Bird Garden, Xiaokunshan Park and Oriental Park. For a comfortable stay of tourists in the forest, you can have a great rest in comfortable hotels.

Every year the government organizes interesting events at the top of the mountain. One of the most interesting is the sand figure festival, which takes place from September until the end of October.

What should I bring?

When planning to visit the mountains, sophisticated tourists recommend purchasing blue tea, lovely orchid or bamboo sprouts.

This is a place for those who want to take a break from the bustle of a huge metropolis, reunite with nature and restore mental strength.

There is no cost to enter the parks.

Car Museum

On the territory of more than 1 hectare there is a car park, which will appeal to everyone who is not indifferent to the automotive theme.

Rare retro cars are located in five halls, each of which is dedicated to a different theme. There are 22 brands in total, represented by 80 cars. In the museum you can follow the path of cars from the origins to the latest ultra-modern cars. For convenience, you can travel on a comfortable transfer. Those who are interested in the topic of car production can familiarize themselves with the process of creating cars and their videos, which are projected on the wall of the hall.

Longhua Pagoda

A tourist traveling around Shanghai should visit the Longhua Pagoda, which is considered one of the most beautiful religious buildings. This mysterious place was built two thousand years ago and due to its antiquity, entering its territory is strictly prohibited. It is separated from the park by a special path.

The pagoda is regularly restored, so it does not lose its wonderful appearance.

The basis of the pagoda is stone and wood. A 40-meter structure with a high spire of seven floors, each of which is luxuriously decorated with animal figurines. The design of the pagoda according to the Chinese concept does not allow evil spirits to descend to earth.

After visiting the temple complex, you can enjoy the scenery of the peach garden. The garden is especially pleasing to the eye in spring, when the flowers bloom.

If you wish, after your walk you can have a snack at a vegetarian restaurant. The price category of a ticket to the temple territory is just over 10 yuan.


In Shanghai, shopaholics have the opportunity to visit ultra-modern shopping centers, brand boutiques, shopping towns and cozy shops.

  • Those who love antiques can visit numerous antique shops, where Chinese porcelain figurines at reasonable prices are considered the most popular. One of the popular markets is Xizang Nan Road, where it is convenient to buy both original items and high-quality fakes. Here you can buy jade, bronze, porcelain figurines.
  • Lovers of pearls and jewelry made from semi-precious stones will be happy to visit the Fu Eu shopping center, where you can purchase goods in bulk and at excellent prices.
  • The shopping center in Shanghai is Nanjing Street, which every tourist must visit. There are more than 600 stores selling goods from world brands. But the price category of the goods is relatively high.
  • Those who plan to purchase clothes from world brands at reasonable prices should visit the three-story Sunshine shopping center.
  • You can buy exotic animals at the pet market (Tibetskaya St.), where the abundance of birds, fish and animals is surprising in its quantity.


It is also worth visiting Beijing, the famous capital of China. Here is the largest square in the world - Tian An Men. You can't ignore the Great Wall of China. It takes a long time to get there, but no one has regretted it yet. And, of course, don’t forget to try the well-known Peking duck.

The summer season is just the time to visit the beaches. The air temperature varies around 40°C, but the humid wind makes the holiday more comfortable.

A two-week vacation in Beijing for 2 people will cost about $1,000, in Shanghai about $1,100.


Lovers of fresh air and breathtaking beauty will certainly enjoy the city of Huangshan, where you can visit the mountain of the same name. Only here you can enjoy the magnificent landscapes, including 72 peaks.

One of the most popular places in the mountains among tourists are the hot springs, which local residents have been using for 1000 years. Stable temperature allows you to both take a bath and drink from the source. Water will improve the health of those who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract and nervous system.

Rare species of birds and animals living in the mountain range, as well as an abundance of natural resources, provide an opportunity to enjoy an excellent vacation and restore not only physical, but also spiritual strength.

Happy Valley of Beijing

The price range of the entrance ticket ranges from 260 yuan per person. Happiness Park is located on an area of ​​350,000 sq. km. A distinctive feature of the park is its division into zones. There are 9 of them in total. You can have a great time in the Spanish Zone, City of Gold, Adventure Mountain, Sunny Beach, Cartoon City, Shengri-La Forest, Happiness Train and Water Park. Thanks to qualified specialists, here you can enjoy your holiday on modern attractions.


