What is a transfer in tourism - how and where to order a transfer from the airport to the hotel (Instructions for independent travelers). What is a transfer and how to deal with it? Transfer plan what does it mean?

Passenger transportation is seen as a problem only for those who are faced with it for the first time. Of course, if you have received the task of meeting a group of tourists at the airport and escorting them, for example, to the station, this seems incredibly difficult to you. There are so many issues that need to be resolved!

In fact, transfer to the airport or transfer to the train station is very simple. Especially if you are prepared for this transfer in advance. How? Read our article.

French or English?

Transfer- this is an English word that appeared in the Russian bypass relatively recently. In translation, “transfer” means the verbs “to transfer” or “to move.” Due to the wide applicability of these verbs, the term “transfer” has found a wide range of applications. It is used not only to determine passenger transportation services, but also when performing banking transactions, in psychology, in sports, and in tourism.

There are two variants of spelling and pronunciation of this foreign word - English transfer and French transfer. And if transfer rather refers to the area of ​​​​transferring money between banks, then the word transfer refers precisely to passenger transportation. Thus, you can hear “transfer to the airport”, “transfer to the station”, and in Moscow the phrase “transfer Moscow airport” has become almost a household word for passenger transportation services.

Making lists

Having understood the transfer terminology, we will determine how best and most expediently to use this service. Remember the task: tourists - transfer - Moscow - airport. So, the decision should start with the question of the number of tourists in the group. If you need to meet three to five people, or less, it will be more profitable to organize a transfer to the airport in a regular car. If the group size reaches 10-14 people, then it is better to do transfer to the airport by minibus. If you have even more guests, then for the transfer you will need a large and spacious bus.

Having found out how many people will need to be transported, it’s time to choose a company engaged in passenger transportation. In the capital, there are many companies offering transfer services to the station or airport.

When can we expect you?

Having found out the exact date of arrival of tourists in Moscow and the time of stay of the plane or train, you can negotiate more specifically with the company organizing passenger transportation. If the date has not yet been determined, it is worth looking for a company that provides the possibility of pre-booking minibuses and buses for transferring tourists.

It is important to choose an organizer of passenger transportation whose fleet would have a variety of equipment: cars, minibuses, and large buses. This will be very useful if, when clarifying the stay of tourists in the capital, any adjustments to the number of guests appear.

We are conducting an audit

It is also important to first inspect the fleet of vehicles that are involved in transfer to the station or airport. Buses and cars must meet the international level of service, because often transfer clients are foreigners.

When planning your vacation in another city or country, you want to agree on everything in advance so as not to be nervous later. Many hotels around the world offer their guests an additional service - transfer, often included in the package, but many tourists do not know what this means and what services they will receive.

What is a hotel transfer and its types?

A transfer is a pre-booked trip along the customer’s route. Most often, a transfer is ordered to quickly and safely travel from the airport to the hotel and back. Depending on the type of transfer, vehicles from cars to buses are used to provide services.

By ordering a transfer service, you no longer have to worry about transporting yourself and your luggage from the train station or from the airport to the hotel.

Services included in the transfer price:

  • organized meeting at the airport or train station;
  • delivery of vehicles with a personal driver;
  • waiting for the arrival of a plane or train (unlimited time);
  • waiting for a tourist to leave (1 hour) after the plane lands or the train arrives;
  • payment for paid parking;
  • guaranteed delivery of tourists to their destination and assistance in accommodation;
  • baggage allowance (no volume restrictions).

Transfer advantages:

  • pay only for it, and all other expenses are paid by the company;
  • no time limits for execution subject to prior warning (continuation of vacation, postponement of departure);
  • saving time (no need to look for a taxi);
  • safety;
  • no more expensive, or even cheaper, than a taxi.

Main types of transfer:

  • individual;
  • group.

What is a private transfer?

