The most important attractions in Greece. Sights of Greece

Greece is a country unique in beauty, culture and history in southern Europe, located on the Balkan Peninsula. Although Greece occupies a small territory (about 132 thousand square kilometers), and its population has only 10.3 million inhabitants, it is difficult to find equals in terms of historical and archaeological heritage. Just imagine: the capital of Greece - Athens - was founded back in the seventh millennium BC!

In Hellas (as the locals call their country), interesting sights and cultural monuments can be found in literally every city and town. But first of all, Greece attracts tourists with its delightful beaches, clear water of the Mediterranean, Ionian and Aegean seas, picturesque islands, mild subtropical climate and amazing nature.

It is not surprising that the country is nicknamed a real paradise for relaxation: more than 11 million tourists come here every year, and each of them finds entertainment to their liking. More than 90% of travelers visiting Greece are residents of European countries, but in recent years tourists from other continents have also come.

The main tourist centers of the country are islands and large resorts. But even for lovers of peace and solitude, Greece has many small resorts that have not yet been reached by mass tourism. Whichever location you choose, one thing is clear: your holiday in Greece will not disappoint.

Short story

Greece is the cradle of Western civilization. This is the place where democracy was born. It is surprising that already in Ancient Greece all citizens actively participated in the discussion of public issues and could become government representatives. Modern Greece still maintains its ancient traditions, but some states of the world have not yet come to this.

According to archaeological excavations, the first human settlements in Greece appeared between 11,000 and 3,000 BC. A little later, the first civilizations (Minoan, Cycladic and Mycenaean) arose here. The most fruitful period in the development of Greece is considered to be the legendary “Golden Age”, which lasted from the 6th to the 4th centuries BC. It was at this time that the state gave us dozens of exceptional representatives of science and art.

The Beginning of Civilization

Ancient Greece repeatedly faced military invasions. The Persian army invaded the country several times, and in 146 BC. Roman legionnaires came here. They did not destroy the local culture, but admired it and adopted a lot from the Greeks. Therefore, the most important Roman landmarks are considered ancient Greek heritage.

When the Roman Empire split in two, Greece became part of eastern Byzantium, whose capital was Constantinople. Byzantium existed for 11 centuries in a row, but in 1453 it was conquered by the Turks.

Greece was part of the Ottoman Empire for about four centuries. In 1821, as a result of an uprising of the local population, the country regained independence.

20th century and our time

In the 20th century, the country was engaged in the return of ancestral territories. These goals were partially achieved during the Balkan Wars and the First World War. Greece was also affected by the Second World War. The Greeks repelled the attack of Nazi Italy, but were occupied by the Germans until 1945. After the victory over the Nazis, a civil war began in the country, which lasted until 1949.

From that time on, the country developed calmly until the coup d'état that occurred in 1967. The rebels overthrew King Constantine II and established a military dictatorship known as the rule of the "black colonels".

The dictatorial rule of Greece made a large number of strategic mistakes, as a result of which Cyprus was invaded by the Turkish army in 1974. The northern part of the island was occupied by the Turks and founded an unrecognized republic here. Such a major failure led to the overthrow of the dictatorship.

In 1974, a referendum was held in Greece, after which parliamentary democracy was again established in the country, and a year later they adopted a Constitution, which is still in force today.

From 1952 to 1973, Greece was a member of NATO. After a break, the country re-joined NATO and the European Union in 1981, and since 2002 has joined the eurozone.


The political and economic position of Greece today is very precarious. The country receives its main income from the agricultural-industrial sector and, of course, tourism. Back in 2007, the state was in 25th position in the world in the Population Potential Development Ranking and was included in the group of developed countries. After the economic crisis of 2008, Greece returned to developing countries.

If we talk about sectors of the Greek economy, then 27.3% of GDP comes from industry; 8.3% for agriculture and almost 65% for services. Tourism accounts for more than 15% of income.

Greece has a well-developed agricultural sector, but industrial development is hampered by a low level of production. The most profitable industries remain food, metallurgy, petrochemicals and textiles. 21% of the working population works in industrial sectors, but most of them work in small factories with a low level of technical development.

Queue at the ATM, 2015

At the beginning of the 21st century, significant financial changes occurred in Greece with the arrival of foreign investors and lenders. This made the local economy more stable, but required it to adapt to Western integration, losing ground to partners from other EU countries.

To support the economy, the government used huge loans from foreign banks. The country's investment debts continue to increase. Now the country’s external debt has exceeded 450 billion euros, which is twice the state’s GDP.

Briefly, the modern Greek economy can be characterized by two definitions: the stagnation of the banking system and the slow increase in GDP. The shadow economy (20%) and corruption remain a serious problem in the country. Unfortunately, the economy of such a successful and highly developed country in the past is now literally hanging by a thread.

Regions, cities and resorts

Main cities of Greece

Athens is the capital of Greece and the cradle of world culture. In an urban agglomeration with an area of ​​more than 410 sq. km (almost six times less than Moscow) is home to 3 million people. In Athens, as elsewhere, you can see microdistricts with panel houses and industrial zones. But tourists come here for the historical center, which it towers over (it began to be built back in 447 BC).


North Aegean Islands

The North Aegean Islands cover 3,840 square meters. km, capital – Mytilene. In the northern part of the Aegean Sea there are several large, attractive islands for tourists. The mountains there often exceed 1,000 m, and the nature resembles a fairy tale. This region is very similar to the coast of Turkey. Many local islands are famous all over the world. Homer was born on the island of Chios, and delicious wine is made on Samos. Lesvos is interesting not only as the site of Sappho's work, but also as an area with petrified trees that are over 700,000 years old.

You can find out more details about Samos.

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Attractions and entertainment

Greece is a place with a concentration of ancient sights, Orthodox churches and monasteries, unique nature and hospitable residents. It is impossible not to fall in love with its architectural and natural beauty, just as it is impossible to list here absolutely all the sights of the country that are worthy of visiting.

There is entertainment in Greece for tourists with any preferences. This includes a beach holiday, active leisure, cultural and educational events, and exciting excursions to natural attractions. We will list here the most famous places in Greece that are definitely worth visiting.

Sights of Athens

The capital of Ancient Hellas, the modern metropolis of Athens, has preserved unique historical and cultural monuments of architecture. In Athens, the first place to visit is the Acropolis and its ancient temples, which have undergone partial restoration.

We also recommend visiting the Temple of Poseidon on the shores of the Aegean Sea and the historical area of ​​Plaka. Walk through the city streets and squares and see the unusual stone theater called the Odeon of Herodotus Atticus. If you have time, you can visit Athens museums, of which there are a lot in the city.

