Big ring of the Urals. Gemstone ring of the Urals Silver ring of the Urals

Gems with their brilliance and beauty, mystery and drama have become the hallmark of the Ural region. And it is difficult to find a place in the Sverdlovsk region that is not permeated with their spirit. The main attractions of the Sverdlovsk region have recently been united by a network of routes “The Gem Ring of the Urals”, and this guide will tell you how to touch the mysterious splendor of the Urals and not miss anything.

The guidebook "The Gem Ring of the Urals" is dedicated to the amazing and diverse Sverdlovsk region. Its rich history, beautiful nature, as well as cities and amazing architectural sights. In short, everything that will be interesting person traveling.

The book opens up one of the most industrially developed regions of the Russian Federation from a new perspective, showing the “stronghold of the state” as a place of concentration of bright and unforgettable sights. Even an experienced traveler will find a lot of new things in this guide, and those who are just discovering the Sverdlovsk region will definitely have their eyes wide open.

In addition to a fascinating story about the sights, the guide contains the latest information necessary for an independent tourist: addresses and opening hours of museums, contact information of hotels and campsites, route descriptions and GPS coordinates.

Technical characteristics of the book:

Year of issue: 2016
Pages: 144 pp.
: A5 (145x210 mm)
Preplet: sewing + thermal binding
Paper: coated
Color: full color

along the route: Ekaterinburg, Polevskoy, "Oleniy Ruchi", Kungur Cave, Belogorye, Verkhoturye, Nizhny Tagil, Visim, Nevyansk, Alapaevsk, Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha,

We invite you to the tour: from 3May 1 - June 8, 2019 Group excursions are conducted according to schedule, and For organized groups of 6 people - on any dates.

All the most interesting things in the Middle Urals in 9 days. A very rich program! Settlements along the route: Yekaterinburg (Sightseeing tour, visit to 3 steles of Europe / Asia, Ganina Yama), Polevskoy, "Oleniy Ruchi", Kungur Ice Cave, Belogorsky Monastery, Verkhoturye, Nizhny Tagil, Nevyansk, Alapaevsk, Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha,

On this route you will see the most important and interesting sights of the Middle Urals, get acquainted with new corners of the Urals

Excursion tour program:

1 Day (Friday)

Material from Wikipedia >>>Ekaterinburg Time zone UTC+5 (to Moscow + 2 hours)

Located on the eastern macroslope of the Middle Urals, along the banks of the Iset River. This part of the Urals serves as a natural gateway from the central regions of Russia to Siberia, which over the course of history has had a beneficial effect on the development of the city: Yekaterinburg has emerged as a strategically important center of Russia, which to this day provides a connection between the European and Asian parts of the country.

Some sources use another option for defining the border of Europe - along the watershed of the Ural Range, the Ural River, and the watershed of the Caucasus Range.

The very fact of singling out Europe is the result not so much of logic and geographical conditionality as of history.

Visit to the Europe - Asia stele at 17 km. Moscow tract. Go on a journey to a place where two parts of the world, two cultures come into contact - Europe and Asia (a memorial stele was installed on the border of two continents in 2004, it contains stones from the extreme points of Europe and Asia - Cape Roca and Cape Dezhnev).

According to the legends of Ekaterinburg residents, those who cross the border have their deepest wishes come true, so there are always a lot of newlyweds and simply happy people here..

  • 21.30 - Hotel accommodation, the hotel is located on the territory of a tourist center in a picturesque corner of the Ural “Switzerland”
  • Free time
  • For an additional fee, it is possible to rent a bathhouse on favorable terms, the opportunity to enjoy the velvety warmth and a nice Russian wood-burning bathhouse after a long journey. A cozy Russian bathhouse is a place where everyone can improve their health, find good spirits and energy.

Day 3 (Monday)

  • Breakfast (from 8 am)
  • 08.30 - departure from the hotel, towards the Olenyi Ruchi natural park 14 km
  • 09:00 * - 13.00 Walking excursion, a walk with a guide-instructor in a small circle. ~ 3.5 hours (about 6 km) through the Oleniy Ruchi natural park along a walking trail. The trail itself is treated for ticks.

