Genoese fortress in the Yew-boxwood grove (Khosta). Khosta fortress

Khosta fortress(the name Genoese fortress is also found) - remains ancient building, presumably a defensive fortress, in the northeastern part of the Yew-Boxwood Grove reserve, above the river on the right bank of Khost, 6 km from the Black Sea. The right bank of the Khosta River here goes down in a 100-meter cascade of cliffs. The top of the cliff above the Khosta shore is also the top of a rather significant downward slope in the other direction. Along the river, perpendicular to it, the lower and upper boundaries of the structure do not have steep cliffs, but movement is hampered by the downward slope in the other direction from the river.
By 2010, the remains of 4 towers and several fragments of the wall, made of limestone with lime mortar, had been preserved. Old boxwoods and hornbeams grow right on the fragments of the walls, high above the ground.
It is located in a hard-to-reach part of the park due to cliffs and rock falls and rock fragments. On the road to the remains of the structure, the park administration posted signs prohibiting passage and requiring people to return to a safe part. It is not recommended to visit the site alone - the road to it is dangerous.

History of the building

Current state of the building

Fragments of the wall and the remains of the towers, fastened with lime mortar, under open air Having stood for more than one century, they are still strong. But several excavations made under the towers, apparently in the last decade, led to the appearance of a significant crack.

Tower on the southeast corner

The south-eastern corner of the fortress is protected by a tower, preserved to a height of up to 4.5 m. A loophole window measuring 40 X 50 cm looks out from the tower to the west. At the south-eastern corner there is a narvy gate.

Second tower

The second tower, 45 m from the first, has an irregular rectangular plan. In its western and eastern walls, two tiers of grooves from the beams of the interfloor floors are noticeable. The height of each floor is 1.7-1.8 m. The tower was apparently three stories high.

Third tower

Only 11 m of wall separates the second and third gate towers. It was poorly preserved. Its massif, occupying an area of ​​14 by 8 meters, pinches out at an acute angle to the southwest, forming a barrier to the fortress gates. The threshold of this gate is visible in the middle part of the corridor formed by the northern wall of the third tower, and a massive wall running parallel to it, which then stretches to the west. Above the threshold, at a height of more than 1 m, a groove is visible for securing the bolt bar.

Fourth inner tower

To the west of the gate, a tower-shaped buttress protrudes from the wall, protecting the gate. 10 m from it there is the last tower, which, unlike the others, also protrudes into the fortress. At the same time, its room is recessed into the thickness of the wall by more than 1 m. A doorway leads into the upper tier of the tower. Judging by the stone protruding from the wall here, on which the ceiling was supported, the height of this room reached 1.9 m. Taking into account the surviving fragments, one should think that the original height of the tower was at least 11 m. From its lower floor a wide loophole looks south.

Relict forests are the main brand of the mountain sector in one of the districts of Sochi. The Khosta fortress is located in one of the green areas - in the Yew-boxwood grove, which is a picturesque fragment of Sochi national park. We are talking about a stone structure barely visible in the greenery - a mandatory item on your list of excursions. Significant natural and historical attractions are collected here. The construction of the fortification dates back to the Middle Ages, that is, you simply need to spend time on the ruins of the bastion - well, at least a couple of hours of vacation.

Location of the Khosta fortress on the map

Blocks of the fortification structure can be seen in the northeast, on the shore of Khosta, which is 6 km from the sea, on a formidable rock. A little north of it is an important natural attraction -.

History and legends

Dozens of citadels were built in the Western Caucasus during the penetration of merchants from the once strong Republic of Genoa. Trading posts were guarded by a large fleet and hundreds of well-armed mercenaries. Allegedly, the remains of one of the Italian bastions have been preserved in the mountainous part of the current Khost microdistrict. However, this is just one of the legends. It is unlikely that the Genoese would have climbed 6 km from the coast, although this possibility should not be ruled out.

