The capital of Australia, Canberra, is the administrative center of the country. Australian public holidays

- comes from lat. australis ("southern")

Briefly about the country

is a mainland state located in the Southern Hemisphere of the globe, it also includes the island of Tasmania
Sixth largest in area in the world. The political system is a parliamentary monarchy.
Australia consists of six states:
The states are Victoria (VIC), Western Australia (WA), Queensland (QLD), Tasmania (TAS), South Australia (SA), New South Wales (NSW).
Australia is one of the ten richest and most prosperous countries in the world, home to 20 million people, with 80% of the population living in cities. In Australia, the number of kangaroos is approximately 2 times greater than the population of people.

Australia on the world map

Official religions of Australia

- is a multi-religious country with no official religion.
Predominant religious movements: Catholicism ~ 25%, Anglicanism ~ 19%, other religions are noticeably smaller.

Australian public holidays

1st of JanuaryNew Year
January 26Australia Day(26 January 1788 Arthur Philip landed in Sydney Harbor and founded the first colony - New South Wales)
First Friday of FebruaryMardi Gras— (Gay and Lesbian Parade)
First ten days of FebruaryLunar New Year
Second week of FebruaryRoyal Regatta
The 14th of FebruaryValentine's Day
Second Tuesday in MarchCommonwealth Day
Third Monday in MarchCanberra Day
21 MarchHarmony Day(against racial discrimination)
March-MayCatholic Easter
April 1April Fool's Day
25th of AprilANZAC Day(Defender of the Fatherland Day)
First Monday in Aprilholiday regions Western Australia
Second Monday of Marchcelebration of the regions of Victoria and Tasmania
First Monday in Maycelebration of the Queensland and Northern Territory regions
First Monday in Octobercelebration of the Capital Territory, New South Wales and South Australia regions
Second Friday in MayMothers Day
First Monday in JuneFoundation Day(June 1, 1829)
June 3Mabo Day
Second Monday in JuneQueen's Birthday
First Sunday in SeptemberFather's Day. All Parents' Day. (The most popular gift on this day is a tie)
First Friday of NovemberMelbourne Cup(A horse race that almost every Australian bets on)
11th of NovemberDay of Remembrance
December 25Catholic Christmas
December 26—Boxing Day(Boxing Day - gifts are made exclusively in boxes to people who are poorer than you)

The capital of Australia

Australian currency

Australian Dollar (AUD): Divided into 100 cents, denoted A$.
Denomination: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 $.
Australian 100 dollar bill below, featuring Nellie Melda, Australian singer

Official language in Australia

- Australian English

Australia dialing code

Australia domain zone

Major cities in Australia

Climate and weather in Australia

Australia is the driest continent, but the climate on the mainland is very diverse. Australia has a lot of deserts; almost a third of its territory is covered by deserts.
Australia is located in four climate zones:
- subequatorial, tropical, subtropical and temperate (Tasmania island). In simple terms, the climate on mainland Australia varies from hot to cold.
But basically, of course, the weather in Australia is hot; let’s consider the average annual air temperature using the example of the city of Sydney:

Visa to Australia

Plants. Flora of Australia

Acacia, Davisia, Soybean, Corymbia, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Leptospermum, Gudenia, Olearia, Triodia, Banksia, Grevillea, Syt, Caladenia, Pterostylis, Boronia, Correa, Citrus, Leukopogon, Epacris, Ricinocarpos

Animals. Fauna of Australia

Population of Australia

~ 23 million 100 thousand

Area of ​​Australia

~ 7 million 700 thousand sq. km.

Australia Hotels

Using Melbourne as an example

Cheap flights from Russia to Australia

Tours to Australia

Average life expectancy in Australia

80.7 years (female = 83.6 male = 77.8)

Photos of Australia

“Theme Australia” - I’ll catch it anyway. Lesson topic: “Natural areas of mainland Australia.” And the Little Koala sleeps sweetly on the branches. Coat of arms of the Commonwealth of Australia. The ostrich runs merrily, the shadow has become shorter. Color in natural areas on a contour map. Purpose of the lesson: Lesson topic: “Natural areas of Australia.” Homework. Create a crossword puzzle: “organic world of Australia.”

