Altai Mountains message. Origin of the Altai plains and mountains

The majestic Altai Mountains are a complex system of the highest ridges in Siberia, separated by picturesque river valleys and deep basins. The most beautiful peaks attract travelers and scientists, photographers and pilgrims; many mountains are local shrines.

How mountains were formed

The Altai mountain system was formed over 400 million years ago and recovered from almost complete destruction much later. According to modern theory, the mountain-fold system was formed by the collision of oceanic uplifts with a chain of ancient volcanic islands.

Mountain building continues even now - in 2003, a serious earthquake was observed in Altai (up to 9 points at the epicenter) and subsequent tremors. The southern mountains of Gorny Altai “grow” by almost 2 cm every year. According to geologists, the source of the events is the collision of the Eurasian continent and India; traces of ancient powerful earthquakes were discovered in the south-east of the republic.

Location of Altai mountain ranges

The Altai Mountains are located in the center of Asia and the south of Siberia, their location is a complex system. The powerful complex of Tabyn-Bogdo-Ola (“five divine mountains”) on the border of China, Mongolia and Russia is called the “heart” of Altai. The northern slopes of the mountain cluster are the mountains of Russia, Altai; Knot's peak, 4373 m high, is located in Mongolia.

From the “heart” of the mountainous country, ridges fan out: to the west - Southern Altai, to the southeast - the mighty Mongolian Altai, to the northeast - the low-snow and less high Sailyugem. To the north of the mountain node there are as many as three branches of ridges, separated by the Chuya Basin and the Ukok Plateau, the framework of the republic’s mountain system.

One branch, almost sublatitudinal, includes the South Chuya, Katunsky and Kholzunsky ridges. The second branch runs further north and includes the North Chuisky, Baschelaksky and Terektinsky ridges. The third branch, stretched almost along the meridian, is formed by the Kurai, Aigulak and Sumultinsky ridges. The fan-shaped pattern of the Altai mountains on the map is complicated from the east by the Shapshalsky ridge and the Chulyshman highlands.

The absolute height of the Altai mountain system decreases from southeast to northwest. The highest mountain in Altai, Belukha, crowns the Katunsky Range. The steepness of the northwestern slopes is significant, the southern and southwestern slopes are gentle.

Better than mountains - only mountains

One mention of Altai gives rise to a strong association - amazing views of snow-capped peaks stretching to the horizon. Below, the poet Vysotsky believed, one cannot find even a small fraction of such beauties as in the mountains. “And we descend from the conquered peaks, leaving our hearts in the mountains,” repeat the words from the song of thousands of travelers fearlessly storming the mountains.

“Pearl of Belukha” - the highest mountain in Altai

In the Ust-Koksky region there is the highest point of Altai (4506 m) - the two-headed Belukha Mountain. There are countless legends about the “crown of the Altai king”; the bewitching beauty and mystery of the shining peak is glorified by the philosopher Roerich, writers and artists. From June to mid-September, pilgrims and tourists persistently strive to reach the mountain along the paths of the Uimon Valley; participants of snowmobile tours visit the foot of the shrine even in winter.

The first ascent of the inaccessible mountain in 1914 was made by explorers of the region - the Tronov brothers. The climb is still difficult - the climate here is harsh, cold piercing winds blow, the rocks are covered with thin ice almost all year round. Belukha is surrounded on all sides by glaciers. The most difficult climb is from the north, from the Akkem wall, which is between the eastern and western peaks.

Tourists who have conquered the peak of the Katunsky Ridge experience amazing impressions - “the best revelations in life,” according to happy extreme sports enthusiasts. Geologist Pyotr Chikhachev wrote that at the top he trembled with delight - in the surrounding beauty he saw a living God “with all his power.” Such is the amazing Altai - the maximum height of the queen mountain and the emotions here give rise to the most violent ones.

Mount Altyn-Tuu

The height of the Altai mountain system varies in different regions; there are many other high mountains - Delone (4260 m), Aktru (4044 m), Ak-oyuk (3860 m) and others. There are also special sacred mountains that do not differ in height. On Mount Altyn-Tuu, the Altaians believe, the first man on Earth was created by the Supreme Spirits.