There is a more plausible explanation for the birth of the walls, supported by authoritative historians. They appeared thanks to the Adyghe shepherds. This area is located at the exit of a deep river canyon, 80-90 m above the water. It is inaccessible on three sides due to cliffs and rocky cliffs. From the loopholes of the towers, all approaches to the rock and the river bed itself were perfectly visible. In fact, from here a point was “monitored” through which armed guests could enter peaceful villages. The rock formation was chosen impeccably. We are talking specifically about the guard building of the local population.

Legends and myths

According to one legend, the fortress in Khosta was called Costa (in Latin - “shore”). The legend is confirmed by some Italian maps of the 13th-14th centuries. According to another no less mythical version, the towers and walls were erected by order of the Byzantine basileus Heraclius the First. The fact is that in the 7th century, Byzantium fought with Persia, which laid claim not only to the entire Eastern, but also to the Western Caucasus. Like, this is how the Greeks blocked one of the tribes allied to Iran.

The most incredible story about the fortress is the following. In the 13th century, the local trading post was owned by the merchant John, who was respected by the Circassians. And they decided to show him the paths leading to the northern side of the Caucasus - to a settlement where it was possible, naturally, with the permission of the Mongolian Baskaks, to trade with the Russian wanderers.

A successful merchant and a young Russian wife, Arina, brought many goods from there. He presented the mountain elders with gifts. Ioann and Arina had 9 children. But somehow the merchant left with a caravan and a military detachment to distant lands, leaving his home (and that was the Khosta fortress) defenseless. The Turkish Sultan was flattered by the girl, who sent an armed expedition overseas. She, her children and 6 servants defended their impregnable hearth, and in the end they blew up the powder magazine. As a result of this, they themselves and dozens of Turks died.

Khosta Fortress as an excursion object

Romantic rocky cliffs are not uncommon in Black Sea coast. However, the one we were talking about is not on the seashore, but on a stormy river in Sochi. The Khosta fortress is located on a cliff several tens of meters high. However, due to thickets and sediments consisting of trees broken by the current, it can only be seen from the opposite bank. Getting here by river is extremely difficult and dangerous.

Sections of the wall and the remains of the towers, fastened with limestone, would have stood for a long time. Apparently, they were hitting the bastion with cannons. The cracks were also formed during digging. The masonry was covered with moss, subtropical vines, and forest growth. By the way, there are only four tower structures - the southeastern one, the second, the third and the fourth (the room in it was deepened into the thickness of the masonry by a whole meter).

All the walls of the Khosta fortress are made of somehow processed limestone blocks, which suggests that the fortress is not Byzantine at all, and the cement used also contained an admixture of sand taken from seashore, and small pebbles (from the river). Archaeological material found in the fortress includes fragments of pottery - these are flat-bottomed pots and other kitchen artifacts.

How to get (get there) from Sochi?

This is how they go to the ruins of the ancient bastion. To begin with, get off at Khosta station (bus No. 55 starts from railway station). Having reached the “Hospital No. 3” stop, they climb about a kilometer along Samshitova Street. This way tourists will reach the official entrance to the Yew-Boxwood Grove. Then we follow the signs - along the paths of the natural park.

It’s easy to get to the Khostinskaya fortress by car like this:

Note to tourists

  • Address: st. Samshitovaya, Khosta, Sochi, Krasnodar region, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 43.539680, 39.879071.

The fortress in Khost is a revived memory of the years of “troubles” medieval history Sochi. Here you can enjoy an excellent educational holiday. Study photos of this fort here, and also watch an educational video.

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We continue our walk along the Big Boxwood Ring.

We have already covered half the route. We walked through a very beautiful and unusual forest. But the most picturesque views are ahead, in the gorge.

Khosta fortress and the Khosta river

After Beech Glade we came to the ancient Khosta fortress, which existed here in the early Middle Ages, in the 8th-10th centuries AD.

Its ruins are nestled on a rock near a cliff. Fragments of the wall and the remains of the towers are covered with ivy and trees grow right on them. Access to the fortress is prohibited. Yes, he is unsafe. It is inaccessible on three sides due to cliffs and steep cliffs.