Oleniy Ruchi - Material from Wikipedia >>>

"Oleniy Ruchi" - natural Park in the Sverdlovsk region on the territory Nizhneserginsky municipal district 100 km southwest of the city. Yekaterinburg. Opened since October 29, 1999 on the border of 3 foothills and the mountain strip of the Middle Urals in order to protect natural landscapes and historical and cultural sites, as well as organize recreation for the population and preserve biological diversity. The park is located in the lower reaches of the river Sergi, between the city of Nizhnie Sergi and the village. Arakaevo . The park's area is only 127 km². From north to south it can be walked on foot in 2 days, from west to east in half a day.

The Oleniy Ruchi Natural Park is one of the most beautiful places in the Middle Urals, where you can admire pristine nature. While walking along the ecological trail, you will be able to touch centuries-old pine trees, which can only be grasped by 3 people. Also during the excursion you will see karst caves, walk along the picturesque bank of the Serga River with high rocky banks. The ecological trail is equipped with benches, and there are steps and railings on the slopes. So even the most unprepared tourist can overcome the route.

Natural Park "Oleniy Ruchi" bus tour of the Urals > from Yekaterinburg Ural circumnavigation >Natural Park "Oleniy Ruchi" bus tour of the Urals > from Yekaterinburg Ural circumnavigation > "Big tour of the Middle Urals"Natural Park "Oleniy Ruchi" bus tour of the Urals > from Yekaterinburg Ural circumnavigation > "Big tour of the Middle Urals"

  • 13:30* Lunch
  • 14:00 Road to Suksun - 196 km ~ 3 hours
  • 16:50* Visit Suksunsky Historical and Local Lore samovar museum in Suksun. Excursion 1 hour
  • Road to Kungur, 70 km ~ 1 hour, guide's story
  • A short sightseeing tour of Kungur

Kungur Material from Wikipedia >>>

During a tour of Kungur, you will see ancient houses and learn about the city’s glorious merchant past. You will also be able to touch one of the most unusual monuments of the Kama region - the navel of the Earth. Seven roads converge at this point: five automobile and pedestrian roads, and two waterways. It is believed that if you rub your navel and make a wish, it will definitely come true.

  • Accommodation at the hotel "Stalagmite"
  • Dinner on your own for an additional fee.
  • Free time

Day 4 (Tuesday)

  • Breakfast buffet (from 8 am)
  • Eviction from the Stalagmite Hotel
  • 9:00 - 10:30 Visit to the Kungur Ice Cave (In the warm season, to visit the cave you need to take warm clothes, since the temperature in the cave is down to minus 5 degrees. A warm jacket, pants, hat, scarf, closed shoes are required).

Kungur Ice Cave - Material from Wikipedia >>>

(Kungur, 280 km from Yekaterinburg)! The temperature even on the hottest days does not rise above zero. Water takes on all sorts of bizarre shapes, freezing into stalagmites and stalactites. During the ~1.5 hour journey, you will find yourself in a winter fairy tale.

The first grotto you visit is not called Diamond Grotto for nothing: its arches are covered with a thick fringe of frost, sparkling like diamonds. The vaults of Dante's grotto are stepped. Mentally you can climb up and down them. One involuntarily recalls the poems of Dante Alighieri from his “Divine Comedy”. In the Cross Grotto you will be surprised by multi-meter stalagmites and stalactites.

The ice cave is interesting not only for its ice formations, but also for its underground lakes. There are more than 70 of them. The first lake on the excursion route will meet you in the Atlantis grotto. In the Druzhba and Khlebnikov grotto there is the largest lake, up to 40 meters wide, up to 3 meters deep. It is interesting that even in such conditions there is life. The blind crustacean Crangonix is ​​found in underground lakes. In the Grotto of the Romantics you can see an underwater channel - a siphon, up to 40 meters long. I can’t help but remember the story of P.P. Bazhov "Sinyushkin Well". And what kind of legends and traditions does the ice kingdom keep within itself! You will learn some of these legends during the excursion.

  • 10:40 transfer to the Belogorsky St. Nicholas Missionary Monastery 65 km. ~ 1 hour travel
  • visit to the Tikhvin Church, pottery shop
  • from 12:00 - 15:00 visit to Belogorye. Belogorsky St. Nicholas Orthodox Missionary Monastery

Belogorsky Nikolaevsky Monastery - Material from Wikipedia >>>

Belogorsky St. Nicholas Orthodox Missionary Monastery is a monastery on White Mountain in the Perm region. For the strictness of the charter, this monastery was once called the Ural Athos.