The marble Panathinaikos Stadium deserves special attention; just looking at it will take your breath away. It was recreated from snow-white marble using fragments of an ancient stadium. In addition, it is in the city that the temples of the Greek gods, which were mentioned in ancient Greek myths, have been preserved.

Castle of the Knights in Rhodes

Acropolis in Lindos

The second most famous Acropolis after Athens is located in. It’s worth a visit just for the amazing views of the coast. Now the Acropolis has become a museum of archeological monuments from different eras and civilizations. It was built by the ancient Greeks, but later it was strengthened and improved by all the conquerors of the country.

Melissani Cave Lake

A karst cave on the island of Kefalonia delights with a unique lake with clear waters. The turquoise water in the lake is so clear that the boats seem to be floating in the air. According to legend, nymphs used to live in this cave, surrounded by forests and beautiful nature.

Amphitheater at Delphi

The ancient amphitheater at Delphi overlooking the Temple of Apollo can accommodate 5,000 people. The ancient landmark, built in the 4th century BC, has undergone many reconstructions and has survived to this day. Original cultural events still take place here today.

Lake Plastira

Of course, Greece is a maritime country with some of the most picturesque beaches in the world. But many people are interested in the artificial lake, named after its creator, General Plastir. This unique place is located on a hill, and the landscapes surrounding the lake delight in beauty. In addition, there are many opportunities for active recreation: bicycles, rafting, horse riding, hiking, etc.

The 16 km long Samaria Gorge was formed by the flow of a river on the island of Crete. In this protected area you can see all kinds of birds, but the main local attraction is the Gorge Gate. This is a gap between 300-meter walls that is only 4 meters wide.

Monument to Yuri Gagarin

Imagine that in Greece there is a monument to the world’s first cosmonaut – Yuri Gagarin. It is located on the island of Crete, in the city of Heraklion. What is he doing in the middle of the pearls of ancient architecture? According to the official version, it attracts Russian tourists - who were not impressed by the previous attractions.


Greece has an Orthodox culture, so the country's main public holidays are Christmas, Assumption and Easter. During Christmas, the squares of all cities are beautifully decorated with illuminations, but the holiday is celebrated at home, in the family. On the Assumption, festivals are organized in many places, but Easter is celebrated most magnificently. Religious processions and services have been held across the country since Friday, and colorful fireworks displays at midnight on Saturday.

Another unusual Greek holiday is the Apokries carnival, which is held on the eve of Lent. Festive events take place throughout Greece, and the main ones are attended by the patriarch. Costume processions and celebrations end 7 days before the end of Lent.

It should be noted that in addition to general national holidays, residents of most cities in Greece celebrate regional holidays - grape harvest festivals, historical and religious celebrations.

Features of the local population

Greeks gesture a lot and value openness and politeness in people. They treat their friends and acquaintances as relatives, which may be unusual for Russian-speaking people. Residents of Greece love to relax, many of them are interested in football and politics.

The majority of the population professes Orthodoxy, which is the state religion and is even indicated in the passport. In churches, women must cover their shoulders and legs. Men are also not allowed to enter the temple with bare shoulders, although many do not follow this rule during the tourist season.

Residents of Greece smoke a lot, but recently the state has begun to pass laws to combat smoking. If a taxi driver smokes in front of you, you can calmly ask him not to do so.


Greek cuisine combines national traditions and culinary features of other nations. Italy and Türkiye had a particularly noticeable influence on local cuisine. Greek chefs love to use a variety of vegetables, herbs and seafood in their dishes. Greeks also often prepare meat dishes (lamb, pork, beef), but chicken is still the most popular.

One of the most important ingredients in Greek cuisine is olive oil (it is added literally everywhere), as well as tomato paste and lemons. At dinner you can always see wine and bread on the table. Be sure to try seafood dishes, they are simply delicious in Greece. Order fried fish, octopus or the local delicacy - sea urchin eggs, seasoned with olive oil and lemon.

Greece- an amazing country, full of romance and color, which has everything - from ancient architectural monuments to beautiful nature and modern entertainment.

After reading this text, you will learn about the best attractions of modern and Ancient Greece, its islands and resorts, along with their photos, names and descriptions - now you will not doubt where it is better to go for the first time, but feel free to choose what you like exactly for you.

Architecture of Ancient Greece

The architecture of Greece is very diverse and original - many tourists travel to this extraordinary country precisely to get acquainted with the numerous architectural monuments of antiquity.

If you are also a fan of antiquity, you should definitely visit the famous Acropolis in Athens. It is believed that on the hill where the Acropolis still stands, the first buildings arose in the 7th-5th centuries. BC e., and in the 3rd century. BC e. people used it as a refuge from enemy attacks. Now we can only imagine the former greatness of the Acropolis, since both the structure itself and its numerous unsurpassed sculptures have suffered greatly during this time - both from human hands, and from natural elements, and simply from “old age”. Despite this, some of the buildings, thanks to the efforts of the Greek government, were restored and have survived to this day as the ancient Greeks saw them.

Did you know? Most of the statues that are now located on the territory of the Acropolis are skillful copies. The originals are kept in famous museums - the British and Louvre, as well as in the museum of the Acropolis itself.

  • One of the most famous buildings of the Acropolis is ancient temple Parthenon, whose construction dates back to 432 BC. e.
  • Almost at the foot of the Acropolis is located Theater of Dionysus, and not far away is the famous Temple of Olympian Zeus.

Another architectural landmark that is especially popular among tourists is Knossos Palace of King Minos. Located on, the palace is shrouded in many legends. They say that King Minos built it to hide the infidelity of his wife, who gave birth to the Minotaur. That is why the palace has the shape of a labyrinth, through which young boys and girls, sent as sacrifices for the Minotaur, wandered without finding a way out or salvation.

Did you know? Confirmation of this legend is found in numerous frescoes and wall paintings of the palace depicting a bull.

Another famous Minoan palace is Festos. It is believed that it was built for Minos’s brother, Rhadamanthis, and its age, according to some sources, is more than 4 thousand years! It is also located on the island. Crete is shrouded in many unusual events. It was destroyed several times - for reasons completely incomprehensible to historians, and it was here that Mysterious Phaistos Disc found. The palace is not as huge as the previous one, but very beautiful.

