The most beautiful and unusual sea cliffs in the world. The most amazing rocks Rock Dan Bristy

Pieces of rock that overhang a chasm almost always offer excellent views of the surrounding area. A lot of adrenaline, stunning views and the opportunity to take amazing photographs attract tourists to these places.

Just recently we talked about, today we invite you to get acquainted with the most impressive mountains from all over the planet!

Hanging Rock, Australia

An unusual rock formation is located in the Grosse Valley, New South Wales, Australia. The rock is a huge (100 meters high) sandstone block that overhangs the adjacent plain.

Trolltuga (Troll Tongue), Norway

"Troll's Tongue" is worthy of its name as this rock juts out from the cliff at an altitude of 350 meters. This is one of the most picturesque cliffs in Norway. It will take you 9-10 hours to reach this huge ledge.

Rock ledge at Kaeteur Falls, Guyana

This waterfall is central to the Guyana National Park. Many people like to look at it from this rock.

Balconies, Australia

A unique rock that nature has created in the form of balconies from which an incredible view opens. Visitors to these places almost always enjoy the view of the setting sun from this rock. The rock consists of two ledges or balconies that can be climbed without much difficulty.

Hanging Rocks in the US national park of the same name

Hanging Rocks in the national park of the same name in the USA. This park is located in North Carolina and covers an area of ​​7,014 acres. This is an incredible and unique place with excellent views of almost the entire park from various points

Jumping board, USA

This jump is located in Yosemite National Park, in the western Sierra Nevada, California. This is one of the most famous places in the park and a favorite place for tourists.

Overhanging Rock, USA

This was once the most famous place in Yosemite National Park. Tourists still visit it to take pictures with the valley in the background.

Eagle Rock, Australia

This place is located in the Royal National Park, 29 km. from Sydney. The rock is a huge rock formation hanging over an abyss. But the most remarkable thing is that the rock looks like the head of an eagle.

Leopard Rock, South Africa

Leopard Rock is located in the gorge of the Oribi Nature Reserve. The name of the rock is associated with the famous photo of a leopard standing on this ledge.

Pas de Caux, France

One of the most famous and popular places in the South of France is the limestone coast. The amazingly beautiful cliffs and endless sea attract thousands of tourists here every year. Seventy-meter cliffs rise majestically above the calm waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

Beachy Head, England

Beachy Head is a chalk cliff in East Sussex near Eastbourne, almost vertical for a long distance.

Rocks Tenerife Islands, Spain

These rocks are located near the city of Tenerife; their height at some points reaches about 600 meters. They are part of the Teno mountain range, and locals call them the “Wall of Hell”.

Balancing rock is a natural geological formation, a large rock or very large boulder resting on other rocks. This formation very often looks very shaky and unbalanced. In fact, this is just an illusion; these blocks are firmly connected to the main rock or support. In this collection I will tell you about the most famous balancing rocks in the world

1. Balancing Rock in Utah

This rock is one of the main attractions of Arches National Park in Utah. The total height of the rock is 39 meters, while the height of the balancing part is 16.75 meters. The large boulder at the top of the cliff can be compared in size to three school buses. Until recently, the rock had a companion, a similar but much smaller block that collapsed in the winter of 1975

2. Colorado Balancing Rock

This rock is located in the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. The place is very popular among tourists; photographs are often taken here as a souvenir.

3. Long Island in Nova Scotia

This rock seems to defy gravity as it sits on the very edge of a small pedestal. The 9-meter-high column consists of two sections, looming menacingly over the raging ocean.

4. Rock Idol, Brimham

Here you can see many curious rock formations scattered over an area of ​​50 acres. But the Idol Rock is the one that stands out the most, balanced on a tiny rock. The amazing shape was formed by water and wind over thousands of years

5. Mushroom Rock in Kansas

This wonder is located in Mushroom Rocks National Park, in the smoky hills of Kansas. These formations were the result of a process of patchy erosion where the hard sandstone mass resisted the process while the base was softer and formed a mushroom shape

6. Chiremba Balancing Rocks in Zimbabwe

Despite the fact that similar formations can be seen throughout Zimbabwe, it was the Chirembas who became famous throughout the world thanks to their design on the Zimbabwean currency. These rocks have also been used as a metaphorical theme to explain the importance of balance in the fragile environment of man and nature

7. Utah Mexican Hat

A rock formation called Mexican Hat is located on Highway 163 24 miles west of the town of Bluff. The name comes from its special shape, reminiscent of a Mexican sombrero that is 60 feet wide and 12 feet long.