"Australia 7th grade" - Learning new material. Australia and Oceania. Lesson topic: Australia. Geographical location, history of the discovery of the continent. Relief and minerals. Geographical location, history of the discovery of the continent. Organizing time. Lesson progress: Lesson summary. Australia. General plan for studying the mainland: 1.Geographical location, history of the discovery of the mainland.

“Australia theme” - At first, the British government sent convicts there. There are no large deep rivers. Why is Australia the driest continent in the world? Length 2375 km. What minerals is Australia rich in? Australia was discovered by Europeans later than other continents due to its remoteness. Tell us how Australia was discovered and developed. What is the continent’s topography characterized by?

"Districts of Australia" - European settlers. Australia has a very low population density. Relocation to dry areas and population decline. Growth in numbers. Equal citizens of their country. Decorative creativity. Aboriginal Australians belong to the Negroid-Australoid race. The east of Australia is the main area of ​​residence.

"Project Australia" - Project goals. Creative name. Annotation. Project stages. Educational: fostering a respectful attitude towards the culture of the country of the language being studied. Fundamental Question: Is everything upside down upside down? Duration – 4 lessons. Problematic question What do we know about Australia? Educational: expand students' knowledge on the topic "Australia".

“Discovery of Australia” - In 1605, 3 ships under the command of Pedro Fernandez de Quiros set out from Callao in search of the Southern continent. The expedition discovered land, which was mistaken for the Southern Continent and called Australia Espirito Santo. In 1642, the ships Heemskerk and Zehain, under the overall command of Abel Tasman, left Batavia towards the Southland.

Means “entrance to the lakes” - in this place an extensive network of rivers and lakes flows into the ocean, creating ideal conditions for fishing.

Indeed, at the pier in Lakes Entrance there were many fishing trawlers, which immediately sold fresh fish and shrimp. Almost all vacationers in this place in Victoria could see a boat; many hotels have corners with tables for cutting fish.

Well, where there are fish, there are pelicans.

And the fishermen, accordingly...

In general, apart from fish and a couple of beaches, there is nothing special to see in Lakes Entrance, except for the private maritime museum Griffiths Sea Shell Museum, where you could find just tons of different types of shells, preserved and dried fish and other sea creatures.

Not far from Lakes Entrance are the Buchan Caves.

Well, after visiting the caves, it was nice to have a glass of local beer at the Bullant Brewery.

25 Aug 2012 12:12

We were already in Canberra in 2008, stopping for a couple of days on our way to Sydney. Then we saw that there are many places in the city that can be visited in a few days.

Before leaving Canberra we visited the Australian Parliament building. There were several police officers at the entrance who let visitors through a frame, like at airports. After walking through the halls and offices, visiting the green roof, we moved on...

15 Aug 2012 02:10

Consulting group the Economist Intelligence Unit has published its list of the world's best cities, with Melbourne topping it for the second year in a row.

The top ten cities look like this:

Great Ocean Road

20 Jul 2012 03:02

We took a trip to the Great Ocean Road last December and just added everything from that trip yesterday.

You can drive the entire road in one day if you leave early in the morning, don’t stop everywhere, and return directly along the highway. To take our time with sightseeing, we stayed for a couple of nights right in the center of the road, in the town of Port Campbell (Summer's Rest Units).

On the first day it was cloudy, so we had to wear jackets, but on the second day the sun came out and it became much more fun.

A few attractions we visited:

Despite s18(1) of the Spam Act 2003 (Cth), I agree and acknowledge that any message Vodafone sends me will not contain an unsubscribe facility. I understand that I can, at any time, opt out of receiving marketing material by contacting Vodafone Customer Care.

In general, Australian laws do not have to be followed, the main thing is to communicate this in small print.

23 Feb 2012 05:13

She received the surname Macpherson from her stepfather Neil Macpherson.

Thanks to her ideal body proportions (90-61-89), at the age of 18, Elle signed her first contract with the famous modeling agency Click Model Management.

In 1985, Elle decided to marry photographer and creative director of Elle magazine Gilles Bensimon, who was 20 years older than Macpherson. Thanks to her marriage, Elle appeared in every issue of Elle magazine for six years.