Other important architectural heritage of Greece:

  • Lindos- a small town on the island, full of well-restored ancient attractions. Tourists are attracted by the Panagia Church, medieval mansions, the ancient acropolis and the knight's castle.
  • Rhodes fortress- a 15th century building, famous for many glorious battles.
  • Spinalonga fortress island– the remains of the ancient city of Olus, which went under water during a strong earthquake.
  • Palace of the Medieval Masters in Rhodes - a real fairy-tale castle, built back in 1408.
  • Fortification of Rethymion– like the entire ancient Rethymion, it is popular among tourists due to its majesty and special ancient atmosphere.
  • Ruins of the ancient city of Kamiros- all that remains of this powerful center of ancient culture after the earthquake that happened more than 2 thousand years ago.
  • White Tower in Thessaloniki, which is a real symbol not only of the city, but also of Greece. At one time it was even printed on local currency.
  • The majestic Monolithos Castle, which seems to grow out of a rock.
  • Sianna– a calm mountain village that has managed to preserve the indescribable atmosphere of antiquity.
  • Ancient Knossos Theater on o. Crete, which is associated with many secrets and legends.
  • Unusual old mills on o. Santorini.

White Tower

Religious buildings in Greece

We described some of the famous buildings of religious significance in Greece in the last section - these are ancient ancient temples. These also include Asklepion- a temple built after the death of Hippocrates, who also owned a hospital and a school.

We would like to highlight two interesting objects in particular among religious buildings.

  • Monasteries in Meteora- a unique complex located on rocky peaks. Built in the 10th century, it is now listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The monasteries are located near the picturesque town of Kalambaka. The complex includes six monasteries: St. Nicholas, Varlaam, Great Meteora, St. Roussanou, Holy Trinity, St. Stephen.

    Important! If you want to explore the entire complex for 1 day, start with the first three, because they close to visitors at 13:00. To enter the monastery territory, you must adhere to the dress code: be sure to cover your shoulders, men must wear long trousers, and women must wear long skirts.

  • Monasteries of Athos- another famous Greek monastic complex. It was built in the 11th century - each monastery represents one of the 20 autonomous territories of the Holy Mountain. There are 20 monasteries in total, 17 of them are Greek, 1 is Russian, 1 is Bulgarian and 1 more is Serbian.
  • The oldest and largest is Monastery of the Great Lavra.

    Almost every Athos monastery houses rare ancient icons, books and manuscripts, and also has rich treasuries.

Also in Greece you can visit:

  • Church of the Archangel Michael(Arkhangelos), striking with its interior decoration and beautiful snow-white bell tower;
  • Suleiman Mosque on o. Rhodes is one of the few Muslim shrines in Greece;
  • Fira Cathedral on o. Santorini is a very beautiful and richly decorated temple from the 17th century.

Monuments of Greece

One of the most famous Greek monuments is perhaps Statues of deer and doe in Rhodes. These sculptures have a rich history. Once upon a time, deer were specially brought from to save the city from the invasion of poisonous snakes. Later, the Greeks decided to “immortalize” their saviors. Deer statues have been completed by special order by Italian craftsmen. The choice of place for installing the deer was also difficult - according to legend, once upon a time there was a famous Colossus of Rhodes.

Statues of deer and doe
Other interesting monuments of Greece:

  • Morosini Fountain(Heraklion) - a very beautiful fountain built in honor of the former governor of Crete;
  • Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Athens - a rather original monument among a number of “its own kind”, next to which you can observe the solemn procedure of changing the guard;
  • Sindrivani Fountain in Rhodes - an elegant fountain made in the Italian style;
  • Doors of Thera on o. Santorini, leading to infinity - the memory of ancient Atlantis;
  • Sculpture "Cornucopia"(Agios Nikolaos) - a modern creation commemorating the horn of the divine goat Amalthea;
  • Monument "Horns of Dedication"(Heraklion) - confirming the legend of the Minotaur of the Knossos Palace;
  • Monument to Alexander the Great(Thessaloniki) - a tribute to the great commander and ruler, during whose time the city was at its peak;
  • Sculpture “The Rape of Europa”(Agios Nikolaos) - a very beautiful and symbolic monument;
  • Monument to Admiral Ushakov(Corfu island) - it’s quite unusual to see him in Greece, but it was this military leader who once liberated the island from French oppression;
  • Santorini donkeys– cute and beautifully decorated statues will greet you in every corner of the island.

Museums of Greece

Greece preserves in its museums the memory of the great and distant past.

  • We highly recommend visiting for history buffs Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, dedicated to the ancient and medieval periods of Greek history. Here you will find a lot of antique jewelry, sculptures and household items. And the building itself in which the museum is located is already a historical monument.
  • Another valuable historical museum is Archaeological Museum of Heraklion, which became famous throughout the world thanks to its extensive collection of Minoan art. The Minoan section is the most extensive here, but the museum also presents exhibits from other times - from the Neolithic to Greco-Roman rule.
  • Not far from Chania is the picturesque ethnic village of Gavalochori, which is a traditional Greek village. The entire village can be called an open-air museum, but its Historical and Ethnographic Museum.

Archaeological Museum of Rhodes

You will learn a lot of interesting things by visiting:

  • Aquarium in Rhodes, which is also a museum of the sea world;
  • Jewish Museum, also located in, is proud of a valuable collection telling about the history and culture of the Jewish people;
  • New Acropolis Museum in Athens - this is where you will see many of the original statues of the Parthenon and other buildings of the Acropolis;
  • Lychnostatis Museum na – “little Greece”, which fits on 1 hectare of land;
  • Museum of Modern Greek Art in Rhodes will introduce you to modern Greek culture;
  • Wine Vault on the Halkidiki Peninsula - a unique wine museum with more than 3 thousand types of Greek wines;
  • Museum of Man in Lasithi is the most cheerful Greek museum, telling about the achievements of man as he evolves.

Resorts of Greece

Greece attracts many tourists precisely as a resort country. And this is not surprising - fabulous beaches that combine modern comfort and unique nature are the dream of every vacationer.

Undoubtedly The leader among the resorts in Greece is o. Crete. It is rich not only in historical monuments, but also in beautiful beaches, many of which have developed infrastructure.