The monastery is located approximately 70 kilometers south of the center of Perm and 40 kilometers west of Kungur.

The site for the foundation of the temple on White Mountain was consecrated on June 18, 1893. Construction of the first wooden church was completed in February 1894. In the same 1894, the construction of the rector's and fraternal buildings began; later they also housed a carpentry and metalworking workshop. A school was opened to educate orphan boys (until 1917, 25 orphans were educated on White Mountain). At the monastery school, children were taught literacy, church singing, and various crafts.

One of the oldest architectural monuments of the Kama region!

The Belogorsky St. Nicholas Orthodox Missionary Monastery is located on the picturesque spurs of the Ural Mountains, 120 km from the city of Perm and 85 km from the city of Kungur. The White Mountain, on which the temple is located, has long served as a place of salvation and prayer. Since the 18th century, there have been cells and monasteries here, where people running away from factories and Old Believers persecuted by the authorities hid. The history of the construction of the Belogorsk Monastery began in 1891, the construction of the temple lasted 15 years and its construction was truly a nationwide effort. Having survived a short heyday, merciless destruction and many years of desolation - the spiritual symbol of the Perm region is returning to a new life!

  • from 15:00 - 15:30 lunch in the refectory
  • Moving to Ve rhoturye 430 km ~ 6.5 hours travel
  • Accommodation at the Sobol Hotel Verkhoturye.

Hotel "Sobol"located in the center of Verkhoturye opposite the Kremlin. Comfortable, cozy, with 59 seats. Accommodation is possible in single, double, 3 and 4-bed rooms with private facilities. For those who wish, there are suites available upon request!

  • Free time, you can take a walk around the Verkhoturye Kremlin in the evening
  • Dinner on your own for an additional fee.

Day 5 (Wednesday)

  • Breakfast and check out from the hotel.
  • Excursion to the village of Merkushino

You will visit:

Simeon Verkhotursky-Material from Wikipedia>>>

Simeon Verkhotursky (Simeon Merkushinsky; OK. -) - saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, revered among the righteous. The memory is celebrated: December 18 (31) - day of glorification), September 12 (25) - first transfer of relics, May 12 (25) - second transfer of relics, January 29 (February 11) - Cathedral of Ekaterinburg Saints and June 10 (23) - Cathedral of Siberian Saints.

Simeon of Verkhoturye is revered as the heavenly patron of the Ural land.

Temple of Michael the Archangel

Holy spring

  • Road to Verkhoturye with a stop at the Church of All Siberian Saints

This is a very beautiful place in the bend of the Tura River. There is a large stone in a quiet bend of Tura, protruding slightly into the river. Here, in solitude and silence, Saint Simeon loved to pray for a long time and fish. The pure, sincere prayers of the saint of God sanctified this place: here it is as if time stops, the soul is pacified. After the glorification of the righteous man, a chapel was erected on the shore. Today, a worship cross has been erected in its place, and a wooden church has been erected nearby in the name of All Saints who shone in the land of Siberia.

  • Lunch at a cafe in Verkhoturye.
  • Excursion to the Kremlin

On the territory of the Kremlin:

Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Voivode's House.

Order hut.

Living warehouses.

Observation deck on Trinity Stone.

St. Nicholas Monastery.

Founded in 1604. The monastery stands on a hill between the Kalachik and Sviyaga streams, one of which also separates it from the Kremlin. On the territory of the monastery are the relics of Simeon of Verkhoturye in the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross (the 3rd largest in Russia after Christ the Savior and Isaac).

Verkhoturye Nikolaevsky Monastery - Material from Wikipedia>>>

St. Nicholas Monastery Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross is a monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church in the city of Verkhoturye, Sverdlovsk region, Russia.

Under Soviet rule, the monastery housed a colony of juvenile delinquents.

In 1990, the Nikolaevsky Monastery was revived. The main church of the monastery - Nikolaevskaya - was destroyed in Soviet times, but three more were preserved in the monastery (all active), as well as the monastery fence with towers (second half of the 19th century).