8. Devil's marble in Australia

The Devil's Marble is one of Australia's most famous rocks, located south of Tennant Creek. These huge, very beautiful boulders can be seen everywhere here. Their size ranges from 50 centimeters to 6 meters in diameter. Many of them seem extremely unbalanced, as if they are about to fall into the abyss. This is just an illusion, the blocks have remained in this position for thousands of years

9. Kjeragbolten boulder in Norway (Kjeragbolten)

This massive boulder with a volume of 5 cubic meters is squeezed into a crevice at the very edge of Mount Kjörag. There is nothing under the stone, only a 984-meter abyss. The mountains of Norway are very popular among tourists; it is very popular to take pictures on this stone and just walk along it

10. And finally, we move on to the most popular balancing stone, which we have already written about in a separate article. This is the Chaittiyo Golden Pagoda in Myanmar. It is one of the most sacred places in Myanmar, as according to legend, a huge boulder is held on the edge only by the hair of Buddha. It seems as if the rock is defying gravity and is about to collapse and roll down the slope. Adding to the drama, there is also a small pagoda built on top of the rock, covered with sheets of gold.

1. Severskie Rocks

Severskie rocks begin immediately behind the station. Severk southern (Small) ridge and then move into a more elevated - northern one. Like a huge cliff, they rise above the intermountain basin in a pine forest, forming latitudinal-elongated stone ridges with a total length of 500 m. The height of the Small Seversky Rocks is 12-15 m, and the Big ones are 25-30 m above the surface. The rocks are named after St. Severka, near which they are located.

60 years ago on the territory of Severka, beyond the river. Another cliff stood like a lattice, opposite the western edge of the Great Seversky Rocks. In 1928, the mining of granodiorites, from which the cliff was made, began, and in 1932 the cliff was blown up and a quarry was formed in its place. As the quarry deepened, it began to fill with water and ceased to exist.

The settlement of Severka arose in 1725 in the center of coal mining. The location for the raw material base was personally selected by V.N. Tatishchev and V. de Gennin.

Granodiorites predominate on the Seversky Rocks. Therefore, they are characterized by rock accumulations at the peaks and low altitudes in the form of rounded stone blocks. In this area, granite outcrops on the surface in the form of rocky outcrops are characteristic not only of mountain tops, but also of river valleys and wetlands, such as the stone tents at the station. Ogorodnaya and others.

2. Falcon Rocks

5 km west of the station. Severka in a pine forest on the left bank of the river. Severka (in its upper reaches) at the top of the mountain of the same name are the Sokoliny Kamen rocks - a pyramid of huge, chaotically piled boulders with a total height of 15 to 18 m. The name “Falcony”, according to A.K. Matveev, is a metaphor: “beautiful, like a falcon.”

The rocks appear suddenly, like huge stone giants, placed from east to west. They are represented by two groups of rocks, more steep on the northern side and less steep on the southern side. Large blocks of granodiorite with rounded shapes predominate; granite mattress-shaped slabs are less common. The trees on the rocks are mostly pine. From the top of the rocks a beautiful view opens up: numerous ridges go to the north, in the north-west rises the town of Pshenichnaya, at the foot of which there is a lake. Sandy. In the east rise the town of Medvezhka, the town of Pup, and the town of Elovaya.

3. Severskie Pisantsy Rocks

The Severskie Pisantsy rocks are located 3-4 km from the station. Severka to the northeast, on the top of a small ridge of the northern spur of Mount Medvezhki. The height of the rocks is from 5 m to 7 m, they consist of granite with a mattress-like weathering. The southern side of the rock is steep, while the northern side is flat and consists of boulders piled on top of each other, reminiscent of the ruins of a medieval fortress. The rocks extend from west to east for 14 m, and are located in a mixed forest consisting of pine and birch.