In 1986, Elle made the cover of Time magazine. By that time, she had already been on the covers of magazines such as Cosmopolitan, GQ, Harper's Bazaar, Vogue and Playboy. Elle also appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated six times during her career.

In 1989, MacPherson and Bensimon divorced, and along with her husband, Elle lost her largest employer, Elle magazine. This period in the girl’s career and life is difficult, but Elle pulls herself together and decides to move on.

Elle Macpherson in the movie "On the Edge"

In 1990, the first film starring the famous model, Alice, directed by Woody Allen, was released. Then she plays in several films: “Sirens” (with Hugh Grant), “Batman and Robin” (with George Clooney), “On the Edge” (with Anthony Hopkins) and others.

Also in 1990, Macpherson launched her lingerie line, Elle Macpherson Intimates, which is sold exclusively in Australia.

In 1995, together with her supermodel friends, Elle opened the Fashion Café restaurant chain, which did not become profitable and was closed in 1998.

In 1999, Elle Macpherson starred in five episodes of the popular TV series Friends.

In 2003, Elle was engaged to French financier Arpad Busson, with whom she had two sons, Flynn in 1998 and Cy in 2003.

In 2005, the couple broke up, and today Elle and her children live in London.


22 Feb 2012 02:08

I read in the local newspaper today about what to do when traveling, and I saw this advice:

Smile. Always smile.

It"ll get you places you wouldn"t believe. From persuading Parisian waiters to speak English to figuring out where the hell you"re supposed to be sitting on that train, a little smile and a good attitude will get you help in no time. NB: There"s an exception to this rule – it "s called Russia. (They"ll think you"re mad.)

In translation:

Smile! Always smile.

This will open up so many new opportunities for you that you never dreamed of. For example, a waiter from Paris suddenly speaks English, or you finally find that fucking seat on the train - just smile a little and act accordingly.

One exception to this rule is Russia. They'll think you're crazy.

In 1901, the Australians decided to build a new capital of Australia - the city of Canberra. We spent almost ten years choosing the location.

As a result, they decided to build a new city on the route between Sydney and Melbourne in a picturesque area on the shores of an artificial lake. The name chosen for the new capital was Canberra, which translated from the Aboriginal language means “meeting place.”

Like any other capital, Canberra is home to parliament, the supreme court, ministries and banks.

History of the Australian capital

For some reason, many now consider Sydney to be the capital of Australia, and some even call Melbourne. And this is absolutely not true, although it could be so. These cities are the largest in Australia not only in terms of population, but also in terms of the location of the cultural centers of this southern continent. Both Sydney and Melbourne claimed the right to be the capital, but after the declaration of Australian independence in 1901, the Australians decided to build a completely new city for their capital.

A special international competition was announced for the best design of the future capital. It was won by the American architect and designer Walter Burley Griffin. By the way, Griffin received 1,750 pounds and three shillings for his project.

The government of the country officially appointed Walter Griffin as the general director of the planning and design of the capital, and under his leadership the new city was built. In general, Griffin's layout and design concept was retained, although the design was modified somewhat during construction. Griffin was very disappointed that his brilliant idea was not realized, and left Canberra in 1920, but the city continued to be built and developed. Already in 1927, the first meeting of parliament was held in Canberra. But it took many more years for the city to look like what Walter Burley Griffin wanted to build.

It took a long time to choose a name for the new capital. There were many options, such as: Kenguremu, Engirskot, Melandiperbane, Sidmeladperbrisho, but settled on the proposal of Lady Denman, the wife of the Governor-General of Australia, Lord Denman, to name the new capital Canberra, which in the Aboriginal language means “meeting place” or “meeting place” . Since then, Canberra Day has been celebrated every year on the second Monday of March.

This is what Kurrajong Hill looks like now, which is now called Capitol Hill, where on March 12, 1913, Lady Denman officially announced the name of the future capital of Australia.


The layout of Canberra is very smart and thoughtful. This is truly a business city providing its residents with excellent living conditions. The modern Canberra city center is divided by two perpendicular axes: the water axis, which runs along Lake Burley Griffin. And the land axis runs from southwest to northeast from the Houses of Parliament to Mount Ainslie, at the foot of which there is a war memorial. The city consists of two sectors - the northern, where the commercial part is located, and the southern - Capital Hill, where the Australian Parliament building is located on Kurrajong Hill. The government center and residential areas are connected by a network of expressways. Moreover, they are pre-designed to ensure their high throughput. Even if the number of residents increases several times, there will be no traffic jams here.

