Holidays in Abrau-Durso: a mysterious lake and delicious champagne. Is Lake Abrau on the verge of an environmental disaster? Origin of Lake Abrau

Many people go to the Krasnodar region to swim in the sea and sunbathe on the beaches, but often they cannot imagine that other types of recreation exist in those places - without the bustle of the beach. You can easily breathe clean air there, there is a perfect combination of vast open spaces, wonderful landscapes and delicious sparkling wine. So, welcome - vacation in Abrau-Durso, a magnificent and fabulous neighbor of the glorious hero city of Novorossiysk.

Abrau and Durso

In fact, the village is called Abrau, and Durso is located closer to the sea - seven kilometers away. You can only get there along a winding road in the mountains. In Durso there are recreation centers, hotels and other resort infrastructure. In Abrau there are: police, post office, hospital and the hero of the occasion - the lake of the same name.

Abrau-Durso official

  • Located 14 kilometers from Novorossiysk.
  • Founded 1871
  • Permanent population – approximately 3,500 people
  • Composition: Russians, Ukrainians, Armenians
  • Since 2012, there has been a training base for football players in the village, games and training camps among Russian clubs are held.
  • The Abrau-Durso plant is Russia’s largest producer of sparkling wines.
  • At the end of the 2000s, the urban-type settlement of Abrau-Dyurso was transformed into a village

Lake Abrau

The lake is quite large, with an area of ​​approximately 0.6 km2, the water in it is heated to a fairly high temperature. For this reason, it is very comfortable to swim in the lake in summer. Until now, scientists have not been able to solve the mystery of the origin of this lake. “The failure” - this is exactly what the exact translation of the meaning of the name of the lake means - could have appeared due to a shift in the mountain layers. It is also possible that this is the remnant of a fresh sea. There are many different types of fish living in the pond.

Another mystery is hidden in the water drainage. Abrau collects water from the river and underwater sources, but there is no visible water flow from the lake. There is a version that excess water simply evaporates, but is this true?

Lake Abrau.
Author: Skif-Kerch – own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The lake does not have vegetation, which is found in almost every enclosed body of water, and the freshness of the water from the lake is beyond doubt. This circumstance is an argument in favor of the hypothesis of the relationship between the lake and the sea. Not far from the lake there is another small reservoir called Bam. They are now breeding lotuses. If the wind blows from the lake, the aroma of lotuses is felt long before you approach the water.

Stories about the lake

Legends are formed about all famous mysterious places. Lake Abrau has three of them.

  • The first legend tells about the love of a Circassian girl and a poor guy. The girl could not contradict her parental prohibition and grieved for her beloved. The poor thing was surrounded by stupid people who saw the purpose of life only as pleasure and idle entertainment. Therefore, God punished them - one day the settlement went underground. The young orphan grieved and cried so much that a stream formed from her tears, filling the hole with tears. This is how the lake appeared. The girl wanted to drown herself in it, but could not. She managed to walk across the water straight to the opposite shore, where her lover was waiting for her.
  • The second legend tells of a harlot who was imprisoned in rocks as punishment and was forced to swear on the welfare of her village. But a shepherd passing nearby radically changed the girl’s plans. The village fell into the ground, and the harlot cried until the gorge that appeared was filled with tears. The legend ends just as happily as the first.
  • The third legend tells about a dragon living at the bottom of a reservoir. The sun's rays reflect off the surface of his body, and the lake turns a wonderful turquoise color. In the dark, under the light of the moon, a path forms on the surface of the water. Some see in the path the traces of a girl, an unfortunate drowned woman. And some say that this is a reflection from a dragon's crest.

Abrau-Durso. Author: Vyacheslav Rebrov, CC BY 3.0,

In addition to these fabulous legends, there is also a very real story that is connected with the treasure. During the Second World War, when the Germans tried to break through to the Caucasus, an order came to drown the entire supply of sparkling wine from the factory cellars in the waters of the lake. At that time there were more than tens of thousands of bottles there. The decision was made to prevent the enemy from celebrating their victory with the best champagne in the country. After the end of the war, more than one attempt was made to find this treasure, but, unfortunately, they were all unsuccessful. There is reliable information that the champagne was flooded, but no one can determine its location, and the lake reliably keeps its secret.

Champagne factory: old times

After the tragic events described in the legends, the Circassians decide not to populate the lands near the lake. A lot of time passed, the Caucasian wars ended and Russians settled in these areas. Prince Lev Golitsyn liked these lands, and he asked permission to form a settlement near the lake.