They are called that because in 1985 V.N. Pronin discovered the writings of ancient people on them. Pisans were preserved only on three of the five rocks at a height of 1.2 m above the ground. On the rocks there is an image of an ungulate (probably an elk), against the background of a grid-shaped motif - at least eight waterfowl (ducks), 4-5 humanoid creatures and geometric shapes. They are drawn with a line 1 to 2.2 cm wide. Scientists determine the time of creation of the writing as the 3rd millennium BC.

4. Stone tents on Mount Pshenichnaya

Mount Pshenichnaya rises above the lake. Sandy, starting right at its northern shore, and extends from west to east for approximately 1.5 km. In two places it is exposed by small stone tents. The name comes from the words “wheat, wheaten”.

The stone tents on Pshenichnaya are small, 5-6 m high. They are the same size in diameter. Made from mattress-shaped granite slabs. located in a pine forest with linden undergrowth.

5. Stone tents at Cape Gamayun

Cape Gamayun is located in a bend of the Iset River, a kilometer east of the village of Palkino. It extends far into the Verkh-Isetsky pond and is covered with pine forest. At Cape Gamayun there are beautiful granite rocks that form a long ridge along the coast, stretching about 500 m from south to north. The eastern side of these cliffs is steep, while the western side is flatter. Rock paintings of an ancient man of the Early Iron Age - the Gamayun culture - were discovered on granite slabs.

Repeated attempts in our time to find images here have been unsuccessful. The writer probably died. For the first time, the writer died. Stone tents near Palkino were first studied in 1871 by Onisim Egorovich Kler. At that time, the Verkh-Isetsky pond was not part of the city limits and a dense, dense, impenetrable forest grew around it.

The stone tents are located 2 km northeast of the village of Palkino. A ridge of rocks, consisting of granites with a mattress-shaped weathering, extends from southwest to northeast for about 100 m. The middle peak is the highest, up to 4-5 m. On the south side it is steep, and on the north it is flat. It is located at the top of a small ridge.

Not far from the Kuzino-Sverdlovsk railway line, 100 m east of the water conduit, on the top of a small pointed, cone-shaped ridge there are stone tents made of granodiorites. They extend from southwest to northeast for 30-35 m. On the northern side they are completely flat, and on the southern side they are steep, with a height of 4 to 6 m.

On the western part of the conduit there are other stone tents, extending in the same direction and also consisting of granodiorite boulders about 5 m high. They are vertical on all sides and are clearly visible from the conduit. The third stone tent was located on the water pipeline route and was blown up in connection with its construction.

8. Palkinsky stone tents

The first stone tents near the village of Palkino are located 1 km to the north, they are a ridge of granodiorite boulders about 100 m long, 2 to 5 m high. They stretch from west to east. On the top of one tent there is an oval bowl, up to 50 cm deep, carved out of granodiorite. Apparently, it used to be an altar. About 300 m from this ridge there is a second ridge of stone tents, consisting of granites with a mattress-like weathering pattern. It stretches from west to east for 100 m, up to 5 m high. In the middle are the highest rocks. On the south side they are steep, and on the north side they are gentle.

9. Stone tents on the right bank of the Iset River

Stone tents on the right bank of the Iset River are located not far from the shore, on a small island among the swamps. They are clearly visible from the left bank. They consist of granodiorite boulders, piled on top of each other, up to 4 m high and stretching from west to east.

10. Stone tents on the left bank of the Iset

To the north of the stone tents described above, on the left bank of the Iset River there are another rocks. they represent two ridges. In the spring, when the river floods, the water even reaches the rocks.

The first ridge of rocks consists of granodiorite boulders 3-4 m high, extending from west to east. Their northern side is steep, and their southern side is gentle. The second ridge is 500 m to the west from the previous one and is located near the bank of the Iset River. It consists of granites, extends from west to east for 40 m. Height is up to 4 m.

In the eastern part of the rocks, near a small niche, at a height of 2.1 m, a drawing on a plane facing southeast is very poorly preserved. The figure, 13 cm high, is made with a line about 1 cm thick and is a rhombus with a vertical segment at the upper corner. On the pisanitsa near the lake. Melkoy, a similar sign was discovered, which allows us to date this writing to the 3rd millennium BC.

