What you need to do to make your summer unforgettable. Family hour “Let’s spend the summer profitably”

From scratch using HTML, or without extensive knowledge of programming languages ​​using platforms like WordPress. Read free tutorials online or watch YouTube videos to understand the basic principles of setting up and running a website. Educational sites like Udemy and Coursera also offer basic training courses that will give you the knowledge you need.

  • You can also create your own blog on a free platform like WordPress, Tumblr or Blogger to share your writing, images and videos.
  • After launch, you can publish photos, videos and texts on the site.
  • Share links to the site on social networks to develop your personal brand, which will be an advantage when applying to university or looking for a job.
  • Learn foreign languages ​​to meet new people. Just think how great it is to be able to speak a foreign language. It is best to choose a language that has always been of interest to you. Look for educational materials on the Internet. If taking a course seems too formal for the summer holidays, try learning a foreign language on your own. To learn the basics of the language, you can download a special application and follow all the lessons.

    • To test your level of understanding, try watching clips and films in a foreign language.
    • Also find opportunities to put the new language into practice. For example, if you're learning French, try finding a conversation club or film festival nearby.
  • Sign up for a cooking class. Your culinary skills will be a pleasant surprise and delight for the whole family. Find out about classes and courses near you online or in local newspaper advertisements. Some summer courses may be aimed directly at teenagers.

    • If there are no courses in your area, you can learn to cook on your own. Study your family's cookbooks, choose a dish that interests you, buy the necessary ingredients and begin the practical part.
    • You can also watch cooking shows to learn useful tips and techniques.
  • Take up a new sport. If you like a healthy lifestyle, then in the summer you probably love spending time outside. Try an individual sport like tennis, swimming or golf. Sports clubs can usually be found at local universities, colleges and sports schools.

    • An individual sport will help you stay in shape all summer, especially if you play team sports at school or university.
    • If you don't usually play sports during the school year, doing any kind of sports during the summer will help keep you on your toes and boost your self-esteem.
    • Sports skills will also be an advantage when entering university.
  • Learn to play a musical instrument. Just like playing sports, playing a musical instrument can improve your self-esteem. Summer will be a great time to finally realize your desire and learn to play the guitar, drums or piano. Discuss your wishes with your parents, as you will need to study with a music teacher.

    • Success will require time and concentration. Before purchasing an instrument and paying for lessons, discuss other summer plans with your family.
    • If you do not have the opportunity to pay for the services of a teacher, then you can learn to play the instrument yourself. Arm yourself with books and educational videos to learn the information you need and understand the main points.
  • Take an art or craft class. In large parks, as well as art and leisure centers, you can usually find advertisements for summer art or craft courses for teenagers. Libraries, art supply stores, and local businesses may also fail such courses. As a rule, such classes are quite inexpensive. If the duration is short, you can attend several classes over the summer.

    • You can also find online courses and complete assignments online if you want to learn something new right at home.
    • Learn to make candles or origami so you'll have something to show off to your family and friends at the end of summer.
  • admin

    Summer is a wonderful time. In every hard worker there is a seething desire, at least for a short time, to say goodbye to boring everyday life. And don’t hesitate with this!

    Below are 25 ways you can have a great summer in the city and make this period truly special and unforgettable.

    Trip to nature

    If you live in a small city, then you will not have problems with this item. If the city where you live is large, find alternative options: get together for the weekend and get away from the bustle of the city and stone walls, or visit the city’s green parks.