In the place where the Abrau-Durso plant now stands, there used to be impenetrable forest thickets and a roaring river flowing into the lake. At the special commission, at the suggestion of F.I. Geiduk, it was decided to engage in viticulture in these lands.

Thanks to the tenacity and steadfastness of Heyduk and Prince Golitsyn, a factory was built in this place in 1870. The first grape vines were brought. They took root well and became the basis for all subsequent vineyards. At first, only vintage wines were made here. And already in the twentieth century they began to produce champagne. The first 13,000 bottles marked the beginning of the champagne factory's success.

Events took place when the plant was on the verge of shutting down. The revolution, the war with the Germans, the collapse of the USSR - all this hit the plant hard, causing irreparable damage to both the equipment and the premises of the plant. A certain period of time passed, and there were people, such as the founders of the plant - Golitsyn and Geiduk, who were engaged in the revival of traditions. We were busy restoring production and again giving people the opportunity to enjoy the taste of great wines.

Abrau-Durso plant: our time

Now the plant produces some of the best champagne wines in Russia, using classical technologies in production. When making wines, the best grape varieties are taken, growing directly next to the plant. Also, grapes are additionally supplied from a number of other places and even other states.
Interesting fact: the main stages of production are still done by hand. Golitsyn always insisted that only women can methodically perform the same operations every day. Only they can hear the wine that is ripening. That’s why even now the bulk of the plant’s workers are women. They deserve enormous gratitude for their skill and patience. The quality of the wines is no worse than Italian or French.

On the territory of the plant.
Author: kasparova2

UDC: 574.5; 574.24

Zvyanets Anastasia Olegovna

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow State Technical University named after. KG. Razumovsky (PKU), Moscow, Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow State Technical University named after. KG. Razumovsky (PKU), Moscow, Russian Federation

Email: [email protected]



The sanitary and hygienic condition of Lake Abrau in the Krasnodar Territory was studied. An analysis of the aquatic ecosystem was carried out and sources of pollution of the reservoir were identified. The results of the work were a description of the negative factors influencing Lake Abrau from biological and anthropogenic influences, and ways to cleanse and protect the reservoir were proposed.


Lake Abrau, Anthropogenic factors, Siltation, Wastewater, Pollution, Purification, Pesticides.

Lake Abrau is the largest freshwater lake in the Krasnodar region. It is located on the Abrau Peninsula, 14 km from Novorossiysk. The only river that flows into the reservoir is the Abrau, a series of springs and temporary watercourses that collect precipitation water from an area of ​​about 20 square kilometers. The lake in question serves as the only source of industrial, agricultural and domestic, including drinking, water supply for the village.

For a long time, wastewater from the settlement through the sewerage system, as well as wastewater and rainwater from the fields, enters the lake. This contributes to the annual deterioration of the condition of the reservoir. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the SGP of the lake, as well as methods for its purification.

In recent years, Lake Abrau and its coastal zone have been actively used as a recreation area, which also affects the ecological condition of the reservoir. In this regard, we became interested in the condition of the reservoir. Samples for analysis were taken in areas where storm water was discharged from the adjacent territory of the Abrau-Durso champagne wine factory and technological drainage from the tunnels of the sparkling wine factory, as well as in the area of ​​coastal areas where private construction was taking place. In the samples taken, an excess of the permissible content of the total number of pathogenic bacteria was found. Also, the content of phosphate ion exceeded the permissible norm by almost 5 times, iron and hydrogen sulfide - by 3.4 times, phenol - by 1.7 times. Pesticides were also found in the water - aldrin and hexachlorobenzene, which are used to protect crops from pests. Aldrin is a highly toxic substance for animals and humans. The maximum permissible concentration for these pesticides for water bodies is 0.001 mg/l. High levels of petroleum contamination have been detected, but their origin is unknown. After 2011, measures were taken to improve the condition of the reservoir, but they did not bring the expected results. The main environmental hazards for the lake are mainly caused by: household wastewater, the beach (MSW) and rainwater from fields, which carries various pesticides. These negative impacts affect the chemical composition of the water and contribute to more active siltation and shallowing of the reservoir, which directly affects its diversity of flora and


fauna. An example is the extinction of the Abrau sprat (endemic to the lake, listed in the Red Book). The limitation of food resources due to siltation of the bottom, as well as the poor chemical state of the water, contributed to the massive death of fish.