Temples on the territory of the St. Nicholas Monastery:

Holy Transfiguration Church.

Holy Cross Cathedral.

Gate Church In the Name of Simeon the God-Receiver and Prophetess Anna.

Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

Church of the Transfiguration..

The Intercession Monastery is dedicated to the Mother of God. The image of the Virgin Mary with a veil in her hands occupies a central place in the iconostasis. This image is also seen from the facade of the temple. The icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” is especially revered here.

Velvet clothes are folded and embroidered with beads and stones. During the years of unbelief, the icon was hidden for a long time, even buried in the ground.

The Virgin Mary is as if alive. Parishioners claim that during particularly fervent prayers, she raises the eyelids of her downcast eyes. Near her they pray long and with feeling, believing in healing and relief.

  • Excursion to Aktai.
Holy spring on the Aktai River - 8 km west of Verkhoturye in a place on the coast picturesque location on the shore of the Verkhoturye reservoir, life-giving source began to be considered a holy place in the city of Verkhoturye, Sverdlovsk region. The source is located on the territory of the skete of the St. Nicholas Monastery, on the banks of the Aktai River. The Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" in the Oktay monastery is one of the centers of pilgrimage in Verkhoturye. A spring with holy water is located near the church in the chapel, where there are also rooms for dousing and a bathhouse.
  • Dinner on your own for an additional fee.
  • Road to Nizhny Tagil 160 km ~ 2.2 hours
  • Accommodation at a hotel in Nizhny Tagil

Day 6 (Thursday)

Coat of arms of the city of Nizhny Tagil, which dates back to 2007 Ural Around the World bus tour of the Urals > from Yekaterinburg Ural Around the World >

Ural Around the World "bus tour of the Urals > from Yekaterinburg Ural Around the World > "Golden Ring of the Middle Urals"
Ural circumnavigation bus tour of the Urals > from Yekaterinburg Ural circumnavigation > "Golden Ring of the Middle Urals"

Vyisky Pond, VSW.

  • visit to the Museum of Tray Crafts (House of the Khudoyarovs).

Lacquer painting of trays is one of the most important crafts in the Urals. This direction arose in the middle of the 18th century at the Demidov factories in Nevyansk and Nizhny Tagil. Soon the painted trays became famous throughout the world. They were given as gifts to princes, kings and European kings. The works of famous masters - the Khudoyarovs, the Dubasnikovs - are today kept in Russian museums and private collections.

  • dinner
  • road to the Reindeer Farm in Visim (50 km from Nizhny Tagil)

Ural circumnavigation bus tour of the Urals > from Yekaterinburg Ural circumnavigation > "Golden Ring of the Middle Urals"

Ural Around the World "bus tour of the Urals > from Yekaterinburg Ural Around the World > "Golden Ring of the Middle Urals"

Ural Around the World "bus tour of the Urals > from Yekaterinburg Ural Around the World > "Golden Ring of the Middle Urals"
  • A tour of a reindeer farm, where you have the opportunity to feed the reindeer by hand.
  • Road to the ski resort Mount Belaya (37 km from Nizhny Tagil).

Ascent to the observation deck of Mount Belaya. Mount Belaya is one of the most beautiful in the Middle Urals. Climbing the mountain on a chairlift, you can see with the naked eye the cities of the Sverdlovsk region: Nevyansk, Kirovograd, Verkhniy Tagil and even Yekaterinburg.

Ural Around the World "bus tour of the Urals > from Yekaterinburg Ural Around the World > "Golden Ring of the Middle Urals"

Ural Around the World "bus tour of the Urals > from Yekaterinburg Ural Around the World > "Golden Ring of the Middle Urals"

Ural Around the World "bus tour of the Urals > from Yekaterinburg Ural Around the World > "Golden Ring of the Middle Urals"
  • 19.00 - Transfer to Nevyansk
  • 20.00 - Dinner on your own for an additional fee.

