Luggage loading. How baggage gets on a plane

Transportation of registered baggage to the aircraft is made at the end of the registration of passengers and luggage design. The registered luggage can be transported in different ways - individually, in containers, mixed way.

To transport the registered baggage and performing loading and unloading work with it, the means of mechanization must be highlighted and personnel assigned to the delivery and loading of luggage to the aircraft depending on the methods of transportation.

When transporting a piece of cargo, electrocars are used, tractors with luggage carts.

For the container method of transportation of baggage, containers are used (LD - 3, AK - 1.5), as well as stationary and mobile mechanization. Inpatient means of mechanization installed in the luggage rooms of the airport and used for the configuration / raskar of containers, the roller tracks with a drive roller system and lifting - complete tables are included. The composition of mobile means of mechanization includes:

· Means for delivery of containers to (from) board (a) aircraft - tractor (tractor) and container trolleys;

· Tools for carrying out loading and unloading work - trailed or self-propelled container loaders, as well as cars with an lifting body.

Luggage is loaded on clean, serviceable luggage trolleys / container. At the same time, special attention is paid to the luggage, decorated with special distinctive tags (VIP, Priority, Heavy, First, Business, Watch, Fragile, etc.).

When configuring baggage of flights performed with intermediate landings, on each item of unloading and the service class is placed on a separate trolley. Luggage of transfer passengers and high service classes is equipped with a separate luggage trolley / container. Luggage stacked on the trolleys / container carefully and so that it is easy to count the number of places complicated on the trolleys / container.

Luggage laid on trolleys should not perform more than 10 cm above the baggage trolley side, the total weight of baggage on one trolley should not exceed its lifting capacity.

When configuring baggage into containers, the loader places the luggage into the container to the full filling it, leading the placed places in the container. The doors of the loaded container must be freely open and closed, for which when laying luggage, it is necessary to leave a free space of at least 50 mm between the cargo and the door of the container. In each container, the loader loads the luggage sent to a specific destination, focusing on the airport code of the destination specified on the luggage tag or on the color of the luggage tags. The label is filled with each container, which is invested in the container pocket or paste on the container.

When laying baggage, the loader checks the compliance of luggage to this flight and the data of luggage statements / luggage manifests. In case of discrepancies in the amount of baggage, the loader (st. Link) is responsible for the delivery and loading of luggage to the aircraft together with the registration agent, find out the causes of discrepancies, produce baggage for registration / passenger manifesto and in trolleys / containers. If the causes of discrepancies are not detected, the luggage identification of passengers under the aircraft board, and in some cases on board the aircraft.

With limited quantities (lack) of the containers allocated under luggage, it is allowed to complete the luggage container to the trolley, in the same way may, the luggage of passengers of high service classes (with their small quantity). At the same time, a separate luggage statement is issued. Information on the presence of baggage (weight, number of places), unloaded into the containers, you must transfer to the group of commercial flight download group (including a center dispatcher).

At the end of the download, the PSB seals the containers and samples in the luggage statement for the number of containers for the total number of luggage places, including in each container. PSB compares the number of places taken to the transportation of baggage with registration data.

When rainy weather (rain, snow, etc.), the registered baggage should be covered.

Responsibility for the safety of registered baggage is assigned to the driver, which transports luggage, and on loaders occupied in the loading and unloading operations.

Before loading luggage on board Sun senior, loaders and flight attendant are required to inspect cargo compartments of the aircraft and check their condition.

If cargo compartments are contaminated or in them there are objects that can damage (stain) packaging and luggage, and also if the compartments are not lit, then load the luggage follows after bringing them in order.

The hatches connecting the passenger interior with cargo compartments must be closed and seated. If the seal is violated, the download of registered baggage is prohibited.

Loading registered baggage on board Sun is produced in
presence of a flight attendant brigade movers with

Autotransporters - for piece baggage;

Trailed or self-propelled loaders - for loading (unloading)
Containers with luggage.

In the absence of a flight attendant, loading and unloading is strictly prohibited.

In order to ensure the necessary centering of the aircraft and security flight, the loading luggage should be made strictly in accordance with the indication of the controller on the center and loading.