Also among the Greek resorts we would like to highlight:

  • Lasithi Plateau– a very picturesque area. Here you can stay in one of the traditional farming villages. This area is also home to a beautiful cave, where they say Zeus was once born, and the town of Dikti, which offers incredible views.
  • Balos Bay- a small Greek paradise, washed by three seas at once and famous for its extraordinary azure water.
  • Prasonisi Peninsula– an endless white beach, washed by turquoise water from two seas at once.
  • Beaches of Lindos– an ideal choice for a family holiday.
  • Mirabello Bay in the eastern part of Crete - a picturesque place surrounded by mountains.
  • Bali village– the best place for a relaxing and romantic holiday in Greece.
  • Matala village– once a “hippie beach”, but now just a beautiful place to relax.
  • Santorini Island, famous for its unique black beaches of volcanic origin.
  • Beaches of Rhodes– very well equipped beaches. An ideal place for lovers of comfortable relaxation and all kinds of entertainment.
  • Elounda is one of the main resort cities in Greece, where many VIPs are accustomed to relax.
  • Sithonia Peninsula It will appeal to lovers of secluded relaxation in the lap of nature.
  • – a picturesque island with a rich history.
  • Navajo Bay named after the shipwreck of the Panayiotis. A very picturesque place that can only be reached from the depths of the sea.
  • Kallithea village surrounded by dense forests is also very popular with tourists.
  • Ancient resort city of Ouranoupolis has a well-developed infrastructure and all the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay.
  • "Mouse" island of Pontikonisi– it is believed that it used to be the ship of Odysseus.

Santorini Island

Natural attractions of Greece

In addition to the resorts, there are many more natural beauties that this amazing country can boast of.

  • Of course, as soon as they find themselves in Greece, many try to get to legendary Olympus. Today, as before, its peaks are hidden in clouds and fog and have a very mysterious appearance. The highest Mount Olympus reaches 2918 m.
    There is a rich flora and fauna here, as well as incredibly beautiful landscapes.
  • We also highly recommend visiting protected "Seven Springs""on the island of Rhodes. This is a very picturesque area, surrounded by centuries-old pine and plane trees, with many clear springs and streams that form a crystal mountain lake. It's really very beautiful here.

"Seven Springs"»

If you don’t know what to see in Greece, we also recommend visiting:

  • Lake Vulismeni in the town of Agios Nikolas - a very picturesque freshwater pond, in which, according to legend, the goddesses Athena and Artemis themselves washed their hair;
  • White Mountains of Lefka Ori– a unique geological place, one of the most fascinating on the entire planet;
  • Valley of the Butterflies– a beautiful green area with winding streams that annually attracts “crowds” of colorful butterflies;
  • Samaria Gorge– Greek National Park, one of the longest gorges in Europe;
  • Blue Caves on the island of Zakynthos - the place where the fairy tale lives;
  • Edessa Waterfalls– picturesque waterfalls, thanks to which the city received the name “water”;
  • Petralona cave, which became famous due to the fact that the most ancient human remains in the territory were found in it.

Amazing and beautiful Greece (video)

Greece is a state in southern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. It borders Macedonia, Albania and Bulgaria. It is washed by three seas: from the east by the Aegean Sea, from the west by the Ionian Sea, and from the south by the Mediterranean. After watching this video you will just want to go there faster. I wish you a wonderful viewing!

Where to go with children in Greece?

If you are going to Greece with children, but don’t know where to go, here are some tips:

  • Park "Labyrinth" in Crete above the city of Chersonesos will be a wonderful place for leisure for the whole family. There are a lot of both entertaining and educational attractions here, both for adults and children - for every taste. In addition to the labyrinth, you have access to a cinema hall, ATVs and jeeps, many cafes, mini golf, horse riding, a pottery workshop, an organic garden, water mills and much more.
  • Aquaworld aquarium-terrarium in Hersonissos - an educational reptile shelter, where your children will get acquainted with the world of these ancient creatures.
  • Water park "Aqua Plus" in Hersonissos is the oldest water and entertainment complex in Crete. In addition to many attractions, here you can enjoy amazing views.
  • Waterpark "Limnopolis" will impress you with a huge selection of all kinds of water attractions.
  • Water City Waterpark(Heraklion) - the largest water park in Crete, full of all kinds of entertainment for the whole family.
  • Sea World Aquarium in Heraklion will introduce you to the diversity of the marine world.
  • Rhodes Aquarium– a very educational place, a real maritime museum.
  • Waterpark Star Beach in Fodele - unique due to its location in close proximity to the open sea.
  • Waterpark "Faliraki" Rhodes will also delight you with many water activities and rich landscapes.
  • Ostrich farm in Rhodes will be the highlight of your itinerary. Here you can not only admire unusual animals, but also feed them.
  • Attraction "Happy Train" in Elounda - an exciting entertainment that causes real delight among visitors.

Water park "Aqua Plus"
Undoubtedly, Greece has something to be proud of and arouse the admiration of tourists. If you visit here, you will probably want to come back again.

We wish those who are just planning to visit this amazing country a pleasant trip. And those who have already become acquainted with colorful Greece - feel free to share your impressions.

Greece is a country in Southern Europe. Greece attracts a surprising number of tourists from almost every corner of the world. Every tourist gets the opportunity to fully enjoy the picturesque atmosphere, ancient architecture, and museum centers.

Each attraction reveals interesting facets of the history and culture of the state. It is not surprising that Greece is considered one of the most popular and attractive countries in Europe not only for beginners, but also for experienced travelers.

Knossos Palace, Crete

The Palace of Knossos is one of the most famous attractions of Crete. According to Greek legends, King Minos built an amazing palace complex in order to hide the betrayal of his wife, who gave birth to the Minotaur from a sacred bull. It is believed that the Minotaur was killed by Theseus, who managed to successfully overcome the palace labyrinths.

Tourists can appreciate the amazing halls designed in the form of a labyrinth. In addition, the palace complex is distinguished by frescoes and drawings on the walls, thanks to which you can get acquainted with the Minotaur and the sacred bull. The palace formerly contained thousands of rooms, but now fewer rooms are available to travelers.

Spinalonga represents the remaining landmass. Previously, the ancient city of Olus was located on this land, which went under water after earthquakes. However, in the 1960s, excavations were carried out that made it possible to find traces of a lost civilization. The main attractions were ancient windmills and an early Christian basilica.

The island of Spinalonga attracts many travelers due to its amazing atmosphere. Tourism flourished after 1955.

Greek legends say that it was in this amazing cave that Zeus, the son of Rhea and Kronos, was born. Subsequently, Zeus grew up here. It is not surprising that sacrifices were made in the cave for a long time, as evidenced by valuable objects found during archaeological excavations.

A special sanctuary was even created here in honor of Zeus. This fact is confirmed by various objects that were found during the excavations.

Nowadays, tourists who are willing to overcome the steep climb can visit this cave. The cave surprises with numerous stalactites and stalagmites, and a beautiful underground lake. Every traveler can be convinced that the beauty of the cave can truly enchant.