The sacred mountain is located near Lake Teletskoye, its height is 2298 m. The steep slopes of the mountain are almost inaccessible in places. The rocks are partially covered with bushes, some are bare and steep.

Tourists make ascents from the southern coast of the lake and from the Big Chile River. The difficult climb is rewarded with amazing panoramas from the top of the Golden Mountain.

“The Permanent Sentinel” - Mount Bobyrgan

Tourists traveling along the Chuya Tract begin their acquaintance with the Altai Mountains by visiting the mountain. The top of the Seminsky ridge (1009 m) with good visibility is already noticeable from Biysk, and on the border of the Altai Republic the head of a warrior-sentinel can be seen in the outline of the mountain. Many legends are associated with the peak; the mountain is revered by the Altai people as sacred.

Some phenomena observed in the mountain area seem anomalous and attract ufologists. The curiosity of tourists increases immensely here, and among the wonders of natural architecture, visitors imagine a ghost town or an ancient fortress. The climb usually lasts about two hours and is not particularly difficult.

The visibility of the summit tells locals about the weather. If the peak is visible clearly, the weather is good; if visibility is hampered by haze or clouds, it could be bad weather.

Another sacred mountain of the Altai Territory, Sinyukha (1210 m), which appears blue due to the dense forest, is also popular with tourists.

Mount Komsomolskaya

The uniqueness of the spur of the Iolgo ridge within Gorno-Altaisk is due to the amazing richness of vegetation. The northern slope of the mountain, facing the city, is occupied by a wonderful birch forest; there are also fir and pine trees, larch and spruce trees.

The bushes are surprising in their diversity: there are elderberry, currant, rowan, bird cherry, acacia and many others. It is difficult to even list the types of herbs found here, including medicinal ones.

"Golden Mountains of Altai"

This name, at the initiative of UNESCO, appeared in 1998 on the list of World Heritage Sites. A section of the Altai Mountains on the territory of the republic is protected by the state; these are the Katunsky and Altai nature reserves, as well as the Ukok plateau.

The uniqueness of the territory is the presence of different zones of alpine vegetation and rare animals. Among them are snow leopards, Siberian mountain goats, and Altai argali.

The World Conservation Union expresses alarm that poaching has not yet been stopped here. The thirst for entertainment and profit for some human individuals turns out to be more valuable than common sense and respect for nature.

Environmentalists are concerned about plans to build gas pipelines and a high-speed route to China through protected areas.


The tourist attractiveness of the Altai Mountains is due not only to its magnificent mountain peaks. Wild picturesque valleys and mysterious plateaus, spectacular waterfalls on wild rivers and fabulous lakes are the untold riches of the Siberian treasury and at the same time tourist attractions.

“The Cradle of the Universe” - Altai has a rich history. Countless rock paintings, ancient caves and human sites have long turned the republic into a large museum.

A fascinating journey through the Mountain Region and conquering snow-capped peaks will remain in your memory for a long time. Having visited the mountains once, you will answer their call again!

Golden Mountains - this is how the word Altai is translated. And it’s hard to argue with this; Altai doesn’t have many rivals in terms of natural beauty. The Altai Mountains are the highest part of Siberia and are located on the land of two subjects of the country - the Altai Republic and the Altai Territory. This amazing place is called Russian Tibet. Mountain rivers, crystal lakes, seething waterfalls, endless coniferous forests and alpine meadows - the bounty of nature of these places will captivate you forever.

All about the golden mountains of Altai

IN Altai mountains The Biya and Katun rivers are born, from the confluence of which the Ob is born - one of the deepest and longest rivers in Russia.

The highest ridge of the Altai Mountains is Katunsky. The Altai Mountains are famous for their caves, of which there are many. - the edge of waterfalls, the highest Tekelyu flows into the Akkem River.

Winter in the region is long, up to 5 months. But in the area of ​​Lake Teletskoye, winter pleases with a comfortable ten degrees of frost. In summer, daylight hours in the region last 17 hours - this is more than in Yalta or Sochi.

The Ukok plateau is a place of burial mounds. Local residents believe that the plateau is a special sacred place to which they entrust the bodies of the dead. The unique nature of these places inspired Nicholas Roerich to create paintings. In the village of Verkhniy Uimon there is a museum of the painter.