Transit bugs are recommended to load into separate cargo compartments according to the discharge points. If the transit baggage is placed in the same cargo compartment, then the luggage is loaded to the final discharge point, and in the last - luggage, following the first discharge point. At the same time, the baggage, next to different discharge items, it is necessary to separate apart from each other.

The luggage of passengers of literary and controlled flights should be loaded into the aircraft in such a way that its primary unloading from an aircraft by arrival is provided.

The loading of the registered baggage should be carried out by the necessary number of movers and using boot mechanisms (transporters, trailed carts, etc.) and compliance with the technological schedule of commercial maintenance aircraft.

When receiving containers from luggage loaders, flight attendant

Make sure the presence and integrity of the seal on each container;

Having received three copies of the luggage statement, check their filling,
Identity of records in the luggage marriage and in container labels.

The flight attendant (member of the crew) has the right not to accept the registered luggage in a faulty package / container and refuse to load it on the aircraft.

Detected damage to the registered baggage when loading, as well as the inconsistency of the actual number of luggage sites in the luggage statement, must be made to all instances of the luggage statement in the "fault marks" graph, and fastened by the personal stamps by the logbook hosting baggage, senior loaders, Reliable baggage.

Damage to the registered baggage packaging not recorded in the luggage statement when receiving and loading it at the airport of departure and detecting the destination at the airport (unloading), when unloading are completely due to the flight attendant

After the load of luggage loading loader, must:

· Close up mooring grids and all locks;

· About all malfunctions of locks, it is necessary to immediately inform the representative of the airline.

The flight attendant is obliged to attend the closure of cargo compartments after loading registered baggage in them. At the end, he must sign in all copies of the luggage statement for the accepted number of places, two copies of which takes on board the aircraft, and one remains at Art. Loaders / PSB.

Practical lesson number 4

Depending on the type of aircraft used for the transport of commercial download, the following ways of transportation of luggage, mail, cargo are distinguished:

Transportation using packaging tools (in containers or on pallets);

Transportation in bulk, without the use of packaging;

Mixed is one part of the bulk, and the other - packaging means.

When delivering luggage, cargo, mail under the board of the aircraft for downloading in baggage cargo compartments, the responsible for organizing the commercial service of the aircraft on the platform checks the presence of a luggage statement, cargo and shipping, cargo and postal manifests, as well as the correspondence of the records made in them to the number of places (containers , pallet).

• Luggage loading, cargo and mail by the method of recalculation of places is carried out by the loaders brigade, which is managed by the responsible for organizing the commercial service of the Sun on the Perrone, the placement of commercial downloads in the Baggage-cargo compartments of the aircraft in the presence of an airport and flight attendant employee who controls the integrity of the packaging, the number of places and Availability of tags (in the base airport).

• The number of actually loaded luggage, cargo and mail must comply with the data included in the documents.

• When filling out the next baggage - cargo compartment, the minuke of the first compartment must be closed and being controlled by the airline employee (in the base airport).

It is prohibited simultaneous loading of luggage, cargo, mail to different baggage freight compartments, or simultaneously in the Sun salon and baggage freight compartments, because This eliminates the possibility of monitoring compliance with technological standards.

• It is prohibited to load luggage, cargo and mail in the baseline airport in the absence of a representative of the airline (responsible for organizing the commercial service of the Sun on the platform) and the representative of the Sab airport. In necessary cases

responsible for the organization of commercial service of the Sun on the platform, together with the representative of the airport, organizes the identification of luggage by passengers.

• In cases of removing the passenger from the flight, its luggage is mandatory to be unloaded.

Responsibility for the transportation of baggage, cargo and mail assigned:

In confontine transport - for compliance with documents

(Luggage statement, cargo and postal manifesto), actually downloaded places, service packaging, availability of tags, labels and labels - on flight attendants.

Using packaging tools - for the contents of containers and its compliance specified in the transport documents, the presence of seals, labels and tags on containers (pallets) on the loaders brigadier (in the base airport).

Control over the placement and fastening of commercial downloads in Baggage-freight compartments of the aircraft, the number of loaded containers (pallets - for the responsible for organizing the commercial service of the Sun on the platform (in the base airport).

