The population is distributed. Familiar and unfamiliar cities: Hrazdan

One of the largest rivers in Armenia, Hrazdan (another name is Zanga), originates from Lake Sevan. The length of the Hrazdan River is 140 km, the basin area is 2560 sq. km. The river flows through the territory of Yerevan and flows into the Araks River (the Kura River basin).

The role of Hrazdan in the development of the economy of the Republic is enormous. This small river, however, is a real worker: for a long time it has been irrigating fields and turning millstones of millstones, feeding the population of villages.

During Soviet times, Hrazdan was given a more important role: delivering Sevan water to irrigate the vast fields of the Ararat Plain and drive powerful turbines of power plants.

In fact, the annual flow of water from Sevan through Hrazdan was about 100 million cubic meters. m of water, while the lake received over 1 billion annually from precipitation and rivers. cube m. A large mass of water evaporated from the surface of the lake. In order to increase the flow into Hrazdan, a decision was made to reduce Sevan's water level several times by releasing over 90% of the water reserves through a tunnel dug under the river.

The difference in altitude between the capital Yerevan and Sevan (1 km) made it possible to build a cascade of eight hydroelectric power stations here. Six of them are located directly on the Hrazdan River, two on the adjacent Artashat irrigation canal.

Construction began in 1923 and was completed in 1962. Electricity generated at the Hrazdan stations began to be transmitted to the northeast, to the region of the Ararat Valley and Zangezur. Irrigation canals were diverted from the Hrazdan River: Artashat, Lower Razlan, Arzni-Shamiram, Kotayk, which revived thousands of hectares of empty land.

But Sevan, having returned life to these lands, began to dry up. The water level in the lake began to drop noticeably. In addition, increased pollution of the lake has worsened the environmental situation. To preserve the lake, they decided to stop the discharge of water and build a tunnel to transfer water from the Arpa River to Sevan.

Now the industry is supplied with electricity for the most part through thermal stations, due to which they have significantly reduced electricity production at the hydroelectric power station cascade and limited the flow of water from Sevan.

In addition to electricity generation and irrigation, fishing is developed in Hrazdan. Cities on the coasts of Hrazdan: Arzni, Hrazdan, Nor-Achin, Lusaket, Charentsavan and the city of Sevan were built in Soviet times next to the hydroelectric power stations of the Sevan-Hrazdan cascade.

On the left bank of the upper reaches of the river of the same name lies the Armenian city of Hrazdan. The urban settlement is located in the Kotayk region at a distance of 50 kilometers from the capital Yerevan. Until 1959 it was the village of Akhta. In 1963, nearby villages - Kakavadzor, Mak-Ravan, Jrarat, Vanatur - were included in the city. At this time, residents from other republics began to move to the city. New houses and schools were built, streets were improved, new parks were laid out.

Surrounded by open forests, the city is located in the steppe zone and is distinguished from other cities in Armenia by frequent precipitation throughout the year. Snowy, cold winters and summers with plenty of rain are due to the sharply continental climate. In addition to the Hrazdan River, its tributaries flow through the territory of the city - Kakavadzor and Tsaghkadzor. Nearby there is a reservoir, which was built in 1953. In the vicinity of the city in the Hrazdan River basin, gold-iron, copper-molybdenum, polymetallic deposits containing manganese, phosphorus, iron and other chemical elements were discovered.

To this day, the city has preserved historical and architectural monuments. In the southern part of Hrazdan there is the Makravank monastery complex, which was built in the 18th century and combines several religious buildings. The main building is the Church of the Holy Virgin. The structure is a hall with a dome and two-story aisles, which are located in the western part. Nearby there is a one-nave church. In the old days, a square porch was added to the building of the Church of the Holy Mother of God. Currently, all that remains of it is the base of the walls. In the eastern part of the monastery complex there is a small cemetery with khachkars - stone steles on which an image of a cross is made.

Currently, modern Hrazdan is a combination of a modern urban microdistrict with a dacha-rural area. Its cultural and historical heritage is represented by the remains of ancient settlements, medieval temples, stone crosses, chapels, steles, architectural monuments, among which the monument “My Armenia – Chapel of the Cross” stands out.