Chemal is a picturesque area of ​​the Altai Mountains, where the Katun carries its waters past rocky mountains that are fascinating in their inaccessibility.

The Altai Mountains are a complex system of ridges, divided by vast pits and deep rivers. They simultaneously cross the borders of several countries: Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and China. Their total area is about 742 thousand km2.

A little history

There is a legend that before the Flood, the Altai Mountains were mighty heroes. But after that the earth lost its hardness and was not able to support the giants, so they turned into mountains in which their spirit still lives.

For many centuries, this territory was a “corridor” between Central Asia, Mongolia and Siberia.

Many traces of human habitation are found here: Scythian burial mounds, stone sculptures of Turkic peoples, mysterious writing and other rock paintings. People have lived in Altai since ancient times. Initially it was a caveman, later Caucasians appeared, then (mid-1st millennium BC) - Scythian tribes.

A thousand years later, the Turks came to the Altai Mountains and lived here until dominance over the territory passed to the Mongol tribes. In the 17th century they were replaced by Dzhugars. After the defeat during the attack by Chinese troops, the local population began to seek protection from Russia, which at that time was expanding its borders on a large scale.


On the territory of Russia, mountains are located in the Altai Republic and Altai Territory. This is the highest part of Siberia.

They were formed in different eras, due to which they have all kinds of reliefs, namely:

Flat terrain;

Low mountains (up to 500 m);

Srednegorye (up to 2000 m);

Highlands (up to 4000-4500 m);

Intermountain pits.

Karas, peaked peaks, landslides, ridges, screes - these are already forms of relief that the Altai Mountains have. There are also rivers here that flow into valleys and form clean lakes. The water level in them varies depending on the time of year, since they are fed only by snow.

Under the influence of various weather phenomena (wind, snow, rain, frost and heat), the Altai Mountains are constantly being destroyed. The waters carry away the upper layers of the surface, the peaks crack, which is why screes can be observed quite often. There are about 300 caves here.


The Katunsky ridge is the highest in Altai, about 15 km long and 3200-4000 meters high. Its peaks are always white - the snow does not melt here, only blocks of ice of different sizes constantly fall down. The Katunsky ridge is one of the most visited by tourists. It offers an excellent overview of the highest mountain - Belukha. Its peak is 4509 meters above sea level.

An interesting fact is known - Belukha is located the same distance from three oceans: the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic. It is surrounded on all sides by glaciers, which is how it got its name.

The local population has many legends associated with Belukha; they believe that the mountain is sacred and that evil spirits live on it even today. They can punish anyone who disturbs her peace. Buddhists believe that Belukha hides the entrance to the legendary country (Shambhala).

Kolban is another peak of the Katunsky ridge. From a height of 3022 meters it offers beautiful all-round panoramas.

One more ridge of Altai cannot be ignored - Chuisky. It rightfully ranks second in size. It is usually divided into two: North Chuysky and South Chuysky.

The first one is very popular among tourists due to its landscape. Many come here to look at the alpine meadows, beautiful mountain lakes and the eternally snow-covered highlands.

The South Chuysky ridge is difficult to pass due to its topography; it practically consists only of glaciers.

The mountains of the Altai region are not as high as the Altai Mountains. But they also attract many tourists. Mount Sinyukha (height 1210 meters) is very popular. Here on one of the slopes there is a holy spring; an Orthodox cross was installed next to it in 1997.


The Altai Mountains, photos of which can be found in this article, are also rich in lakes. There are about 20 thousand of them here.

The largest is Teletskoye, it ranks second in depth after Lake Baikal. There is still much debate about its origin.

The lake is stretched out in a strip 80 km long. It has its own special climate, so the weather can change several times during the day. The winds dominate here. The lake has very clear water; even in winter you can see the bottom through the ice. Both tourists and fishermen love to come here.

The largest river in the Altai Mountains is the Katun, 688 km long. Its source is the Gebler Glacier at an altitude of 2 km above sea level. The waters of this river are cold; not everyone can swim in it.

Lake Aya is another matter; in summer it warms up to +25 °C. Surprisingly, not a single river flows into it, but the water level is always the same.