Do you want to see the sights, go shopping or attend events? Then you need an individual transfer that will take you along the developed route. A personal driver will accompany you everywhere, wait the necessary time, and even tell you about other interesting places along the route. Usually the driver is selected with knowledge of your language, so that it is convenient to communicate and you can get answers to your questions.

This type of transfer is the most popular service among tourists, since personal safety and guarantees of fulfillment are the most important things in a successful trip to another country.

What is a group transfer?

This type of transfer means that meeting and transportation from the airport to the hotel will be carried out by a group of tourists by bus or minibus.

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word transfer

transfer in the crossword dictionary

Dictionary of financial terms


transfer of a certain amount of money from an account in one bank to an account in another bank.

Dictionary of medical terms

transfer (French transfert, from Latin transfero to transfer, move)

a method used in psychoanalysis in which the patient tries to transfer unconscious friendly, hostile and other feelings to the doctor, as well as situations that arose in childhood during contacts with parents or loved ones.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


(English transfer) and TRANSFER (French transfert), transfer, pl. no, m. (fin.). Transferring money from one bank to another, from one country to another. ? Transfer of registered securities from one owner to another. ? Transferring a transaction from one account to another.



Transfer- a term used in Russian in tourism, banking, innovation-economic, sports, clothing, psychological and other topics.

The term reached Russia from Europe through different channels:

  • from French speakers ( transfer, with the letter “t” at the end) - most often used in the professional vocabulary of banking and accounting workers;
  • from English speakers ( transfer, without the letter “t” at the end) - used in tourism, knowledge-intensive business and other areas.

Basic meanings of the term:

  • Transport transfer - transportation of a passenger from an agreed place to another pre-agreed place.
  • A bank transfer is a transfer of money between accounts of the same or different banks. In Russia, bank transfer of money usually occurs within two business days.
  • Technology transfer is a term in the innovative economy. Commercialization of innovation and any other scientific and technical development, transfer of its copyright to another person: legal or individual.
  • Business process transfer is a complete or partial transfer to an internal or external entity of the authority to perform in whole or part of some internal process of the product life cycle. The term is defined in the international railway industry standard IRIS. Close in meaning to the term Business Process Outsourcing.
  • Certificate transfer is the transfer of a certified company from one certification body to another. Fulfilled according to the requirements set out in the document IAF MD 2:2007 - “IAF Mandatory Document for the Transfer of Accredited Certification of Management Systems”.
  • Transfer in the understanding of sports teams is the transfer of players from one team or sports club to another. In this case, a remuneration is paid to the player or club for the transfer.
  • Transfer is one of the methods of applying images to textiles at temperatures from +120 ºС to +190 ºС. The technology involves applying an image from an intermediate medium using a heat press.
  • Transfer (psychology) is a tracing paper from English, which is often used instead of the concept “transfer”.

Examples of the use of the word transfer in literature.

Rather, not even a limit, but, one should say, a threshold, since on the other side of the sympathetic transfer and the homology which it confirms, a connection can be established from disease to disease which is causal without being related.

They give you the right to free transfer from the airport and to the airport by limousine with a driver, the right not to leave the hotel after check-out time, immediate provision of a room regardless of the time of arrival.

My entire condition was on display, that is, it could well have been affected by transfers.

It was transfer twelve million Germans - Sudeten, Silesian, East Prussian and many others.

For three days my agents followed on his heels, always being on one transfer behind, while Norman Haywood skied in Switzerland, surfed in Ceylon, shopped in New York, and visited friends in the Rocky Mountains and the Himalayas.

Legal transfer through the central authorities on Ceres costs exactly thirty percent of the amount of the cost of the cargo.

During transfer Danilov possessed some feelings, and even a semblance of vision.

Subsequently, after finishing transfer, Danilov diligently resurrected his memories and when he succeeded, he again screamed in fear and surprise.

From the remarkable adaptability of rotifers, such properties of rotifers arose as the absence of a permanent biological form, the possibility of vector-bosonic transfer, the ability to mimicry, that is, copying the biological apparatus of native life forms.