Day 7 (Friday)

Day 8 (Saturday)

I’ll say right away that the ring didn’t work out... There is no normal road between Merkushino and Makhnevo. And there is no bad one, there is only iron one. Our government cannot make a road just for the sake of tourism. If something useful had been found, the road would have been made. Although I don’t understand, is it so difficult (expensive) to cover about forty kilometers between Karpunino and Khabarchikha? There is the Simeon Path, which you can follow on foot. In the following parts I will talk about it in detail. Surprisingly, some navigation programs show that there is a road, going through Sankino, Chushino, Karabaevo. If we went there, it was during the time of the Tsar. And not even Nicholas II. Even in the first half of the previous century, when people lived in the above-mentioned villages and tracts, the roads were impassable for the transport of that time. According to eyewitnesses, waste was dumped into the swamps near Nizhny Karabaev during the scoop. One way or another, Karabaevo died out from cancer, the Chushino tract was abandoned fifty years ago, there are no roads, there is no life, there is no need to go there. So, let's go. Route number one, Ekaterinburg-Verkhoturye-Merkushino-Kordyukovo. Three hundred and seventy kilometers. Nevyansk. Don't go around, don't go around. A provincial Ural city. Famous for its leaning tower, founded by the famous Demidov. There is a beautiful church nearby. Above is the local, old cemetery, which is not easy to find. Hotel, several catering establishments (the food is quite tasty). Normal shops, a branch of the Kirov store, a little further down Lenin Street, the Yuzhny supermarket, you can stop by. Byngi, where the pottery workshop is located, Tavolgi, Serbishino remain a little aside. Further along the NikoloPavlovskoye highway. The Yekaterinburg-Serov highway in front of the village goes to the left, going around Nizhny Tagil from the west. If you have time, you can visit Nizhny. A good local history museum, a tank one. The city itself is quite unusual, I, for example, constantly get lost there, but I have a lot of experience. After Tagil, the proximity of populated areas shows little evidence. The mountain and the city of Kachkanar and the village of Kushva remain aside. The villages have unusual names, there is Laya, Vyya, Is, and the Skazka recreation center. You can drive onto the old Serov road, which in some places is quite suitable for travel, and appreciate how your ancestors drove. The traffic is quite dense, traffic police posts are possible. The further north you go, the fewer cars, the fewer posts. At 280 (I think) kilometer we turn right. Another fifteen kilometers, and here it is - Verkhoturye! An ancient Russian city, the capital of old trade. Monasteries, churches. There is a hotel, a cafe, even a restaurant, it seems. The service, however, is a little slow. I experienced power outages twice, both times with an empty tank. The shops are so-so. The city itself remained a remote province. Next came the old Russian villages. Zaimka remains a little to the side, we pass Glazunovka, Lebedeva, Krasnogorskoye. Kostylevo with the monastery. Here is Merkushino. A beautiful church, a place of pilgrimage. Holy place. A little further away there is a chapel where Simeon of Verkhoturye prayed on the river. If you have arrived, drive a little further, you will cross the railway, the “white clay” stop, there is a waterfall on the right. Well, then Voronskaya, Deryabino, where the asphalt ends, a little to the side Zapolskaya, where several hundred families once lived, has now burned out almost completely, Otradnovo, where several summer residents live. That's it, there is no further road. Let's go back.
The second route goes to Alapaevsk, Sinyachikha, Makhnevo. What I really liked about this route was the museum of wooden architecture in Sinyachikha.
In the following parts I will describe in detail what and how, I will find a photo.

At the instigation of Kachkanar officials, a large-scale campaign was launched in the Sverdlovsk region. The government is ready to allocate billions to replace the stereotype “Ural is industrial” with “Ural is a land of tourism.” The first money has already gone to Verkhoturye, next in line is Kachkanar and its environs. All that is required for the new life of the city is the adequacy of officials and the willingness of residents to assist in the development of the tourism business

Real prospects for small towns

Four tourism projects have already been launched in the Sverdlovsk region. All of them are radically different in concept, but are similar in that they require multi-billion dollar investments and colossal efforts on the part of the authorities and, oddly enough, the population.

The first of the four projects is “,” which mainly involves Kachkanar, as well as neighboring territories - Severouralsk, Krasnoarmeysk, Novouralsk, Nizhny Tagil, Pervouralsk and the Ural capital itself.

Automobile, family, ethnographic tourism, yachting will be developed here, and the main focus is on active recreation and sports.