There are a large number of cultural and historical monuments of bygone times. Many remains of ancient settlements, medieval temples and other buildings of historical value have been discovered here.

In these places you can see chapels, steles, and valuable architectural monuments. The territories of the Hrazdan River and the city of the same name are especially rich in such cultural structures.

General information

Hrazdan is a river in Armenia, which is the largest left tributary of the Araks. Its length is 141 thousand km, the entire area of ​​the basin together is 7310 sq. km, and the area of ​​the river basin itself is 2560 sq. km.

The city of Sevan is located nearby.

In 1930-1962, a whole complex (Sevan Cascade) of 6 hydroelectric power stations was created in Hrazdan.

Rivers of Armenia

In Armenia, not only the Hrazdan (river) is important for the national economy of the state. Debed, Lkhum, flowing into the Kura, and others are also quite significant for Armenia. However, the river has the greatest extent. Akhuryan, whose length is approximately 200 km.

All of them have three types of drain mode and power sources. Snow-rain (mixed) feeding, summer floods and spring runoff are typical for reservoirs in the eastern and western territories. In the central part, the bulk of the rivers are replenished by groundwater, as well as summer floods. Only a small part of the territory of Armenia belongs to the drainage zone.

In fact, the rivers in Armenia have rather small areas of their drainage basins (up to 2000 sq. km), so in most of them the volume of annual flow is small. Only Araks has this figure within 22,000 square meters. kilometers.

The longest river in Armenia, as noted above, is Akhuryan, which flows into the Araks. The latter, in turn, flows into the Kura River on the territory of Azerbaijan. The largest tributaries of the Araks in Armenia are the Kasakh, Akhuryan, Voghchi, Hrazdan, Lrpa and Vorotan.

The river originates from the northwestern section of Lake Sevan. First, its waters flow through a mountain valley in a southern direction, towards Yerevan.

In Yerevan, the river makes sharp bends. In its lower reaches it flows along the Ararat plain and flows on the border with Turkey at approximately the place where the city of Sevan is located.

The meaning of the river

Razdan has a special meaning for Armenia. On the banks of the river there are such large settlements as Sevan, Charentsavan, Hrazdan and the city of Yerevan.

In addition to its main task (electricity generation), the waters of this reservoir are widely used for agricultural irrigation. In addition, fishing is well developed in these places.

Other water resources

There are not very many lakes in Armenia. The greatest wealth and national pride of the state is the magnificent Lake Sevan (area 1,416 thousand square kilometers, height above sea level - 1916 m). Its waters are the main source of water supply for the most densely populated area of ​​the country.

Hrazdan is the river on which the hydroelectric power station was built. After the construction of the hydroelectric power station cascade, the territory of Lake Sevan was reduced to 1240 square meters. kilometers, and the water surface level dropped by 20 meters. Attempts were made in the country to rectify the situation with the help of an underground tunnel to the Arpe River. It was planned that its waters would fill the lake again, but this did not help.

Armenia is rich in numerous deposits of underground thermal and mineralized waters. Among them, the following medicinal hot and mineral springs are especially well known and popular: Bjni, Dilijan, Sevan, Hankavan, etc. They have quite healing properties and are a promising type of country's export product. There is also demand for medicinal waters abroad.

On the left bank in the upper reaches of the river lies a magnificent Armenian city called Hrazdan. Until 1959, it was the village of Akhta, and in 1963 several nearby villages were included in its structure: Mak-Ravan, Kakavadzor, Jrarat and Vanatur.

Subsequently, residents from other regions and republics began to move to the city, which led to the rapid and successful development of its infrastructure. Since then, amenities have improved significantly: new residential buildings, streets, schools have been built, park areas and alleys have appeared.

This settlement belongs to the Armenian region of Kotayk. At a distance of only 50 kilometers from it is the capital of the state - the city of Yerevan.

Besides the river Hrazdan, its tributaries, Tsaghkadzor and Kakavadzor, also flow through the city territory. Nearby is a reservoir built in 1953.

The city is also notable for the fact that quite interesting architectural and historical monuments have been preserved here to this day.