The location of the fortress raises many questions, since these areas were previously unsafe. In the valleys of the mountain rivers of the Black Sea there were mosquitoes, because of them people got fever and died. How the defenders of the fortress lived in such conditions is a mystery...

Well, for me, the mystery is the different dating of the fortress in different sources. Wikipedia, of course, is not such a reliable source. But even on the shield near the fortress itself, different things are written: sometimes the 7th-10th, sometimes the 8th-10th centuries. Although just think, a century earlier, a century later. It’s still poorly preserved... You can only see what it was like before in the picture on the information board. Admire!

After the fortress, the descent begins along a 100-meter cliff to the Khosta River. It is half a kilometer from the fortress.

The descent is a steep serpentine road and is fenced with chains.

Brief rest

And again - on the road...

The river is visible through the trees below.

Here she is, Khosta - down there

Hosta is very beautiful.

The water is an amazing turquoise color, and there are white stones along the banks.

After a short walk along the bank of Khosta, we moved on. There are still 800 meters left to the spring.

Some rocks seem to be made of bricks.

The rocks seem to be made of bricks...

I especially liked this part of the route. Very picturesque views. I stopped and took pictures all the time. Views of the gorge, the turquoise river below, strange trees hanging over the path.

In the most difficult places - hanging balconies, metal decking.

It's not at all scary to go. Everything is fenced. Feeling completely safe.

Although, you know, at the top we often saw signs: “Dear visitors! Do not throw stones or foreign objects! There are people below!

And below we saw warnings: “Possible rockfall!”

Well, this is how they would write: “Perhaps stones and foreign objects can still be thrown from above!” 🙂

Spring and cave

Surprisingly, the Spring turned out to be quite large.

Next to it, a small waterfall, modest in autumn time, falls down from the cliff.


The same waterfall from above

The cave is a separate issue.

Passage to the cave. Everything is securely fenced

A beautiful sign at the entrance, such an equipped approach with a steep staircase...

Eh, we’re already dreaming about stalactites and stalagmites...

And the climb doesn’t seem so steep anymore...

You go up - and there is another sign: “Entry into the cave is prohibited!” Both of us!.. Why did we climb here?

Cave in the Yew-boxwood grove

While going down, I suddenly heard a stone flying after me. Apparently, he fell from the arch at the entrance to the cave. Hmmm... And maybe it’s not for nothing that entry is prohibited?

And then we met a couple of tourists. They asked:

- How's the cave?

We said we didn't go inside.

Already near the entrance to the Small Ring we met these tourists again. It turned out that they had entered the cave. You can walk there about 10 meters, no more. And then - a collapse. There is nothing interesting in the cave. No stalactites, no stalagmites, not even bats...

And here is the staircase up several flights.

The wood was not interfered with during the construction of the stairs

Nearby is a tree swallowing a stone.

Tree swallowing a stone

Look, this forest giant has clearly visible eyes and mouth. And in the mouth there is a huge stone. This is probably how legends about forest monsters were born...

Forest giant with a stone in his mouth

And here is the Labyrinth Beam. The same one along which streams flow from Mount Bolshoi Akhun in the spring.

Labyrinth beam

It is a continuation of the rock Labyrinth that we saw at the beginning of the route. The end of the route is coming soon.

Here the Labyrinth Beam opens to the river

We walked the Big Boxwood Ring route in about three hours. With children and stops to take photographs.

But that is not all. After all, after the Big Ring we went along the Small Ring. But about him next time.

Well, how do you like a walk along the Great Ring of the Yew and Boxwood Grove?

© Galina Shefer, “Roads of the World” website, 2014. Copying text and photos is prohibited. All rights reserved.


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The Khosta fortress is located in the north-eastern part of the Yew-boxwood grove, 6 km from the sea, on the top of a rocky cliff. The right bank of the Khosta River here goes down in a 100-meter cascade of cliffs. Therefore, the need for artificial fortifications exists only in the southern part of the peak, where the defensive line was built.

