Sri Lanka best beaches in winter. A brief overview of the beach resorts of Sri Lanka

The beach got its name from the nearby resort town of the same name. This place fascinates with its romance, which is why newlyweds especially love it.

There are two parts. The northern one (aka Paradise) separates the Bentota Lagoon from the Indian Ocean. South will delight tourists with hotels and water activities.

Those interested can rent a banana and a catamaran, a scooter and water skis. Services also include surfing and boat trips. You don’t have to worry about safety: the entertainment takes place not in the ocean, but in the calm waters of the lagoon. Another local pride is the Confifi Marina diving club.

The place for diving into the water was chosen ideally: a short distance from the shore, no strong current and good visibility. Getting here is easy. Colombo, the unofficial capital of Sri Lanka, is 65 kilometers away.

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The beach is located near the small fishing village of Unawatuna, near the provincial town of Galle. You won’t find sophisticated resort entertainment or luxury hotel complexes here: tourists mostly stay in small guesthouses. However, this stretch of coastline is an ideal place for those who are tired of the crowds of people along the coastline.

Pure golden sand and clear azure water - this is how Unawatuna can be described in a few words. There is no safer place for swimming on the entire island: the double coral reef serves as a reliable barrier from large waves.

The right one is suitable for those who just want to relax in peace and quiet. There is a sandier shore and a gentle entrance to the water. Cafes and restaurants located along the coast provide umbrellas and sunbeds for rent. On the beach you can enjoy lush exotic vegetation, and palm trees grow right on the shore.


A beach in the south of Sri Lanka, 25 kilometers from Matara, the nearest large city. It is famous for its picturesqueness, but it cannot be called wild. There are several villages nearby where you can rent a private house or stay in a hotel. There are sun loungers on the shore; you can take refuge from the heat in small cafes and restaurants. For lovers of active nightlife there are discos.

The beach is completely sandy, there are very few pebbles and shells, so you can safely walk barefoot without fear of hurting your feet. The entrance to the water is quite shallow: the depth begins only at a distance of 20-30 meters from the shore. The waves are big, but closer to the coastline they lose their strength. The main local attraction is a high rock with an observation deck from where you can see the beautiful surroundings.


It's no secret that more than half of the beaches in Sri Lanka are considered among the best in the world. And there are explanations for this. First of all, they are clean. Secondly, they are completely covered with sand, which is a pleasure to step on with bare feet. And thirdly, all beaches are the creation of nature itself, not man. Therefore, they are unique and there are no such beaches anywhere else. But such wonderful beaches also have their downside, and this downside is the waves, and sometimes very large ones. Therefore, tourists who are going here on vacation will first find out where the beaches without waves are in Sri Lanka. We have collected information that will help you choose the best beach in Sri Lanka for families with children at any time of the year. You can relax here in January, February, March and any other month of the year. And so, let's watch.

Beach – Unawatuna

Back in 2004, the famous Discovery TV channel called this beach the best in the world. Years have passed, but the beach is still good and welcomes tourists. There are no big waves here, it is almost always smooth.

The beach itself has a semicircular shape, which decorates it and makes it special. This small lagoon is known for its shallow depth. The greatest depth is no more than 6 meters, and even then you still have to swim to it. Therefore, tourists with children prefer to come here.
The beach is sandy, there are no stones or shells on it. It is completely safe for absolutely everyone. Elephants are not allowed here and you don’t have to be afraid that when you open your eyes you will see a herd of elephants in front of you.

Diving enthusiasts gather on the beach. They dive underwater and admire the underwater world. Fish, corals. Plants and sunken ships. It's rare to see something like this in one place.

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Nilaveli is the best beach according to travel agencies.
If a travel agency tells you that Nilaveli Beach is the best on the entire coast of Sri Lanka, then believe them. It is so indeed. Ask any tourist who has been to the country, and he will say that this is the best place to relax.