One of the features of shopping in Beijing is bargaining. This is not only a fun activity, but also an integral part of it. You should start bidding with the lowest price, gradually increasing it, reaching the desired compromise with the seller. A good mood and a smile will allow you to achieve maximum results.

By visiting Wangfujin Street, where many different supermarkets and shopping centers are concentrated, you can buy whatever your heart desires at the best prices.

On major public holidays, most stores in Beijing announce sales. Basically, it is October 1, Chinese New Year (May 1). You can also count on seasonal discounts that can reach 90%.

Sometimes sellers indicate a double price on the price tag, separated by a line. The upper amount is the true price of the product, the second figure indicates the amount of the discount on another product. That is, the next time you buy an item in this store, you will receive the discount indicated on the price tag earlier in the bottom line.

What to buy?

In Beijing, medicinal mixtures, tinctures and various potions, for which Chinese specialists are famous, are especially popular. Tourists should pay attention to ginseng, antlers, and gelatin, which is extracted from donkey skin. Thanks to ginseng, according to Chinese belief, vital energy is maintained. Antlers help cleanse the blood, strengthen bones and improve visual acuity. Those who plan to strengthen their immunity should purchase gelatin.


Lovers of high-quality silk fabrics should take a look at Xiushuijie Street, where the best fabric manufacturers are located. You can also visit the silk market.

Most likely, one vacation is not enough to appreciate all the sights of China. Having been here once, you will definitely want to return. At a minimum, visit places that have already been visited and, at a maximum, look at something new and unusual.

4 “don’ts” in China

  1. In China you cannot pay in euros or dollars. Only Chinese currency is acceptable. If you break the laws, you may be subject to criminal liability. By offering a merchant to pay in European currency, he has the right to call the police.
  2. Criticism of the Chinese government and Communist Party is considered an insult. Such a person will be immediately deported from the country. The government does not take into account the tourist’s ignorance and takes advantage of it.
  3. Given the chronic failure to comply with traffic rules, it is important for tourists to be extremely careful on the roads. Therefore, you cannot be careless, relying only on the rules.
  4. You cannot stick chopsticks into the rice, as this is a funeral tradition of the people. When visiting the Chinese, this act is regarded as wishing death to the owner.

What to take with you?

  • It is worth noting the fact that in many Chinese establishments, cutlery familiar to Europeans may not be available. A budget tourist who did not take care of their availability will have to eat with Chinese chopsticks. If this option does not suit you, it is better to take a fork, spoon and knife with you. Before the flight, these items must be transferred to your luggage, since if your handbag is checked, getting on board the plane can be problematic.
  • Medicines. In particular, this applies to drugs that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Some Chinese dishes that are not familiar to Europeans can create problems. It is also important to take anti-allergy medications.
  • A phrase book or a special application on a smartphone that allows a tourist to move freely will be extremely useful when traveling. In the second case, you should give preference to a program that is not interconnected with the network, since you will have to pay a lot of money for it.

Chinese cuisine

Peking duck

One of the most popular dishes in China is Peking duck. Most people imagine a fragrant, crispy-skinned bird. In fact, after a long marinating process, the duck is baked and cut into thin pieces. In addition to meat, the dish is served with rice cakes, green onions, several sauces and cucumber slices. He eats the dish with his hands. Take a rice cake, put a slice of meat, onion and cucumber into it. Thus, you get a mini-shawarma. In a decent establishment, this procedure can be performed by a waiter. However, it is not customary to give any tips.

Fruits in caramel

This dessert is the national dish of the country. If you buy a sweet on the street, it will be significantly different from its restaurant counterpart.

You can buy tangerines and apples from vendors on the street. In the restaurant there are pieces of melon and pineapple.

Hubei hot dry noodles

One of the gastronomic calling cards of China, not inferior to Peking duck, is dry Hubei noodles. The dish consists of long pasta, reminiscent of spaghetti. The noodles are based on sesame paste, various spices, and soy sauce. Sometimes herbs and vegetables are added to dishes. A tourist who prefers to try original Chinese dishes should pay attention to dry hot noodles, which have a great taste and a golden hue.

A little about security

China is considered a safe country if you follow the necessary rules. For example, for a crime committed (murder or rape), the death penalty is provided here.

You should not enter into conflicts with the local population, as tougher penalties apply to tourists.

It is worth understanding that theft in the country is punishable by a long sentence or even the death penalty. People can only be robbed in cheap hotels or secluded and lively areas.