    Picnic in nature. Some consider picnics an outdated and useless activity, but in vain. So feel free to fill your basket with food and drink, find a long-abandoned deck of cards or board games, invite friends or family - and enjoy a pleasant holiday in the fresh air.
    Relax by the nearest body of water. And the type of reservoir is not even so important: is it a river, a lake, or a sea. , go fishing or diving. Being near a body of water, you can relax in different ways.
    Kebabs. If your grill has been collecting dust in the garage or on the balcony for a long time, it’s time to remember it and use it for its intended purpose. Just the memory of the smell of fried meat can drive you crazy. And you shouldn’t limit the list of invitees, because the more people, the merrier.
    Hike. A worthy and undeservedly forgotten way to spend time. But this is a great opportunity to leave civilization and enjoy the benefits of nature. How long has it been since you slept under the stars or ate food cooked over a fire? Enough of your old tent gathering dust in the closet, take it out and go camping.
    Bonfire. To spend a pleasant evening with friends by the fire, you don’t have to go into the forest for the night. Find a picturesque spot in a permitted area, provide yourself with a fire and sausages, and enjoy the memories of the pioneer past with scary stories for the night and the pleasant company of friends and family. Just remember to take your guitar, and try not to set anyone or anything on fire.
    Picking fruits or flowers. Surely, not so far from you, there is at least a part of nature that has not been gnawed by man. Walk through the field, pick daisies, or pick berries in the forest nearby - this way you will relax yourself and be able to please someone close to you without any reason.


    How long have you met and chatted about nothing with friends? Maybe it’s worth renewing old relationships or making new friends this summer?

    Meeting with friends. Unfortunately, today the Internet consumes the lion's share of humanity's time. Even when in the company of friends, every second person finds it difficult to take his eyes off the screen. Try to resist the urge and conduct an experiment: choose one evening, turn off the means of communication and spend time with friends or family as you did before the Internet. At the same time, give your brain a break, for which it will definitely reward you later.
    Movie. Even if you often visit the cinema, try to plunge into the world of cinema not in ordinary stuffy halls, but in an open-air cinema. Fresh air, an interesting film, pleasant company - isn't it wonderful?
    Flash mob. Flash mobs are sources of unusually bright and what should you do: dance with a crowd in a supermarket, swim in a fountain or shoot strangers with water pistols? The most wonderful thing is that it’s all free.
    Fireworks. There is no need to wait for a special occasion if you love fireworks. Gather your loved ones and cheer them and your neighbors up! Of course, it is worth remembering that it is better not to do this late at night, because at this time people are sleeping.
    Summer blockbuster. Summer is the right time for the release of the brightest and most unforgettable action films, which then never leave the lips of people around. You shouldn’t hug your laptop at home with the thought that the torrent will download all the blockbusters you want. Gather your friends or family, buy some popcorn and have fun with others in the room. And don't forget about a nice walk afterwards.

    Fresh air

    Have you worked for a whole year, and then ran home to cook dinner and get ready for work? It's time to take a break and finally get some fresh air.

    Hiking. Do not forget that legs can replace transport. In addition, the warmth of the sun during a walk will give you a lot of vitamin D. So don’t miss the chance to get it.
    Help grandma in the garden. Of course, you need to help your family not only in the summer. And now we are not talking about the moral principles of society, so at this point it is worth paying attention to the word “garden”. It is a well-known fact: working closer to the land has a positive effect on a person both physically and mentally. So, in addition to helping your grandmother, you will relieve your nerves and calm down. Plus, that's not all the positives: at the end of the summer, you can literally reap and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
    Hammock. Finding and installing a hammock may not be the most pleasant and easy task, and not everyone succeeds in getting into it the first time. However, you will certainly appreciate its benefits, as sleeping in nature is a very satisfying and beneficial thing.
    Watching the sunset. Regardless of where exactly you live, you will find a place convenient for enjoying this miracle of nature within an hour's drive from you. This could be the beach, the top floor of a high-rise building, or some other similar location. Of course, everyone likes sunset photos on the Internet, but this cannot be compared with the real sensations.
    Open air. Just in the summer there are many outdoor festivals. You can, of course, hang out with other lovers of inadequacy near the stage, or you can comfortably sit a little to the side and enjoy what is happening from there.

    A great activity to have a great summer in the city, don't miss your chance to find new hobbies.

    New skills and abilities. Summer as a child was a time of new beginnings every year. Childhood has passed, but this tradition can be continued. If you have long had a desire to jump with a parachute, learn a foreign language, kiss the first person you meet, or realize another dream for which there was no place in your schedule, you have three months. So make a plan - and go for it.
    Do some handicrafts. At school, everyone was taught labor skills: sewing, knitting, embroidery, or the ability to create interesting crafts or useful things in other ways. Why not remember what you were taught and find application for the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired long ago? After all, you just have to put in the effort and you will definitely end up with something useful.