The beach has white sand, and the sea water is the cleanest in the area. Many fish swim here, who, just like people, want to enjoy the cleanliness and beauty of the place. There are a lot of tourists on the beach. Although it is located at a distance from the resort of Colombo. But tourists rush here from early morning to take a seat and enjoy their vacation.

Fans of scuba diving also do not bypass the beach. They have their favorite place here. Where they gather and dive underwater together to once again enjoy the beautiful views of the underwater life of the ocean.

Negombo is a beach with cheap seafood.
This beach not only has no waves, but is also famous for its cheap seafood.
It is from here that boats and fishing ships depart to catch squid, fish, oysters and other ocean inhabitants. So local cafes and restaurants always have fresh and inexpensive seafood food.

Negombo is also famous for its centuries-old buildings. It was on this beach that fortresses and churches were built when the country was part of the Dutch colony.
The beach is very popular with tourists and locals. It's fun here, sports games are held on the sands, and children are always under the supervision of lifeguards.

Mirissa is a beach for romantics.
There are very few hotels on the coast where this beach is located. There are only ten of them, so there are very few tourists in this place.
Newlyweds and people in love come here. Sitting by the ocean and enjoying a beautiful sunset is a favorite pastime of all couples. The beach itself is small, but there are many cozy places where you can retire and listen to the sound of the ocean, the cries of birds and say goodbye to the passing day.

Everyone will like this beach, because everything here is so natural and unique. Beach coastline made of sand of different colors. And the entrance to the water is shallow, so you can enter the ocean 10-15 meters and still be standing in the water.

These are the four beaches we offer you to choose from. Remember, these are beaches without big waves. In fact, there are more than a thousand beaches in Sri Lanka.

Since most tourists still choose Sri Lanka as a place for a beach holiday, I cannot ignore this topic. I won’t say, of course, that in eight days I actually explored a bunch of beaches, but I managed to stand on four of them with my feet, and observed n number more from the window while traveling along the coast, because... The main route runs neatly along the ocean. I’ll tell you, of course, about the ones I visited.
Unawatuna beach
He has become practically family, and indeed, in my opinion, the best. When planning a trip at the turn of the seasons, we chose Unawatuna precisely because of the bay, because... All sources on the Internet said that this is the calmest place on the coast, and even when there is a storm everywhere, you can swim quite successfully here. It turned out to be true.

They also write that this beach is included in the top 10 beaches according to National Geography, I got confused, looked for this very top, and did not find Unawatuna in it, but because... Every year different beaches go there, maybe when it was.
So, in addition to the relatively calm ocean, the main advantage of Unawatuna is its wide coastline and distance from the highway. Due to this, along the entire length of the beach there are cafes one after another, on the territory of which you can not only sit, but also lie on sunbeds, ordering something there in the process, even a bottle of water will do. But I’m sure that no one is limited to this.

There is a small reef along the perimeter of the bay, because... Still, there were waves, I didn’t dare swim to it, but I still snorkeled a little closer to the shore. There’s nothing interesting at all, just a few fish, sea urchins in the rocks, shells like those on the Sea of ​​Azov, only a little larger, and the surf brings in dead corals. The water is muddy due to the waves and the sandy bottom, which, by the way, also contains stones, so if you are not a fan of jumping into the sea and immediately swimming, you can even take coral slippers with you. Although, despite a couple of bruises, I felt quite comfortable without them.
But what Unawatuna is full of are small nasty jellyfish that are not averse to stinging anything that gets in their way. Not fatal, but unpleasant, plus the burn site turns red and swells for some time. Experienced tourists taught them a secret: the burn goes away faster if you spread it with lime or lemon juice.

Dalawella Beach. Wijaya Beach

These beaches are technically located on the territory of Unawatuna, but in fact it is about 2-3 kilometers from the main beach. They are located behind the bay, and the water there is no longer calm. Again, during the high season the ocean is calm throughout, so please note that my description is for April-May.

