How many hours does it take to fly to Morocco? On your own in Morocco: travel itinerary

Morocco is the most fashionable and unique resort where crowds of wealthy citizens of our country vacation every year.

Flight time to Morocco

Yes, many tourists spend their holidays here, but few of them know how long it is to fly to Morocco. You can travel directly from Moscow in eight (8) hours, but in this case you will only fly to Casablanca. Taking a flight with a transfer in Geneva means increasing your flight time by another couple of hours.

It is believed that the cheapest way to get to Morocco is a flight with transfers in Madrid and London. Wherein most you will spend time waiting for your flight, and the entire transfer will take more than 30 hours. If we continue to consider a flight to Morocco from Moscow with transfers, then an alternative to London could be Paris - the travel time is 7.5 hours.

International airports

There are several “organizations” that operate direct flights from the Russian capital - this is everyone’s favorite Aeroflot And Transaero. Connecting flights are offered by Air-France (transfer in Paris), Alitalia (Rome), Lufthansa (Frankfurt). How long to fly with transfers to Morocco with these airlines primarily depends on the type of aircraft.

The flight time and how long to fly a direct flight to Morocco also depends on the airline, since all carriers have various air corridors and routes.

Airport in Casablanca named in the part of Mohammed V, and is located at a distance of 30 km from the town of Nueser. The airport has two terminals connected to each other by a walkway and two lanes, but even such small dimensions do not prevent it from having a capacity of 7.5 million people. Air gate Casablanca is ready to offer its guests various services: office equipment, Internet, television, conference room, restaurants, cafes and so on.

The largest city in Morocco - Agadir serves Al Massira air terminal, which was built 25 km from the city. Every year it serves about 2 million people, while it has only one runway of 3200 m. The airport terminal in Agadir offers its guests the following services:

  • You can have a hearty meal of foreign and local dishes in the cafe,
  • In the shops area you will always find the necessary goods,
  • The child will have a good time in the playroom,
  • There are special waiting rooms for businessmen.

Other services include luggage storage, post office, ATMs, exchangers, first aid stations, pharmacies and car rental.

Morocco airports on the map

Below is a map with Moroccan airports in Russian:

Airfare to Morocco

It is difficult today to find a person who is not enchanted by the fabulous aura of Morocco, but the flow of tourists to this country is still quite meager, so charters are carried out here very rarely. In this direction, the season begins in spring and ends in autumn, so traditionally all seasonal discounts, Special offers and the reasonable cost of air tickets to Morocco will be during this period of time. Note that the price of a flight to this country will cost 200 euros one way, but during the season the cost will rise to 700.

How to get to Agadir

The center of beach tourism, the most remarkable place in Morocco is, of course, Agadir. People come here to play golf, surf, ride horses, swim and enjoy the sun. How long is the flight to Agadir, this wonderful resort? 7-8 hours in the air and you are there.

If you want to know how to get to the resort, then nothing could be easier. After landing in AI-Massira airport, located 28 km from the city, you will need to find bus station or use a similar service from large hotels. The entire journey will take no more than 30 minutes and approximately 150 MDH.

The modern development of air travel allows you to be on the African continent in a short time. Many travelers are interested in how long it takes to fly to Morocco from Moscow, because this destination is in demand among Russians who love exotic holiday. And someone goes to this hot country on business. Both pay attention to the flight time.

In every big city Morocco has an airport capable of receiving passenger aircraft. There are three types of flights that travelers from Moscow can use:

  • straight;
  • with a transfer;
  • charter.

How long does it take to fly to Morocco on a direct flight?

The answer to this question is clear, because without a transfer you can only get to Casablanca. Flight time is 6–7 hours. Some flights land for refueling in Munich, in which case the flight will take about 8 o'clock.

Flight with a transfer

For those who wish to arrive in another city in Morocco or cannot take a direct flight, an alternative is to fly with a transfer at one of the European airports. However, travel time may not change significantly, amounting to 9–10 hours, and can increase to a day. It all depends on the chosen route!

Charter flights

This method is most relevant during tourist season in Morocco, that is, from April to October. In the air, charter passengers to various airports in the African country will spend from 6 to 8 hours.