The teaching believes that such a sign signifies the soul of a person. rock paintings on these tents were discovered by T.I. Nokhrina in the late 1970s.

11. Stone tents on the Makusha Peninsula

Cape Makusha cuts 400 m into the peat bog.

Along its edges there are 9 stone tents made of granite slabs.

At the end of the cape there is a large rock with a rock overhang and a sharp peak, and 30 m to the west there is a second rock with a large flat area on top. In ancient times it served as an altar.

12. Cape Spruce

It juts out 400 m into a peat bog in the floodplain of the Iset River. There are several stone tents on it.

The northernmost, up to 7 m high, extends from north to south. The eastern part of it is canopy, and the western part is steep and located under a two-meter canopy.

In this place, drawings of prehistoric man, located in two tiers, have been preserved. The first one shows a diamond, and the second one shows two waterfowl.

The rock consists of granodiorite boulders up to 6 m high or more. The next stone tent is located 40 m to the south. It is higher than the first and sheer on all sides. It also consists of granodiorite boulders, has a flat top up to 100 sq. m. m.

A bowl 1 m wide and up to 10 cm deep was hollowed out at the top. It served as an altar. Two more bowls were hollowed out below; they served as vessels for collecting the blood of sacrificial animals. A ram's head is carved from the eastern part of the rock; the next few stone tents are located in a marshy swamp, they are very overgrown and are visible only a few steps away.

13. Stone tents near Ogorodnaya station

Rocks between the station Ogorodnaya and Art. Palkino is located in the floodplain of the river. Set among mixed forest (birch, aspen, pine) and swamps.

They suddenly appear before the traveler, represented by two low (4-6 m high) granite stone tents stretching 15-20 m from west to east. Their northern side is more steep, and their southern side is more weathered and gentle.

14. Rocks Devil's Settlement

The granite rocks of Chertovo Gorodishche are located in a pine forest (with linden undergrowth) on the top of the mountain of the same name, 7 km south of the station. Iset and stretch from southeast to northwest.

They include the main complex, which can be divided into three fairly compactly located groups of rocks, and a separate stone tent. The main complex is a collection of 10 dark gray towers of varying heights and massiveness, expanding upward, separated from each other by deep, narrow vertical crevices. The front completely vertical wall of this complex faces northeast and is therefore poorly lit. The back side of the rocks is flatter.

The origin of the name of the rocks, according to Matveev, can be explained by the unusual nature of their appearance: such a pile of stones seems to have been created by evil spirits.

This granite complex begins with a group of rocks on the southeastern slope of the mountain, consisting of three towers (15-16 m high). The two easternmost rocks have a common base at their base. The towers are separated by gaps through which an adult can freely climb.

The second group, consisting of four rocks, is the highest (18-20 m high). It has a dominant third rock from the east (20 m high). It is also called “Devil’s Finger” or “Owner of the Devil’s Settlement”. Previously, there was a staircase leading to this rock, and at its top there was an observation deck. Now it is practically broken and climbing on it is dangerous.

The third - the final group of the main complex - consists of three rocks (15-16 m high), separated by narrow crevices.

After approximately 500 m there is a free-standing stone tent (approx. 7 m high).

At the foot of the mountain flows the small river Semipalatinka, which flows into the river. Iset.

For a more complete impression of this natural monument, it seems useful to cite a small excerpt from the notes of UOLE (vol. III, issue 1, 1873), which is one of the first descriptions of the trip to the Devil’s Settlement, as well as some of my own comments on it.

The first excursion to the Devil's Settlement was held on May 26, 1861. The initiator of the excursion was a resident of the Verkh-Isetsky plant, Vladimir Zakharovich Zemlyanitsyn, a priest, a full member of the UOLE. He invited his friends, also members of the UOLE, Pavel Aleksandrovich Naumov, a bookseller, and Ippolit Andreevich Mashanov, a teacher at a gymnasium in Yekaterinburg.