Tour routes are already being developed in each city, including the main attractions. For example, in Pervouralsk there is a yacht club, in Nizhny Tagil there is Mount Belaya, in our Kachkanar there is a mountain with its ski complex and the only Buddhist monastery in the region. It is assumed in the region that a yacht club, aqua park and a SPA center will also be relevant in Kachkanar.

The second project - “Spiritual Center of the Urals” - is already being developed in Verkhoturye, Makhnevo and Alapaevsk. Its highlight is pilgrimage routes, rural attractions, the sovereign's road to Siberia, the famous Verkhoturye customs house, and historical festivals.

The third site - "Old Nevyansk Plant" - will give impetus to the development of Nevyansk and its surroundings. In the near future, travelers will see a full range of cultural, educational, rural and event tourism here. The list of existing attractions includes the Nevyansk Tower Museum.

The fourth tourist zone of our region - “Stone Gates” - includes Kamensk-Uralsky, known as the bell capital of Russia, and the Kamensky urban district with its Iset, under the shore of which, according to legend, an ancient volcano sleeps. Future guests will be provided with motorcycle trails, nature reserves, museums, and campsites.

All tourist areas are united into one global route - the “Silver Ring of the Urals”. This mega-project, designed to upend the usual way of life in the Ural outback, is considered extremely ambitious and already has an army of conservative opponents who believe that no one will ever come from abroad to have a quality holiday in the Urals.

Nevertheless, the Sverdlovsk authorities do not deviate from their plans, approve regional target programs with billions of dollars in investment and are already starting construction. Already now, at the first stages of tourism development in the Sverdlovsk region, the regional leadership is gradually revealing its actions to the public.

On June 11-12, about 50 journalists from all over the Ural Federal District went on a press tour along the “Simeon’s Trail” route, which is one of the centers in the “Spiritual Center of the Urals” tourist zone. For two days, representatives of the press were taken around cities and villages, showing what is available today and what will be done in the near future.

During the trip, it was obvious that the regional authorities began to implement plans for the development of tourism from the branch most prepared for this - the Ural cities and villages with a rich spiritual history: Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Rezh, Mironovo, Aramashevo, Koptelovo, Alapaevsk, Verkhnyaya and Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha, Nevyansk, Mugai, Baltym, Mostovskoye, Verkhoturka, Cheremisskoye, Shaitanskoye, Lipovskoye, Pokrovskoye, Rychkovo, Komarovo, Tagilskaya Sloboda, Makhnevo, Merkushino, Verkhoturye.

Municipalities where ancient and recently rebuilt churches stand, as well as roads and paths well-trodden by travelers who were later elevated to the rank of saints by the church, lie on the “Silver Ring of the Urals” route. It is there that the first money from the regional budget and private investors has already begun to flow.

Those cities that are just in line for the reconstruction and construction of tourist facilities are quite lucky, since the authorities have a chance to predict problems and prevent them based on the bumps and problems in the development of the first tourist and recreational zones.

The wealth of the region is in the people

For two days, traveling by bus through populated areas, Ural journalists in each village were the first to see not picturesque places and historical monuments, but, perhaps, the most important thing - Ural hospitality.

At each station in a small village, guests with cameras were most often mistaken for ordinary pilgrims and were greeted with a loaf of bread, songs were sung, and they were treated to homemade kvass and pies.

At most points along the route, it turned out that it was thanks to them - ordinary residents - that the fading cultural monuments were held together. So, in the poor village of Aramashevo several years ago, local residents began literally bit by bit to restore the destroyed temple. Using the collected public money, they patched the roof, and then began writing appeals to various spiritual associations asking for help.

Philanthropists heard them and money began to flow into the village, but local residents did not stop there, but began to think about how else, in addition to the ancient temple, to attract tourists to their area. Thus, the first museum of huts with ancient Russian paintings appeared in Aramashevo. There, in addition to the main exhibits - painted pieces of furniture and walls, antique items made of wood, cast iron, and clay were collected from the area.

As it turned out, most of the historical sites in the Ural outback are supported by enthusiasts like those in Aramashevo. The same village of Koptelovo has its own unique object - the Museum of Education. The inconspicuous wooden building contains a lot of valuables that are difficult to find in large Ural cities - the first wooden desks with inkwells, ancient gramophones, wooden carts on which children used to get to school, miraculously surviving documents from past centuries that tell how teachers made money back then.