The central part of the city, known as the "Parliamentary Triangle", is formed by three wide streets: Commonwealth Avenue, Constitution Avenue and King's Avenue. The city uses a zonal structure, in which, in addition to the city center, seven districts are clearly distinguished, which in turn are divided into districts. Each district has its own community and commercial centers. The location of suburbs, nearby villages and industrial areas has been determined. None of them interferes with the other, and at the same time they have a clearly established system of interaction. Moreover, they are built up and populated not chaotically, but systematically with an even load of city communications, which are built before the construction of the area begins.

  1. The North Canberra district consists of 15 districts built from 1920 to 1960.
  2. The South Canberra district consists of 12 districts and was settled over a 40-year period from 1920 to 1960.
  3. Woden Valley District, 13 districts, settled in 1963.
  4. Belconnen District, 25 districts, first settled in 1967.
  5. Weston Creek County, 8 wards, settled 1969.
  6. Tukkeranong District, 19 districts, settled in 1974.
  7. Kungahlin District, 7 districts began to be settled in 1990. Currently expanding.

The districts of North and South Canberra were built according to the plan of Walter Burley Griffin. In 1967, the Y-Plan, a plan for the future development of Canberra, was adopted by a special commission for the development of the capital. New housing estates are being built around a series of “town centers,” again connected by expressways. On the plan it looks like a Y, with Tukkeranong County at the base and Belconnen and Coongahlin counties at the branches.

Almost all districts have their own large shopping centers, which serve several neighboring districts, although the districts themselves have many shops, cafes and boutiques. Schools, children's and health care institutions, and public utilities are usually located near shopping centers. It is noteworthy that Australians cherish their history and therefore many areas of Canberra are named after former Prime Ministers of Australia, famous people of the country, or early settlers who settled in these areas. This is a kind of fountain-monument to Captain Cook.

Canberra's development and all urban planning and land use matters are controlled directly by the government. Everything is based on monetary calculations. So the land on which Canberra is located is leased from the state for a period of 99 years and the city authorities contribute the cost of the lease to the national government budget.

Canberra is a very green city. For less than four hundred thousand residents of the capital, there are more than 8 million trees. Green areas inside the city organically fit into the natural landscape of the area and give it a unique appearance


The attractions of Canberra are: the national library, the national gallery of Australia, and a large number of museums. Australians have not forgotten about relaxation. There are many different cultural and entertainment centers, parks, sports complexes and wonderful recreation areas in the suburbs.

Each district has stadiums and sports complexes in which not only various sports events are held, but all residents of the city can play sports.

Jogging tracks are equipped along the reservoirs, and the reservoirs themselves are used by water sports enthusiasts, of whom there are many here.

So Canberra became an exemplary example of urban planning, a real city of the future.

Canberra is the capital of Australia. From 1901 to 1927, while Canberra was being built, Melbourne was the capital of Australia. And nowadays Australians call Sydney the economic capital of the country, and Melbourne the cultural capital.

Australia is the most urban country in the world. Of the five Australians, four live in the city. Australia's most famous cities are located in picturesque ocean bays. Sydney and Melbourne are international cities. The Opera House (Opera House) is the decoration and pride of Sydney, a symbol of all of Australia. Flinders Street Station in the center of Melbourne is a symbol of the city. The miniature city attracts tourists with an abundance of greenery, parks and a picturesque lake in honor of the father of the city, Griffin.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Canberra

In 1901 it was decided to form the Federation of Australian States. The choice of capital between Sydney and Melbourne was resolved in favor of a new capital city following the example of Brazil. This city became Canberra. Australia thus reconciled the two cities. In order to get out into nature, residents of Canberra, the capital of Australia, and tourists need very little time, because the city is densely surrounded by tropical forests.

Growth, development and current realities of the capital of Australia

Residents of the Australian capital Canberra prefer to get around the city by bicycle, as there are many bicycle paths in the parks and around the lake.