    There’s nothing even to talk about here, sport means health, a great mood and a great pastime. Rate it.

    Sports activities. There is no other time of year that is so ideal for getting in shape. How to do this is up to you, because the weather allows a lot: from a group game of football to a basic jog around the house. But even if it’s raining outside, don’t let that stop you! Do the simple ones. Of course, this is far from a full-fledged workout, but it will give tangible results by the fall, and ten minutes three times a day will not harm you in any way for the benefit of the body.
    Seasonal sports. Of course, watching different sports is not bad, and even interesting. However, it is the summer ones that you can experience more conveniently and fun for yourself. Playing football, badminton, tennis or volleyball will not only get you in shape, but will also help you spend an interesting evening in pleasant company.

    Other matters

    Besides nature, meeting friends and sports activities, there are many other ways to have fun in the city during the summer. Look and choose.

    Vacation. What could be more obvious? However, this does not mean that it is not worth mentioning. Be sure to take as much as possible. After all, having escaped the tenacious clutches of gray everyday life for at least a week, you can completely reboot your body, giving it strength for a very long time.
    Housework. Surely everyone has a whole to-do list that is all waiting to be completed. It's time to do them. Fix something, clean behind or under bulky interior items, wash windows or baseboards. Let your enthusiasm be enough for as many things as possible.
    Zoo. If you have children, then visiting the zoo should become an integral part of your life. This type of pastime will benefit not only your children, but also you. You will learn more about the various inhabitants of our planet, including those whom you would otherwise never see in person. In any case, you will have the opportunity to take a photo with them.
    Volunteering. Help is always needed. You can entertain children in hospitals, donate things to children from an orphanage, volunteer to renovate it, chat with elderly people from a nursing home, walk dogs from a shelter, or buy what you need at any of these or other help centers. Choose one of them or figure out how you can help and help. After all, there is greater happiness in giving than in receiving.
    Sale. That pile of completely unnecessary things that is discovered every time during a total cleaning does not necessarily have to vegetate in a landfill. Different people's views on the same things can be very different, and what you call junk may just as well turn out to be practically priceless to another person, so try listing all these things as lots in online auctions. After all, sometimes crazy collectors are ready to pay a considerable amount for a simple trinket.

    Summer is a wonderful time, three sunny months that you can fill with fun, meetings with friends and evening gatherings.

    You yourself are the architect of your own happiness, so start a diary and plan at least five of the above types of recreation.

    Have a nice holiday and a fun summer!

    30 March 2014, 18:25

    Summer is the favorite season of the year for many. And you are probably waiting for him too. Beautiful light dresses, sunrises and sunsets, picnics, trips to the sea and mountains - all this summer! Surely you already have some plan for this wonderful time of year. But we will give you a few more ideas on how to spend an unforgettable summer.

    6 ideas on how to spend an unforgettable summer

    1. Try to take notes on this wonderful and bright time of year. Come up with a scenario for a photo project and take funny selfies and landscapes every day, some interesting moments, because in the summer there are plenty of them.

    At the end of the summer season, create a beautiful slide show that will remind you of these wonderful warm days. In September you will see that you had an unforgettable summer!

    3. In the summer we remember our childhood much more often, and this is perhaps not surprising. So why not plunge into it again? A summer day will become truly magical if you visit an amusement park.

    To spend an unforgettable summer, take a ride on the carousels you loved as a child, and be sure to try those rides that you never dared to try as a child. Scary? Bring a friend or girlfriend with you - it’s more fun and less scary together. And for the full feeling of childhood, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating a huge cotton candy and buy yourself a bright helium balloon!

    4. Sky lanterns - magic lamps that fly skyward. How great it is to watch them! In the summer, be sure to choose a day, or better yet more than one, to launch this miracle into the sky. And don’t forget to make wishes!