For example, in the southern part there is the ancient monastic complex of Makravank, which combines several ancient religious buildings. It was built in the 18th century. The main element of the complex is the Church of the Holy Virgin.

The eastern part of this territory is occupied by a small cemetery. It contains khachkars - stone steles with images of a cross on them.


It should be noted that Hrazdan is a river in the basin of which deposits of gold, iron, copper, molybdenum, manganese, phosphorus and some other minerals were once discovered.

In turn, the modern city and Hrazdan are a wonderful combination of a modern microdistrict with a cozy dacha-rural area. There are excellent opportunities here to combine a pleasant holiday with learning about the history of part of magnificent Armenia.

With the support of VTB Bank (Armenia). We often admit that we don’t know our country well, mainly referring to the sights, natural and architectural monuments. However, we don’t know much about the cities located very close to Yerevan. So the idea arose to try to fill this gap by presenting 10 cities that are not considered tourist cities (except Etchmiadzin), but have their own charm.

A city with multi-storey buildings surrounded by luxurious spruce and variegated apple trees, located in the embrace of mountain ranges - this is how Hrazdan can be described in a few words.

The city of Hrazdan (formerly the village of Akhta) is located 40 km from Yerevan. The first plan for Akhta was developed by Alexander Tamanyan in 1927-28. As a result of industrial development and population growth, in 1959 Nerkin Akhta received city status and a new name in honor of the Hrazdan River. Later, in accordance with the new general plan, the villages of Makravan, Atabekyan (now Vanatur), Jrarat, Kakavadzor, as well as surrounding areas were included in the city, and the Central District and Microdistrict were built. Today the length of Hrazdan is about 20 km.

The city consists of three areas - southern, central and northern. The entire area of ​​the former Akhta is included in the southern massif of the city.

Hrazdan is one of the most important industrial and energy centers of the republic. The Hrazdan Thermal Power Plant, a cement plant, a plastic products plant, as well as machine-building enterprises are located here.

Since 1995, Hrazdan has been the regional center of the Kotayk region.

"Clot of Armenia"

Old residents of the city arrived here mainly from Syunik, Mush, Kars. During the Soviet period, during the years of industrial development, residents of many Armenian cities, as well as Armenians from Karabakh, Javakhk, Baku and Kirovabad, came to Hrazdan to work and stayed forever.

It is interesting that each visitor preserved the traditions of their small homelands, as a result of which a unique little Armenia was created in Hrazdan.

Residents of Hrazdan love to celebrate holidays, the main of which is Jangyulum - the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, as well as Vardavar. On Vardavar, Hrazdan residents not only douse themselves with water, but also set festive tables.

The charm of "surprise"

We started our acquaintance with Hrazdan from the center, which was built in the 70-80s. last century. Local residents say that before development there were tobacco fields and swamps. Today, in addition to residential buildings, various institutions, shops, and cafes are located in the center of Hrazdan. The park has carousels and fountains.

All this looks somewhat unexpected against the backdrop of mountain ranges, but it is this contrast that creates the unique atmosphere of the city.

From the central area we move on foot to “old Hrazdan”, we pass by several buildings and a gas station, which the locals call “snkanots” (mushroom place). All the way there is a feeling that we have returned to the 80s.

Akhta and cultural centers

Passing by the Tsovinar reservoir, we found ourselves in the old quarter of Akhty - Akhpyurak. There is a large coniferous park here, where old carousels and many benches have been preserved.

The park is decorated with several monuments, one of which is dedicated to the participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Unfortunately, this charming place is in complete disrepair, which makes it difficult to fully enjoy the walk. At the end of the park you can find a mosaic square with a sundial and images of constellations.

As soon as you step onto the territory of old Hrazdan, the picture changes dramatically: one-story houses appear in front of you, surrounded by apple orchards. If you continue the path, you can reach the Hrazdan State Theater. It was founded back in 1953, having changed many statuses - from an amateur theater to a city drama theater.

The highlight of the theater is experimental productions. Not long ago, the premiere of the production “Loretsi Sako” took place here, which was attended by the entire theatrical elite of Armenia. The local troupe periodically participates in various festivals and has received various awards more than once.