In case of illness, a traveler can go to a clinic, where tourists are often served in English. You can pay for services in cash or purchase a coupon that allows you to consult with a doctor. It is worth noting the fact that guests of the country must carefully monitor the sterility of instruments. Otherwise, instead of resting, you can get hepatitis.

It is always interesting to discover unknown places, because there is nothing more attractive than new countries. In the hustle and bustle of modern everyday life, we sometimes do not have time to prepare well for a vacation, especially if this vacation should be active. Having chosen to travel to China, you need to devote a minimum of preparation. So, what you need to know to travel to China.

  • Visa application
  • Currency
  • Transport and movement
  • Where to stay?

Visa application

To open a visa, the most convenient way is to contact an agency providing these services. Professionals will not take up a minute of your precious time, all worries fall on their shoulders, you only need to provide your passport. But this service will cost you a pretty penny. Don’t be upset in advance, because you have the opportunity to do everything yourself. By contacting the Chinese Embassy and collecting all the necessary documents, you can easily get the long-awaited visa to travel to China.


To feel comfortable on a trip, it is, of course, better to prepare in advance. It is advisable to prepare the currency while in your country. Once you buy dollars, you can then exchange them in China for yuan. But you also need to be careful with this, because it’s hard to find exchangers in cities, banks are open until 5, and when exchanging you may be asked for a passport.

It is best to worry about this at the airport, where you can easily find a lot of exchangers with any conditions. Don’t be lazy to walk around and find an exchange office with a good exchange rate, because sometimes the conditions there are better than in the city. It is best to change all the currency at once so as not to waste time searching in the city; this will be very useful information for traveling on your own.

Transport and movement

Electric buses

Within the country, getting from one point of the city to another is not particularly difficult, just like from one end of the country to the other. Almost all settlements have airports, although getting there by plane is quite expensive, but it is very convenient and fast. Perhaps the most popular form of transport is the bus. There are a lot of offers, both on routes and types of buses. When traveling to this country, everyone is faced with the problem of choosing transport. So, to go to China, you can choose absolutely any type of transport, it can be a train, a plane, or a bus. But for the most economical people, hitchhiking is offered. It all depends on your capabilities. It's no secret that air travel is the fastest, but also the most expensive. There are both direct flights and with transfers, depending on where you will be getting from.

Sleeping buses are very attractive, where instead of seats there are sleeping berths. If, nevertheless, you are a fan of trains, then you are very lucky, since, compared to other types of transport, train tickets will cost an order of magnitude cheaper. This will make up for all the inconveniences on these trips, because sometimes getting a train ticket is quite problematic.

Where to stay?

Due to the huge choice of accommodation, it is sometimes difficult to answer the question: How much does it cost to travel to China? Great competition allows you to find a wide variety of options, from the cheapest to the most expensive. Based on this, you have the opportunity to choose housing based on your financial capabilities. Hostels of any level are quite popular; you can share a neat room with several more people.

How to organize an independent trip to China in 2019! Visa, tickets, hotels, food, transport, security. How much does it cost to travel to China? Cost calculation, tips and observations.

The material was prepared based on the personal experience of the author of the text’s independent travel to China: three months of living in Shenzhen, as well as trips to Hong Kong and Guangzhou.

China is huge and very diverse, so it is impossible to clearly say where prices and conditions are. I will start from Shenzhen - the center of all electronics, a young and rapidly growing city in the very south of China, which borders on Hong Kong. I will tell you what a tourist can find useful when planning an independent trip to China in 2019, and I will also give my own observations about the country and tips for travelers.

How to get a visa to China yourself

A visa to China is required for Russians, except in rare cases. A regular single entry costs 1,500 rubles, a double entry costs 3,000, and a multiple entry costs 4,500 rubles. Plus a bank commission of 2.5% per person is charged.

Urgent single entry - 2400, urgent double entry - 3900, urgent multiple entry - 5400. There is also an express review, which costs more.

Airport in Beijing (Photo © Enzojz /

How much do hotels cost in China in 2019?

When going to China on your own, you will have to decide where to live. Some choose the usual hotels, while others rent an apartment or room.

Hotels. Double rooms in hotels in the center of Beijing cost from $30 in the summer, and from $13 in the low season. In Shenzhen off-season - from $22. We recommend looking for hotels on Roomguru.