It is impossible to ignore the Karakol Lakes. There are seven of them in total. They were born by glaciers, so even in summer the water warms up only to +11°C. Here lies the border of larch, cedar forests and alpine meadows, striking the eye with their beauty.

Altai Mountains (photo): flora

The local flora is rich in its diversity. Here you can see the vegetation of the European part of Russia, Eastern Kazakhstan, as well as central and northern Asia.

The main part of the Altai Territory is covered with forests. A special feature of this area is the ribbon pine forests.

In the mountainous part of Altai, trees such as larch, cedar, fir, and birch grow. There are also many shrubs here: lingonberry, honeysuckle, blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, maralberry, meadowsweet, cinquefoil, juniper.

In spring and early summer, the mountain slopes and plains turn into bright carpets of various colors. There are many medicinal plants here, some of which grow only in Altai.

Animal world

Forests and steppes provided the Altai Mountains with a variety of fauna. About 250 species of birds and 90 species of mammals live here. Some of them are even listed in the Red Book.

A feature of the animal world is the presence of endemic species. They can live both on plains and in mountainous areas. Prominent representatives are the Altai mole, tundra partridge and mountain turkey.

The taiga is preferred by brown bear and elk. The first one can migrate from forests to alpine meadows during the summer in search of tasty plant roots, herbs, mushrooms, and fish. However, by autumn he always returns to the taiga.

Ungulates (roe deer, elk, musk deer, deer) make seasonal transitions from one zone of the Altai Mountains to another.

In the forests you can see wolverine, lynx, chipmunk, and ermine. Among fur-bearing animals, sable and fox stand out.

Where the Altai Mountains turn into steppes, birds of prey live (kestrel, falcon, buzzard), the golden eagle dominates the peaks, and the forests are dominated by hawks, owls and eagle owls.

The Altai Mountains are one of the most beautiful places not only in our country, but throughout the world, and therefore attract tourists from all over the world. The nature of Altai will certainly amaze even the most experienced traveler with its pristineness and contrast. It is not for nothing that since 1998 the “Golden Altai Mountains” have been included in the list of heritage sites of the world organization UNESCO, as they are a unique natural complex of its kind.

Here you will see majestic snowy peaks, mountain slopes strewn with coniferous vegetation, many lakes and rivers with crystal clear water, waterfalls and caves, as well as animals that live exclusively in these places.

Altai Mountains: general characteristics

Most of the area of ​​Gorny Altai is located in Russia, namely in the southeast of Western Siberia. This picturesque region also covers the territory of Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. The total length of the ridges is about 2000 kilometers. The height of the mountains ranges from 500 to 4500 meters above sea level.

The modern relief of the Altai Mountains was formed in the Cenozoic era under the influence of tectonic processes of Alpine mountain building. However, even in the Caledonian era, there were mountain ranges in this place, which over hundreds of thousands of years were practically destroyed and turned into small folds. Due to the secondary rise, the plain with hills turned into a mountainous region, as we can see it today.

The geographical location determines the continental climate in Altai. Summer here is usually warm but rainy. At the same time, the weather in the mountains is very unpredictable. Sunny days can alternate with stormy ones, and temperature changes are very sharp even within one day. Winter in Altai is usually cold with an average air temperature of -15 degrees. High in the mountains the thickness of the snow cover is about one meter, but in the foothills there is not so much snow.

The tectonic structure of the subsoil of the Altai Mountains determined the presence of rich mineral reserves. Mining of zinc and copper, quartzite and jasper, lead and silver is carried out here. And there are no such reserves of soda as here anywhere else in the world. In addition, Altai contains deposits of rare and valuable metals, which increases the importance of the region for the entire country.

The flora and fauna of the Altai Mountains deserves special attention. The plants here are very diverse, which is explained by large differences in altitude. Alpine and subalpine meadows, taiga, mixed forests, steppe and mountain tundra - all these zones cover the Altai Territory.

There are also a lot of animals and birds in these places. In the taiga forests you can meet such representatives of the animal world as brown bear, elk, wild boar, hare, wolverine, wolf and many others. A number of animals living in these areas are listed in the Red Book. Among them are deer, lynx, roe deer, otter, bustard and others. The underwater world of Altai is not inferior in its liveliness. There are about 20 species of fish in local reservoirs.