Unfortunately, due to limited financial resources, many productions were “lost”, and currently there are only four full-time actors left in the troupe. But despite this, spectators continue to come to the theater. Nothing has changed in the beautiful and unusual hall since its founding, and the troupe carried out all the repair work in the building on its own.

Not far from the theater is the Hrazdan branch of the National Art Gallery of Armenia, which has been operating for 42 years. This is the oldest of all the gallery branches.

Previously, a valuable exhibition was presented here, which included paintings by Aivazovsky, Saryan, Kojoyan, Hakob Hakobyan, Bashinjagyan.

Now the building displays works by contemporary authors - Zulum Grigoryan, Lusik Aguletsi, Lavinia Bazhbeuk-Melikyan, Paravon Mirzoyan, Hovhannes Sharambeyan and others.

The branch periodically organizes exhibitions with the participation of students from the art school and cultural centers of Hrazdan.

Opposite the gallery there is a city park, which rather resembles a grove. Hrazdan residents note with regret that this park is not in the best condition.

The best option for relaxation

One of the most beautiful places in Hrazdan is the artificial lake (reservoir) Tsovinar, created in 1950. Tsovinar can be seen at the entrance to the city - between the Center and Akhpyurak districts. In summer, this is a favorite vacation spot for local residents. Here you can go fishing and boating.

The pond periodically dries out, but always looks harmonious with the surrounding nature. From the center of the reservoir, the statue of “The Beauty Swimming Out of the Water” looks out at the walkers.

On the shore of the pond, a restaurant of the same name, designed in 1960 by Rafael Israelyan, has been operating for many years. Over the years, the building has undergone many renovations, so one can only guess what it originally looked like. The restaurant will offer you a choice of traditional Armenian dishes, including fresh and tasty fish. Here you can also try kabab and even crayfish kufta. There is no permanent menu in the restaurant, and when asked about prices, you will have to be satisfied with the waiter’s short remark: “Inexpensive.” However, this is the honest truth.

Traditional dishes of Akhta include spas with cutter and wheat, choratan, tolma with spelled, arisa cooked in a tonyr in a pot and round gata. The Shorva dish, which is prepared from meat and potatoes, is also very popular.

Mysterious Makravan

In the former village of Makravan (now one of the districts of Hrazdan), on a small hill there is the Makravan monastery, the main temple of which - the Church of the Holy Mother of God of the 13th century - is surrounded by many khachkars.

Next to it are the 10th-century Church of the Holy Savior and a small cemetery, and dilapidated residential buildings are scattered around. Local youth like to gather here.

The temples of the monastery are not active, but it seems that the picturesque views of Makravan hide some kind of energy field, “visible” only to local residents.

City of pleasant memories

The manager of the Hrazdan branch of VTB Bank (Armenia), Tigran Barseghyan, says that he has been working in Hrazdan for 14 years. “Simple, peaceful and open people live here, who create the picture of the city,” he notes.

Deputy branch manager Susanna Petrosyan says: “First of all, I connect Hrazdan with my ancestors - with old traditions, delicious dishes, ancient stories, those times when the residents of Akhta shared each other’s concerns.”

Anna Bubushyan

Photos: Emin Aristakesyan

The city of Hrazdan is located on the territory of the state (country) Armenia, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Asia.

In what marz (region) is the city of Hrazdan located?

The city of Hrazdan is part of the marz (region) of Kotayk region.

A characteristic of a marz (region) or a subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the marz (region).

Marz (region) Kotayk region is an administrative unit of the state of Armenia.

Population of the city of Hrazdan.

The population of the city of Hrazdan is 41,200 people.

Year of foundation of the city of Hrazdan.

Year of foundation of the city of Hrazdan: 1959.

In what time zone is the city of Hrazdan located?

The city of Hrazdan is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+4. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Hrazdan, relative to the time zone in your city.

Phone code of the city of Hrazdan

Hrazdan city telephone code: +374 (223). In order to call the city of Hrazdan from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +374 (223) and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Official website of the city of Hrazdan.

Website of the city of Hrazdan, official website of the city of Hrazdan, or as it is also called “Official website of the administration of the city of Hrazdan”: