Wildlife of Tasmania. Western Tasmanian Wildlife - Australia

Willandra Lake District
The Willandra Lakes District is a UNESCO World Heritage Site No. 167. The area covers an area of ​​2,400 square kilometers in southwestern New South Wales in Australia. Part of the region (about 10%) is occupied by Mungo National Park.

The Willandra Lakes region covers an area of ​​2400 km2 in south-west New South Wales, 582 km west of Sydney. There are five large and fourteen small lakes, formed more than two million years ago.

All lakes (5 large and 14 small) are dry, formed more than 2 million years ago, and are covered with salt marsh vegetation. The region also features unique lunar semi-desert landscapes. There are eucalyptus woodlands.
The region is unique for its paleontological finds of the Pleistocene, as well as for the finds of evidence of human civilization dating back to 45,000-60,000 BC. e. In 1968, the remains of a cremated woman were found in the dunes of Lake Mungo. In 1974, a male burial was found not far from the find. They are considered the oldest remains of human activity on the planet.
The nature in these places, unlike other regions of Australia, is not rich - a semi-desert landscape, many sand dunes, fields with sparse bushes and grass, and in some places small islands of woodland with eucalyptus and coniferous (such as white pine and Australian blue cypress) trees. About 20 species of mammals have been recorded in the region, including kangaroos and echidnas, as well as emus, several species of bats and many reptiles.

Mungo National Park, located in the Willandra Lakes region and taking its name from the large ancient Lake Mungo, is world famous for paleontological discoveries proving habitation of the region some 60 thousand years ago. In the vicinity of Lake Mungo in 1968 and 1974, archaeologists discovered the remains of cremated ancient people - this is a unique, oldest cremation in the world.

There are a total of 19 lakes in the Willandra lake district, and what makes them unique is the fact that they were all formed more than 2 million years ago! In the photo you can distinguish the largest of Willandra's lakes: 1 - Mulurulu, 2 - Willandra, 3 - Garnpung, 4 - Lehur, 5 - Mungo, 6 - Arumpo, 7 - Chibnalwood

In addition to the ancient dry lakes, Willandra can “boast” of interesting semi-desert landscapes, somewhat reminiscent of the moon, among which small eucalyptus groves are occasionally found

The territory of the lake region turned out to be a treasure trove of traces of human activity dating back to 45-60 millennia BC, and the human remains found here in 1968 and 1974 are the oldest burial places of our ancestors today!

Wildlife of Western Tasmania

In a region that was once subject to brutal glaciation, parks and reserves with steep gorges cover more than 1 million hectares, making Western Tasmania's forests some of the last temperate forests in the world. The remains found in limestone caves indicate that people appeared here more than 20 thousand years ago.

Discovered in 1642 by the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman, the island of Tasmania is located off the southeastern coast of Australia. It is cut off from the mainland by the Bass Strait, on the western side by the Indian Ocean, on the eastern side by the Tasman Sea.

The nature of Tasmania amazes with its pristine fabulous beauty, splendor and uniqueness of landscapes - these are mountain peaks and centuries-old, sometimes impassable tropical forests, quiet green valleys and fast rivers with crystal clear water and ice waterfalls, picturesque gorges and volcanoes, colorful meadows with marvelous flowers and mirror expanse of lakes, seashores with a great many narrow bays and snow-white beaches. Surprisingly, the nature of Tasmania still preserves vast spaces where no human has ever set foot.

Orange-bellied parrot, southwest Tasmania. There are about 150 of them left in the wild. A huge number of plants, eucalyptus forests, tree ferns - the wildlife of western Tasmania is in many ways very similar to Australia. In the local mild, humid climate there are both evergreen and deciduous trees.

Many of them reach incredible sizes. The globular eucalyptus, for example, can be up to one hundred and twenty meters in height. There are also southern beeches and Franklin pines with very valuable red wood, spinous atrotaxis (some representatives of the species have lived for more than two centuries), cypress anthrotaxis, rare species of mosses and lichens.

The wildlife of western Tasmania is teeming with exotic animals. This paradise is home to the Tasmanian devil, red wallaby, Tasmanian bettong, marsupial wolf, dingoes, platypuses, koalas, kangaroos, echidnas, opossums, and approximately 150 species of birds.

The cultural heritage of this region, which was the southernmost area of ​​human habitation on our planet, is also of enormous interest. There are more than 40 sacred places of local aborigines, which still have exceptional significance for the modern aboriginal population. Archaeological finds from this region have formed priceless art collections.
It is known, however, that the modern cultural history of Tasmania is full of drama and even tragedy. During the colonization of the island by Europeans, the local population of the island was almost completely destroyed. According to the 1961 census, there was one (!) Aboriginal person in Tasmania. Now there are many more of them officially listed, but does this mean that the connection between times has been restored? The noted specificity of the region can also be traced in its toponymy.

Here are the names of the rivers of the World Heritage region: Gordon, Franklin, Andrew, Denison, Maxwell, etc. and so on. Needless to say, historically, until quite recently, all these rivers had completely different names, reflecting, as elsewhere in the world, their characteristic features in the languages ​​of those people who lived on their banks. Fortunately, many mainland areas of Australia have still retained their natural toponymy, which is also part of the heritage - natural and cultural.

The island of Tasmania is a world heritage wilderness area covering 1.38 million hectares. It is a stronghold of tropical forests, alpine nature and pristine habitats of rare and endangered animals and plants.

The island of Tasmania is interesting for its extraordinary nature - it is the only place in the region where a temperate climate prevails; in the Southern Hemisphere, this is found only in the south of Chile and Argentina. Tasmania is the smallest state of Australia.

Almost the entire territory of the island is a large nature reserve. Almost a quarter of its territory has not yet experienced human influence. Impenetrable forests and jungles, mysterious and strange forest animals, a huge number of rare species of birds, a large number of fish in mountain lakes and rivers have been preserved here. One of the legendary inhabitants of the forests of Tasmania is the Tasmanian devil, however, recently the number of this unusual wild animal has decreased significantly.

The nature of Tasmania is exceptional and has no analogues in the world. The heart of Tasmanian wilderness is the Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park. Here you can see stunning mountain peaks, tropical forests, deep river valleys, and picturesque gorges. And among all this splendor, protected rivers meander.

You can't miss Cradle Mountain National Park and Lake St. Clair. This national park is one of the most famous natural monuments; it is included in the list of monuments of the cultural heritage of mankind.

The local lakes are a popular place for trout fishing and bushwalking, and in the local restaurants you can try authentic Tasmanian cuisine and taste wonderful Tasmanian wine. Icy rivers cascade from jagged peaks into clear lakes. It offers stunning views of ancient rainforests and alpine moorlands
. East Coast Rainforests
The Gondwana Rainforests of Australia are a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the east coast of mainland Australia, on the border between the states of Queensland and New South Wales.

Inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1986 (extended in 1994) under the name Australian East Coast Temperate and Subtropical Rainforest Parks. It then included 16 areas of rainforest in New South Wales (an area of ​​about 203,500 hectares). In 1994, the facility was expanded to include 40 more facilities, most of which were located in the state of Queensland. Between 1994 and 2007 it was called the Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves.

Currently, there are about 50 separate reserves located on its territory, located between the Australian cities of Newcastle and Brisbane. All of them stretch for 500 km along the Great Dividing Range in eastern New South Wales and southern Queensland, and the site itself is a collection of numerous areas of rainforest, which are surrounded by eucalyptus forests and farmland. The rainforests of Australia's east coast are the most extensive subtropical rainforests in the world. The total area of ​​the facility is about 370 thousand hectares.

From a scientific point of view, they are important because they represent a huge accumulation of ancient Australian vegetation, formed at a time when the modern continent was still part of the supercontinent Gondwana. The terrain on which the forests are located is varied. It includes numerous gorges, prehistoric volcanoes, waterfalls, and rivers.

The world of flora and fauna is extremely rich: about half of all Australian plant families and about a third of Australian mammal and bird species are recorded in forests (even though forests occupy only 0.3% of the total area of ​​mainland Australia).
Wet Tropics of Queensland

The Wet Tropics of Queensland is a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the north-eastern coast of mainland Australia, in the state of Queensland. The property is a wilderness area covered in tropical rainforests and characterized by a wide variety of terrain (rivers, gorges, waterfalls, mountains). Located in the Daintree Valley, covering an area of ​​8940 km². Included in the World Heritage List in 1988.

Great Dividing Range
The property has three main geographic regions: the Great Dividing Range plateau, the Great Cliffs region to the east, and the coastal plains. The plateau has a highly eroded topography, formed as a result of both erosion and past volcanic activity.

Individual lava cones and crater lakes have been preserved. The Big Cliffs area is rugged terrain that has suffered catastrophic erosion. There are numerous gorges and waterfalls. The northern part of the World Heritage Site contains extensive areas of coral reefs.

Coral reefs
The climate varies from humid to very humid. There are two seasons in the year: a relatively dry winter and a rainy summer. Average annual precipitation ranges from 4000 mm near the coast to 1200 mm in the western part. The average maximum temperature near the coast in summer is 31°C, and 5°C lower in the winter months. On the plateau and in the area of ​​cliffs, the temperature in summer ranges from 28 to 17 °C, in winter - from 22 to 9 °C.

The world of flora and fauna is extremely rich: about 380 species of plants and 102 species of animals that are endangered or considered rare are registered in the forests. Forests are home to 30% of Australia's recorded marsupial species, 58% of bat species, 29% of frogs, 20% of reptiles, 58% of butterflies and 40% of bird species. Scientifically, native rainforests are important because represent a huge accumulation of ancient Australian vegetation, formed at a time when the modern continent was still part of the supercontinent Gondwana. There are extensive mangrove forests covering an area of ​​about 136 km².

Local forests are the traditional settlement site of the Australian Aborigines, who settled the region more than 50 thousand years ago.
Shark Bay, Western Australia

Photo from space
Shark Bay is a bay in the northwestern part of the Australian state of Western Australia, located approximately 650 km north of the city of Perth.

On old English and Dutch maps it was called "Shark Bay". The bay is a bay with an average depth of 10 meters, which is cut by two peninsulas jutting into the Indian Ocean. Today, Shark Bay attracts about 120,000 tourists annually. In 1991 it was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

In 1629, the Dutch traveler Francois Pelsaert described the bay coast as a lifeless and dreary place. The bay received its first name - Shark Bay - at the end of the 17th century, when an English ship under the command of Captain William Dampier reached the shores of Western Australia and stopped in the bay.

Around this time, Dampier mapped the coastline of the bay. According to one version, Shark Bay got its name because the sailors of the ship under the command of Dampier caught a giant shark, which was used as food for the hungry crew. According to another, the most common version, the bay received this name because more than ten species of sharks live in its waters, including the tiger shark.

Stromatolites in Hamelin Pool

In 1991, the bay was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a unique ecosystem. The basis of the ecosystem is algae, covering more than 4000 km² of the bay bottom. Plankton, consisting of shrimp and small fish, finds shelter in them. Algae is also the main food for dugongs, of which there are about 10 thousand.

Shark Bay is one of the world's largest dugong habitats. Bottlenose dolphins are found in the bay, attracting biologists from all over the world to the bay. At the southernmost part of the bay is a shallow bay called Hamelin Pool, the world's largest stromatolite formation, which is almost 3 billion years old.
Fossils of Australian mammals (Riversleigh and Naracoorte)

The world's most important fossil sites in Australia are Riversleigh (in the north-east of the mainland) and Naracoorte (in the south-east). In Riversleigh, Queensland, the fossilized bones are very well preserved, thanks to an ideal environment (the calcareous plain is rich in surface water), which, unfortunately, is not so favorable for plant remains.

Paleontologists have discovered fossils of animals that date back to the Cenozoic era (65 million years). These are the fossil remains of bison, frogs, and kangaroos. In 2001, the remains of a marsupial lion, a distant relative of koalas, were found here.

Scientists have found that in the Miocene, herbivorous marsupial mammals lived in the Riversleigh forests - wallabies and rat kangaroos, huge diprotodonts and “strange-toothed” yalcaparidonts. And the last representative of the carnivorous striped marsupial wolf (thylacine, “marsupial tiger”, “Tasmanian wolf”) died relatively recently - in 1933, in captivity.

Of the discovered fossil birds, the “thunderbirds” are noteworthy, resembling ostriches in appearance and being the ancestors of modern flightless species.

It is one of the largest remaining areas of temperate rainforest in the world. Tasmania's wildlife includes peaks, mountain gorges, rivers, numerous caves, endemic species of flora and fauna, wild forests, and the deserts of the island of Tasmania. Forests and other features cover an area of ​​13,800 km2, which is about 20% of the entire island of Tasmania. Tasmania's Wilderness has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982. In 1989, the original site area was expanded.

National parks of Tasmania

Geographically, the Tasmanian Wildlife site is divided into several national parks - Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park, Hartz Mountains National Park, Southwest National Park, Mole Creek Karst National Park, Walls of Jerusalem National Park , Central Plateau Conservation and Protected Areas, Devils Gullet State Reserve, and South East Mutton Bird Islet. The most accessible and popular are Cradle Mountain National Park and Lake St. Clair. The second most popular is the Walls of Jerusalem National Park located in the desert region.

According to archaeological excavations in limestone caves, human settlements appeared in the area about 20 thousand years ago.

Fauna of Tasmania

Tasmania has a rich wildlife. Of the 32 species of protected animals, 27 species live in Tasmania. The most famous of the island's marsupials is the Tasmanian devil. The island is home to more than 150 species of birds, including a rare species of rosella - the green rosella.

Adventures on land and water in Tasmania

Tasmania is great for river rafting. The most suitable for this is the Franklin River. For lovers of long journeys, it is possible to sail on the Overland (five days), Frenchmans Cap (three days) or South Coast (seven days) rivers.

Access to most of caves in Tasmania limited and requires prior approval due to fragility and the possibility of collapse. Marakoopa Cave, located south of Mole Creek, is open to the general public and is visited by about 25,000 tourists annually.

Fishing is the second most popular activity on the island. The Central Plateau area is known as the "Land of a Thousand Lakes" and is particularly renowned for its premier trout fishing. Popular fishing areas include Lake Pedder in the south of Southwest National Park, Lake St Clair, Macquarie Harbor, and Gordon River.

Many of Wild Tasmania's trails are pedestrian and bicycle riding is prohibited. Traveling by bicycle is only possible on roads designated for vehicles. A popular cycling route is the Lake Lyell area.

Horseback riding is possible in the Central Plateau Conservation Area and Cradle Mountain–Lake St Clair National Park. However, to ride on rough terrain, you need to be an experienced rider.


Abstract on the topic:

Wildlife of Tasmania

Wildlife of Tasmania(English) Tasmanian Wilderness) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Includes a number of territories in Tasmania, Australia.

Wildlife of Tasmania as a World Heritage Site it covers 13,800 km 2 or approximately 20% of Tasmania's area. This region contains the last remaining temperate rain forests on Earth. Archaeological excavations show that the caves in the limestone layer were used by ancient people more than 20,000 years ago.

Tasmania is rich in unique fauna; of the 32 species of animals protected in Tasmania, 27 live in the range Wildlife of Tasmania. One of the famous endangered species is the Tasmanian devil. Of the over 150 species of birds, a rare species of the genus Rosella stands out - green rosella.