So, Dalawella and adjacent Vijaya are perhaps the most picturesque beaches in the vicinity of Unawatuna. This is where the bungee palm grows, which can be found in every fifth photo with the hashtag #unawatuna on Instagram. Just a piece of advice, if you decide to make such a photo for yourself, bring some small money, apparently, the locals make money by climbing palm trees and untying the bungee for a fee. Because We went there from Vijaya exclusively in swimsuits and with cameras, and then we left the same way, but we were too lazy to return.

The beach itself is narrow, but the hotels go directly to the shore, and for a small fee you can rent sun loungers on the territory of some hotel. There are fewer people than on the big beach, and that’s also great.
Somewhere between the stones there lives a large turtle, which periodically surfaced, but while I had time to turn to the screams of my girls, it dived back. In the end, everyone saw her except me.

You can't swim here everywhere, because... rip currents, especially strong at low tide. What this is, I already wrote in. So, it is better to ask people on the beach where it is safe to go into the water.

Jungle Beach

This is the famous beach on the other side of the bay that is closer to Galle, or rather, even two beaches. What are they famous for? Once upon a time these were two wild beaches cut off from the world with many monkeys. Now you can’t really call them wild, but rather wildly polluted. We read about all this, but decided to go anyway, because, firstly, the path to the beach lies through the Rumasala forest, and since we didn’t go to the rain forest because of the leeches, then at least in a small and modest way everything I wanted to take a walk.

Yes, you can easily get there by tuk-tuk, but who was talking about easy ways? And, secondly, on the way we planned to visit the Japanese Peace Pagoda, which I will write about separately, otherwise it’s only the third beach, and there’s already so much text.

Well, we went to Jungle Beach exactly on the eve of Vesak Poe, this is the Buddhist holiday of the May full moon, the day on which Buddha was born, gained enlightenment and died, akin in scale to our New Year.
The path through the forest is really quite picturesque.

On the way, you can also admire the Blow Hole from one side, which I already wrote about in a post about Unawatuna, admire the trees, vines, and meet a monitor lizard, if you’re lucky.

It’s not scary to walk along it; the path is clearly visible on the maps.

The first beach you come across is small and without any amenities, but very picturesque.

What gave it a special flavor that day was the huge number of Sri Lankans who were hanging out there on the occasion of the holiday, although I read in other blogs that there were always a lot of locals there.

Such bright people that I couldn’t resist taking portraits.

When I asked permission to take a photo, everyone willingly posed.

The stairs leading to the second beach from the road are quite steep, so, by the way, I recommend wearing comfortable shoes, if not sneakers, then at least sandals or Crocs.

At some point, my friend couldn’t stand it:
— When you write on your blog about how we walked here, don’t forget to mention that the walk here is not 20 minutes, as everyone writes, but 40, and in general it’s hellish hell, not a road!
I quote almost verbatim, with the exception of some speech patterns that are untranslatable from the Belarusian language 😃

Well, yes, the beach itself is probably not worth the effort, but the forest, the pagoda, the rice fields (we just got lost and stumbled across this by accident), are worth walking for.

In general, the second beach is more civilized, there is a cafe, sun loungers, but everything is so shabby and dirty that you definitely don’t want to spend the whole day there.

And the promised monkeys were not there, perhaps, of course, because of the crowd of people.

Hikkaduwa Beach

This village is considered a kind of hangout place for surfers and more. After reading a bunch of reviews, we decided that we would spend the whole day in Hikkaduwa. But alas, after walking along the beach and running several times across a very busy road that runs parallel to it, we immediately grabbed a tuk-tuk and rushed off to our native village.

The beach is really long, but narrow. Maybe the water recedes during the season, but we got a strip of sand that was covered by waves up to the parapet. We never found freely available sunbeds, and somehow we didn’t want to sit on the sand and catch slippers floating into the ocean.

Large turtles live in Hikkaduwa, very tame, they swim straight to the shore, but we were not lucky to see them.