The exact figure for how long to fly to Morocco from Moscow depends on the chosen flight, airline and the availability of transfers. You also need to remember that flight time is often influenced by weather.

Many people like to spend their holidays under palm trees, bask in the hot sun and swim in the warm sea. This option for spending your vacation will allow you to change your boring environment and get an unforgettable experience. Holidays in Morocco are not a cheap pleasure. But despite high prices, many tourists want to visit luxury resorts. First, they find out all the details of the trip and ask the question: “How long does it take to fly to Morocco from Moscow?”

A direct flight from the Russian capital to Casablanca takes approximately 8-8.5 hours. The flight to Agadir will last approximately the same, 8-9 hours, but it will not be possible to fly there on a regular flight. You can only use a charter flight, and even then not always, but only during periods of increased demand for trips and flights. Some airlines even canceled charter flights to Agadir due to instability in the country.

Direct flights are currently offered by 2 companies:

  • Royal Air Maroc;
  • Aeroflot.

Flights of these airlines last just over 8 hours. You can fly on the plane of the national airline Royal Air Maroc on Monday, Sunday and Friday. The Aeroflot plane will fly away if all tickets for the flight are sold. Purchasing tickets for flights of national companies of two countries will require a little effort and knowledge. It is best to do this through the official website of the air carrier, where you can directly book a seat on board the plane, because they may not always be displayed on ticket search engine websites. Booking a place in advance, which will only take a few minutes, will protect the tourist from possible unpleasant situations. But still regular flights without connections are rarely made. Such issues are being resolved by government forces, as well as with the increased demand for such flights.

To Morocco by charter

For anyone traveling to Morocco, it is important to know how to get to " oriental fairy tale" There are 3 options for flights:

  • Direct flight;
  • Flight with transfer;
  • Chartered flight.

Compared to a direct scheduled flight, a charter flight can be reached in less time. The entire flight will take 6-7 hours. On exact time The flight is affected by weather conditions and the number of aircraft in the departure area. However, the ticket price for chartered flight higher, but the flight time will take less.

Flight with transfer

Flight with a transfer to European airport will be the most economical of all possible. The transfer can be in Paris, London or others European cities. You can fly to Morocco using airlines:

  • Lufthansa;
  • "Iberia"
  • British Airways;
  • Air France;
  • Emirates, etc.

Flight time can increase to 20-22 hours. However, the stay in the air itself will be approximately 7 hours, and the rest of the time you will have to wait for a transfer.

Moroccan airports

The main airports in the country are Casablanca, Rabat and Agadir. Planes can also land at the airports of Marrakech, Essaouira, Ouarzazate, Fes, Tangier, Dakla, and El Layoun.


Although the official air port of the country is the airport of the capital of Morocco, Rabat, the main passenger flow arrives in Casablanca at the airport named after Sultan Mohammed V. Almost all airliners fly here European countries, Africa and America. Tourists here can take advantage of the hotel, restaurants and cafes, exchange offices, mail and conference room. Also in the terminal building there are ATMs, souvenir shops and a shop with national clothes.


Al Massir Airport is popular among European tourists. It is located 25 km from the city and has 1 runway. For residents and guests of Morocco at the airport it is possible to use shops, pharmacies, cafes and restaurants, a children's room and a conference room. The airport also offers car rental and currency exchange services.

To Morocco from other Russian cities

You can fly to Morocco not only from Moscow. This is possible from others major airports other cities, for example, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg. There are no direct flights from these cities, and the flight time will be from 9 to 13 hours.

Flight cost

As for the cost of the flight, the price range is quite wide, from 17,500 rubles to 160,000 rubles. The cheapest flight will be with the national Moroccan carrier " Royal Air Maroc" The most expensive tickets the company offers Condor" The entire flight on this flight will take almost 30 hours. The plane transfers in Munich. The cost of tickets for this flight may be less depending on the day and month of the flight.

Important features when entering and leaving the country

Like any other state, Morocco has its own characteristics, rules and foundations. And Morocco, as a state with oriental culture, has especially strict rules. Any foreign currency cannot be distributed in the country. Objects and items that are of historical and cultural value to the state cannot be exported from Morocco.