“One of the permanent residents of the Verkh-Isetsky plant V.Z.Z. (these are the initials of this person. - Author's note) and an acquaintance decided to visit the Devil's Settlement, having heard a lot from local old-timers about (its) existence near Lake Isetskoe<…>. From Verkh-Isetsk they first drove north-west along the winter Verkh-Nevinskaya road to the village of Koptyaki, which lies on the south-west shore of Lake Isetsk. In Koptyaki, the travelers spent the night in the house of the elder Balin (The Balin family still lives there. - Author's note). In the evening we walked to the shore of Lake Isetskoye, admired the view of the lake and the spurs of the Ural Mountains on the opposite shore, and the barely noticeable village of Murzinka on the northern shore. On the lake in the distance the Solovetsky Islands were visible - schismatic monasteries existed on them. The next day, May 27, the travelers set out, guided by the advice of the elder Balin. In his words: “Evil spirits” play painfully near the “Gorodishche” and often lead the Orthodox astray. The travelers went to the “dam”, located two miles from Koptyakov<…>.

Leaving the horses on the dam with the watchman and asking again about the road to the “Gorodishche”, the travelers decided to set off alone, without a guide, having only a compass with them.<…>Finally, having passed the swamp, they came across the mountains to a wide clearing. The clearing ended at an isthmus that connected two low mountains. Three giant larches grew between the mountains, which later served as beacons for those going to the “Gorodishche”. They are hiding in the forest on the right mountain. Then there was an uphill climb, first through thick grass, then through brown grass, and, finally, along the so-called “Devil’s Mane” among the people. However, this “mane” makes it very easy to climb the “Devil’s Settlement”, because you walk on granite slabs, as if on steps. One of the travelers was the first to reach the “Devil’s Mane” and shouted: “Hurray! It must be close! Indeed, among the pine forest<…>something turned white<…>weight. It was "Devil's Settlement".

After the excursion, Mashanov donated granite samples from the Devil’s Settlement to the UOLE Museum.

In 1874, members of the UOLE conducted a second excursion to the Devil's Settlement. Onisim Yegorovich Kler was also a participant in this excursion. Seeing the rocks of Devil’s Settlement, he wrote: “Aren’t these the Cyclopean structures of ancient people?” However, modern geology has reliably proven that this is the result of long-term destruction of granites - a mattress-like form of their destruction. V.L. Metenkov was the first to photograph Devil's Settlement and publish a postcard with its image.

The main goal of this excursion was to photograph granite rocks. The artist UOLE Terekhov took a very clear image of these rocks. He produced 990 photographs for free for the UOLE Notes and requested that these photographs be credited to him as a lifetime contribution to UOLE. His request was granted.

On August 20, 1889, the third excursion to Devil’s Settlement was made by members of UOLE S.I. Sergeev, A.Ya. Ponomarev and others. They began their excursion from the newly built Iset station. We walked several kilometers along the railway track and turned towards the mountains.

On the first day, they could not find the Devil's Settlement and spent the whole day wandering in the swamps in the floodplain of the Kedrovka River. Then they accidentally met people sent by the head of the Iset station to search for them and returned to the station, where they spent the night. The next day they found the Devil's Settlement and climbed to the top of the rocks.

In conclusion, I propose an original hypothesis about the name “Devil’s Settlement”.

The word Chortan, or rather Sortan, can be decomposed into components Sart-tan, translated from the Mansi language as forward trade. These words, when perceived by the Russians, were transformed - Sartan - Chertyn - Chertov. As a result, Devil's Settlement is a settlement of front trade.

The first description of the Devil's Settlement was made by UOLE member S.I. Sergeev in “Notes of UOLE”. “Stone slabs are randomly scattered on the southern slope, form elevations and stretch continuously to the walls of the Settlement and represent, as it were, the destroyed middle of one common wall. The line of the façade is undulating; its northern side is a completely smooth and sheer wall, somewhat curved upward and lined with huge granite slabs. Large cracks divide the wall into towers. The impression is very grandiose.”

The second half of the 19th century was a time of grandiose geographical discoveries. Antarctica was discovered, humanity learned about central Asia and Africa, etc. Against this background, the campaigns of Ekaterinburg local historians to the Devil’s Settlement, although they did not look so bright, nevertheless, these were also steps towards understanding the world around us.