    5. Does your soul require a movie show? Organize a vote with your friends and choose the three best summer-themed films, and then have a non-stop night!

    6. We remember summer not only for long trips, but also for such cute little things. And it is in your power to make sure that there are as many such pleasant moments as possible. Just your desires and imagination - and your plan for how to spend an unforgettable summer is ready!

    Photo: depositphotos.com

    Our summer period does not last long. Three sunny months pass very quickly, and everyone wants to have time to relax and have fun during this time. Many people, already at the beginning of spring, begin to think about how to have fun during the summer, and it’s not in vain.

    The most popular way is to go to the sea. What could be better than a soft sandy beach, hot sun and warm sea? Such a landscape in itself is already relaxing and uplifting. A well-planned vacation cannot be boring. To do this, you will have to take care of everything in advance.

    How to have a fun summer at sea? Already at the end of winter you should think about choosing a resort. Everything mainly depends on your financial capabilities and family composition. Many people prefer to relax with friends. If you have a child, be sure to take a married couple with children. The kids will entertain each other, and you can relax a little. Young parents often cannot imagine having fun with their children. It may seem that the baby simply won’t let you do this. But you will see how even the most frisky child will change when he sees the sea and an endless amount of sand. There are always a thousand things to do on the beaches for your little one.

    Stock up on buckets and shovels - this way he can build castles and look for treasures. Take the ball with you. Active games will be useful not only for children, but also for adults. Try not to refuse excursions and boat trips. It is not only educational, but also interesting. Many resort towns have water parks and dolphinariums. Your children will definitely not get bored there.

    If you can’t go to the seaside, and your thoughts about how to have a fun summer just won’t go away, go out of town. Today, a huge number of recreation centers have been organized where you can go either as a couple or as a large group. You can order a house and comfortably stay there with friends. Typically, such buildings are isolated from each other. Therefore, other vacationers will not disturb you. Be sure to discuss the menu and make a shopping list. It can be divided among everyone. This way everyone will be involved. Think about how to have fun during the summer with friends. Come up with a variety of competitions and joint games. Consider each participant's preferences. If you are traveling with children, then consider an entertainment program for them. Otherwise, they will get bored and you will have to do something urgently.

    When relaxing by the water, remember safety. If children are swimming, there must be an adult next to them who knows how to swim. If you drink alcohol, it is better to cancel swimming.

    If life circumstances are not in your favor and for some reason you are forced to spend summer days at home, then do not rush to get upset. How to have a fun summer in the city? First of all, make a list of all the interesting places that are nearby. This could be a theatre, cinema, zoo, water park and so on. Surely you haven't been there for a long time. Please study the program of events carefully. Usually there are a lot of them held in the summer. If you haven't had the opportunity to go somewhere during the year, now is the time.

    Sasha Savina

    In three summer months I want to do everything at once, but there is always a risk of getting lost in the abundance of plans and not getting anything done at all. We offer ten ideas that will help make the warmer months more eventful and interesting - so that at the end of August you won’t have to sigh with regret that summer has passed you by.

    Read books that
    there was no time

    For many, with the onset of warm weather it is easier to take up serious books - so if you haven’t gotten around to reading “Ulysses”, want to brush up on “The Brothers Karamazov” or finally start reading “Purity” by Jonathan Franzen, then now is the time. You can set a goal to read a certain number of books by the first of September, or organize a book club with friends and exchange thoughts about what you have read. The most conscientious ones can, like in school, make a list of literature for the summer - purposefully studying it as an adult will be much more enjoyable. After all, this is exactly how many of us imagine an ideal summer - sunny weather, a hammock and a good book in hand.

    Work out outdoors

    Summer is the ideal season to exchange the gym for running along the embankments, doing yoga in the park and on the horizontal bars in the yard. It is not necessary to play sports alone - you can combine business with pleasure and play volleyball, badminton, tennis with friends, or ride a rented bicycle around the city together. Science is on our side in this case: research data shows that polluted city air is not a hindrance to training and playing sports outside is beneficial, even if you live in a metropolis where the environmental situation leaves much to be desired. The main thing is to remember to drink enough water.