A large number of my friends vacationed in Hikkaduwa and were satisfied, but my subjective opinion is that Unawatuna is better.
This is how it turned out to be a small comparative characteristic or something. Some places I liked more, some places less, but it was definitely fun and interesting everywhere, which once again convinces me of the correctness of the saying that wherever you go, first of all you take yourself with you.

Tatiana Solomatina

A brief overview of the beach resorts of Sri Lanka

Greetings, dear readers! Despite the fact that the island is surrounded on all sides by the ocean and is accordingly rich in beaches, you need to choose a resort here especially carefully.

Don’t forget that the ocean is not a quiet lake; there are huge waves here that can ruin your vacation due to the inability to enter the water. Tourists planning to explore the beaches of Sri Lanka should carefully choose a resort.

Sri Lanka is an island in the Indian Ocean with a coastline of 1,340 km. Despite the fact that the beach season here lasts all year round, due to climatic conditions it is better to go to the northeast in the summer months, and to the southwest in the winter. You can read more about the island's climate.

There are many resorts in the southwest, almost all of them have good infrastructure. There are enough hotels of different levels here; it is not difficult to find very budget accommodation from local residents. In my opinion, you need to choose the beaches of Sri Lanka based on the time of year and the suitability of the resort to your desires.

Colombo and Negombo

Colombo and Negombo are not suitable for a beach holiday at all. It's a good place to stop for a break before a long flight or during excursions. Due to the proximity of a big city, the ocean is dirty, and there is a large metropolis nearby with all the ensuing consequences.


Hikkaduwa is perfect for young people and active tourists. It is located 100 km from the airport and has a well-developed infrastructure. On Fridays, one of the hotels hosts noisy beach parties. Lots of accommodation, ranging from expensive hotels to cheap rooms. The coastline stretches for 10 km, but the waves here are very large, and there is compressed yellow sand on the shore. Read a guide to Hikkaduwa beach.


Bentota is a beautiful resort 65 from Colombo. There are many package tours offered here. The whole city is tailored to the life of tourists, many cafes and shops, a wide choice of accommodation. The coastline is very wide, the waves are quite strong. There are small calm coves, but they are difficult to find right away. If you stay on the outskirts, then in the evening entertainment is limited only to the hotel area.


Beruwella is located five kilometers from Bentota, it is a young resort. People vacation here on package tours; finding accommodation on your own is problematic. The beach holiday is the same as in Bentota, only a little less crowded and quieter. This is a favorite resort of tourists from Europe; there are expensive hotels. The coastline is very beautiful with coconut palms and white sand.


Unawatuna is a small sheltered bay, an excellent place for families with children. Very beautiful beach, shallow ocean, almost no waves. Everything tourists need is here; there are no noisy parties. However, there are a lot of people because of the budget holiday and the swimmable ocean.

Galle is not suitable for a beach holiday at all; it is an excursion city. The beach is urban with all the ensuing consequences.


Weligama is a quiet resort place with a beautiful three-kilometer beach. However, the waves here are so strong that swimming is very difficult. There is almost nothing for vacationers. Suitable for a secluded holiday and for surf lovers.


Mirissa is a small town in the south of Sri Lanka. The infrastructure was built for tourists, but it is much quieter and calmer here than in Unawatuna. The central beach is also very stormy, but there are small coves with calm water nearby. There is no entertainment after nine in the evening.

Dikwella is a small fishing town in Sri Lanka, which has a couple of expensive hotels and some private housing. The ocean is very clean and the beaches are beautiful. You can find a place without waves. For a quiet, secluded holiday, there are almost no people here.

Tangalle is a large city in the south of Sri Lanka with a very beautiful beach, but swimming is impossible due to the strongest waves on the coast. The coastline is very long, you can always find a secluded place. There is no entertainment at all.

Koggala is not the most developed and popular resort in Sri Lanka near Galle. There is a busy road along the coast, so you won’t feel like you’re on Bounty Island, although coconut palms grow along the coastline. All life here takes place on the beach and the main street, where there are several shops and a bank.