15. Stone tents to the west of the Devil's Settlement

On the next ridge to the west of the Devil's Settlement there is a ridge of small stone tents stretching from east to west and forming a continuation of the Devil's Settlement. they extend for 50 m. From the north and west the cliffs are steep, and from the south and east they are gentle. The highest rock (up to 7 m) is in the middle, and along the edges of the rock they drop to 3 m. They consist of granites with a mattress-like weathering shape. They are located at the very top of the ridge.

16. Stone tents between the Devil’s Settlement and the Uvalovsky cordon

The stone tents are located on the southern slope of the ridge near the road from the Devil's settlement to the Uvalovsky cordon. A small stream flows at the foot of the ridge, originating in a pond at the Uvalovsky cordon.

They are represented by two granite rocks 10-15 m high, located among the clearing. They offer a beautiful panorama of the mountains.

They consist of several stone tents. In the eastern part of the ridge there is a small stone tent up to 3 m high, steep on the north side and flat on the south. Then comes a small tent up to 2 m high. Then at the very top of the ridge there is a high rock up to 15 m high. This rock is steep on all sides, but on the southwestern side it has several one and a half meter peaks. Among ancient people, it apparently was an idol, because At the foot and on it, copper and bronze jewelry was found, which was sacrificed. Below on the southern slope of the ridge there are several more stone tents.

17. Stone tents between the Devil’s Settlement and Mount Motaikha

Stone tents are located in a pine forest at the top of a ridge that stretches one and a half kilometers from west to east towards the railway line.

These stone tents represent 4 granite rocks located on the ridge of the mountain and stretch for almost a kilometer from west to east. The middle (third) rock is the largest. To the east they turn into separate blocks (1-3 m high), steep from the north and flat from the south.

18. Rocks on the southeastern spur of Mount Motaihi

The small south-eastern spur of Motaikha juts out several hundred meters into the swamp through which the river flows. Kedrovka flowing into Lake Isetskoe. Local residents call this spur “Mount Mashka”.

A ridge of rocks located in a pine forest on the southern slope of the spur along the ridge extends from northwest to southeast for 200 m.

It begins with small stone tents with a mattress-like weathered shape (about 3 m high).

Then, somewhat to the east, rounded boulders appear.

Even further to the east, a rock appears (about 15 m high), composed of rounded granodiorite blocks, and extends 40 m in the southeast direction. On the southern side it is steep, and on the northern side it is more gentle. At the top of the cliff, there are inclusions of white pegmatites on boulders. It offers a very beautiful view of the nearby mountains.

Nearby, at a distance of 40 m, there is a stone tent (about 6 m high) with granite mattress slabs.

Somewhat further north there is another ridge of rocks (3-4 m high) with a mattress-like weathering and in the form of boulders stretching to the top of the mountain. It extends from south to north for 140 m.

19. Stone tents on the central part of Mount Motaihi

Mount Motaikha is a ridge covered with pine forest and stretches for several kilometers in the latitudinal direction. It rises immediately beyond the village of Iset. Its name comes from the words “to wind, to exhaust.” There is another option - from the words “to dangle, hang out, walk around idle, wander” (N.K. Chupin. “Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of the Perm Province”).

Earlier, in the 30s. this mountain was called “Ledyanka”, since a winter road was laid along its slopes - an ice road along which logs were rolled down. Residents of Iset village call it “Steep Mountain”.

Several groups of exposed granite rocks located in the central part of Motaihi extend from east to west.

Stone tents on the eastern slope of the ridge (6-7 m high) are located a 5-minute walk south of Iset. On the north side they are steep, on the south they are gentle.

The next group of stone tents is located 1 km to the west, near the former power line. It begins with cliffs about 6 m high, to the west they decrease to 3 m and stretch in a long ridge for almost a kilometer. There are natural granite caves in the rocks, which may have served as a habitat for prehistoric man.

Half a kilometer west of them is the largest stone tent on this mountain. The cliffs, 7-8 m high, stretch from east to west for 200 m. Natural stone steps lead to the highest part. The rocks are gentle, only in the western part, and on the southern and northern sides they are steep.

Three hundred meters to the west there is a small stone tent 3-4 m high. It extends from the inlet to the west for 30 m.

The last stone tent (4-5 m high) is located one kilometer to the west and stretches from southeast to northwest along the western slope of Motaihi. On the north side it is steep, and on the south it is flat.