Imagine that you have finally made it to another country to spend your holiday there. After leaving the airport, you involuntarily begin to think about how not to get lost. It is especially difficult when you have problems with the local language. This problem can be solved with the help of a service provided by many modern travel agencies. This service is called transfer.

The essence of this service is that at the airport of arrival there will be a person waiting for you with a sign with your details written down (name, surname). This person will guide you to a car prepared in advance and take you to the hotel. Agree, it’s very convenient. This option certainly won’t allow you to get lost in an unfamiliar city. You won’t have to regret the money spent on the transfer. Of course, a transfer will cost more than, for example, a taxi or metro, but we don’t travel that often.

By the way, about the financial side of the service. In addition to direct delivery to the hotel, for an additional fee, a glass of champagne, for example, or flowers at the exit of the plane can be offered in the car cabin.

It is worth noting that the high cost of a transfer is not a reason to give up comfort. There is a less expensive alternative to a personal transfer - a group transfer. Most often, this service is free, as it is included in the price of the finished tour. The essence is still the same. The guides will still meet you, but they will take you not to the car, but to the bus, where you will need to wait for the other tourists. This group will be taken to the hotel.

Of course, in this case the trip will be a little longer. After all, as practice shows, it is not easy to quickly gather a large number of people. Someone will definitely go away to smoke, another will want to go to the toilet, a third will go for souvenirs. Typically, a half-hour delay is considered a good indicator. In addition, it may happen that not all fellow travelers go to the same hotel. Therefore, you may have to make several stops on the way to your destination.

If for some reason neither a personal nor a group transfer is suitable, you can go to the hotel by taxi. Let's face it, this is not a cheap pleasure. Sometimes, if the hotel is located far from the airport, the cost of a taxi is not inferior to the price of an individual transfer. A significant drawback of this approach is that you will have to find a taxi yourself. You will also need to explain to the driver where to go. Without proper knowledge of a foreign language, problems may arise. One of the good options is the metro. The subway is inexpensive and takes relatively little time. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the crush and pickpockets operating everywhere.

Thus, the transfer is one sheer convenience. And the more expensive it is, the more comfortable the trip will be. Before ordering any transfer, check its cost and services included in the package, for example, the presence of air conditioning on the bus. Of course, you don’t skimp on your vacation, but be careful not to pay extra money for something you won’t get.

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Jake Cohen, a sports lawyer who has worked on major deals, clarifies some of the details of the transfers.

The transfer window is in full swing and amid countless rumors, negotiations and deals, questions remain about transfers from a business perspective. To shed some light on transfer campaigns, The Independent spoke to Jake Cohen, a sports lawyer who has worked on major deals, to clarify and discuss the most important transfer details.

How does the transfer happen?

When making any transfer, there are always 3 key types of negotiations taking place simultaneously: negotiations between clubs about the transfer price, negotiations between the buying club and the player's agent about his player's contract, and negotiations between the buying club and the agent about his personal bonuses.

In fact, the selling club must only agree to conduct these negotiations, but in fact, there will always be many intermediaries between the clubs, who form the player’s interest in the transfer. This is the dark side of the issue and often leads to accusations from one side, as was the case last month when Southampton accused Liverpool of luring Virgil van Dijk into their squad.

Most conversations often take place via WhatsApp. Many agents and club representatives prefer WhatsApp for a number of reasons: everyone always has a phone with them; it's easier than email; there is a group chat option; it is clearly visible whether the interlocutor received the information; and you can also use it anywhere in the world.

Moreover, information about users on WhatsApp does not change without their desire. For example, a club representative started a partnership with another club in another country and now has a new email, phone number and office number, but his WhatsApp number remains the same. Therefore, it becomes much easier for the interested party to contact the representative without searching for his new contact details.

It sounds surprising, but in 2017 WhatsApp is indispensable for people related to transfers.

Rooney signed a contract just a month after negotiations began on WhatsApp

What are multilateral agreements?