The highest mountain in Altai

The symbol of the Altai Mountains is its highest point – Mount Belukha. Adherents of extreme recreation have long chosen this place; many climbers come here with the goal of conquering the inaccessible peak. However, Belukha is also interesting for ordinary tourists, because its beauty can be enjoyed at the foot, and, according to the beliefs and legends of local residents, a person here is charged with a special energy force.

Belukha has two peaks - Eastern, located at an altitude of 4509 meters, and Western - 4435 meters. A little to the side is Delone Peak, which forms a single mountain range with Belukha. It is from its top that the Katun River takes its source.

Hikes and ascents to Belukha are organized especially for travelers. This gives you the opportunity not only to test your strength and endurance, but also to take beautiful photos, as well as get a lot of positive emotions and impressions. In addition, according to the descriptions of people who visited Belukha or at its foot, they experienced enlightenment of consciousness and felt the unusual energy of these places. It is not for nothing that the indigenous population of Altai considers this mountain sacred.

The most famous body of water in the Altai region is Lake Teletskoye. In order to appreciate its beauty, you can simply walk along the shore, or even better, take a boat ride along it. Crystal clear water in which majestic mountains are reflected - this picture will forever remain in your memory. The nature of Lake Teletskoye has retained its pristine nature and has been practically unaffected by humans. This is especially true in the Eastern part, where the Altai State Reserve, which falls under the protection of UNESCO, is located.

Lake Teletskoye is famous for its beautiful waterfalls, many of which can only be reached by water. One of the most famous is Korbu waterfall. It is located near the village of Artybash on the eastern shore of the reservoir and looks truly impressive.

Just 4 kilometers from Korbu there is another waterfall that deserves the attention of tourists - Kishte. An interesting fact is that you can only appreciate its beauty by sailing on a boat, since going ashore here is impossible.

Beach lovers should not count on the opportunity to swim here, because even on hot summer days the water here is quite cold - about 17 degrees.

Other interesting sights of Gorny Altai

The Altai Mountains are already a tourist attraction in themselves, and therefore it is very difficult to identify specific places that can be recommended for tourists to see. In addition to Belukha and Lake Teletskoye, travelers should visit:

  • Patmos Island and the Temple of St. John the Evangelist.
  • Tavdinsky caves.
  • Chemal hydroelectric power station.
  • Valley of the Chulyshman River.

Patmos Island is located on the outskirts of the village of Chemal. This place is truly mesmerizing and enchanting. The stone rocky island is located in the middle of the Katun River and is washed by its turquoise waters.

The Church of St. John the Evangelist was built right on the island, the history of which dates back to 1849. You can get to it via a wooden suspension bridge swinging over the stormy waters of the Katun.

Before entering the bridge you can see the face of the Virgin Mary carved on the rock - the work of one of the nuns who lived in the neighboring village. To the right of the passage to the island, tourists can go down to the bank of the Katun River and admire the splendor of the landscape from a different angle.

The Altai Mountains are famous for one of their natural monuments - the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers. It is at this point that the most powerful and majestic river of Siberia, the Ob, originates. It’s worth coming here to admire this unusual natural phenomenon, because at the confluence the waters of the two rivers do not mix. Turquoise Katun and blue transparent Biya flow for a long time in two streams, only gradually acquiring a single shade. You can see all this beauty from Ikonnikov Island, which is considered the border of three rivers.

Tavdinsky caves are part of the Turquoise Katun tourist complex and undoubtedly deserve the attention of tourists. They represent a network of passages inside the mountain about 5 kilometers long. The caves have many entrances and exits. The Bolshaya Tavdinskaya Cave is especially popular. Inside it you can see cave paintings of ancient people, more than 4000 years old. For the convenience of visitors, the light is on inside the cave, and the entrance to it is equipped with wooden steps.