Domestic wastewater enters the reservoir only due to the poor condition of the sewerage system in the nearby village. Rosprirodnadzor of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory found that the treatment facilities of the Abrau-Dyurso village in the city of Novorossiysk do not fulfill their functions, since the sewer system has become unusable, as a result of which household wastewater drains into the soil and flows through storm drains into the lake. It is also worth noting that many owners of plots on the banks of Abrau illegally install sewerage from their house directly into the reservoir, which accordingly affects the condition of the water.

Over the past decade, the depth of the lake has decreased from thirty to eleven meters. The reason for this decrease is siltation of the reservoir itself. This process most often occurs naturally, but it cannot be done without the influence of anthropogenic factors. The vineyards growing along its banks have a great influence on siltation. To improve the condition of the reservoir, the following measures were taken: parking and washing vehicles, setting up tents, parking boats (except for one service boat), dumping garbage, making fires, and cutting trees (except for sanitary cuttings) is prohibited. These bans only slightly reduced the anthropogenic impact on the lake. The discharge of contaminated and neutralized industrial wastewater and the contamination of the soil near the lake and itself with pesticides were also prohibited. These requirements are not fully observed, in particular due to the deterioration of the village’s sewer system, as well as due to the use of pesticides in agriculture.

In order to restore the natural balance of Lake Abrau, disturbed by adverse anthropogenic and technogenic impacts, it is necessary to carry out biological treatment. This cleaning method is carried out without any negative consequences on the flora and fauna of the reservoir. It is necessary to organize biological filtration of the lake - the construction of a small bioplate (pond) next to it. Fish should not get into the pond, so it must be equipped on an elevated surface. The border between them can be formed using stones. Water is supplied to the pond using a pump. Having cleared itself, it flows down the stones and again enters the main reservoir. In this case, the nearby pond should be inhabited by crustacean plankton and fish. In this way, it is possible to reduce the layer of silt at the bottom of the reservoir, provided that wastewater does not flow into it.

Lake Abrau is a natural monument that needs careful protection. Anthropogenic impacts are destroying the reservoir, and only man himself can stop it. Constant monitoring of the water and coastal zone will significantly improve the ecosystem. Replacing the sewer system of a coastal village and installing a more powerful filter in the treatment facilities will prevent sewage from entering the reservoir. Refusal to use pesticides to fertilize nearby agricultural crops will significantly improve the chemical state of water. If the negative impact on the lake decreases, then the layer of silt should gradually decrease. As a result, the lake will return to its previous depth and its biodiversity will increase.

List of used literature:

1. Zhukov A.I., Mongait I.L., Rodziller I.D. Methods for treating industrial wastewater. M.: Stroyizdat, 1999. 25 p.

2. Pecherin A.I., Lozovoy S.P. Natural monuments of the Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, 1980. 141 p.

3. Kobiashvili G.A., Nikiforov-Nikishin D.L., Nikiforov-Nikishin A.L., Borodin A.L. Suppression of regeneration of epithelial tissue of the caudal fin of the swordtail with aqueous extract of chaga // Fisheries. 2008. No. 1. P. 96.

4. Borodin A.L., Nikishin A.L., Gorbunov A.V., Nikishin D.L. Statistical characteristics of cell proliferation processes in the fish lens epithelium. Mitotic activity of the epithelium // Fisheries. 2013. No. 4. P. 48-49.

5. Borodin A.L., Gorbunov A.V., Nikiforov-Nikishin A.L. Changes in the elemental composition of the fish lens under the influence of heavy metals // Fisheries. 2007. No. 2. P. 92-93.


6. Gamygin E.A., Bagrov A.M., Borodin A.L., Ridiger A.V. Expanding the raw material base for fish feed production // Fisheries. 2013. No. 4. P. 87-88.

7. Gorbunov A.V., Gorbunov O.V., Borodin A.L., Ridiger A.V. Characteristic features of freshwater ichthyocenosis of a model reservoir of a regulated type // Fisheries. 2013. No. 4. P. 74-77.

8. Simakov Yu.G., Nikiforov-Nikishin A.L., Borodin A.L. Lens of hydrobionts: morphology, biochemistry, cytogenetics; Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Federation, Moscow. state University of Technology and Management, Department. bioecology and ichthyology. Rostov-on-Don, 2005, 160 p.