The following national parks are part of the World Heritage Site Wildlife of Tasmania :

  • Mount Cradle and Lake St. Clair(English) Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park )
  • Franklin Gordon(English) Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park )
  • Hartz Mountains(English) Hartz Mountains National Park)
  • Mole Creek Karst Caves(English) Mole Creek Karst National Park )
  • Southwestern(English) Southwest National Park)
  • Walls of Jerusalem(English) Walls of Jerusalem National Park )
  • Central Plateau(English) Central Plateau Conservation and Protected Areas )
  • Devil's Throat Nature Reserve(English) Devils Gullet State Reserve)
  • Southeast Shearwater Island(English) South East Mutton Bird Island)

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This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/16/11 09:45:41
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Australia and Oceania represents the tiniest part of the world. It consists of the mainland of the same name and about ten thousand small islands scattered throughout the western and central parts of the Pacific Ocean. The total area of ​​the region exceeds 8.5 million square kilometers. Its territory is home to about 34 million inhabitants.

General description of Australia

Australia is an island that is also the smallest continent on the planet. Due to the very dry climate, deserts and dry savannas predominate here. The length of the coastline, including Tasmania and other coastal islands, is almost 60 thousand kilometers. In the north, the continent is washed by the Arafura Ocean and in the south and west by the Indian Ocean, and in the east by the Tasman Ocean and Since the continent began to be actively populated only in the twentieth century, its territory has been little developed. here is just over two people per square kilometer. Australia is the only continent in the world that is occupied by only one state. It was formed at the beginning of the twentieth century, separating from Britain, and is now one of the most developed and richest on the planet.

The country is divided into two territories and six states. The first administrative unit is the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territories. The states of Australia are Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales, South and Western Australia, and Tasmania. The last of them will be discussed in more detail below.

Geographical position

The state includes not only the island of the same name, but also several other small sushi islands - Macquarie, Flinders and King. Its capital is the second largest city in the state, which is called Hobart. Speaking about where Tasmania is located, it should be noted that the island is located at a distance of 240 kilometers from the mainland (to the south), from which it is separated by the Bass Strait. Its eastern part is washed by the Indian Ocean and its southern and western parts. It should be noted that the island is a structural continuation of the Great Australian Dividing Range, and a large number of bays have formed on its shores.


Tasmania was discovered long before Australia was colonized. The island was visited back in 1642 by an expedition led by a Dutch navigator. These were the first Europeans to visit here. Then this land was named after the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies Colony - Van Diemen. According to some historical information, it was he who sent this expedition to search for new territories.


Like other states of Australia, the island began to be developed by British colonialists in the early nineteenth century. The first British landed here in 1802. The very next year it was proclaimed the second British colony in Australia. Then it was decided to turn this area into an island of convicts. The first famous settlement on its territory was Port Arthur, built in 1830 by prisoners. Its territory was divided into sectors and carefully guarded, since people who committed serious crimes lived here. A hospital, a temple and a post office were equipped for them. The prison was closed only in the seventies of the nineteenth century. In 1856, the island of Tasmania received its current name. The British government made a corresponding decision. It was formed into a separate state in 1901.


The state is home to about half a million people. Most of them are considered Anglo-Australian, in other words - descendants of British immigrants. Only one percent of local residents are indigenous. According to historical data, local aborigines have lived here for about 40 thousand years. Indians, Chinese and some other nationalities are also found on the island. English is considered the official language here. It should be noted that he has a peculiar local accent. Local residents, including aborigines, mainly profess Christianity. The vast majority of them are Catholics, followed by English churchgoers, Protestants and Orthodox Christians. Almost 4% of the population professes Buddhism and Islam.


Australia and Oceania is considered one of the driest regions on the planet. Their territory receives very little rainfall. Despite this, Tasmanians are able to enjoy all seasons. This is due to the fact that most of its territory is characterized by a temperate climate. It was formed under the influence of the ocean and seas washing the island. Thus, there is neither severe cold nor scorching heat here. It should also be noted that the state receives the most rainfall in Australia. In the western part of Tasmania, their average annual number is 1000 mm, and in the eastern part - 600 mm.

Spring on the island occurs from September to November. The weather at this time is mostly cold and windy. in the summer season it is 23 degrees Celsius. There are periods when the thermometer rises to 30 degrees. However, this is typical only for areas remote from the coastline. Autumn in Tasmania is a relatively quiet season, characterized by cool nights and fairly warm, sunny days. It should be noted that this time is considered optimal for tourists to visit the state. In winter the weather is usually frosty and clear. Snow falls quite often. Be that as it may, at this time the air here is considered one of the cleanest on Earth.