In foreign posts and airports of the Russian Federation, where airlines are available:

For the contents of containers (pallets) and loaded commercial bulk loading, its compliance with the documents specified in the documents, the presence of seals, labels and tags, placement and fastening in the Bagging and cargo compartments of the Sun, the correctness of the execution of transport documents, including the loading scheme, to the representative of airlines.

For the presence and state of seals, labels and tags on containers, loading in bulk,

as well as the safety and transfer of documents for commercial boot - on flight attendants.

In the contour airports and airports of the Russian Federation, where there is no airline representative.:

For compliance with the number of loaded containers (pallets) and commercial loading of bulk, specified in the transportation documents, the presence of seals, labels

both the tags, the integrity when loading the packaging, the compilation of "Loading Instructions" according to the centering schedule represented by the member of the flight crew - on the flight attendant. Controlling the fastening of containers (pallets) and the closure of the hatches is assigned to the flight crew.

• Loading commercial downloads in the final (intermediate) airport is carried out under the direct control of the representative of the airline. And flight attendant.

• After the closure of cargo hatches, the airline representative of airlines. The baggage statements, cargo manifesto and airplant, "Sun loading scheme" the older flight attendant of the crew.

• Before loading in the aircraft, the package must be properly, having filled container tags and cleaned from dirt, snow, water.

• Packaging tools with luggage, mail, load, downloadable equipment must be placed in accordance with the Sun boot scheme.

• Specific load on the floor and the maximum loading of individual baggage - cargo compartments of the aircraft must not be exceeded.

• The load of bulk should be distributed in baggage - cargo compartment or part of it evenly so that the general center of gravity is in the middle of the compartment. Large

overall loads should fit into the size of cargo compartments, taking into account the necessary gaps between the cargo and elements of cargo compartments.

• Initially, load should be loaded, then mail and, last time, luggage,

formed on destination.

• Crew baggage with Crew Bag tag is placed separately from the rest of the baggage at certain positions of cargo compartments depending on the type of aircraft.

• It is forbidden for commercial downloads to apply non-standard,

deformed and damaged containers and pallets. On leasing aircraft type Boeing, Airbus is prohibited to apply packaging tools,

not having an international quality certificate.

• Cargo should not perform for dimensions pallets and height should not exceed

160cm for Sun type IL-86, IL-96-300, B-767, B-777. For sun type A-319, A-320,

A-321 The height of the cargo on the pallet should not exceed 116cm.

• Pallets sent with a stack should be rigidly linked to packages, and the numbers are indicated in the "Sun boot scheme". If you need to send a cargo on a stack of empty pallets, you need to check the reliability of fastening empty pallets

to carrier through the pallet and cargo to the carrier pallet.

• Valuable loads in a sealing container are installed in accordance with the data of the centering. Valuable cargo in small packaging and diplomatic mail (up

10kg) is located brigadier of flight attendants in the cabin of the aircraft, indicating in

"Loading scheme Sun" placement of the placement and surname of the older flight attendant.

• When transporting luggage, cargo and mail, not complied with pallets or containers, on the aircraft with a container type of transportation, loaded into the Bulk. Monitoring the number of places, the presence of tags and the serviceability of the packaging of the loaded luggage, cargo and mail in the Bulk / lobby of the lower deck provides a designated flight attendant.

• For transportation of weapons, composite parts, ammunition and special means

on board the aircraft should be placed locked on the castle Metal box with a size of 1100x500x300 mm, painted in red. Metal boxes for transportation of weapons are located on the sun in the following places:

Tu-134 - in the luggage compartment number 1

Tu-154M - in the luggage compartment number 2

IL-62 - in the luggage compartment number 1

IL-86 - on the bottom front shelf on the right side in the underground room of the lobby number 3

IL-96-300 - in the luggage compartment number 3

B-767, B-777, A-310, A-319, A-320, A-321 - In Bulk

There are several ways to carry things with you, it all depends on how much you have them. If not so much, then they are transported by hand. If a lot, then you will have to send luggage or cargo in accordance with the rules of transportation of luggage by rail. All luggage carriage standards are given per 1 ticket (tickets without a place for children under 5 years are not considered).

In the suburban and international trains, the rules for the transportation of baggage may differ.

