Rules for transporting baggage on an airplane. New rules for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage have come into effect in Russia.

In law Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (as amended on January 14, 2019) “On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules” General rules air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees" (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 27, 2007 No. 10186)
In any Russian airline you can carry up to 5 kg of things on board for free. There are carriers that allow you to take 10 or 15 kg.

As a rule, than more expensive ticket, the more things you can carry in the cabin. Typically, economy class flights are limited to one seat. hand luggage, and for business class - two. But here everything depends on the carrier: some companies have their own standards for each fare, route, aircraft, while others have a single standard for everyone.

Dimensions are not specified in the law, so each carrier can set its own rules. Typically, bags with dimensions of 55 × 40 × 20 cm or with the sum of three dimensions equal to 115 cm are allowed on board. Such a suitcase will fit in the overhead luggage rack along with the hand luggage of other passengers.

You can also take a handbag, briefcase or backpack with things in excess of the norm. It is assumed that you will place them under the seat in front, so the permitted weight and dimensions may be less than for carry-on luggage. For example, up to 3 kg and no more than 80 cm in the sum of three dimensions.

Carefully read the rules on the company’s website: if the weight of free excess baggage is not indicated there, check this on the website or by phone.

Also, instead of an additional bag, briefcase or backpack, you can take for free:

  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear;
  • baby food for a child during the flight;
  • suit in a suitcase (check weight and dimensions);
  • a device for carrying a child (cradle, chair, stroller) - provided that you are flying with a child and can fit these things on a shelf or under the seat;
  • medications, special dietary needs in the amount required for the duration of the flight;
  • crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, a folding wheelchair, if you can fit them in the cabin on a shelf or under the seat;
  • goods from Duty Free, if they are suitable in weight and dimensions and are sealed in a sealed bag (check weight and dimensions).

The basic rule: what you are going to take into the cabin must fit on a shelf or under the seat. Ask the carrier in advance how much excess hand luggage he will allow you to carry.

How to check hand luggage at the airport

If your hand luggage looks bulky, it will be weighed at the airport and the dimensions will be checked using a special frame. This is a plastic container or two walls that your suitcase should fit into. In this case, everything should fit in, including handles and wheels.

Frame for checking carry-on baggage sizes /

To avoid having to pay extra for hand luggage, choose soft bags or a backpack with drawstring straps that reduce the size of the already packed travel accessory.

Airlines will now be able to sell tickets that do not include baggage allowance at all - previously 10 kg were guaranteed free (new baggage rules on planes).

On July 20, the State Duma adopted amendments to the Air Code (Rules for the carriage of baggage on an airplane), which will affect millions of air passengers. Now on plane tickets airlines may not include free baggage allowance at all. Is it true, this only applies to non-refundable rates- and they are the cheapest, and most travelers buy them.

The news left many tourists stupefied or slightly confused: how is it that baggage-free fares were introduced a long time ago, I paid for a suitcase on the S7 flight last summer? But Pobeda only lets you in with a handbag, and demands money for a backpack!

Actually baggage-free fares Russian airlines Until now, they were conditionally baggage-free - any of them allowed you to take 10 kg for free. Even Pobeda, with all its strictness, with hand luggage of 10 kg per luggage compartment I was allowed to carry it. Precisely because this norm was prescribed in the Air Code. Now it has been cancelled. And carriers have every right not to include luggage at all in the ticket price. If you need a suitcase - pay, if you are ready to fly light - save.

And now, tomorrow at all airports in the country they will start charging money for each suitcase? Komsomolskaya Pravda figured out the details of the new rules.


Baggage and hand luggage: The air code allowed each passenger to carry a minimum of 10 kg free of charge. At the same time, it was not specified where exactly - in the luggage compartment or hand luggage. And the airlines interpreted it as they saw fit. For example, S7, according to the baggage-free fare, allows you to take 10 kg of hand luggage into the cabin; there is no free luggage at all. “Victory” is the opposite: a suitcase weighing up to 10 kg can be checked in as checked baggage free of charge, but they are not allowed to take anything other than the list specified in the Federal Aviation Regulations (See “Important”). Other carriers offer even the cheapest rates free rates more generous than the minimum required by law: " Ural Airlines» 5 kg of hand luggage and 10 kg of luggage, Aeroflot has 10 kg of hand luggage and 23 kg of luggage.