The main feature that distinguishes the nature of Tasmania is that it was formed several million years ago and has remained in this form to this day. In many ways, scientists attribute this to the peculiarities of the formation of the island. About 250 million years ago, along with Australia, it formed part of the vast continent known as Gondwana. Then it occupied about half of the planet's surface, mostly covered with rain forests. As of today, the situation has not changed much. Now the island's territory consists of numerous highlands and plateaus. Almost half of its area is covered with impenetrable forests, most of which still remain unexplored. It should be noted that this is one of the last such places on Earth.

On the island, rare representatives of flora and fauna have survived to this day, which have long since become extinct in all other regions of the planet. Among the vegetation in the local jungle you can see eucalyptus, cypress and spinosa anthrotaxis, southern beech and other trees. In addition, one cannot fail to note the presence of quite rare species of lichens and mosses. The local forests have become a habitat for many fauna representatives found nowhere else. The most famous and exotic animals of Tasmania are koalas, dingoes, little penguins, opossums, echidnas, kangaroos, Tasmanian devils, marsupial wolves and others. In addition to them, there are about 150 species of birds on the island. The rarest among them is the orange-bellied parakeet, which is protected by law in Australia. Local rivers and lakes are teeming with trout.


The island's economy is based on mining and agriculture. In particular, the region is rich in minerals such as zinc, tin, iron and copper. In addition, the forestry sector is at a high level of development here. Since the state has a temperate climate, as mentioned above, favorable conditions have been created here for the development of vineyards and orchards, as well as for the cultivation of many crops. Approximately twenty percent of the available land is classified as national parks and reserves, so farming cannot be done on it. Like the rest of Australia, Tasmania boasts a well-developed tourism sector. Its formation from 2001 to the present day has been facilitated by favorable economic conditions in the country, including cheap plane tickets and new ferries that provide transportation between the island and the mainland. Many local residents work in government organizations. Another major employer here is The Federal Group, which owns several hotels and casinos and is also involved in wood processing.


The state and island of Tasmania have their own capital. It is the oldest city in Australia after Sydney, Hobart. It was founded in 1804. As of today, its population is just over 210 thousand inhabitants. The city is not only the administrative, but also the financial center of Tasmania, in which centuries-old traditions are harmoniously intertwined with a modern, energetic lifestyle. Hobart is located in the south-eastern part of the island at the mouth of the Derwent River. It is from here that Australian and French expeditions set off for Antarctica.


Due to the presence of the so-called convict page in the history of the island of Tasmania, attractions of this origin are of great interest to tourists. It's no wonder that every year thousands of travelers visit the former walled city and prison - Port Arthur Historic Site. Many popular tours involve local natural areas and parks. On the territory of the Southwestern Nature Reserve, you can take an aerial excursion, during which tourists have the opportunity to admire the untouched tropical forests, waterfalls and gorges. The island also has its own winemaking region with its own large factories.

One of the main attractions of the capital is the Salamanca Arts Center, which houses numerous organizations, including art studios, galleries and concert halls. Quite popular in Hobart is the Museum of Monuments of the Ancient World, located surrounded by vineyards at a distance of 12 kilometers from the city limits. Local buildings are also of great cultural significance. It should be noted that more than ninety of them are protected by the National Society for the Preservation of Monuments.

Tourist attraction

The island of Tasmania boasts a well-developed tourism infrastructure. In its most visited cities and regions, you can easily find a hotel room, and students have a good selection of hostels. It should be noted that there are a large number of car rental stations. In local souvenir shops, tourists can purchase any national amulets and souvenirs. In general, on the island you can find entertainment for almost every taste - from regular excursions to diving. The main thing to remember is that restaurants and shops here are closed on weekends.


To summarize, it should be noted that the island of Tasmania is a very beautiful place, a significant part of which is occupied by national parks. All of them are under state protection. There is almost everything that might interest a modern traveler - primeval hills, plains, waterfalls and clear sea water.