Tourists who prefer a beach holiday will definitely appreciate Lake Aya. In summer, the water in it warms up to a temperature comfortable for swimming. There are paid and free beaches with sun loungers and umbrellas, and you can also take a boat or catamaran ride. This place is very picturesque. It is surrounded on all sides by deciduous and coniferous trees, reflected in the clear water. In the middle of the reservoir there is a small island with a gazebo, which can be easily reached by boat or catamaran. The surrounding area of ​​Lake Aya has a developed infrastructure. There are many recreation centers, hotels, cafes and markets nearby.

The Karakol lakes are located in the highlands of the Ilgo ridge and are a complex consisting of seven reservoirs connected by streams and waterfalls. The lakes are located at different levels, and their size decreases as the altitude increases. The water in all reservoirs is transparent and crystal clear.

The Chemal hydroelectric power station is located near the island of Patmos, so these two excursions can be easily combined. Since 2011, the station has not been used for its intended purpose, but operates only as a museum for tourists. In addition to the picturesque views opening from this point, guests deserve the attention of the extreme attractions that operate here in the summer.

An incredibly beautiful place in the Altai Mountains is the valley of the Chulyshman River and the Katu-Yaryk pass. Precipitous cliffs, many small and large waterfalls, steep mountain slopes - all this causes genuine delight and pleases the eye.

This is not the entire list of attractions of the Altai Mountains, because every corner here has its own zest, is unique and delightful. A trip to these regions will definitely charge you with positive energy for a long time and give you unforgettable emotions and impressions.

The Siberian Alps, Russian Tibet - that’s what this amazing place is called. The Altai Mountains, the photos of which are amazing, are not in vain included in the UNESCO list. And not only tourists admire the pristine beauty of this region; for the indigenous people it is also unique and unique.

altitude and main ridges

The Altai Mountains are a complex system of ridges located on the territory of several states. Their Russian part is concentrated in This is the highest part of Siberia, which attracts with its harsh beauty and snow caps. Travelers, scientists, tourists, climbers, artists, photographers, and pilgrims come here every year.

Altai are mountains whose heights are different. The highest is the Katunsky ridge: its peaks rise on average 3200-3500 meters above sea level. Outwardly, it resembles the Alps: sharp peaks, steep slopes, powerful glaciers and eternal snow. This is why this part of the system is visited most often. In addition, Belukha is located here - the highest of the mountains (4506 m) - and many picturesque lakes.

Belukha and Altai (mountains): height and legends

This peak is considered not only amazing but also a real shrine of the region. It is interesting that it is located at equal distances from the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans, being the geographical center of Eurasia. It is surrounded by glaciers, where the Katun River originates. For many centuries, local residents consider the mountain to be a refuge of evil spirits who punish anyone who disturbs their peace. Buddhists believe that somewhere up there, at the top, is the fabulous Shambhala.

The peak received its name because of its ever-white cover. Although Belukha has been conquered more than once, it remains difficult to access, and the seismic activity here is quite high. And in 1997, a natural park was opened in the vicinity of the mountain.

Chuisky ridge

Altai is not only proud of these peaks. Mountains, the height of which is not much lower, make up the Chuisky ridge. In fact, these are two chains - southern and northern. The first is located far from well-known tourist centers, difficult to access by transport, and wild. The highest point is Iktu Peak (3941 m). The other is more developed, since there are not only highlands, but also colorful meadows, lakes, rich flora and fauna. Here is the second highest peak of the system - Maashey-Bashi, 4137 meters - this is the height of the mountain. Altai in this part is generally rich in huge peaks, which attracts climbers here.

This is another interesting peak that rises only 1210 meters. This is the very Kolyvanovsky ridge. Climbing it, you can see fantastic landscapes: the Kulunda steppe, the famous pine forest, blue-eyed lakes and other snow-capped mountains. The fir forests on the Sinyukha slope gave it an unusual color, which formed the basis of its name. It is also sacred to the inhabitants of these places, and on the northern slope there is a healing spring.

Altyn-Tu, located next to Lake Teletskoye, is especially revered by local residents. You will get beautiful views of the river from its top near Lake Aya. Tourists also do not miss small rocks of bizarre shapes - the Big Monastery (near the village of Ust-Pustynka), the Castle of Mountain Spirits (Akkainsky Pass), Stone Mushrooms (near Lake Teletskoye) and many others.

Altai region is the most wonderful place on earth!