9. Borodin A.L., Gorbunov A.V., Nikiforov-Nikishin A.L. Changes in the microelement composition of the fish lens during the development of cataracts // Questions of fishing. 2007. T. 8. No. 1-29. pp. 138-141. Yu. Nikiforov-Nikishin D.L., Nikiforov-Nikishin A.L., Borodin A.L. Efficiency of absorption of nutrients by calamus (Acorus Calamus) // Symbol of science. 2016. No. 2-1. pp. 44-46.

11. Nikiforov-Nikishin A.L., Borodin A.L., Nikiforov-Nikishin D.L. Microelement composition of the lens of carp fish // Symbol of science. 2016. No. 2-1. pp. 39-42.

© Zvyanets A.O., Gorbunov O.V., Konysheva E.N., 2016

UDC: 574.5; 574.24

Kulikova Alena Viktorovna

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow State Technical University named after. KG. Razumovsky (PKU), Moscow, Russian Federation

Email: [email protected] Gorbunov Oleg Vyacheslavovich

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow State Technical University named after. KG. Razumovsky (PKU), Moscow, Russian Federation

Email: [email protected] Konysheva Elena Nikolaevna

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow State Technical University named after. KG. Razumovsky (PKU), Moscow, Russian Federation

Email: [email protected]



Study of pollution of Lake Onega from sources located on the shores of its northwestern bays. An analysis of pollutants discharged with wastewater into the surface waters of Lake Onega was carried out. Methods were used to assess anthropogenic factors affecting Lake Onega. The results of the work were the identification of factors of the negative impact of wastewater (such as the discharge of petroleum products through the sewage system; wastewater from enterprises in the cities of Kondopoga and Petrozavodsk; insufficiently treated sewage) on the hydrosphere of the lake.


Hydrosphere, Lake Onega, Wastewater, Anthropogenic factors, Surface water.

The main problem of environmental characteristics of the quality of the catchment areas of Lake Onega today is the pollution of the lake by sources located on the shores of its northwestern

The clear, emerald waters of Abrau reflect the oaks, maples and linden trees that cover the coastal hills. Translated from the Abkhaz language, the name sounds like “failed.” Legendary and mysterious Lake Abrau-Durso is located 14 kilometers west of Novorossiysk.

This is the largest freshwater reservoir in the Krasnodar region. Its length exceeds 2.5 kilometers and its width is 600 meters.

There are many hypotheses and legends associated with the origin of the lake.

History of the origin of the lake

The main mystery of Lake Abrau is the origin of its basin. Scientists claim that it arose due to giant collapses of rock, softened as a result of a significant increase in air humidity caused by rising sea levels due to melting glaciers. However, at the site of the supposed landslide that blocked the Abrau River, there are no mountains of sufficient height from which it could fall.

According to another hypothesis, at the turn of the new era, a significant displacement of the earth’s crust occurred on the Black Sea coast. It caused the mountains to move, block the mouth of the river, and a lake was formed.

But there is a beautiful legend about Lake Abrau - Durso

In ancient times, there was a rich Adyghe settlement on this site. One day during the holiday, local residents began to throw pieces of bread into the water. Allah was angry and decided to punish everyone, with the exception of one innocent girl, whom he sent to the forest.

When she returned, she saw a lake on the site of the village. Having cried, she decided to drown herself, but the water appeared before her in the form of a bright path along which she walked from shore to shore.

This path is clearly visible on a moonlit night, and the stream that appears from shed tears is called “tears of a Circassian woman.” Interestingly, in winter this strip of water freezes last, thanks to the warm waters of the stream flowing into the lake.

The village of Abrau forms a single recreation area with the village of Durso.

How to get there

It is convenient to get from the Novorossiysk bus station to Abrau-Durso by minibus or by regular bus No. 102.

The estimated cost of a taxi from the Novorossiysk railway station will be 1000 rubles or 2000 rubles from the Anapa station.

Recreation opportunities on Lake Abrau - Durso

In summer, the water warms up to 28 °C, so many vacationers enjoy swimming here.

On the embankment of the village of Abrau there is a rental point for boats and catamarans; rental costs range from 75 to 150 rubles per hour; renting a two-wheeled bicycle costs 150 rubles per hour.

Enough has been written about him in local history literature. It is worth noting that this is the largest freshwater lake in the Krasnodar Territory. In size it exceeds the famous Ritsu.