Manual jack

  • Wactually with a size of up to 36 kg (in CB - 50 kg cars) and up to 180 cm in size over the sum of all three measurements. You do not need to pay for it.
  • Plus, even up to 50 kg per place for a fee.
  • Plus, household, video and audio equipment, which in the sum of three measurements exceeds 180 cm - for a fee (at the rate of luggage weighing 30 kg, is drawn up at a ticket office by the receipt "Luggage on hand"). In general wagons - it is impossible.
  • Passengers with children and disabled people can be free with themselves with a wheelchair, a pram, other means necessary to ensure their mobility or for rehabilitation.

That is, you simply buy yourself a train ticket, as usual, and take things with you. It will be necessary to place them in places for baggage in the car: the upper luggage shelves, in the runts under the bottom shelves, etc.

Remember that your things should not worsen travel conditions for other passengers (that is, should not interfere).

Do not include additional luggage or manual sting if the child rides on one shelf with adults. If the child has a ticket with its own place - include.

Sports, tourist and hunting inventory

Bicycles, skiing, kayaks and other sports equipment, according to the rules for the transportation of baggage in long-distance trains, do not take into baggage. It can be transported on places for hand bag or place another convenient way. The main thing - your inventory should not interfere with other passengers, everything should be disassembled, safely packaged, by the sum of three measurements (length + width + height) - no more than 180 cm.

You need to pay for the transport of sports equipment in a regular ticket office at the station. This can be done at any time as soon as the sale of tickets for your train. That is, you can both at the same time with the purchase of a ticket, and then. Anytime before the departure of the train.

  • Ski, ski sticks, snowboards are transported in trains for free. No documents are required.
  • Kayaks, kayaks and wheels (both collapsible and unbearable) are paid like this: each boat needs a receipt for 30 kg of baggage.
  • Bicycles without a motor are paid as 10 kg of luggage.
  • Weapons (hunting and sports) - disassembled, in a case, separately from cartridges. Transferred on places for hand baggles is paid as 10 kg of baggage.

If you are traveling yourself and bring luggage with you

From October 2014, the work of most of the luggage branches on railways is stopped. Now the baggage is transported in a separate luggage compartment in the same train in which you are going. The luggage coupe is in all trains of the Russian Federation (in a pile car).

Luggage is drawn up, according to the approved passenger transportation rules, baggage and cargo transportation on railway transport, as follows. In the usual ticket office you pay for the transportation of baggage and get a receipt. This can be done as immediately when buying a ticket at the checkout, and presenting a printout of an electronic ticket form. Then rent the luggage to the storage wagon train (ask the conductors, where he, get there you will be there), and you go to your car.

  1. All luggage must be passed at the same time (and to take a receipt for him too). For each ticket (including children with the provision of space, that is, from 5 to 10 years) 3 places of baggage are allowed.
  2. One place of baggage in the amount of three dimensions should not exceed 180 cm, the mass is not more than 75 kg. The total mass of all baggage is no more than 200 kg per passenger.
  3. What does not fit into standards may also be taken to transport as baggage, but on special conditions. They must be discharged separately.
  4. Every place of baggage (i.e., the subject is a sofa, a sofa, suitcase, saczozh) should be carefully packed and equipped with carrying and loading devices. Especially machinery, items with windows and mirrors, etc. Remember that the safety of your items is your concern. Exception - baby carriages, wheelchairs. They may need immediately after unloading, so they can be passed into luggage without packaging.

If you yourself do not go, but you want to send only things

In this case, sending things is drawn up as a cargo. It can be convenient, including if you want to return the aircraft or send things and take some time to travel light. Or you just need to send a load to another city. Rules for registration, sending and receiving freight check at the station in your city or in the Help Service for Russian Railways by phone 8-800-775-00-00.

You can also send a load of one of the transport companies operating in your area, or luggage wagons by rail. This is engaged in the company "FPK-Logistics" (Russian Railways division).

What can not be pronounced in trains

It is not allowed to transport hand-made things that can damage or pollute the wagon or things of other passengers, silent, flammable, poisoning, flammable, explosive and other hazardous substances.

Remember! Packaging and preservation of any baggage - your and only your concern.

What do you do almost every time you fly by plane? We rent baggage.

This is a very simple procedure - to reset the suitcase at the girl at the reception and then, immediately by arrival, take it from the luggage gagging tape. It would seem - easier than simple. Let's see - how it really works.

So, you came to the airport in order to dump, finally, from rainy Peter to Fiji for three months. It is very important that on Fiji, because when I write this note, it is raining outside the window and very, damn, I want to do Fiji.
You come to the girl, put the suitcase on the scales, give her a passport and smile. The girl, a clear case, smiles in response and at the same time registers luggage. At this point, all the data on your suitcase is becoming the computer - its weight, binding to a particular passenger, the entire route is formed taking into account transfers. It takes a second, after which a telegram is formed with all these data, which is sent to the central server in London in the form of a luggage tag.

Why London? And because there is a single system, one at all. Your suitcase can fly in ten airports in different countries, and each of them should clearly understand what it is and where it flies. Such globalization.

A cute girl takes stickers with a unique bar code from the printer and sticks to the suitcase in different places.

After that, the suitcase leaves to the unknown, behind which - Fiji. This is how this unknown looks like:

In Pulkovo, on the first and second floors, right behind the wall, where suitcases are leaving, a very complex system of conveyors, tapes and other mechanisms are built. Suitcases fall there.

They go along the tape and periodically pass by the scanners, which read the barcode, pasted by a pretty girl with a couple of paragraphs before.

The suitcase rides with a very high speed, about three times faster than man walking. The suitcase may fall on the side, can be tilted - but the system is important to understand that in front of it. Therefore, the scanner hangs not alone, they are usually three pieces. The Pulkovo conducted an experiment - glued on the suitcase only one bar code, and the small one is still the scanner reads it with a high probability.

Since the scanner is very sensitive, it is impossible to approach it.

All ribbons and other carriers intersect, rest in each other, make a fork. The system, identifying the luggage unit and reading the code, requests the server in London - wherever this suitcase goes. And receives the flight number in response. The cart is already completing the cart, it stands somewhere in the termination of conveyors. The task of the system is to bring the suitcase to the desired cart.

The suitcase falls on a special platform called "courier". At the same time, the system knows exactly - on which courier is luggage.

At the moment when, in the opinion of the system, the suitcase would not badly change the direction, the courier resets the luggage to another tape.

In the process of movement, the suitcase is very closely investigated. It is once again shone, sniffing, maybe even feeling (we were not allowed into this zone), make a suitcase MRI. In the course of all these medical procedures with a suitcase, risks that prevent the loading of it on board the aircraft are consistently removed.

This ensures that, together with you, something explosive, poisonous or otherwise dangerous.

At the moment when the suitcase is already studied in every way and is recognized as safe, the system transports it towards loading in the cart. This is a sterile zone, that is, everything is safe here. At the most remedy, the suitcase falls into such a funnel and cool goes down, on the first floor.

On the first floor, the suitcase turns out to be on the so-called "lateral". This is also a conveyor, but not very fast. His task is to give a suitcase to a person who will make further manipulations.

Passing past one lateral, I suddenly discovered a penguin on it, who probably wants to Fiji.

On the ending of Lateral is a living person. It would seem - take the suitcase, throw in the cart, but not. At the airport, how the fathers bequeathed, everywhere need accounting and control.

Worker for a certain time before departure starts a complete set. The first thing on the computer opens the virtual cart, the number of which corresponds to the cart number physically located at the lateral.

Then each piece of baggage is scanned and laid in the open cart. When the cart is filled, it closes on the computer and the next one opens. And according to the collected cart, a baggage manifest is created, that is, a document describing what lies here. As a result, the system still knows - in what kind of place of the airport, up to the cart, each separately taken suitcase is located.

When the entire luggage is accepted and the last carte is staffed, lateral closes. For example, Copenhagen is already loaded into the plane, and Gelendzhik is still only falling from the second floor.

A special machine comes behind the carts. It is called rofan zh4. When all the carts are ready, this Rofan cheerfully brings them away to the aircraft where the loading occurs.

Separately, non-standard things are worn to the plane - baby carriages, wheelchairs.

In case, if some suitcase will be completely late, there is a special heel in Pulkovo, which can be burned to the aircraft within the last second.