The ancient fortress was built in the 15th century. Initially, it seemed that the object was particularly powerful. However, in the next century, the fortress still could not withstand the attack of the Turks. After this, the Rhodes Fortress served the Turks from 1523 to 1912. Only in 1912 the island of Rhodes was captured by Italy, and in 1947 it passed to Greece.

The walls of the fortress are still distinguished by the presence of traces of cannonballs. Despite this fact, many travelers can appreciate the good condition of the attraction and think about the meaning and importance of history. The Rhodes Fortress is a must see when traveling to Greece.

Balos Bay, Crete

Balos Bay is a truly beautiful place in the northwestern part of Crete. Here the coast is washed by the Aegean, Libyan and Ionian seas. You can get to Balos by car, but it is better to go by ship. Travelers can enjoy truly picturesque nature and a delightful wild beach. It should be noted that this area offers truly charming facets of Greek nature.

Oia is one of the most beautiful Greek cities. Oia is distinguished by its white architecture, which evokes a special impression. Travelers can see old mills, houses with stairs, arches and domes. It is interesting to note that the city is located almost on the edge of an abyss, but at the same time it attracts a large number of tourists.

Unfortunately, Oia was destroyed by an earthquake in 1956, but after that the city was restored to its original form. During your walk, you can enjoy ancient architecture, souvenir and jewelry shops, and picturesque landscapes. If you wish, you can visit the Venetian Castle, as well as the Naval Museum.

The Acropolis in Athens is one of the most important architectural monuments in all of Greece. In ancient times, the Acropolis was decorated with numerous sculptures emphasizing the grandeur of the building. However, an important facility was damaged by shells, earthquakes, and external factors. The Greek authorities carried out restoration measures several times, thanks to which the Acropolis is considered a truly significant landmark of Athens.

Valley of the Butterflies, Rhodes

The Valley of the Butterflies is a truly beautiful place in Greece. Winding streams and lush vegetation attract many travelers. In addition, various butterflies live here, surprising with their beauty. You need to understand that butterflies can be scared away with amazing ease, so you won’t be able to enjoy their tranquility. There are cozy cafes and souvenir shops in the valley.

Church of Saint Titus, Heraklion

The ancient church combines decorative elements of two cultures at once, namely Eastern and Western. The rich history of Heraklion is captured within the walls of the temple. In addition, tourists can not only enjoy the special architectural design and unusual implementation of decorative elements, the amazing atmosphere, but also the religiosity of the attraction.

Among the most important relics kept in the church is the skull of St. Titus. It is not surprising that tourists planning a trip to Heraklion try to visit the Church of St. Titus.

Church of Saint Spyridon, Corfu, Kerkyra

The church was built back in 1590. The religious monastery is a worthy example of the architectural style that is traditional for the Ionian Islands of Greece. The ancient church was initially clearly influenced by medieval Italian architecture. It should be noted that the most noticeable elements are the ceiling and the iconostasis. Every tourist can appreciate the Church of St. Spyridon.

Sianna is a small mountain village. It is here that the production of Rhodes honey, distinguished by its impeccable taste and amazing aroma, has been successfully established.

On the way to the village, amazing panoramas of the coast and nearby small Greek islands open up. In the settlement itself there is a medieval temple consecrated in honor of St. Panteleimon. If desired, tourists can visit small shops to buy souvenirs and delicious honey.

Lindos Bay is one of the most beautiful places in all of Greece. The bay is a large bay, which is closed by rocks from the large waves of the Aegean Sea.

On the coast, not far from the bay, there is a hill from which truly stunning panoramas open up. Many travelers can actually enjoy beach holidays and sea swimming in this bay.

Kritinia, Rhodes

The ancient Venetian castle is considered one of the most important attractions in Greece. The castle-fort was built by the Knights of the Order of St. John. It should be noted that the complex is located in a place where there is a decent view of the sea and from where you can easily control the enemy sides.

It is important to note that by now the castle has been practically destroyed and only the walls have been preserved, but the coats of arms of the two Grand Masters can still be seen above the entrance. Here you can also see the ruins of a Byzantine church. Greek authorities plan to restore the castle over time.

The palace complex is located near the city of Kerkyra. The building was designed taking into account the best principles of Platonic romanticism. It should be noted that today tourists can still appreciate the grace of forms, inlaid furniture, and imperial gardens. In addition, there are truly beautiful views of the valleys and the Ionian Sea. Today, the palace complex houses a museum dedicated to art.

Monastery of Preveli, Crete

The monastery complex is located in the southern part of the coast of Crete. This religious monastery has two levels: the lower and upper parts. Moreover, the lower part is dedicated to John the Baptist, the upper part to John the Theologian. The lower part of the monastery complex is a famous landmark.

The Preveli Monastery suffered many times from Turkish raids and bombings during World War II. Despite this, the destroyed monastery buildings were restored many times. Now tourists can appreciate the uniqueness of the religious monastery. There is a successful museum at the Preveli Monastery, where valuable objects of church art are displayed.

Fortress of St. Nicholas, Rhodes

The fortress is an ancient military fort in the city of Rhodes. Nowadays, the fortress is considered an important historical and architectural monument. In addition, the object currently serves as a lighthouse.

The fortress of St. Nicholas was built in 1467. Initially, the object performed its functions perfectly. However, in the 16th century it was necessary to further strengthen the fort: modernize the walls, create a moat. It is in its improved form that the fortress has survived to this day.

The Kastalian spring is one of the most famous Delphic shrines in Greece. It is here that many people can enjoy the unusual and peaceful atmosphere. The Kastalsky spring is located at the foot of the rock, in which niches are carved for gifts from pilgrims. This is where all travelers should visit.

Giola Lagoon is located on the Greek island of Thassos. There is a natural reservoir with clean and warm water, separated from the sea only by a 2-meter stone barrier. Many travelers try to visit this corner of Greece in order to understand how attractive nature can be and how you can enjoy swimming in a cozy lagoon.

Greece is a country that will give positive emotions to every traveler.

Greece - the most detailed information about the country with photos. Sights, cities of Greece, climate, geography, population and culture.

Greece (Ελλάδα)

Greece is a state in Southern Europe on the Balkan Peninsula. The country is washed by the waters of the Aegean Sea in the east, the Ionian Sea in the west, and the Mediterranean in the south. Greece borders Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Turkey. It is a unitary parliamentary republic, the state religion of which is Orthodoxy. The population speaks Greek.

Greece is known for its wonderful nature, fascinating history and rich culture. The country is considered the cradle of civilization, the birthplace of democracy and philosophy, mathematics and physics, as well as the Olympic Games. Ancient archaeological sites, rich cultural heritage, mild climate and sandy beaches make Greece one of the main tourist destinations in Europe.