    Establish a regime

    In summer it’s more pleasant than ever to wake up early - isn’t this a reason to finally have a sleep schedule? It is worth trying to get up at the same time, give up alcohol and invigorating drinks shortly before bed, opt for a light dinner and put aside gadgets before going to bed. You can also take care of suitable bedding: in hot weather, many people prefer silk, which does not heat up as quickly as cotton or linen. During vacation, you should also not forget: in order to return to work mode as painlessly as possible, it is better to take measures in advance (for example, stop going to bed at five in the morning and getting up at three in the afternoon).

    Relax outside the city

    Over the years, we perceive a trip to the dacha less and less as a heavy duty and more and more as a good way to relax. If you don’t have the opportunity to go to the dacha, you shouldn’t despair: you can go out of town with your friends or parents for at least a few hours. It is not necessary to cook traditional kebabs (although this is a good one) - instead, you can have a picnic, walk through the forest, or swim in a river or lake. And, unlike a traditional trip to the country, you won’t have to spend part of the weekend weeding beds and trimming bushes - instead, you’ll be able to talk to each other to your heart’s content.

    Set up a mini garden at home

    Another piece of advice for those who do not have the opportunity to enjoy the advantages of country life. We strongly associate summer with fresh vegetables and fruits: if you can’t eat crispy cucumbers picked straight from your garden bed, you can plant a mini-garden on your windowsill or balcony. The easiest way is to grow various types of greens at home, although the Internet is full of tips on how to grow almost any vegetables and berries on a windowsill - however, in this case you will have to put in a little more effort and be prepared for the fact that nothing will work the first time. it will work out.

    Learn something new

    During the three summer months, you can have time to learn something new - for example, by signing up for interesting courses, both traditional and traditional. What you don’t have the energy or time to do in winter, you can learn twice as quickly during your vacation: so you have a chance not only to improve your English, but also, for example, to become an expert in forensics or understand the works of Shakespeare. Summer, it seems, itself provides reasons to learn new things: for example, the abundance of seasonal fruits and berries is an excellent opportunity to hone your culinary skills and learn how to prepare different types of jam and compotes according to grandma’s recipes. The main thing is to do what you are really interested in, count on your strength and yourself if you can’t find time for some activities.

    Engage in domestic tourism

    One of the most common tips for spending the summer in the city is to see the city where you live through the eyes of a tourist: go to a museum or gallery and explore the local attractions. An option that requires a little more effort is to take a weekend trip to a neighboring city or visit a suburban estate. This way to spend a weekend is suitable for those who, for some reason, cannot go on vacation to other countries. This option will cost less than a weekend in one of the European cities, and with the right attitude you will have no less impressions: if you prepare for the trip in advance, you can find really interesting places nearby.

    Get a new hobby

    If you don't want to waste your summer evenings binge-watching the latest releases, you might want to consider a new hobby. There are a lot of options, and most of them do not require serious investments: you can, for example, watch birds, like in school, collect a herbarium, take photographs (even on a smartphone), draw, knit, scrapbook, study constellations, or sew. Each of these actions has a meditative effect and will help you relax after a long day of work. Good weather in this case is not a hindrance: nothing prevents you from sitting with an easel in the park.

    Watch movies and listen to music

    In the summer, you want to spend as much time as possible outside the home - so the cultural program should also be moved outside. To combine business with pleasure, you can go to one of the many music festivals and street concerts, to film screenings held in large parks, or to an outdoor theater performance. The main thing is not to forget to dress according to the weather, take a raincoat with you in case of rain, a jacket for cool weather and use Sunscreen in the heat.

    Do nothing and really relax

    Perhaps the only advice that does not require additional explanation. In order to have a good holiday, it is not necessary to plan every free minute - sometimes it is useful to just relax and allow yourself to forget about business for a while. We all need breaks from time to time to recharge, and, after all, when else, if not in the summer, can we indulge in doing nothing?