Unfortunately, any complex system allows failures. The perfectly operating system can be avoided by a human factor. I think that this warning for each lateral appeared not just like that. Not quite, however, it is clear - why duplicate it to Turkish.

Separately pleased the instruction - how to work properly with the luggage, unfolded on the racks. Judging at the bottom of the poster in Pulkovo sometimes work very clever, creative guys.

Many often flying passengers face the problem of lost baggage. The suitcase may not have time for the owner, and it may be at all to humiliate it - flying, for example, to America and back, until the unfortunate vacationer languishes in Gelendzhik. Why is this happening?

The problem is the first - straps on sports bags. Everything is simple - the rectangular suitcase is ideal for the system, without protruding details, with a clearly prominent bar code. And when a backpack falls on the tape, who hangs ten straps, he has an excellent chance to cling to something. For example, for the neighboring suitcase, and with a newly acquired friend will not go there at all, where the system plans to reset it.

The second problem is the packaging of a suitcase. It should be understood that if the suitcase needs to look - it will still look at it. If the suitcase needs to open - it will open it. But many people still try to paint their luggage in a plastic film so that it becomes like a bun. Then he, instead of peacefully and peacefully lie on the conductor, starts to roll, stick to other suitcases and again leaves there.

A very big problem is old bar codes. When the system reads the bar code from the previous flight, it may not have time to read and recognize the new, relevant. As a result, the suitcase will fall into the zone of unidentified things and will be analyzed by hand, some of these beautiful guys.

In order for anyone from these beautiful guys to do not have to pull out of unlucky photographers from the conveyors, an intuitive road is drawn on the floor.

See what wonderful traces!

Coming out of the luggage department, I was absolutely not surprised by the thesis that live here - good!

Unloading baggage and cargo from cars submitted to the ramp of the luggage compartment.

The receiving department from the arrived wagon brings documents and transmits them together with the surrender of the senior replacement of the recedener, which records the time of arrival, the number of the train, the room of the luggage car and the surname of the receiving department. Luggage and cargo documents are stored at the senior replacement of the receiving device before subjugation. By the time the carriage was filmed, the senior change of the receptionist transfers the received documents and the commercial list of the lecking. Unloading starts immediately after installation (stop) of the car on the path to the platform intended for loading and unloading luggage and cargo. At the end of the unloading, the receptacker of the luggage compartment is described in the delivery lists, one copy of which gives the receiving a wagon, and transportation documents for luggage and cargo payable to be issued are transmitted to the issuance of the issuance, where they are registered in the book of arrival and luggage, indicating the departure station, receipt numbers , quantities and weights. On the cargo traffic vessels, the cashier stamps a calendar stamp and notifies the recipient.

At the end of the unloading of baggage from the cars of the arrivals of trains, the senior change of the receiving department gives an indication of one of the goods and luggage receivers to start loading baggage and cargo.

The receptionist makes a selection of transportation documents for luggage and loading for loading into the car. The delivery lists are filled with a receptor in advance.

In accordance with the TE RF RF, the responsibility for the correctness of the placement and fastening of the cargo in the car, the correctness of the instructions of the weight and the kind of loading is carried out when the car is departing carries the shipper.

CargoTagging, the luggage should be placed in the luggage car evenly, it is not allowed to displace the total severity of goods from the vertical plane in which the transverse axis of the luggage car is located.

The difference in loading four-axle carriages is not allowed. CargoTagging, luggage in the luggage car must be laid from the ends to the interstitial space tightly, without gaps in the transverse and longitudinal direction so that there is no shift, fall, bullets on the doors, loss and damage to them during transportation.

The gaps, as a result of which the cargo can shift should be filled with low-value materials.

When loading in the luggage car of baggage, the load should be provided with free opening of the doors of the car to unload on both sides to prevent the carriage body skew, leave the passages to signal tail phonam and fire extinguishing equipment (TU loading and fastening of cargo. Section 3, paragraph number 2,5) .

After completing the acceptance of baggage, the receiving department of the car is described in the delivery list in the reception of baggage and documents.

A copy of the commissioning list remains at the trapper in the car, and the original - at the receptionist of the luggage compartment.

After the end of the loading, the senior change of the receiving department notifies the maneuver manager of the station's readiness to be sent.