It is better to stay in chain hotels, as they care about their reputation. A night in such a hotel costs from $30-40 for a double room. Chain hotels in Shenzhen: Greentree Inn, Sheraton, Novotel, etc.


  • Look for a hotel with good soundproofing - the Chinese are noisy.
  • Photos of hotels do not always correspond to reality.
  • Sometimes a room may be clean and comfortable, but have foreign odors, such as dampness. Or the windows look out onto the courtyard, where there is a landfill or a Chinese street cafe (which produces odors no better).

Rent. If you want personal comfortable housing, look for a room, apartment or house on Airbnb. The choice of housing is huge. Renting an apartment in Beijing costs approximately $30-50 per day, in Shenzhen - from $27. You can rent an apartment on Airbnb for $600-$1,500 for a month (rooms cost $500-$900). The price depends on the city, area and condition of the house. For example, in Shenzhen, near the beach in a resort area, an excellent apartment was rented for $600. There are discounts for long-term rentals.

Entrance to Shenzhen Novotel Watergate (Photo © / Shenzhen Novotel Watergate)

Food and cuisine of China

Another challenge you will face when traveling to China on your own in 2019 is food. It is very specific here, so going to a cafe can cause problems, especially if you don’t know the language. But here McDonald's and KFC come to the rescue. There are also many well-known European chains where you can order food from pictures. However, their prices are much higher - for example, a side dish with meat costs from $6. Sometimes tea is included in the price. At McDonald's, a Big Mac (potatoes, cola, double cheeseburger) will cost about $5.

In general, you can eat in a cafe for $5 or more; in restaurants, a simple dish costs from $10.

Where you can eat inexpensively and deliciously in China:

  • Cafe for locals. You can eat a hearty meal there for $1.50, but no one guarantees the quality of the products and compliance with sanitary standards. The downside is that it is difficult to order dishes, since often there are no pictures or there are few of them, and if there are, it is not clear what it is.
  • "Muslim women"- these are local cafes run by Chinese Muslims. The food there is prepared in compliance with all standards and is really very tasty. I really love their noodles and recommend you try them. They cook it in front of you, and it’s interesting to watch this process. Cost from $1.5 for a huge portion.
  • Supermarket. A kilo of bananas costs $1-2, apples $2-3, tangerines $1-2. I do not recommend buying sausages. This is not at all what we expect: Chinese sausages are made from soy with a bunch of spices and additives. They taste sweet and have a specific smell, but for the sake of curiosity you can try them once.

(Photo © Jo@net / / Licensed CC BY 2.0)

Internet and cellular communications in China

All SIM cards are sold only with a passport in specialized places. The cost of mobile communications is quite high - from $20 per month, plus the same amount is charged for purchasing a card and choosing a tariff plan. To purchase a normal tariff and understand everything, you need to know Chinese. If you need internet in China, it's easier to use Wi-Fi while traveling - in big cities it can be found everywhere.

There is another problem that many people face - blocking all Google services, YouTube, Instagram. To access them you need to install a special VPN program.

China Mobile is the largest mobile operator in the world (Photo © Open Grid Scheduler Grid Engine /

Transport in China

Transport in China is excellent. The infrastructure is very developed. Planes, ferries, trains (including high-speed), buses, subways and taxis. You can get to any point without any problems. Travel on buses - from $0.3, in the metro - from $0.5.

If you are going to China for a month, buy a travel pass. The plastic card can be topped up and used in the metro and buses, and then returned and received money back. Cost $4. This is very convenient: you don’t need to find out the cost of tickets, buy tokens, or stand in lines. Accordingly, the problem of language disappears. For trips within one city, $10-30 per month is enough.

A very common type of transportation is electric mopeds. Essentially this is a taxi, only less comfortable, more extreme and cheaper - from $2. The main advantage is the absence of traffic jams, since mopeds go wherever they want. The only negative is the language. You need to agree on the price and destination.

(Photo © Lαin / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

ATMs and cards

Be prepared that many stores may not accept your Visa or MasterCard card, since in China there is another payment system - UnianPay. This card can be issued at any bank for free. If you need to withdraw money from yours, there are many ATMs for this.

Chinese mentality

Don't be surprised if in China you feel like a monkey that everyone wants to take a photo with. For a Chinese, having a photo with a European is an indicator of coolness and status, so you will always be the center of attention. They will always turn around at you and, without hesitation, look straight at you. In addition to increased interest, the Chinese will try to make money on the “white man”. For them, we are walking money, so bargain in all stores. For example, we once reduced the price of a shirt from $35 to $5.