Beaches in northeast Sri Lanka


In the northeastern region of Sri Lanka the situation is the opposite; there are few places for recreation. There is only one main resort - Trincomalee. The infrastructure here is also quite developed, but it is located very far from the international airport and getting here is not easy.

Uppuveli, Nilaveli and Arugam Bay

There are several other small villages - Uppuveli, Nilaveli and Arugam Bay (bay), but there is nothing there at all. However, magnificent beaches with snow-white sand attract tourists who prefer a calm, quiet holiday. Very comfortable to relax with small children. Not far from the coast there is a small coral island. It’s not difficult to get there; local residents are happy to take everyone there for a fee.

When going on vacation to Sri Lanka, not all tourists realize that around the island is the Indian Ocean, and not a calm sea. There are gorgeous beaches with coconut trees and clean white sand, but full swimming in the ocean is possible only in small enclosed coves, of which there are very few here. Tourists often complain that when they go into waist-deep water, it is difficult to stand on their feet, the waves are so strong that they knock even strong men off their feet. Vacationers have to be content with walks along the coast and careful swimming near the shore.

I wrote separately how treacherous the ocean is - how I almost returned from the island as a widow, see. I recommend giving the information to your men to read; the confession of the injured husband may make them think. You can find out what else a tourist needs to know before visiting Sri Lanka in my article.”

Perhaps you have your own story of visiting Sri Lanka, write a story in the “Readers Travel” section. Read more about this. If the article was useful to you, share it with your friends on social networks, maybe they will also want to visit this island. Leave comments and subscribe to blog updates, new readers are always welcome. With this I say goodbye to you, I hope the information helped you when choosing a beach in Sri Lanka.

Tatiana Solomatina

Sri Lanka is a tropical island surrounded by the deep blue waters of the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. This island has a fairly long coastline with many beautiful sandy beaches that are fringed by coconut palms. This makes Sri Lanka an ideal destination for a beach holiday. There are so many beaches in Sri Lanka that it is simply impossible to talk about all these beaches in one article. However, we have selected the best beaches in Sri Lanka that are most popular among tourists. Most hotels, guest houses and tourist accommodation are located in the area of ​​these beaches.
The main attraction of Sri Lanka for tourists and locals is undoubtedly the beaches. Of course, there is a lot of interesting things on the island, including unique historical and natural attractions, national parks and much more, but still, Sri Lanka would hardly be so popular among tourists if not for its beautiful beaches.
Sri Lanka's most popular beaches are along the coast starting at Negombo, 37 km north of Colombo, and ending at Hambantota in the south of the island. The length of this coastline is 273 km. Currently, most of the popular resorts and hotels are located on this stretch of the coast of Sri Lanka.
The south of Colombo, which is also called the "Gold Coast", passes into the resort area, which includes the resorts of Lavinia (a suburb of Colombo), Wadduwa, Kalutara, Beruwala, Bentota, Induruwa, Kosgoda, Ahungalla, Hikkaduwa, Galle, Unawatuna, Koggala, Weligama, Mirissa , Dondra, Dickwella, Tangalle and finally Hambantota.
Sri Lanka's best beaches on the east coast of the island include Nilaveli, Kuchaveli, Marble Bay, Sweet Bay and Dead Man's Cove with its magnificent harbour. These beaches are located north of Trincomalee. To the south of this famous city are the beautiful beaches of Passikuda, Kalkuda and Arugam Bay.
Now it's time to introduce you to the best beaches in Sri Lanka in more detail.