Experienced tourists advise flying to Morocco to Casablanca or Agadir and only then, if necessary, moving to other destinations. The country has a well-functioning system of bus and train services, as well as low-cost air transportation.

Morocco is a country that is not easy to get to, but an unforgettable vacation will be worth all the effort. An excellent rest will erase all the consequences of heavy flights.

? In this country, you will be able to walk through Jema el-Fna Square, explore the El Badi and Bahia palaces, see the Koutoubia Mosque, visit the Berber Museum, spend time in the bird park, Menara Gardens and the Arab League Park.

How many hours does it take to fly from Moscow to Morocco?

The road from Moscow to Morocco takes approximately 6-8 hours, and Royal Air Maroc is responsible for direct flights (planes depart on Fridays, Mondays and Wednesdays) and Aeroflot. In most cases, companies organize joint flights, so it is impossible to know in advance which plane will go to Morocco first (airliners take off only if all tickets are sold out).

The most economical way to get to Morocco is through or, but in this case you can reach your destination after at least 11 hours.

Flight Moscow – Marrakech

The distance from Moscow is 4,430 km (in summer, tickets are sold at a price of 14,800-23,700 rubles), but due to the lack of direct flights, the travel duration will be 9 hours when flying through (7 hours will be spent in flight), 15.5 hours - through (all waiting for a 7.5-hour flight and an 8-hour wait), 20 hours - after and (between flights you will be able to rest for 12 hours), 11 hours - after (tourists will fly for 7 hours and rest for 4 hours), 11.5 hours - after and (flight duration – 7 hours 40 minutes), 23 hours – via Munich (more than 15 hours will be allocated for rest before the 2nd flight).

As for the Marrakech-Menara Airport (the interior design reflects the Moroccan style - there are openwork oriental gazebos and cedar wood lanterns), it is equipped with a duty-free zone, shops (they are not open at night), cafes, exchange offices, and a post office ... You can get to the center of Marrakech by regular buses No. 19 and 11.

Flight Moscow – Casablanca

There are 4238 km between the cities (the price of a ticket Moscow - Casablanca varies between 13300-22400 rubles), so the flight will last exactly 6 hours if you use the services of Aeroflot (flight SU3950) and Royal Air Maroc (flight AT221).

A transfer to will extend the air travel up to 9.5 hours (7.5 hours are allocated for the flight), to - up to 10 hours (flight - 7 hours, wait - 3 hours), to - up to 19.5 hours (everyone is waiting for 5.5- hour break between flights), in and - up to 13.5 hours (you will have to spend almost 8 hours in the air), in - up to 16 hours (before the 2nd flight you can rest for 8.5 hours), in Madrid and - up to 22.5 hours (tourists will be in the sky for almost 9 hours).

Guests of Casablanca Mohammed V International Airport will find there tourist offices, shops, car rental shops, bank, Business Aviation Lounge (here you can use fax, satellite TV, copying equipment, Internet), post office, branches where currency is exchanged.

Flight Moscow – Agadir

Moscow is separated by 4621 km, so the journey will take 6.5-7 hours (ticket prices start from 11,900 rubles). Royal Air Maroc serves this route 2 days a week.

If you make a transfer in Paris, the road to Agadir will last 11 hours (vacationers will have a 7.5-hour flight), in Paris - up to 21.5 hours (there will be 12.5 hours free between landings, and the flight itself will take almost 9 hours ), in Casablanca - up to 8.5 hours (before the 2nd flight there will be a 1-hour rest), in Madrid and Casablanca - up to 16 hours (waiting and flying will last 8 hours each), in Munich - up to 12 hours (after 1 On the second flight you can rest for 3.5 hours).

Agadir Al Massira Airport is equipped with a cafe (foreign and Moroccan dishes on the menu), play areas for little travelers, a shopping area, post office, ATMs, pharmacy, first aid station... To get to the center of Agadir, you first need to take bus number 22 (to the suburbs Agadir - Inzegan, from where you will be taken to the place by buses No. 22, 28 or 20). But it’s easier and faster to rent a car or order a taxi.