When it became known that Mino Raiola was on the side of the player and both clubs in the transfer of Pogba, it seemed to most that this was an isolated incident. Just recently we learned that one of the reasons for Lukaku's move to Manchester United was the fact that Chelsea did not want to pay Mino a bonus.

In fact, such multilateral agreements are an absolutely natural thing in the world of transfers, at least among English clubs. Sound amazing? During Lukaku's transfer, Raiola negotiated with Manchester United about the player's contract, and also acted on United's side in negotiations with Everton.

At the intersection of interests, multilateral transfers are profitable and legal, because it is easier for the parties to agree on conditions, and the player does not need to pay compensation to the agent. (The player will, however, have to pay a fee to HM Revenue and Customs, but this is a fixed amount and does not apply to football.) But the FA's process for vetting such negotiations is very straightforward.

Why do some clubs announce deals before the transfer window opens?

International transfers cannot be officially confirmed until the transfer window opens on July 1st. Why then do we see so many transfers announced before this date? For example, Manchester City announced the signing of Bernardo Silva from Monaco on May 26th, just a couple of days after the end of the Premier League season.

Although a player cannot be registered with a new club until July 1st, this does not prevent him and the two clubs from agreeing on terms before the appointed date. For many clubs, the financial year begins on July 1st and ends on August 30th, which is associated with the start of the transfer window.

Why is the financial year and its proximity to the transfer window important? This gives clubs the opportunity to spend on purchasing a player either in the outgoing or in the financial year that has just begun. For example, Barcelona completed the transfer of Fàbregas to Chelsea in June 2014, which allowed the club to include profits from this deal in its financial statements for the 2013/14 season. But Fabregas could not be registered by Chelsea until July 1st.

There are also marketing considerations to consider. For example, Chelsea's contract with Adidas ended on June 30, and the contract with Nike came into force on July 1. Chelsea and Nike signed a 15-year deal worth more than £900 million. As a result, it was not profitable for Chelsea to announce new deals before July 1st. Why would a club announce a new recruit and show him off in a T-shirt without 5 minutes of his former commercial partner?

Moreover, when a club has the opportunity to wait a couple of days and announce a transfer with a new commercial partner, who at the same time is the most profitable sponsor and direct competitor of the former partner, it becomes clear why Chelsea and other clubs would wait in such a situation.

Chelsea recently announced their first signing of Antonio Rudiger with a video of a young Blues fan wanting to buy a shirt with his name on it from the club store at Stamford Bridge.

In addition, some transfers take a long time due to protracted negotiations between clubs or the agreement of a player’s personal contract.

There are also other reasons why a transfer announcement might be delayed. For example, some players who are transfer targets for clubs played at the Confederations Cup and have just begun to take their well-deserved vacation.

And with some clubs already starting pre-season preparations, many players have very little time to rest this summer. It becomes clear why players put aside work matters and enjoy time spent with family and friends.

But there are other factors that could delay the completion of the deal even after all the major negotiations have taken place, from obtaining a work permit to agreeing on the use of image rights by the new club.

Clubs can recoup transfer costs through shirt sales, right?

It has always been believed that clubs can recoup some of the money spent on a transfer by selling the new player's shirts. In fact, this is far from the truth.

The ability to sell kit is not the main purpose of the partnership; it is just a license that allows the manufacturer to use the club brand for their own purposes. Clubs usually receive an annual income from this. For example, United receive £75 million a year from Adidas, Chelsea receive £60 million from Adidas, and Arsenal receive £30 million from Puma. Manufacturers receive 10-15% of their income from sales of T-shirts.

Moreover, signing a star player does not guarantee the skyrocketing sales of his jerseys, as many people think. Usually the sales surge occurs in the region where the player himself is from. Also, those who were planning to buy a T-shirt are more likely to take it with the name of a new player on the back, rather than someone who has already played for the club.