Eventually: 10 kg is quite possible if you are flying for the weekend or on a short business trip. And it really doesn’t matter where these 10 kg fly, in the luggage compartment or the cabin. Passengers could actually save money by buying conditionally baggage-free tickets - after all, they still include 10 kg.


Baggage: the airline may not include it in the ticket price at all free luggage. Or maybe include it - as she decides.

Carry-on baggage: A passenger has the right to carry carry-on baggage free of charge “within the limits established by the carrier in accordance with federal aviation regulations.” That is, and here almost everything is left to the airline. Maybe my brother will allow 5 kg into the salon, maybe 10 kg. Or it may be limited to items from those same federal aviation regulations (see "Important"), their amendments did not affect them.

That is: the airline will legally be able to demand payment for everything except a handbag or briefcase. Both for luggage and for hand luggage - be it a backpack, a sports bag, or a duty-free bag. Have you seen many ascetics who fly to another city with only a handbag over their shoulder, without, sorry, a change of underwear or socks? In this situation, the passenger will have to pay on top in any case - either for a suitcase or for hand luggage. But. There is hope that airlines will avoid extremes and leave some reasonable standards for free hand luggage. This is what happens in the world, in any case (see “What about them”).

*After the amendments come into force. All this applies only to non-refundable tickets. For passengers with refundable fares, the new law does not change anything.


When will the new rules take effect?

Calmly - only 60 days after the official publication of the amendments. Approximately from the end of September - beginning of October. That is, we will have time to fly off during the summer holidays, as usual, 10 kg are guaranteed free of charge even at baggage-free fares.

Will they charge for a suitcase on any flight?

No. It all depends on the airline and the fare at which you buy the ticket. The amendments make it possible to make only non-refundable tickets completely baggage-free. If the ticket can be returned, then its price automatically includes at least 10 kg of luggage (or more, this is the right of the airline).

Most likely, carriers will reshape their tariff schedules to accommodate the new rules over the next two months. There will be the cheapest tickets, which cannot be checked in and any baggage is only for money, there will be average ones, with 10 kg of free baggage and restrictions on return (with a fine, for example), and expensive ones, where you can take a suitcase weighing 23 kg and change the ticket itself and return it. This is a conditional diagram, of course.

How do I know if I qualify for free luggage?

The amendments oblige the airline to inform the passenger about the conditions for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage when purchasing a ticket. To be fair, they still do not hide this information on their websites. As a rule, you need to click on the name of the tariff next to the price or the icon symbolizing baggage. You will see: hand luggage only, 10 kg, 23 kg... If you realized it after the purchase, in electronic ticket look for the “Baggage” column.

How much will it cost to check in a suitcase?

Tariffs are set by the carrier. On average, at current prices, 2,000 rubles or 50 euros (for international flights) for a suitcase weighing up to 23 kg.

Will tickets become cheaper?

The main argument of supporters of the law is that plane tickets will become cheaper. Why? Baggage transportation is a service for which the passenger pays. After all, with suitcases, the plane is heavier, it needs more fuel, again loading and unloading, wages for loaders, luggage belt. Now everyone pays for this service. And if you divide it - the flight separately, the luggage separately - some passengers will be able to pay only for the flight itself and thereby save. Pobeda's base tariffs, they say, will be reduced by 20%.

Those who are willing to fly at a “naked” fare and without luggage at all will probably pay less. But for most passengers, flights will eventually become more expensive, he believes Alexander SIZINTSEV, CEO Internet service for travelers Biletix. Because in addition to the fare, they will fork out money for luggage, even minimal ones.


Let's see if we have tickets for 10 euros!

In the European Union and the United States, laws do not regulate the issue of luggage at all; airlines themselves decide what they will allow a passenger to carry for free, and what for money, he comments PR Director of Aviasales Janis Dzenis.