Its length is over 2600 m, maximum width 600 m, area 1.6 km 2. The lake is fraught with mysteries related to its origin. Some scientists suggest that the basin was formed as a result of a karst failure, others that the lake is a remnant of the ancient Cimmerian freshwater basin, and others associate this with huge landslides.

The fame of the Abrau Peninsula is given not only by the lake, but also by the famous museum of Taman wines. Dozens of excursion buses flock here every day to get acquainted with the history of the winery and taste the divine drink.

Description from the book "Guide to Kuban" by A. Samoilenko.

The mysterious Lake Abrau is located 14 km west of Novorossiysk, on the mountainous Abrau Peninsula.
A regular bus on the route Novorossiysk - Abrau-Durso winds between the hills as if in a green labyrinth. Sometimes villages flash by. Suddenly, below, in a mountain basin, a piece of emerald water surface appears from behind the trees next to white stone buildings. A few more turns of the winding descent, and the bus stops at the central estate of the Abrau-Durso state farm-factory, almost next to the lake. If you compare Lake Abrau with the famous Lake Ritsa, you can see a lot in common: a mountainous landscape, approximately the same length (about 3 km) and the greatest width (up to 800 m). The area of ​​Lake Abrau is 180, Ritsa is 132 hectares. Wooded mountains are majestically reflected here and there in the greenish mirror of the water.
But you can immediately feel the difference in the relief, climate, vegetation, in the entire natural complex, associated with the height of the mountains and the different position of the lakes above sea level (Ritsa - 950, Abrau - 84 m). The peaks of the mountains around Lake Abrau are lower and more rounded, without sharp peaks, and the slopes are flat. Patches of eternal snow do not sparkle on them, pointed firs do not bristle, but a broad-leaved forest with curly crowns of oaks, maples and lindens reigns supreme. And the whole landscape looks calmer, softer. Both the climate and the water here are much warmer, so there are a lot of swimmers on the lake in the summer season.
From a hydrological point of view, the main difference between these two reservoirs is that Ritsa is flowing, and Lake Abrau is drainless. The small river Abrau, a number of springs and temporary watercourses flow into it, which collect water from atmospheric precipitation from an area of ​​about 20 km 2, and there is no surface flow from the lake. The water entering it is spent mostly on evaporation. This also affects the quality of water. The lake retains all the substances brought by the water, and the process of self-purification of the stagnant pool proceeds slowly. The transparency of the water does not exceed one meter, while in Reed it is 9 times greater.
Meanwhile, Lake Abrau currently serves as the only source of industrial, agricultural and domestic, including drinking, water supply for the village. It is clear that protecting the reservoir from pollution is of paramount importance here.
In December 1974, the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies declared Lake Abrau a natural monument. The security certificate was awarded to the Novorossiysk Society of Hunters and Fishers. The “Safety Certificate” states that logging is not allowed in the lake basin, except for sanitary purposes. It is prohibited to set up tents or park cars on the shores, and on the lake itself it is not allowed to keep motor boats, except for one service boat. There are rangers constantly on duty on the lake who monitor fishing rules, cleanliness and order on the lake.
The main mystery of Ober Abrau is the origin of its basin. The geographical name of the lake “Abrau” translated from Abkhaz means “failure”.
Geologists suggested that the basin was formed as a result of a karst failure. However, acquaintance with the shores of the lake shows that they are composed of flysch of Upper Cretaceous age. In the cliffs, folded layers of sandstones, marls, mudstones and clays are exposed. This contradicts the hypothesis of a karst sinkhole origin of the lake. The morphological features of the basin also do not agree with this hypothesis. Karst lakes usually occur in groups. They are characterized by a rounded shape and a funnel-shaped bottom. Lake Abrau has none of these signs.
According to another hypothesis, Lake Abrau is a remnant of the Cimmerian freshwater basin, which existed on the site of the Black Sea at the end of the Neogene period, more than 1 million years ago. This hypothesis explains well the composition of the lake's fauna. It is home to carp, carp, rudd, American (largemouth) bass and other modern fish species. But along with them there are also relict ones, for example herring. Among the bottom inhabitants there are a number of organisms characteristic of estuaries and the Caspian Sea. However, this hypothesis leaves open the question of the origin of the basin.
V.P. Zenkovnch, V.I. Budanov and V.L. Boldyrev, who in the 50s studied the origin of the relief of the coastal Black Sea zone, came to the conclusion that the defining feature of the structure of the shores of the Abrau Peninsula is ancient landslides - landslides formed during significantly lower sea level (40-50 meters below modern). When sea level began to rise at the end of the Neo-Euxinian time, abrasion intensified sharply and the balance of the slopes was disrupted. At the same time, the humid climate contributed to the loosening and sliding of rocks. Huge blocks of flysch with a volume of millions of cubic meters collapsed along the slopes in the form of mountain collapses. Similar phenomena occurred in river valleys. Lake Abrau is dammed by one of these giant landslides, blocking the river valley.
This hypothesis explains well the morphology of the coastal zone of the sea. However, at the site of the alleged collapse, which allegedly blocked the Abrau River, there are no high mountains from which such a wide and high collapse could fall.
According to other scientists, movements of the earth's crust at the turn of the new era shook the Black Sea coast. Before the earthquake, the Abrau River flowed into the sea. As a result of the earthquake, the mountains moved, closed the mouth of the river and created a lake. The presence of several hypotheses for the origin of the lake indicates the complexity and unresolved nature of this issue. Most likely, the last two complement each other.
Now about the depth of the lake. Some new guidebooks indicate that its maximum depth reaches 30 m. Having taken measurements, we did not find a depth of more than 10.5 m. The deepest place is located at the southern end of the lake, where both banks are high and steeply go into the water. Data on a 30-meter depth, apparently, migrated to modern guidebooks from the last century. And during this time, severe siltation and shallowing of the reservoir occurred.
The siltation process occurs, on the one hand, naturally, without human intervention. Each stream emerging after rain carries its own load of debris into the lake. And in rainy years, when the lake level is high, the steep banks are washed away and landslides break off them. On the other hand, human economic activity also contributes to the rapid siltation of a reservoir. During the post-war period, the cultivated lands of the state farm doubled. In this case, the vineyards are processed by machines to great depths and often along the slope. For these reasons, the loss of soil from the slopes has increased. And during the construction of the road around the lake, loose soil was dumped, again down the slope, and a considerable part of it ended up in the water.
Siltation is the most insidious “enemy” that threatens the existence of the lake. To stop this process, some precautionary measures are currently being taken. A sedimentation tank has been created at the northern end of the lake, at the mouth of the Abrau River. A special dam was built to cut off the shallow water from the rest of the lake. The shallow water will be deepened. Here, according to the designers, the turbidity should settle to the bottom, and clean water should flow into the lake through a span in the dam. The shores of the lake are leveled and strengthened with concrete, and the western steep slope, on which the vineyards used to be, is terraced for plantings of Crimean pine. The loss of soil from the terraced forested slope will be reduced.
The management of the winery state farm needs to pay attention to the strict implementation of measures for anti-erosion organization of the territory. Such a large amount of silt is now being carried away from the vineyards located on the mountain slopes that the settling tank will not be able to keep the lake from silting.