Small villages and hamlets have another common feature. Their residents still trust the authorities and expect that thanks to tourism development projects, people will actually flock to their region. Judging by the friendliness and cordiality of the villagers, it is clear that they are ready to tirelessly cook loaves of bread and welcome travelers, if only their small homeland would cease to be a backwater.

There is no service in the outback

In addition to the positive aspects of life in the Ural villages, the participants of the press tour also discovered obvious gaps in the realities of future tourist areas. All of them come down to everyday problems of urban management and service facilities.

The same visit of fifty correspondents to Verkhoturye showed the complete unpreparedness of the Ural hinterland to receive large groups of tourists. Now all visitors are accommodated in existing hotels, parishes and places of pilgrimage, where there are no communal services as such.

Catering points in the Ural spiritual capital are also not ready for a new clientele, so city guests wait a long time for food and are forced to put up with the obvious hostility of the service staff. Museum workers and tour guides are not yet oriented towards large groups, they review the city and historical places in a low voice, and do not know how to properly coordinate tourists, so city guests from time to time find themselves “thrown” in the middle of the street and do not know in which direction to move next.

This is roughly the picture so far in any Ural city where the government of the Sverdlovsk region intends to develop tourism. But the important thing is that the authorities will develop the territories gradually over the next five years, so municipal administrations still have time to solve utility problems, train staff and expand existing hotel service facilities.

Video: Ural Federal District journalists walked along the “Simeon’s Trail”

From the author: Dear residents of Kachkanar, do you think our city is ready for the influx of large groups of tourists? Will there be any residents who want to work in the service sector? Are residents ready to welcome city guests? Your opinion is important.

I devoted Sunday afternoon to studying not only the museums of Nizhny Tagil and Verkhnyaya Pyshma of the Sverdlovsk region, but also the tourism service that is offered within the framework of public-private partnership (although it does not fall under the PPP legislation, it is not framed in accordance with the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 224-FZ "On public-private partnership, municipal-private partnership in the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation") of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Vista Group of Companies.

I will not go into the intricacies of co-financing the project, what anyone promised and to whom, I will simply share my impressions and questions about organizing a tour along the route “Ural Technology”, “History of Urals Technology”. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact name, since it is different in different sources from the tour operator. As a result, we will call its tourist route “Something about technology.”

1. Purchase of a tour and departure.
It was not difficult to find the website of the “Gem Ring of the Urals” in the browser search engine; by the way, it is registered in a domain name similar to the name of the Vista Group of Companies (, however, on the site itself there is no such legal entity, except logo, tour operator - Booking Center LLC, registered in Moscow.

On the website you can select a route for a specific date, see which objects and at what time on that day you should visit, and also find out the cost of the tour. The tour I was targeting cost 1,899 rubles. Since the site is actually an online store, payment can be made by credit card...

Here I have one more question (besides changing the name of the operator on the site), payment is made through the Yandex-Money service. Of course, recently this service has begun to service payments from legal entities, but this requires additional registration in the system. Was it passed, or does the Yandex wallet to which I sent the money belong to an individual? Apparently this is still worth looking into...

After payment, no documents (Trip, Agreement) were sent to me, but I received a phone call the day before... The girl, introducing herself as the “Gem Ring,” reminded me of my tour. The gem ring informed me that the tour started not at 8-00, but at 7-30. Hearing my surprise, Ring hung up without bothering to apologize...

My indignation at the change in departure time was justified; when paying on the website, the time was different, and I, like other possible participants, could presumably use public transport to get to the meeting point. From Berezovsky, where I live, I would not have been able to get to the Botanicheskaya metro stop by the time indicated by the Ring. It’s good that I’m not connected to public transport and use personal transport.

Upon arrival at the appointed time - collection at 7:00, departure at 7:30 - I was surprised to not find a branded bus. I decided to call the phone number listed on the website - +7 343 385-84-85. The phone conspiratorially did not answer me. I had to figure it out, relying on intuition and searching for other owners of happy tours. It turned out that a minibus was available for the tour. I must admit, the quality of the bus corresponded to the trip, speakerphone, TV that didn’t work, heat from the stove, comfortable seats...