Beaches of Sri Lanka on the map

Unawatuna Beach

The wonderful Unawatuna Beach on the southern coast of Sri Lanka is visited mainly by water sports enthusiasts and tourists who want to relax in an area with a true Sri Lankan atmosphere. Unawatuna Beach has a wide range of cheap accommodation and plenty of swimming, surfing, snorkeling and diving opportunities. The tourism infrastructure here is very well developed. However, Unawatuna Beach still retains its romantic and somewhat crazy atmosphere. This is a truly beautiful beach with golden sand, clear blue water and gently swaying coconut trees that contribute greatly to the idyll. Sometimes you can see sea turtles laying their eggs here, but it still requires a little luck. Unawatuna Beach is protected by a coral reef, so the waves are usually low. This makes this beach an excellent place for swimming all year round. The reef near the beach is a great spot for snorkelers as you can see many different species of fish in all colors. For practicing divers, Unawatuna can offer the site of the Rangoon shipwreck. Not far from the beach, at a depth of 30 meters, there is a ship that sank almost 100 years ago. Several dive centers on Unawatuna Beach offer tours to this site.

Hikkaduwa Beach

A white, beautiful sandy beach, tall tropical palm trees, deep blue water and coral reef, a sleepy and atmospheric fishing village - this is what tourists came to Hikkaduwa on the southwest coast of Sri Lanka in the 1970s.
Hikkaduwa Beach is still a paradise, perfect for surfers, divers and sun worshipers. But something has changed: mass tourism has arrived here, so many resort hotels have appeared in the Hikkaduwa beach area, and this beach is no longer a hippie paradise. However, the village of Hikkaduwa has retained its charm and the local population has retained its hospitality.
Today, Hikkaduwa attracts tourists not only with its beautiful beach, but also with numerous entertainment options, good nightlife and excellent hotels.
Among surfers, Hikkaduwa Beach is very popular throughout the year. Beginners and professionals will find suitable waves for themselves here. Due to the presence of a coral reef, Hikkaduwa Beach is also a well-known diving spot. Unfortunately, most of the coral has died and the reef is not as impressive as it used to be. It is possible that the corals will recover, but it will take a long time. Until then, snorkeling and diving enthusiasts can enjoy a variety of colorful fish. If you don't want to dive into the water, you can view numerous species of fish, snails, mussels and other oceanic fauna and flora on a glass-bottom boat ride.

Mirissa Beach

One of the most beautiful beaches in Sri Lanka is located on the southern coast of the island. It is a magnificent crescent-shaped golden sandy beach with clear turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean. Under the slender coconut trees there are several bungalows where you can stay for a while. Accommodation in such bungalows is offered at reasonable prices. The relaxed atmosphere invites you to take a dip in the ocean and enjoy a variety of water sports, sunbathing and simply relaxing. The sunset at Mirissa Beach is simply breathtaking and incredibly romantic. It is said that today Mirissa Beach, with its tranquil atmosphere, is what Unawatuna Beach once was. Mirissa Beach attracts many different travelers, including honeymooners and families with children, as well as those seeking peace and tranquility. Water sports enthusiasts will also appreciate this beach. For example, many surfers come here and choose mainly the western part of the beach, where especially impressive waves appear. On the other hand, the eastern part around the so-called Parrot Rock is excellent for snorkeling.
A special attraction at Mirissa Beach is watching blue whales and dolphins, especially between November and April. Typically starting early in the morning, this "whale watching trip" will allow you to get up close and personal with some of the planet's largest mammals.
Mirissa Beach is located between two cities, Matara and Welligama, about 35 km from Galle, which can be reached by bus in about an hour.

Koggala Beach

About 14 km south of Galle there is a very picturesque and wide sandy beach. It's not crowded, but worth a visit. Here, fine-grained, yellowish, shiny sand alternates with intricate rock formations and tall coconut trees, providing a wonderful beach idyll. The beautiful coastline and developed infrastructure with many hotels are additional advantages of Koggala Beach. Many young couples often spend romantic days on this beach, but there are also good recreational conditions for families with children.
At Koggala Beach in Sri Lanka, you can observe the traditional fishing techniques characteristic of this island. While many places in Sri Lanka use small wooden fishing boats with a motor for fishing, fishing in the Koggala Beach area is still done in the traditional way for southern Sri Lanka. According to this method of fishing, the fisherman climbs onto a crossbar attached to a pole driven into the water. This allows him, firstly, not to scare away the fish with his shadow, and, secondly, to clearly see the fish in the water.
It is also worth noting that there are two towns near Koggala, Ahangama and Midigama, the latter of which is known as a surfers paradise.