Lake Abrau is included in the list of the most striking attractions of Kuban: it is the largest freshwater body of water in the entire region. 3 km long and 600 m wide, it is located just 14 km from the resort Novorossiysk. Picturesque at any time of the day or night, lovers of nature and beautiful photographs consider the lake in Abrau-Durso a must-visit place: having seen it once, you will want to come back here again and again.

Where is Lake Abrau located in the Krasnodar region?

It is adjacent to the southwest side. To the south are the villages of Durso and Fakel.

On the map, Lake Abrau is located as follows:

Origin, myths and legends

The origin of this emerald blue miracle still causes a lot of controversy today. The word “Abrau” comes from the Turkic language and literally translates as “collapse”. This fact confirms a wonderful but sad story from the past, which tells in a fairy-tale manner about the emergence of the lake. The great love of a poor shepherd and the daughter of the richest man in the village has passed through the centuries, touching the hearts of people even today.

In ancient times there was no lake in Abrau-Durso: instead of it there was a green spacious plain with fertile lands. The Circassian tribe lived on it: thanks to the generosity of nature and hard work, the people flourished. Day after day, they drove their herds to pastures and engaged in agriculture: they planted vegetables and fruits, looked after them and reaped a bountiful harvest. Many beautiful girls lived in this god-kind village, but the most beautiful was the daughter of a noble gentleman, the richest resident of the village.