So in Russia now it’s like all over the world. Anyone who has flown with Western low-cost airlines knows: with Ryanair, EasyJet and the like, the ticket really does not include any baggage at all. But they are generous with hand luggage - Ryanair even allows you to carry two bags, one on the shelf above the seat, the other under the seat. So passengers save on suitcases and take as much as they can into the cabin.

Russian aviators who lobbied for the newly adopted amendments argued that our 10 kg free baggage allowance prevents domestic low-cost airlines from competing with foreign ones that do not have such restrictions. Well, let's see if we will now have tickets for 10 euros, like in Europe - the obstacles have been removed!


50% of passengers do not know whether free luggage is included in the ticket they purchased.

30% pay for the suitcase already at the airport, was surprised to learn that the fare was baggage-free.

You can save 60%, if you pay for baggage not included in the ticket in advance, on the airline’s website.

Changes have been made to the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), according to which the minimum weight of hand luggage carried free of charge is reduced from 10 to 5 kg. Also, the very concept of hand luggage was added to the FAP.

Before the relevant amendments were made, the passenger had the right to free carriage of at least 10 kg of baggage for both refundable and non-refundable tickets.

The air carrier independently determined how these 10 kg would be transported

- in hand luggage or in luggage compartment aircraft.

Now the carry-on baggage allowance is “at least 5 kilograms.” Thus, the air carrier is legally obliged to accept on board as hand luggage items up to 5 kg per passenger. At the same time, at the request of the carrier, the rate can be increased “as a competitive advantage.” In particular, S7 airlines intend to maintain the current weight of free hand luggage at 10 kg, reports.

The amendments also establish three types of fares for air tickets: non-refundable ticket without baggage allowance, non-refundable ticket with baggage and return ticket with baggage weighing from 10 to 30 kilograms.

Passengers who have purchased a non-refundable ticket will be able to carry hand luggage weighing up to 5 kg on board free of charge.

In addition to hand luggage, a passenger has the right to take with him into the aircraft cabin a backpack, a woman’s handbag or briefcase, as well as outerwear, a bouquet of flowers, baby food for a child, a suit in a suitcase, a cradle or stroller, a cane, crutches, and other “technical means” for rehabilitation”, medicines and those goods that were purchased in duty free shops.

The norms for the permissible volumes of packages with duty free goods will be determined by the air carriers themselves - this measure is related to ensuring safety on board.

As for phones, cameras and other gadgets, they, as well as umbrellas and books, will not be included as separate categories in the list of items carried in hand luggage, since passengers can put them in already registered bags and backpacks.

Following the adoption of amendments to the FAR, when checking in for a flight or boarding an aircraft, a passenger may be required to provide their carry-on luggage for weighing by the airline. At the same time, the “hand luggage” tag will not be attached to items located directly with the passenger.

Carry-on baggage markings are canceled for passengers checking in online. In this case, size control will be carried out using weighing immediately before boarding the plane.

We are also confident that the innovations will have a positive impact on the airline industry and passengers. In September, Igor, Chairman of the Expert Council on Tourism under the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, said that new standards for free baggage allowance will make it possible to significantly reduce tariffs for budget flights.

“According to preliminary calculations, eliminating the free baggage allowance will make the cheapest fares cheaper by another 10-15%,” Fomin said.

The head of the Passengers Union, Kirill, also approved amendments to the rules for the transportation of baggage, RT reports. But at the same time, Yankov expressed concern about abuses among air carriers.

“Unfortunately, some airlines are in pursuit of additional fees Passengers are required to reduce the size of their allowable hand luggage,” Yankov said.

Also, the head of the Passengers Union believes that it is necessary to establish the minimum size of hand luggage based on the type of aircraft.

At the end of July 2017, the Russian President signed a law that makes free baggage allowance optional for non-refundable air tickets.

It was also decided to replace the words “including things carried by passengers” with the expression “hand luggage”.

Refundable air ticket upon termination of the contract air transportation must contain a free baggage allowance. A non-refundable fare “may not include” free luggage.