We can talk for a long time about the culture and upbringing of the majority of Chinese. Giving way to a girl, letting her go ahead, letting people exit a vehicle, throwing garbage in the trash bin - this is not about them. They also have no sense of tact. Don’t be surprised if at the first meeting you are asked about your personal life, salary and health. The Chinese themselves are very cunning and enterprising, but at the same time good-natured.

Useful words in Chinese for a traveler:

Security in China

Do you know where the tradition of wearing a backpack on the front came from? From China. Petty theft is very common there. In big cities you can find a policeman everywhere who will gladly help in any situation. Also, there are cameras on all buses, subways, shopping centers, and even just on the street, so in big cities there is nothing to be afraid of when walking along the streets in the evening. From personal experience: I walked with photographic equipment, and not once did anyone try to pester me.

Also in China there is an unspoken rule that animals, children and laovayam(for foreigners) anything is possible.

(Photo © Today is a good day / / License CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

How much does an independent trip to China from Russia cost?

Let's calculate how much a trip to China costs for two for 10 days when departing from Moscow:

  • Single entry visa - $52.
  • Flights from Moscow to Beijing and back - from $586. Find a ticket >>
  • Hotel in the center of Beijing in low season - $130. Find a hotel >>
  • Meals in eateries for locals - $120.
  • Insurance - $23.
  • Transport and attractions - approximately $200.

So, how much does it cost to travel to China on your own? The minimum cost of the trip, if you are ready to save, is approximately 1111$ for two for 10 days.

If you are used to living comfortably, then the trip will cost approximately 1711$ for two (accommodation in a 3* hotel - $250 and meals in cafes and restaurants - $600). We spent $1,500 a month for two of us.

Fragment of a 100 yuan bill (Photo © super.heavy /

Check out our helpful tips for traveling to China on your own in 2019:

  • Before you travel, watch how the Chinese count on their fingers. The match with our score is only up to 4, then everything is different.
  • Be sure to download a translator to your phone.
  • Take the necessary medications, as you are unlikely to find anything familiar in Chinese pharmacies. You are more likely to encounter dried toad than activated charcoal.
  • Download the Baidu program and maps of the cities where you plan to live on your phone. This program will help you choose the route, time and type of transport, and determine the best route option. You won't get lost with her. I highly recommend it!

I hope you have a general idea of ​​prices and conditions. And the problem of language, as you see, is not so terrible. Travel, because there are so many interesting things in the world!

(Photo © monkeylikemind / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Introductory image source: © mandylovefly / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

1) Bargaining in markets and with taxi drivers naturally comes from your fingers. The main thing to know is that the Chinese show numbers differently than Europeans - they show numbers from 1 to 9 on the fingers of one hand, not two.

2) At bus and railway stations, often no one speaks English. It is better to write in advance on a piece of paper the name of the final destination and the desired time period of departure; this is done with the help of an online translator or dictionary. Just stand in line at the cashier and hand over a piece of paper. The exact time and price will be shown to you on the computer screen or written on a piece of paper. Of course, they will be on the ticket - everything is in Chinese:
In this case, March 7, 14 at 15-40, seat 3, bus number K0935, price 17 yuan, goes to Mengla city

The most important words:
Today – 今天
Tomorrow – 明天
day – 天 (order execution time is 1 day) or 日 (day of the month)
month – 月
year – 年
morning – 上午
noon – 中午
evening – 黄昏
and cities: Guazhou (广州), Shenzhen (深圳), Hong Kong (香港), Guilin (桂林), Kunming (昆明), Beijing (北京), Shanghai (上海)

3) In China there is censorship on the Internet, to the point that messages on social networks are manually moderated!
Facebook and You tube are prohibited and inaccessible, RenRen is used instead of the first, Youku is used instead of the second. For instant messages they use the network and WeChat. Google may be available, but Baidu is much more popular. VKontakte works without problems.

4) Almost all public toilets will not have a traditional toilet. Instead, there will be a floor-standing toilet, familiar to many from our school toilets. You should also carry toilet paper with you. But tourist toilets have a star rating, like hotels.

By the way, you should also carry a supply of napkins with you. Cafes and restaurants do not have them or sell them for a fee.