She was not only sweet and friendly, any work could be done in her hands, and even the nightingales could hear her singing. One day, while working in the field, singing a simple song, the girl heard the pleasant sounds of a flute coming from somewhere in the mountains. Enchanted, she followed the music, coming up with the most beautiful song as she went. And then two melodies merged into one, at the same moment two hearts united: the girl saw a shepherd with heavenly-colored eyes playing a musical instrument. The young people fell in love at first sight with each other.

But the beauty’s parents did not approve of their daughter’s choice: the poor shepherd was an unsuitable match for the village’s most enviable bride. Her father locked her in prison for many days so that she could no longer see her lover. Day and night, the formidable head of the clan repeated: “It would be better if the rivers flooded the village than for my daughter to marry a shepherd!” All the villagers echoed this formidable spell, not approving of the unequal union.

On one of the joyless days for the lovers, there was a holiday in the village: to the noise of the crowd of girls, they managed to escape unnoticed. And the celebration gained momentum: rich people smashed clay plates and poured wine on the ground to demonstrate their prosperity. Heated, they began to throw bread into the sea in front of the poor and starving children.

Such an unreasonable act offended the gods: they decided to punish the village for the vanity and wastefulness of the inhabitants. When the girl wanted to return to her native village, he was no longer there: there was a huge lake here. Realizing what had happened here, the beauty began to mourn her parents and friends: her tears turned into a stream, known as “Tears of a Circassian woman.” In despair, she wanted to throw herself into the pond and die along with her mother and father. But instead of sinking to the bottom, the girl slid along the surface of the water and moved to the opposite shore, where she fell into the arms of her shepherd.

Love healed the wounds in the beauty's heart. And at the site of her steps on the water, even today on a clear night you can see a mystical flickering that science cannot explain.

Lake in Abrau-Durso: recreation for tourists

It acquired a beautiful name thanks to the factory located on the first of its banks: a large enterprise produces Abrau-Durso champagne, the name of which has long become synonymous with a quality mark. The depth of the reservoir is 11 km; quite recently the figure was much greater; unfortunately, it is becoming shallower due to siltation processes, which have not yet been stopped, despite all the attempts of the administration.

On the shore of Abrau there is a city of the same name, where you can easily choose, and the student camp “Liman”. It is surrounded by a full-fledged road around its perimeter, which will make traveling to it easier. And the walk will be pleasant: mountain air mixed with the smell of resin, dogwood trees, landscapes that would be an honor for any major artist to paint. You should start adding to your traveler’s album right from the car: you don’t need to have any special skills to capture the beauty in the photo; the lake in the village of Abrau-Durso is perfection itself.

It is allowed to set up tents on the shore; it is better to go down to the Liman camp for clean water. The beach is pebble, with large stones, the water, as often happens in such areas, is clean. It’s not difficult to see all the inhabitants, of which there are plenty here. The important thing is that you can and even need to swim here.

Fishing is another reason to visit the lake. Its temperature rarely drops below +28 degrees; it does not freeze completely even in winter. Here you can catch carp and ram, carp and bream. Local crayfish are also famous for their size and quality. Fishing is allowed both from the shore and from a boat.

Recreation opportunities on Lake Abrau:

  • Excursion to. Seeing how a traditional New Year's drink is made is interesting and educational. Here you can also buy a couple of bottles of products for souvenirs.
  • Rent tents and fishing rods. It is no longer necessary to bring everything with you; the most necessary things can be obtained here for a reasonable price.
  • Well-maintained walking routes 3 and 9 km long. A true delight for hikers.
  • Renting boats and SUVs will help you explore the most inaccessible corners.
  • whitens on one of the shores of the lake. The Golden-Domed Church has a rich history and beautiful decoration.
  • above the water surface. Appearing in 2015, they became a real decoration of a small locality. Everyone who comes here does not pass by this reminder.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to visit this natural monument; everyone will be satisfied after visiting here at least once.

How to get there (get there)?

It is not difficult to get to Abrau by public transport: two buses go here from Novorossiysk - No. 102 and No. 102m. To stay at the northern end of the lake, stand on “st. Oktyabrskaya", opposite its center - on the bus stop. "Church".

By car you can get to the village like this:

Note to tourists

  • Address: Abrau-Dyurso village, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.698564, 37.591872.

The only thing that inspires fear is snakes: there are a lot of them both on land and in water. But otherwise, your stay here will be an unforgettable immersion in the world of nature and silence, and the photos of Lake Abrau-Durso taken during the trip will be remembered for many years! In conclusion, we offer a video about it, enjoy watching!