These have been competing cities since ancient times. Currently, this city has been awarded the title of “The Most Liveable City on Earth.” Only this option cost an acceptable 53 thousand rubles. In Hong Kong, a 9.5 hour layover was planned with access to the city and exploration of the available attractions. Animation on buildings, rainbow shimmers of colorful advertisements and signs, illumination of skyscrapers... and all this is reflected in the dark water of the bay.

And it’s not called Mantra St Kilda Road (Prayer) for nothing. Mantra St Kilda is surrounded by parkland and gardens, just 500 meters from Albert Park Lake and 10 minutes by tram or car from Melbourne city centre.” Again, I wanted to spend my first days in Australia in a cozy and comfortable hotel - to adapt and create positive first impressions. We enjoyed breakfast and dinner in our room, in the loggia with glass blinds, admiring the views of the park, lake, sunsets and sunrises!

Moreover, it is completely free and in unlimited quantities (meals are included in the price of the cruise). In both Melbourne and Sydney, we stocked up on meat pies (frozen for microwaving) in the breakfast supermarkets closest to our hotels, mostly from Coles. Fruits and desserts. We also took it with us for walks along the beaches or parks and ate it somewhere in a beautiful and cozy corner, on a lawn or bench.

Canberra: foundation and name of the city

On average, the budget for breakfast + dinner + wine for 1 day for four was 40AUD (i.e. 10AUD/person), which is quite budgetary for living in Australia. First of all, we went to the south bank of the Yarra River for a walk along the embankment and the outskirts of the city center, where the main attractions and architectural achievements of Melbourne are concentrated.

The National Gallery of Victoria is the oldest and largest art gallery in the entire country. Albert Park, our area of ​​residence and just a very pleasant place for walking. Located near the city center.

All rights reserved and protected by law. The city appeared completely by accident, and if there had not been a confrontation between the two big cities of this continent - Sydney and Melbourne - then perhaps Canberra would not have existed. It was as a result of a long dispute between the two largest cities for the right to call themselves the capital that Canberra emerged. It is sometimes said that Canberra is very similar to the capital of Brazil. But today Canberra's only function is to govern the country.

The Australian government lives and works here, and this has left its special imprint on the “face of the city.” The city itself is not located on the coast, but this does not mean that a traveler will be very bored in Canberra.

The Australian government is housed in Parliament House, a building that was enthusiastically rebuilt several times until it finally came to its present form. Canberra is a city that has quite a few monuments and memorials. This memorial also has a sculpture garden dedicated to all army units.

At the very top of the tower there is an observation deck and a revolving restaurant, which is the most popular meeting place for all Canberrans. If you're lucky, you can get to one of the festivals that are held almost all year round in the capital of Australia. For some reason, many Russians consider Sydney to be the capital of Australia, and some even call Melbourne. These cities are the largest in Australia not only in terms of population, but also in terms of the location of the cultural centers of this southern continent.

Key milestones of the first stage in the history of the discovery and development of Australia

Griffin was very disappointed that his brilliant idea was not realized, and left Canberra in 1920, but the city continued to be built and developed. Already in 1927, the first meeting of parliament was held in Canberra. It took a long time to choose a name for the new capital. Since then, Canberra Day has been celebrated every year on the second Monday of March.

The layout of Canberra is very smart and thoughtful. The city consists of two sectors - the northern, where the commercial part is located, and the southern - Capital Hill, where the Australian Parliament building is located on Kurrajong Hill.

None of them interferes with the other, and at the same time they have a clearly established system of interaction. The districts of North and South Canberra were built according to the plan of Walter Burley Griffin. In 1967, the Y-Plan, a plan for the future development of Canberra, was adopted by a special commission for the development of the capital.

On the plan it looks like a Y, with Tukkeranong County at the base and Belconnen and Coongahlin counties at the branches. Almost all districts have their own large shopping centers, which serve several neighboring districts, although the districts themselves have many shops, cafes and boutiques.

Where is the capital of Australia located and what is its name? However, Sydney and Melbourne have not lost their influence. There are eight state and territory capitals in Australia. It was not easy for Australians to choose between elegant, business-like Sydney and sophisticated, sophisticated Melbourne. Canberra is the capital of Australia, designed by architect Walter Griffin.