Located on the northern edge of the Sahara Desert - the greatest desert world, the surface of which is covered with sun-hot sand, pebbles and rocky soil.

This not the most friendly landscape gives way to favorable weather and a mild climate Mediterranean coast and the ridges of the Atlas Mountains, where Arabs and Berbers live.

The area of ​​Morocco is 458,730 sq. kilometers, capital - Rabat. They speak mainly Arabic, Berber and Tamazight, and pay in their national currency - the dirham.

Russian citizens will not need a visa to Morocco, in case they are not going to be there for more than 90 days.

Travelers should remember that distribution of foreign currencies in the country is prohibited, and change money in advance. In addition, it is prohibited to export state currency.

How long is the flight?

How many hours to fly to Morocco from? The travel time will be 8 hours 5 minutes, during which time the plane will cover a distance of 4,150 kilometers.

From (St. Petersburg) to Morocco the flight will take approximately 7 hours 25 minutes, the plane will fly 4,030 kilometers.

From The flight time will be 7 hours 30 minutes, the distance is as much as 5,680 kilometers.

Time in Morocco is two hours behind Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the difference with Yekaterinburg is five hours.

There are several ways to get to the islands:

  1. Direct flights to Morocco from Moscow (this is the only non-stop flight).
  2. Flights with one stop:
  • Moscow - Frankfurt - am Main - Casablanca;
  • Moscow – – Casablanca;
  • Moscow – – Casablanca;
  • Moscow – – Rabat;
  • St. Petersburg – Paris – Casablanca;
  • St. Petersburg – Frankfurt am Main – Casablanca;
  • St. Petersburg – Geneva – Casablanca;
  • St. Petersburg – Zurich – Casablanca;
  • St. Petersburg – – Tangier;
  • St. Petersburg – Paris – Rabat;
  • Ekaterinburg – – Casablanca;
  • Ekaterinburg – Moscow – Casablanca.
  • Flights with two stops:
    • St. Petersburg – – – Casablanca;
    • Ekaterinburg – Moscow – – Casablanca;
    • Ekaterinburg – Moscow – Amsterdam – Casablanca;
    • Ekaterinburg – Moscow – Paris – Casablanca.

    Finding cheap flights

    List of airlines operating flights:

    1. Russian companies:
    • Aeroflot;
    • Ural Airlines;
    • Transaero.
  • Foreign air carriers:
    • Royal Air Maroc;
    • Lufthansa;
    • Air France;
    • Turkish Airlines;
    • Alitalia;
    • Etihad Airways;
    • British Airways;
    • Vueling Airlines;
    • Iberia;
    • Air Algerie;
    • Royal Air Maroc;
    • Brussels Airlines;
    • Austrian Airlines;
    • Swiss;
    • Air Berlin;
    • TAP Portugal;
    • EgyptAir;
    • Air Algerie;
    • Norwegian;
    • Condor;
    • Qatar Airways.

    Tourism is one of the most important industries in the Moroccan economy, focused on the state's coastline, culture and history.

    For relatively a large number of For tourists, the country can thank its location; Morocco is closer to Europe and attracts visitors with its beaches.

    Morocco has excellent road and rail infrastructure, which unites key cities And tourist centers with ports and cities with international airports.

    Residents of the country profess Islam, which means that respect for religious norms is mandatory, and the import of pornography, materials that contradict Islamic norms, as well as weapons and drugs is prohibited.

    Not allowed to be taken out of the country objects that are of historical or artistic value without a special permit.

    A must-visit place is the market. Take your bag tightly so as not to be robbed, and remembering that you need to bargain, you can plunge into the world of leather goods, ceramics, fabrics, carpets, scarves, chests, seasonings, sweets and other exotic things with a local flavor.

    Among the entertainments, in addition to excursions, we can highlight spa treatments, Thalassotherapy, as well as famous hammams- traditional steam baths.

    Washed Atlantic Ocean And Mediterranean Sea Morocco can rival the wave heights of exotic and more expensive resorts, so This heavenly place for surfers with developed infrastructure and inexpensive accommodation.

    Morocco through the eyes of a tourist.

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