5) 4 - purely unlucky, it comes to the point that sometimes houses do not have a 4th floor.
8 is a lucky number. Phone numbers of large companies often end in eight.
The main Chinese color is red.

6) Chinese is the name of a large group of languages, often mutually incomprehensible. Each city may have its own dialect. The government is trying to lead a campaign to popularize a common language - Putonghua or Mandarin. In Hong Kong, Macau, Canton (Guangzhou) and overseas diasporas, the vast majority of the population speaks Cantonese. One good thing is that all dialects use the same hieroglyphs, which, by the way, are partially used in the Japanese language. So the spelling of words is the same. If true, there are difficulties with having two writing systems: traditional Chinese characters and simplified Chinese characters. If you do not plan to read ancient texts, the latter will be enough for everyday needs.

This all works until you get into areas with Tibetan, Mongolian, Thai-Lao, Burmese or Arabic languages. On top of that, in some villages many people cannot read.

7) The most useful phone application is Waygo, which can translate inscriptions on the fly, without the Internet, using a camera.

Google maps help you not get lost, and the navigation mode can give you the best route for ground transport and tell you which bus to go where, although you need the Internet.

A SIM card can be purchased using your passport. Mobile Internet is very expensive: 300 MB for 96 yuan per month.

Hotels can be booked on Booking, but local players give better prices, it’s worth comparing on RoomGuru

8) A couple of years ago, there were a lot of counterfeit 100 yuan bills circulating in southern China. Until now, such banknotes are carefully checked in any store. Fraudsters may try to replace your real bill and return you a counterfeit one; they say the best defense against this is to wrinkle the corner or fold it so that the crooks do not have the opportunity to repeat the same thing with a counterfeit quickly.

For the same reason, when paying in a taxi, transport cards are handed over in a case - there is no possibility of quickly replacing them with another card with a zero balance.

9) Speaking of transport. Entry to buses is through the front door. Payment at the entrance either by transport card or in cash without depositing in a special box. The fare can be fixed or stepped. For example 1 or 2 yuan in Kunming depending on the type of bus. The exact cost can be seen on the money box, although in Chinese: 一元 (one yuan) or 二元 (two yuan). While in Hong Kong you need to check the fare from stop to stop in advance at the stop, or if you are using a transport card, do not forget to lean it again at the exit, otherwise the maximum fare will be deducted.

Transport cards can also often be used to pay in stores and to enter museums and parks (for example, 7-11 and McDonald's in Hong Kong)

10) Washing things in hotels is very expensive. Street laundries are not easy to find, but dry cleaners can sometimes be found. For urgent orders there is usually a double surcharge. You can also stay in an apartment - there is almost always a washing machine there, and you can buy powder at the nearest store.

We encourage experienced sinologists to add to the story in the comments. Indicate your experience of traveling or living in the country.

To visit China, Russians need to obtain a visa in advance. This takes a lot of time and effort, and not all our cities have visa centers. Over the past decade, China and Russia have done a lot of joint work to simplify the visa regime for tourists crossing customs borders. Governments have officially designated a number of territories with visa-free and simplified visa regimes.

Allows a tourist to cross the state border with only a passport and tickets for the return flight. Sometimes it is necessary to have enough money for the entire period of stay in the country and confirmation of a hotel reservation.

How to get to China without a visa.

The PRC has five zones with visa-free entry:

  • Hong Kong has been available to Russians for up to 14 days since July 1, 2009. If you need to spend more days, you will have to apply for a visa at the consular department of the People's Republic of China.
  • From September 30, 2012, it became possible to visit the special administrative region of Macau without a visa for 30 days.
  • It is possible to relax and receive medical treatment on Hainan Island without a visa for 21 days during a group trip through a travel agency (from two people - for Russians). In this case, tourists are prohibited from leaving the island; they are required to stay with the group in a hotel booked by a travel agency.
  • Since December 2013, Russians can freely come to the city of Suifenhe (Heilongjiang Province) without a visa and vacation there for up to 15 days.
  • Since 2004, the city of Heihe, located a kilometer from Blagoveshchensk (across the Amur River), has been accessible to Russian tourists who only have an international passport valid for up to 30 days.

Traveling outside of these regions is prohibited. But if necessary, it is possible to obtain a visa from the Chinese migration service.

Regions with simplified entry regime

A simplified visa regime is a case when obtaining a visa to visit a country is mandatory, but it is possible to obtain it at the border or at the airport of arrival.