Interestingly, the official name of the state is Hellas. The Greeks themselves use the word "Greece", which has Latin roots, only when communicating with foreigners

Useful information about Greece

  1. The official language is Greek.
  2. Religion - Orthodoxy.
  3. Population - 10.7 million people.
  4. Area - 131,957 km².
  5. Currency - euro.
  6. Time - UTC +2, in summer +3.
  7. The capital is Athens.
  8. Public holidays: January 1 - New Year, January 6 - Baptism, March 25 - Independence Day, May 1 - Labor Day, August 15 - Assumption of the Virgin Mary, October 28 - Okha Day, December 25-26 - Christmas. Religious holidays: Clean Monday - 41 days before Easter, Easter, Pentecost - on the 50th day after Easter.
  9. Electrical network - 230V (50Hz).
  10. Visa - Schengen.
  11. Greece is a safe country. The greatest dangers are theft and fraud.

Geography and nature

Greece is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula. The country is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, in particular: the Ionian, Aegean and Libyan seas, which are part of its waters. 20% of Greece's territory is located on numerous islands.

Geographically, the country's territory can be divided into three parts:

  • Continental Greece (Greek Macedonia, Thrace, Thessaly, central part of the country).
  • The Peloponnese is a large peninsula occupying the southern part of the Balkans.
  • Islands of the Aegean Sea (Crete, Euboea).

The relief of Greece is quite diverse. Mountains occupy approximately 25% of its territory. The highest point is the legendary Olympus (2917 m).

The fauna of Greece is not very rich. There are very few wild animals left in the country. The most common are hares, badgers, porcupines, turtles, numerous snakes and lizards. There are also foxes, bears, lynxes, and wild boars. The flora of Greece is typical of the Mediterranean: olive, cypress, plane trees, etc.


Most of Greece has a warm Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters. In the mountains and foothills - temperate and alpine.

Best time to visit

The best time to visit Greece will depend on the purpose of your holiday. The beach season begins in May. In most resorts the sea warms up to 21-22 °C. The hottest months are July and August. Sea water during this period is 25-28 °C. The most comfortable season for a beach holiday is September. During the day it is no longer so hot, and the water is still as warm as in the summer. March and April are perfect for exploring the rich cultural and historical heritage of Greece.


Traces of humans on the territory of Greece date back to the Paleolithic era. In the third millennium BC. The Minoan civilization arose on the island of Crete, which subsequently spread to the continent. During this period, early states and writing emerged, crafts, navigation, and trade developed. The Minoan civilization is replaced by the Hellenic and Mycenaean civilizations. The Mycenaean culture was destroyed by the invasion of the Dorian tribes. This also led to the decline of early Greek cities and the loss of writing.

After the Dorian invasion, Greek culture began to develop almost from scratch. The next period in the history of Ancient Greece is called Polis. In the 8th-6th centuries BC, legendary city-states began to emerge - policies, as well as Greek colonies throughout the Mediterranean and even on the Black Sea. The heyday of Ancient Greece occurred in the 5th-4th centuries BC. This period in history is called classical. It ended with the rise of Macedonia and the loss of independence of the poleis.

The ancient Greek civilization is called Ancient Greece. It is considered the cradle of all Western civilization. The Greeks themselves even then called their country Hellas, and themselves Hellenes.

After the defeat of the united army of the poleis, the Corinthian League was created, led by Macedonia. A new period of Greek history begins - the Hellenistic. It begins with the campaigns of Alexander the Great, and ends with the conquest of the Hellenistic states by Rome. Interestingly, after the conquest of Greece, Macedonia adopted its culture. Alexander himself was a great admirer of Greek civilization, so Greek culture spread to all the conquered countries.

The Romans controlled Greek territories from the 1st century BC. to 3rd century AD Many Roman emperors admired the culture of Greece and borrowed a lot from it. In the 1st century AD Christianity began to spread here. In 324, Emperor Constantine made Constantinople the capital of the Roman Empire. Later, Byzantium arose, and Greece became part of it. In the 13th century, Constantinople was taken by the Crusaders. Greek territory was divided into zones of influence between Western European states. In 1453, Byzantium fell to the Ottomans, and Greece was occupied by the Ottoman Empire.

Greece gained its independence in 1830 after a long war of national liberation. During the Balkan Wars, the state even increased its territories. After World War I, Greece went to war with Turkey, led by Ataturk, which ended in 1923. In 1940, Italy demanded that the state provide a bridgehead for troops. Greece answered “no” and was occupied by German troops until 1944. The country celebrates the refusal of the fascists on October 28 as Okha Day.

After World War II, the monarchy was restored in Greece, which was overthrown during a military coup in 1967. In 1980, Greece joined NATO, and a year later the European Union.

Currently, Greece is divided into 7 decentralized administrations and the autonomous monastic state of Mount Athos.

Administrative divisions of Greece:

  1. Attica is the administrative center of the city of Athens.
  2. Macedonia - Thrace - the administrative center is the city of Thessaloniki.
  3. Epirus and Western Macedonia - the administrative center is the city of Ioannina.
  4. Thessaly and Central Greece - the administrative center is the city of Larisa.
  5. Peloponnese, Western Greece and Ionia - the administrative center is the city of Patras.
  6. Aegean Islands - the administrative center is the city of Piraeus.
  7. The island of Crete is the administrative center of the city of Heraklion.


93% of the population of Greece are ethnic Greeks. They speak Greek and profess Orthodoxy. Large ethnic groups: Albanians, Turks, Macedonian Slavs, Aromanians, Gypsies. The Greeks themselves are polite, religious, hospitable and lazy. They don't really like to work, but they love rest and leisure. Greeks take politics and sports very seriously and value their culture and history. They are also very sensitive to the issue of Macedonia and relations with Turkey. Therefore, it is better to avoid arguing on these topics in conversations. It is also better not to raise the topic that Greece is Eastern Europe or a typical Balkan country. When speaking, Greeks can gesticulate a lot.


The largest airport in Greece is located in Athens. Its passenger traffic is more than 20 million people. Other major international airports are located in Thessaloniki, Heraklion, Corfu, Rhodes. The largest national carriers are Olympic Airlines and Aegean Airlines. Easy Jet (London, Berlin, Paris, Milan), SkyEurope (Vienna, Bratislava, Prague, Budapest and Krakow) and many others also fly to Greece.