Ahungalla Beach

In the southwest of Sri Lanka, just 15 km from Bentota, Ahungalla Beach is considered one of the most beautiful in the entire country, probably because there is almost nothing under construction here. Because of this, the beach and its surroundings still retain a completely natural atmosphere. The only buildings that can be found among the palm trees on this beach are small fishermen's houses. The sandy beach is approximately 15 km long and is ideal for walking and also for swimming. However, in some places there are currents that can be dangerous. It is important to keep an eye on the flags on the beach. A red flag means that swimming is not recommended, but not prohibited. However, you must remember that there are no lifeguards here.
Ahungalla Beach is famous for its small crabs that quickly disappear into the water or into small holes in the sand when they hear footsteps approaching. The area is also home to turtles such as the caretta caretta, whose tracks can be seen in the sand on some days. Usually no one sees the animals themselves.

Balapitiya Beach

The coastal town of Ambalangoda is famous mainly for Sinhala masks, the traditional production of which is in great demand here. The city also has very beautiful beaches that are also worth visiting. These beaches, like Balapitiya Beach, are wonderful destinations for true nature lovers. There are no hotel blocks here, everything is natural and undeveloped. Nearby beaches such as Hikkaduwa and Bentota are much more popular among tourists.
The sand on Balapitiya Beach is white and fine-grained, and palm trees make this beach a tropical idyll. Here you can take a walk along the ocean shore, relax in the shade of palm trees, or simply swim in the Indian Ocean. In the evening, fishermen return to the beach in their old, sometimes painted wooden boats and unload the fish.

Bentota Beach

Bentota Beach is located approximately 50 km south of Colombo on the west coast of Sri Lanka and is a good example of a popular seaside resort on the island that has grown out of a once sleepy fishing village. Since the 1980s, Bentota has been an important tourism center on the island. At the same time, it is still a relatively quiet place, especially when compared to Hikkaduwa.
The reason why many tourists visit Bentota is because of the magnificent sandy beach. Indeed, Bentota Beach looks just like in the picture: fine and white sand, countless palm trees and azure water. Various tourists come to Bentota Beach because it is suitable for everyone. Tourists come here for swimming, surfing, sailing, diving, snorkeling, and deep-sea fishing. Since the water at Bentota Beach is very shallow for long periods of time, the beach is also suitable for families with children. However, during the monsoon season, swimming can be a little dangerous. Red flags in the water mean swimming is not recommended. The southern part of Bentota Beach tends to have higher waves, while the water in the northern part (also known as Bentota Lagoon) is relatively calm. Many famous hotels can be found here. In general, finding accommodation in Bentota is not a problem as there is a large selection of hotels and guest houses in different price categories.

Negombo Beach

The town of Negombo, located 35 km north of Colombo, is an important tourist magnet, mainly due to its beautiful beaches. Already in the 1970s, Europeans came here to enjoy the relaxed beach life, which laid the foundation for a boom in tourism. This is why Negombo is also called the cradle of beach tourism in Sri Lanka. Even today, the beautiful Negombo beach is one of the most important and best known on the island.
Today, Negombo offers a variety of hotels, guest houses and bungalows with varying levels of comfort and varying prices. In addition, the city offers a vibrant nightlife.
With a length of 8 km, the very wide Negombo beach is quite safe for swimming, so it is popular among families with children. You can swim here all year round, but you still need to keep an eye on flags and beach conditions.
Various water sports are also offered at Negombo Beach. For example, diving is very popular here as the beach is located next to an interesting coral reef. In addition, not far from the coast there is a shipwreck of the Kudapada.
Since Negombo Beach is only 10 km from the international airport, it is often a stopover at the beginning or end of a trip to Sri Lanka.