Several years ago, on one of its slopes, in the place where the power line used to run, huts and a ski lift were built, and a ski slope was organized.

20. Stone tents on the spurs of Mount Motaihi

The northwestern spur of Motaihi juts out into a swampy area rich in blueberries for about a kilometer. At its base there is a small stream flowing into the river. Half day.

The stone tents on its ridge are a granite ridge, elongated in the latitudinal direction by about 100 m, with the western rocks being higher (up to 10 m), steep on the northern side, and more eroded on the southern side, with deep niches. They are located in a pine forest.

1 km southwest of Mount Motaihi there is a ridge, which is a spur of this mountain. It is separated from the northwestern spur by a deep ravine.

Stone tents begin on its western slope with rocks 4 to 5 m high.

They extend to the east for 30 m, then they drop sharply, and then turn into a ridge, up to 3 m high, more than 40 m long. The rocks are sheer on three sides, only the eastern slope is gentle.

There are many rock formations of bizarre natural origin on Earth. Arguments from geologists and scientists that nature is capable of this, because... The process of obtaining what we see took more than one million years. But detailed models, with diagrams, and basic calculations are not in any textbook. And these opinions of official science can hardly even be called a hypothesis, much less a theory. These are just versions. I'm not talking about all the fancy objects. But there are many such natural forces that stand out from the category of processes. In this article we look at the next ones, and let everyone draw conclusions about what it is: natural or artificial.

This is the theme of my fellow countryman and comrade izofatov it becomes more and more deeply overgrown with facts, albeit not always direct, indirect, but still, with a greater volume of examples and reflections than geologists have on these objects. I know that many people think when they see such articles. This is an appeal to them as well.

The first object we will consider is the Devil's tower, USA

Link to map

As can be seen even from this photograph, this is something of igneous origin, which was originally plastic, although everything around is made of sedimentary rocks. Every year the rock is visited by thousands of tourists and climbers. Its unusualness attracts the human eye. This is how a person works - he is drawn to what he cannot explain.

Rock in Wyoming, USA. It is a monolith of volcanic origin with a height of 1556 m above sea level and a relative height of 386 m. The Devil's Tower was formed from a magmatic melt that rose from the depths of the Earth and froze in the form of graceful columns. The age of Devils Tower is estimated to be between 225 and 195 million years. The host rocks are dark red sandstones and silts with shale layers.

The immediate question is: how can this be an igneous rock if the rock contains sandstones? And it’s not even granite (recrystallized rock with sandstone), there’s not a word about it. Let's remember this fact.

As they say - side view. In structure, it is an igneous rock that cracked into hexagons during its cooling, when it emerged from a round-shaped hole in the ground. Although faults of such shapes are not observed. But that’s what official geology says.

If you look closely, you can see that the foot of the massif is just a rock mass with cracks of chaotic shape, above there are regular hexagonal-tubular formations, which again have a larger number of cracks at the top.

Another observation is that at the foot these tubes are bent, as if they initially came out at an angle to the surface, then they closed a circle and climbed shoulder to shoulder vertically. Or the cracking at the foot for some reason started at an angle. Strange.

At the foot of the cliff there are volumes of kurumnik - these are collapsed segments.
Panorama kurumnik at the foot of the cliff

Are the hexagons themselves “peeling” from erosion or did they initially have a surface layer of a different structure in their structure? It's also unclear.

Some segments have an equally strange ribbed surface

Segments with horizontal cracks

Why do the segments have a more or less regular shape, but at the bottom are at an angle, as if, on the contrary, they were squeezed out from a height through a honeycomb. The mass first fell, turning into a shapeless substance, then it rested against the surface, and began to creep away to the sides when the efforts of gravity or external influence became insufficient - the segments stood vertically and everything abruptly ended, forming a flat top. I tried to explain what I see from the perspective of the logic of the process and the forces that give rise to this formation.

Yes, it’s fantastic, it looks in the style of the science fiction film “Oblivion”, where water was pumped out from the Earth, and in our case, taking soil, processing it into something (izofatov calls them directly, Vedic - vimanas) and throwing it out (squeezing it out) onto the surface is already an unnecessary mass. Because of the heat treatment, it quickly turned to stone. And since the mass at the top of the rock is highly fractured, I can assume that the temperature of the rock remains was much higher than the previous masses.