The largest railway junction is Thessaloniki, from where trains run to Budapest, Istanbul, Sofia, and Bucharest. Greece can be reached by bus from many major cities in Southern Europe, as well as Bratislava, Prague and Munich. The most popular car route is a trip by car to Italy and then by ferry across the Adriatic. You can also get to Greece by ferry from Venice, Trieste, Bari, Ancona.

Cities of Greece and popular destinations

The capital of Greece, the largest city in the country, its economic, cultural and financial center. It is considered the cradle of the classical period of the ancient Greek state and the entire Western civilization. The appearance of the city was formed under the influence of the ancient Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and Ottomans. Interestingly, after its decline in the Middle Ages, by 1830 Athens was a small provincial village until it was chosen as the capital of an independent Greek state.

The second most populous city in Greece and the largest in Central Macedonia. It is considered the cultural capital of the country with many festivals, exciting events and a rich cultural life. Thessaloniki is an ancient city with many artifacts from the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman past. The ancient Byzantine churches and historical center are included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


Kerkyra is a city on the island of Corfu, the historical center of which is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. It belonged to the Venetians for several centuries, so it is famous for its elegant Italian architecture, Venetian fortresses and beautiful streets.

Nafplion is one of the most beautiful seaside towns in the country, located in the east of the Peloponnese peninsula. It is the first capital of independent Greece with a beautiful promenade and an old town with neoclassical mansions.

The third largest city in Greece and the “gateway” to Italy. Located in the west of the Peloponnese Peninsula. Patras is an ancient city founded in the 6th century BC. Unfortunately, only the Odeon has survived from antiquity.

The capital of the island of Crete and one of the oldest cities in Greece. Here you can touch the antiquities of the Minoan civilization, see the legendary ruins of the Knossos Palace, in the underground labyrinths of which the mythical Minotaur lived, as well as Byzantine churches and Venetian fortifications.

Volos is the sixth largest city in Greece, a major industrial center and port. Located at the foot of the legendary Mount Pelion and known for its interesting ancient sights - the ruins of an ancient acropolis and a Neolithic settlement.

Santorini or Thira is an island in the Aegean Sea, part of the Cyclades archipelago. It is one of the most beautiful and romantic places in Greece. This volcanic island is known for its white houses, unique beaches, luxury resorts and wine.

Rhodes is one of the largest Greek islands, part of the Dodecanese archipelago. It is definitely worth visiting the city of the same name, which is surrounded by impressive fortifications built by the Knights of St. John in the 14th century.

Crete is the largest island of Greece, which is famous for its magnificent beaches, impressive natural landscapes and traces of ancient civilizations.

Mykonos is the most glamorous island in Greece with many luxury hotels, expensive restaurants and sandy beaches. Very popular with celebrities.

Sights of Greece

The Acropolis is a symbol of Greece and one of the most famous monuments of ancient Greek civilization. It is a high rocky hill located right in the heart of modern Athens. The Acropolis is topped by three ancient temples that date back to the 5th century BC. The main pearl of this archaeological site is the Parthenon - a magnificent ancient Greek temple consisting of 58 columns and dedicated to the goddess Athena. Nearby are other ancient attractions - the ancient agora (market square), the Roman forum and the Temple of Zeus.

Knossos is an ancient city on the island of Crete, the center of the Minoan civilization and one of the most significant archaeological sites in Greece. Famous for the ruins of a huge ancient palace built in the second millennium BC. According to myths, there was a labyrinth of the minotaur here.

Delphi is an ancient Greek city at the foot of Mount Parnassus and an important religious center of Ancient Greece. Known as the location of the Oracle of Apollo. It consists of the ruins of numerous temples, a theater and a stadium, built from the 8th century BC. to 2nd century AD The adjacent archaeological museum contains all the most interesting finds.

Olympia is one of the most famous archaeological sites in Greece, the site where the first Olympic Games were held. This ancient city is located in the western part of the Peloponnese and is famous for the ruins of an ancient stadium, temples of Zeus and Hera. The archaeological museum houses many interesting ancient artifacts.

Epidaurus is an ancient Greek city in the northeastern part of the Peloponnese peninsula. Famous for the ruins of the Temple of Asclepius and the ancient theater built in the 4th century BC. The theater has been preserved very well. It is famous for its acoustics and is still used for performances.

The Temple of Poseidon is the ruins of an ancient Greek temple at the southernmost tip of the Attica peninsula, 70 km from Athens. This structure was built in the 5th century BC. At the same time, the first temple was destroyed by the Persians. According to myths, it was in this place that King Aegeus jumped into the sea when he thought that his son Theseus had been killed.

Delos is the mythical place where Artemis and Apollo were born. In ancient times, the island was considered sacred. Now it is an open-air museum where you can look at ancient Greek ruins.

Mount Athos is a peak in northeastern Greece that is one of the most significant Orthodox shrines. According to legend, in 49 AD. The ship on which the Virgin Mary was sailing moored to the mountain. She was so amazed by the beauty of this place that she asked God to give it to her. Since that time, the mountain has been called Holy and is considered the earthly inheritance of the Virgin Mary. It is a huge monastery complex, which houses many Christian shrines.

The Meteora Monasteries are a complex of Orthodox monasteries in the northwestern part of Thessaly, built on the tops of picturesque sandstone cliffs. It is one of the most striking sights in Greece and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. According to scientists, 24 monasteries were built on the tops of the rocks from the 14th to the 16th centuries. Only 6 monasteries have survived to this day.

Monemvasia is a medieval Byzantine fortress located in the southeastern part of the Peloponnese. Built in the 6th century, it was used by the Byzantines, Venetians and Ottomans.

Zagorochoria is an area in northwestern Greece known for its beautiful scenery and charming old stone villages (there are 46 of them). One of the main attractions of this region is the Vikos Gorge.

Patmos is a large ancient monastery of St. John the Evangelist on the island of Patmos. It is believed that John wrote the book of the Apocalypse here (in the cave).


Greece is one of the most popular countries in the world, one of the TOP 20 in the world in terms of tourist flow. Here you can find a huge number of accommodation options from expensive hotels and luxury villas to small modern hotels and inexpensive hostels. The cost of accommodation and housing offers depends entirely on the season and popularity of the place (resort). The highest season is July - September.


Greek cuisine is a synthesis of traditional culinary traditions with notable Italian and Turkish influences. Traditional Greek cuisine is full of vegetables, grains and herbs, fish and seafood. One of the main ingredients is olive oil and tomato paste. Every meal is accompanied by bread and wine.