The sale of T-shirts is the club’s main income from the partnership. Manufacturers wouldn't pay clubs to put a small logo on their chests if it weren't so profitable. For example, Adidas CEO Herbert Hainer claims they will earn £1.5bn for a 10-year deal with United worth £750m.

Why don't football clubs produce their own kit and benefit 100% from it? The answer is simple - because they are football clubs, not manufacturers. They do not have a global network capable of delivering and selling millions of T-shirts every year. Many clubs try to promote their logistics on their websites, but this is only a tiny part of the global market.

Clubs do not have access to such resources. Even the largest of them look tiny compared to Adidas and Nike. Not to be unfounded, in 3 months Nike earned significantly more (about £7 billion March-May 2017) than Chelsea earned in its entire 112-year history.

What about rent?

A common misconception is the idea that clubs can simply loan a player out if they wish. In each such deal, the player must agree to go on loan. Not a single player will go on loan to a club on terms that do not suit him.

It all comes down to costs, right?

We often hear the words “spending” or “transfer amount”, the purpose of which is to characterize the ability of a certain club to spend.

However, clubs do not take costs into account when making transactions, and no coach has kept a paper with the exact amount for transfers. These are guesses about how clubs negotiate, relying only on transfer payments, but not taking into account wages. In fact, clubs spend more on salaries and various bonuses.

Mention of a transfer budget means that the manager must do something about the financial aspect of the transfer. This is a rare case where a coach takes part in the negotiation process.

In addition, transfer payments are repaid over the duration of the player's contract. Therefore, if a club signs a player worth £40m on a 5-year contract, that fee will be paid out in £8m over 5 years, rather than a single payment of £40m.

For example, Arsenal signed Alexandre Lacazette from Lyon for £53 million, but that amount will not be paid in full this year. Most likely, they will pay him 10.6 million per year for the duration of his five-year contract.

In addition to the transfer fee, Lacazette's salary is also worth taking into account. Taking into account his salary, image rights, transfer fee and other bonuses, he would earn around £200,000 a week at best, which would also increase his overall transfer fee.

Therefore, if we consider only the amount of Lacazette's transfer separately from the rest of its components, it will not give a complete picture of Arsenal's transfer strategy. Arsenal, like every other Premier League and UEFA club taking into account all bonuses, will pay £22 million a year for Lacazette for 5 years, rather than £53 million this season.

For the avoidance of doubt, clubs can pay a partial transfer amount in advance, which will be a bonus for the selling club and the main trump card for the buying one. Large transfer amounts are, of course, usually paid in installments over a couple of years.

Keep in mind that these are all well-established schemes used in all clubs in the top 8 leagues and many others. These are absolutely obvious things for a correct understanding of how clubs calculate the cost of a player and the amounts for new transfers, especially taking into account FIFA’s financial fair play.

Why is there no player exchange?

As a rule, no one pays attention to player exchanges. The only exceptions are the transfers of Gallas/Cole, Eto'o/Ibrahimovic, Matic/Luiz, but usually pure exchanges never happen (the transfers of Rooney and Lukaku were not exchanges).

Transferring one player is already a rather complicated process. And when another one is added to this, this, in turn, introduces additional details and complexity.

The presence of a second player adds negotiations between clubs about his value, negotiations about his contract with an agent and further bonuses for agents. You also need to take into account the desire of both players to leave.

Rooney returned to Everton but was not included in the Lukaku deal

How does the compensation amount work?

Sometimes misunderstandings occur when a player who has a release clause in his contract becomes the target of a club that is willing to pay that amount but never goes there. All this happens due to 2 types of compensation: actual compensation and approximate compensation.

Actual compensation obliges the club to sell the player upon receipt of such an offer. They may vary, but clubs always try to capitalize on it. For example, Premier League clubs can add a clause prohibiting the buyout of a player by other Premier League clubs. Also, Portuguese clubs often set prices for their opponents 3 or 4 times higher than for others.

Approximate compensation is not obligatory to anything and only means the opportunity to sit down with the club at the negotiating table when an offer is received.