And this technology of dumping processed rock includes all remnants, pillars, walls, which, like the Devil’s Tower, are not clear rocks (undergranites) - like the Krasnoyarsk pillars, for example, in composition from syenite.

What was extracted from these masses of soil or other rocks. Most likely, rare earth metals, which, for example, exist on our planet, but are scarce on other planets.


If we take into account all versions of the formation of this rock, then there is a version of impact origin from axsmyth , which claims that this outcrop occurred as a result of the breakdown of the earth's crust by a dense and very high-velocity asteroid. And in fact, seven kilometers to the west there is a crater:

Diameter 850 meters

Another selection of similar formations:

Unfortunately, I don't know where it is.

Ireland. Path of the Gods (Giant's Causeway)

If it is natural, then why did such cracking occur only in such a local place? There is also frozen rock to the side. But she's formless

Perhaps these examples include Nan Modol, Indonesia:

Also a table mountain

From the segments of which these incomprehensible masonry structures were built:

And also the Masleyevsky pillars in the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

Regarding the latest examples, I will not insist on this version, and it is quite possible that in nature there really is a process of rock cracking into hexagons during crystallization, and if on the contrary, then these are quite rare examples. Much more often you come across simply shapeless remains in the form of deposits of rock in the form of pancakes one on top of another. Therefore, let's move on to the next example:

Stone remains of Demerdzhi. Crimea

Often, readers send me links to interesting places. The topic of megaliths and remains, whose origin is not natural, does not remain aside either. Here we go again, izofatov shared links of similar formations. Having looked through them, I was about to close everything, not seeing anything unnatural in this place, but when I saw this photo, I thought:

Pancake-like structure of the remains, as if they were poured in layers from above

The layers of these “cakes” are visible. Here the mass was not squeezed out, but simply poured out and quickly turned to stone

I took the views from above, because... their structure becomes clear

If you look from below, these are just rocks

More details:

Mystical rock Hvitserkur

Iceland. Huna Bay. On the coast of the bay there is an amazing rock that in the setting rays of the sun looks like a mystical animal, a frozen huge monster that decided to quench its thirst.

Hvitserkur literally means "white shirt", thanks to the many white birds that huddle on this rock during the day.

This rock is the remains of an ancient volcano, which gradually collapses and disappears, washed away by the waves. Local residents strengthen its base with cement in order to at least slightly prolong the existence of this truly amazing rock.

Devils Tower. Devils Tower in Wyoming. USA

Today its height is 386 m. The total height of the tower above sea level is 1558 meters. Geologists believe that there used to be a huge mountain range here. Over millions of years, snow, rain and wind eroded these rocks, and the tower is all that remains of those mountains. The age of Devils Tower is estimated to be between 225 and 195 million years. The tower is surrounded by many different mystical legends.

Rock El Peñon de Guatape

The giant rock, weighing ten million tons, is one of the most unusual in the world. El Peñon de Guatape is located in Colombia and was once a place of worship for the Tajamis Indians. Basically, it's just a giant rock, one of the biggest rocks in the world.

The slopes of the rock are almost completely smooth; there is only one long crack, which the climbers used when climbing. Later, a stone staircase with 649 steps was built - this is the only way to reach its top.

The giant standing on the shore of the lake has inspired people with awe since ancient times. Scientists claim that this block, more than 200 meters high (and 2/3 of it is hidden underground), arose 70 million years ago.

Rock Dan Bristy. Ireland

The height of 50 meters is located 80 meters from the shore on the Atlantic coast. Millions of birds nest here every year. The rock was formed during the Carboniferous period, 350 million years ago, when sea temperatures around Ireland were significantly higher than today.

Rock Sail. A natural monument in the Krasnodar region, located on the shores of the Black Sea. It is a sandstone layer standing vertically on the seashore. The shape of the rock resembles the outline of a quadrangular sail, which is why it got its name. With a thickness of a little more than a meter, the height is more than 25 meters, and the length is more than 20. The reasons for the appearance of this unique formation were the advance of the sea onto the land, erosion, and the varying strength of rocks.