When I asked for one at the end of the tour, the accompanying people refused to receive a permit, citing the fact that they receive permits at the office, and they do not know where I purchased the tour. By the way, during the entire trip I was never asked for documents, payment receipts, or even my last name. I doubt that I am such a famous person that I don’t need an introduction...

2. Travel (transfers).
I don’t consider myself an expert in the tourism service sector, as well as the history of the region, so I will rely on the ideas that I have.
Guide. He talked a lot in the direction of Nizhny Tagil about the Demidov family, after Nizhny Tagil - about the Great Patriotic War. From his stories, thanks to the Tagil residents who responded to my previous posts, I can say that the fate of Miron Cherepanov, who could not drink himself to death because he was an Old Believer, was interpreted incorrectly, and it also sounded quite strange that the Museum-factory of the Nizhny Tagil Museum-Reserve "Gornozavodskoy Ural does not have the necessary permission to conduct excursions around the plant, but regularly violates this ban. But what about visiting this museum on the “From Demidov to T-90” tour, which is offered by the “Gem Ring”? This was left behind the scenes...
A few words about the bus. Bus rented from IP Takhonov A.A. rental prices are available on the website (, I don’t understand where the branded bus is, which was advertised as the property of Vista Group of Companies. Even if out of 15 passengers 3 are tour operator employees and a tour guide, wouldn’t it be cheaper than renting from a third-party carrier?
During the trip, 2 lunch boxes were offered, as well as lunch in a Tagil cafe. It’s not at all clear why they collected us 30 minutes earlier, if in fact we left at 7:50; in museums, excursions were not time-regulated?

3. Museums.
I have already said in posts that this route included visiting 3 museums:
- Museum of the History of Technology "House of Cherepanovs" - ,
- Museum of armored vehicles UVZ - ,
- Museum of Military Equipment "Military Glory of the Urals" UMMC - .
The set of museums to visit, in general, fits into the stated name “Technology of the Urals”, but the emphasis was not set, for this reason a holistic picture of the technical achievements of the region was not achieved. The gramophones of the “House of Cherepanovs” and the vintage cars of the UMMC Museum are not connected with the Urals, except perhaps by the place of their museum storage.
Payment for visiting museums was included in the price of the tour, therefore, apparently, the accompanying person paid for tickets everywhere in cash (with Yandex-Money, it is not difficult to cash out the amounts received). At the UVZ Museum, the check for tickets received by a representative of Booking Center LLC included additional payments made by a number of tourists for taking photographs at the Museum. It seems like nothing, but, in fact, a violation of accounting discipline and reporting...

4. General questions.
I recorded that 12 tourists set out on the route along the “Gem Ring of the Urals” on November 8, 2015. The total cash collection, according to my calculations, should have been 22,788 rubles.
We calculate the costs:
- tickets to museums - from 500 to 600 rubles per group (3 museums * 550 rubles = 1650 rubles)
- lunch boxes - about 150 rubles/piece (12 people * 2 pieces * 150 rubles = 3600 rubles)

Guide payment - 150 rubles/hour (12 hours * 150 rubles = 1800 rubles)
- minibus (waiting - 1300 rubles/hour, intercity 25 rubles/km) - according to my calculations, about 10,000 rubles,

Meals in a cafe - 15 people for 250 rubles = 3750 rubles.

Total: 20800 rubles

Income - about 2000 rubles. Some kind of business is being done in Russian... Well, what’s not a minus?

It doesn’t matter at all how accurately I made the calculations, but even the minimum profit from the tour will not affect the income of the Sverdlovsk region in any way, since Booking Center LLC, probably pays taxes, but in Moscow.

A few words about the region’s tourism income. Museums received 1,650 rubles, cafes - 3,750 rubles. In fact, tourists left 5,400 rubles in the region, 450 rubles per person - approximately 24% of the cost of the trip. This is the development of tourism and tourism infrastructure! I have not yet begun to analyze the budget costs of the Sverdlovsk region for the promotion and advertising products of the “Gem Ring”. Good business for a private partner of our state!

I would like to remind you that the Minister of Investment and Development of the Sverdlovsk Region Alexey Orlov, in one of the interviews