Just as with the visa-free regime, a foreign passport and return tickets are required here.

  • On October 21, 2013, a center for issuing visas for 30 days was opened at the Hailar airport. Conditions for obtaining a visa within 10 minutes:
    • Arrival from Chita;
    • Pre-prepared documents.

    Only single-entry visas are issued in Hailar.

  • Applying for a visa upon arrival in Hainan.
    If a tourist arriving on the island plans to visit other cities of the country, you need to immediately apply for a single-entry Chinese visa at Phoenix Airport (Sanya):
    • Duration - 15 days (14 nights);
    • The flight must be direct.
  • Since March 17, 2015, Russians have been able to obtain an entry visa to the PRC for 30 days immediately after arriving at Xijiao Airport in the border city of Manchuria.

Transit through China

There are two types of visa-free transit with the right to leave the airport:

  • For 24 hours - provided that it is an international airport in China (with the exception of Yanji) and tickets to a third country are available;
  • For 72 hours - if these are international airports of the cities listed below:
    • You need to have air tickets to a third country;
    • The tourist is only in the city of arrival - and he has the opportunity to rent a hotel room and see the sights;
    • The time is counted from the moment the visa concession is issued - from midnight of the day following the day of arrival (that is, the day of arrival is not taken into account);
    • Departure is only from the arrival airport;
    • During the first 24 hours, you need to obtain registration at the police station.

Airports with 72-hour transit

  • The first city in China to introduce a visa-free regime for foreign tourists was Beijing (since January 1, 2013).
  • From January 1, 2013, a transit visa is available to passengers arriving at Pudong and Hongqiao airports in Shanghai.
  • Guangzhou (since August 1, 2013).
  • In September 2013, the city of Chengdu was added.
  • Visa-free transit through Chongqing was introduced in November 2013.
  • On January 1, 2014, a transit regime was introduced for Russians in the cities of Shenyang and Dalian, Liaoning Province.
  • In the summer of 2014, the city of Xi'an appeared on the list of cities for visa-free transit flights.
  • Since July 28, 2014, tourists have been able to visit the city of Guilin, located in southern China, without a visa.
  • Since March 2015, Russians have been coming without a visa to the capital of Hubei province, Wuhan, according to the Xinhua news agency.
  • From April 1, 2015, the city of Kunming and the popular resort of Xiamen, from the southern province of Fujian, joined the list of Chinese cities accessible to tourists from Russia without visas.
  • From August 1, 2015, Russians had the opportunity to visit the city of Harbin, located near the border with our country.

Entry from border regions

Russians living in the Primorsky, Khabarovsk, Trans-Baikal Territories, Chita, Irkutsk and Amur regions are given the right to regularly visit China for a period of 15 to 180 days without the need to obtain a visa at the consulates of this country - they will receive it during the border crossing at the checkpoint upon presentation of a document with registration, passports and invitations.

Crossing the Blagoveshchensk-Heihe-Blagoveshchensk border (across the Amur River):

  • May – October: transportation on ships for 200 people once an hour;
  • January – March (depending on the thickness and strength of the ice on the river): transportation by buses over a pontoon bridge;
  • Off-season (April, November and December): transportation every 20 minutes by hovercraft (Puma).

The distance between the cities is about one kilometer, the journey takes approximately 15 minutes.

Customs crossing in Blagoveshchensk is paid, through one of the halls: general (long queue, especially on weekends and pre-holidays), reversible (increased comfort, the queue is much smaller), VIP. (transition there and back without a queue, in winter there is a special minibus).

On the Chinese side, they pay a fee for entering Heihe and fill out a coupon; at the passport control point they take half of the coupon. The other half of the coupon, like the return ticket, is kept for the duration of the entire trip!

Are there plans to completely abolish visas for tourists?

The government of the People's Republic of China is committed to introducing a visa-free regime throughout the country to increase tourist flows and develop cultural and trade ties. The head of the Department of European and Asian Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Gui Tsunyu, spoke about this on November 10, 2015, according to the Interfax agency.

In conclusion, here is a summary table with information about Chinese cities with visa-free and simplified visa regimes:

Cities and provinces of the PRCWithout a visaVisa on arrivalYear of introduction
Heiheup to 30 daysfrom 15 days2004
Hong Kongup to 14 days 2009
Hainanup to 21 days

(group trip)

up to 14 days2010
Macauup to 30 days 2012
Beijingtransit 72 hours