Rekawa Beach

This natural and almost deserted beach in the south of Sri Lanka is simply fantastic in its beauty. There are no large hotel complexes, no noise, no bustle. There is just this perfect beach with fine sand and beautiful clear water. Rekawa is an ideal place for a relaxing holiday, swimming, sunbathing or walking. Sea turtles can still be seen at Rekawa Beach, returning every year to lay eggs. Already in 1994, a program to protect these turtles was created here, supported by the United Nations. Today these turtles are under international protection. If you're lucky, you might see these fascinating animals laying eggs. Sometimes you can even see baby turtles leaving their eggs and heading into the ocean. These observations are usually conducted in the evening under the direction of the Turtle Conservation Project (TCP). The best time for observations is from January to April, as well as nights with a full moon throughout the year.
Rekawa Beach, which is about 10 km from Tangalla, has several guest houses and small hotels.

Arugam Bay

Arugam Bay is a real paradise for surfers. The moon-shaped bay near the Muslim town of Pottuvil is considered one of the best surf spots in Sri Lanka. The tsunami in 2004, as well as the civil war, barely affected this place, so today Arugam Bay looks impressive. What’s special is that the monsoon in Arugam Bay is barely noticeable, so you can relax here almost all year round.
Despite the tourist appeal of the Arugam Bay area, the local population has so far successfully protected the area from the development of large hotel developments. Therefore, these days the area has retained a natural and relaxed atmosphere and attracts mainly nature and water sports lovers.
The fine sandy beach, lined with palm trees, offers fairly good conditions for swimming. The area surrounding it is very beautiful: the forest contains a variety of exotic plants, as well as wild elephants and monkeys.
You'll find affordable accommodation on the beach, but there are also luxury bungalows. Therefore, we can say that the beach in Arugam Bay offers accommodation for every taste and budget. Most residential buildings are located directly on the beach. During the high season, which runs from May to November on the east coast of Sri Lanka, upscale accommodation is almost always booked, so it is advisable to book in advance.
If you want to come to Arugam Bay to surf, you can book surf lessons right on the beach or rent a board and other equipment.

Nilaveli Beach

Perhaps the most popular beach on the east coast of Sri Lanka is Nilaveli Beach, located about 15 km north of Trincomalee. The white, soft and fine sandy beach and clear waters of the Indian Ocean remind many visitors of the beaches of the Caribbean. The legendary beach is equally popular among swimmers, sunbathers and water sports enthusiasts. Nilaveli Beach is also suitable for families with children, as there is a gentle and level entrance to the ocean (or rather, the Bay of Bengal), and the waves here are rarely very high.
Naliveli Beach is also known as the starting point for whale watching trips. If you're lucky, you might spot blue whales and sperm whales on this tour. Nilaveli Beach also offers tours to Pigeon Island, which offers excellent diving and snorkeling conditions, breathtaking beaches and magnificent coral reefs. During the period from May to September, visibility in the water is greatest here.
On the Nilaveli beach itself there is accommodation of varying levels of comfort. In general, however, tourists here will find it difficult to find suitable low-budget accommodation. There are very nice bungalows for rent right on the beach.
It is worth noting that the military site is located right on Nilaveli Beach, so you can meet a lot of soldiers here. Despite its proximity to the military exclusion zone, Nilaveli Beach is quite quiet and calm. It is also a very clean beach.

Where are the best beaches in Sri Lanka?

As you know, at certain times of the year the weather in different regions of Sri Lanka can vary greatly. That is why different beaches are better suited for relaxation in different months. In order to understand where the best beaches are in Sri Lanka at certain times of the year, we advise you to study information about the weather and recreation on this island in different months of the year.

Also, do not forget that when choosing the most suitable beach for a holiday in Sri Lanka, it is also important to take into account the choice of accommodation on this beach. For example, if you prefer to stay in luxury all-inclusive hotels, then you will only find such hotels on some beaches.