Popular food:

  • Gyros - Greek shawarma.
  • Souvlaki are small kebabs.
  • Tzatziki - finely chopped cucumbers, dill or mint with olive oil, garlic and yogurt.
  • Greek salad - a mixture of tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese and onions with the addition of olives, green peppers and oregano, dressed with olive oil.
  • Fried octopus.
  • Moussaka is a baked puff pastry with eggplant stuffed with meat, tomatoes and white sauce.
  • Tiropita - cheese pie.
  • Saganaki - fried cheese.
  • Stifado - beef stew in sauce.
  • Spetsofai - stewed sausages with peppers and tomatoes.
  • Galaktoboureko - quiche.

Popular drinks:

  • Frappe - cold coffee with milk and sugar.
  • Local wine produced in Santorini, Crete and the Peloponnese Peninsula.
  • Ouzo is a Greek anise brandy.
  • Rakia is grape vodka, an analogue of Italian grappa.
  • Coffee and iced tea.
  • Beer - Mythos and Alpha.

The ancient and majestic architectural monuments of Hellas can tell a lot about the events, the history of these lands and the glorious exploits of its heroes. Now Greece is one of the favorite holiday destinations not only among our compatriots, but also among tourists from all over the world. We'll tell you about eight of the most important and impressive sights of Ancient Greece, and why they should be included in your list of places you should definitely see when traveling around the country.

Acropolis of Athens

One of the main attractions, the calling card of the country and the material embodiment of the achievements of Greek civilization is the Acropolis, which is a rocky hill 156 meters high with a flat top. It was the residence of the king and the clergy; many temples were once erected on the territory, in which sacrifices were made to the gods and prayers were offered to them. The first buildings appeared here in archaic times.

Now the Acropolis is a Mecca for tourists; time here seems to have frozen in the impeccable beauty and grace of architectural forms. Many attractions of Ancient Greece are concentrated in this place: the Parthenon, the statue of Athena Promachos, Arreforion, Chalkoteka, Hekatompedon, Propylaea, etc.

In their reviews, travelers describe the Acropolis in literally two words: magnificent and delightful. They recommend devoting the whole day to exploring the hill and waiting for sunset - the most picturesque and mesmerizing time of the day.


In the past, it was a city and a pan-Greek religious center with an oracle and a temple of Apollo, and now an extensive archaeological reserve. The ruins of the ancient city are located 9.5 km from the Gulf of Corinth on the slope of Mount Parnassus. This place is another complex that unites several outstanding attractions of Ancient Greece: the temple of Apollo, the temple of Athena Pronaia, an amphitheater and stadium, and an ancient gymnasium.

Once upon a time, the Greeks hurried to Delphi to find out what awaited them in the future and to unquestioningly follow the will of the gods. Now thousands of tourists flock here every year to enjoy the picturesque views and majestic architecture.

Knossos palace

It is impossible not to include in the list of the main attractions of Ancient Greece the masterpiece of Cretan architecture - the Palace of Knossos. The first mentions of it date back to the second millennium BC, it is the same age as Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids. It is located near Heraklion, just 4 km from the coast of the Cretan Sea.

The Palace of Knossos is a complex system of rooms with a total area of ​​20 thousand m2. It was built from several types of stone. In ancient times, it had several floors and was a complex labyrinth consisting of living quarters, warehouses, kitchens, workshops, bathrooms, etc.

More than one legend is associated with the palace. According to legend, it was owned by the son of Zeus and Europe - Minos. It was here that the Athenian hero Theseus killed the Minotaur with the help of Ariadne's thread.

Burial in Vergina

Of all the attractions of Ancient Greece, this is perhaps the most unusual. In Central Macedonia there is a small town called Vergina with a population of about two thousand people. Its modern history began in 1922. Perhaps it would have remained an unknown settlement if in 1977 the rich burial of the Macedonian king Philip II, the father of Alexander the Great, had not been discovered here. In addition to his grave, two more were discovered. One of them contains unidentified remains, and the second, according to scientists, belongs to the son of A. Macedonian.

Magnificent frescoes, rich funeral gifts - all this, according to tourists, is in excellent condition and does not leave any visitor indifferent.

Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion

Since ancient times, Sounion has been the seat of two cults - Poseidon and Athena, who have always fought for the right to possess Attica. The Olympian gods were worshiped, and temples in their honor are not uncommon, so sometimes there is confusion about their location and names. The sights of Ancient Greece are varied and amazing, but the sanctuary of Poseidon on Cape Sounion, built in 490 BC. e., is impressive in its scale. Only the Doric marble columns have been well preserved to this day, but even they give an idea of ​​the size of the temple.

In addition to the exceptional historical value of the place, tourists celebrate the unusually beautiful sunsets on the cape.

Theater in Epidaurus

The ancient Greek city of Epidaurus in the north-east of the Peloponnese is famous primarily for its theater, which stands out from the rest with its exceptional beauty and acoustics. It was built in 340-330. BC e. for the entertainment of noble residents of the asklepion and accommodated more than 15 thousand people. It is believed that of all the ancient Greek theaters, this one has been preserved almost in its original form. To this day, festivals and concerts are held on its stage.

Travelers call it grandiose even by modern standards. In their reviews, they recommend planning a visit to the theater in July-August. During this period, performances are held there as part of the Greek Festival.


Do you dream of seeing the place where the Olympic Games were born? Then head to the ancient Greek Olympia - one of the largest sanctuaries in the Peloponnese. The city was built in honor of Zeus himself. Today it is an archaeological reserve with the ruins of the temples of Hera and Zeus, the ruins of early Christian basilicas, an ancient hippodrome and stadium. In total, the sanctuary includes 33 objects. It is here that the Olympic flame is lit, which is then delivered to the opening of the next Olympic Games.

In reviews, tourists compare Olympia with the Acropolis of Athens in terms of scale and splendor and recommend planning a visit not just for a couple of hours, but for the whole day.

Temple of Hephaestus in Athens

Hephaestus is the ancient Greek god of the blacksmith, patron of the craft. It is quite logical that his sanctuary should have special beauty and power. Located on the northwestern side of the Athenian agora, the Doric temple dedicated to Hephaestus is better preserved than all other ancient buildings. It was built in 449-415. BC e.

Travelers emphasize that Greece and its main attractions are, first of all, ancient temples. When visiting the capital of the country, you cannot pass by this austere and majestic building. The Temple of Hephaestus seems to have been carved out of a single block of stone.

Ancient Greek temples, acropolises, ruins and burials - all this mysteriously attracts people after thousands of years. Some of them appear on postcards and covers of guidebooks, while others are unfairly neglected. Majestic, beautiful, unique. Sometimes many of them defy description. The sights of Greece are not only monuments of national history, but also sources of information about how the ancient world lived and how it developed.