The fortress belongs to the early medieval fortifications of the area and dates back to approximately the 7th - 10th centuries AD. (based on the book by Yu.N. Voronov “Antiquities of Sochi and its environs.” Chapter IV. “Medieval era”)

The Khosta fortress was built in such a way that its northern, western and eastern parts were protected by natural cliffs. In the southern part, a defensive line was built from a wall, three towers, a gate and a rampart. When constructing the walls, the soil was removed down to the rocky area. They were built gradually, in narrow tiers up to a height of 5-6 meters, with battlements at the top.

Today, the remains of 4 towers and fragments of walls have been preserved.

The south-eastern corner of the fortress is protected by a tower, preserved to a height of up to 4.5 m. A loophole window measuring 0.4 x 0.5 m looks out from the tower to the west. At the south-eastern corner, a wall with a groove for a log bolt is visible from the outside. These are the remains of a reserve gate, which served to lead troops out to the enemy’s flank. The second, 45 m from the first, has an irregularly rectangular plan. In its western and eastern walls, two tiers of grooves for interfloor beams are noticeable. The height of each floor was 1.7-1.8 m. It was apparently three stories high.

Only 11 m of wall separates the second and third gate towers. The latter was poorly preserved. Its massif, occupying an area of ​​14x8 m, pinches out at an acute angle to the southwest, forming a barrier to the fortress gates. The threshold of this gate is visible in the middle part of the corridor formed by the northern wall, which then extends to the west. Above the threshold, at a height of more than 1 m, a groove is visible for securing the bolt bar.

To the west of the gate, a tower-shaped buttress protrudes from the wall, protecting the gate. 10 m from it there is the last tower, which, unlike the others, also protrudes into the fortress. At the same time, its room is recessed into the thickness of the wall by more than 1 m. A doorway leads into the upper tier of the tower. Judging by the stone protruding from the wall here, on which the ceiling was supported, the height of this room reached 1.9 m. Taking into account the surviving fragments, one should think that the original height of the tower was at least 11 m. From its lower floor a wide loophole looks south.

The masonry of the walls was carried out from roughly processed stone blocks of local limestone with rows in shell and backfilling of broken stone in lime mortar mixed with sea sand and small pebbles.

The Khosta fortress, located in the northeast of the yew-boxwood grove, on the right bank of the Khosta River, is one of the main attractions of the region.

The Khosta fortress, which can be seen today on the top of a rocky cliff, is the remains of an ancient defensive structure. The fortress belongs to the early medieval fortifications of the area. It was built around the 7th - 10th centuries. AD

The Khosta fortress was built so that its eastern, northern and western parts were protected by natural cliffs. The southern part was fortified with a defensive line consisting of a wall, a rampart, a gate and three towers. During the construction of the walls, the soil was removed down to the rocky area. They were erected gradually, in narrow tiers 5-6 m high. At the top, the walls were decorated with battlements. The walls were laid with stone blocks in rows in the shell, as well as backfilling with broken stone on a limestone mortar mixed with fine gravel and sea sand.

The towers consisted of two or three tiers with an upper combat platform and multi-story wooden floors. The height of the three-story tower was 11 m. The fortress gate had an arched ceiling, a stone threshold, a log fence and a massive plank. Fragments of walls and the remains of four towers have survived to this day.

The south-eastern corner of the Khosta fortress was protected by a tower, preserved to a height of 4.5 m. There is a loophole window on the western side of the tower. Outside, at the southeast corner, there is a wall with a groove intended for a log bolt. The second tower, shaped like an irregular rectangle at the base, is located 45 m from the first. Two tiers of grooves are visible in the eastern and western walls of the tower. Each floor has a height of 1.7-1.8 m. The second and third towers are separated by only 11 m. Unfortunately, the last tower is very poorly preserved. A little to the west of the gate, there was a buttress in the fortress wall that protected the gate. Just 10 m from it is the last tower, the height of which was originally at least 11 m.