In Russia, new rules for passenger air transportation will come into force in the fall. The changes mainly concern the conditions for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage. , what should passengers now prepare for when planning to fly around Russia and the world on domestic airlines?

Baggage-free fares

Low-cost carriers, primarily Pobeda, will have so-called baggage-free fares for those traveling light. It is expected that compared to the current base fares of low-cost airlines, they will be 10-20% cheaper.

At the same time, it is possible to buy tickets, the price of which includes luggage. When registering, no additional payment will be required for it (except in cases of excess).

If you rushed to purchase a baggage-free ticket and then decided to take a suitcase with you, you can pay extra for it later. According to the current prices of Pobeda, one place in the luggage compartment costs 1.5-2 thousand rubles, if you pay extra through the website or call center (where the call, by the way, is paid). If you realize it already at the airport, then you will pay at least three thousand. And it is possible that the amount of additional payments may increase in the near future.

For those who paid extra for luggage in advance and then decided to fly without it, there is also a solution. According to a senior official at the Ministry of Transport, Svetlana Petrova, you will be able to get your money back without any problems.

“Show the receipt, say that you paid, but there will be no luggage. Accordingly, your money will be returned. Of course, you only pay for the service you use. Besides, it’s additional,” Petrova said.

Experts also recommend being careful when purchasing tickets online in order to choose the right ones: with or without luggage. Click on the name of the tariff so that a window with explanations appears, and look for an icon symbolizing baggage.

Hand luggage

Hand luggage rules are changing for all passengers. They are expected to come into force in November. On this moment they are being finalized by the Ministry of Transport, but have already caused a lot of misunderstandings and have greatly frightened the public.

According to the department's plan, the updated rules will oblige all low-cost airlines, including Pobeda, regardless of the tariff, to allow bags, backpacks and suitcases on board. The Ministry of Transport wants the weight standard to be no lower than 5 kg per passenger, and each company will decide for itself whether to increase it or not.

At the same time, Pobeda stated that it would focus not on weight, but on the dimensions of hand luggage.

“We will take the total volume of luggage compartments, divide it by 189 (this is the number of seats on each plane) and we will be able to tell the passenger: you have so much space, you can, within this norm, carry any number of items, bags, backpacks - whatever you want. Even if it all weighs more than 5 kg, the main thing is that all hand luggage fits in size,” explained the company’s general director Andrei Kalmykov.

The news about changing the rules for hand luggage has given rise to many rumors. Thus, information has appeared that you will now have to pay to take a laptop, gadgets, umbrella and even outerwear into the salon. But this is not true - all of the listed items can be carried on board for free. The difference is that for now these items are allowed to be carried in addition to hand luggage, but after the rules are updated they will need to be included directly in hand luggage and presented for weighing. Stay within the minimum 5 kg - and the low-cost airline will not require additional payment. And most traditional airlines have twice the carry-on baggage allowance, so no need to worry.

So, here’s what will remain on the list of things allowed in excess of carry-on baggage:

  • handbag or briefcase;
  • suit in a suitcase;
  • baby food for the child during the flight;
  • baby cradle when transporting a child;
  • crutches, folding wheelchair.

And here is what will be transferred to hand luggage and will be subject to weighing:

  • laptop;
  • cell phone;
  • camera;
  • camcorder;
  • umbrella;
  • printed materials for in-flight reading;
  • folder for papers;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • cane;
  • outerwear.

Please note that these lists are still under development, and some of the second may, at the request of passengers, be returned to the first. For example, a mobile phone in your pocket, or outerwear, considering that a fur coat alone can weigh 2.5 kilos.

As for whether low-cost airlines will count duty-free goods into the weight of hand luggage, officials from the Ministry of Transport hint that low-cost companies will in every possible way find fault with purchases in the clear zone in order to force you to pay for the excess. Therefore, it is better to read their terms and conditions on the website in advance. Now, for example, Pobeda charges 2 thousand rubles for transporting duty-free purchases at Russian airports and 35 euros at foreign airports.

For passengers who buy refundable tickets (which can be returned for a refund), the new rules will not change anything.